Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1931, Image 4

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    re ————————————————
Bellefonte, Pa., September 4, 1931.
Ew .-. : - Haw
P. GRAY MEEK - - -
Correspondents.—No communications
ished unless accompanied by the real
of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
iu jo
notice at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Paid before expiration of year - 175
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday
t Belle-
. Entered at the postoffice,
fonte, Pa. as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be
potified when a subscriber wishes the
paper discontinued. In all such cases the
sul ption must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman' will
be sent without cost to applicants,
The grade schools and East Penns.
valley High opened, Monday, for the
winter term.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stover, of Dau-
phin, were week-end guests of Mr.
Stover’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mensch and
family, of Altoona, spent the week-
end here, guests of his mother, Mrs.
Annie Mensch.
Abraham King and two grand-
daughters, of Salona, were recent
guests of Mr. King's son, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boob drove to
Iowa city, recently, where they spent
the week-end with their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Stover.
Miss Esther Dufford and niece,
Lauretta Dufford, of State College,
enroute to Lancaster, were over
night guests of Miss Lizzie Yarger.
Mrs. George McKay and daughter,
Miss Florence, of Philadelphia, and
Mis. Fred Cranson, of Plainfield, N.
J., are guests of Mrs. W. H. Philips.
Jechn Forster was the guest of
his cousin, Charles Forster, of State
College, at a ham and egg supper,
at Hairy John's Park, Saturday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. William Guisewhite
have as guests Mrs. Guisewhite's
sisters, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Pierce,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Eby, of
New York city.
Ray Boob, Kermitt Orwig and
John Haines drove to Akron, Ohio,
Sunday. Kermitt spent a week's
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Orwig.
The food sale mentioned in last
week's locals will be held in Mrs.
Maize's store room, on Main street,
Millheim, instead of the municipal
building, on September 10th.
Mrs. Henry Mingle and two sons,
of Akron, Ohio, arrived in town, Sun-
day, and will be joined by her hus-
band, Friday, for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle.
Mrs. J. J. Fiedler spent several
days at the Claude Fiedler home, in
Penn Hall. Saturday Mrs. Fiedler
went to State College for a week's
stay with her brother, William Ho-
Ammon Shirk, who left this place
about thirty-five years ago, died in
Kansas City, Kan. His body was
brought to this place and laid to
rest beside his mother's remains, in
the Lutheran cemetery.
Mail carrier F. D. Stover, who for
sometime past has been in ill health,
was taken much worse while attend-
ing Grange Fair and since then has
been confined to bed under the medi-
cal care of Dr. Thomas, of Spring
Mrs. John C. Rote and son, S. E.
Rote, of Axe Mann; Mr. and Mrs. S.
R. King and two daughters, Miss
Erma and Phyllis, and Mr. Davis, of
Nanticoke, were week-end callers at
the home of their cousin, Mrs
Thomas Hull.
William C. Mingle drove in from
Akron, Ohio, for a visit with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle;
also his father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
A. 8. Stover. Mr. Mingle was accom-
panied by W. E. Orwig, who had
been in Ohio for two weeks. Harry
Burd and Mrs. Steryl Frazier and
small child were also recent guests
under the parental roof of Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Stover.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dale and
family, of Mifflinburg, spent Sun-
day in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sohl and son
returned to their home, after a two
week's visit in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reitz and B.
P. Lonbarger drove to Sunbury,
Saturday, to spend the day among
Mrs. Margaret Davis and daugh-
ter, Miss Francis Miller, of Lewis-
town, spent several days, last week,
at the home of Miss Anna Dale.
William Sweet has secured a po- heen married for almost a year, were mother,
sition as principal of the Millston
High school, in Elk county,
left town, Wednesday, to begin his
new work.
Rev. J. H. Wagner, of Hudson
Heights, N. J., will preach the ser- their home when they go to house- anq
keeping at State College during the pig
mon at the harvest home service
in the Lutheran church on Sunday,
at 10:30.
Our enterprising merchant, Lester
Brouse, has become a licensed avia-
tor and is enjoying frequent flights
in his recently purchased plane.
number of friends have had
pleasure of flying with him.
George Bohn, of Lemont, and Al-
C. W. Hassett is spending several
| weeks at Conneaut Lake.
| Miss Isabel Ward is off on a three
week's visit in New York city.
Mrs. Walter Gates is visiting her
home folks in the Buckeye State.
George Dreibelbis is his
| vacation in fixing up his front yard.
! Mrs. Susan Goss is visiting her
son, Samuel E. Goss and family, at
Mrs. J. C. Gates spent the latter
end of the week on a shopping tour,
in Tyrone.
| George Shreffler and family visit-
'ed friends in Sunbury the latter end
of the week.
Mrs. Margaret Ash and daughter
Joyce are on a month's sojourn in
the Poconos.
| Grover C. Corl is swinging the
paint brush on the Slagle home, at
State College.
James I. Reed has extended the
water line J00 feet to his home on
Chestnut street.
W. Paul Goss, of Northumberland,
spent the latter part of the week at
his parental home.
Samuel Storm and sister Lulu, of
Altoona, were Sunday guests at the
J. H. Bailey home.
The Milton Wieland family visited
Charles Rosenburg and family, at
Stormstown, on Sunday.
Curly Randolph and family will
occupy the O'Bryan home, on Church
street, by September 10th.
Harvest Home services will be
held in the Bethel Reformed church
Sunday evening, at 7.30 o'clock.
Will Elder, of Medina, Ohio, is
taking advantage of the dull times
to visit his Centre county relatives.
Walter Gates, a World war vet-
eran, has moved from here to the
home of his brother Clyde, at Ma-
Allen Burwell and two sons mo-
tored down from Tyrone and spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sallie
Miss Sarah Wieland, an operator
in the telephone exchange, at State
College, is spending her vacation at
her home here.
Earl Little and wife and Mrs.
Laura Goss, of Tyrone, were week-
end visitors at the J. F. Kimport
home, at Sunnyside.
Our ball players crossed bats with
the Dudley team, on Nixon field,
last Saturday, winning the game by
the score of 9 to 7.
After spending several weeks here
looking after some business mat-
ters, G. W. Ward has returned to
his home in Pittsburgh.
While at play, a few days ago,
Donald Shank received an ugly gash
on his right arm by coming in con-
tact with a rusty nail. Dr. Woods
dressed the wound.
After three month's treatment in
the Huntingdon hospital, Ralph Cox, |
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, was
brought home, on Monday, much
improved in health.
Miss Edwards, who spent several
years doing missionary work in In-
dia and other foreign lands, gave an
interesting talk in the Lutheran
church here, on Sunday evening.
Miss Lizzie Archey, who took the
Summer course at the Indiana teach-
ers’ college, spent Sunday with her
mother, leaving on Monday to re-
sume her work has a teacher in the
Bellwood schools.
We are glad to record that Will
Garman has so far recovered froma
serious injury that he has returned
from the Centre County hospital
and is able to do light work at his
farm home on the Branch.
Robert Miller and wife, after at.
tending the Walker family reunion
at Alfaretta park, on Saturday,
came here to spend Sunday at the
A. Stine Walker home. Mr. Miller
has been a mail carrier in Johns-
town for thirty years.
The Shoemaker m van took
a flitting from State College to Ohio, |
early in the week, and returning
brought back the household goods
of Ross Lytle who, with his family,
will move in with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Lytle, at State Col-
As 775 Are to $1.50
So Is $1162.50 To Us.
The generally depressed business conditions have slowed
up everything.
affected by it.
Not only industry, but the individual has been
In this office the most serious outcome of the depression is
the fact that collections are so slow that from week to week we
take in scarcely enough cash to meet the weekly pay rolls.
It is embarrassing to have to make such a state of affairs
public, but the situation has become so acute that we are forced
to swallow our pride and appeal to our readers for immediate
Today, Wednesday, September 3, there are exactly 775 sub-
seribers on the Watchman list who are paid up no further than
September 1, last. While some of them are in arrears only a
few days many are delinquent one or more years.
If each one of these 775 were to send us only $1.50 we
would have $1162.50 as a working capital to carry on business.
It would save us from the mental strain of worrying each week
as to where we are going to scrape up the money to pay the
hands on Saturday.
And really we believe that preoccupation
is sapping our ability to produce an interesting paper.
We know that probably many of our readers are having
just as hard a time as we are but $1.50 is such a small sum to
ask from each one of them, and so much in the aggregate to
us, that probably none would be inconvenienced by remitting it
in any way comparable with our inconvenience in trying to
carry on without it.
May we ask these 775 readers to consider the matter. Each
one can discover whether we are appealing to them in particu-
lar by looking at the label on this paper.
If the date is Sept.
1-31 or prior thereto then it is you to whom this is addressed.
We do not want those who are already paid in advance to
send more. That would only make matters worse, for already
we are in their debt and can see no way of getting out of it
without help from the 775 who are in our debt.
If you owe for several years and find it inconvenient to
send the entire amount remit only $1.50 now and follow later
with the balance. We could get through very nicely if each
one of the 775 were to send us that amount.
The Watchman has always had great confidence in the re-
sponsiveness of its readers. It believes that it would not be in
its present plight if they fully realized that the little bit they
owe, added to the little bits that hundreds of others owe, totals
important money.
Advertising income is at a low ebb.
That adds further to
the embarrassment for, unlike other business endeavors, a
newspaper cannot shut down.
In fact when
advertising is low
there is more space to be filled with news and, in consequence,
more costly composition to be paid for.
We have made this candid statement only because condi-
tions over which we have no control have forced us to it.
It is not a pleasant subject, nor will it be interesting to
those of our readers who are paid in advance.
we may not have to refer to it again.
We hope that
That hope is founded
on the fact that we have always regarded our readers as the
Watchman’s family and never have we appealed to them with-
out a response that has assured us that they regard themselves
Miss Virginia Dale was a caller
Sunday after-!
noon, prior to taking her leave for |
Philadelphia, where she will teach
in the public schools which will open |
She was elected a
teacher at three different places but
on friends in town,
September 8th.
decided to accept the Philadelphia
| position.
Mrs. Philips has quit the restau-
rant in the Everts block and return-
ed to her former home at Julian.
' Latest reports are to the effect that
J. H. Everts, of State College, will
take over the restaurant and also
engage in the coal business. He
already has the contracts for fur-
'nishing coal for the Ferguson and
Harris township schools.
Russell Fishburn and wife, who
| recently announced that they had
given a kitchen shower, Monday
| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
| Strouse. The young couple receiv-|
|ed enough to equip the kitchen of
ensuing week. Refreshments were
served during the evening and all
| the guests had an enjoyable time.
Thursday, for afew day’s visit among |
| friends, returning home, Saturday.
| They were accompanied by their
| daughter, Miss Elizabeth, and sev-
eral friends, who had been in at-|
as such.
May we not have a deluge of one-fifties next week.
Who will be the first to start whittling at that 775?
May it be reduced to 000 within two or three weeks.
Mrs. H. M. Stere spent Tuesday
with friends at State College.
Mrs. Elwood Way, who has been
seriously ill, is slowly improving.
Miss Leta Bassett is spending
her vacation at the home of her
Mrs. Jesse Hall.
Harold Keatley, of Washington,
and evening, at the home of the bride's D. C. is spending his vacation here
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Maggie Keatley.
y Way, of Bellefonte,
Mrs. Josephine Singleton, of
place, were guests of Mrs.
Anna Finch, last Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Hall and son Ken-
neth, accompanied by their uncle,
Geo. W. Lambert, made a business
trip to Akron, Ohio, last week.
The young men’s class of the M.
E. Sunday school held a picnic
|at Camp Askins, Thursday after-
noon, to which the young ladies
vin Reitz figured in an automobile tendance at the Christian Endeavor, class were invited.
accident, near the bridge, on Sun-
day evening. Fortunately, no one
was seriously injured and the dam-
age to both cars was slight.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goheen and
baby, of Hollidaysburg, spent sever-
al days in town before leaving, Tues-
day, for their new home in Indiana.
Mrs. Goheen's ts, Prof. and
Mrs. E. H. eyer, accompanied
them on the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart
drove from their home in Crafton,
| conference, last
| The Harris township schools open-
|ed, on Monday, with a large num-
| ber of pupils in attendance. The in-
| structors employed last term have
| returned with the exception of Miss
| Helen Greer, who taught home eco-
nomics. Miss Greer expects to en-|
| ter Columbia University for advanc-
ed work and Miss Kishel, of Spring
Mills, has been engaged to teachin
her place.
at State College,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Bullock, of
Pittsburgh, returned to their home,
on Monday, after several day's visit
at the home of his nts, Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Bulloc
James Myers, of Bellwood, and
Mrs. Charles Kerlin and children,
Imogene, Ethel and Wesley, of Ty-
rone, were recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hall, of Dix Run.
Mrs. Alice Bosworth and family
returned to their home in Williams-
ville, N. Y., last Saturday, after
spending two weeks visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Buck.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holter and
Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Hoiter and fam-
ily, of Howard, spent Sunday eve-
ning with their relatives here, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Eckenroth.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Keeler, of
Buffalo, N. Y., who had been visit-
ing for a short time with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bullock,
and other relatives and friends, re-
turned to their home on Monday.
Miss Sallie McGarvey is seriously
ill at the home of Mrs. Dora Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner and
daughter Dorothy were over the
week-end visitors at the home of
her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Toner
Calhoun, of Altoona.
There will be special service at
Dix Run church, Sunday, Sept. 6th.
by Rev. Russell W. Lambert, of
Roaring Springs, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lambert, formerly of this’
place, who will also be present and
give some of their favorite songs.
The Hall reunion will be held
September 7th, Labor day, at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hall, to which all relatives and
friends are cordially invited. Rev.
T. Max Hall, of Warriors Mark,
will be the principal speaker for the
Rev. Dr. Downes, wife and daugh-
ter, of Princeton, formerly of Ty-
rone, attended the Presbyterian pic-
nic, on Tuesday afternoon, at their
, church here. Rev. and Mrs. H. E.
Oakwood and daughter Marian, of
Milesburg, also attended. Rev.
Downes gave a very interesting
missionary address.
and Mrs. Grace Orwick, secretary
for the Larkin products, recently
held a picnic at the Community
park, at Port Matilda, which proved
a delightful gathering.
ners in the various sports were as
Guessing contest—Mrs. C. .
Crain, a bottle of Modesjiska per-
Bean race—Hazel Young, a week-
end toiiet package.
Children’s race, under 6 years—
Alice Williams, a doll.
Apple race, big girls—Anna Rob-
inson, shaving cream.
Apple race, little girls—Babe Rob-
inson, soap.
Boy's race—Kenneth Rice, pencil
Shoe race—Harrison Spotts, tooth
Jennie Woodring and Babe Rob-
inson were tie in one race and each
were given a cake of toilet soap.
A ————— AMAL
Customer: I'd like to see some
good second hand cars.
Salesman: So would I.
Mrs. Anna Finch, major secretary, |
Prize win-
Girl's race—Ethel Woodle, sachet. !
9:30 A. M. Church school; Her-
man Hazel, su tendent.
10.45 A. M., Morning worship; Ser-
mon: “The Grace of Gratitude.”
730 P. M., Vesper service; Ser-
mon: “Come, and See.”
Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor.
The regular schedule of services
will this Sunday with a low
celebration of the Holy Communion
at 8 o'clock and a choral eucharist
and sermon at 11 o'clock. The eve-
ning services will not begin until
later in the fall. Church school will
open at 9.45 on September 13th. The
Rector urges all parents and chil-
dren to cooperate in order that rou-
tine work may get under way the
first Sunday. Your attention is
| directed to an article appearing else-
where in this paper concerning the
| acolyte's festival to be held in this
| Parish, Friday and Saturday, Sep-
tember 11th and 12th, with the Rev.
| Dr. John Rathbone Oliver, of Johns
| Hopkins’ University, as the guest
| preacher.
Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey,
| Supt., 9:30, special exercise: World
| Service program in charge of Mrs.
M. R. Johnson. League, 6.30, has
big subject and prepared leaders:
| Extra events, good singing. Wor-
| ship—10:45, special exposition ot
| Scriptures: 7:30, Evangelistic serv-
|ice with sermon. Pastor responds
‘to all calls for service. Strangers,
| week-end visitors, commercial trav-
| elers, and the people of Bellefonte
| community always wicome.
| Rev. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor.
OR .—Real estate
i dwelling house
| Bellefonte.
| Hutchison.
| The
consisting of
and double house in
Estate of Margaret
| of Bellefonte, Pa.,
| 76-20-3¢
given that the First and Final Ac
EGAL NOTICE.— Notice is hereby
L count of F. N, an, Guardian of
Charles Tressler, a -minded person,
will be presented to the Court on Wed-
nesday, the 16th day of September, 1931
and unless exceptions thereto are filed
on or before September 12th, 1931, the
| same will be confirmed.
76-34-3t 8. CLAUDE HERR, Pro.
ters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon the
(estate of Wilbur T. Twitmire, late of
| Bellefonte borough, deceased, all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims against
the same must present them, duly au-
thenticated, for settlement.
HARRY BADGER, Administrator,
W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa
Attorney. 76-30-6t
HERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of a
i writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
| the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
‘tre County, to me directed, will be ex-
| Jered to public sale at the Court House
n the Borough of Bellefonte on
The Following Property:
All that certain tract or reel of land
lying in the Township of rtin, Coun-
ty of Centre and State of Pennsylvania,
Bounded and described as follows, to-
BEGINNING at the run on line of
David Bechdel thence South 051 degrees
| West 14.4 rods to stones; thence by
school house lot North 37%: degrees West
11.2 rods to post; thence South 51 de-
grees West 7 rods to a post in public
road; thence along said road South 37
| Bast 11.2 rods to post; thence by sai
land of David Bechdel South 51 ogrecy
West 25.6 rods to stones; thence by land
of William Miller North os efflees
West 5 rods to a t at ite jk;
thence South 76!% degrees West 83.1 rods
to a post; thence ort LY degrees
| West 23.7 rods to a post; thence uth
81 degrees West 25 rods to a post;
thence North 51'; degrees West 24 rods
to a post: thence by land of David Mec-
Closkey North 29 degrees West 15 rods
to a t: thence orth 42'¢ degrees
| East 49.8 rods to a post; thence by land
of Frank Packer North 25 degrees East
| 16.4 rods to centre of public road; thence
!along said road degrees East
114.5 rods to a post; thence South 85 ‘de-
| grees East 22.6 rods to a post; thence
orth 86 degrees East 234 rods to a
| post; thence North 72'% degrees East 14
rods to a post; thence Sou
t 8.6 rods to a t; thence uth
egrees East 17 rods to a by
leading to Old Saw Mili, thence
East 27.5 rods to run: thence along the
| same South 26 degrees East 9 rods to
| post; thence South 21; degrees East 34
!rods to the place of beginning.
! Containing 76 acres and 90 perches net
| measure. Excepting and Fenarving 2
acres and 49 perches sold to William Mil-
ler. Being the same premises which A.
{ A. Pletcher, administrator of William J.
Quay by his deed dated June 21st. 1927
and recorded in Centre County in Deed
{Book 137 at page 410 &c., granted and
conveyed unto Lewis W. Brungard.
| Together with all the defendant's per-
| sonal property.
| Seized, taken in execution and to be
| sold as the property of Lewis W. Brun-
| Sale to commence at 10 j'clock A. M.
of said day.
| Terms cash,
H. E. DUNLAP. Sherift
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
August 28th 1931 76-35-3t
(Summer Opening Time 7:00 p. m.)
Warner Baxter, Dorothy Mackaill in
| Paul Lukas, Eleanor Boardman in
| Joan Bennett, Hardie Albright in
| Sally O'Neil, William Collier Sr., in