Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1931, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., August 28, 1931. |
Your Health
When the officials of the Chicago
Department of Health found that
hundreds of citizens were suffering
from a growing epidemic of “ring-
worm”, a fungus infection that us-
ually appears on the hands and feet,
they began to do some careful medi-
«cal detective work. |
They knew from previous experi- |
sence that golfers are more than or-|
dinarily subject to “ringworm” on]
the hands. Most of the cases re-|
ported showed that the victims of
the disease were suffering from in-
fection on their hands, so the many
miniature golf courses scattered
about the city immediately fell un-
der suspicion.
Dr. Cleveland J. White, a member
of the consulting staff of the De-
partment of Health, was assigned to |
the job of finding the causes of the
epidemic. One of his first moves |
was to collect clubs from several
miniature golf courses.
Several weeks later, a bulletin was
issued by the Chicago School of
Sanitary Instruction and edited by
Dr. Arnold H. Kregger, commission-
er of health. It contained a frank
indictment against the golf club as
a carrier of the dreaded ringworm
“It was discovered,” said the bul-
letin “that an ordinary leather-cov-
ered club handle used at a miniature
golf course accumulated a layer of
germ-laden material-—the result of
perspiration plus dirt, plus germs
from the diseased skin of individuals
‘who had used the clubs.
“Four ordinary leather-coverzad put-
ters were collected at a miniature
golf course and were wrapped in
‘clean heavy paper while in transit
to the laboratory. They were not
touched by anyone save the derma- |
tologist, and then only the wooden
portion of the handle. Scrapings
from the handles were made.”
The bulletin goes on to explain in
e that these
these products im December, 1911,
Pe —
Wickersham Commission Lauds
Pennsylvania State Police
The communication facili-
ties operated by the State
and local police in Penn-
sylvania were given spe-
recently as a factor in the speedy
Cited As Model For
When it comes to nerve-racking
dissonance, there's a world of dif-
ference between the gentle tapping
of typewriter keys and the fierce,
yat-apliiting din of a police pistol
Yet words tapped out letter by
letter on the white pages of queer
looking typewriters in a hundred
Pennsylvania police stations have
come to be as greatly feared by
fleeing criminals in this State as a
hail of police bullets.
For these machines, known as
teletypewriters, have been baffling
the most desperate and ingenious
efforts of bandits and other law-
breakers to escape the police after
the commission of crimes in Penn-
The reason for the amazing ef-
fectiveness of these electrically
motivated machines is easy to un-
wide network.
apprehension of
Major Lynn G. Adar: Superintendent
of State Police (with hand on receiving machine) and
Major C. M. Wilhelm, Assistant Superintendent, are
shown in the oval above reading a message at State
Police headquarters in
Harrisburg. State Police
are shown operating tele-
typewriter sending ma-
chines. The map shows
the extent of the State-
The boundaries of the five zones ave
shown by the broken lines. Major Adams and Dan
McKelvey, former president of the Pennsylvania Police
Chiefs’ Association, have also praised the system as
an important new weapon in law enforcement.
Rural Constabularies Throughout Country
Recent Nation-wide Survey.
munication system inaugurated by
the then Governor, John S. Fisher,
December 23, 1929. This original
system linked State and local
police units in 95 cities and towns.
Now more than a hundred are
interconnected. Future years will
see a steady expansion of the net-
work, it is predicted.
The teletypewriter system con-
necting the local and State police
in all parts of Pennsylvania pro-
vides an incredibly speedy and ef-
ficient communication plan for the
transmission of police information
throughout the State. There are
five zones, Philadelphia, Wyoming
(Luzerne county) Harrisburg,
Pittsburgh and Erie, from which
radiate special connecting wires to
outlying points. Each headquar-
ters unit sends messages to the
points within its zone and to other
tion system notable for speed,
accuracy and a written record.
When the operator in State Police
headquarters at Harrisburg de-
presses the “w” key on his tele-
typewriter there, the letter “w”
is recorded instantly on all receiv-
ing machines in the Harrisburg
zone, or in the entire State, if
Thus, if a gang of bandits were
to hold up a payroll messenger in
Harrisburg and flee in an auto-
mobile toward Altoona, the de-
scriptions of the criminals and
their machine would be flashed
speedily and accurately to all
communities along the rnads lead-
ing to the latter city, together with
the information that the fugitive
thieves were believed to be headed
in that direction. Similar data
would be flashed to cities and towns
language is no respector of facts.
as suddenly as it began.
What If
They Do
Hold Hands?
to a movie tonight!”
“Hello, Mary. This is Bill. What do you say
“Fine. Will you be out about seven-thirtyl™
80 Mary and Bill go to the movies as do
hundreds of other Marys and Bills and prob-
ably they hold hands—but they can hardly
be blamed for that. We all like the movies but
do we and Bill and Mary, as we are carried
away from everyday worries and cares, think
of the part electricity plays in the modern
| Jack—"I love the very ground you
| walk on.”
| Edith—"You said the same thing |be held
{to two other girls who work here.” |
Jack—"“Well, you can't accuse me | date
Steadiness of projection and clarity of tone
depend to a great extent upon the reliability
of your electric utility. Such constant service
is possible only because of the interconnected
generating stations and the experienced and
loyal employes of your power company—
many of whom are your own neighbors.
publican ticket, subject to the decis
of the Repu
blican voters of the Cou
at the privary election
ptember 15, 1931,
I hereby announce that I
for nomination for Sheriff of
Tather technical 1 derstand. Gunmen, bandits and {points in the system. The zone iene | Coun
scrapings were put in a solution in . ’ ; K1po : yoLem. in all other directions for a radius |of inconsistency. You and they all | tre ty on the Republican
crap fungi that attach themselves Others Hay Boe Sueseasfully amid boundaries are indicated by the| many miles, to prevent the flee- | walk on the same ground. 40 t A decision of She
to human skin rapidly develop. The a fus e of police gunfire im-| broken lines on the map. ing bandits from doubling back | fes to be held on Tuesday, Rr in
mixtures of scrapings and solution mediately after a crime, but even The New Jersey State and local along another route. | ates. Go dberg aud Mrs, Silver: 15, 1981. LE
were put in 20 test tubes. Fungi, the fastest automobiles cannot | police units have been linked to- Both Mai L GC A Mowhi 5 LA a LAMOREA!
recognized as the cause of two types earry them beyond the ever-|gether in a State-wide teletype- Sumit ajor on . Adams, |3a8 gossiping COUNTY TREASURER
of “ringworms” grew in eleven tubes. widening circle of intelligence | writer network, and messages | Superintendent of the State Police, | “T heard it today dot Abie Kazin-
Only one tube did not contain “ring- spread out by the teletypewriter | from Eastern Pennsylvania and |3Pd Dan McKelvey, former presi- |sky vos keeping a budget.” 0.0 rt hare Bi run
worm” germs. Every one of The to cities, towns and hamlets inthe Delaware River section of |dent of the Pennsylvania Police | “Vot—und his wife, too?" will be a candidate for nomination
four clubs was infected. advance of their flight. Their only | New Jersey are now interchanged. | Chiefs’ Association, have formally ’ She Republican, tecket for the ofiog
“This is the first instance,” the iv “hi "| The val f thi ie-up c¢ praised the teletypewriter for the — I ——————_— reasurer of Centre County, subject
alternative is to seek a ‘“hide-out” | The value of this tie-up can. be the decision of the voters as expres
bulletin read, "3 which fungi have near the scene of the crime. And |seen when the hypothetical case of | Part it has played in helping the | DEMOCRATIC at the to be held on Tues
Jocn Yeporeey tom 2 2 oe that means ultimate capture. a gang of bandits fleeing from police of this State in their con- | —— pea 15. 1s.
stances where a bie source of State Police Lauded Philadelphia towara the Jersey Stand i vlentien a Son the | wi Jon SHEERS tion for the ofics of Treasure
such “ringworm” tion apparent- High praise has been given the | 3hore section after a crime in the |¢ Ia class. now comes | - a 2 SEniuncs Centre County on the tic
ly has been definitely proven.” teletypewriter as a weapon of law | Pennsylvania city is visualized. |the Wickersham Commission with | will be a candidate for the nomination | ubject sium, US ya
The golf courses where thousands enforcement by the Wickersham [It is expected that New York |further commendation of this | Sheri oF Coe aeC cocket for the office of | to be held on Tuesday.
of people amuse thmeselves playing Law Enforcement Commission. In| State also will inaugurate a police | mechanical arm of law enforce- | decision of the voters ‘as expressed at . C. C. SHUBY
an abbreviated form of the Lora citing the Pennsylvania State |teletypewriter system in the early | ment. |the primaries to be held on Tuesday, + Balletonts
game are not, of course, the only Police as a model for rural con-| future. When this is done, the] The teletypewriters in use by | Sepeatiber 15%, tail Ponte 2 thorized to of "Philipebs
places where the disease which, in stabularies throughout the United | New York system will be inter-| police in Pennsylvania imila | I hereby announce myself a candidate (is a candidate for nomination
some cases,” is difficult to cure, is ug : ith th Ivani po: nay. ate SUNiar | for the nomination for riff of Centre | Republican —
icked up ’ States, the Wickersham Commis. | connected with the Pennsylvania | to those serving press associations, , subject the decision of the | Treas of Centre nt subject
P Public swimming pools where sion lauds the State Police as one | and New Jersey networks. What | brokerage houses and many com- Democratic voters at the ie primary elec- | the decision of the voters of the pe
many people walk about barefoot of eight State constabularies|this will mean to the discourage- mercial concerns with branch Yu oF" Buy suber SINIE H. HOY Tuesday, °8 pt aber "15. 1981. woe)
have been centers of “ringworm” which “really patrol the rural|ment of crime and the capture of | offices or plants located some dis- Y, Septem a.
epidemics in the past and still are areas and give protection” to sec-|criminals in these three densely | tance from headquarters. Use of | 0? A poinoriaed, lo Smouncs hat | dae” Py, nounce thet I ge
considered among the likeliest of tions which would otherwise be |populated States is obvious. these machines for police and com- a for nomination tor. Shartit of | ticket for the office of Treasurer of C
places to contract the unpleasant without it. How the System Works mercial communication purposes hire, County on the | Sinosratic Helet, | te Coun ty. sublect to the
and uusigully 2alaay. os B bul- The Commission calls specific] The XeletypeviFiters give the | has extended with marked rapidity as the the Prats bb Piet ha Ol
etin recently issu y the cago attention to th -speed com- nnsylvania a communica- | during the last few to be held , September 15, 1931. | September 15, 1931.
Department of Health says that ® high Pentsyivania po oa during ast tow yoann, —— ERNEST E. DEMI. Philipsburg,
Ythe floors of swimming NOOIS, DAH | .ecsmm—————————— COUNTY TREASURER AUDITOR
houses and gymnasiums have been -- Ev a We are authorized to announce that
found to offer a means for the dis- CROESUS CREDITED WITH HOPI TRIBE PRAY FOR REVOKE DRIVER'S LICENSE to SSUbY IBIS suntigate D. Musser, of Spring Mills, 1s a cs
semination of ‘ringworm’ of the INVENTION OF COINAGE RAIN IN ARIZONA WHO CAUSE ACCIDENTS | {fe County, subject to the decision of | uditor of Centre County. es
eet.’ — Se rr Election, to be September 15, decision of the the
Several epidemics of “ringworm” Authorities on the subject tell us Warning whirs of deadly reptiles Proposed legislation which he be- party. expressed at the’ primaries
were, in the past, blamed upon that it is to Lydia that we owe the mingled with boo on a lieves will remove accident causing ROBERT PF. HUNTER held on » Sept. 1981.
germ-laden leather straps in street- invention of coinage. In all times and chants of excited Indians in the motorists from the highways will be PROTHONOTARY We are authorized to announce
‘cars and several large cities passed and in all countries, the privil of annual snake dance of the Hopi submitted by Attorney General Wil-| We are to annonce thet | David A. Holter, of Howard boroug
ordinances forbidding the use of such coinage has been allowed the - tribe of northern Arizona. |laim A. Schnader at a conference of 3 Giauas Herr, Of [Delletinte, Pouna., a ciudidate for Bol for o
equipment in public conveyances. eign. Croesus of Lydia was the Those warnings were not heeded, A commissioners of uniform state laws of Centre County, on the |the decision of the * the
"The straps were replaced by wash- first monarch to introduce a bime- ,54 the snake clan danced and | at Atlantic City on Sept. 8, it was ticket, subject to the deci- | lican an sKBrsaned »
able metal “hangers” which, though tallic system of Sojnage—-goid and twirled for hours with thick-bodied | learned at the Capitol yesterday. sion of the Teutstus of vg to be on .
not immune to germs, were not silver in the proportion of about rattlers gripped between their teeth | Under Schnader's plan, States|ar the Primaries to be bod om Tuesday, OVERSEER OF THE POOR
nearly so unsanitary as the old leath- three to four. This was some time while others dangled from their | Would revoke the license of any mo- | September 15, 1981. We are authorized to
er strap. | between 560 and 546 B. C. Metal pands. torist who is involved in more than FOR RECORDER Alexander Morrison will be a candi
Salves and lotions containing mer- was chosen, doubtless, by reason of Likewise, an occasional bite two accidents in one year which in-| that | f0F, Overseer of the Poor of Bellefo
cury usually are employed in the its durability and, in the case of = ~=—oo 0." ‘rpare Were 2 Damm jure persons or damage property in|p' as AS, Jathorisn Spring I SRID. " at She Drimaries to De held on Septen
treatment of “ringworm” and these gold and silver, by reason of their g. i." jegpite the fact that f excess of $200 in the aggregate. a for for Republican voters: of the Ore n
‘are effective if the disease has not | intrinsic value. ilver and brass oo. ou geen into sweating A Provisions are made for the motorist of Centre county, = on no
reached an advanced stage. One were first used, particularly in oo iq qoncers who fondled the |t° ShOW that he was not at fault toket & arty, a Selon aut (he |, We are authorized to announce
modern method of fighting the fungi Greece, from a lack of clent Tes while dancing a braver fa |and therefore should not lose his | Primaries to be eld on Tuesday, Sep. | Edward W. Klinger, of east How
that feeds on the human skin is to gold. Later, however, this deficien- 0 V0o© POLCoR, © PIOWEC OY | license. tember 15, 1981 of the Poor of Bellefonte borough, :
gXpoas the le like sores of the cy Wis OVeRme. The ley liable plaza of the ancient cliff village . Similar laws have aimed only at COUNTY COMMISSIONER Sect to the declsitn of id Republ
malady -rays of the proper in- a me s e ue, | the financial responsibility of a driv- Rares
tensity. » y better it is suited fora standard. | Hopi priests the formula | er and propose cancellation of the Joie a pa ahoriie Rn Mg Tuesday, September 15th, .
—— The Greeks first issued real coin for a fluid, handed down from gen- | registration of the car if the machine | candidate for nomination for the of- JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.
| some time during the Seventh cen- eration to generation, which makes | jo involved in an accident where the |fice of County Commissioner, subject to —
ORIGIN OF THE GERM VITAMIN tury. By the fourth century the the poison of a rattlesnake harmless. | swner does not possess adequate in- the Sects in % tie yotsrs of ie iano. We se JOR oriatd to ? Bellet
by Dr. Morris Fishbein ‘entire civilized world used money. JY a Jno Senercudy by partic- | surance or sufficient personal wealth. to be Reis , September 15, 1981. Boro : as a candid TOF nom
What was once known as the vit- . “The fault with previous propos- announce that ustice
amin theory is now regarded as a TION ue the sun reached a point | 15 I believe,” said’ nader, pois 4 Susy. of “Patton iss and tat yards, sub ct to decision
well-established scientific fact. Two JAIL POPULA ghtly past the high noon mark it | that they do not remove the dan- | candidate for nomination for dod | the South and West wards of Bellet
hundred years ago a careful observ- | SHOWS INCREASE | sent a shaft of light through a hole | gergus driver from the road. He | Jf Commissioner on Centre County. OB | Bor, at the e primary election to be
er said that neither medicine nor dation <7 th ¢ silly} 15, 100 Center of 4 gmake kiva. This | can continue to operate other cars. decision of the voters of the party as | September 15th, 1961.
“surgery would help a patient with | The PO 8 i i. er! i the signal to commence the | mne mere fact thst he possesses in- | expressed st the Primaries to be held rer —————————
scurvy. This man named Cramer in May th EY casa ' Per | age-old ceremony. surance or person: | wealth sufficient Tuesday, September 15. 1981.
suggested the use of green e. | cent. OY op iy oo these | A high priest, his body gleaming | yy cover accident is no|_ We are authorized to announce that J.
tables or the fresh juice of oranges, county ‘ ag ona oe S3ine like bronze under a bright sum, raggon why he should be permitted | Victor Brungart, of Mies towiubip. Js 8 Fi I urance
lemons or citrons, as a relief for this South tS According do a report glepped Sort and Sigualled the start to continue to drive and cause ac- or ticket tor ofice of Commis. re ins
y 1 whil twirl ” oner County, subject
Pdouso a aa Stu 1804, public today by John L. Hanna, !roarers sent their challenge ringing cidents. decision of the voters of the oP as Does yours represent the val
"sailors in the British Navy began to State Secretary of Welfare. to all points of the compass. §xhressed at the Primariss te on || ue of your property five year
“ receive rations of lemon juice. Where-| The population was 6,100 on the| With preliminaries out of the way, Preacher—"“So you are going to We ~- “© hat ago or today? We shall b
‘as thousands of cases occurred prev- last day of May 1929 as compared snake clan braves passed the priest ? Have you anything laid |, "Wg one or i fimotuce: | I glad to help you make sure tha
iously during any year, the number with 8,821 on the last day of May |in single file, each receiving one or |up?” candidate for nol the office of your protection is adequate
was at once reduced so that the dis-|1931, indicating an increase of 2,- More snakes which, Sig a fan- Milkmaid Yes, Ive a rich uncle Count Som ssioner, subject to the your sida,
ease became exceedingly rare. | 721. c across plaza, were | laid up a paralytic stroke an 3
Among the Japanese a disease! The report further indicates that | transferred to the mouth and held [I'm his only surviving relatives. pany SapIitied at tho Detling 188 to on > ue proper
called beri beri was exceedingly prev- | during the month of June 9,802 per- | there while the wailers and chant-| ____ gabe COUNTY AUDITOR only partially insured—et w
alent. The number of cases in the sons were admitted and 9,997 were ers kept time to the beating shuffle of the |. We to that y
navy numbered annually from 25 to | released. of the dancers’ feet. Braves rusl ed to the center © | A. B. Willlams, of Port Matilda, Pa., is || Pring your protection up to date
40 per cent of the entire force. About | More snakes were added until it |plasa and tosseq the snakes in 3 | 3, ospdidate fof Memination X She oils :
1885 a Japanese named Takaki rea- rm seemed that some of the participants glistening mass in the center of a of Auditor of Centre County. on the Hugh M Quigley
soned that diet had some relation by Funk. He thought at that time were alive with reptiles, As the circle of sacred corn meal. of the voters of the party as expressed .
to the disease, and succeeded in hav- that he had isolated the beri beri day wore on the fervor of the cere-, There they rested a moment be- gi the held Tuesday, Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa
ing the diets of the sailors modified | vitamin in a gure state, and he gave | mony increased with chanting alter- | fore being seized and carried to the September 15, 1981. ’ , Pd.
by substituting barley for the pol-|it the name because he thought it | nating mournfully between high and | North, South, East and West and REPUBLICAN ALL FORMS OF
ished rice that had been the ef was an amine substance essential to | low notes. released so that “the little brothers a
constituent of the diet previously. life. The language that has grown! Only once a year does the light | of the underworld” could take the FOR SHERIFF.
At once beri ber! practically disap- | up about the vitamins is perhaps in find its way through the hole in the | prayers of the Hopi people back: te We are authorized to announce that L. 0 [ane
peared among the sailors. | general about as inaccurate as the | snake kiva. Disa of the | the gods of the underworld. Frank Mayes, of College township, is & nai
The name vitamin was to term “vitamin” it self. However, | shaft of sunshine enled the dance, Tourists and residents from all | .nqidate for nomination for the office
parts of Arizona saw the ceremony. |of Sheriff of Centre County on Re-