Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 14, 1931, Image 1

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    —The new Empress Eugene hats
or milady’'s fall wear are cute |
»oking bits of head gear, but they
re likely to die a bornin’ because
ney are advertised at a dollar nine-
y-eight already. I
—Peaches were selling at ten
ents a bushel on the streets of’
-reenville, South Carolina, last week.
hat's cheap, of course, but we can
et you a whole carload for nothing
ght here in Bellefonte any Thurs.
ay night you might want to go to
dance at Hecla. |
—Post and Gatty, the men who |
cently flew around the world in
ght days, were in Bellefonte over |
unday night. Somehow the great
1 get here. So, we suppose, these
vo latest entrants to the hall of
ume said to themselves: We'll be
’ing it eventually, so why not now.”
—A little more of this deluge of
spair and all the gilt will be wash-
1 off the golden tariff calf that la-
)r has been worshiping, lo, these
any years. The tariff was devised
; protection to infant industries.
hat was years ago. The golden
riff calves have all grown to cows,
» old that they are not milking
yw, and there is nothing left but an
npty tin dinner pail.
—Mrs. Hoover christened the new
ant dirigible “Akron” on Satur-
uy. She, the “Akron”, not Mrs.
oover, will be the biggest thing
loat, if she floats. This old U. 8.
. just loves the biggest things, but
e loved too well, and not wisely |
e biggest thing on the political |
rways in 1928 and he hasn't es- |
blished any altitude records or
out. |
—We have been asked so often, |
VOL. 76.
ter, displayed so vehemently
Sunday afternoon, spelled disap-
| pointment for fifteen thousand people
| gathered at Indian Echo Cave, near
| Hummelstown, to greet Wiley Post total number of men and women
and Harold Gatty, world flyers, while represented is anywhere from eight
the same thunder of the Gods added
two more distinguished names to the
list of notable visitors to Bellefonte.
It was. shortly after two
that the wheels of the “Winnie Mae”,
the Lockheed plane that carried the
courageous flyers around the world
in less time than any before them,
were set down on the N.A.T. field,
three miles east of Bellefonte.
men were scheduled to appear at
Indian Echo Cave where a crowd of
extreme weather conditions and thun-
der storms centering in the vicinity
of the cave made further flight not
only hazardous but impossible. Post
manager, Bruce Quissenberry,
New York city, were transported to
the Penn Belle hotel by Dr. Richard
flights to write home H. Hoffman who was at the field
when the plane landed. After the
party had launched the two flyers
retired for much needed rest. They
Tuesday, the last day for the filing
The weather of July was charac-
of nomination petitions, brought an terized by practically normal mean
avalanche of papers to the commis-
The wrath of the great God Jupi- Sioner’s office. All told in the neigh-
gre oye borhood of twelve hundred petitions
were filed, but as many canidates
filed petitions in both parties for
the same office it means that the
hundred to one thousand.
One township in the county, Burn-
o'clock voters, is not represented by a sin-
to be
side, with one hundred or
gle petition for any office
Since the majority of the voters
in the county are informed as to the
county office
The We deem it unnecessary to publish
Watchman readers will be interested
fifteen thousand had gathered but in knowing the names of the candi-
various aspirants for
the names at this time.
dates out for office in Bellefonte.
lander Morrison,
| ocrats.
| candidates,
tely, as to which one of the many ,.4 peoun the flight east from Sioux filed papers on both tickets.
spublican aspirants for nomination |
r sheriff we think is leading, that
> shall now answer all who might |
, interested in knowing. Four
nes during the week we have tried
pass cars on which the spares
d a tire cover bearing the advice:
felp Make Leitzell Sheriff.” We
in't succeed in a single attempt,
we have come to the conclusion
at, so far as we are concerned,
m is leading.
—To the plasterers, masons, brick-
yers, carpenters, et al who have
itten the impression that our col-
an of last week was a round-about
iy of making Jesse Jameses of
em all we want to say that what
+ attempted in the “Frank Gross
lumn” was only an > dis-
ssior” of the of com-
nsution for service rendered. It
ight have read like high school
iff, but the idea we triedto get
ross applied to the prafessions as
1] as the trades. For example,
ere are preachers, teachers and
wspaper men in Bellefonte—and
. over the world—who have spent
st as much money and time on
eir educations as the best lawyers
their communities—and they can't
rn in a whole year what their
wvyer—if they should happen to
ed one in an important issue—
ght charge them for not more
an seventy-two hours of mental
tivity and physical effort.
—When the great temperance
vement of 1874 swept over the
untry Francis Elizabeth Willard
is embarrassed by the presence of
whole keg of beer in her cellar.
least she said so in her diary.
at's interesting, but it would be
re so had the leader of the white
jboners been a bit more faithful
her diary and recorded there
iether she threw the keg out be-
'e or after it was emptied. Francis
8 not a prohibitionist, for she
mits having often resorted to the
ne her mother made as a stimu-
it, also to having taken wine with
: meals while abroad. She wasa
at temperance woman, however,
1 that leads us to wonder wheth-
8s the name given to the pitcher,
bucket or the tin can that was
it to the corner saloon for re-
shment of parties who didn't want
s have been grievously disappoint.
in the yield of what appeared to
7e been a very promising stand of
in. Few report more than half
t we didn't really do what
often threatened to do in our
th. Everytime we caught a
sshopper then we held it in
cupped hands and said: “Spit,
, tobacco juice, or I'll burn you
in brimstone.” We don't recall
r having burned one, however.
course there was no occasion for
because the grasshoppers were
ays very obliging. They could
faster than the average kid did
mn he had his first taste of choke-
City, Towa, at 5 A. M. and had only
one short stop in Toledo to determine
weather conditions. Ail the way east
the men were forced to battle thun-
der storms and for a period of over
an hour they flew over the lake area
and were out of sight of land.
Shortly after nine o'clock Sunday
evening they ate supper and retired
again at midnight. A large crowd of
citizens greeted them when they took
off Monday morning at eleven o'clock.
It was our privilege and pleasure
to dine with the gentlemen on Sun-
day evening and see them off Mon-
day. They can both be classified as
real he men. There was absolutely
to Belle-
in connection with the people they
visited in the different countries on
the trip.
Gatty, the navigator, is a reserved,
quiet educated gentleman. He spoke
slowly with a slight English accent.
He is a native of Australia. At the
present time his residence is in Los
Angles, Cal, where his wife and
children are located. He has not
seen any of his children since he left
New York on the trip around the
Post, on the othir hand, is a pro-
duct of the American West. His na.
tive State is Okiahoma. He talks
very little and is slightly deaf. There
is a sparkling humor in his conver-
sation; one of those individuals who
never appears to take anything ser-
While dining Gatty informed Pdst
that he didn't think he would ever
become a citizen of the United States.
Post looked with disdain and sur-
prise on his friend and asked why?
“Because I can't become President
anyhow” was Gatty’s quick reply.
On the way back to the hotel after
dinner we passed the monument shop
on West High street. Like school
boys at play Gatty and Post bad
been bantering back and forth all
the way down the street. Gatty
walked over to the marker nearest
the street and patting it rather
tenderly said:
“Wiley, this is what I've wanted
to give you for a long time. What
inscription do you want on it.”
Post didn't answer immediately
‘land then in that slow western drawl
he mumbled,
“Harold Gatty”
Both men are small. The size
of the plane made it necessary that
aviator and navigator be as small
as possible. Post is fond of water-
melon and can eat more than any
man his size we have ever seen.
Gatty had eaten bacon and eggs for
Jiiakast a3 jong a2 Be can: femem.
Post said he had landed on better
fields than the one in Bellefonte
but it is an oasis for the flyers in
this vicinity and those who have to
fly over the territory.
Monday morning Gatty said he
had enjoyed more rest in Bellefonte
than he had since the trip around
the world began almost two months
|ago. They have been appearing
day and night in different towns all
over the United States and will
start for the West shortly. Their
tour ends the beginning of Septem-
ber and on being questioned what
they would do then Gatty stated he
“Guessed we'd go back to work.”
(Continued on page 8, Col. 8.)
On the borough ticket are six can-
|idates for overseer of the poor, Alex-
Thomas Fleming,
Edwara Klinger, Agustus Emel, Re-
with their ’
and Gatty, in company of Publicans; Thomas Howley, D. Paul
| Fortney and Harry F. Alters, Dem-
School director has enticed three
Mrs. Helen Broderick,
Miss Mary Miles Blanchard and
| Arthur C. Hewitt, all of whom have
temperature and frequent
storms which produced precipitation
slightly above normal Although
there were several days with tem.
| peratures which made it uncomfort-
|able, the nights were mostly cool.
was’ 73.1 degrees, the mean of the
|daily maximum temperatures was
84.9 and of the daily minimum tem-
peratures 61.3 degrees. The highest
temperature was 99 on the 1st and
the lowest was 48 degrees on the
12th, making a monthly range of
51 degrees. There were 6 days with
temperature of 90 degrees or above.
| The warmest day was the 1st, with
a mean temperature of 83, and the
| coolest was the 10th, with a mean
temperature of 62 degrees. The
latter also was the day with most
equable temperature. The 12th was p,ward, together with a party of
| most variable in temperature, rang-
ing from 48 to 84 degrees, likewise |
| slightly more range. There were
two cool periods during the month.
| The first, from the 9th to 13th, in-
| clusive, averaged 66.6 degrees, and |
|the second, from the 21st to 27th
inclusive, averaged 69.6 degrees.
The total precipitation for the
thunder- |
The mean monthly temperature
NO. 32.
| Items taken from the Watchman issue
lof August 19, 1881.
| —The line of telephone between
| Bellefonte and Snow Shoe was com-
pleted on Monday last.
—Mr. Levi Agnew and family left
| this place week before last for Bed-
| ford, their former home, which they
| will hereafter make their residence.
here, has many friends who will
wish him much success and happi-
—The Williamsport Gazette and
Bulletin of Thursday last alludes to
one of Bellefonte's prominent citi-
| zens thus: “Adam Hoy Esq. a mem-
ber of the alumni association of
Pensylvania College, is here in at-
tendance at the reunion of the as-
sociation. Mr. Hoy looks so much
like Gen. Grant that he is often mis.
taken for that distinguished gentle-
—Mr. Balser Weber and family, of
| friends, visited Snow Shoe on Wed-
| boys the modus operandi by which
| the Watchman is produced.
| —Messrs. Sommerville, Crider &
Co., have disposed of their store in
| Snow Shoe to H. S. Frank, of Phil-
| adelphia, who took charge of it
| last Saturday.
| —A. W. Reese, the Port Matilda
“Bully”, as he was familiarly known
nesday and on their return called
the 26th, but the former date had at the Watchman office to show the |
| —The Harbison Walker Refractories
| company plant, at Monument, has recelv-
led an order for 250,000 fire brick which
| will put the plant on a running basis of
| five days a week for the next six weeks.
—A faithful mongrel dog is patiently
| waiting outside the borough lockup, at
| Shamokin, for his master, William Mur-
| ray, who is being held in connection with
|a robbery. Day and night the dog never
goes far from the lockup door. Resi-
dents of the borough are providing the
animal with food and drink.
| —Any Pennsylvania State policeman
| found using brutality in questioning a
| prisoner will be court martialed, Major
| Lynn G. Adams, commander of the Penn-
| sylvania State troopers, said in comment
ing on the report of the Wickersham
Commission that the third degree waa
| still used in some parts of the State.
-~His neck broken when he attempted
‘to show a group of children how to
| somersault from a barn loft to a hay-
stack on a farm near Yocumtown, Dau-
| phin county, George Reynolds, 37isina
serious condition at a Harrisburg hospl-
tal. Reynolds was visiting his brother
in-law, Elmer Sanders, when the accident
—The close of the shipping season for
nursery stock from the nursery at Rock-
| view State penitentiary under the juris-
| diction of the state department of welfare
' showed a record of 2,014,100 trees ship-
ped for reforestation purposes; 2,165 shade
trees; 2,213 ornamental trees; 1,466 shrub-
bery and 11,000 various types of trees
were planted at the institution.
—A Mechanicsville, Bucks county,
farmer who didn't have faith in banks
is minus $5000 today and, in addition, is
in a critical condition at his home. The
farmer, James R. Hansell, 64, was at-
tacked by two men as he returned to his
home. Hansell, according to neighbors,
for more than 20 years had repeatedly
stated he would be his own bank and
| nobody would take his money from him.
—Clearfleld is to have a new industry
{to be known as the Clearficid Underwear
| Corporation, capitalized at $27,500. The
| incorporators are Max J. Friedman and
| Herman Tichdon, New York city, exper-
|ienced underwear makers and salesmen,
(and Clearfleld citizens. The company
| will open for business about the 25th of
| September in the Clark building and
| eventually is expected to employ about
' month was 4.53 inches, of which merchant and charcoal manufactur- 75 people.
!2.08 inches occurred on the 3rd and
| Four canidates are out for bor- 4th within a period of 24 hours. Dur- | ing contract work.
‘John E. Dubbs have filed petitions in one and one-half hours on the 3rd.
in both parties, while M. W. Wil- There were 13 days on which 0.01
|liams and John W. Smith have filed inch or more of precipitation occur-
jon the Republican only.
‘red. Thunderstorms occurred on
| Wilkinson is the only candidate for Sth, Oth, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd,
judge of election. Howard Smead 24th, 27th and 29th. There were
candidates for assessor.
election. Inspector,
and James C. Bower, inspectors;
| Howard A. Heaton, constable; John
| 8. Walker, councilman on both tick-
ets; Elwood Johnson, Mary Kelley,
Lester Musser and Herbert Auman,
In the South ward Harry Badger,
W. H. Doll and Blaine Mabus are
all running for the nomination for
council. For constable, George Glenn
George M. Brown, Justice of the
peace, J. M. Keichline and R. B.
Montgomery have each filed on both
In the West ward the Democrats
have a complete ticket, Dr. M. A.
Kirk leading the list for judge of
J. G. Garthoff;
constable, Edwin Koffman; assessor,
D. Wagner Geiss; council, W. Rey-
nelds Shope. M. M. Cobb has filed
papers for councilman on both tick-
8 clear days, 13 partly cloudy and
10 cloudy. The mean monthly rel-
ative humidity was slightly more
than 799%. The prevailing wind
was from the southwest. Light
haze occurred on all days except the
8th, 21st, 25th, 26th and 31st.
in 1930 it was 70.0, as compared with
73.1 for July, 1931. The mean of
11 years previous record made in
the borough of Bellefonte during the
years 1901 to 1911 inclusive is, for
the month of July, 73.9 degrees, and
for 25 years record for July in Cen-
tre Hall itis 71.2 degrees, and for 42
years record for July at State Col-
lege it is 70.4 degrees. Since the
elevation of Bellefonte is 250 feet
or more less than at the Airport
ets. Austin Hendricks wants the Re- and well surrounded by ridges, it is
Montgomery have filed for
of the peace.
and pennies.
still good.
and the account closed.
north Spring street,
Bellefonte. The vining plant
night had four flowers out at one
time and another on Sunday night.
the plant and in addition to the pro-
fuse blooming of Saturday night
four more buds are showing on
another leaf.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Stamm, their son Foster, now
married, and his wife motored to
Woodward to attend the Stamm
family reunion. They brought with
them the savings fund bank book
and stopping in Bellefonte, went to
the Trust company and presenting
the book asked if the account was
Assistant treasurer Earl Orr was
at the window and recognized the
elder Stamms as former neighbors
in Marion township, and he not only
informed them that the account was
good but had increased in twenty
years, at compound interest, from
$26.40 to $46.21, which amount was
paid over to the younger Stamm
——Mrs. David R. Foreman, of
has a night
blooming cereus that has established
a record never before heard of in
six years old last year and had three
blooms on successive nights in Sep-
While the plants are sup-
posed to bloom every twenty years
this plant had one flower on June
23rd, of this year, and last Saturday
The flowers come from the leaves of
publican nomination for constable known that these and other factors
and E. O. Struble wants to be as- make the temperature in the city
J. M. Keichline and R. B.
about 3 degrees warmer than at the
justice | Airport. The inference therefore
is that a 10 year record at the Air.
port would probably give a mean
month of July.
LONG TIME SAVINGS, tpi; compares favorably with data
Over twenty years ago, when Mr.
and Mrs. Russell H. Stamm lived on
a farm in Marion township, they 1929 was 1.51 inches and in July,
started a savings fund for their son,
Foster H., in the Bellefonte Trust figures are less than half the nor-
company through the medium of mal amount. A combination of 11
the dime savings bank. All told
$26.40 had been deposited in the tion in Bellefonte for July
bank when a hired hand, hard up years record at Western Penitentiary
for a little cash, smashed the boy's gives an average of 4.02 inches, with
bank and robbed it of it's nickels |the record for Bellefonte showing on
That ended the de-
from nearby towns.
The total precipitation in July,
1930 it was 1.41 inches. Both these
previous record of precipita-
and 7
verage about an inch more than
the Penitentiary. This record cov-
ers the period from 1901 to 1928 in-
with the record for the
years 1912, 1913, 1914 and 1915 miss.
At Fleming, during the years
From all available records it ap-
pears that the temperature of 99 de-
grees recorded on the 1st has never
been exceeded during the month of
July. At State College, in July
1911 a temperature of 99
was recorded in July, 1930.
The lowest temperature recorded
July at State College during the
ears 1888 to 1927 inclusive was 41
1890. The next lowest was 43
degrees in 1920. In July, 1929, a
temperature of 35 was recorded at
was recorded, and 7 years of the
same period with a minimum tem-
perature of 45 degrees or lower.
There is no record that snow has
ever fallen in this vicinity during
the month of July,
|er, is also doing quite a bit of build-
Al present he
ough auditor, Charles L. Gates and | ing this same storm, 1.80 inches fell has a job to raise Gray's store at
Stormstown to two stories and put
a 40x60 addition to it, as well as to
build a new school house in Snow
Shoe township.
In the North ward Mrs. Anna P. 15 days, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th,| —Grub worms are destroying the
grass in all parts of the county. The
prolonged drought has put it in poor
thstand the ravages
_ Reformed church building
y nearing completion and
be one of the finest public edi-
in Bellefonte.
-—~Work on the foundation of the
new Centre County bank building
is progressing rapidly.
—Sunday last deliciously
cool and bracing day. (Last Sunday
it was about as hot as hades, until
rair relieved the heat a bit—Editor's
—Henry Twitmire has made up
his mind to go west and is offering
his home here for sale.
—John Dawson hag decided to be
the Greenback candidate for sheriff
Philipsburg where she was working,
to have been
has been I
an aunt in Michigan. At the age
of yeara, de Was IMACHUITCS Corr
was a good
and made 'em just as
r the poor as he did for the
——Last Thursday morning as
Newton E. Hess, of State College,
was driving out of the lane at his
son's farm, onto the State highway,
he ran into a car drivea by J. Slipa-
koff, of New Orleans, and occupied
by the latter, his wife, and a Mr. and
Mrs. Strug and son, also of Louisiana.
brought to the Centre County hos-
pital by direcion of Mr. Hess, who
not only agreed to pay the hospital
bills but buy Mr. Slipakoff a new
| —Suffering from a bullet wound in the
| right shoulder, Mrs. John Young, 33, of
| Penn, near Greensburg, was taken to the
| Westmoreland hospital Sunday night.
| Mrs. Young told state police that she
‘was seated on the front porch of her
| home when four men ordered her into
/the house, When she hesitated, she
| says, one of the men shot her. After
{the shooting, the police were told, the
| men robbed her husband of $500.
—Kenneth Carter, Al Conklin and
Hughie Poole, all of Clearfield, were ar-
rested Saturday on the charge of illegal-
ly killing deer at night with the use of
Carter paid a fine and costs
amounting to $508; Conklin, not being
able to pay the fine of $500 was remand-
Poole posted bail for anoth-
—Merle Rhodes, 28,
barber, was found in a clump of bushes
near a railroad not far from Somerset,
on Tuesday, after, he told police three
ning freight train. Sheriff L. C. Wag-
oner gave him clothes and money and
Rhodes continued his journey back to
! Baltimore. He said he had gone to
| Johnstown to accept a job, only to find
it had been filled when he arrived. He
| said he decided to conserve the few dol-
lars he had by riding a freight back
—The Washington and Franklin branch
of the Lycoming Trust company was rob-
bed of $1500 last Friday afternoon in the
first bank holdup in the history of Wil-
liamsport, Eentering the bank about 1
o'clock, when but one young woman was
on duty, the man presented a check and
| then flashed a gun. Seizing $1000 in
$10 bills and $500 in $5 bills, he fled to
a small automobile parked outside and
drove west on Washington boulevard.
The police have but a meager description
of the man. Washington boulevard is a
residential district, with a small business
area, about a mile from the heart of the
| city, which is served by the bank.
—After walking about wtih the prong
of a garden hoe so firmly imbedded in his
skull that later required the force of
{six men to remove it, Nezzreno Paulino,
49, of Reading, assault victim, held the
* handle of the hoe in his hands during an
ambulance ride to Homeopathic hospital
and retained consciousness until the im-
plement had been removed and he Ifad
| been given an opiate. Paulino's vitality
and power of endurance amazed hospital
physicians. His skull is badly fractured
aiid hig condition early this week was re-
garded as serious. | Cherico, 28,
who lives with Paulino, i in the city
jail charged with being Paulino's assall-’
—The Pennsylvania State Game Com-
mission has decided to close eleven coun-
ties to the killing of wild turkey in 1981
and 1982. The decision was reached, the
board said, because of the scarcity of
the bird in the selected counties and the
plan to experiment with introduction of
young birds to replenish the supply.
Counties affected include Pike, Wayne,
Monroe, Luzerne, Carbon, Schuylkill,
Lackawanna, Monroe, Berks,
ton and Lehigh. Investigations were
also made, the board said, to show that
English sparrows and starlings are bene-
ficial to agriculture in the destruction of
the Japanese beetle and other plant
—The J. E, Rougeux farm of 50 acres
and 25 acres adjoining owned by Miss
Mary Hughney, near Frenchville, has
been purchased by Philipsburg capital-
ists, who have begun work to open up
the coal underlying thease properties.
Fifteen men were put to work a few
days ago, The coal shows up 42 inches
and gives promise of a superior quality,
This seam was discovered some ten
years ago by Messrs. Barrett and Savage,
of Clearfield, who held options on a large
block of it but for reasons not known
now were unable to dispose of it. The
product of this operation will be delivered
to the railroad by an aerial tramway
one-half mile below Frenchville station.
Baltimore, - Md,,