Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1931, Image 5

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Quite a number of towns people
>nt Sunday at Grange park.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bower drove to
cla Park, Thursday of last week,
ere they spent the day.
Elmer Weaver and family, of
flinburg, spent Sunday with Mrs.
;aver’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
virg, James E. Holloway, who had
:n quite ill, is again able to be
out the house, though not entirely
{enneth Orwig came
ron, Ohio, Saturday, to spend a
ek's vacation with his parents,
. and Mrs. W. E. Orwig.
Mrs. C. W. Wolfe, Mrs. J. M.
rter, her daughter, Miss Lydian,
o her son, Charles Harter and
nily, are camping at Grange park,
ntre Hall.
Fred Rachau, of New York city,
ived in town, Sunday morning,
d is the guest of his mother-in-
;, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Guise-
The ladies of the Reformed church
1] hold a food sale in the munici-
| building in Millheim, September
They kindly ask the patronage
the public.
Mr. and Mrs. William Caris and
o children, of Williamsport, were
ek-end guests at the home of
s. Caris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Russeii Sylvis, accompanied by
eral other Legionzires, of Mill-
m, drove to Easton as delegate to
» American Legion convention in
ision there last week.
Mrs. W. C. Wyle, her son James,
» grand-daughter, Miss Martha
‘tle, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Wyle's
«ce, Miss Evelyn Rhodes, of Avis,
re in the village one day, last
ek, calling on old neighbors.
Harold Orwig, accompanied by
.. and Mrs. A. S. King, their
ind-children, Mabel, Henry and
thur Smoyer, of Bellefonte, spent
short time, recently, with their
ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hen-
in Milroy.
Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Kleffel, of Al-
na, were seen in town, Saturday,
ving been to Woodward attending
» celebration held there. Rev.
effel was the pastor on the local
angelical charge until in March,
en he was transferred to Altoona.
Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Fred Gries-
r left, Thursday morning of last
ek, on the last lap of their vaca-
n. Going from here to Conneaut
ke Park, Pa. where they expected
spend their vacation, but on reach-
: there changed their plans and
ve on to Buffalo, N.Y, and
nce to Niagara Falls, where they
pect to remain for a time.
Mrs. Clymer H. Stover, her daugh-
. Mrs. Rothrock, and two sons,
sworth and Paul Stover, of Akron,
jo, who had been guests of Mrs.
yver's sister-in-law, Mrs. George
saver, left for their home in Ohio.
's. Mary Stover Guisewite, also of
ron, who had been the guest of
r mother, Mrs. Clara Stover, also
urned home, accompanied by the
sses Stover.
a —— A —————
Miss Helen Geer and mother, of
ck Haven, were in town on Satur-
Miss Anna Sweeny is visiting at
. home of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth
cobs, at Centre Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey and
by, of Indiana, spent a week
wong friends in town.
Rev. J. H. Wagner and family, of
idson Heights, N. J. are visiting
v. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner.
Mrs. Gertrude Wagner and niece,
ss Marjorie Slagle, of Altoona,
re visitors in town on Sunday.
Postmaster Jacob Meyer became
Thursday night, and has been
afined to his home several days.
Misses Alice Reitz and Winifred
‘mstrong are visiting with Mrs,
rrvey Mowery, at Elmira, N. Y.
Miss Francis Miller, of Lewis.
wn, accompanied by a party of
ends, was a caller in town on Fri-
y- i
Captain and Mrs. Ramsey and two
ughters, who occupied Hillside
use for several months, left,
ursday, for Philadelphia.
John F. Zechman, formerly a
sident of Boalsburg died at his
me at Beaver Springs, last week,
er an illness of many months.
Among the preparations for the
ening of the school term Charles
gner papered three rooms in the
~n building and the Rock Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sohl and
a Charles, of Philadelphia, are
ending their annuai ten day's va-
tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
arles Segner.
A number of families from town
a camping at Grange Park, this
ek, while a number of persons are
iving to Centre Hall for a day's
ting at the Park.
The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. |
orge C. Hall, of Wilmington, Del.,
il regret to learn that on account
failing health they have abandon-
their usual summer visit at their
me in Boalsburg.
The women's class of the Luther-
Sunday school gave a party at
a Tavern, on Friday evening. The
‘air was a farewell for Mrs. Dora
ilcede, who expects to return to
wistown after spending the past
ar in this vicinity.
Miss Blanche Rowe, of Harrisburg, |
d Mrs. Harry Kuhn and daughter
irgaret, of Williamsport, spent
it week at the home of George
we. Mr. Kuhn joined the party,
turday, and was accompanied by
s family on his return home.
Jane Swartz, eight year old
ughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F.
artz, of Monument, was bitten on
> leg by a copperhead snake, last
ursday evening. Prompt atten.
n was given the wound and she
s now recovered from the effects
the bite.
in from gain
Speeds far in excess of any pre-
viously shown by the new two-man
viously shown by the new two-man
predicted for the national cham-
pionships on the famous Altoona
speedway Labor day.
With the race for the title devel-
oped into one of the hottest last
minute battles in the annals of the
speed sport, the jockeys leading the
standing will be compelled to throttle
their motors many notches faster to
the place they are seeking.
A higher place in the rating their
goal, many of the lads who ran the
ourth of July classic have been
working constantly on their cars
ever since in the hope of arriving
at a better combination. Some of
them have been successful and others
continue dissecting their tiny mo-
tors for the least possible flaw which,
if corrected, might prove to be the
“monkey gland” for their September
7 ride.
Freddy Frame, the California ace
who finished only 41 seconds behind
Lou Schneider Memorial day when
the one time motorcycle cop won
the grand prize “500” at Indian-
apolis, is one of the consumers of
midnight oil who has been success-
ful in his attempt to add more speed
to his mount. In competition down
east Frame has arrived at a combi-
nation which has added 10 miles an
hour more speed to his flashy Due-
With this newly acquired swift-
ness helping his chances, Frame is
heralded as the next champion of the
speed realm. He is only 100 points
behind Lou Schneider in the title
standing and the 180 points await-
ing the winner of the two 25 mile
sprints and the 100 mile feature
classic in Altoona, September 7,
would put the Californian on top.
He still would take the lead with
only the 120 points allotted to the rT
winner of the century run.
But to do this Frame will have to
step on it, for equally ambitious for
points are Jimmy Gleason, Ralph
Hepburn, Chet Miller, Zeke Meyer,
Lou Moore, Bill Cummings and a
host of others. And to hold Frame
in check these boys must step onit
too. So with everyone stepping on
it, there is a certainty that the aver-
age for the century will be far bet-
ter than the 111.5 mile an hour galt
of Billy Arnold here June, last year,
the fastest average ever turned in
for the new type two-man cars.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Washing-
ton, D. C. are visitng Miss Nelle
Miss: Esther Schenck, of Cleve-
land, is spending her vacation at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McNull, of
Gloucester City, N. J., are guests of
Miss Mary Allison.
Mrs. Ivan Chatham and children,
of Altoona, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Pifer.
Mrs. Dean Bennett, of Lock Ha-
ven, spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs. Clara Butler.
Miss Lula Schenck entertained the,
members of the Sewing Circle, at
her home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Stella V. Williams spent the
week-end at Ebensburg, the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. George Griffith.
Rev. Howard Robb and son, of
Export, Pa. are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pletch-
The members of the Keystone
Bible class were entertained by Mrs.
G. A. Ekdahl, at her home on Wed.
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer
spent Sunday with the latter's cou-
sin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lutz,
at State College.
The members of the Evangelical
church, at Fairview, will hold a fes-
tival at Harry Pletchers, this Satur-
day evening, August 29th.
The Howard Community Health
Service will hold another clinic in
the room formerly occupied by Wal-
ter Yearick, on Tuesday afternoon, J
September 1st, at 3 o'clock. Doc-
tor and nurse will be in attendance
to examine, measure and weigh the
Mrs. Watson and daughter, Mrs.
Parson, Mrs. Pfeffer and Edna Re-
ber, of Carlisle; John Yearick, of
Philadelphia; Mrs. Emily Stutzman,
son Clyde and two sons, and Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Plankenhorn and chil-
dren, of Williamsport, were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. I. Reber.
(Summer Opening Time 7:00 p. m.)
Marion Davies, Leslie Howard
in Fannie Hurst's
Adventures in Africa and News
Ricardo Cortez, Kay Francis in
Betty Compson, Conrad Nagel,
Robert Ames in
Warner Baxter, Dorothy Mackaill in
Adventures in Africa and News
——Paul Krape, ten year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Krape, living
on a farm near the Zion cemetery,
had six teeth in his upper jaw knock-
ed out and face baly lacerated by
being kicked by a horse on Wednes-
day afternoon. He was brought to
the Centre County hospital where
OR SALE.—Real estate consisting of
dwelling house and double house ir
Bellefonte. Estate of Margare
of Bellefonte, Pa.,
EGAL NOTICE.— Notice is hereby
given that the First and Final Ac
count of F. N. Fagan, Guardian of
Charles Tressler, a weak-minded person,
will be presented to the Court on Wed-
nesday, 16th day of September, 1931,
and unless exceptions thereto y Sled
, the
on or before September 12th,
be confirmed
same will i
HERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of a
write of Levari Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre County, to me directed, will be ex-
to public sale at the Court House
n the Berough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY, September 4, 1931.
The Following Property:
A certain tract or parcel of land situate
in the Township of Ferguson, County of
Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bound-
ed and described as follows, to-wit: —
Bounded on the North Main Street
or State Highway: on the t by lot of
Nancy Snyder (Formerly William Mus-
ser); on the South b an alley and on
the West by a lot of William Collins
(formerly Missionary Lot),
The lot being 58 feet wide on State
Highway and extendin, back the same
width a distance of 175 feet to an alley.
This being the same premises which
Robert F. Sample, agent, by his deed of
May 2nd, 1891, recorded in Centre coun-
ty Deed Book No. 74, Page 341, ranted
and conveyed the same to James I. Reed
the 30th day of March, in the year of
our Lord 1920, recorded in Deed Book
No. 125, Page 89, in said eounty. and
now being the property of William F.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of William F.
Sale to commence at 10:30 o'clock A.
M. of sal
Terms cash.
H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
Aug. Sth 1931. 76-32-3t
Auditors’ Statement
For The
School District of Bellefonte Borough
for the Year 1930-1981:
Assessed valuation of taxable
proper surgical attention was given
and was then taken home.
OTICE is hereby given to all persons
interested that the following inven-
tories of the goods and chattels, set
apart to widows in accordance with the
visions of the Fiduciaries Act of 1917
ve been confirmed ni si the Court
and If no exceptions are fil on or
about the first of next term the
will be con absolutely.
1. BARTGES. The inventory and ap-
nt of the of
illiam D. Bartges, late of
his widow a Was set at oe
2. BOONE. The inventory and appraise-
ment of the al propaety of Lewis
C. Boone, late of in Township, de-
ceased was set apart to his widow Ella
J. Boone.
3. ECKEL. The inventory and appraise-
ment of the personal property of John
P. Eckel, late of Bellefonte Borough, de-
ceased, was set apart to his widow, LMl-
lian S. Eckel.
4. EVES. The inventory and appraise-
ment of the pe property of John
P. Eves, late of Half Moon Township, de-
« d, was set apart to his widow, EI-
len N, Eves,
Apparaizsmint of the personal property of
. C. Frankenberger, late of Penn Town-
ship, deceased was set apart to his wid-
ow, Annie Frankenberger.
6. HOSTERMAN The inventory and ap-
raisement of the personal property of
. E, Hosterman, late of Haines town-
ship, deceased was set apart to his wid-
ow, Susan Hosterman.
7. HARVEY, The inventory and ap-
raisement of the personal property of
gene F. Harvey, late of Philipsburg
Borough, deceased was set apart to his
widow, Jennie E. Harvey.
8. HALL. The inventory and appraise.
ment of the personal property of C. G.
Hall, late of Unionville Borough, de-
dece was set apart to his widow,
Mary M. Hall
9. KAUFMAN. The inventory and
Jralzement of the personal propert of
ames W. Kaufman, late of alker
Township, deceased was set apart to ‘his
widow ssie F. Kaufman.
10. MOORE. The inventory and ap-
raisement of the personal property of
Ww 8S. Moore, late of Ferguson Town-
ship, deceased was set apart to his wid-
ow, Margaret E. Moore.
11. ROSSMAN. The inventory and ap-
raisement of the personal propert of
0. W. Rossman, late of Ferguson
ship, deceased was set apart to Anna M
12. SECRIST. The
raisement of the
seorge W. Secrist,
ough,, deceased
ow, Eva I. Secrist.
inventory and ap-
Jersonal hoperty of
ate of Mi
own- |
llheim Bor-
was set apart to his wid-
13. SCHROYER, The inventory and ap- |
ment of the personal property of
H. Schroyer, late of 2
Boggs Town- |
ship, deceased, was set apart to his wid- |
ow, Kathryn E. Schroyer.
14. WARNTZ. The inventory and ap-.
raisement of the personal
m. C. Warntz, late of H
ship, deceased, was set apart to his wid-
ow, Catherine Warntz.
15, WOODRING. The inventory and ap-
roperty of
nes Town-
Scott Milton and Ruth Turner,
both of Port Matilda.
Guy T. Shunk and Dorothy M.
Lingle, both of Centre Hall.
Reuben Emenhizer and Mae Car-
son, both of Orviston.
Bond L. Brungard and Gladys L. |;
Houser, both of State College.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Aer of having been
granted to the undersigned upon the
estate of Wilbur T. Twitmire, late of
Bellefonte borough, deceased, all per-
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims
he same must present them,
thenticated, for settlement.
HARRY BADGER, Administrator,
W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa
Attorney. 76-30-6t
duly au-
Elmer Breon
of Centre County
I pledge myself, if elected, to save money for the taxpayers
wherever it is possible in discharging my official duties.
Political Advertisement.
Continuous Showing 2 to 11 p. m.
Friday, This Week—
“Big Business Girl”
Loretta Young—Ricardo Cortez.
First Run Graham MacNamee
News Comedy.
Saturday, This Week—
“Danger Lights”
New Show Season ns and
The Richelieu A in
Mon., Tues., Wednes. —
Will Rogers in
“Young As You Feel ”
om po great picture
with a great star, Wi
Will, in swanky clothes,
I town red ranks clothes, alata the
The laugh tonic of the season.
Shows 7.15 and 9.00 Daily
Now All Week—
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, in a
Thrilling Aviation Picture,
One of the Big War Specials
of the New Season.
Mon., Tues., Wednes.—
A Thrill Picture
of the South Seas,
“ Paradise Island ”
A Great South Sea Drama
with plenty of action.
9% Ose Car Sale 33
Due to the large number of Used Cars we are trading in
on the "BIGGER AND BETTER” Chevrolet. we will
offer at new Greatly Reduced Prices, our stock of Used
Cars. You will fin1 real bargains in both guaranteed and
Come in and look them over.
Look at. These Bargains
PODEPLY: eosiisuprasss i stsvesisibinsiscissviersosd 6324 lt of the personal probert |
Number ot mili jevied 1916.0 George W. Woodring, late of" Worth |
Number assessed with per Towhanip, eceased, was set apart to his |
CRAP: BUX .corsszsiirsmsirsemomsorinssnics 2639 widow, lrene Woodring,
Rate of Der capita tax... 2.50 16. WOOD. The inventory and appraise-
Amt. levied (face of Dup.): ment of the personal property of Arthur
Per capita ................56647.50 Julius Wood, late of State oles Bor-
Property ovis ehiitmiasssion 40242.70—8$ 46890.20 ough, deceased, was set apart to his wid-
jaditions 10 duplicate... 25.00 ow, Helen K. Wood.
TTREBEE an iuincnsromessicrisissesvirmiroscons
Total amount of fax s7306.87 17. WOODRING. The inventory and ap.
Net Amt. 1930 . - alsement o. Lhe perso ry 90
tax collected .3 4130.52 Borsey E. Woodring, late of Milesbur,
RECEIPTS | Borough, deceased, was set aside to his
Balas. on. tian a I widow, Ellen M. Woodring,
C 1a uly. 1930 ..... 3753.
Temporary loans Ys 190 we $000.00 HARRY A. ROSSMAN
Sales of property, insurance etc. 1787.19 76-33-4t Register.
THREE | cumussarsrersasisassicicisns .$44180.52
Delinquent .....omseos 4774.95
State appropriation .60
Tuition—Non-resident p 18894.00
All other sources ... 480.33
Total receipts $9605.18
General Control (A) $a:
SEEPULAEY. sersressesrsssvininssrisesrssisesnsmasans 200.00
Treasurer teaviromieny 300.00
Tax collectors .. 1491.32
Auditors and publishing state-
ment .... Sistas ees ess 141,00
Com. education and census .... 110.00
Other expenses, including ap-
DPUIBHT consi ressiasssssmsereresmmenesson 586.77
Total Hem (A) ences $ 2888.09
goluirustion (B) .
alaries of supervisors ..... . 6849.99
Other Ex, Prin. office and clerk 1085.00
Salaries of teachers .............. 47625.70
TeXIDOOKS .vieriressrssssisssusrsssasrssscessens 2263.03
Supplies used in instruction .. 4366.47
Attending Teachers’ Institute .. 740.00
Tuition — 173.50
Other eXDENBEE .......comrsmios 729.98
Total item (B) .coonninn§ SIRIS.00
Auxiliary Agencies (0)
Promotion of health ......... $ 456.20
Transportation of pupils - 78.81
Other expenses ..... -— 25.00
Total item (C) .. ..s 559,61
Operation (D) cheap cars.
Wages of Janitors $ 3704.48
po etistes— 1809.49
Water, light :nd power 1060.85
anitors’ supplies ....... 538.
Other expenses ..... — 327.48
Total of tem (D) .....oond T440.83
Maintenance (E)
Repair of buildings ......... $ 784.54
Repair of grounds .............. 98.00
Repairs and replacements:—
f heat, light and plumbing...
Of ap fue... a
Of furniture -
Of other equipment .
Total of Hem (B} cones
Fixed Charges (F)
State Retirement Board .
Total item (F) .
Debt Service (G)
Balance on hand July 1, 1931.8 6373.51
Bal. on hand July 7, 1930
Rec'd duri current year .... .
Rec'd from interest ........ 466.37
Total receipts $ 21127.74
Paid out to redeem bonds 00
Bal. on hand July 6, 1981 74
School sites, buildings and
eqUIPMENt iirc $
Accounts receivable
Sinking fund ........
Bal. in treasury .
Total assets
Bonded Indebtedness
Short term loans
We hereby certify that we have ex-
amined and audited the above accounts
and find them correct, and that the se-
curities of the officers of the beard are
in accordance with law,
; ED
ly 31st, 1931 ro Auditors.
oy 76-83-31
253 A Ford Sedan
335 Hud: un "Toach
329 A Overland Coupe ..§ 9.99
327 A Chevrolet Sedan ....
338 A Chevr ‘et Coach ....
BS uu Yund 3 ae 291 A Chevrolet Coach _...
| Interest on short term loans 933.59
a ion, we 234.43 346 A Pontiac Sedan
Total of item (G) .. eT 298 A Chevrolet Coach .... 199.99
TE Des pal 308 4 Ford Roadster
tl er AY pe get 311 Whippet Coupe
SUMMARY 323 A Chev. Truck and
Total payments: 9010,18 25 p body .....en.
Items (G-H) .... 10361.60— 93231.67 ord Coupe
324 Chevrolet Coach
312 A Oakland Coach
345 A Chevrolet Cabriolet 224.99
347 Chev. Truck, 1-2 ton
reitrs $274.99
257 A Chevrolet Cabriolet 274.99
321 Chevrolet Coupe
292 A Chrysler Sedan
337 Ford Coupe, almost
305 Truck and Cab, al-
most new
R 330 Chevrolet Sedan ....
100 X Chrysler Sedan
These Cars are Priced to Move Fast . . . . . Easy Terms--Trades
Sale Ends August, 3 1st,
Decker Chevrolet Co.
© Telephone 405
Bellefonte, Pa.
Cor. Spring and High Sts