| ~~ | Pa., September 4, 1931.’ ten Your Health THE FIRST CONCERN. ! ! | | | WHEAT GERMS A SPLENDID SOURCE OF VITAMINS From Good Health Magazine If you would have vitamins up in @ most attractive form, by all means ook up wheat germ and try it on your family. This is a sort of mysterious food we have heard nutritionists talk about for some time. Laboratories have had almost a monopoly on it wntil recently, when it became avail- able to every one, and you have no ©ne to blame but yourself if you fail %o partake of this delightful and ‘wery valuable food. It is the germ of the wheat kernel which, with the bran, is removed in the refining of white flour. In the milling process these germs are flat- | ened, appearing as very small, yel-| XYowish, slightly oily flakes, soft in| texture, and having a delicious flavor. | ‘Wheat germ can be obtained from | wlmost any flour mill in bulk form and sometimes in one pound tins. Every one knows that vitamins are necessary for health, but vita- wmins are just vitamins to many of ‘as and the names and sources and actions and other characteristics of | each, cause us great confusion and worry. Who hasn't imagined a magic potion containing them all and in just the right amounts for our health requirements? We are all ‘witamin conscious, for what family Thasn’t a member imbibing a daily | dose of cod-liver oil, orange juice, ©r raw vegetables? Wheat germ should go a long way toward set- ‘ting your mind at ease in this vita- min matter. Here are some of the vital food ¥actors wheat germ contains. c- | cording to the Federal Bureau of Home Economics it is a “rich source ©of vitamin A and an excellent source of vitamins B, Eand G;” afid according to the cereal laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Chemistry | ‘mnd Soils, it is rich in protein, fat] and minerals, containing protein 27,25 per cent, fat 10.55 and ash 4.35 per cent. The protein is complete, a rare characteristic in plant pro-| teins. VARIOUS EFFECTS Vitamin A is necessary for wth, | ‘successful reproduction gen- | ‘eral well-being, increasing resistance ‘to infection. B is the anti-neurotic | witamin and lack of it is followed by | Joss of appetite, loss of weight, ner- | wousness and irritability. E is the] anti-sterility vitamin and G is the antipellagra vitamin. In prevention of pellagra, this wheat product has been used in the drought areas by agricultural exten- sion workers; they have been buying | §t from the mills in wholesale quan- | Rities and distributing it in small packages. Dr. Munsell of the Bu- weau of Home Economics says: “On mm basal diet known to lack vitamin G, rats failed to grow, and developed @wymptoms similar to human pellagra, @ disease that often results when The food supply is limited. When wheat germ was added to the basal ‘diet, the rats grew normally and de- weloped no abnormal! symptoms.” Experiments conducted in the schools of Berkeley, California, by Morgan and Barry, have shown that when wheat germ was given to chil- dren in rolls containing fifty per went germ and fifty per cent white ‘Hour, these children increased three times more in weight than others ¥ed plain flour rolls. On account of its content of vita- wnin E, the anti-sterility vitamin, wheat germ is used by breeders of fur-bearing animals. Wheat germ can be taken raw nixed with cereals or other foods. Af eaten raw, of course the vitamins wre preserved intact. It can be wsed in baking, and though the ex- Wet effect of heat on its nutritive Jropenties has not been definitely termined, it is known that it af- ferwards still contains its most val-| gable qualities. It is used now in well-known prietary foods and breads made England and Canada. These reads are generally made of twen- Ry-five per cent wheat germ. MECIPES FOR BREADS AND PUDDING | I1 baking, wheat germ is partly substituted for flour. It does not have the thickening power that flour has, but it reduces the amount of | flour needed. If substituted for an ‘equal amount of flour, the liquid is | reduced to about two-thirds or three- | fourths the usual amount; and in| ithe case of substituting for corn yneal, there is no change in the amount of liquid used. Recipes for the use of wheat germ have been | worked out in the Bureau of Home | Economics. ‘These include J. brown bread, cookies and pu | | KEEPING QUALITIES NOT A SERIOUS | PROBLEM ‘Wheat germ has not been made ®enerally available because of its “reputed poor keeping qualities.” Under ordinary conditions in warm ‘weather or in warm damp houses, it becomes rancid on account of its thigh percentage of fat. However, 3% placed in an ice box it will keep almost indefinitely. It is not nearly so perishable as many other foods, such as milk and butter which are fin common use. To prevent it from wmpoiling, it can be heated. The keeping qualities of wheat germ are improved by the addition of one or wo per cent of salt. UZEMA TRACED TO HANDLING OF 4 COINS An obstinate casé of eczema was WAS PENNSYLVANIA ONCE UNDER THE OCEAN? i Pennsylvania once had mountains rivaling in height the modern ranges of the Andes, Alps or Himalayas, Dr. George H. Ashley, State geologist, says in a syllabus of Pennsylvania Geology and Mineral Resources. The syllabus which is just off the press, describes the various rock strata in Pennsylvania in the order in which they were formed, the ge- ologic processes to which they have been subjected and the mineral re- sources. “Evidently Pennsylvania pamphlet. “Some of thse folds if | [from a great shallow sea recei | sediments to a land of vast moun- | tain ranges,” Dr. Ashley says in the restored would project five miles or more above sea level. If, however, the action required millions of years, as is probable, none of these folds ever reached full height. Instead we picture them soon eroding into a mass of mountain peaks rivaling in height and ruggedness the Alps, Andes or Himalayas. “Just as when you push on the end of a pile of rugs, until they take up less floor space, the Appalach- jan revolution (the term given to this pressure resulting in the folding of the rock ranges, greatly shortened Pennsylva- nia, possibly by 100 miles, according to rough estimates. strata into mountain The rocks un- der Philadelphia may have originally underlain what is now Atlantic Ocean.” The geologic history of Pennsylva- | nia as related by a study of the State's rock strata reveals three main points, Dr. Ashley says. “First,” he says, “instead of the hills and valleys being ‘eternal,’ they are only the present momentary | | scene in a great drama in which time and again the sea advanced over Pennsylvania and thousands of feet of rock material were laid down, and time and again the sea bottom rose to the surface and the sea re- treated. “In other scenes the earth's crust was folded and crushed, or broken along vertical molten rock welled up from beneath. In some scenes cracks, or floods of Pennsylvania ap- pears as a land of vast mountains, as high and rugged as any in the world today. In others the State lay quiet, slowly wearing away and was to the sea. Then came up- lift and the streams carved valle out of the softer rocks, leaving the hard and resistant rocks standing up as mountains. “During the Ice Age great glaciers pushed their way into the northern corners of the State, completely changing the landscape; and further uplifts made the streams cut the present narrow, lower valley in the former wide valleys. “The second great idea to be got- ten from the rocks is that of the im- mensity of time. One hundred to 250,000,000 were required to deposit 25,000 feet of paleozoic rocks in Pennsylvania. “The third great idea the rocks show is the slow progress of life.” Dr. Ashley says that today most geologists and other scientists be- lieve that a plan and a pu un- derlie this story of the roc and that in deciphering it men have been | trying to retrace “the footsteps of of Bengal, Mount Kamet is 600 miles the Creator.” KANSAS VETS PLAN PROTEST TO PENNA. | Kansas war veterans who served | with the 35th Division in France, are preparing to ask Pennsylvania this question: “Say, what's the big idea?” Kansans, touring French battle- fields, reported that a handsome monument had been erected by Pennsylvania in the courtyard of | Varennes commemorating the valor of that State's soldiers who, accord- ing to the marker, captured the town. “It was Kansas troops who cap- tured Varennes,” said Fred Henney, | president of the 35th Division asso- ciation. “None of us ever will for- get Sept. 26, 1918, when we drove the Germans out.” Official action regarding the mat- | ter will be taken in Pittsburgh in September when the division holds its annual reunion. TRUCKS USED FOR HIRE TO PAY EIGHT MILLS TAX : The Pennsylvania department of revenue Monday began a survey to | | | | i | | | | 1 i determine what licensed motor trucks within the State are being used for purposes taxable under the Williams act, placing an eight mill levy on the gross receipts of all mo- of persons or freight. Truck owners using their vehicles for hire are required to file their first tax report Decmber 31, 1931, show- ing their receipts for the six-month period started July 1. I tor vehicles used for transportation | Deductions | from the tax due will be permitted | for moneys paid for licenses. Both-interstate and intra-state ve- hicles used to carry freight or pas- sengers will be taxed. The departmental survey will be followed by a letter to every taxable advising him of the expected tax re- port. 1st Hubby—I think I'll wife for Congress. 2nd Hubby—Why? 1st Hubby-—Because she is so han- run my dy at introducing bills in the house. Dr. Stephen Rothman, to too much metal money. Medical Association tells how i neck. Tests with clean and sterile coins on the skin brought about swellings and inflammations, and the salts of these metals still job and was cured in four weeks. traced by a Hungarian physician, | handling | A communication to the American e | found the cause of the disease. The | patient counted silver, nickel and cop- | per coins for the Budapest street car company all day, and had eczema on | ‘his hands, underarms, shoulders and | | more irri- | | tating. But another healthy person | was not at all affected by these. The | patient gave up the money-counting | 24,000 feet in altitude, ines | Darjeeling, With Peaks of the Himalayas in the Background. (Prepared by the National Geographle OUNTS Kamet and Kinchin- junga in the Himalayas have Everest this summer in the interest of the world's mountain climb- was successfully scaled by a British party on June 21. Kinchinjunga, 27. by a party of Germans. Heretofore, Mount Kamet has sel highest pinnacles are being discussed, but nevertheless it is one of the selec! up farther above sea level than moun- tains In any other part of the earth. amazing group of mountain giants that extend along the Himalaya chain and in height by any of its fellows except Everest, 20,002 feet high; Goodwin Dhaulagiri, 26,828, and Gosal Than, 26305. All of these super-giants Goodwin Austen, which is in northern Kashmir, is situated just a stone's throw south of the Tibetan border, In by is Nanda Devi, which tops it by less than 200 feet. These comparisons the third highest mountain in the Brit. ish empire: and by virtue of this fact ous attack by mountain climbers. While Mounts Everest and Kinchin- Society. Washington, D. C.) taken the place of Mount ers. Mount Kamet, 25,445 feet high. 815 feet high, is now being attacked dom been heard of when the earth's little group of Asiatic peaks that push Although it ranks thirtieth among the into China, it is not greatly surpassed Austen, 28,250; Kinchinjunga, 27815; among mountains are In Nepal except The peak of Mount Kamit the United Provinces of India. Near- boil down to the fact that Ramet is it was considered well worth a seri- Junga are near Darjeeling, hill capital to the northwest near Simla, hill cap ital of India. [It lies in the Garhwal district of the United Provinces, 130 miles due east of Simia near the ecightieth meridian of longitude. This area came into British possession in 1814 ns a result of the Gurka war (with Nepal). This region consists of a maze of high peaks with extremely deep valleys winding among them. The valleys and lower slopes are heav- {ly wooded. How Mount Kamet Is Reached. The railhead used in expeditions to Mount Kamet Is at Kathgodam, In the United Provinces, at the southern edge of the Himalayan foothills. From there travel is overland through val- leys and up steep slopes to Ranikhet, a hill village comparable in location to Simla, From Ranikhet the way leads over rough country and across a number of deep river gorges, to the village of Niti at 12,000 feet altitude. From this point both yaks and coolie hearers are used. Althougi: numerous attempts to scale Mount Kamet have been made since 1835, no one succeeded in reach- {ng the summit until this summer. The latest expedition prior to the one that has just scaled the peak was led in 1920 by Dr. A. M. Kellas, He reached an altitude of 23,6800 feet, but had to turn back hecause his native assistants were suffering from moun- tain sickness, On the slopes of Mount Kamet Is one of the chief head-water glaciers of the Ganges river, Kinchinjunga is bigger game for the mountain climber than Kamet, both because of its extreme height and the steepness of its slopes. It is the third highest mountain in the world, reaching upward five and one-third miles above sea level. Of the three highest peaks—Everest, Goodwin Austen, and Kinchinjunga— the latter is most inaccessible. [It lies 45 miles north of Darjeeling In an alr line, but the road that one must travel across canyons, over ridges and around {intervening peaks, is much longer. Darjeeling has been headquarters for the several expeditions that have tried unsuccessfully to scale Kinchin- | junga In past years. Like Simla, 700 miles farther west, and Srinagar in Kashmir, Darjeeling is a godsend to perspiring Europeans who must spend the hot period In India. But it is more than a cool retreat: it is a matchless observation post, when the clouds permit, for the mightiest moun- tain scenery that the world affords. And the outstanding sight to the north- ward, across deep chasms and beyond tier after tier of foothills, is the mighty Kinchinjunga, buttressed by half a dozen peaks from 20,000 to Darjeeling stands on & sort of stage before and above which sweep the amphitheater slopes of Himalayan foothills that rises about 7,000 feet from the Belgian plains. On the side toward the mountains the ridge drops away for approximately 6,000 feet forming what might, in American ter- minology, be called “the Grand Can yon of the Ranjit,” but whose heavily forested slopes and tropically luxu- riant floor earns in [ndia the more poetic name of “Vale of Ranjit.” It is across this titanic valley ana beyond over ranges of foothills, lower than that on which Darjeeling sits, that one looks te mighty Kinchin junga, The eye therefore sees a rise of approximately 7,000 feet, a range of altitude to be seen in few If any other places in the world, since most of the highest mountains rise from lofty plateaus. Darjeeling on the Foothills. Darjeeling has characteristics un | like those of most towns. It can hard- | ly be sald to have streets, Most of the buildings face on paths or walks | which run along the main ridge and | out onto its minor spurs, or work their way by serpentine routes to other paths that cling to the steep | sides of the slopes. Steps, too, serve | In place of roads, connecting terraces | that rise one above the other. One of | the few carriage roads is a driveway | that skirts the lower end of the main | ridge and leads below to the suburb Lebong and its barracks for British | soldiers, i The villas, bungalows, shops, gov | guests about to imbibe by “hold the line.” D0: For 50 cents you can telephone to friends, rela- tives or customers as far as eighty miles away— for friendly chats, family reunions, business transactions. And after 8:30 P. M. you can call them for only 33 eents! The service is fast, clear, dependable the calls easy to make. Just give the pumber to the operator (ask Infor- mation if you don't know it) and (Rates based on East. Standard Time) TELEPHON Gen. 2 Poni BIG CUT BEING MADE IN DIPLOMATIC SALARIES The depression has hit two severe blows at the diplomats. Revolutions and financial crises abroad and poor conditions here have caused diplomatic salaries to be reduced. The sad news making the round of | Tuesd diplomatic society is that the flow of liquor, so often denounced in Con- gress, will not be so great this year. The prospect is for fewer and less lavish parties. The most magnificent of all diplo- matic establishments in the Capital is that of the British Government. It is new, imposing. British diplo- mats the world over are the envy of American diplomats because of the fat expense accounts allotted them. | However, expense accounts are calcu- lated on a sliding scale commensur- ate with living costs so there will be less money to spend in the great | Georgian structure this winter. Premier Mussolini has reduced sal- aries of his diplomats by 12 per cent. The Germans, never flush since the war, are to get further salary reductions. Bulgarian salaries are off 10 per cent. France is reported to have reduced diplomatic salaries some time ago. Don Miguel Cruchaga, | new Chilean Ambassador, is serving without pay and the salaries of his staff have been reduced. The Cuban Embassy is reported to have suffered a 55 per cent reduc- tion. Bolivia, Mexico and other countries have imposed additional economies. Faik Konitza, Minister from Al- bania, is reported recently to have suggested to his government that the Albanian Legation be abolished. He thought it did not earn its salt. It is the habit of many persons in Washington to seek to fmpuesa the beverage to diplomatic sources. ernment buildings, hospitals, churches, There will be less truth than ever schools, barracks and native huts that | make up Darjeeling and its suburb | form pendant communities, like giant | saddle-bags thrown over the ridge. | Dwellings are scattered down the slopes for a thousand feet, the ground floors of one tler on a level with the roofs of the next tier below If one must cover much space in Darjeeling he rides on pony back or is carried In a litter by four servants, The center of Darjeeling is Observe. | tory hill, a knoll on the crest of the | ridge. Topping the knoll is a Buddhist | monument and surrounding It is a small forest of staffs from which prayer flags flutter thelr supplications. From the benches near the monument one may sit, when mist and clouds do not Interfere, and take advantage of Darjeeling’s best view of mighty Kin- chinjunga and Its fellows. But often the vigil is fruitless. It is only for relatively brief periods during spring and early winter that one may be sure of long, uninterrupted views of the towering granite and ice walls and snowy slopes to the north, Looking Across to the Peaks. Standing on the Darjeeling ridge when the air is free of mists, the ob- server first looks down, deep down 6,000 feet Into a river gorge choked with tropical jungle. Then his eyes rise to the rice fields reflecting the blue sky and the tea plantations. Up and up to the Temperate zone trees, then to the pine forests crowning lower mountains, The observer peeps over half a dozen intervening ridges into the dark mysterious depths of valleys. Then he sees the bare up- lands above the tree line and finally the beginning of the snows. Long white glaciers drape the mountain mass whose two-pronged peak half fills the sky. The world seems to be walled on the north. There is no such thing as a horizon; Kinchinjunga closes the view like an exquisite screen, The vertical height is to the lengtl at this point of vantage as one is to eight; that is, as a tree 60 feet high appears when viewed at the distance of one average city block. In terms of familiar American views, Kinchinjunga, seen from Darjeeling, is like the Washington monument as it appears from the west verunda of the Capitol or the Woolworth building as seen from the Jersey shore, Darjeeling well earns its popularity | as a summer resort. While on the | steamy plains of Bengal, a few miles | away, the mercury climbs in summer | above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it sel- dom tops 75 degrees at Darjeeling; and in winter 35 degrees marks the low point of the temperature range. The unpleasant feature of the weather is | furnished by the heavy rains, Ten | feet of water fall each year, and some | of the storms are violent. | RE 43 |e candidate for nomination this winter in such claims. PUPILS MUST NOW ATTEND FULL TERM The General Assembly at its last session repealed the part of the sec- tion of the school attendance law which authorized the reduction of the attendance period for minors past fourteen years of age, De- partment officials today pointed out. All children between the ages of eight and sixteen years are required to attend school throughout the en- tire term unless they are legally ex- cused. No change has beer made in the rquirement employment certificates and permits for minors between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years and age certificates for those between the ages of and eighteen years. Bride: I think, George, that I'll ask the people next door to have din- ner with us. Groom: What for? Bride: Well, the butcher left their meat here by mistake and I think it's only fair. | I Jereby announce myself a ciadidaie for the nomination for of Centre County, subject to the decision of Democratic voters at the tion on September 15, . SINIE H. HOY ROBERT F. HUNTER PROTHONOTARY 2 8 We are auth to announce D. McDowell, of ) a candidate for ay JownguiD .. of Centre county, on the Heliot. oo the decision oo the oters party, as reased Primaries to be held on Tuesday, Sep tember 15, 1931 COUNTY COMMISSIONER We are authorized to announce that John 8. Spearly, of Spring township, is th for the of- fice of County Commissioner, subject tc the decision of the voters of the Demo cratic y as expressed at the Primarie: to be held Tuesday, September 15, 1831 We are authorized to announce Huey, of Patton township, candidate for nomination for the on is ¢ We are authorized to announce Victor Brungart, of Miles townshi candidate for nomination on the cratic ticket for the office of Commis sioner of Centre County, subject to thn decision of the voters of the a expressed at the Primaries to be Tuesday, September 15, 1881. We are suthorized to announce tha O. 8S. Womer, of R t ho i8 ¢ gandidate for nomination for the office o County oner, su the de Sn a Rg to be as ao Tuesday, September 15, 1981. COUNTY AUDITOR We are authorized to announce tha A. B. Williams, of Port Matilda, Pa. L candidate for nomination for the offic EE; rif ! i - | ago or today? We shall be glad to help you make sure that your is adequate to your risks, Hugh M. Quigley Temple Gogyl, pellefonte, pa. ALL FORMS OF Dependatle Insurance