Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1931, Image 1
INK SLINGS. —Eddie Cantor says that the trouble with the country is not over production, but ‘over predic- tion.” And Eddie is everlastingly rightt From the moment natural economic laws stuck a pin in infla- tion, which our Republican friends | were pointing to with pride as the kind of prosperity they brought by applying their principles to govern- ment, their spell-binders have been bobbing up everywhere with pre- dictions that good times are just around the corner. Eighteen months ago, when the old boot straps just wouldn't lift the business world an inch higher and thousands and thousands who wouldn't believe that stocks that go up are sure to come down were left holding the bag the bottom fell out of everything. Immediately the predictions began. | The let-up was seasonal. It was only a temporary period of re-ad. justment. There was nothing fun- damentally wrong and in a few months the country would be on its merry way of living beyond ite means again. The few months The predictions were not fulfilled. Con- ditions grew worse. Bread lines began forming and President Hoov- er began appointing commissions. We don't know how many millions there are in the bread lines, but certainly they can't be longer than all the commissions that the Presi- dent and the Governors of the States have appointed would be if they stood up side by side. However long the two lines would be, if put together, they have not been long enough to reach the spot that was “just around the corner” eighteen months ago. The buckles on millions of belts have been pulled up several holes since then and sane thinkers, whe Under the Dawes agreement the buy in the cheapest market and sell radiant hope of Pinchot. are not concerned as to who will be elected president in 1932, are unan- | imous in the belief that new holes will have to be made in the belts be- | fore next spring, if the masses have | any pants left to be held up by then. | The outlook for the winter is dreary indeed for all but the d- | ns who can exist on the i e of predictions and sions. Pinchot wants to spend millions on roads—and have an extra session of the Legislature. That's his es for the trouble and his ‘“ballyhoo’ for the control of the Pennsylvania delegation to the next national con- vention, which he hopes will nomi- nate him for Vice President. Hoover wants to spend millions on public works. He wants the world to believe that his Department of LALO ahd Ibdusicy i telling the nearly in the country as there seems to be. He wants us to hope that some commission he might ap t will | get somewhere, instead around in a circle. The President is a great engineer, but the fog is too dense for his compass and he's teco dense to fly blind. We don't often agree with our United States Senator, “Davy” Reed, of Pittsburgh, but we are with | him on his recently expressed idea that the calling of extra sessions of Congress and tures is as great a folly as predictions and com- missions. e thinks the problem of Sating for the unemployed dur- ing the coming winter is a local one. 30 do we. Every dollar the Federal govern- ment spends, every dollar Governor Pinchot authorizes for new roads or more secretaries for his wife comes ut of pocket and ours. Some are ies to think they jon't, but they do. Imposts on foreign made goods, axes on domestic luxuries and in- omes are what keep the federal rnment going. ou ig in- | y, your share of it, when you smoke a cigarette or buy a Eve Ww: or Harris surg does you pay for. In 1912 sour share of the of govern- end of predictions Let Bellefonte and We're against million dollar bon. ises to heads of corporations that en- oy the benefits of tariff taxes we ay. We're against five thousand lollar men—getting fifty thousand Ne're against the Hoovers and the inchots spending our money in an | 'mergency when we could spend it | vith less cost and more equitably. | If needs be we will gladly pay ‘til | t hurts—and still pay after it does —to help those who might be in eed in efonte this winter. But ve rebel at money on com- | aissions and needless public under- akings in which probably not forty | er cent of what we pay reaches Bese whom it is supposed to bene- | | i i i | i i SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR, —Pupils in Butler county schools will only with paddles of soft | pina not more than a fourth of an inch thick in the future, and the principal | will be a witness to the punishment. | —The Sheldon Manufacturing company, at Elkland, Tioga county, has received a big order for tent stakes from the United States government which will keep the plant running at full time during the next year. A force of a hundred men will be employed on the work, “a VOL. 76. The Wiggin committee, one of the STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. | violation of that pledge and the ex- prises, has sadly dissappointed ex- tion at Washington has paid tardy pectations. It was created for the but just tribute to the law of sup- purpose of discovering and disclos- ply and demand. In a foolish effort ing the cause of the world-wide to stabilize the price of coffee the economic depression, especially in its government of Brazil has acquired relation to Germany's financial dif- a considerable quantity of that prod- ficulties. In its report, made public uct of the soil. With an equally ab- a few days ago, it is stated that the surd purpose of fixing the price of distress “has been greatly aggravat- wheat the government of the United ed by imposing annual payment of States has accumulated a vast quan- large sums by debtor to creditor tity of that cereal. In both cases the countries, while at the same time expectation of those responsible has putting obstacles in the way of the been disappointed. In each the prin- free movement of goods.” ciples of economic law have been This is a direct and deserved ar- grossly violated and the result has raignment of the Grundy tariff leg- been immense financiai loss. The islation of the last Congress. The huckstering enterprise is an insane Versailles peace treaty imposed up- scheme to minimize the damage. on Germany what was admitted at In the natural course of commerce the time to be an onerous burden. the surplusses of one section But it was confidently believed then are absorbed by the necessities of and is still believed that with a fair another. The soil of one section opportunity for the development of being especially adapted to a cer- term at least, in the White House in railroads—high taxation, high operat- commerce, it could be courageously tain necessary product it is cul- met and successfully discharged by tivated cheaply and abundantly for “payments in kind,” which is to say exchange for other products of oth- in the products of the mills, mines, er sections which enjoy the same fa- | factories and soil of Germany, in- | cility in the production of other nec- tensely cultivated and wisely mark- essaries of life. eted. | The fundamental principle of political economy is to obligations were promptly met fora in the dearest. The exchanges in considerable period of time. There this natural manner, not by govern- was some complaint of mismanage- ments but by individuals, is the es- ment on the part of German author- sence of wise commerce and prosper- ities that caused “hard sledding” ous trading and the pathway to pros- now and then and the Young plan, perity. It represents the highest which afforded some relief, was sub- type of industrial and commercial stituted for the Dawes agreement. endeavor. Under these changed conditions the But the present administration in commis- process of liquidation was moving Washington pursues the opposite | portunity. | forward hopefully, if not confidently, course. In the first place, by the nominal ineptitude has createdacon- t, assist them with a blanket rate- toward achievement until the Grundy adoption of an atrocious system of dition for Pinchot and his versatile rise? tariff law was enacted and approved tariff taxation it closed the markets by President Hoover against the of the world to the products of our | protest of a thousand famous econ- soil and factories and then by way omists. (of indemnity to the victims under- William McKinley was elected took to fix prices at a paying level President in 1896 as the result of a by operations in the speculative false promise made by Senator Sher- markets. Brazil had previously man that in the event of his election proved the fallacy of that method there would be no tariff legislation. and it is eminently fit that both of- : fenders against deal in the hope er at the expense of the producers and consumers at both ends of the line. It expresses the logical result of administrative stupidity. MA o thi iischievot He fir ition to that m ] legislation was the panic of 1897. Hoover solemnly promised that in the event of his election the only tariff legislation would be to give agriculture equality with manufac- ture. The Grundy law was the —If China is going to buy wheat in this country why not draw on this year's surplus instead of reliev- ing the Farm Board ofits white elephant ? isting depression the consequence. ——The late President Cleveland gained popularity and public favor business principle | An - is working saving oth- his Detroit speech 'ed that credit for achievement might . | hesitation.” by “the enemies he had made” and sometimes history repeats itself. Playing Politics With Human Misery If ever a man ‘played politics with human misery” Herbert Hoover is absorbed in that sinister employ- ment now. During the last session of Congress he antagonized every practical device for the alleviation of human suffering because he imagin- be ascribed to some one other than himself, and the paralytic economic depression was aggravated and pro- longed because of his attitude on the subject. The prompt adoption of Senator Robinson's relief plan would have saved much of the human suf- fering incident to the drought, and the approval of Senator Wagner's measure for providing employment would have averted distress in all sections of the country. Senator Caraway, of Arkansas, in an interview published the other day, calls to mind the use to which Hoover and the Republican National committee are trying to put the moratorium decision. He says “it is notorious that President Hoove came to his moratorium de- cision with extreme reluctance and It is equally well known that eminent Democratic econ- omists and industrialists had urged the course on him for weeks, and that despite this pressure and that of statesmen of his own party, he delayed until the action came almost too late to avert a world catas. trophe. Even then he did not act until he obtained the assurance of numerous Democratic legislators that they would support the plan.” The Arkansas Senator, usually nimble-minded and alert, is accurate as far as he goes. But he missed the principal point with respect to the motivation. The advice of Democratic and Republican states- men failed of its purpose until Wall Street interests admonished him that the $17,000,000,006 of American cap- ital invested in foreign securities was in jeopardy. That appeal touch- ed his capitalistic heart and he act- ed, not to save Germany but to save Wall Street. So far as Herbert Hoover is concerned Germany “might go hang”. But the capitalists who had contributed profligately to the Republican slush fund in 1928 had to be taken care of and he literally hustled to the rescue. to Abolish the Farm Board. Senator Dave Reed, of Pittsburgh, is preparing a bill to abolish the Farm Board. This is “the unkindest cut of all.” The Farm Board isthe pet creation of the engineering mind and Senator Reed has been the “guide, philosopher and friend” of its author. Its purpose was to fool the farmers of the Middle West. They seemed to be a stupid bunch, ready to fall for any kind of a gold brick decorated with the G. O. P. brand. The half, billion dollar ap- propriation looked like an unexpect- ed bequest of large proportions. Senator Reed supported it as an ex- pedient to save the Hoover face. But it has disappointed him as well as the farmers. The Farm Board has achieved some results. It lifted Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt out of the snug office of assistant Attorney General and plac- ed her in the more lucrative employ- ment of booze . The Farm Board advanced $4,000,000 to a Cali- fornia corporation with which she had become affiliated to make and sell wine under the sanction of the government and the shelter of a fictitious name. That was worth- while to Mabel but not satisfactory to Senator Reed, who has since de- nounced it as ‘“‘the most pernicious example of misdirected paternalism in the whole government structure.” Not because he is opposed to wine but for some other reason. Still we are constrained to regis. ter approval of Senaor Reed's pur- pose to abolish the Board. It may be too bad for Mrs. Willebrandt, whose corporation is applying for another donation, this time for $3,- 500,000, and disappointing to others who have been benefited by its ex- pensive operations in wheat and cotton price fixing. But it is an uneconomical experiment of doubtful legality and the sooner such hazard- ous policies are discontinued the bet- ter. No man of business experience and understanding would have even suggested it as an expedient to benefit the farmers of the country and only boobs could have been fool- ed by it. Senator Reed ——When Senator Reed turns against President Hoover's most cherished schemes it is time for Herbert to feel lonesome. BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 28S, 1931. | Cause of the Economic Depression. Administration Stupidity Exemplitied Significance of Pinchot’s Activity. Railroad, Motor Truck, | In securing a stall in the market administration's fact-finding enter- house of the world the administra- nomination of Herbert Hoover | i i | practically certain the recent activi- | ties of Governor Pinchot are incom- | prehensible. In such matters Mr. | Pinchot has always been cautious 'and calculating. Since his defeat by Boies Penrose for Senator, sever- {al years ago, he has refrained from | entering into a political contest un- |less there happened to be a serious {rift in the organization and a trifle | more than an even chance for suc- | cess. Last year he kept out of the | fight until conditions justified con-| fidence of victory. In 1926 he held (out until the contest between Vare |and Pepper had developed an irrec- |oncilable breach in the organization. | Gifford Pinchot is an astute poli- | tician and measures public sentiment | with rare accuracy. His capable {and red-headed wife has long cher- ished an ambition to reside, for a i | Washington. But for a time the | | prospects of achievement were ex- | ceedingly unpropitious. Herbert Hoover had apparently acquired title to a second term and by 1936 | the infirmities of age would inter- | vene to disappoint even the most Nothing less than grave and frequently re-| | peated blunders on the part of Mr Hoover could change the conditions. |All the elements were combined in| {hig favor. Party patronage and | corporation necessities make a po- | tent force. | But the keen mind of Gifford Pin- | | chot seems to bave discerned an op- Herbert Hoover's phe- | as’ well as vigilant consort is skill- | | fully doing the rest. His attitude | ‘on the subject of utility corpora tions first challenged popular atten- | tion and the stupidity of Mr. Hoov- | er in prolonging rather than abating the economic depression has i —Mrs. Edith B. DeWitt is a candi- date for nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for Prothonotary of Ly- coming county. If service to one's party is the yardstick by which Lycoming Democrats measure the merits of those upon whom they confer their honors Mrs. DeWitt will be given a place on their ticket. And if Lycoming county wants to become noted for having an efficient and the most gracious and charming Prothonotary in Pennsylvania it will elect Mrs. DeWitt. ——QOur friends, the Republican politicians and press, are worrying too much about the Democratic candidate for President next year. The Democratic National convention will select a fit man and he will be elected. ———— A ———————— ——That feature of the Wicker- sham report which estimates thata majority of the crimes are commit- ted by natives is a hard knock on the 100-percenters. ——Pinchot’'s appeal to the Le- gionnaires assumes a surprising as- pect when compared with his silence while the Liberty bond drives were in progress. ——1It seems to be broken banks and other forms of insolvency that are multiplying instead of autos, as promised by Hoover in campaign speeches. ——It appears that Lindbergh's vacation is a matter of business as well as pleasure, and he carries the best wishes of the world in both purposes. ———— A MP — If President Hoover had ap- proved the Senator Wagner bill of the last session there would be no necessity for the Gifford commission now. ———Hoover has again “passed the buck,” this time to Walter S. Gif- ford. Herbert may not be artful but he is certainly a successful dodg- er. AAR A———— ——The Lindberghs are forging their way around the world with characteristic caution. Lindy lived in Missouri and has to be shown. ——Secretary Stimson denies so many things that subsequently prove to be true that he is liable to be classed as a prevaricator, —————— ~The President is unalterably opposed to “government in business,” but doesn't mind establishing a na- tional huckster’s stand. In view of the fact that the re- | NO. 34. { From the Philadelphia Record. js| The fight over the freight rate in- nearby farmers. —After 100 men, led by State police, | had searched for her 10 hours, 3-year-old | Frances Hinkle was found at 2 o'clock | Monday morning asleep under a tree In {the woods near Elysburg. The girl — wandered away from a clambake on the | Misceravage farm. A posse was organ- | ized to search for her, and as darkness 'came on pitch torches were supplied by Frances was found by | Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska. |spring from loss of traffic—more grease Rupa by the & toads ati her father, Joseph Hinkle, of Mt. Carmel. presentation of a pell- | _ j,qge Miles I. Potter is seriously ill tion from six Middle Western States ;, 5. pr, Joseph L. Potter hospital, at asking that the plea be dismissed jfigdleburg, and is not expected to be because of failure to make a case. able to resume his campaign for the The petitioners’ contention is thal gpesublican nomination for re-election to |a financial emergency for the rail- , second term as Judge of the Courts of |roads is not sufficient ground fora pnjon and Snyder counties. Judge Pot- | boost of the whole rate structure. ter was admitted to the hospital August The challenge comes from repre- 13 for a badly infected hand. He wrote sentatives of the railway regulatory from the hospital today: *I had expect- commissions of the farming States .q to get around to see all the voters, of North and South Dakota, Iowa, but I fear very much that this cannot be done.” It is asserted that the proposed _ cy.ying tobacco for chickens, Is the ‘rate increase would complete the , _ ogion of State College experts, ac- ruin of the Western farmer. cording to associate judge Charles Dunn, The Washington representative of ; cjinton county, and Otto Olson, gov- the National Grange asserts thatthe .., nent expert, who are growing rustica carriers’ trouble is due not to loW ,;,5.cco0 on a government experimental rates but to loss of traffic. . | plot at the judge's farm near Lock Ha- And that assertion goes to the .., powdered rustica, one pound for heart of the problem. every hundred of feed, is the recommen- Whole columns could easily be 4.:ion because of the high nicotine con- written about the troubles the ont. The manager of Douglas Faire Banks’ ranch, near Sante Fe, N. M., has asked for rustica seed, Olson says. —Thirty one cars stolen since May 8 the record of Vicent Waleskey, 16; Joseph Kushna, 17; Joseph Dzoncizk, 15, ing costs, etc. And an equal number of columns could be filled with fact and argu- ment about the farmers’ troubles. Agriculture is a basic and indis- and Samuel Shinko, 15, of Hazleton, pensable industry. who have confessed. The police have Transportation is essential to busi- recovered all but two of the machines ness. stolen since May 8. Police magistrate The deadlock would be loosened if ; "4° bigebrand found that under the farmers could prove that asser- ...—,..'n, should hold the lads under tion, that the roads’ difficulties an aggregate of $310,000 bail to face terms of 310 years in jail and fines of sharply, from competition by Other g 55.) He retused the responsibility carriers: motor truck and bus lines. | ordered them taken before the Lu- The Joy he on is: IC oy ene county court. it TIO ai Ay —A bull broke away from the Pennsyl- trol of competing methods of trans- | vania Railroad yards in Pittsburgh, on portation, such as motor truck lines, | Tuesday, charged into the train shed, | delayed the Cincinnati limited and tore inland waterways and pipe lines, or | "5,004 of lawns before it was kill- (ed by a police radio scout car. A po- liceman was gored when officers attempt- peopl nger ed to drive the animal from the tunnel ST he favor emo lo | which runs under the city to the Pan- OROPDY: governmental regula- handle tracks. The limited was detain- : {ed because passengers were warned not oh that guatanises tue pubic falr | board or leave the train, while red- | caps, police and trainmen tried to drive | the animal out of the station. | -—A golden eagle was shot and kill- led by a farmer near Tarentum after a futile effort to carry away a large shep- dog. The eagle, a rare bird, drop- ped the And the ruling fact in the back- Paying For Our Railroad Policy. From the Altoona Tribune. The “Sie” faced by out more takes in and still keep going ed down after a chicken, The farmer At present the United States 8 shot the bird with the chicken in its served by 426,000 miles of claws. The eagle, protected in this track—23.6 miles for each 10, Of | State, was turned over to Ralph A. Lip- our population, as 4.2 @S hart, of the State Game Commissidn. It for the world, and 69 miles of track had a wing spread of nearly 73 inches. for each thousand square miles Of The bird will be used for educational territory as against 16 for the world purposes by the State Game Commission. » hie i by Avg SE —Fiftesn men ahd women, patrons of | the Mountain View Inn, near Shamokin, servi 1,250,000 Toisas He lt Ae carriers | Were robbed of 31000 in jewelry and “ash 0 pay to their employees $300,000 taxes. our princi no other form of of banks, other institutions which ed largely in rail securities. depend on the rails. ato licy. Hence the No chr freight rates. will be nothing com cial and economic rig follow railroad bankruptcy. Season for Traveling From the Nation's Business. This is the season for traveling. Up and down the country cheerful vacationers, seeking experiences, new scenes. They travel by train, steamship, ai or private automobile. ’ * conveniences and greater erated air; wide, paved permi with safety; emergency fl hazard out of Jing. ot of today's trans- Compare the Trail. Compare the smooth- riding train which Artist Edgar F. Wittmack pictures on our cover with the trundling covered wagon. Then imagine, if you can, how the hundred years from now. Will he fly? will he drive an automobile whose motor is run by power from the air as your radio picks up sound waves? Will he ride in hauled by electric locomotives capable of 150 miles an hour? We don't know. But we do know that transporta- tion 100 years from now will show as great an advance as Artist Witt- mack’s train shows over the covered ie abe than treseen brought about this tremen- dous advance are still at work. Those forces are the public will for im. provement and the will of business to give the public what it wants. in Monday morning by five gunmen, wages, as well as paying $40.000 in The importance of the railroads cannot be exaggerated. They are) transport agent—and transportation is in sight to supplant them. They are directly related to the stability insurance companies and have invest. | moned, but found no clues, jobs and livelihood of many millions of Americans, directly or indirectly, and beat Vincent Ohearn, night clerk at No farmer or manufacturer wants the safe while the fuse sputtered. to pay 15 per cent more for trans- his t the few ex- their minds and cut dollars it will cost under the permitting him to take refuge in a side new rate standard, if it is allowed, room while the safe was blown. The to the 80- thieves escaped in an automobile. High- that would way patrolmen at Pottsville, stream | ter, on Sunday. new bus, route is smoothed for them. They travel in comfort. Hotels offer them more service than ever before; trains with refrig- highways t them to drive at high speed landing fields and modern airports take the continental traveler with that of our forebears who labored along the entered the isolated roadhouse and forc- led everyone to lie face downward on the floor as they made a systematic search. O. Deleidi, proprietor, threw a roll of several hundred dollars behind him on the floor. Several women patrons had hysterics and required medical treatment. | The holdup men cut wires leading from a | public telephone, but overlooked a phone lin the kitchen. State police were sum- —Two men early on Tuesdag held up the Reading Railroad station at Ash- At present many lines are paying land and blew open the depot safe to out more money than they can take steal $350. They beat Ohearn almost in, following low profits for ten unconscious when he told them he did under a drastic tax and regu- applica- office safe. ‘not know the combination of the Finally they fixed a charge ;of nitro-glycerine and tied Ohearn to In |the nick of time the gangsters, changed Ohearn's bonds, Tamaqua and Shamokin stopped every car leaving the region for hours after the holdup in a vain search. | —Battering their way through a bath- | room door, two policemen prevented a | man from suicide in his home at Lancas- i Jonas Gregg, 48, was (found sprawled across the bathrodm | floor with his head near an open gas jet, He was revived by policemen Paul Wiker and Myron Boettner. When Gregg had almost recovered from the effects of the gas, he attacked Wiker who was watching him while Boettner was throw- ing open the windows of the Gregg home. Wiker suffered severe bruises of the face. Ghegg was subdued and taken to St. Joseph's hospital, and from there to the police station where he was slated on a drunkenness and disorderly conduct charge. From his cell, Gregg threaten- er to try suicide again. Lack of funds was given by Gregg as the reason for his suicide attempt. —Hunger and thirst endured for near- ly three days while he lay trapped un- der a stove in his home caused the death, on Monday, of Howard Frederick, traveler will cross the continent & ,: gchwenkville, Pa. Such was the opinion of doctors who had attended Frederick since he had been hauled out from beneath the stove Sunday by a neighbor, William Redcliffe. They de- cided the bruises on his face and head had been caused by his desperate efforts to free himself from the grip of the stove grate. The Injuries would not have caused death, the doctor: said. Author- ities, however, were mystified as to the manner in which Frederick had gotten under the stove and managed to trap himself. The man lived alone and had been out of work. Redcliffe broke into his home when he became alarmed be- cause Frederick had not removed news- papers from his doorstep.