Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 16, 1931, Image 6

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| There is a beautiful flower that
ET == | pelies its looks. Its power to cre-
Bellefonte, Pa, October 16, 1931. ate human is unbelievable.
" " — a a a
our Health
bit of horticulture is responsible is
Y ions ton ane suffering
THE FIRST CONCERN. |in the world today.
China and India grow it commer-
cially. The whole world is its mar-
ket. Its slaves are numbered in
the millions, and its despotism is
definitely cruel. Such is the poppy,
the producer of the drug known as
i ia, this nar-
'cotic has a perfectly legitimate stand-
ing. Used ethically, and adminis-
tered by a physician only when ex-
treme conditions of a disease de-
mand it, it is a beneficent instru-
ment. In the hands of conscience-
less individuals it becomes a wicked
i be /tyrant; and in this role can, and
a yey Bea paralysis ap- | does, sink humanity into abysmal
" sympt ms to depths.
look for The particular pte The drug habit is a fact to be
reckoned with in America. Amer-
1. Fever. Never high; with ap
average of 102 degrees F. (ica has money and narcotics follow
2. Headache. Is severe; most fre- gold. Consequently, it is not sur.
that the number of addicts
quently general, but may be nuchal p "iyo" Norn American continent
and sometimes may be absent, but ,, . increased to an alarming de-
then replaced by severe back pain. |
"+ gree within recent years.
3. Rigidity of the Neck. District ®'y og tnan 1 per cent of the hun-
resistance to anterior flexion. Rare- dreds of tons of mel
- y
iy Is, tiife retraction and never lat | produced are actu oe or aA
4. Tremor. Fine trembling of ips | Medicinal Purges ow Tw Lomas
hands, especially on movement _°¥ y used to demoral-
am | ize as much of the human race as
as when taking a glass of water. can be brow
ght under its influence.
There may be also coarse twitching ™y, yg not a pretty subject. But it
in sleep. : does not pay to remain silent.
5. Apathy. The patients are mild- | 0) one's friend hands out a habit
ly indifferent and drowsy—mnever go... peadache powder and a
atose, and are perfectly bright
com: peddler reaches high school students,
and alert when aroused, but then })."n . nem has assumed sufficient
The following is a message from
“the Special Advisory Committee of
the Medical Society of the State of
New York on infantile paralysis.
are sometimes irritable. importance to. justily’ an
6. Vomiting. Once or twice on ri pind i sly he open ds.
the first day, but rarely is it per- (o.oo) tance
sistent or severe. It should be P .
mentioned that vomiting is often
severe as an initial symptom in the
bulbar types.
7. Retention of Urine. When ques-
tioned, the mother often remarks a
‘twelve to twenty-four hour period
without urination; it never demands
8. Constipation. It is almost uni-
formly present.
9. Sweating. This is usually seen
as beading about the lips and neck
and is rarely profuse.
The pre-paralytic picture presents ors or friends. These rules are
us a distinct clinical entity with plain and easy omes. Fight shy of
symptoms definitely those of a mild | “dope” as
LH el headache, tremor, and re yorllwouit/et death Nagy
stiff neck constituting an outstand-
ing triad. ‘This clinical picture is
confirmed by an examination of the
Every one of these nine sym
toms is important although they
are becoming entirely too popular.
They invade the homes of the rich
and the poor, the good and the bad,
but they usually make hopeless
wrecks of everyone.
Here are the “don'ts” on the drug
| evil: 1. Never take any medicine of-
| fered you by any person, friend or
foe. Your physician is the only
one to trust on this important ques-
| tion, narcotic or no narcotic. 2
| Teach your children never to ac-
The War Department has directed
corps area commanders to co-0
Opium and its derivative, heroin, '-
| cept any powder or pill from strang-
When Dwight Morrow left Cuer-
navaca for the last time and the
quaint Mexican home he had built
and joyously lived in, every week-
end during his stay in Mexico hun-
dreds of children crowded the lit-
tle cobble street to wave to him
and call “Adiosito, Embajador!”
(Goodbye for a little while, Ambas-
Just as few diplomats have so
won the confidence and affection of
the statesmen of a country as did
Dwight W. Morrow when he repre-
sented the United States in the
country tc the south, so have few
diplomats won, also, the children of
a country.
The story is told in a recent ar.
ticle in the American Mercury writ-
ten by Mrs. Morrow. First she
told of their Cuernavaca home on a
street which “runs from a pink
church on a hill to a pink sunset on
a mountain”—a house built on land
“that sloped away on six levels with
seven gardens of green loveliness
and running water.”
The house followed the line of the
seven little gardens. Building it
“was an experience comparable with
marrying or having children in the
scope it gave for imagination and
Directly across the street was a
vecindad or community house oc-
cupied by the families of a carpen-
ter, a charcoal dealer, a grocer, a
cobbler and a tailor. The Morrows
noticed that the many children of
these families, playing day after day
in the street, had no toys exceptan
an old ball and bead strings made of
gray seeds, known locally as “the,
tears of Job.”
So, cn the last day they were in
Cuernavaca, the Morrows “made a
little fiesta and gave out toys to
the children in the street.”
“Our _ unofficial scouts told us
there were about 30 little boys and
girls in the neighborhood,” Mrs
Morrow wrote. “We bought 100
toys, and 150 children came, be-
sides accompanying mothers
‘Little Rosarios, Guadalupes,
Carmencitas, Auroras and Esperan-
zas, with Miguels, Fernandos, Salva-
dors, Jaimes and many Jesuses,
trooped into our first patio and com-
pletely filled the big veranda.
| “We had the presents laid on the
|dining room table and my husband
and I gave them out as fast as we
could. The children were quivering
| with eagerness but no one pushed
| or shoved, even when it was seen
/that there would not be enough toys
|to go around.
| “For the late comers we had only
{cookies and centavos,
might not all be present in any one
case. Early diagnosis of the case
is our only hope of preventing crip-
pling. If a child in your care
presents any of the symptoms list-
- ed above, it is urged that he be
sent immediately to the school nurse
or to whomever is designated by
your own school to handle such
erate with relief agencies this win. | Miguel the butler whispered to me
ter in caring for the destitute and that these would soon give out, for
| unemployed. | children from far beyond our quar.
The Army has millions of warm !er were coming to the garden gate
wool blankets, hundreds of thou We could not face any more wist-
‘sands of extra cots, and some sur- ful eyes, so we said goodbye quick-
|plus rolling kitchens. These will ly and got into the motor to return
be loaned to responsible agencies. | t0 Mexico City.
The Army is pre to extend ‘As we turned the corner I look-
|its relief activities far beyond those ©d back for a last sight of our
|of last year when 28,000 blankets.
118,000 cots and a few rolling kitch.
WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT INFANTILE ens were loaned to relief organiza-
Infantile paralysis has been epi-
demic recently in various parts of the
country. Complete information
about this disease is given in a
t-statement .by Dr. Simen Flexner,
{ the famous head of the Rockefeller
Institute for Medical Research, in
New York, which is thus summar-
© “The microbe of infantile paral-
c ysis is known to belong to the class
«of invisible, filter-passing micro-
organisms to which the name of
‘viruses is applied.
“This virus has been found in the
socretions of the nose and throat of
_ persons ill of infantile paralysisand
+ of well persons in intimate contact
“with the sick.
“That communication of the dis-
‘ease from person to person is
brought about by personal contact
and the transfer of the secretions
of the nose and throat of the sick’
‘to the well, has been established by
observation of human epidemics and
by experiments on monkeys. Pres-
‘ent public health measures of con-
! tions.
This winter the War De ent
will make available 3,000,000 blan-
kets, 175,000 canvas cots; 50,000
steel cots and an undetermined
number of kitchens. In addition to
these surplus depot supplies, each
Army post has some extra 8
and cooking equipment it may loan.
Under a plan worked out between |
‘street in Cuernavaca. The beauti-
[ful church was in the background |
{hanging over the little houses like |
|a blessing, and in the foreground
{stood that group of happy children,
crowding the cobbles from curb to
|curb, each with a toy in his hand
waving and shouting ‘Adiosito, Em-
bajador!'"” -—From the Pittsburgh
| .
the War Department and the States, Although scarred and mutilated
it is hoped no one will have to by thousands of souvenir hunters,
spend chilly nights on park benches. 'the boyhood home of Col. Charles
This plan provides that if a city A. Lindbergh, on the west bank of
needs sleeping and cooking equip- the Mississippi river, about two
ment, it shall apply through one of miles below Little Falls, Minn., will
its relief agencies to the Governor. soon be returned to its original
He will apply to the commander of state.
the corps area in which his Stateis Later, when more funds are avail-
located, and, after giving bond, will able, its interior will be furnished
receive the supplies to be passed on with careful duplication of articles
to the city. of furniture and household equip-
The War Department pointed out | ment it contained when it was his
that virtually very city in the coun- home.
try has one or two spacious ar- The desire to establish a memorial
mories. These can be turned inte had its inception among his home
dormitories for the unemployed, and town people when Col.
equipped with Army cots and last visited Little Falls in August,
gw ~
11927, as one of the princiapl
Ordinarily it is the Army's policy on his triumphant tour after
“trol of infantile paralysis are based not to loan any of its equipment for | Paris flight.
von this mode of personal infection. private use. But with millions un-| Two years went by and nothing
“An attack of infantile paralysis employed, the War Department feels had be
is protective for life, irrespective of
the intensity of the attack.
“Persons who have had infantile
paralysis possess in their blood cer-
tain protective or healing substances
which can be used effectively to,
treat persons sick of the disease,
a departure from this policy is jus-
WORTH $1,284,575
A recent inventory made by the
en done. Then the citizens
jof Little Falls formed a Lindbergh
park committee. |
| When the Legislature convened in
| January, 1931, Senator Rosenmeier
| introduced the bills under which the |
| State accepted the offer of Col.
| Lindbergh, his mother, and other
and, perhaps, to prevent the disease poarq of Game Commissioners shows heirs to deed the property to the
in other and exposed children.
is employed in this way under the
mame of convalescent serum.
“Since many normal adults de-
velop immunity to infantile paralysis
as a result of exposure to the virus
under circumstances not leading to jn part for the establishment of
game refuge, but the majority for
obvious disease, their blood serum
also carries, at times, the protec-
tive and healing substances.
gerum of these adult persons, which
is abundantly available, may some-
" times be substituted for the serum
© of convalescents. |
“There are strong reasons for be-
' lieving that a gradual immunization
(‘of the population of the United
‘States is taking place as a result of
the epidemics of infantile paralysis ings under the jurisdiction of the but for the last six
have prevailed in different Game Commission was made possi- | been untenanted.
parts of the country since the large
Swedish-Norwegian outbreak in 1905. |
“The virus of infantile paralysis |
.acts upon the nervous system and
especially upon the nerve cells of
‘the spinal cord which control mus-
cular movements. The muscles
themselves are not directly affected.
This valuation is con-
servative, according to Charles G.
Stone, executive secretary of the
Commission. The land include 243,
388 acres of State game lands used
public hunting grounds. Buildings
valued at $169,924 are located on
State game lands and used as refuge
keepers headquarters.
where ring-necked pheasants, main-
ly, are produced, is 1778 acres. The
three farms is placed at $48,810.
The purchase of lands and build:
ble by the sale of hunting licenses,
none of it coming from general
State revenue.
ease exceed greatly in number those
in which actual paralysis occurs.
“Infantile paralysis is mainly but
The area of |
three game propagation farms
of the buildings on these
It that the value of lands and build- State for park purposes.
ds the fluid portion of the blood that nog under their jurisdiction is now
So the Charles A. Lindbergh State
Park was formed. The Legislature
appropriated $5000 for mainte-|
| nance during 1931 and 1932.
| Young Charles Lindbergh lived on
{the farm from 1902 until 1920. He
was born in Detroit and was taken |
to the farm five weeks after his!
birth. On that comparatively small |
tract the growing boy did the work
of a farm hand, caring for live-
stock and looking after farm chores. |
Later, when his father maintain- |
ed a law office in Little Falls, the |
family continued to live on at the!
farm. For several years after the
| Lindbergh family moved from the |
‘house it was occupied by tenants, |
years it has
“Who will drive this car away for |
$30,” read a placard on a dilapi- |
dated automobile in a dealer's win-
A man passed, read it through
twice, then entered the establish-
Even when the paralysis is severe, not wholly a disease of childhood. |
restoration ‘of motion taks place in Adults are affected, but infrequent-|
nart or even wholly as the injurious ly.” All that we can do to prevent
sonsequences of the disease subside. | the spread of this disease is to keep
“Although the name—infantil & children fairly well isolated during
»aralysis—carries the implication cf the period when it is prevalent.
wctual loss of motion by muscles, During the summer months if
set many cases of the disease nev- children are kept at summer camps
sw show paralysis at all. Indeed, constantly and no visitors allowed,
here are reasons for believing that they are not likely to be attacked
she cases of the non-paralytic dis- by infantile paralysis.
“I'll take a chance,” he offered,
“where's the prize money?”
“It took me an hour yesterday to
convince my wife that I was right
in the matter we were arguing
! about.”
“You succeeded then?”
“I guess so; she hasn't spoken to
| me since.”
i — }
| Warning to motorists that the
| familiar “Caution Road Repairs”
sign along the highway has more
authority under the vehicle code as
‘amended by the 1931 Legislature
was sounded by the P vania
| Motor Federation, State unit of the
| American Automobile Association,
following arrests in various of
| the State of drivers who admitted
violation of the new provision, but
who pleaded ignorance of this
' change.
| Section 1008 of the code, accord-
'ing to the Federation, has been
‘amended making it unlawful for the
‘driver of a vehicle to overtake and
or attempt to pass any other
vehicle proceeding in the same di-
rection between any pcints indicated
by the placing of temporary warn-
ing or caution signs indicating that
men are working on the highway. |
The Federation also called atten-
tion to an amendment to Section 3
1008 of the vehicle code that gives
drivers more leeway in passing oth-
er cars in highways having two or
more lanes for movement of traffic
in one direction. This section has
been amended permitting the driver
to overtake and pass any other ve-
hicle proceeding in the same direc-
tion at any railway grade crossing
or at an intersection of highways
on a highway having two or more
lanes for movement of traffic in one
provides that the operator may pass
on the right under the same condi.
Section 1009 has been amended
making it unlawful for the operator
of a motor vehicle to drive upon or ?
cross the car tracks within an inter-
section in front of a street car when
the street car has started to cross
the intersection. This provision, ac-
cording to the Federation, is being
violated in many instances because
drivers are unfamiliar with this new
farer the “courtesies of the road”
is being frowned on these days.
Eight States have now banned
Too many Good Samaritans who!
gave strangers a lift “as far as the
next town” have got knocked on the
‘head. Also a number of travelers
who were invited for a ride got one
This section also now ,
The old custom of giving a way-'
R SALE.—Real estate consisting of
Cdwelling house and double house i» J
Bellefonte. of Margare.:
u S%0n. RST NATL AL BANK Drompt attention. Offices on second flo
76-20-3t Executor G. RUNKLE.— at La
—— - st ———— W Consultation in and Ge
a, Otto in Crider's Exehati
Trustees’ Sale of
Valuable Real Estate.
By virtue of an order of Court
Common Pleas of Centre County. ta
sylvania, the Ni Bank OSTEOPATH.
of Philf Pa., Trustee under mort- Bellefonte State Colle
e the Products Crider’'s Ex. 86-11 Holmes Bld
re Frost en Base Lo Pont Bx
tn Bellefonte, Centre County. 2 CY Care rr oe a
, Octo 1831, at Eyes examined, glasses fitted
2:0 o'clock P. the following describ- | jsfaction guasanteed. Ch la
A we certain tracts of land Hign St. Bellet : 2
situate in the Township of Rush, - - 3. Fa ne
ty of Centre and State Pennsylvania,
bounded and described > Sornayiv i
railroad track in
in the
by and of Joseph Tutus Nort.
- @
and fifty-one
Bh A ug TR Se ed
fonte, In the building oppost
the oust House, W. aftérnon
rom m. and hy
to 4:00 p.m. ‘Bell Phone &-
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
#3 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
thereby, the six foll
distances, namely,
East thirty-six
dradths rods
grees West
0 six d
and ninety-seven
to a stake;
fifteen and
orth nine de-
ninety-four hun-
; North one de-
nine ourteen
to a stake; North thirty de-
grees, twent minutes East five and
thirty-eight hundredths rods to a stake;
and North sixty-six degrees fifty min.
utes East, nine and twelve hundredths SIE BA A NK.
rods to a post in stomes in the line of Ohi-e )
land warranted to Stephen Kingston; il)
and thence by land -of Stephen" Kingston
South flve degrees fifty-six minutes West |
eighty-one and seven-tenth rods to the
, Place of beginning; containing three Foil nls Dest,
acres, seventy-nine s, and the al-| SOLD BY DRUGGISTS
lowance of six per cent. for roads, &o.
EE ———
on the twenty-second aay of July, i
in pursuance of a warrant dated
20th day of June, 1921, granted to John
Kyler, and recorded in the place for
recording of deeds for Centre County in
Deed Book Vol. 126 page 331, where
reference thereto being had will more
fully and at large appear.
2. BEGINNING at a pon
re of branch railroad as
Which said tract of land was surveyed |
t in the cen-
now loca
and running to Kelly mine tipple ii
| TY, S—
th mmest sense of the term on line of right of
jin] e gi to find RE sie a in a Division ot the nN ye By ania We have taken on the line of
ditch and much poorer, if they woke |dagrees 33 minutes Weer 313 feck to 0 i
at Bo thane by tame Torts: doers | PUTINA Feeds
This banning law is a strange com. 6 minutes West 100 fost to a post;
' mentary on our times. A | ron West Tas Non 31 degrees 17 min. We also carry the line of
| might think it proves the total bank of Moshannon Creek; thence down
| wreck of our social amenities, and 53d creek North 32 degrees 11 minutes Way ne F ceeds
i ads ' East 2744 feet to a post; thence by
a ea a or a Te an, Ci dered J, minutes, Eur op
| : ce same NOI
! [30 d per 10011
wheels. ~And that the automobile |’ poof’ thence by sume North 30° de: Wagner's 320; Dairy Feed - 15
as co Tupio “ tar back Sr? 41 minutes East 138 feet to a Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed - 14
Thao Tammen Fontmore- Cogper ds 13 minutes man Shy cori, 3 takrest| Wagner 16% Daiey Feed - 13
as red CB Hidre Per Ge |iine of lands formerly Berton Porritt w s Sc = iw tl
DE ads aa 11 on Ta | Siete by gal lands on ny gucts BS ah . + +13
jon. Tales of the early hose-and: ictres 38 minutes “Bast 186 Fy YY agners Ng Feed : . : 13
buggy days bristle with dark ac- Pol hun Meaid” crane tianon Creek: | Wagner's Winter Bran - - 1.0
‘tions on the part of both travelers grees 34 mirutes East 300 feet to a post; | Wagner's Winter Middlings - 1.1
‘and inn-keepers. i imites Bast sas fouth 12 degrees 39 Wagner's Standard Mixed Chop 14
But the “courtesy of the road” "cin. Seta Ta Blachford Calf Meal 25d _- 1.
| still keeps up. An observer says | Wost No.2 foot y Segraee Rn Wayne Calf Meal A «s a
that a million people get a “lift” | Same South 42 Yogtees > Joinutes West {Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 21
Oe et tlie on Moth de, | Both 38 ‘degrves 34 minus Wont "Be OL Weal 54% ww”. 2
‘A man may a) refuse to ex- | srantor ® shuth: ar > ah RL Soy ow Oil oy % - . : Hy
tend such hospitality. More oftenhe Wo 1508 fet” to s"pos on fine laf | Gilten Feed 23% - - 1 © 13
doesn't, for the instinct of kindli-' thence by same lands and along said Fine Ground Alfalfa Meal - 22
‘ness is too difficult to overcome. {oilrond South 39 degrees 33 minutes Meat Sc 45% - - - - 25
| isan est 464 feet; thence by said lands and Tankage 60% - sie = = SN
i (along said railroad by a twelve de ree | pnoh Meal 55 32
CENTRE COUNTY FOURTH curve 500 feet to point of beginning, 0) = = = =.
IN AREA OF FORESTS containing 48 acres and 145 perches, and Milk Dried = « = « = « 40
| being Sora larger tract of land Fine Stock Salt - - - - . 10
| According to figures compiled by Stephens, Fxecutor ‘of the Batate of 0, Round Grit - - . . - . 13
| Pennsylvania Department of L. Schoonover, deceased, by deed dated Oyster Shell . - « « - - 10
| Forests and Waters, McKean county | 350, 194% 907, and recorded in Centre Lime Grit - - - - - - - 10
leads the State in total forest area "pg AND 'RESSRSING trap | B0T® Me8l + - = = . » «2%
| with 565,000 acres of woodland. Parcel No. nevertheless, all the coal
| Nearly 90 per cent of McKean coun. fre clay other of “and | set ua grind your Com and Cut
[ty dein Soront: gas in and under the said premises, with aid make up Feed, wit
| ty |the right to recover the same, and all Cotton Seed oil Gluter
| Next in order of forest acreageis d surface of premises | Alfalfa, Bran, Midds and .
| Potter county with 510,000 acres; as a conveyed caused by mining
(Clearfield county, 500,000 acres; gi, "ROVE all the coal, fire clay and We will make delivery on two tor
Coming coum; AB000 Sores, 30d Societe amt fruplr She Sen AL pg we puta
Clinton county, 453,000 acres. sracted upuit Ae Ee Th dare“ Iaterest charged over th
Philadel county, ordinarily | gurs, time.
| adel metropolitan city ex- strata verve id said al fre a
clusively, has 4500 acres of wood- 40d other minerals, oil and gas, and ali, If you want good bread an
| SJush damages to any springs. and oth. pastry use Our Best and Gold Col
y caused be the Inining p
| ang removal of any and of '
| — — re clay and other s, oll and gas
Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in
30 minutes, checks a Cold the first
day, and checks Malaria in three
666 Salve for Baby’s Cold
Good Printing.
at the
The © bo stvle of work, from
the uerr~wst “Dodger” to the fin.
that we ean not do in the mest
satis! , and at Prices
This Interests You
The Workman's Companestion
Law went into effect Jan, 1,
1916. It makes
pulsory. We gpecialize in
| It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
| State College Dellefonte
| such sale shal
tion b
| made
Ted wi Tad pie’ BSS
YY re
grantor, his heirs and Bg The ia
from Parcel No. 2 a right of way for
wagon road twenty feet wide within
seven hundred feet of the New York
Central right of way property now ot
Jormeny. of John A. Dahl, the same to
at Moshannon Creek and run
paiuiiel to New York Central right of
Being the same premises which Win-
burne Fire Brick Company by deed dat-
February 7, , recorded in the
Recorder's office for County of Centre
in Deed Book Vol, 135, , con.
yoy to Highland Clay Products Com-
Together with all and sin , the
Ty ways, waters, BO
rights, liberties, privileges, improve.
ments and Aphurteliaioss thereunto ap-
pertaining; and together with the plant,
machinery, grinding, screen and c¢ .
ing equipment, bri
elevators, conveyers, engines
drying equipment, kilns, kiin
sormge fast]itien, tools and a .
ngs, constituting any part ol mort.
gagor's plant, or incidental thereto.
Together further with any lands, here-
ditaments, premises, ana
C.Y. Wagner & Co. in
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
buildings, equipment and ons
ha hereafter
that may be by the By Hot Water
Being the premises described in the
mortgage aforesaid, recorded in Centre |
County in Mortgage Book 52 page 678.
Sale of sald premises shall be made |
o the highest responsibe bidder and
1 be subject to col -
1 the Court. yment shall be
n li upon confirmation, except
amount as it shall deem n Tl
not exceeding two thousand (3000.00
Dollars, to be paid on the
For the further terms and conditions
of sale and for further particulars with
reference thereto, prospective h rs |
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
| tings and Mill Supplies
~All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
and other persons interested are re
to the order of sale entered in Centre
tounty in proceeding to No. 2 Septem- —
ber Term, 1931, in Equity, or to the
Trustee or its Attorneys. ESTIMATES
OF PHILIPSBURG, PA. Cheerfully and Promptly
Arnold & Smith, Attys. rustee | Furnished
Clearfield, Pa. 76-88-4t | 08-15-t£.