DUBOIS BOY KILLED Beworeaic atc Ma | H f Mourning. Bellefonte, Pa, September 11, 1931. ouse o 8g NY Wu was to have been a happy NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. family reunion at the home of Mr. a—— Mrs. W. C. Conway, in Du. ——The Harrisburg Telegraph 3 on Labor day. ea) in «celebrated it's one hundredth anni- » ENROUTE TO HOME. |Family Reunion Turned Into A Richard J. Beamish, Secretary of | COMMISSIONERS WILL | BEE TREES YIELD A NOT AUTHORIZE MATHS Hundreds of Pounds Taken from Seven Trees by Zimmermans. William Zimmerman and son, Har- | the Commonwealth, has advertised | for bids to supply voting machines | for use in Philipsburg borough. | The County Commissioners con- ryL., of Reynolds avenue, Bellefonte, | tinue to stand i d pat against the pur- have a sweet way of beating Ol ‘chase of the at their trade of painting and Ye with a 76 page edition, on '° ® house of mourning through an for them on order of the Secretary busy Monday. l Eagle State highway, at an early ——All of the Republican candi your" Saturday morning, in which dates for nomination got together at .n 18-year old son, Mearle a dinner at the Nittany Country | oo, was instantly killed and five Club, last evening. It was in the ino people were more or less nature of a political love-feast on gerioysly injured and at this writ- the eve of the primary. ing ——Monday being Labor day the ty hospital under treatment. majority of borough councilmen ~The automobile party consisted of Were away some where celebrating Mearle Conway, the driver of the car; S80 that a sufficient number for a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conway and Quorum could not be rounded up for two year old daughter, Jean Lucille; the regular meeting, Monday night. Mrs. Robert Schock, a sister of the ——The board of directors of the Conway men, and her two children, Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. are getting Robert Dale Schock, three years things lined up for their big mem- old, and Edwin, 18 months. The ership drive, the latter part of this party were on their way from Read- month. They have set their goal ing to DuBois for a family reunion at one thousand members, which at the parental home. They left will be an increase over the present Reading between eleven and twelve membership. |o'clock Friday night. Motoring up ——James B. Burke, a Junior at Bald Eagle valley they ran into a State College, and a native of Lib- dense fog and between Unionville erty township, has been selected as 3nd Julian the driver got off the one of the thirty-one American and road and ran head-on into the con- “Canadian college students to receive Crete abutment of a culvert. It is fellowships entitling them to eight Just possible that he had fal- ning in business and agri- !en asleep at the wheel and the fog ya rating in | i a | prevented other members of the | party from seeing the culvert until ae Surman. Lute, son oF Ms. and |; vas too late to avoid hitting it. RE of i Lay Ee Killa Young Conway was killed instant- |ly, his skull being badly crushed. Javiators, las invited Capt. Frank |v." other members of the party «Hawkes, one of America's speed | : | were brought to the Centre Coun- | pilots, to be his Buck for a week |, hospital. during the deer hunting season in Mrs. Sarah Conway, wife of ‘Centre county in December. | Charles Conway, ——More marriage licenses were | fractured leg, numerous ‘issued in Centre county, during the | ang body bruises. past week, than in any week this| Ronert Dale Schock also suffered ‘year, which doesn't look like hard 'a broken leg and bad cuts and "Times. But according to report | bruises. “most of the couples are so situated, 4 the others in the party were lacerations Con- | suffered a badly |automobile accident, on the Bald of the Commonwealth, according to paper hanging they hie to the woods the statement of Commissioner John and hunt bee trees. Spearly, on Saturday. | The Zimmermans are noted hunt- The law requires one machine for ers of all kinds of wild animals and ‘each 600 voters, or fraction thereof birds, and are just as successful in in a precinct, and in boroughs one hunting bees. This fall they have machine must be held in reserve in found thirteen trees so far. are patients in the Centre Coun- case one of the regular machinesis Of the trees have been cut and six ‘broken or gets out of order. This are still standing. According to means that four machines will be the elder Zimmerman this has been the required number nesded for an espe.ially good honey year. The Philipsburg. ' smallest yield from any of the seven In 1929 the Legislature passed an trees cut was 25 pounds of honey, amendment to the act legalizing the While the best yield was 75 pounds. adoption of voting machines which The total amount of honey taken so authorizes the Secretary of the far was well onto 400 pounds. Commonwealth to purchase machines, The honey is taken home and for any election district in the rectified by heating it in a warm State where the voters approved Oven then squeezing out the liquid their purchase and have the bill honey through a coarse cloth. It sent to the county for payment. It {3 then put in quart jars and is under this amendment that Secre- Sealed tight for use as needed. From tary Beamish is advertising for ma- the bee trees cut this year the Zim- | chines for Philipsburg. mermans have over 200 quarts of Commissioner Spearly stated that liquid honey, not counting the big (when the contract for the ma-|Supply of beeswax obtained in the chines is awarded the firm receiv- rectifying process. If the other six ing it will probably be notified not trees they still have to cut yield the (to fill the order as the Commission- Same ratio of honey they will have (ers will not pay for the machines. in the neighborhood of 400 quarts of | In the same amendment under Pure honey as the result of their ‘which Secretary Beamish is pro- bee hunting this year. ceeding the Commissioners have a So far as known the Zimmermans good-sized loop-hole of evading pay- are the only bee hunters in this ment. The act states: | section. There was a time when “ most every woodsman was skilled in | Ia Bt Suds wil "ig the art of hunting bee trees. But of the County Commissioners to the end of the lumbering industry submit to the electors, at the in Centre county meant also the same election at which the adop- passing of the old-time lumberman tion of voting machines is to be and the younger generation knows | voted on, the question whether the litle of the art | indebtedness of suca county shall | And an art it is | be increased sufficient to pay for : | such machines, if adopted.” | i But to | | the Zimmermans it is merely a ques- (tion of good eyesight and mathmat- | | RICH HARVEST OF HONEY. | Charles, came in from Ambridge and | machines or paying Man Depression. When they are not financially, that they are not de- pendent on a job of any kind. —G. Oscar Gray has leased a plot of ground at Hecla park and has built a comfortable bungalow there- ‘on, where he and Mrs. Gray will Tusticate and entertain their friends during the outing season. His is the fourth bungalow now located at that place, all owned by Belle- -fonte people. ———Bellefonte's new thrift bank ‘will be opened in the room in the Penn Belle hotel building now oc- to Bellefonte, Saturday, and con- post-card shop. | veyed the remains to that place. cupied by Sager's It is thought that it will be ready for business by the 21st of this month. Mr. Kingsley, of Howard, son-in-law of Dr. W. J. Kurtz, has been chosen “manager of the new corporation. ——In the neighborhood of twen- ty-five candidates for the foot-ball team have arrived at the Bellefonte Academy and are in preliminary ‘training under coach William Gut. ‘teron. As the Academy will not “open for the school year until Tues- 3iiss Hale, her house guest, Miss E |la Switzer, of Orlando, Florida and M | Mull, drove over from Philipsbur; Thursday of last week, and spent se eral hours in Bellefonte, making son calls on a few of their friends fro their car. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Otto and the two children drove over from Johnstow: | Saturday, for the Kern-Frabutt, weddin | supper, given at the Kern home immed | ately following the marriage of Mrs. O | to's niece, Virginia Kern and Josep | Frabutt Jr. | —Mrs. Guy W. Lyons and her tw | daughters, Helen and Jeanette, wer | over to Mt. Carmel, Wednesday of la | week, and were joined there, Sunday, b Mr. Lyons and their son ‘Bobby, a | spending Labor day there as guests ( | relatives of the Lyons family, | —Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Garman wit | Jennie Irwin and Isabelle Gettig, as mc | tor guests, spent Labor day on a driv |to Lewisburg, where they visited M: | Garman's cousin, Miss Alma Schaeffe: | later continuing their drive to includ Pp ha i | Mrs. Robert V. Lyons’ two sons, and a | all places of interest in that section. | friend, stopped in Bellefonte for several | | hours, Monday, on thier way from Buf- te —The Hon. and Mrs. Robert M. Fo: r, of State College, with Mrs. Foster | father, Maj. Thompson A. Snyder, ar | motoring through the Virginias. Doubi | less Bob is enjoying the pure Democrati | atmosphere of the Old Dominion, whil | Maj. Snyder is reminiscing on the batt) flelds that he once fought over. —Rev. 8S. B. Evans, pastor of the New berry Methodist church, who will preac in the Bellefonte church, Sunday morn ing, will be a guest of Judge and Mr: M. Ward Fleming during his visit { Bellefonte. He was pastor of the Meth odist church, in Philipsburg, while th Flemings were residents of that place, —Charles Lukenbach of Detroit, Mich and his two sisters, Mrs, Harry Jenkins of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. C. M, McCoy, 0 Lewistown, spent Tuesday here with few of their friends. The Lukenbac family are all natives of the town ani lived here the greater part of their lives consequently their occasional visits t Bellefonte are just visits back home. ~Gec. G. Vest, grandson of the lat Senator G. 8. Vest who represented Mis souri in the upper house of Congress fo thirty six years, was m Bellefonte Tues day night. He was a guest of Charle McC. Scott while here, the two men hav ing been room-mates while they wer students at Princeton. sir. Vest was o) his way home to St. Louis after having spent his vacation on ‘Eastern Shore,’ Maryland, —Col. Frederic A. Dale, U.S. A. drow up to Bellefonte, last Saturday, and wil be here for several weeks, a guest at th home of his brother, Dr. David Dale, I has been five years since the Colonel ha been back to the scenes of his boyhood He is stationed at Baltimore now and a it is only a four hour run from tha city to Bellefonte perhaps his friends i Centre county will see him more fre quently in the future. —Mrs. Motter and Mrs, Minnie Schrey er Sigsbee, the two daughters of the lat: Charles A. Schreyer, of Chicago, brough the ashes of their father to Bellefont: Tuesday, for burial in the Schreyer lo in the Union cemetery. 8oth women re mained in Bellefonte for a short visi with their aunt, Mrs, Mary Galbrait! Woodring, and their cousins, the Gar man and Harper families, being hous guests while here of Mr. and Jerome Harper, at their home on eas Bishop street. —Ira Harpster, of Warriors Mark, wit} his niece, Mrs. Alva Johnson, and he two daughters, Violet Johnson and Mrs Edith Rider, were Bellefonte visitors or Tuesday. When we saw the party th laides were having considerable merri ment out of the fact that “Uncle Ira” wa: scared clear off the highway by a bis truck that seemed to think that a Fer guson township car had no rights what ever. Some of them do act just tha Often we have longed to haw kind of an armored juggernaut sc we would be safe In tearing righ in and making sausage of some o these ‘road hogs” we meet. —Bellefonte had two distinguished vis itors over Wednesday night in the per sons of Judges William H. Keller anc Robert 8S. Gawthrop, of the Superio Court of Pennsylvania. Judge Gawthroj had never seen Bellefonte and as Judg: Keller has never lost his love for anc pride in the town of his birth he brought him clear up here from Lancaster for nc other purpose than to show just why once a Bellefonter means always a Belle fonter., In the party were Mrs. Kelle: and her daughter and Mrs. Gawthrop and her son. They saw the Big Spring the big fish and other things we point to with pride, called on a few friends spent the night at The Markland and motored back to the Keller home Ir Lancaster yesterday morning. Judge Gawthrop is from West Chester, Chester county, and inasmuch as his term on the Superior Court bench expires next year he will likely be a candidate for re-election, Additional Personals on Page 4, Col 5 way. some that A —— Wheat ————————— Corn eee J80 Oats 0 Rye AM Barley A Buckwheat 5