Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1931, Image 7

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Pemoralic atc.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 28, 1981.
Everybody's happy. The patients
ve all the attention they need.
ie doctors are paid $4,000 a year,
ich in many cases, is more than
ey made before.
And, having made this pleasant
cord, the Saskatchewan and Man-
ba plan for keeping country doc-
rs in the country by providing
equate support for them, seems
ely to spread, according to an ac-
unt by W. W. Jermane in the
attle Times.
Since America is said toface a
ortage of rural physicians, justas
ese two Canadian provinces did,
r. Jermane believes that an ex-
anation of the Saskatchewan-
anitoba system may be interesting.
1¢ story he tells is contained in
he recent statement by Dr. C.
ifus Rorem of the Committee on
e Costs of Medical Care. The
'w system is built on the payment
rural physicians out of public
nds.” The details of the system
r. Jermane lists thus:
“Thirty-two rural communities of
iskatchewan have solved the prob-
m. Twenty-one physicians are
nployed full time by twenty of the
irty-two interested communities;
e other twelve communities, or,
ral municipalities—the name giv-
1 in Saskatchewan to an &rea
sughly corresponding to the county
the United States—use the part-
me services of seventeen physicians.
i addition, their physicians are em-
oyed on a full-time basis by three
these ‘municipalities’ in Manitoba.
“The system was first established
. Sarnia, seventy-five miles north-
ist of Regina, in 1921.
“Its success led other communities
» imitate it.
“Dr. Rorem says that Saskatche-
an ‘has for some years taken the
ad in Canada in the matter of san-
ation, immunization against conta-
ious diseases and has recently in-
agurated a system by which all res-
lents of the province requiring hos-
italization for tuberculosis may re-
sive both insitutional and medical
are at no direct cost to themselves.
“Municipal physicians, Dr. Rorem
iscovered as the result of his field
irvey, are usually hired when com-
iunities find that their existing med-
‘al services are inadequate or too
astly, or when physicians who pre-
jously served them die or move
way. In several local
hysicians placed before the com-
iunities the alternative of employ-
1g them on an annual salary, or
aving them go to better fields.
In one community, “two private
ractitioners complained that they
rere unable to make a living, while
any residents protested that the
harges for medical services were
jore than they could afford to pay,”
the writer, coming to cases:
“A municipal physician was hired
nd now covers the entire field
ormerly served by two physicians
1 private practice.
“Another community hired a mu-
icipal physician after the death of an
1d time family doctor who had serv-
d it twenty-five years. The suc-
essful applicant for the place was
elected from a group of thirty ap-
“Still another municipality adopt-
d the new system on the recom-
aendation of its leading physicians.
‘orty-two applicants presented
bemselves, and the position was
nally given to the physician who
ad suggested that a change be
“In another case, a physician who
ad been engaged in private practice
ao Saskatchewan for eighteen yeafs
nnounced his intention to leave be-
ause of inability to make a living.
ie was hired on a salary and re-
“In some instances, the municipal
hysicians serve only the rural pop-
dation; in other instances he at.
ends to the illnesses of town people
Ss well. Sometimes a part of
alary is paid by the rural munici-
sality, and a part by one or more
owns or villages which he also
“These municipal physicians keep
egular office hours, and make calls
mn patients who can not go to them.
n order to discourage rural patients :
vho summon them for trivial causes,
hey are permited at times to charge
ees for “first calls,” or to collect
nileage for county visits. Small
ees also are charged for minor op-
“Major surgery is seldom under-
akep. ¥
“Dental services are not included,
ave of the simplest kinds; drugs,
vhen furnished by the physicians,
re for by the patients. !
“Usually, the municipal ysician
uso serves as medical health officer |
‘or his community. Dr. Rorem
‘ound thst immunizations for scar-
Charges of Bribery Are Be-
ing Investigated.
New York.—An investigation into &
system of briliery whereby well-to-de
convicts sentenced to federal peniten-
tiarles at Atlanta and Leavenworth,
especially for liquor law violations and
stock frauds, have been able to get
themselves transferred to less oner-
ous confinement in army detention
been under way by the Department
of Justice for several weeks.
The first intimation of the existence
of such a system was obtained by
federal authorities here some months
azo with the discovery of a letter in
the pocket of Paul Rubkin, a convict-
ed watch smuggler, in the Manhattan
federal building. Rubkin, with Solo-
mon Rubman, secretary of the com-
pany, and Joseph Y. Pearlman, wae
sentenced to the Atlanta penitentiary
in July, 1930,
Rubkin Gets Two Years.
charges of smuggling watch move
ments valued at £050,000 into this port
from Switzerland and defrauding the
government out of £300,000 in duties.
Rubkin and Pecriman got two years
each and Rubman was sentenced for
18 months,
Some time later, however, when the |
federal authorities wanted Rubkin to
confront a new suspect and they sent
to Atlanta for him, it was found that
he was at Fort Wadsworth. He was
erwards when he was taken back to
Fort Wadsworth and searched it was
discovered that some one had given
him a letter while in New York,
The letter was from a conviet n.
Atlanta, It d'sclosed that the writer
had ohtained the necessary funds snd
wanted to follow Rubkin's example in
obtaining a transfer to Fort Wads
worth. Questioned by federal authori-
ties, Rubkin admitted that he had
bought a transfer for himself for
£1.000 and that his two associates had
also bought transfers, the prices he-
ing £1,000 and £500 each,
Learn of Transfers.
Department of Justice agents, nn.
der John Edzar Hoover, chief investi-
gator at Washington, began an inves.
tigation. They learned that other trans-
fers had been made under similar
conditions, However, It was not al-
ways easy to ascertain whether the
transfers had been pald for. Because
of the overcrowded condition of the
penitentiaries at Atlanta and Leaven-
worth, federal prison authorities have
fer as many prisoners as possible to
army detention camps. Nearly 1.500
these camps.
Among other notorious prisoners
who are sald to have obtained trans
fers from Atlanta to army detention
camps is Harry Goldhurst, operator
of a Manhattan bucket shop and
financial adviser of Bishop Cannon
and friend of Samuel Radlow, once
an Intimate of the late Vivian Gordon.
Goldhurst was sentenced to five years
in Atlanta for his bucket shop opera:
Leaves $5,000 So Dogs
Can Be Kept Together
Richmond, Va.—The late Herbert I..
Moorman of Forest and Lynchburg he-
lieved in taking care of his five dogs.
His will provides that $1,000 shall be
set aside for each of them, the money
to be expended for their benefit by
his nephew, L. Preston Collins,
As each dog dies, such portion ot |
the £1,000 allotted to him as Is unex-
pended is to go to the Baptist Orphan.
age at Salem,
Mr. Moorman said concerning his
pets in his will:
“It possible, I ask that my dogs
shall not be separated, but shall be
Rept together. They haye meant a lot
Public Jewish Weddings
Again Are Held in Spain
Madrid.-——The first official public
Jewish wedding since the expulsion
as easy as possible never
lor carpet that extends
| bed.
and this can be more easily swept
act of 1492 was celebrated In a Jew-
ish synagogue here, It united two
descendants of the old Spanish-Jew
| aristocracy.
While Jews have not been molest-
ed in Spain for the past century,
| they were unable to observe pub-
licly the ancient Hebraic rites. This
privilege Is now offered 2,000.000
Spanish Jews through one of the
—The size of the crop |
next year will depend largely upon
‘how well the to
| After all, what the many are doing to
make things better is of more conse-
|Quence than what the few are doing 10 and application of readily available becomes effective on
| make them worse,
—For late mG er afte | sary, will give a maximum growth
| when daylight lingers on past the
| evening hours there are diminutive
‘velvet coats with ruffled neckline
nitrogen fertilizer, whenever neces- will be handled as fast as
of tops. Led.
PREPARE PRINTED FORMS jon file in will be dupli-
ABOUT NEW FIREARMS ACT Cates of those which must be kept
by county sheriffs and city police
registration of
The new act will apply only to
ols or revolvers with a barrel
than 12 inches, a shotgun witha
than 24 inches or a rifle
announc- | Jess than 15.
Revolvers or pistols kept in a home
or place of business and not carried
on the person or in a vehicle donot
September 1,
forms are available, it was
‘and peplum.
| brocaded chiffons or mousselines
‘mint green or
topped by a modified poke bonnet of
trio had pleaded guilty to |
'I can't wear high necklines.
‘aren't becoming.”
| ago.
| the type
| things, you'll like this kind of collar
[for a change.
made it a practice recently to trans
Worn with the wf
daffodil yellow and
soft straw trimmed with velvet
flowers, they are knockouts.
camps, such as those at Fort Wads- |
worth here, and Camp Meade, Md., has |
skirted, tight waisted dress with a
tiny upstanding collar coming close
about her throat.
They say that history repeats it- |
self. And that's exactly what fash-
ion history is starting to do. Be-
cause necklines are growing higher
—nearer to the base of the throat.
Women aren't w tiny up-
standing collars close to their throats
-—yet. But they are starting to
wear soft draping and flat little col-
lars that come right up to the col-
lar bone.
By the time fall arrives, they'll
be wearing a lot more of them.
Watch and see if they don't. Watch
and see if you don't!
We've written much about the
“ladylike” trend of fashion during
the past few months. And that's
one of the things that's making
necklines grow higher.
The higher waistline is another
reason for it. Gradually the waist-
line has been moving up. And the
neckline couldn't remain as low asit
was or there'd be hardly any bodice
| a dress!
brought to the courthouse here. Aft- [let to
Some women have said to us, “But
We disagree.
Maybe you can't wear all the differ-
ent kinds of higher necklines. But
those of the throat. But there's a
trick to tnis. The side fastened
across can be undone and allowed to
fall back in a rever. (A good dress
for the changeable weather that's
bound to arrive.)
A real tailored turndown
like we used to wear a few years
This kind you'll find mostly
on tailored dresses—and if you're
that can wear tailored
There are other kinds of high
draped necklines—all soft looking.
The becoming surplice closes higher
this fall. The simple V neckline is
cut not quite as low for it has a nar-
row roll collar attached that fills in
the side, or a vestee effect to fill in
(the front.
And there's a new neckline that
looks much as though a baby's bib
had been attached to the dress. And
this too, comes, up higher in the
Plastron, it's called.
They're all smart and fashionable
for fall. And one way to distin- |
| guish whether a
prizoners have heen scattered through | dv lei Nke
dress is new or old.
—Slow and rythmic to soft
and dreamy melodies be the
1931-32 dancing mode as decreed by
the convention of Dancing Masters
of America.
Dorothy N. Kropper, president of
the New York Dancing Masters As-
sociation, said the day of the bois-
terous Charleston and Black Bottom
was far behind. She cited the pop-
ularity of the Brazilian “machiche,’
in which can be recognized the max-
ixe of 1914 vogue, but which is even
slower and more dignified.
—The new homespun bedspreads
are one of the most practical, as
well as attractive, fashions for the carry
look like
woven coverlet |
can be found at very reasonable
—The well-padded all-over carpet,
the field should be of the state police at Harrisburg.
clipped as the yellowing is pronounc-' All such licenses
ed. A new will come on city and
to be licensed. The act does
not in any way affect shotguns or
quickly in a healthy condition and new rifles such as are used ordinarily by
make a later cutting. each
| —An attractive, ineapensive gar- ; sg -_-
|den seat is inviting. It helps to EE -
eliminates the *
room only” situation which is so
‘conspicuous in many gardens.
—Cows giving milk need plenty of ||
water at all times and y in |}
hot weather, according to State Col-
lege dairy specialists.
—Winter barley is a possible sub-
stitute for winter wheat as a grain
crop in southern Pennsylvania coun.
ties east of the Alleghenies. It
yields better and makes a more ex.
Sellent feed for livestock than does
wheat. |
An old and often repeated piece of advice
is: Do not keep valuable papers and securities
—Pullels. op: range: will be bese: | where they are subject to loss by fire or theft.
fitted if the brooder house is moved
occasionally to a clean area. Plac- : : : :
To the HOpposs on ons euudd 5 A Safe Deposit box insures against this.
another small chore which will help | |
to prevent the. aed of Be It puts them where no one but the owner has |
and parasites. access to them. It prevents loss through care-
—Perennials may |
A Je t tia | less handling. It’s advantages are self-evident
garden catalogs, books, and agricul- .
tural bulletins for information on | and they repay, many times, the small cost.
— |
~Increasing numbers of farmers!
living near good markets for Christ- |||
mas trees are planting evergreens |
‘on their waste farm acres. Doubt- ||
less, Pennsylvania farms will even-'
tually grow all the Christmas trees |
ily Svoir’all lhe ‘Gliistans {rees BELLEFONTE, PA.
proiitable one. Your county agent ||
can help you to get started, lade — —— oe ————
~The month of August is a e
time to clean up the pasture fields ie] Li CJUERS
and get rid of weeds and briars. 5 p
Mowing the pasture also will cut [i
off the old dead grass and make [fg A
these ts more inviting to the Sf i}:
Hratony. v
amen oro me se ne 3 Baney’s Shoe Store |
‘anal the stomach of one of [ff He
these birds, there were found 7,000 Zr% WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 1
yellow sorrel seeds. 3 30 years in the Business :
In another, 6,000 foxtail seeds [i 1.
were found, and a third showed gi] 3
something like 5000 hawk-weed 4F BUSH ARCADE BLOCK 45
—In the general-purpose breeds, I BELLEFONTE, PA. ™
one male to every fifteen to twenty a
| fmales. Fewer males are needed the Tei
necessary a : gk on 2
| flock. an (= =
Too many males are
Some breeders aim to mate cocks | |
with pullets and cockerels with hens. ||
Cockerels and pullets may be mated
together if early hatched, and well | |
Keeping the American Boy
BEST-DRESSED with ....
Sonny Boy Clothes
~The Ohio experiment station is
advising the use of brooder stoves
in those laying houses which are
subject to extreme es in tem-
perature. Poultry raisers realize Jil
the disastrous consequences of a 40 |
to 50 degree drop in temperature, Ji
and can modify change without i
cutting off the air necessary to
off moisture. Shutting up
the chicken house to the point where HH
moisture accumulates, weakens the J
resistance of the whole flock to dis-
ease. i
—The annual loss of live stock by |
eating poisonous plants in Pennsyl- §
vania is greater than generally real- J
preferably in a plain neutral tone,
'is, from one point of view, the ideal
floor covering for the bedroom. It
im an air of and quiet
| that is impossible in the room with
laid onawaxed or painted
floor. But for practical purposes
floors so covered are very nearly as
undesirable as they were 20 or 30
| years ago when they definitely went
out of fashion. Vaccum cleaners
ized, according to E. M. Gress, bot.
anist, bureau of plant industry,
' ture.
“Often the loss is not reported to
a veterinarian nor to one who will
make the information public,”
Gress ed. “On a recent trip
into one county it was discovered
Pennsylvania department of agricul- | i
Dr. §i
. I
that five farmers in the neighbor- }§
do, of course, make them easier to
sweep, but the task of taking car-
pets up at housecleaning time and
the cost of having them relaid again
is as great as it ever was.
If you want to make housekeeping
use a rug
under the
Fluff and dust are bound to
from mattresses and bedding
hood had lost cattle within a period
of only a few weeks. The investi-
| gation proved rather definitely that J}
‘the trouble had been caused by eat-
ing water hemlock which was quite
‘abundant in the pastures, but none
of the residents of the section were
acquainted wih ay not |
“Every ir. thousands of dollars
are lost by the farmers of the State
up from a bare floor than from a from his one plant alone.
| carpet. Rather light-weight scat- |
ter rugs are the best for a bedroom |
and these should ideally be of a When
washable sort. | tain
trouble, especially in the early spring
pasture is meager, is moun-
laurel. The young laurel
It is not at all difficult to wash a leaves are green, tender and tempt- §
Some house- | ing to live stock. A search in a
“Another plant which causes I
$7.50 to $15.00
et-fever, small- typhiod fever, first official acts of the republican
ind diphtheria ‘have materially in- | government, which established free
:reased since the municipal 81 | dom of worship.
a a BB | pe
“Mone, me
iervice > ry raised on taxes on Ends Life in Trunk
‘eal estate. In the rural areas, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.—Stephen 8. Shit:
where the average farm includes flette, sixty-four, committed suicide
tbout 400 acres, the municipal phy- here by closing himself In a trunk
sician costs between $12 and $16 a and Inhaling chloroform. He took
year for the family of each farmer. | pistol into the trunk with him to use
‘ Several physicians declare tin case the chloroform failed.
reedom from financial worries in*|
ident to private practice has im-|
proved the quality of their profes- | 56000000000000000000000000
| small oriental rug.
wives actually wash their small or-
sional services.’ |
“No rural municipality which has
adopted the municipal doctor system |
has gone back to the basis of pri- |
vate practice, although the question
of repeal has been voted upon sever-
al es. The employment of a
municipal doctor in one community |
has often led neighboring communi. |
ties to follow suit. Five commun-
ities hired fuli-time doctors, and |
two part-time doctors between July
1, 1929, and July 1, 1930.—Literary
Digest. |
—If you see it in the Watchman | {000000000000000000000000
you will know it's true.
Iron Pot Unearthed;
Is 2,000 Years Old
Linkoping, Sweden.—A 2,000-
year-old iron pot measuring
more than 20 Inches in height
has been found near here, deep-
ly imbedded in sand. In spite
of its age the vessel Is In good
According to archeologists,
only two similar pots have been
found hefore in Sweden,
fentals in the laundry tubs, using
| moderately warm—not hot—water,
and mild soap. Others wash them
‘by laying them on a clean floor and
carefully scrubbing, first with soapy
water and then with clear water ap-
m2ans of a flesh brush.
Hooked rugs, so much admired at
the present time, may also be waskh-
ed without injury and almost all
the inexpensive cotton rugs designed
for bedrooms are of the washable
—Sweet Peach Pie—Sift 13% cups
flour, 1-3 cup sugar and 4 teaspoon
salt together. Rub or cut in %
cup shortening. Add 1 beaten egg
and 1 tablespoon cold milk. If the
egg is large or makes the mixture
| too soft, omit some or all
of the
milk. Chill the pastry. Roll out
like ordinary pie crust, and fill pie
tins. This recipe makes one pie.
Bake in a hot oven, 500 degrees, for
| 10 minutes.
use, with well drained canned sliced
Fill, when ready to
peaches. Sprinkle grated nutmeg
over the top and cover with sweet-
ened cream.
| pasture this where one farm-
1& had lost four head of registered J
| Holstein cattle proved that they had |
| been eating mountain laurel along a
| road which the cattle use in going
(to their d place. A half day's
| work along that road would perhaps
have removed this poisonous shrub.
| “In late summer and fall in many [Hi
| pastures which include thinly wooded |
' areas, is found the upland honest, or #§
| white snake-root.
| “One other plant which is not often
| suspected is the false hellebore. This
plant was sent to the department
| for identification with a note by the
| farmer sa that within a day 160
{of his little chicks had died after
| being fed this plant.
“Other plants growing in the Com- IH
monwealth and poisonous if eaten by | {ii
|live stock are sheep laurel, privet
| which is extensively used for hedges,
{wild black cherry, black locust and
| poison hemlock.
Farmers who lose live stock should §
consult a veterinarian and if poison- |
ous Janta are suspected the pasture
should be examined thoroughly.”
Sr —— lp —————
| ——Subscribe for the Watchman.
The American boy has always been the
best-dressed boy on earth.
We're helping to keep this reputation for
him—by featuring Sonny Boy Clothes—
suits and topcoats—in the new Fall pat-
terns, shades and styles.
Best of all, this superior clothing is avail-
able at prices lower than ever before.
A. Fauble