Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 18, 1931, Image 2

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—————————— Te ————
Bellefonte, Pa., September 18, 1981.
SO ————
The ant is quite industrious,
The ancient sages say,
A grim and busy little cuss
Who labors all the day.
In truth, he is a nature fake,
An idler fat and hearty
Who helps himself to pie and cake
At every picnic party,
He lives in luxury sublime
And has a picnic all the time,
t George E. Phair.
The whole began because
the lightweight champion walked
daily torough the park, and Norma
Niles spent a fragment of her brief
luncheon hour in the same place.
Several times the champion had
seen the girl. In «ruth, he had
particularly noticed her.
If he gave the matter a thought,
he assumed that she had seen him,
too. But he never was one to pre-
sume. After a fashion, he wor-
shiped from a distance.
Norma had cultivated friendship
with a squirrel. With it she shared
that brief ten or fifteen minutes she
could from her luncheon per-
iod. e squirrel grew very tame
and one day brought to Norma im-
mense happiness when it mustered
the courage
nibble delicacies from her dainty
fingers. The champron saw all this
and delighted in it.
So both boy and girl had an im-
pulse that sufficed to bring them in
daily proximity. Fighting is an
elemental business but no more ele-
mental, after all, than a craving for
sunshine and affection. The cham-
jon, known to the ring as “Socker
ey,” but truly named Edward
Knowles, took his profession seri-
ously. Already it had made him
rich and he intended to exact from
it a fortune that never would be
lacking for his neeas.
On these daily walks in the park
he achieved two things. The first
was a proper physical conditioning
and the second an opportunity un-
interruptedly to aream of retire-
ment and happiness with a good
ment he saw her that Norma Niles
was a good girl.
t is necessary to state that Sock-
er Dooley now and then had mis-
givings about his proression. Some-
times he wonde how a good
might feel toward a prize fighter.
He recognized in the problem a siz-
able stumblingblock, and it worried
him. Of course, if she really loved
him, matters would adjust them.
selves. But—
Then came the day when he ac-
tually met Norma. At the instant
he heard her voice and saw her
dainty hand flutter to her breast in
a gesture of combined terror and
weakness, he knew that she was a
good girl. In fact, he knew that
she was his good girl. And he set
about getting her.
The squirrel played a vital part
in the meeting. It came to Norma
as usual and scampered about her
feet while mustering the courage to
leap to the bench beside her. Dur-
ing this invariable process, the girl
was intent upon the little creature
and Socker was intent upon the
girl. As a result, neither of them
saw the vicious charge of a police
dog until the killer was almost at
the bench.
Norma screamed and the pet fled
for its life. ‘The dog, its jaws sag-
ging hungrily and its tongue drip-
ping, charged on after the squirrel.
It was an uneven race certain to
end in destruction for Norma's lit-
tle friend. This opened the way
into the transient drama for the
lightweight champion.
after the dog and Fate arranged
his angle of approach so that inter-
ception was possible.
He lunged, toppled over and drag-
ged the beast after him. The ani-
mal struggled and growled. Socker
managed to twist to his feet and
grab its ears. From somewhere ap-
peared the dog’s owner.
“He isn't vicious,” he panted.
“He was just chasing the squirre!
—I hope you're not hurt.”
“Nope,” Socker grinned.
bit. You see, the 1
there has made a
rel. You can
it’s his nature.”
The animal's owner turned to
Norma and offered apologies. Sock-
er stood bashfully at his side. He
was so blinded by actual contact
with the girl that he missed in her
eyes the light of hero worship that
abided there.
“You-—you were—wonderful!” she
said to him.
Then her dainty hand fluttered to
her breast and she reached for the
bench. That was when Socker
knew her for his dream girl. He
stepped forward and put his arm
gently about her. It was the most
courageous thing he ever had done,
in the ring or out of it.
“You better sit down,” Socker
“I better had,” Norma admitted
weakly. “I suppose it's silly, but
— u —t
“lI know. He's an awful nice lit-
tle fellow, that squirrel. I been
watching you every day for two
wee! ”
“I noticed you.”
“You did?”
“Just noticed you—passing. You're
big, you know.”
“Not very. I weigh only one-
thirty-five now.”
“You look big. Perhaps it's your
“I guess 80.”
Socker felt that they were on
dangerous Suny. Here was the
good girl of his dreams and he knew
it. He was afraid to speak to her of
his profession. So many people
have wrong ideas about prize fight-
ers. So he changed the subject.
“You better sit down,” he repeat-
ed, pressing the girl gently toward
the bench. “You look pale. I guess
you were frightened, eh?”
“Not a
ittle lady over
'‘t blame the dog;
to sit on her knee and
He was certain from the mo-
He darted
pet of the squir-
“1 was.”
| “That's too bad.” But he added
| hastily, “I don't blame you. That
Iwas a big dog and he sure meant
‘business with the little squirrel!”
| Norma shuddered at the recollec-
[tion of what had taken place.
| “But it's all over now,” Socker
| reassured her. ‘Sit down for a min-
jute and rest. You'll be all right.”
| There was understanding
in his voice.
The girl glanced upward at a
|clock that graced a nearby tower.
“I haven't much time,” she said
“You got time to rest a minute,”
the fighter insisted.
“I have to get back,” she said.
“I work in that store over there.”
. “You work?” Socker grunted.
“You mean—you work?"
“Of course I work. All girls
work, don't they? That is, ordinary
girls like me.”
What Socker said was unintelli-
Norma was recovering from her ry
fright and regaining control. As a
result, she surveyed the lad befcre
her. His nose was a little flat but
his eyes were so clear they made
up for that defect. His shoulders
were amazingly broad. She saw
that his clothes were tailored.
There was something about his
jaw that impressed her, too.
voice was soft and she sensed that
he was at a disadvantage in talking
with her. For that she liked him.
He was bashful. Gentle.
“You were so brave with that
hideous dog,” she thanked him again.
“Not very brave,” Socker depre-
cated. “After all, he was only 2
“What is your name?” Norma
asked suddenly.
Socker caught himself just in
time. He had been on the point of
| giving the customary ring congno-
| “Edward Knowles,” he answered. |
“Mine is Norma Niles.”
“How do you do?” Socker grin-
ned inanely. He held forth his hand.
“I'm here every day,” he said.
“I must get back,” Norma said
breathlessly. “I really must.”
“Tn over with you,” Socker
volunteered. “Don't be scared about
your little squirrel. He's in the top
of the highest tree in the park.”
the street he took her
arm. At the door of the store
where she must leave him, he found
the courage to speak again.
“I'm in the park every day,” he
(said. “I'll be there tomorrow.”
Norma smiled and thanked him
again for what he had done. She
did not say that she would be in the
park the next day. That afternoon
girl ‘Socker drew his one consolation
from the fact that neither had she
said she would not be in the park.
That started it.
| They met continuously, and be-
fore either sensed that there was
anything unusual in the meetings,
'both knew that love had come to
gether that questions they thought
of overnight disap in the
, transient happiness they found to-
gether. They knew virtually noth-
'ing about each other, yet they loved.
Each was winged romance to the
But Socker had a secret. He was
a prize fighter. And it was firmly
embedded in his mind that nice
girls were quite apt not to like
prize fighters. Each night he prom-
ised himself to make a clean breast
of this secret on the next day. But
when they met next day in the
park, everything changed.
Norma was so lovely, the mo-
ments with her so precious that
| Socker dared not risk their contin-
uity. So the days passed and Time
welded bonds as indissoluble as they
were unsuspected.
How long this might have gone
on cannot be guessed. It is rea-
sonable to presume that Socker nev-
er would have revealed his profes-
sional identify unless it were at the
altar. But Fate stepped in. Sock-
‘er had a er. The er
signed for a contest with a lad con-
ceded to be of the contender class,
and the newspapers took up the
bally hoo. In the very nature of
things, Socker's picture appeared
often. This worried him; pricked
(his conscience into a restlessness
that exceeded that of a thief. Sure-
‘ly Norma must see these pictures
land accuse him. When she did,
matters would be much worse than
[if he had told her voluntarily.
But the first day after his pic-
tures ran, she greeted him as usual
and made no mention of them.
Socker instantly decided that she
did not look at the sport sections of
the papers. He sighed with relief
and decided that he would say noth-
ing, at least until after this next
one to aid him toward retirement,
‘and surely Norma would understand
such an evidence of his desire to
make her happy. So he let the
thing drift.
Norma had begun by calling him
“Mr. Knowles.” Soon this altered
to a somewhat stiff and foreign-
sounding “Edward.” Now she call.
‘ed him “Eddie,” and several times
|he had held her hand as Shey sat
there on the park bench during
| those all-too-brief luncheon periods. his climb from obscurity to the pin- |
One day, just three days, in fact,
| before the big fight, Socker found
/the courage to sound the girl out.
[| “I see they're having a big boxing
match soon,” he hinted.
“Yes,” Norma giggled; “a match
for the lightweight championship.”
“That's right,” Socker agreed, mys-
tified. “I Aidn't know girls were
interested in such "44
“I never was,” Norma laughed.
“But I am now, Eddie. Ill have
something important to tell you in
four days. Something that will sur-
prise you to death.
“Yeah?” Socker queried. “What?”
“Didn't I say in three or four
“After the fight, you mean?”
Socker rubbed his blunt finger tips
across his square chin and wrinkled
thi beyond his comprehension. Did
Ro know him? she known
|him all along? Devoutly he hoped
| 80.
There was so little time to-
The purse would be a fat
deep his forehead. Here was some-
“It'll surprise to death,” Nor-
‘ma repeated. “On,
| so wonderful!”
| “What?” Socker nsisted. "What's
| wonderful ? Aw, tell me. Tell me—
[Seam a aghast at His
e was ag a own courage
in using the term of endearment,
but Norma looked into his eyes and
showed him there what no lover
ever has misunderstood. Socker for-
got her secret. Nothing mattered
but themselves. His muscular arm
swept gently around her and he
drew her close. The squirrel stirred
angrily and dropped from the bench.
'If there were by the scene
was an old one in the park.
“Gee,” Socker muttered at long
last. “Gee, Norma, I'm glad. Ilove
you so much. Right from the very
first I've loved you.”
“Me too,” Norma sighed blissfully.
“I'm so happy, Eddie.” She squeezed
his “I'm so happy,” she went
on, “I'm going to tell you the se-
cret ahead of time. It's about Har-
. You know, my brother H 2
“Yeah,” Socker nodded, “I know
you got a brother. I'll have to
meet him now, sweetheart. And
your mother, and your old man. I
bet they'll boot me out!”
“Silly!” Norma crooned. “But
listen. I must hurry back, and I
want to tell you this. You'll never
“Shoot,” Socker grunted. “Knock
me stiff with surprise, you wonder
gi "
“Harry's going to be the light-
weight champion of the world!”
Norma said the words in portent.
ous tones. She laughed gleefully
when Socker sat enly erect. “I
told you you'd be surprised!” she
laughed. “But he is. He says so
himself. He's sure to win.”
ial was apescilens and this
condition gave Norma an increasing
delight at what she felt was his
| surprise.
His believe it!”
with amazement,” she laughed.
‘don’t wonder you didn't ess it,
dearest. How could you? You see,
Harry doesn't fight under his own
name. He calls himself “Battling
Durkon’ and he fights Socker Dooley,
the champion, next Thursday.
“It means so much to us, Eddie.
He'll be rich, and, wistfully, “we've
never had money. Dad needs a rest
and so does mother. Of course, I'm
all right. I like to work. But
Harry says he'll have so much
| money he won't let even me work.”
She paused and glanced at Sock-
er. The lad's face was set and
ghastly. Norma caught his arm.
With a masterful effort he got con-
i trol of himself.
“It's ali right, sweetheart,” he
said listlessly. “It's all right. But
| you were right when you said you'd
8 me.”
| __“But you take it so—seriously,”
orma said wonderingly.
“I'm afraid, after you get so
much money, you won't bother
about me.”
Playfully Norma pressed her fing-
ers across his lips. The lips, he
realized, that had been glorified by
her kisses.
“Silly,” she charged ain. "Of
course I will. Tll—why, Tl always
love you. No would ever
change that, Eddie!
Once again he escorted her across
‘the street to her work. His brain
was awhirl and his heart seemed
smothering within him.
Three days later he must defend
his championship against
Durkon; and Sutin Durkon was
the brother of the girl he loved!
From out this maelstrom of sud-
den developments, Socker somehow
got the basic facts. He was fight-
ing the brother of Norma.
lost, Norma could find happiness for
herself and her people. If he won,
the blows which battered out his
! triumph would forge her misery and
dash the hopes of all those she held
dear. In brief, that was what he
How it had all come about, he did
not care. He presumed that Nor-
ma had failed to recognize the news-
paper pictures she must have seen.
‘But all that was Veside the issue
The problem itself was clear-cut.
Must he win? Must he lose?
Surprising as it might seem, the
answer lay much with himself.
Eddie, it will be |
“You needn't be downright stupid
Battling |
If he
“lI don't think you'd—change.”
“What do you think?"
| “I don't know,” Socker groaned
(hopelessly. “I just hope you won't
| change, that's all.”
| “There's something the matter
with you,” Norma said Sollcitousl.
“Some! on mind. ou
oy) Ming told you Har-
iy wa going to fight the champion.” |
fleetingly; then, “Are
you ashamed of him, and of me be-
cause I'm his sister?”
| “What!” Socker gasped.
| “I don’t think boxing is so bad,”
‘Norma defended. “What else could
Harry do to make a lot of money
honestly 7"
| Socker dropped his elbows onto
his knees and gripped his square
hands. “I ain't ashamed of kim,”
he said listlessly, “and I'm proud of
you. Why, I'm even in favor of
“Then what is the matter, Eddie?
If we really love each other I
should think I'd be the first one to
hear your troubles. If I was in
trouble,’ 'she went on, “I'd come to
you first of all.”
“I ain't in trouble,” he lied. “I've
bad a headache for two or three
days. I guess that's it. He straight-
ened and reached across the girl's
lap so that the squirrel there on the
bench could sniff at his finger tips.
“Let's talk about something else,
sweetheart,” he suggested. “I'm all
| right.”
“Don't you want to see the
fight?" Norma queried. “Don't you
want to go with me? I'm going to
see it.”
“No,” Socker groaned hastily.
“That is, I want to, sweetheart—
but I can't. I've got another
date.” There was anquish in his
voice and he withdrew his hand
from the squirrel and caught the
girl's forearm. “I'm going now,” he
said brusquely. “But remember that
I love you. I trust you, too. Don't
ever forget that, Norma. Then, if
you don't ¢ *
His voice broke and he stood sud-
denly erect. Before the girl could
stop him he whirled walked
away from her. He was almost
rude. She rose and stood beside the
bench, a hurt look upon her face
and a vast wonderment in her eyes.
Socker walked briskly, his square
shoulders . He did not
once look back. Something akin to
a sob sounded in the girl's throat
and she turned and hurried back
toward the store.
The squirrel was left alone on the
The contest was held in a ball
park. The customary habiliments
of such an affair were there in pro-
fusion. Arc lights cast glaring
white rays downward upon the can-
vas of the . Three ropes were
stretched taut from turnbuckles at-
tached to four posts. These
‘were covered with red plush and
the posts were of brass and twink-
led in the profound illumination.
Close to the ring were the press
‘rows, where typewriters and tele-
graph instruments clicked magic
words to multitudes. More than sev-
enty thousand people lined benches
which spread outward from the ring
as though they had been flung there
by some centrifugal power.
In the far distance of the night,
steel and concrete balconies loomed.
| These were laden with a human
cargo and the voice of the moh
rose and faded in exact tempo with
the happenings in the ring.
Just outside one corner of the
ring sat Norma Niles. The whole
Scene was new to her. All about
her reporters’ conversed in mystic
parlance. Curt they were, and to
the point. To the girl they seem-
ed all-understanding and all-wise.
The preliminary contests fright-
ened her but she reasoned that these
men were not champions. They
‘were all learning the art of fistj-
cuffs and this, no doubt, explained
why they were so often hit.
he awaited in perturbation the
appearance of Harry there in the
|ring; and this Socker Dooley whom
‘he was to fight. Her lips moved
in a vague prayer that this scene
would mark the materialization of
| her greatest dreams,
In a dressing room under the con-
crete stands, Socker Dooley paced
the floor. His manager shook his
(head doubtfully.
Durkon was outclassed. All the
‘smart ones knew that. They said
he was a game hoy and a strong
| one, but Socker was a champion.
Socker, while not underestimating
his opponent, had taken the ap-
proaching contest philosophically.
He knew that he could win. Dur-
kon was game and strong but not
80 fast as the champion, and speed
will beat anything else on earth.
So, mathematically, Socker knew
that he was a winner. But now!
It came to his immature mind
| that a lady about to become a man's
‘wife would find defeat for that man
most distasteful. Also, a man mar-
/rying a lady assumed grave respon-
| sibility in revealing her own broth-
ler as greater than himself. If, for
love of Norma, he lost the fight,
| what was there to be gained?
| Again, what of his managers? His
seconds? His sparring ers?
|All the thousands of loyal support-
|ers who had stood by him through
nacle of his profession? What of
them? Could he, in a single gesture
|of romantic selfishness, throw them
His mind was a torment.
pelled by a great love to scale the
heights of achievement, he felt him-
self suddenly anchored by that very
love. The condition of his mind
rflected in his work. For the first
time in his career, his handlers
noted a lethargic sluggishness in his
Each day he met Norma in the
park and she noticed the change in
him. There were protracted per-
iods of silence between the two dur-
ing these last three days. These
hurt Norma because she realized
that Socker was worried and thought
she knew the ridiculous reason why.
{In the end, she took him gently to
task on this score.
“You haven't very much faith in
me,” she complained. “I don't see
{how you can love me if you think
|T'd change.”
“The champ ain't right,” he whis-
| perea.
| And this portenious me
found its devious course over a
highway of lips to the gambling
| element at the ringside.
| “There's somethin’ on his mind,”
| the manager amplified. “He ain't
the same Socker.”
With the speed of lightning this,
too, found its way to the ringside
(and ,with almost an occult divina-
tion, the crowd sensed the unusual,
It became impatient for the clash of
the champions.
“I'll be all right,” Socker com-
‘plained, when his friends tried to
cheer him. “I know what I'm do-
ing, don't 1?”
| He whirled upon his trainers.
| “You got me into shape, didn't you?
! Well, that's your part of it. And
(that’s done too. The fighting is
I'll take care of it.”
Socker climbed into the ring amid
| tumultuous applause. He sensed
that Norma would be sitti
side her brother's corner.
promised himself not look there, but
for some reason unknown to him-
self, in all that vast arena the only
spot his eyes could not avoid was
the spot where he knew the girl to
Their eyes met.
Socker shudder-
ed and turned away.
Seconds were ing about the
ring. announcer with hand
aloft was endeavoring to bring about
the timer clanged his bell repeatedly.
Pandemonium reigned.
Yet to this champion of cham-
pions, the world was a void. He
seemed suspended in a vacuum
through which he could see at a
great distance a single white face.
The face was Norma's. It was
twisted in anguished disbelief. The
red lips had gone white; the eyes
were distended. Across her breast
| her hands clutched each other and
part. If you birds will shut up, |
He had
|silence. As an aid to this gesture, |
‘be knew they were the same dainty| The famed right of Socker Doo-
hands which he so loved to hold. 'ley darted home. There was no
| He forgot to shake hands with his question about its and cer-
opponent and the referee had to di- tainly none about its power. It
(rect him. When he returned to bis landed uk ou the Duriion chin.
| corner, the er caught the The enger’s snapped back
bathrobe A gy shoulders and and his knees beneath him turned
while Socker rubbed his toes in the to rubber.
‘rosin, spoke to him. | He did not fall; he collapsed. It
“Snap out of it, kid, will ?" was as though he shrank into him-
he urged. “Shake off this thing self and became merely an inert
that's got you. You know this heap there on the canvas under the
| Durkon ain't no set-up. You've got glaring lights. Socker heard a faint
‘a fight on your hands, champ. Snap scream from behind the youngster's
out of it, will you?” corner. He had not the courage to
The words evoked no response. look in that direction.
! The bell rang. The sound seem- There was never any doubt about
ed to come from an immeasurable the effect of that punch. As Sock-
‘distance. Socker tarned slowly, er had said, when it landed the fight
crouched and went to ring center. was over. Durkon lay a sprawled
He was outwardly calm, but the heap as the final count was tolled
emotions which assailed him from above him. From a neutral corner
within were tumultuous and cease- Socker awaited the completion of
less, gripping and , and they this formality. Then, eyes still
beat upon the source of his control downcast, he went to the prone war-
with the endless energy of an angry rior and assisted in taking him to
sea. Yet, too, he was calm. his corner.
Those overhead lights swept to da A ar minutes 18
him a message. They created for was once n
him an atmosphere in which he was himself. Realization brought tears
a chamvion and never could be any. to his eyes but his face was un-
thing but a champion. As he sid- blemished.
led smoothly to ring center, there He had had his chance and lost.
to meet his opponent, he knew that The champion still was champion
he could not throw a fight. Awaiting the challenger was a mod-
Durkon fought with an advertised st fortune for his effort.
ferocity. Socker smiled slightlyat Socker slapped him on the back
the enthusiam of the challenger they smiled at each other
when he pressed to an immediate Words would have been superfluous
attack. This was to show the Ihe winner walked across the ring
multitude and Socker himself that '0 his corner, then slipped again in.
there was no fear iu the lad's heart to his Patiitone. .
merely because he fought a cham- Sool oS champ,” his manage:
pion. ~ It was old stuff and Socker 3UE ou had us goin’ for &
bided his time. He gave ground While, but don’t hold it against us
and carefully studied Durkon’s style. Xid. You never fought that wa)
The boy had a hard left hook but before. How were we to know?"
he telegraphed it. = And when he a Re Socker smiled jerk
used it, he made it possible to slip UY: PL do’t know. Mayb:
inside with a straight right. Later Youll never know. Anyway, I won.
on, Socker would capitalize that night he lay wide
weakness. The fight was long eyed. What of Norma? What o
enough. Fifteen rounds. So much he bench and the squirrel? Wha
can in that time. Impa- Of the future of which he ha
tience has lost so many champion. dreamed? What of love? His love
ships. He walked through the park wit)
Several times Socker let opportu- trepidation slowing his footsteps. H
nities slip. Once he feinted the XPeW the girl would not be there
challenger into a hupeless tangleon Yet! he must go there. Hopeless]:
the ropes. He had a free shot with he fulfilled a solemn obligation t
the famous right hand that had won Der, and to their love. Never coul
the championship for him. But he It be said that Socker had faile
Mtuhd ae Sow. wit ig he But she was there. He saw he
this. Wise ones looked suggestively 25 he rounded a curve in the foot
at each other. As usual, the fight path and the sight both thrilled an
had been preceded by rumors that it ‘errorized him. What would sh
was fixed. say? He saw that the squirrel wa
As Socker sat in his corner after There eside Norma, but she gav
the round, his manager urged him It No heed.
again. As ne approached there was
“It's all right to take your time,” look of wonderment on her lovel
he counseled, “but don't pass up
ot a Se Bot alter as he sto
1 ore her. She did not
Scan Sivis re 9 Whiskers! merely looked upward at him, an
feinted him off balance in that
her eyes gave him confidence.
‘round? That's a wild left hook he's , Well?” he asked slowly, faite
’ ly. “Well, sweetheart?”
t, Socker. Don't string it along \DELY ,
$20 much oF he might land with it. You-you are wonderful” No
Accidents do happen. Step out now, Ma returned rapturously. “Th
kid. Step out an’ paste this bird. MOSt wonderful man I ever knew
Remember, there's a world’s cham- But—but—" Socker struggled f
ionship hung on this ring post be- Words, but he reached forth ar
nd you. It's worth a million Caught her willing hand.
bucks, too.” Harry told me e ," No
But Socker could see nothing, M& went on. “He explained it a
think of nothing but that twisted, I think it is the most wonderf
anguished face behind Durkon's cor- . 1 knew always, of cours
ner. His mind rang with the that you were gentle. Knew it fro
knowldege that he was fighting Nor- the second you rescued the litt
ma's brother. Every time he hit ayiisrel an alked wo Je Bo) jem
the lad, he hurt her. ’ | Ne
The second ruond gave Durkon All thro a the knows
more confidence. Once he did catch could have beaten his body’ and
the champion with that winging left face Cut him, perhaps, and batte
hook. The blow landed high, but eq him until he was just weak a
face and sent him reeling into the didn't, Eddie. You waited; a)
ropes. Durkon piled in after him everything in a single blow. Th
with both arms flailing and the was gentle. You are the gentle
crowd rose and shrieked its delight. man I ever saw. Oh, Eddie, Ilo
Socker weaved through the flying you so—" —Hearst's Internatior
hooks of his opponent and shot a Cosmopolitan.
short, jolting rigmt hand to the
heart. Durkon backed away. Sock-
er grinned.
Twice in that round came oppor- ON TYPEWRITER KEYBOAF
tunity to drive home the Dooley ee
right to the head. Both times Sock- The so-called universal keyboa)
er held the hunch and those smart with minor changes, has been star
men about the ringside saw thisand ard since the invention of the fir
soon large rolls of money began to practical typewriter, which was ¢
appear. Something unusual was veloped by Christopher Latha
afoot and the gambling gentry prof- Sholes and James Densmore wor
its by such matters. ing together. Just how they arr
Round after round this continued. ed at the particular arrangeme
Socker side-stepped, pedaled, weav- has long been a subject of specu
ed, stepped in and out, pulled Dur- tion and controversy. Sholes a
kon out of himself and thus took Densmore were printers by tra
the sting from his blows. Those and the usual a b ¢ arrangement
Who knew, recognized the brains of letters which naturally suggests
his exhibition and could not fathom self to the ordinary layman, mes
his delay in ending the fight. (little to them. They were mc
Durkon, though he carred his chin familiar with the arrangement
well protected against his chest, type in the printer's case. This:
nevertheless exposed his eyes, his counts for the fact that they «
nose, his ears. The champion could not insist upon an alphabetical :
‘have worked on his body and meted rangement of the letters on the ke
‘out punishment that saps vitality. board, but it does not explain f{
But he did not. ‘arrangement of type in the printe
“Listen,” the manager said to case. The accepted theory is t!
Socker when half the fight had pass- the universal keyboard was the
ed and the champion had been sult of mechanical difficulties .
merciful to the point of destruction, countered by Sholes and Densmc
“what's the big idea? You ain't This theory is accepted by all °
kiddin’ us, Jou know. Is this thing leading manufacturers of typew:
in the bag? Have you crossed us? ers in America. In the first n
We got plenty on you to win. You chines the type bars would coll
can win in a walk if you'll start and stick fast when certain ki
| were touched in sucession. The
With the words, decision came to for the inventors grouped the ki
Socker. “I'll shoot,” he said icily. and bars so as to eliminate t
“Don’t worry that I'd cross any- trouble as much as possible. 7
[pody. I'll shoot, all right,” he re- system was perpetuated because
peated. “But I'll pick my 3p0L, | the inconvenience incident to m:
| When I do shoot, I'll hit. And when ing a change.
|T hit, the fight'll be over.”
As he spoke he glanced
yond Durkon’s corner.
there and she was vyooking directly
(at him, her face still twisted and |
her lips still white. {tend school in bare feet, accord
Three more rounds 8 end
| peatedly, the champion feinted his 0 Frank A. Bouelle, superint
| man into a position of defenseless- | “There is no reason why you
(Bess. And each time he let oppor- |g..." cnould wear shoes when ti
tunity pass. It was in the twelfth ,.. "more comfortable without the
(round that he found his long-await- |, ° cio” “7 wich T could go be
| #4, chance, footed myself.”
Durkon staged one of his mighty | Beach pajamas and dirty
rushes and Socker gave ground be- | 4 roy pants are not proper at:
fore it. He blocked those wild left | oo. "0" classroom, however, *
hooks, moved at increasing speed 50 ~w.. da W. Sandifer, principal of
yver be- |
It is all right for children to
(that Durkon must increase his own oo Hollywood high school.
| Then, unexpectedly, Socker step-
| ped forward ra
of backward. Child (to young man who call
| Instinctively, Durkon started his —Sister told me to entertain
hook. But this time, owing to his 'till she comes down.
forward momentum, he did not get| Young Man—Oh, she did, did s)
{his chin into its customary haven| Child—Yes—and I'm not to
|on his chest. |swer too many questions.