Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 16, 1931, Image 4

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    Demorvaiiy Yate
The r that P. G Meek edited and published for fifty-seven years and
now published by his Estate at the Watchman Printing House, Bellefonte, Pa.
Published weekly, every Friday morn- To ts. —No unicati
y Entered at the office, Belle- blished ess accompanied by the real
oe Pa., as Da matter, ne of writer,
Terms of Sa In ordering of address always
notice "at the follow ro Eve the Cid as Well asthe new address
strictly in vance - - t that the blisher be
Paid before expiration of year - 173 notified when a subscriber opianer be
Paid after expiration of year 2.00 paper discontinued. In all such cases
A sample copy of the “Watchman" will the subscription must be paid up
be sent without cost to applicants. date of cancellation,
BELLEFONTE, PA. - gis - OCTOBER 16, 1931.
~Until further
Sheriff County Commissioner
of Millheim of Spring Township
County Treasurer of Rebersburg
of Bellefonte County Auditor
Prothonotary of Coburn
of State College
Recorder of Deeds Coroner
of Spring Township of Howard
Register of Wills
County Surveyor
of Milesburg of Huston Township
In 1917, when the flower of the young manhood of Centre
county was marching away to fight battles that were just as much
ours as theirs we patted them on the back, clasped hands and pledg-
ed everlasting gratitude to them.
It seemed years that they were gone.
gone forever, and when those who went through that inferno in
France returned we were "overwhelmed with joy. We were so
grateful for what they had done that with one voice, almost, we told
them that nothing was too much to ask in payment for the service
they had rendered us.
One of that little army that went out
the dark days of 1917 is now asking you to
county he went to fight for. He is too good a soldier to be asking
you to repay him with your vote. But he deserves it just the
same; especially so, since he is splendidly qualified to fill the office,
Alas, some of them are
from Centre county in
make him Sheriff of the
is a man with high moral standards and one who has earned the es- |
teem of the entire community in which he lives.
Whether he likes it or not we are going to ask
his appeal for your support from another angle. We ask you to
carry yourself back fourteen years, when you enter the voting
booth, on November 3rd, and when you see John M. Boob’s name
in the block set apart for candidates for Sheriff of the county,
prove to yourself that you are not one of the kind who forgets.
Prove to this honorable, wounded soldier candidate that in 1031
you haven't forgotten the sense of gratitude you felt in 1917.
—Judge James B. Drew, a Republican, has won the Democratic
nomination for Judge of the Supreme Court. That is, the returns
from Allegheny county gave him a majority over Charles F. Uhl,
Democrat, of Somerset county. Since we believe that the returns
from Allegheny county cheated Eddie Beidleman out of his chance
to be Governor and gave it to John Fisher and since we believe that
the returns from Allegheny county cheated John Hemphill out of
the position Gifford Pinchot now fills the Watchman will not accept
the verdict of such a corrupt district as evidence that the real Dem-
ocrats of Pennsylvania prefer a Republican to a loyal member of
their own party as their candidate for Supreme Court Judge.
—About the only peg the trifling opposition to Robert F. Hunt-
er's candidacy for County Treasurer has found to hang an argument
on is that he is rich and doesn’t need the office. Mr. Hunter isn't
rich. He never was rich. More than that we happen to know
that within the past few years he has been hit very hard by having
had to pay several large obligations on which others defaulted. But
what if he were rich? Would that be any reason why a man who
has given so unselfishly of his time and substance for the good of
the county should not hold one of its offices? This thing of saying
that a candidate should be elected because he needs the office is all
blah. The fact that he does need it might very well be the best
reason why it would be unwise to give it to him. County offices
would be costly to taxpayers if they were to be filled with mental
derelicts and business failures. If Mr. Hunter were worth a mil-
lion dollars and wanted to be Treasurer of Centre county there
would be no real reason why his ambition should not be gratified,
because he has done enough for the county and is eminently fitted
for the office.
you to look at
—The Hon. Richard Beamish, Secretary of the Commonwealth,
has finally landed five voting machines in Philipsburg, Centre
County. We believe voting machines cost about eleven hundred
dollars each so that “Dick's” interest in the county will cost our tax
payers about six thousand dollars. The law is very plain. Our
Member, the Hon. Holmes, voted for it. Phili sburg voted to have
machines and the law provides that when the
refuse to obey
may step in and act in their stead. Mr. Beamish doesn’t pay any
taxes in Centre county and he is not supposed to know that those
who do are in no position to have another penny added to the bur-
den they are bearing now. It does seem like an outrageous imposi-
tion at this time, but it might serve a good purpose in bringing our
people nearer to an understanding of the dangers of centralizing the
control of their local affairs in Harrisburg.
time when they can afford to adopt them. Never should authority
have been given to an outside bureaucrat to be the overlord of our
County Commissioners.
~Mr. Walter S. Gifford, national relief director, thinks that all
that is necessary to restore prosperity is for everybody to turn in and
buy something. Isn't that a brainy idea?
the wherewithal can't buy anything. Besides,
lost sight of the fact that only simpletons buy for the fun of it.
The Farm Board bought wheat last year with the silly idea that
that would help the farmers. The Farm Board has the wheat still
and the farmers—well, they ought to get the axe for these colleges
and scientists who have been teaching them how to make two blades
of grass grow where one once did.
—3St. Louis won the world’s series because she had, in Hallahan
and Grimes, two pitchers who are just as good as Grove and Earn-
shaw and she had something more! Eight other players who back-
ed the pitchers up by getting runs over the plate when they were
needed. Our heart is not one of the thousands that are supposed
to be bleeding for Connie Mack. He is an illustrious figure in base-
ball, but he holds no mortgage on its honors.
ounty Commissioners |
such a mandate the Secretary of the Commonwealth |
Voting machines are
all right, but the taxpayers of a county are the best judges of the
The people who have
money are buying all they actually need and those who don’t have
he seems to have
Items taken from the Watchman issue
lof October 21, 1881.
| —The Catholic Jai Siosd on Tues-
i evening last a most suc-
dy season. It netted the local
‘church about $1500.00. The prin-
wa) Cipal prizes contested for were won
‘by the following: The fine chamber
headed cane, Patrick
‘the silver watch Eugene d
A fat hog ted to the ladies
by Thos. J. e, Democratic can-
te for Shcriff, was won by Mrs.
Kate Carney.
| —Falling from a carriage while
(at the fair last week Miss Mary
| Yeager broke a small bone in her
| right forearm.
| —Altoona is infested with scarlet
| fever.
| —The fire in the ax manufactory
‘of C. K. Essington at Milesburg, last |
week, was not as serious as at first
reported. One end of the building
‘was burned out.
~—There are some fast horses at
the Philipsburg races this week from
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Wil-
liamsport. The race course over
there is fitted up in the best style
and all sorts of accommodations are
|said to be on the grounds. The
Philipsburgers, as a general thing,
do whatever they undertake to do
with vim and completeness.
—Mr. Calvin I. Lose, of Belle-
fonte, and Mrs. A. Emma Ness, of
Martinsburg, were united in mar-
riage by the Rev. R. Crittenden at
his residence on Linn street, last
Monday evening.
—Simon Harper, of Centre Hall,
is all smiles and the happiest man
in Penns Valley. A little boy came
into his home last Monday and he's
| 80 happy over the arrival of an heir
‘that he can't decide whether he will
name him Samuel J. Tilden or Win-
| field Scott Hancock.
| —The venerable Isaac Miller, one
(of our oldest citizens, being in his
80th year, died on Tuesday morning
at his residence beside the Metho-
‘dist church. He had been ill only
|a few days. He came here from
| Chester county in 1816. He was
| head of the firm of Miller, Thomas
|& Co., that ran the Mill Hall fur-
(nace and later was connected with
| the Howard iron works.
Mr. Daniel Derr is around with a
| subscription paper to raise sufficient
‘money to place a set of chimes in
the tower of the new Reformed
(church in this place.
| —Bauland & Newman, of the Bee
| Hive stores, have sold their busi-
‘ness to the Goldsmith Bros. of New
| York, who will take possession with
the beginning of next week.
—The Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. is
| considering employing a general
secretary who is to give all of his
time to the work.
—Valentine & Co., are closing out
their stores in this place and many
bargains are to be had. They are
selling a dozen Mason glass jars for
$1.20 and a quarter barrel of mack-
lerel for $1.75.
—The Hon. S. R. Peale, of Lock
Haven, has sued E. C. Humes, of
| this place, for libel. The unpleas-
|antness arises out of the leasing of
‘valuable coal lands of the Bird Coal
and Iron Co. to Mr. James E. Som-
‘merville. Mr. Peale is attorney for
|the Bird Co. in which Mr. Humes
‘has a one-fifth interest, and
ed the attorney with havi
| personal interest in the
| ville lease,
An apple dumpling supper will be
(held on Saturday evening, October
'17, inthe Pleasant View union chapel
(Red Roost), beginning at 5 o'clock.
An excellent meal will be provided
with apple dumplings as the main
dish. There will be music and en-
tertainment while you eat. Admis-
sion, adults 35 cents, children under
10 years 25 cents, and children un-
der six admitted free.
had a
——Vote for J. if. Keichline for
Justice of the Peace. He is the
only nominee on the Republican and
Democratic ballots. He is a law-
yer by profession and a Justice of
the Peace and has the qualifications
to fill the office. 41-3t
——Among scholarships awarded
‘at the Pennsylvania State College
{during the week were the five Mec-
Allister memorials apportioned to
the counties of the State in order of
the ratio of students from each.
Miss Mary Freeman, of————won
one of them,
EE ———— A —————————
——The Woman's club of Belle-
fonte will hold a card party at the
Elks home Thursday evening, Oct.
29, at 8 o'clock. It will be greatly
appreciated if other organizations
keep this date in mind.
——That Centre county is a com-
munity of peaceable citizens is evi-
dent from the fact that, up to last
Saturday, Sheriff H. E. Dunlap had
—We have always been
“Afaletic” rooter, but we are glad
St. Louis won. It will do the As
good to realize that nothing is so
good that there is no danger of
something better bobbing up.
9:30 A. M.,, Church school; Her-
man Hazel, superintendent.
10:45 A. M., The service; Sermon:
“The Divine Pattern.”
7:30 P. M., Vespers and Pageant:
“The Banner of the Cross.”
Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor.
an the bushel
Not a professional man of any
|kind has been drawn on the list of
‘144 men and women to serve as
jurors at the November term of
court. On the list are 42 laborers,
28 farmers, 19 housekeepers, 8
clerks, one of whom is a woman; 5
| carpenters, 3 miners, 3 mechanics, 3
superintendents, 2 painters, 2 agents,
'2 ministers, one retired man, a
lumberman, contractor, plasterer,
justice of the peace, an extract
worker, foreman, teamster, engineer,
seamstress, tailor, manager, mer-
chant, car inspector, auto dealer,
chauffeur and one gentleman. The
occupation of three men is not giv-
en and we assume they belong to
the big army of unemployed.
From all reports the nut crop is
unusually large this year—chest-
nuts, hickory nuts, walnuts and the
ordinary run of street nuts.
And speaking of chestnuts, they
are quite plentiful in Bellefonte
markets now, if one is willing to
pay the price, but they are not
Pennsylvania grown. They are
from the mountains of West Vir-
ginia, are of good size and quality
with probably just as many wormy
‘ones as the usual run of chestnuts.
Chestnut trees in this State are re-
covering from the blight which
proved so destructive for a number
of years and young trees are begin-
ning to grow nuts again, but it will
be some years before anything like
a fair crop can be expected.
Bellefonte barbers are all back to
the old-time price of 25 cents fora
hair cut and 15 cents a shave.
The fox, the mink, weasel, musk-
rat and the lowly skunk will prob-
ably live in comparative ease and
safety during the coming winter.
Their pelts are worth so little in
the fur market now that trapping
them will be a poor way to make a
living. While Centre county is not
regarded as much of a fur region it
lis a fact, not generally known, that
it's fur trade for some years past
has yielded trappers anywhere from
$4,000 to $10,000.
An announceemnt from the United
States Treasury says that there
were $193,000,000 more in circula-
tion in September than in August
and the per capita has increased
$1.54 in one month. That reads
good but it will be pretty hard to
‘convince the man who has just had
(hie pay check reduced that it is cor-
| rect.
| Why is it that seventy-five out of
(every one hundred automobile driv-
ers when they see a man start over
la ¢ , instead of slowing up a
little, invariably step on the gas and
beat him across? They generally
make it, too, but in most cases the
| pedestrian suffers palpitation of the
‘heart at the close shave and thought.
less act of the driver.
i A Claren:c woman is under bond
(for her appearance at the next term
(of court to answer to the charge of
|being a “common scold.” Of course
/the prosecutor is another woman.
In the early history of America a
common scold was regarded as a
serious offender and was punished by
being placed in stocks and given a
certain number of lashes, according
to the degree of the offense.
‘punishment, however, is not likely
to be meted out to the Clarence
woman. In fact, out in one of the
western counties of Pennsylvania a
‘similar case was before the court
‘and the presiding judge is still
‘undecided what to do with the of-
| —
In Fayette county, this State,
milk is selling for five cents the
quart, principally because so many
people have been out of work that
that is all they can afford to pay.
Bellefonte residents are paying ten
cents a quart for miik and sixty
‘cents a quart for cream. And that
brings up the thought of the bor-
ough milk ordinance passed by
council early in 1929. Prior to the
of the ordinance the price
of milk was ten cents a quart and
cream forty-eight cents. When the
ordinance became effective prices
went up to twelve cents for milk
‘and sixty cents for cream. Early
| this summer milk was reduced but
| there was no reduction in the price
|of cream. But we're not knocking
at the price. What we would like
|to know, however, is, are we get-
| ting cleaner and better milk now
than we did before the milk ordi-
{nance was passed?
| This is the season of the year
when it is an easy matter to catch
lcold. In fact it is easier to catch
| Sue than to keep from doing it,
and we're going to pass along a
|lege who says, eat grape fruit, and
|lots of it. He said he ate them by
i - last winter and didn't
[have a sign of a cold. Of course
| he didn’t eat a bushel at one time
‘but started the day with grape-
fruit for breakfast. And he's a
| his four score and three years,
——For automatic heat in your
{home and at least 30g; saving in
your coal bill, buy an Iron Firearm
automatic coal burner. Inquire
at Harter's music store, Bellefonte
jor call Bell 259, 76-40-4t
Such |
| pretty spry man today, regardless of Charles S. Bartges, clerk,
| Jury Commissioner J. C. Condo
and J. C. Gates and Sheriff
E. Dunlap, on Friday, twirled the
jury wheel and drew out the names
of 144 men and women to serve as
jurors for the November son of
court. The grand jury been
summoned to meet on Wednesday,
| November 4th, while court will con-
'vene for the first week, on Monday,
the 9th. Following is the list:
| Harry Acton, miner,
Walter Freller, farmer,
James Haines, farmer, ..
Clair Stover, miner,
Mrs. Chester Eves, Hkpr.,
veis——— Milesburg
cre Ll DOTLY
Ststiaiecssmaisesesineun Rush
a Halfmoon
W. B. Heckman, farmer, ....... Walker
Samuel Diehl, farmer, ....... Howard
Samuel Gilbert, farmer, ......._. Haines
Mrs. James Snyder, Hkpr. ..... Boggs
Peter Houser, miner. ...... Snow Shoe
William Marchello, clerk, .......... Rush
S. E. Ward, mechanic,
H. E. Emery, clerk,
C. F. Burns, farmer, .
Vera Hummell, clerk, .......
Robert J. Smith, janitor, .. State College
T. H. Malone, farmer, ....._ Boggs
John A. Slack, farmer, ................ Penn
Harry Snavely, farmer, .. .Gregg
Thomas Boal, farmer, ...
John C. Rearick, laborer, .. Walker
Charles Reese, farmer, .......... Taylor
R. 8. Meyers, carpenter, .... State College
C. E. Frank, farmer, ........ .Ferguson
John Wilson, farmer, ............... Huston
A. E. Zeigler, clerk, ........State College
David McKean, laborer, Liberty
John Barnes, 1aborer, ........oo Spring
D. F. Bullock, salesman, .... State College
William Chambers, retired, ...Bellefonte
Philip Saylor, bookkeeper, ....... Bellefonte
Owen C. Resides, laborer, Union
H. O. Yarnell, mail carrier, ....Walker
John D. Heckman, laborer, ....... Gregg
Clyde W. Jackson, plumber, State College
| Orin Thompson, laborer, ...... Philipsburg
H. G. Waterberg, painter, .State College
Joseph Daughenbaugh, laborer, .Howard
E. H. Zimmerman, lumberman, Millheim
A. P. Stephens, contractor, State College
Charles Frazier, farmer, Miles
Thomas A. Brian, gentleman, Rush
Earl Kaufman, laborer, .......... Boggs
Mrs. Pearl Brown, Hkpr., ... Bellefonte
C. D. Lauck, carpenter,
Mary Austin, Hkpr., ... Milesburg
| Chester Twigg, agent .......... Philipsburg
Mrs. Estelle Hetzel, Hkpr., State College
| James F., Uzzle Sr., iaborer, .Snow Shoe
Rev. J. B. Thomas, Min., . Port Matilda
|'T. C. Weaver, plasterer, ............ Haines
| W. lL. Grove, laborer, ........... College
| Walter Tallhelm, J. of P., ... Huston
1 BOWArE HOMLON eee rani 2 2 Boggs
Charles F. Fowler, laborer, .. Bellefonte
Mrs. Ida M. Orndorf, Hkpr.,
| James Robinson, laborer, .......... Huston
‘Mrs. Margaret Peters, Hkpr., Philipsburg
|H. E. Corman, laborer, ......... Benner
| J. Martin Fry, Ex. worker, State College
1W. O. Gray, laborer, ......comma Curtin
Hayes W. Mattern, clerk, ...Bellefonte
William Holt, laborer, ..... retnerenc RUSH
Daniel Rider, laborer, ....... ....Rush
J. D. Mark, R. R. foreman, ...... Penn
: Boyd Tressler, farmer, ............ Walker
He. Ro Gitbert State College
{John 8. Jones, laborer, ................ Rush
William Rapsey, mine Supt., Philipsburg
Loretta Barger, Hkpr.,
| Clair C. McClure, Supt., .
Roy Adams, salesman, ...
| Lewis Brungart, ...........
| Lenora Burns, Hkpr,,
! Ferdinand Beezer, laborer,
| Ray Shady, teamster,
| Lee Kidder, carpenter, .. rt
{G. D. A. Harshberger, farmer, ..
¥. 8. Musser, farmer, ..........
Dean Goodwin, laborer, ..
H. P. Heisey, engineer, .
Sue Curry, seamstress, .....
Harvey Barnhart, farmer, Boggs
Mrs, Emma Thompson HKpr., State College
James Norris, painter,
| Claude Poorman, laborer,
| Margaret McDowell, Hkpr.
James Stickler, tailor, ...
John Quinn, farmer,
| Charles Zeigler, farmer, ............. Walker
| Frederick DeCoursey, laborer, ....Spring
{Calvin J. Vonada, laborer,
| George Patterson, Mech., ........ College
C. H. Reese, laborer, ........ Port Matilda
Wesley Emenhizer, laborer,
Mrs. W. H. Reish, Hkpr., .State College
'R. L. Bradford, laborer, ...... Snow Shoe
iJ. lL. Mattern, farmer, ................... Patton
Rev. Samuel Martin, Min., State College
Mrs. Eva Clemson, HKkpr., ....... Patton
C. H. Pennington, farmer, creer COllCGE
Frank G. Williams, laborer,
Daniel Markle, laborer, ......... Bellefonte
James Heaton, laborer, ... .Milesburg
| William C. Rowe, clerk, ..............Spring
'B. F. Cormack, laborer, wenn PHilipsburg
| William Maurer, manager, .......... Rush
| James Haworth, agent, ...
Willis Flack, laborer, ...
| Myles Lucas, laborer, ..... wenn Curtin
Mrs, Frances Knoll, Hkpr., te College
Miss Ann Badger, clerk, ..... Bellefonte
Frank Viehdorfer, laborer, ..Snow Shoe
A. H. Walker, carpenter,
Mrs. Minnie Kirk, Hkpr., ...
Wallace E. Breon, farmer,
William Sweeney, laborer, ...
| Miss Grace Dubbs, Hkpr., ...
| Mrs, Carrie Lynn, Hkpr.,
‘Roy Rowles, salesman, ..
| Hazel McCloskey, Hkpr., ..
| Jerome Spiglemyer, Merch., .... Millheim
|C. H. Evans, car inspector .......
| Austin Ericson, laborer,
A. R. Hosterman, auto dealer State College
John H. Breon, laborer,
Bar] Musser, Supt., ......... Bellefonte
Homer Thompson, chauffeur, ..Bellefonte
Jssned ‘only 180 ‘peruits ty ‘oarpy | DreVentive waste given us by an PL Sn Veer, roe Senter
firearms. 83-year-old resident of State Col- | Howard Callahan, laborer, .State College
Lewis Smith, carpenter, .
| Jennie Zeigler, Hkpr., ...
| Frank Hazel, laborer,
| BE. M. Porter, laborer, ....
|J D. Messmer, laborer, .
| Edgar Lutz, farmer,
{C. E. Slutterback, farmer, .
State College
sor— Boggs
Thomas D. Decker, Mech, State College
C. 8. Harter, laborer, .......... Haines
| John Jacobs, laborer, .. ;
| Harry Smith, farmer, ..
N. B. Martz, farmer, ........
~——Centre county pedagogues will
{be here in force, next week, for
their annual institute.
Philipsburg |
ire Bellefonte |
..Ferguson i
..Howard |
| J. W. Sunday, Civil war veteran,
‘Spent Sunday with friends at Port
M. C. Wieland and family spent
Sunday at the Geo Snyder home,
at Mt. Union. re
spent Sunday
A. Stine Walker
with his Miles Walker,
on the Branch.
Dr. G. H. Woods and family are
away on a brief trip to Wilkinsburg
and Pittsburgh.
Miss Anna Krebs, of Huntingdon,
spent last week here among some of
her old-time friends.
Curtis Walker and family, of
Huntingdon, spent a day, last week,
with relatives in town.
Luther Shank and family spent
the week-end at the family home-
stead, at Mt. Eagle.
A rumor is current on the streets
that the E. H.
Sara L. Musser, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Musser, is a surgi-
cal patient in the Lock Haven hos-
The Chautauqua held in the I. O.
O. F. hall, last week, was well at-
tended and presented good attrac-
A series of Bible readings will be
held in the Presbyterian church here
every Thursday evening until fur-
ther notice.
C. B. Bloom and wife and Mr. and
Mrs, T A. Mallory, of Altoona,
| were Sunday visitors at the J. F.
Kimport home.
Mrs. Cyrus Chronister, son and
daughters, of Warriorsmark, were
callers at the J. L. Shank home,
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Kathryn and Leah Dunlap
Spent the latter end of the week
with their brother Randall and fam.
ily, at Cherry Tree.
Charles M. Dale, and a party of
friends, motored to Philadelphia for
The Penn State-Temple University
football game, on Saturday.
Prof. C. F. Stump and family, of
Chester, visited friends in the valley
last week. The professor is a grad-
uate of Penn State class of 1926.
| George Dreibelbis and wife have
moved to their new home on Wall
street and expect to have everything
in apple pie order by November 1st.
The men’s Bible class of the Bai-
leyville Sunday school will hold its
monthly meeting on October 22nd,
at the Paul Sunday home, on Tad-
While there is yet a little seeding
to do in this section most of the
| Sammons ore husking their corn, one
0! e c in
150 bushel oS In Yars, Vieng
The Boalsburg lodge of Odd Fel-
installed new officers at a -
ular meeting on Saturday evening.
Guests were present from Millheim,
State College and Pine Grove Mills.
|" C. M. Fry and wife, of Altoona,
(were in town, last week, and recall-
ed the fact that just thirty years
ago he was one of the crew that man-
ned the President McKinley funeral
train on it's way to Canton, Ohio. A
few days later he and Miss Sue Os-
man were married at Buffalo, N. Y.
Last Sunday night Mrs. Millie
Kepler was called out of bed by a
motorist in quest of gas. She lit
a lantern and had gone only a short
distance from the house when the
lantern exploded, and she was pain-
fully burned on che arms. Quick
work on the part of the motorists
extinguished the flames before they
could communicate with any of the
Miss Grace Smith, of Centre Hall,
was a recent visitor in town.
| Mr. and Mrs. Forest McGirk, of
Lakemont, were visitors in town on
Mrs. Ella Sellers and Mrs. Au-
/man, of State College, visited friends
in town on Saturday.
| Mrs. Paul Stairs, of Greensburg,
,was a visitor at the home of her
jaunt, Mrs. Emma Stuart, for a week.
Mrs. Clayton Royer, of Bellefonte,
/was a week-end guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. J. Wagner and Rev. Wag-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goheen and
‘baby son, of Indiana, are visiting at
‘the E. H. Meyer and M. W. Goheen
Mrs. Weber and -
daughter, Miss Mary Weber, of
Centre Hall, were guests of Miss
Annie Weber on Sunday.
James Irwin, who has been con-
fined to bed for a month with a
broken leg, is able to go about the
house on a wheel chair.
| Miss Anna Mary Hess gave a party
for a number of friends, on Thurs-
day evening. Misses Katherine and
Margaret Gingrich also entertained
that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Meyer, of
| Medina, N. Y., and Albert Meyer, of
Pittsburgh, were called to the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Meyer, by the serious illness of their
Among the visitors recently enter-
tained by Mrs. Charles Kuhn were
Mr. and Mrs. James Atherton and
sons, James and George, of Numedia;
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartley, of
| Bellefonte, and Mrs. Claits Stover,
lof Altoona.
| ——Tomorrow will be “Dad's day”
|at State College and every father
|of a student who can do so is in-
In the morning
‘t-. visitors will be given an oppor-
| tunity to look over the College and
| grounds while the afternoon attrac-
| tion will be a football game between
In the
evening there will be a play by the
Penn State Players followed by a
smoker for the fathers and a tea
| for the mothers.