UNIONVILLE. Mr. Harry Eckard was a week- ad guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ckenroth. Miss Flora Brugger returned to er school duties in Camden, N. J., 1 Sunday. Our borough schools opened, on uesday, with Prof. Hosterman and iss Nell Williams teachers for the rm. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kundts and m Howard, of Toledo, Ohio, spent hursday with relatives and friends are. The Askins-Snoke peach crop is xing rapidly disposed of, hundreds ' bushels of the delicious fruit be- g hauled away every week day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner, of arrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward ate, of Salona, were week-end jests of their relatives, Mr. and rs. H. E. McElwain. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner and wghter Dorothy, accompanied by eir relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James airk, of Bellefonte, motored to ershey Park, on Monday, and ent the day there. The Rebekah Lodge will have a yecial anniversary meeting here, »xt Wednesday evening, at 8 clock, in the I. O. O. F. lodge oms. A program for the oc- sion is being prepared. Mrs. wing, of State College, will be the veaker. There will be special mu- All members of the I. O. O. are invited and a general invita- sn is extened to every one. Miss Sallie McGarvey, who had ven an invalid for several years yd was cared for by Miss Dora sher, passed away last Wednes- wy. Funeral services were held the Presbyterian church here on riday, at 2. p. m, conducted by ~ Ce sv. Oakwood. She had many jends here and was highly re- ected by all who knew her. She ent most of her lifetime in the yme of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.J. riest, whose family have always own her the kindest administra- ons. Hall Reunion.—The 3rd reunion of e Hall clan was held on Monday the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. obert B. Hall, of Dix Run. The eather was delightful and the place st lovely for a pleasant, social me. By noon a large number had sembled and the big tables were den with all kinds of delicious ts, which everyone enjoyed. Af- r dinner Rev. T. Max Hall, of ‘arriors Mark, gave an interesting idress, followed by Cyrus T. Hall, f Philadelphia, whose boyhood yme had been Dix Run, who gave lot of data collected during the st year of the Hall ancestors, iting back to Shakespeare, when of his daughters married a )hn Hall, who he spoke of in his ill as his beloved son-in-law. Rev. C. Shuey, of Bellefonte, then woke of his pleasant association ith the Halls and the people of e¢ community of Dix Run, with hom he has been intimately as- ciated for the past seven years as stor _of the ghurch = there. il the old he lies oo Botted for e ensuing year. Guests registered at noon were as llows: Mrs. Frances Hall, J. E. Hall, r. and Mrs. E. T. Hall and sons, avid, Howard, Walter and Ellis; r. and Mrs. Perry Hall and wghter Rebecca; Mr. and Mrs. yan W. Hall and children, Mrs. Et- Hall and daughter Pearl, and ns, Albert and Claire; Mrs. Han- th Hall, Norman Hall, Mr. and rs. Robert B. Hall and son Ken- ‘th, of Fleming; Mr. and Mrs. aarles E. Pletcher and Samuel etcher, of Howard; Mr. and Mrs. i A. Hall and sons, Charles and iward, and Miss Gertrude Burns, Osceola Mills; Mrs. Mary A. oot, of Bellwood; Mr. and Mrs. C. . Eckenroth and Miss Mary Gor- m, of Fleming; Mr. and Mrs. C. ', Hall and daughters, Betty, Jean id Ethel, Miss Bessie Moore and ither Houghton, of Harrisburg; iss Emily Miles, Mr. and rs. C. T. Miles and children, Mary, uth and Tommy; Mrs. P. I. Holt id children, Miles, Patsy and Jim- je, of Milesburg; Lucinda Hall, of ‘ingate; Alice Parker, of Fleming; r. and Mrs. John Shank and wghter Rebecca, of State College; r. and Mrs. Homer D. Hall and n Ivan, of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. oward Hall and daughter Lois, of niata; Rev. M. C. Piper, of Miles- irg; Miss Hannah Scholl, of Dix un; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Williams id son, Homer C., Mr. and Mrs. enzie Williams and children, Stew: t+ and Mary; Mrs. E. Wil yms, Mrs. Emil Williams and chil- ‘en, Josephine and Bobby, of State Jllege; Rev. and Mrs. T. Max Hall 1d som, of Warriors Mark; Mr. and | rs. Herman Hall and son Lee, of ate College; Mrs. Josephine ngleton, of Fleming; Mrs. Cora all Young and daughter Hazel, id Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, of ort Matilda; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew mmerman and daughter Imogene, " Wilmington, Del.; William N all, of Elizabeth, N. J.; Cyrus T. all, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. rank Driggs and children, Rosalie, pal and Florence, Grant and Her- an, of Boswell; Mrs. Sara Hall, of swistown; Mrs. Margaret Keatley 1d daughter Emily, of Fleming; arold Keatley, of Washington, D. ; Charles Keatley, of Pittsburgh; r. and Mrs. Gilbert Keatley and wghter, Lois Ann, of Lancaster; aul Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. Orvis sters. of Stormstown; B. F. Peters, Wingate; Mr. and Mrs. Harry all, of Milesburg; Mr. and Mrs. ner Irwin, of Altoona; Mr. and rs. Abednego Williams, Mrs. Mag- e Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Par- ns and children, Miss Helen Bar- n, Miss Nell Williams, Miss Kath- nm Codler, Morris Iddings, of Belle- nte, and Miss Grace Clark. Charlotte—It must be three years nce I saw you last. m-—you have aged so. Clarissa—Well, IT wouldn't have own you either, except fer that ‘ess, I hardly knew | | PINE GROVE MILLS Our public schools opened on Tues- day. Herbert Koch is away on a trip! through Canada. 8S. H. Tate and wife, of Lewis town, spent Labor day with friends here. J. W. Sunday, Civil war veteran, attended the Lewistown fair, last week. Merchant George R. Dunlap made a motor trip to Washington, D. C,, last week. Arthur Burwell and wife motored to Allentown for a few day's visit with friends. Mrs. E. J. Isenberg and sister are away on a week's sight-seeing trip in New York. A Chautauqua will be hela here October Tth, 8th and 9th, in the 1. O. O. F. hall, Bessie Ellenberger has left the C. M. Dale home to resume her High school studies. J. Clayton Corl and family, of Juniata, are visiting friends here- abouts this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Corl, of Centre Hall, were callers with friends in town, on Sunday. Jacob Shank, of Pleasant Gap, was a caller at the J. L. Shank home, on Sunday. Alvin Corl lost one of his best horses, last Thursday, the animal dying of lock jaw. Paul Roop, wife and two boys are here from Pitcairn and have taken quarters on Wall street. Mrs. Mary Osman, of Centre Hall, spent the latter end of the week as a guest of Mrs. Mary Meyers. After spending two weeks here with his mother Fred Corl left, on Monday, for his home in Juniata. Prof. H. 8S. Illingworth is plan. ning to quit the farm and move to Port Matilda to engage in teaching. Howard C. Fluke and family mo- tored her from Barto, Berks county, and spent Labor day with relatives. Mrs. Gertie Stover, of Tyrone, and Earl Johnson and family, of Phila- delphia, spent Labor day at the Joe Johnson home. Farmers in this section are cut- ting down their wheat crop for 1932, only about fifty per cent of the nor- mal crop being put in the ground. After spending their vacation at the home of their aunt, Miss Kath- ryn Dunlap, on Wall street, Jean and Joan Dunlap went to their home, at Cherry Tree, on Labor day. After a month's visit with rela- tives in the Sunflower State Mrs Ada Krebs returned home, on Sun- day. She was accompanied on the trip by her brther, J. F. Saucerman, of Altoona. Dr. H. L. Fry and family, of Nashville, Tenn., made a several week's motor trip through the south to St. Augustine, Fla. returning home on Labor day. The doctoris a native of Pine Grove Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kustaborder, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Ra d and Joe, Warri Sp pe non ff ey down the valley, Sunday afternoon, stopping at State College and Bellefonte and returning home by way of Bald Eagle valley. A kitchen shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Brungart, at the home of Mrs. Brungart's father, Edward Homan, on the Branch, last Friday evening, the young couple being liberally remembered with enough utensiis to equip a kitchen. Re. freshments were served during the evening and all present had an en- joyable time. HOWARD. Mrs. Rosetta Chalk of Philadel- phi, ig visiting her father, A. A. Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Kline R. Wolfe and sons attended the fair, at Lewis- town, last Tuesday. Miss Grace Schenck, of Milesburg, | spent the week-end with her moth- (er, Mrs. Mary Schenck, and sister, | Miss Lula Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Snyder and daughter, of York, spent the week- end with Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James e. Miss Beverly Vonada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vonada, is ill with an attack of grippe, at the home of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Butler. Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and sons, Car- roll and Harry; Mrs. Clara Butler, BOALSBURG. | Mrs. Martha Tressler spent several |days with her daughter, at Julian. ed a few day's visit with friends in Meyerstown. Miss Anna Sweeny returned, Thursday, from a two week's visit in Centre Hall. Mrs. Tammie Keller, of Milesburg, | is spending some time among friends in this vicinity. : A. E. Gingrich is making exten- sive improvements in the interior of his west Main street residence. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huprich, of Akron, Ohio, were week-end visitors at the David Bohn home, near town. Miss Helen Mayes, of Clintonda)e, visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Reitz, Sunday night and Monday. James Bohn expects to enter Ohio State University for advanced work, and Fred Bohn will enter Penn State as a freshman. Mr. and Mrs. Luther K. Dale and Misses Margaret and Marian Dale, of Oak Hall, were visitors in town on Saturday evening. Miss Virginia Hess has returned to Altoona after spending several weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hess. Mac Mothershaugh and sister, Mrs. Henry Bubeck and baby, of Philadelphia, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mothersbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart, their daughter Martha, and Miss Nannie Bell Stuart, of Crafton, spent sev- eral days at the Mrs. E. E. and W. H. Stuart home. Mrs. H. L. Wink was called to Gettysburg by the serious illness of her father. Rev. Wink went to Gettysburg, Monday, to spend some time with his wife and daughter. Lee Smeltzer, of Pleasant Gap, and Harry Gingrich, Saturday, drove to Wildwood, N. J, to bring home Mrs. Smeltzer, Mrs. Patterson and Katherine Gingrich, who spent a week at that resort. Miss Gladys Hazel returned to Philadelphia, last week, after spend- ing the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel. Miss Hazel is a Montgomery county school. Saturday noon James Irwin had the misfortune to break both bones in his leg near the ankle. Mr. Ir- win was descending a ladder in the barn and made a misstep. Dr. Swank was called and is caring for the injured man. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams and son Ellwood, of Houserviile, with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fielding, of New Dorp, N. Y,, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer. The ladies are neices of Mr. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rishel and son, David, and D. M. Snyder re. turned, Monday, from a trip through western States and a visit in Erie, Pa., at the home of Mrs. C. L Stamm. They report a pleasant trip but found it very dry in the west. L ; Mr. and Mrs. Baker and the Misses Anna and Margaret Groh, of Carlisle, drove to Boalsburg, Sun- day, intime to attend Sunday school in the Reformed church and Har- vest Home services in the Lutheran church. The party were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segner until Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rote, of Lew- isburg; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel! Kim- port, of Juniata; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimport, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stover and Mr. and Mrs. Nicodemus, of Altoona; Mr and Mrs. Harry Kuhn and daughter, o ’ and Mr. and Mrs. Burr, of Williams- gj port, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Charles Kuhn, Sunday and Monday. WINGATE, Rev. Dr. Hanna, of Lewistown made an interesting talk at the Bap- tist Sunday school, in Milesburg. Sunday morning. He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Miles. of Union township. Frank Peters and grand-daughter Miss Florence Peters, motored up tc Tyrone, Sunday, and spent the day | with relatives. Mrs. Verna Kern, a daughter of Mr. Peters, who was at home on account of the death of her mother, returned to her home in New York State, on Friday. Miss Carrye Butler and Floyd Year-' ick attended the funeral of Mrs. Butler's nephew's wife, Mrs. Her- | 'man Zimmerman, at Twin Rocks, on! Monday. H. W. Chandler. who formerly con- ducted a restaurant and lunch room at the Howard service station, east jot How, has rented the Hotel How- ard. the “Howard Inn, Home of the | Tourists.” Mr. Chandler will contin- ue to conduct the pool parlor for- merly conducted by Mr. Yearick. JACKSONVILLE | Mrs. Willard Hoy and son Nevin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr jand Mrs. Lucas. Mrs. Willard Weaver, son Willard and daughter Pearl, did shopping in | Bellefonte on Thursday. The Markle clan held their re- union in the Ertley meadow, on | Sunday, with a large attendance. | We are sorry to hear of the death of Dr. McCormick, of Hublersburg, and Nevin Bartley, of upper Marion. | The families and friends have our sympathy. Mrs. Mervin Hoy and children spent last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Korman, at Curtin, and also took in a quilting at the same place. The place is to be known as _ | STATE COLLEGE | (Beginning Wednesday, September 18, Evening Opening time 6:00 p. m.) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY— Sally O'Neil, Wm. Coiller Sr., in “THE BRAT” Also Adventures in Africa | i MONDAY AND TUESDAY— “THE MIRACLE WOMAN" WEDNESDAY — Dorothy Mackaill, H. B. Warner, Conrad Nagel, Joan Blondell in “THE RECKLESS HOUR” THURSDAY — Clark Gable, Earnest Torrence in | “SPORTING BLOOD” The Ladies Aid of the Reformed | church met at the home of Mrs. Homer Yearick, Saturday evening, with quite a number of members | present, and all report having hada | nice time. NEXT FRIDAY— Richard Dix, Paul Hurst in “THE PYBLIC DEFENDER” | Mr. and Mrs. John Dernar enjoy- | instructor in a = Barbara Stanwyck, Sam Hardy in | Political Advertisement | WALTER C. AUMAN | FOR SHERIFF i i | i i Walter C. Auman, who is a candi- date for nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for Sheriff of Centre county, goes into the primary, next Tuesday, with a record of good citi- zenship and long and capable serv- ice to his present employers. He was born in Penn township on Octo- ber 1, 1890, and spent his early days on the farm. At the age of 25 years he went to work on the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany and has been continuously in the employ of that Corporation ever since. So diligent was he to his work that in less than two years he was promoted to the position of assis. tant, then to section foreman and has held that position at Berwick, Jersey Shore and Bellefonte, where he located seven years ago. Mr. Auman is married and has a family of three children. He is a member of the Mfton Moose and Bellefonte J. O. U. A. M. No. 501. His long connection with the P. R. R. is proof that he is a con- stant and capable person. His resi- dence in Centre county assures the public that he is a good citizen and since he knows the value of a dollar he pledges himself, tr elected, to the office of Sheriff to do his duty with fairness to all, and with the most rigid economy possible within the law. Vote for Auman for Sheriff. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OR SALE.—Real estate consisting of Sink i SRS Fut nte. Hutch , oO! Argare: The FIRST NATIONAL BAN 0! 76- efonte, EGAL NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Ac- count of F. N. Fagan, Guardian of Charles Tressler, a weak-minded person, will be presented to the Court on Wed- nesday, the 16th day of September, 1981 and unless exceptions thereto are fil jon or before September 12th, 1931, the same will be confirmed. 76-34-3t 8. CLAUDE HERR, Pro. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICF.— ters of Administration on the es- tate of Dr. 8. 8. McCormick, late of Walker township, Centre county, Penn- sylvania, deceased, having been granted | to undersigned all persons knowing | the yea indebted, to d. estate he! oti 0 make immediate Hes 2 og indbtednesa and those hav- ng claims should present them, properl | authenticated for settlement, props J. RANDALL MILLER, Millheim, Pa., LEWIS R .LENHART, Bellefonte, Pa. Administrators. 76-36-61 are y- W. Harrison Walker, Atty, HERIFF'S SALE.— By a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, to me directed, will be ex- to public sale at the Court House n the Borough of Bellefonte on virtue of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1931. The Following Property: All that certain tract or rcel of land lying in the Township of Curtin, Coun- ty of Centre and State of Pennsylvahia, Dou ed and described as follows, to- BEGINNING at the rum on David Bechde! thence South 51 degrees West 14.4 rods to stones; thence by | school house lot North 37'% degrees West {11.2 rods to post; thence South 51 de- i ) 7 rods to a post in public’ ‘road; thence along said road South 37 | t 2 rods to post; thence by sail land of David Bechdel South 51 egrees West 25.6 rods to stones: thence by land of William Miller North 32 e West 5 rods to a t at ite Bak: thence South 76'%¢ de (to a post; thence orth 22% | West 23.7 rods to a post: thence th | 81 egrees West 25 rods to a post; | thenee North 51'¢ degrees West 24 rods a post: thence by land of David Me- Soskey ore 2% de, Jeea, Wom 5 rods : ence ol ' egrees East 43.8 rods to a post; thence DY ia along said road South 73 degrees East 14.5 rods to a post: thence South 85 ‘de- | East 22.6 rods to a post; | North 86 degrees East 254 rods to a : thence North 724 degrees East 14 ; thence South 81 degrees | t; thence South 50% degrees East 17 rods to a pot by road, leading to Old Saw Mill, thence East 27.5 rods to run; same South 26 degrees East 9 rods to thence alon: the rods to the place of beginning. pting and LL gy 2 acres and 49 perches sold to William Mil- ler. Being the same premises which A. Quay by his deed dated at and recorded in Centre County in Deed property. Seized, taken in execution and to be 301d; as the property of Lewis W. Brun- gard. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Terms cash, i H. B. | Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., August 28th 1931 PITTSBURGH SUNDAY : September 20 Lv. BELLEFONTE . . 230A. M. See Flyers or Consult Agents ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT PennsylvaniaRailroad lodge of | favoritism to none Let- |g ) line of West Bl rods | nd |of Frank Packer North 25 degrees East . 16.4 rods to centre of public road; thence ; thence | ve Come to the “Watchman” office for post; thence South 21': degrees East 34 = — —— - Containing, 76 acres and 90 perches net | A. Pletcher, administrator of William J. June 21st. 1927 | Book 137 at page 410 &c., granted and - | conveyed unto Lewis W. Brungard. i Together with all the defendant's per- | sonal per- | | DUNLAP. Sherif | 76-35-3t | SINIE H. HOY ( Now Deputy Sheriff ) FOR SHERIFF of Centre County Subject to the Rules governing the Democratic Party. Your Vote and Support Respectfully Solicited Political Advertisement, - Owing to my long illness, from which I have now fully recovered, I have been unable to make a thor- ough canvass of the County to meet my friends. They will please pardon this omission, and I will thank them for their support at the Primaries on Tuesday. If nominated at the Primaries and successful at the polls in November, I can assure you that there will be at least one Commissioner in the office five days a week during the next term. Respectfully yours, JOHN S. SPEARLY Political Advertisement Good citizen- gt That's why [G& ‘88 we have come voluntarily to ask you to nomi- © 58 nate and elect R. J. Barnett (better known as § #1 Barney) to the office of County Treasurer. fh i Give Rush township a break! I8 ship, like charity, begins at home. i He has, for years, been one of our best citi- & i] zens. Always promoting anu working for the gi good of the community, and we know he would gi Ue do the same for the County if given the oppor- FE ; tunity. I J Rush, the largest township in the County, has g 7n never had any of its citizens elected to any pg 5] County or State office. Te x Help us elect “Barney.” What he has done f# 1 for us prompts us to do this for him. Ir $1 This petition has been signed by over three [ J hundred Rush township citizens and they have & #8 paid for this space in which to appeal to you for 5 iB “Barney” for Treasurer on the Republican gf ie Ticket. FA A VOTERS OF RUSH TOWNSHIP &5 fl Political Advertisement i High Class Job work RICHELIEU BELLEFONTE Continuous Showing 2 to 11p. m. ! — Friday, This Week— “High Stakes” Lowell Sherman with MacMurray A picture taken from one of roadways stage smashes. Special Comedy and News | | | Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in “Merely Mary Ann” Your screen favorites ina tender and joyous picture. Saturday, This Week — “Cracked Nuts” with Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey Did you see them in “Half shot at Sunrise”? here the re 2 Yell BELLEFONTE bigger, tter, and funnier, Shows 7.15 and 9.00 p.m. Daily picture. ng the world with brand-new madness, Now All Week— Seasons greatest laugh and thrill picture. Winaie Lightner in Comedy and First Run News “Gold Dust Gertie” : —_— Here is a great star in a Mon., Tues., Wednes.— great picture. The screens greatest lovers ¢ in this seasons greatest pic- ture. News and Comedy Mon., Tues.,Wed., Next Week “ARIZONA” A special Western picture with a great cast, «i Comedy, also News