Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 11, 1931, Image 8

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Beworeaic atc
| H f Mourning.
Bellefonte, Pa, September 11, 1931. ouse o 8g
NY Wu was to have been a happy
NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. family reunion at the home of Mr.
a—— Mrs. W. C. Conway, in Du.
——The Harrisburg Telegraph 3 on Labor day. ea) in
«celebrated it's one hundredth anni- »
|Family Reunion Turned Into A Richard J. Beamish, Secretary of
Hundreds of Pounds Taken from
Seven Trees by Zimmermans.
William Zimmerman and son, Har-
| the Commonwealth, has advertised
| for bids to supply voting machines
| for use in Philipsburg borough.
| The County Commissioners con- ryL., of Reynolds avenue, Bellefonte,
| tinue to stand
i d
pat against the pur- have a sweet way of beating Ol
‘chase of the
at their trade of painting and
Ye with a 76 page edition, on '° ® house of mourning through an for them on order of the Secretary busy
Monday. l
Eagle State highway, at an early
——All of the Republican candi your" Saturday morning, in which
dates for nomination got together at .n 18-year old son, Mearle
a dinner at the Nittany Country | oo, was instantly killed and five
Club, last evening.
It was in the ino people were more or less
nature of a political love-feast on gerioysly injured and at this writ-
the eve of the primary. ing
——Monday being Labor day the ty hospital under treatment.
majority of borough councilmen ~The automobile party consisted of
Were away some where celebrating Mearle Conway, the driver of the car;
S80 that a sufficient number for a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conway and
Quorum could not be rounded up for two year old daughter, Jean Lucille;
the regular meeting, Monday night. Mrs. Robert Schock, a sister of the
——The board of directors of the Conway men, and her two children,
Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. are getting Robert Dale Schock, three years
things lined up for their big mem- old, and Edwin, 18 months. The
ership drive, the latter part of this party were on their way from Read-
month. They have set their goal ing to DuBois for a family reunion
at one thousand members, which at the parental home. They left
will be an increase over the present Reading between eleven and twelve
membership. |o'clock Friday night. Motoring up
——James B. Burke, a Junior at Bald Eagle valley they ran into a
State College, and a native of Lib- dense fog and between Unionville
erty township, has been selected as 3nd Julian the driver got off the
one of the thirty-one American and road and ran head-on into the con-
“Canadian college students to receive Crete abutment of a culvert. It is
fellowships entitling them to eight Just possible that he had fal-
ning in business and agri- !en asleep at the wheel and the fog
ya rating in | i a | prevented other members of the
| party from seeing the culvert until
ae Surman. Lute, son oF Ms. and |; vas too late to avoid hitting it.
RE of i Lay Ee Killa Young Conway was killed instant-
|ly, his skull being badly crushed.
Javiators, las invited Capt. Frank |v." other members of the party
«Hawkes, one of America's speed |
: | were brought to the Centre Coun- |
pilots, to be his Buck for a week |, hospital.
during the deer hunting season in Mrs. Sarah Conway, wife of
‘Centre county in December. | Charles Conway,
——More marriage licenses were | fractured leg, numerous
‘issued in Centre county, during the | ang body bruises.
past week, than in any week this| Ronert Dale Schock also suffered
‘year, which doesn't look like hard 'a broken leg and bad cuts and
"Times. But according to report | bruises.
“most of the couples are so situated, 4 the others in the party were
Con- |
suffered a badly
|automobile accident, on the Bald of the Commonwealth, according to paper hanging they hie to the woods
the statement of Commissioner John and hunt bee trees.
Spearly, on Saturday. | The Zimmermans are noted hunt-
The law requires one machine for ers of all kinds of wild animals and
‘each 600 voters, or fraction thereof birds, and are just as successful in
in a precinct, and in boroughs one hunting bees. This fall they have
machine must be held in reserve in found thirteen trees so far.
are patients in the Centre Coun- case one of the regular machinesis Of the trees have been cut and six
‘broken or gets out of order. This are still standing. According to
means that four machines will be the elder Zimmerman this has been
the required number nesded for an espe.ially good honey year. The
Philipsburg. ' smallest yield from any of the seven
In 1929 the Legislature passed an trees cut was 25 pounds of honey,
amendment to the act legalizing the While the best yield was 75 pounds.
adoption of voting machines which The total amount of honey taken so
authorizes the Secretary of the far was well onto 400 pounds.
Commonwealth to purchase machines, The honey is taken home and
for any election district in the rectified by heating it in a warm
State where the voters approved Oven then squeezing out the liquid
their purchase and have the bill honey through a coarse cloth. It
sent to the county for payment. It {3 then put in quart jars and
is under this amendment that Secre- Sealed tight for use as needed. From
tary Beamish is advertising for ma- the bee trees cut this year the Zim-
| chines for Philipsburg. mermans have over 200 quarts of
Commissioner Spearly stated that liquid honey, not counting the big
(when the contract for the ma-|Supply of beeswax obtained in the
chines is awarded the firm receiv- rectifying process. If the other six
ing it will probably be notified not trees they still have to cut yield the
(to fill the order as the Commission- Same ratio of honey they will have
(ers will not pay for the machines. in the neighborhood of 400 quarts of
| In the same amendment under Pure honey as the result of their
‘which Secretary Beamish is pro- bee hunting this year.
ceeding the Commissioners have a So far as known the Zimmermans
good-sized loop-hole of evading pay- are the only bee hunters in this
ment. The act states: | section. There was a time when
“ most every woodsman was skilled in |
Ia Bt Suds wil "ig the art of hunting bee trees. But
of the County Commissioners to the end of the lumbering industry
submit to the electors, at the in Centre county meant also the
same election at which the adop- passing of the old-time lumberman
tion of voting machines is to be and the younger generation knows
| voted on, the question whether the litle of the art
| indebtedness of suca county shall | And an art it is
| be increased sufficient to pay for :
| such machines, if adopted.”
But to |
| the Zimmermans it is merely a ques-
(tion of good eyesight and mathmat-
| Charles, came in from Ambridge and |
machines or paying Man Depression. When they are not
financially, that they are not de-
pendent on a job of any kind.
—G. Oscar Gray has leased a plot
of ground at Hecla park and has
built a comfortable bungalow there-
‘on, where he and Mrs. Gray will
Tusticate and entertain their friends
during the outing season. His is
the fourth bungalow now located
at that place, all owned by Belle-
-fonte people.
———Bellefonte's new thrift bank
‘will be opened in the room in the
Penn Belle hotel building now oc- to Bellefonte, Saturday, and con-
post-card shop. | veyed the remains to that place.
cupied by Sager's
It is thought that it will be ready for
business by the 21st of this month.
Mr. Kingsley, of Howard, son-in-law
of Dr. W. J. Kurtz, has been chosen
“manager of the new corporation.
——In the neighborhood of twen-
ty-five candidates for the foot-ball
team have arrived at the Bellefonte
Academy and are in preliminary
‘training under coach William Gut.
‘teron. As the Academy will not
“open for the school year until Tues-
<ay of next week it is impossible to
Zell how large the attendance will
——The iron work of the new
Lamb street bridge is all in place
and water superintendent J. D. Sei-
Toert has the new 12-inch water
wmain laid across the bridge and by
‘the end of the week will probably
‘have it connected with the main
dine of pipe put down on Lamb
‘Street some time ago. ' When the
‘connection is made the new pump at
the Gamble mill property will be
“able to do capacity work.
——Among the eight 4-H club
members who will represent the
State at Camp Vail, an activity of
the Eastern States Exposition at
Springfield, Mass., September 20th to
26th, is one from State College,
‘William Everhart. Four boys and
four girls will compose the group.
"The boys will construct and refin-
ish various kinds of furniture while
the girls will bleach, dye and make
such articles as lamp shades.
——We regret to note that Mrs.
Henry C. Quigley died at her home
©n Linn street, about noon yester-
wlay. She had not been in good
health for a year or more and on
‘Wednesday was found unconscious
‘on the floor in her home. She re-
sponded to no treatment and re-
mained in a state of coma until the
end. No arrangements had been
#made for the funeral at the time of
“ur going to press with this edition.
———By defeating Centre Hall in
®he Labor day game on Hughes
Held, Monday, the Bellefonte base-
"ball team won the second part of
“the Centre county league season.
As Centre Hall were the champions
“of the first part of the season they
“will now play a series of five games
‘with Bellefonte for the full season
championship and the trophy cup.
If the Bellefonte team continues
playing as good ball as it has dur-
ing the past month they should land
the cup.
——The Logan Fire company's
new pumper, which was expected to
reach Bellefonte last Thursday, did
not arrive until Friday and up until
this writing has not been officially
tested by an underwriters engineer
nor accepted by the company. Of
course there is hardly any doubt
but that the new fire fighting ap-
Jparatus will meet every requirement
«claimed for it. With it in service
Bellefonte will have a fire depart-
Jment with an equipment on a par
“vith towns double its size. But
“wvith all it's equipment there has
“0 far been no reduction in fire in-
Esurance rates,
cut and bruised but not seriously.
Mearle Conway, who was killed, |
had been living with his brother |
Charles and family and was em- |
ployed by the Reading Textile com-
pany. The Schock family live in!
Philadelphia but Mrs. Schock and
children had gone to Reading to ac- |
company the other members of the
family to DuBois for the reunion.
The dead youth is survived by his
parents, three brothers and four
sisters. A DuBois undertaker came
Wallace Victor Strouse, a well
known farmer of Greenburr, Clin-
ton county, was instantly killed, on
Tuesday afternoon, when a team he
was driving ran away.
Mr. Strouse had gone to the farm
of William Allen, adjoining his
own, to help thresh buckwheat. He
| This question was submitted to
| general election in 1929, and while
| voting machines they defeated, by
the voters along with the one for
the adoption of the machines, at the
Philipsburg voters voted in favor of |
a decisive vote, the legal means
prescribed for raising money to pay
for them.
According to the last annual
statement the county has a bonded
debt of $100,000 and outstanding
notes exceeding $111,000, or a total
of $211,000. The Commissioners re-
duced the millage this year from 10
to 8, which will mean about $35,
000 less for running expenses, so
that there is actually no money
available to purchase voting ma-
chines at about $1100 per.
In addition to the above the Com-
missioners claim that Philipsburg
voters are not anxious to have; the
machines now, so why buy them?
——Vote for J. M. Keichline for
Justice of the Peace. He isa lawyer
by profession and is well versed in
was on his way home when his team
became frightened and ran away.
Thrown from the wagon Strouse!
sustained a broken neck, dying in-
| stantly.
| The unfortunate man was a son |
‘of William and Matilda Stover
| Strouse and was born on February
| 10th, 1884, hence was in his 48th |
year. On August 18th, 1909, he |
married Miss Eva Brooks, of Pleas- |
ant Gap, who died in February,
1925. On September 16th, 1930, he |
married Mrs. Kathryn Beck, of
Spring Mills. She survives with the
following children to his first wife:
Doyle F. and Ernest W. Strouse, of
Mill Hall; Leonore E. and Ruth B,
of Bellefonte; Mylie, Margaret, The-
odore, Duane and Theima, at home.
He also leaves three step-children,
William, Thelma and Helen Beck, as
well as six brothrs and three sisters,
Mrs. A. C. Bressler, of Greenburr;
Mrs. William Sively and Charles
Strouse, of Renovo; W. A. Strouse,
of Mill Hall; Cleve and Henry, of
Salona; Robert, of Spring Mills;
James, of Rockport, Ill, and Mrs. C.
H. Weber, of Flemington.
Funeral services will be held to-
morrow morning, burial to be made
in Cedar Hill cemetery.
Sunday, September 6, was a nota-
ble day for those who were atthe
camp of the Howard hunting club in
the Seven mountains. The day
was spent in social intercourse, but
its feature was the delicious dinner
that was served.
Those who were there to enjoy it
were: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Glenn and
son Ralph, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Parker and daughter
Pauline, of Jersey Shore; Mr. and
Mrs. Kling Yearick and daughter
Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Pletcher and son Robert, of How-
ard; Parker Glenn, Mary Speece,
Rachel Glenn and Helen Hambaker,
of Harrisburg; Prof. Harold Wil-
liams, of Ithaca, N. Y.; Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Glenn and son Paul
Richard, Mary Elizabeth Glenn and
Mrs. Ella Harm, of Mt. Eagle; Mrs.
Alice Parker, Mrs. Mabel Morrison,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barnhart, son
Kenneth and daughter Lois and Miss
Helen Glenn, all of Bellefonte; Fran-
cis Glenn, Martha Glenn and Frank
Chamberlain, of New York; Malcolm
Freiler, of Wilkes-Barre, and Walter
Glenn, of Williamsport.
—Vote for J. M. Keichline for
Justice of the Peace. He is qualified
| municipal affairs up at State Col-
inow trying to unscramble the situ-
/ation they have gotten into.
the law. You will find his name |
on the Republican and Democrat |
ballots. 76-36
There is a pretty kettle of fishin
lege and officials of the borough are
appears that two years or more
ago the borough annexed on outly-
ing district known as “Manor Hills.”
At the municipal election in 1929
Capt. E. E. Lederer, who gave his
residence as Manor Hills, was elect-
ed burgess.
Later residents of the annexed
portion protested against being tak-
en into the borough and took the
matter to court. Recently Judge
Fleming rendered a decision in
which he sustained the contention of
the protestants and decided that the
annexation was not legal. In the
meantime Capt. Lederer has been
filling the office of burgess, has
signed ordinances and official bor-
ough papers and the question now
before State College people is, will
his official acts stand the test ot
law ?
Tax duplicates which the past two
years have contained the names of
residents of the Manor Hills section
are being changed and relocated in
College township. What the out-
come will be remains to be seen.
The grand jury for the September
term of court met, on Tuesday
morning. Andrew Koshko, of Clar-
ence, was appointed foreman. Dis-
trict attorney John G. Love had
seventy-two bills of indictment for
presentation to the jury, though it
is just possible some of them will
be held over until the next term of
court. The quarter sessions docket
for the September term contains
205 separate returns, the largest list
ever known in Centre county, the
largest heretofore being 188, As
most of the cases are petty mis-
demeanors, it is quite possible that
a lot of the defendants will plead
mm —
——The John Thrifty store, in
Temple Court, was not thrifty
enough to stem the tide of depres-
sion and closed it's doors, last week,
leaving quite a number of bills un-
paid. The stores in Lock Haven
to fill the office. 35.2t
| and State College were also closed.
ical calculation. |
Using honey or a combination of |
syrup and sugar as a bait they pro. |
ceed to the woods and put out the |
bait. When the bees begin to!
work they note the general direc- |
tion from which they come and go.
Then the bait is moved to another |
location until the direction of the |
tree is located. When this is done |
two baits are used, one at the foot |
of each leg of a triangle. When |
the definite course of the bees has!
been establishd the bait is gradu-
ally moved closer and closer to the |
apex of the triangle and always |
leads right up to the bee tree.
parishes of Central Pennsylvania are
expected to attend the first acolyte
festival of the Diocese of Harris
burg to be held in Saint John's
Episcopal church, Bellefonte, Friday
evening and Saturday of this week.
The guests will register and vest in|
the Parish house in time for the
procession of the opening service in
the church promptly at 8 o'clock |
Friday evening. This service will
consist of a shortened form of even-
song and solemn procession of choir, |
acolytes and priests. The preacher
at this service will be the Rev. Dr.
John Rathbone Oliver, note? psychiat-
rist and eminent author of the staff
of Calvary church, Baltimore, and
professor of medicine at Johns
Hopkins University. Following
this service the boys will enjoy a
swim in one of the local pools. |
On Saturday morning at 7:30
there will be low celebration of the
Holy Communion followed by break-
fast in the Parish house. At 9:30
in the church Father Oliver will
hold a conference with the boys,
and while the two services will be
to the public, this conference
be only for men and boys. At
of the conference there
od of recreation fol-
luncheon in the Parish
the close of the festival.
tor of Saint John’s is very
fortunate in securing such a prom-
inent person as Dr. -Oliver for this
first festival and is happy to be able
to invite the people of Bellefonte to
See and hear such an eminent man.
In a statement given the press, a
week ago, by Secretary of the Com-
monwealth Beamish Centre county
was listed as one of twenty-one
counties which had mot secured per-
mits to comply with the law regu-
lating the ownership and carrying
of firearms.
It might be true that the county
commissioners did not get a supply
of permits from the printery desig-
nated by Secretary Beamish, but
they got the permits, just the same
and turned them over to Sheriff
Dunlap with authorization to issue
same to any and all applicants who,
in his judgment, had sufficient
reasons for carrying a gun. To
date the sheriff has issued only 26
permits, which looks as if this is a |
law-abidding community.
——Vote for J. M. Keichline for
Justice of the Peace. He isa lawyer
by profession and is well versed in!
the law. You will find his name on |
the Republican and Democrat bal- |
lots. 76-36 |
—Marshall Cook, wife and little son
spent Labor day at the home of his
father, Charles F. Cook.
—Capt. W. H. Fry,
of Pine Grove
Mills, mingled among the Civil war vet-
erans at their annual G. A. R. day, at
Lakemont park, Altoona, on Saturday.
—Carl W. Beck was in from Pitts-
burgh, for the Labor day vacation,
which he spent with relatives of his wife,
the late Mrs, Laura Harrison Beck, here
'and at State College.
! —A party of eighteen, originated by |
the Garman and Lukenbach families, of
| Tyrone, celebrated Labor day with an
all day picnic at Edgefonte, the Garman
summer home at Axe Mann.
—Rev. William E. Downes, of Belle-
fonte, and Rev. B. A., O'Hanlon, of State
Coliege. were in Altoona, on Monday,
attending the dedication of the new
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.
—Owing to the opening of the city
schools Mrs. Joseph Baker has closed
her summer home, at Wingate, and tak-
en the children back to Pittsburgh after
being here since early in the season.
| —Miss Zoe Meek, supervising principal
of the schools of Snow Shoe township,
was in Bellefonte both Monday and Tues-
day of this week, having driven in from
Snow Shoe to look after some business
relative to her school work.
—Miss Pearl Royer and Miss Rose
Blumrich, of Niagara Falls, spent Sunday
and Labor day in Bellefonte.
ing home, Monday afternoon, they were
accompanied by Mrs. Clark Carson, who
| will spend two weeks with the Royer
family, at the Falls.
—Dr. Louis E. Freldman, of New York
city, Mrs. Freidman and their two
daughters, are spending three weeks on
a Carribean cruise, visiting all places of
interest in the West Indies. Mrs.
Freidman was formerly Miss Edith Holz,
and a native of Bellefonte,
—Miss Helen Farrar went out to Pitts-
burgh, last Friday, on business connect-
ed with the organization of the Centre
County Thrift Corporation, of which she
| was the instigator and has given much 't
of her time to the sale of stock,
She returned home on Monday.
—Godfrey, the elder of Mr.
falo, N. Y., to attend the races
ton. Godfrey has a number of friends
here owing to the frequent visits he
makes to Bellefonte with his parents,
—Mrs. Elsie Rankin Helliwell went
down to Atlantic City, last Friday night,
for an indefinite stay at the Shore.
Miss Mary Rankin and Miss Nina Lamb
spent their Labor day vacation on a mo-
tor trip to Baltimore and Annapolis, Md.,
and Washington, D. C,, leaving Belle-
fonte last Saturday morning and return-
ing Monday evening,
—Miss M. C. Snyder, with her niece,
Mrs. Daly and the latter's two children,
Dolores and Mary Edith, went to Wash-
ington, Tuesday, where Miss Snyder will
visit at the Daly home for several days
before going on to New York to do her
early winter buying. Mrs, Daly and
the children had been in Bellefonte for
almost two months,
—Miss Elizabeth Hunter left, Tues-
day, to return to Swarthmore to resume
her school work, after the sum-
mer vacation in Bellefonte with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Hunter. Miss
Hunter lives at Swarthmore but goes
from there to Springfield and Oakdale,
where she is in charge of music in
the schools of both places.
—Lafayette Houck and Harry Sypherd
were motor guests of William Swarmer
on a drive here from Birdsboro, Satur-
day, Mr. Swarmer having come up for
a visit with Mrs. Swarmer's relatives,
the Samuel Shirk family. Mr. Houck
said the sole object of his visit to Belle-
at Tip-
| fonte was to see the fish and get a
drink of the water, of which he had
heard so much,
—Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGarvey drove
‘down to Narberth, Sunday, to see Mrs.
McGarvey's mother, Mrs. William Mec-
Clure, who has been for a month or
more at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Murdock Claney, while treat-
ment by a Philadelphia specialist. Mrs.
McClure has not been in good health for
some time and her comeition up to this
time has shown no decided change,
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris,
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Adrian Roberts and their two chil-
dren, drove up from Harrisburg, Satur-
day, for a day's visit with Mr. Harris’
brother, Hardman P. Harris, at the Har-
ris home on Howard street. The drive
to Bellefonte was made while the Rob-
erts family was over from East Orange,
N. J, for a Labor day visit at Mrs.
Roberts’ former home in Harrisburg,
—The Misses Louise and Angela Car-
peneto, daughters of Mrs. Louis Carp-
eneto, of south Allegheny street, left,
early Sunday morning, by motor for
Toronto, Canada, where they will be
guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Cuneo
and family. The purpose of ‘their visit
to Canada at this time is that they might
attend the exposition which opened Au-
gust 28th and will continue through the
greater part of September. The Misses
Carpeneto anticipate spending a week or
ten days in Toronto,
—Jack Yeager accompanied Phil Ray to
New York, last week, on the hunt of a
job. Cards received from him by his
parents state that so far he has failed
to land one but he is going to stick to
it until thoroughly convinced that there
is nothing for him to do. Hunting a
job in New York these days Is some
undertaking. According to reports hun-
dreds of experienced men are parading
the streets day after day offering to
work for ten and twelve dollars a week
without finding an opentng.
—J. Orvia Peters, of Stormstown, was
in Bellefonte, Tuesday morning, talking
over the political situation in the coun-
ty and, like the most of us, admitted
that the outcome of the primaries next
Tuesday is something for better prophets
than he to predict. Mr. Peters’ sons,
the Peters Bros, Clarence and George,
are in Hagerstown, Maryland, this week.
They are attending fairs with their ex-
hibit of thorough-bred Holstein cattle
and since opening at the Granger plenic
at Centre Hall, they have been to Lewis-
town, are now at Hagerstown, and will
be on the road until well into October.
[In addition to advertising their farms as
the home of pure bred cattle and hogs
the Peters boys are winning a lot of
blue ribbons and cash, as well,
Return- |
| —Miss Anne H. Hoy is a surgical
tient in the Centre County hospital
ing been admitted last evening.
| Frederic Dale, of Oak Hall, was
| week-end guest of his brother, Ral]
| Dale and wife, at their home on Sprir
| street.
—Midshipman R. D. Adams, of Ar
| bridge, a former Academy student, spe
| the week-end in Bellefonte as a gue
!of Henry S. Linn.
| —R. B. Freeman, who has spent tI
| summer at the Nittany Country club, h:
| returned to his home in Philadelphia fv
| the fall and winter.
| —The J. M. Curtin family, who ha:
been occupying the Cooke home on ea
Linn street, for two months, returned
| their home in Pittsburgh yesterday.
| —Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson,
ew York city, were among the touris
at The Markland this week, stoppir
here enroute to Canada. Mrs. Thom;
| son is well known in Bellefonte as Mi.
| Margaret Walsh.
| —H. T. McDowell, of Howard, was
| Bellefonte for a short time Wednesds
| afternoon and favored this office with
| call. Harry doesn't come to town :
|often as he once did, but he still low
to talk politics.
—>3iiss Hale, her house guest, Miss E
|la Switzer, of Orlando, Florida and M
| Mull, drove over from Philipsbur;
Thursday of last week, and spent se
eral hours in Bellefonte, making son
calls on a few of their friends fro
their car.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Otto and the
two children drove over from Johnstow:
| Saturday, for the Kern-Frabutt, weddin
| supper, given at the Kern home immed
| ately following the marriage of Mrs. O
| to's niece, Virginia Kern and Josep
| Frabutt Jr.
| —Mrs. Guy W. Lyons and her tw
| daughters, Helen and Jeanette, wer
| over to Mt. Carmel, Wednesday of la
| week, and were joined there, Sunday, b
Mr. Lyons and their son ‘Bobby, a
| spending Labor day there as guests (
| relatives of the Lyons family,
| —Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Garman wit
| Jennie Irwin and Isabelle Gettig, as mc
| tor guests, spent Labor day on a driv
|to Lewisburg, where they visited M:
| Garman's cousin, Miss Alma Schaeffe:
| later continuing their drive to includ
| Mrs. Robert V. Lyons’ two sons, and a | all places of interest in that section.
| friend, stopped in Bellefonte for several |
| hours, Monday, on thier way from Buf- te
—The Hon. and Mrs. Robert M. Fo:
r, of State College, with Mrs. Foster
| father, Maj. Thompson A. Snyder, ar
| motoring through the Virginias. Doubi
| less Bob is enjoying the pure Democrati
| atmosphere of the Old Dominion, whil
| Maj. Snyder is reminiscing on the batt)
flelds that he once fought over.
—Rev. 8S. B. Evans, pastor of the New
berry Methodist church, who will preac
in the Bellefonte church, Sunday morn
ing, will be a guest of Judge and Mr:
M. Ward Fleming during his visit {
Bellefonte. He was pastor of the Meth
odist church, in Philipsburg, while th
Flemings were residents of that place,
—Charles Lukenbach of Detroit, Mich
and his two sisters, Mrs, Harry Jenkins
of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. C. M, McCoy, 0
Lewistown, spent Tuesday here with
few of their friends. The Lukenbac
family are all natives of the town ani
lived here the greater part of their lives
consequently their occasional visits t
Bellefonte are just visits back home.
~Gec. G. Vest, grandson of the lat
Senator G. 8. Vest who represented Mis
souri in the upper house of Congress fo
thirty six years, was m Bellefonte Tues
day night. He was a guest of Charle
McC. Scott while here, the two men hav
ing been room-mates while they wer
students at Princeton. sir. Vest was o)
his way home to St. Louis after having
spent his vacation on ‘Eastern Shore,’
—Col. Frederic A. Dale, U.S. A. drow
up to Bellefonte, last Saturday, and wil
be here for several weeks, a guest at th
home of his brother, Dr. David Dale, I
has been five years since the Colonel ha
been back to the scenes of his boyhood
He is stationed at Baltimore now and a
it is only a four hour run from tha
city to Bellefonte perhaps his friends i
Centre county will see him more fre
quently in the future.
—Mrs. Motter and Mrs, Minnie Schrey
er Sigsbee, the two daughters of the lat:
Charles A. Schreyer, of Chicago, brough
the ashes of their father to Bellefont:
Tuesday, for burial in the Schreyer lo
in the Union cemetery. 8oth women re
mained in Bellefonte for a short visi
with their aunt, Mrs, Mary Galbrait!
Woodring, and their cousins, the Gar
man and Harper families, being hous
guests while here of Mr. and
Jerome Harper, at their home on eas
Bishop street.
—Ira Harpster, of Warriors Mark, wit}
his niece, Mrs. Alva Johnson, and he
two daughters, Violet Johnson and Mrs
Edith Rider, were Bellefonte visitors or
Tuesday. When we saw the party th
laides were having considerable merri
ment out of the fact that “Uncle Ira” wa:
scared clear off the highway by a bis
truck that seemed to think that a Fer
guson township car had no rights what
ever. Some of them do act just tha
Often we have longed to haw
kind of an armored juggernaut sc
we would be safe In tearing righ
in and making sausage of some o
these ‘road hogs” we meet.
—Bellefonte had two distinguished vis
itors over Wednesday night in the per
sons of Judges William H. Keller anc
Robert 8S. Gawthrop, of the Superio
Court of Pennsylvania. Judge Gawthroj
had never seen Bellefonte and as Judg:
Keller has never lost his love for anc
pride in the town of his birth he brought
him clear up here from Lancaster for nc
other purpose than to show just why
once a Bellefonter means always a Belle
fonter., In the party were Mrs. Kelle:
and her daughter and Mrs. Gawthrop
and her son. They saw the Big Spring
the big fish and other things we point
to with pride, called on a few friends
spent the night at The Markland and
motored back to the Keller home Ir
Lancaster yesterday morning. Judge
Gawthrop is from West Chester, Chester
county, and inasmuch as his term on
the Superior Court bench expires next
year he will likely be a candidate for
Additional Personals on Page 4, Col 5
A ——
Wheat —————————
Corn eee J80
Oats 0
Rye AM
Barley A
Buckwheat 5