—Bellefonte ought to be full of | smart people. She spent nearly | ninety-four thousand dollars on her | public schools last year. | ——Upon the statement that heis! willing to be drafted as the Repub- lican candidate for President next year Mr. Coolidge doesn't choose to say a word. ——Of course it's all right to in- vestigate Tammany, but we can see no just reason for refusing to in- quire into the same sort of faults in up-State New York. -———Possibly a traditionally wise Philadelphia lawyer could imagine how a Vare government with Hampy Moore as figure head would be pref- erable to a Vare government with Sam Salus at the controls. | —Jack Dempsey and Estelle Tay- lor, his movie wife, have finally come | to the parting of the way. Juck has entered suit for divorce. He says he still likes her, but not enough to “go broke” on account of her. —The Lindberghs have had their third forced landing on their globe circling vacation flight. This time considerable concern is felt for them. They are down in a treacherous sea, off the coast of Japan somewhere, and while the brave little wife of the Colonel is wirelessing cheery mes- sages of assurance to the world no one will feel at ease until the glad tidings come that they are awing again. —My, how times have changed. Twenty years ago a home made carnival meant, “fish ponds,” “bean | i bags,” “pinning a tail on the donkey,” | and innocent little costume villages of foreign countries, with the good | people looking on approvingly. Now, all that is needed are any old gam- Ey : STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. Of course Governor Pinchot had declared in Detroit, the other eve- ning, that his speech was not a “bid” for the Republican Presidential nomination. As a matter of fact every speech he has made, every act he has performed and every gesture 4 VOL. 76. emo LEFONTE, PA.,, AUGUST 21, 1931. A New and Dangerous Philosophy. | Nearly two centuries ago Jona- “his tongue in his cheek” when he than Swift expressed the opinion | | that “whoever could make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, er r———————— rE ————_— inn Logan's New Pumper to Arrive Next | Week. i |council, on Monday evening, fire | marshal John J. Bower reported | that notification had been received | _NO. 33. FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY At the regular meeting of borough | Items taken from the Watchman issue | of August 26, 1881. —P. J. Vonada, of Zion, after an absence of several months, returned would deserve that the new pumper for the Logan home Saturday evening, having made better of mankind and do more es- pire company will be delivered some an extended tour through the west. sential service to his country than |time next week and arrangements he has indulged in within the last the whole race of politicians put to- ghould be made to have an inspec- | two years has had for its purpose the promotion of his ambition to be- gether.” But Swift lived before the engineering mind was developed. |tion engineer of the Underwriters’ Association come to Bellefonte to come the Republican nominee for Such an achievement is no longera test the pumper and see that it President some time, and he has in. virtue. It has become a vice pun- comes up to specifications and meets telligence to realize that because of ishable by severe penalties. Obvious- the requirements of the Association. advancing age it must be in 1932 or never. His Detroit speech was not only abid for the nomination next year but the most appealing bid he has ever made. At the present time appearances indicate that Herbert Hoover has the nomination “tied up.” The Southern delegates and those of the North who seem to be under control of the office holders will guarantee his nomination unless adverse condi- tions develop. But there are signs, faint though perceptible, of such development. Every day something occurs that impairs confidence in his capacity for the service and alien- ates his supporters. And nobody in this broad land has a keener ap- preciaton of this political panorama ly “the times are out of joint.” The mouse trap and beaten path idea has become obsolete. The only pathway to prosperity is a lane that leads to destruction. President Hoover's Farm Board is responsible for this surprising phil- osophy. Pending the campaign of last fall the chairman of that Board and members of the President's cab- inet canvassed the wheat growing | States urging the farmers to reduce | their planting acreage in order to |give a semblance of success to an ‘absurd conception of the engineer- |ing mind. As the soil was suitable ‘only for that form of crop the farm- ers refused to follow the advice. | The result is that while there are | millions of hungry men, women and Council authorized Mr. Bower to make the necessary arrangements. | Secretary Kelly reported that bor- | {ough engineer H. B. Shattuck had | made blueprints of anold map of the | {original tract of the Gamble mill property, made in 1874, when it was (the property of E. W. Hale. | John H. Roach, of the Department | (of Property and Supplies, Harris- | burg, appeared before council with a | complaint that the water supply at | {the armory of Troop L is not up to | requirements’ and expressed the be- | {lief that it is because the meter on the line is too small. He asked | permission to remove the meter and | make a month's test without it and |if the supply then proves all righta | larger meter will be installed. Coun- | He visited Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois and other States beyond the Mississippi. —The board of the Centre county Agricultural Society met in the court house on Monday evening to devise some plan by which the coming fair may have more receipts than ex- penditures. Raising the admission to 50cts was considered, but dropped as being uncertain in its results. —Work is going on at the Lamb street bridge preparatory to the erection of a new structure over Spring creek at that point. —The Centre county fair will be held the 4th, 5th, 6th and Tth of October. —Berwind, White & Co., of Snow Shoe, paid off their men for the past month in gold. —An infant child of Rev. William Fortney, of Boalsburg, died at the residence of D. F. Fortney Esq. on Bishop street, this place, on Sunday morning last. —The little son of Mr. Isaac Thomas, of this who was so _ i | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE, | —More than 700,000 legal size trout will | be distributed in State streams from the | hatcheries this autumn, ~—Valeria Segitis, 67, a Tamaqua miner, (died on Monday of a broken neck after falling down stairs at his home. —While packing his furniture and pre- | paring for eviction from his home, Mi- | chael Manjak, of Ambridge, found $460 | he lost six years ago. He paid his bills | and taxes and unpacked. | —Although suffering bullet | wound in the back received earlier in |the day during an attempted holdup, | Frank Yerano escaped from the State from a | hospital at Ashland on Tuesday. He was recaptured later. —Notices have been posted in the New York Central Railroad shops at West Albany, N. Y., to the effect that work has been supsended indefinitely. Large | numbers of the 400 shopmen who were | transferred from Jersey Shore to West Albany the beginning of this month are expected to return home, —Damages in the sum of $10,000 have been asked by Catherine Gallagher, against the city of Pottsville in a suit filed in the Schuykill county court this | week. She claims to have been per- manently injured when her foot waa caught in wire mesh which was being used for a street paving job last year. --Nicola Murdick’'s wooden leg saved i him from drowning at Pittsburgh, on Tuesdsy. Despondent, the 61-year-old man decided to end his life in the Monongahela river. He had waded in to his neck when the wooden leg stuck in the mud and he could neither advance nor return, Passersby dragged him to shore. —Tales of old days on the canals of Pennsylvania and the prowess of the men who worked on them will be in order August 29, when veteran canal men will | have their seventeenth annual reunion at Rolling Green park. A program of en- tertainment is now being arranged for the reunion and canal veterans from all parts of the State have promised to be present, —What Charles McGowan, 16-year-old | grocer’s delivery boy, thought to be a bag of spinach in a vacant lot on the out- skirts of Philadelphia proved to be a sack of money —$1400 in bills. Police said it [was part of the $1700 taken by three {holdup men in a pistol battle outside the {than Mr. Pinchot, unless it is Mrs. cil granted the request. bling devices that can be rigged up, | and the few good people who don't play them look on as though they would if So-and-So wasn't eyeing thein. —As we said last week, we hold no brief for the White brothers, but, | Congressman Chase and the Post Office Department notwithstanding, | nobody can make us believe that they, or anyone else, would have been asses efiough to build and equip a building for the government in Bellefonte without some assurance, from some authoritative source, that it would be used by the government for a period long enough to justify the investment. —The correspondent who advises us to read “That Royal Lover.” by Knorad Bercovici, was probably urged to make the suggestion be- cause of the panting! we occasion. ally give King Carol, Rumania. Reading Bercovici's book wouldn't ter of Carol's philandering. Besides, his evidence is . He is a Rumanian author and if he didn't give Carol all the “breaks” and make Helen and Marie look foolish his head would be chopped off. Of course our correspondent is a lady. They always fall for Carol. —Congressman Chase when here last week, that he expects to be a candidate to succeed himself; at least that was the inference we drew when he told us that there is nothing to the story that his broth- er plans to retire from the bench in Clearfield county and that he will swap his seat for the Clearfield bench. Assuming that he meant just what he expected us to believe that he meant Mitch isn't the foxy politician that many give him credit with being. If he is thinking of fighting J. Banks Kurtz for the Republican nomination for Congress in our newly formed dis- trict he needs Centre county. And how's he going to get Centre? By a “run in” with the White Brothers over the Bellefonte post-office building when Bond White is the Pinchot chairman here. These days jobs are jobs. A Congressman has nothing to give but post-master- ships. A Governor has hundreds of jobs for Centre countians who are loyal to those who were loyal to him and Bond White was all of that. —Will someone give us the real “dope” on who's back of who inthe race for shrievalty honors on the Republican ticket. We hear from lower Penns valley that Keeler strength down there is traceable to the Flemings. We know that men getting road jobs are tipped off todo all they can for Keeler and road jobs are supposed to come from the Dale. White-Heverly combination. Are they hand-in-glove with the Flem- ings? If so, where is Senator Scott? He is supposed to be fa- vorable to Mayes, when it would be natural for him to be for his fel- low townsman, Lamoreaux. Appar- ently none of the “big shots” are behind Jim Leitzell, but Jim is mak- ing a publicity noise like a fellow who has ammunition of his own. The fight is making a lot of strange bed-fellows and we fancy that many of them won't know who they dre in with until they find themselves kicked out. The situation reminds us of the story a friend told us re- cently. He married one of twins and the other sister lives with them. We asked him if they look- ed much alike. “Alike,” he said: “God, George, they look so much alike that I'm only sure I'm in bed with my wife when I'm not kicked out.” told us, | Congressman | “Statements that do not stand up,” | Pinchot. They live with it, sleep with |it and dream of it constantly. | But this harmless prevarication | detracts little, if anything, from the | substance of value of Mr. Pinchot's Detroit speech. His statement that “it is high time for the people of the United States to look next win- |ter squarely in the face and get ready for it,’ is absolutely true. Plainly the administration has not done this and Mr. Pinchot's recogni- tion of it is an “eleventh hour” op- eration. Others have been urging remedial action for months and while Mr. Hoover frankly opposed suitable legislation to meet the exigencies of the occasion, Mr. Pinchot remained quiet until now, when he imagined articulation would serve his purpose. ——Late reports indicate that Parker Cramer, a Pennsylvania air- man, is among the missing. He oS 8 Sournseous od, mics wing th. alive and successful in his purpose. Hoover Still Fooling the Public. That the administration at Wash- ington is still trying to deceive the public with respect to industrial and economic conditions is shown in a statement issued, the other day, by Cannon, of Missouri. Mr. Cannon says, "are a poor panacea for the distress of the un- employment situation.” He might have added that false representation of the facts has been largely the cause of the prolonged depression. If, instead of deceiving the public by proclamations that “prosperity is just around the corner” he had taken available steps to check the evil, there would have been an ear- lier return of normalcy. Only a few days ago the Presi- dent announced that he had under way a survey of industrial condi- tions with a view to adopting effec- tive steps which would speedily re- store prosperity. Supplementing this, Secretary of Labor Doak offi- cially announced that 281,769 per- sons “had been provided with work by the federal employment service betwen April 1 and July 1.” Rep- resentative Cannon points out that “these persons were in the main farm hands employed temporarily in the harvesting of wheat in the Mid- dle West who will soon be idle again. In 1929 federal agencies had found employment for 600,000 men for the same service, which proved a big discrepancy betwen 1929 and 1931, and that the federal employment ac- tivities this year are far below nor- mal.” If the President had made his survey immediately following the crash in 1629 and inaugurated plans to stabilize business instead of is- suing false statements of causes and absurd promises of improvement within a brief period most of the trouble would have passed long ago. In fact, if he had taken a course which was open to him before the dis- aster to discourage the speculative mania, the damage would have been much less and its duration briefer. But both he and his predecessor in office encouraged the speculation because, while it lasted, it made things look like a fulfillment of his campaign promises to abolish poverty and give everybody an automobile. ——There is liable to be a read- justment of reparation awards and war claims, notwithstanding the protests of Hoover, Mellon and Stim- son. Swearing they'll ne’er consent they seem to be yielding. | children in the country there is al | vast surplus of wheat in the various | elevators and other storage places. Now the Farm Board is appealing |to the cotton planters to literally (destroy one-third of their crops and | threatening malign measures inthe event they refuse to comply. Last | year the Board purchased nearly a | million and a-half bales of cotton in |order to avert an impending collapse {of the market and now threatens to |offer its holding for sale in competi- | tion with this year’s crop unless the destructive process is adopted, which would bankrupt every cotton planter and dealer in the country. It is a cruel proposition but the only means available to save the face of a disappointing President. —Last Friday afternoon John Pos. singer, an expert tree trimmer in the employ of the West Penn Pow- er company, was Ag ical ‘company plant P, right of way of the 22,000 volt line of the Power company. He cut offa limb which fell onto the line and he received a shock which caused him to fall from the tree and rendered him temporarily speechless. Other employees who were with him at- | tempted to drive the company's big |truck over a small bridge across Buffalo run in order to put Possing- er on it and bring him to the |lhospital, when the bridge col |lapsed and the truck sank into the stream. Another car was secured to bring the man to the hospital He was not seriously affected and has now recovered, while the truck was removed from Buffalo run about ten o'clock Friday night. ——Last Friday evening the “Fri- day Nite” club of the Y. M. C. A. took their first outing of the season. Un- der the leadership of Donnie McCaf- ferty and L. C. Heineman the boys left the Y at two o'clock and hiked to the “Horse Hole,” on Spring creek, where the afternoon was spent in swimming and playing games. In the evening a delicious lunch was served by Donnie McCaf- ferty, Jack Watson, John O'Leary not only cleaned up everything in sight but licked the dishes. Bible study was conducted under the trees. About fifty boys took part in the outing and the boys had as the guest of honor, James H. Potter. ——State Treasurer Edward Mar- tin made a favorable impression on the members of the Centre County Bankers’ Association, in his address to them at a banquet and meeting held at the Hotel Philips, Philips- burg, last Friday evening. General Martin talked on conserving finances, State, county and lecal. The next meeting of the Association will be held in Bellefonte some time in October. ———The American Federation of Labor has finally declared in favor of joining the World court. Nearly always tardy the A. F. of L., usual- ly gets on the right line in the course of time. EE ——— ——If the Wickersham commis- sion continues to make reports long enough it may justify itself in pub- lic opinion. Some of its recent rec- ommendations are worth while. ——While the administration at Washington is contributing generous lip service to peace the work of naval construction is to go forward extensively. and John Eckenroth and the boys PO The Street committee reported | | completion of the sewer on west | Lamb street, widening the road on Halfmoon hill and various street re- pairs. | ~The Water committee reported re- to several meters and fire , repairs to the Phoenix mill | and the collection of $150 on taxes and $46.20 on rent, Etc. The Finance committee reported a balance in the borough fund of $92.40 and $1,832.96 in the water fund. Authorization was granted for the renewal of notes totaling $21,756.40, and a new note for $1500 was authorized to meet current borough bills. in writing of any and damages against the borough in event the road is moved. With this in view the matter was referred to the Street committee and the bor- proved for payment after which council adjourned. “Slim” Lewts Completes Twelfth Year as Mail Flier. Bellefonte will be interested in learning that Harold T. “Slim” Lew- is, last week, completed his twelfth year of continuous service as a mail flier, being America’s second rank- ing flier of air mail. He is now lo- cated at Seattle as chief pilot for the Boeing Air Transport, and makes daily flights. His life in the air has not proven much of a hardship to him as he stands six feet four inch- es in height and weighs about 200 unds. “Slim” was one of the first regu- lar fliers between New York and Cleveland on the transcontinental route when Bellefonte was a regu- lar stopping place and lay-over sta- tion. Those were the days of spec- tacular flying when a pilot gave an exhibition of stunt flying most every time he flew into the field or took off, and “Slim” was the daredevil of them all. He knew no fear and was more at home with the stick of an airplane than at the throttle of an automobile. The last time he was in Bellefonte was when he flew here in October, 1925, to assist in the hunt for the body of pilot Charlies H. Ames, who crashed on Nittany mountain and who was not found until ten days after the crash. Lewis recently took his grand- mother on her first ride in plane. When a girl she first trip across country by an ox team. In 1864 crossed the country in wagon but when Slim took airplane they covered in nine badly scalded by falling Into a ves- west Garrett market in Upper sel of scalding water some time ago, has pretty nearly recovered and is able to be out with his playmates again. man and it was our sad duty to sit by his bedside the last night on earth. At one time during t sad vigil all was so quiet in the room that he asked us if we were writing his “notice,” meaning obituary. cr Alexander Lynn, died at his home in that place on Tuesday last. He consumption lie, the eldest son of Robert J. Doak, | of the West ward of Bellefonte, met with a fearful accident down near the glass works. He and his little brother were returning from Sunday ving made tried to light them. caught fire, then all his clothes be- came a mass of flames so that he was frightfully burned about the neck, chest, arms and legs. He was carried home where Mrs. Fasig “blew” a lot of the fire out then Dr. Kirk was called and is doing all that is ble to aid his recov- ery. i e” lived and to be a character in Bellefonte. He morning last Mrs. Ann Eliza Benner, relict of Matlock td: High street, this pl , at the age of 80. She was the mother of eight children, five of whom survive— (The one survivor now is Miss Sara Benner still living in the homestead at the corner of the Diamond— Editor's Note.) ———No matter what happens Hoov- er is against the dole, though he doesn't seem to have a very clear idea of what a dole is. ——The prohibition drive to dry up New Jersey may be a masked movement to keep Senator Morrow out of Hoover's way. Pinchot didn't attend the Cun- ningham funeral, but there were so many other statesmen present that he wasn‘t missed. A PE ———— ——Poor old Philadelphia is not only “corrupt and contended” but is unable to borrow money to pay cur- rent expenses. ——Maybe after all it was Great Britain's troubles that aroused the Hoover sympathies and produced the moratorium. ~The funeral of the late Tom Benner, died at her home on | Darby, | Saturday night, and had evidently been thrown there by the robbers who expect- ed to recover it later. —Cuts in salaries of the mayor, coun- cilmen, and city treasurer were voted by council at New Castle, Pa. Mayor Gil- lespie, who leaves office after this year, voted for reducing the mayor's salary from $3,600 yearly to $3,000. Pay for councilmen was reduced $500, to $3,000 annually, and the treasurer will get about $5,000 less per year, being allowed only one-half of one per cent of taxes collected instead of a full per cent as at present. ~—'‘What this country needs to relieve the depression is a return to the period when a man did an “honest day's work and received an honest day's pay,” in- stead of investing money and sitting idly by, expecting to see it multiply.” Thus spoke Guy K. Burd, former Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, in an address to the State Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners at the opening program of their convention at Lancas- ter, on Tuesday. i. &l ii Py 0 Chase, at Clearfield, on Monday, John Domblinsky, of Munson, arrested recently on the charge of stabbing Robert Crawshaw, of Philipsburg, pleaded guilty to assualt and battery. Domblinsky was given a sus- pended sentence if he paid the costs of | prosecution and a fine of $200. Further- | more, he is to remain free from violation 1 the law for a period of two years. | Failure to do so will result in a sentence (on the above charge. | —The chief of police of Williamsport, | reports that some time Sunday night the | office of the Gates Dental Supply company, | of Williamsport, was entered and robbed of between. $1,000 and $1,500 worth of gold in the form of plate gold, shells, | crowns, solder and bars, all being 18 and 22-karat gold. Entrance was gain- {ed by working the combination on the {safe. All police departments are re- | quested to keep a careful watch for the persons committing these robberies and also to warn all dentists and dental sup- ply companies in their cities about them. | ~The State Water and Power Resources Board has granted a permit to the Key- | stone Pipe Line company to construct | pipe lings across certain streams in | Dauphin, York, Lebanon, Berks and i r counties. The company is in- 2 | corporated for the purpose of transport- ing petroleum products from a point near | Marcus Hook to points in the State and jon the New York-Pennsylvania and the | Ohio-Pennsylvania lines. The line will | cross the Susquehanna river at a point near Highspire, in Dauphin county, and at a point south of New Cumberland, in York county, —Appointment of Charles G. Stone, of Greenville, Mercer county, as executive secretary of the State Board of Game Commissioners, has been announced. He succeeds John J. Slautterback, of Mifflin county, who was dismissed on July 1. The appointment became effective on Sat- urday. Stone was born at Springboro, Crawford county, and has been interested for a number of years in various branches of outdoor life and conservation, being particularly interested at the present time in upland game. He has given much time as an official and member of sportsmen’s organizations. Slautterback was secretary to the commission for the last four years, serving a number of years prior to that as chief of the come mission's bureau of vermin control. ~The territory served by the Danville State hospital for mental diseases has been reduced from twenty-two counties to twelve, according to an announcement of the board of trustees following its month- ly meeting. The new district comprises: Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Lu- zerne, with the exceptions of the central poor district, Pittston and Jenkins town. ship, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, Union and Wyoming, The population of the district is 899.458. Reasons for the change cited by J. L. the old district from country to eity. of Philadelphia, Was ty, change applies to new admissions quite as spectacular as his political (only, the 1822 patients already in the career. hospital to remain in Danville,