Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 07, 1931, Image 5

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The Grange Fair committee met
cn Grange Park, last Thursday eve-
ning, and with every member pres-
ent there was a general discussion
of plans and prospects for the com-
ing fair. It was the united opinion
that indications are favorable for a
successful season. Each superin-
tendent reported his department well
in hand in the matter of prepara-
tions. Buildings are undergoing
general improvements and repairs.
Headquarters have been enlarg-
ed which will very much increase
the facility in handling the compli
cated business of the fair and camp.
Those who work there are only too
familiar with the difficulties often
encountered on a busy day in efforts
to make things run smoothly. The
horticultural building, weatherboard-
ed and painted in accordance with
the color scheme in force, will add
materially to general appearances.
The buildings surrounded by shrub-
bery are in ideal settings which in
time will grow more beautiful.
The superintendent of grounds has
auihority to purchase crushed stone
for road improvement, and, it
be a far cry from the mud of the
early years on Grange Park to the
present condition of walks and
drives. However, the committee is
ambitious for further improvement.
Four Granges are preparing plays
for evening entertainments and in
view of the fact that Centre county
brought home a prize from the farm
show at Harrisburg, providing the
splendid talent engaged in the dra-
matic groups in the subordinate
Granges, something worth while may
be expected. In this connection it
may be of interest to know that
Centre county was one of the first
to take up this work and carry it
through successfully. year
each prize has been increased $10.00
and will be paid as follows: $40.00,
$30.00, $25.00 and $20.00.
The premuim book is in the hands
of the printer and it is hoped to have
it ready for distribution by August
1st. It will be a compact little
booklet of 68 pages to which much
thought and effort have been given,
The information desired by the pro-
spective exhibitor is given in detail
and the classes and prizes listed
The great amount paid in cash prizes
is evidence of the financial gain to
the exhibitor.
With the score standing 8 to
6 in favor of the West Penn Power
company baseball team, in the ninth
inning, the Chemical Lime company
nine staged a rally ir the game on
the Milesburg field, Tuesday evening,
and scored four runs, winning by the
score of 10 to 8. Luck figured large-
ly in the Chormical victory.
Mrs. Robert Keeler, of Buffalo,
Y., is visiting her patents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Bulloc
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stere and
daughter Bessie spent Sunday with
relatives in Philipsburg
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Clover Farms picnic, at
Bland Park, last Thursday.
Miles Hall and Miss Carrie Nei-
man, who have been on the sick list
for some time, are showing no im-
' Mrs. Pauline Peters, of Tyrone,
accompanied her sister, Mrs. George
Bullock, and a number of their
friends, to Hecle Park, last Thurs-
day, for a little outing trip.
The date set for the Hall reunion
is Labor day, Monday, September
7th, at the home of Robert B. Hall,
on Dix Run, where it has been held
the past two years. All friends and
relatives are cordially invited to at-
After a pleasant visit of two weeks
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eckenroth, Howard Kuntz returned
to the home of his uncle, Philip Hol-
ter, where he will spend some time
before going to his home in Toledo,
Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Parsons were their son Wal-
ter, wife and son, of Cheswick, and
their daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. James Fitzgerald, of Vander-
grift, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland, of
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Parsons, of Dix Run, and Prof.
Robert Lannen were guests of their
brother and family, Howard Parsons,
at the Parsons homestead up the
Pike, where Howard is spending the
summer recuperating his health.
Last Thursday the Stere and Holt
families celebrated their annual re-
union on the school grounds of our
town. About 76 of the clan, and
friends, met in a very pleasant way
and at the noon hour a long table
of all kinds of most deiicious eats
were enjoyed by all
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holtzworth
and family, of Fairmont, W. Va,
arrived, on Sunday, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Holtzworth.
Charles returned to his work, on
Monday, and the family remained
for a visit with their relatives, the
Holtzworth and D. Buck families.
The Methodist church will hold a
festival Saturday, August 8th, on
the school grounds, afternoon and
evening. Ice cream, cake, pies,
watermelon, hot dogs and coffee will
be served. The orchestra will fur-
nish music for the evening and the
chief amusement will be the fish
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roller and
sister, Mrs. Ada Wilburt, and Miss
Sara Holt, returned, Monday, from
a three week's trip to the western
part of Ohio, where the Rollers had
spent a number of years in farming.
The trip was made in Miss Holt's
new car which she had recently pur-
J. Hall Bottorf has returned home
from a few day's trip to Pittsburg.
Mrs. Samuel Wasson is now a
patient in the Centre County hospit-
The Artz family motored to Lan-
caster and spent Sunday with rela-
Charles Fluke and Ed Fredericks,
of Pittsburg, are visiting friends in
Mrs. Robert Brennan is an obser-
vation patient in the Geisinger hos-
Paul McWilliams, of Graysville,
transacted business in town last
Mrs. Ida M. Williams departed, on
Tuesday, on a two week's trip to
Mrs Laura Krebs was in State Col-
lege, Monday, shopping and calling
on friends.
George Long and wife, of Penn's
Cave, spent Sunday at the James
Kline home.
C. M. Fry and wife, of Altoona,
were here, on Sunday, making brief
calls on friends.
E. E. Royer and family motored
to Tyrone, on Sunday, and spent the
day with friends.
Grover Cleveland Snyder and wife
were Friday callers at the Grover
Cleveland Corl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Neff, of Cortaro,
Arizona, are east on a visit with
Centre county friends.
The Kennedy sisters, of State Col-
lege, were in town, Friday evening,
and did a little shopping.
The colored Giants, of Mt. Union,
will play our ball team, on Nixon
field, tomorrow afternoon.
E. Shoemaker is having his town
house dressed up in a new coat of
paint. H. B. Ward has the job.
George O'Bryan, of Axe Mann, and
Walter O'Bryan, of State College,
spent a few hours in town, on Sunday.
Miss Esther Spahr Musser, of
Millersburg, spent the latter end of
the week at the Sallie Burwell home.
J. H. Frizell, of State College, will
hold religious services, Sunday, at
the 1. O. O. F orphanage,at Sunbury.
N E. Hess has been engaged, this
week, in locating some of the old
boundary lines along Tussey moun-
Miss Lizzie Archey, of the Indi-
ana, Pa. teacher's college, spent
'Sunday with her mother, on Church
After holding down a good position
in Philadelphia for eight years Mau-
rice J. Weaver is back home looking
for another.
Irvin Bloom and wife, of Williams-
port, spent the latter end of the
week at the Ed Frank home, at
Rock Springs.
The big community picnic at
Baileyville will be held on Saturday,
August 15th. An elaborate program
is being arranged.
Farmer James Trostle motored
down to Gettysburg, Sunday, to
spend several days looking over the
historical battlefield.
Mrs John S. Dale, of State Col-
N. lege, was in town, last Thursday, in {
interest of the forthcoming
Grange encampment.
Mrs. Alice Buchwalter has return-
ed to her home in Lancaster after
spending two weeks among her var-
jous relatives in the county.
Mrs. Alice Roush, of Altoona, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ina Bailey,
while her husband, W. H. Roush, is
on a three week's trip through Ohio.
Farmer Will Dennison, who has
been ill the past month, wishes to
thank his friends and neighbors for
harvesting his hay and grain crops.
Mrs. Hattie Bell, of Spruce Creek,
spent the latter end of the week
visiting her father, J. W. Sunday,
and her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Mc-
Motoring toward State College,
Saturday afternoon, Harold Walker
crashed into another car. Nobody
was injured but both cars were
Mrs. Sallie Burwell and two
and Editha, are
Barto, Berks
Fluke family.
Politics are warming up. During
the week W. C. Auman, D. A Mc-
Dowell, Robert F Hunter and L.
Frank Mayes were all here extend-
ing the glad hand of fellowship.
Jacob W. Kepler, of Philadelphia,
is spending his vacation wth his
parents, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kep-
ler, expecting to make a trip to
Pittsburg before returning to his
Robert M. Foster Jr, who recent.
ly returned from a tour of Europe,
is visiting his parents at State Col-
lege, Hon. and Mrs. Robert M. Fos-
ter, before returning to New York
Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty, of
Altoona, visited Dr. R. M. Krebs,
on Sunday. Returning home they
were accompanied by Miss Ella Cox,
who will make a brief visit in the
Mountain city.
Clyde and Will Collins motored in
from Pittsburg and, after a brief
visit at their parental home here, con-
tinued their trip to Hublersburg
where they first saw the light of
day forty years ago.
| Dr. S. S. McCormick and wife, of
Hublersburg; Mrs. Ella Moore, of
| State College, and Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Styles and two daughters, of
| New Bloomfield, were callers on the
| Dannley sisters, on Sunday.
C. H. Martz, Civil war veteran,
with his grandson, Clair McGinley,
motored to Jersey Shore, last Thurs-
day, to visit his brother, John Martz.
It was his first trip down the State
| highway in Bald Eagle valley.
The annual reunion and picnic of
former residents of Scotia will be
held at that place tomorrow. It will
be the 51st annual gathering and
only two men who worked in the ore
mines there for Andrew Carnegie
are yet among the living.
Rev. J. O. C. McCracken and wife,
Misses Anna and Nelle Holter are
guests of friends in State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Confer, of
Niagara Falls, are visiting Miss
Mrs. C. C. Lucas, who has been
quite ill at her home, is slowly im-
Mrs. Frank Chalk, of Philadelphia,
is visiting with her father, Mr. A. A.
G. Blaine Loveland, of Mansfield,
Pa., was a guest, last Friday, at the
home of Mrs. Clara Butler.
The members of the Evangelical
Sunday school enjoyed a picnic at
Hecla park, on Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Henderson is spending
some time with her daughter, Mrs.
Clyde Smith, at Centre Hall.
Miss Jennie Holter, of Williams.
port, spent several days, last week,
with her sister, Mrs. James Kane.
John Dingler and Miss Marion
Huling, of Jersey Shore, were guests
at the Altenderfer home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Woodring, of
Milesburg, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunham, of
Niagara Falls, N Y., are visiting
the latter's sister, Mrs Jennie Wei-
Miss Violet Butler, of Lewistown,
spent several days, last week, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Louise Bennett, of Mill Hall,
and Jack Carey, of Pittsburgh, were
Wednesday evening guests of Miss
Carrye Butler.
Miss Grace Schenck, of Milesburg,
is spending her vacation with her
mother, Mrs. Mary Schenck and sis-
ter, Miss Lulu Schenck.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer
spent Thusday with relatives in
Jersey Shore. The former's aunt,
Mrs. Grace Dingler, accompanied
them on the return trip and spent
the week-end with them.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mayes and
family drove to Lewisburg, Saturday,
where they spent the week-end with
the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
James Kane accompanied them as
far as Milton, where she will spend
several days with her daughter, Mrs.
T. F. Husler.
Arthur Wensel, Dean Baney, Mer-
rill Pletcher, Kenneth Pletcher, H.T.
McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Kline R.
Wolfe ana son Dick, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. McDowell attended the
ball game between Williamsport and
the Athletics, at Memorial park,
Williamsport, last Friday
Rev. William E Harr, pastor of
the Reformed church of Lock Haven,
presided at the ordination and in-
stallation of Rev. George R. John.
son as pastor of the Nittany Valley
charge of the Reformed church, and
also preached the sermon; the ser-
vices being here in the local Reform-
ed church. The Rev. A. S. Asendorf,
of State College, delivered the charge
to the people.
The Howard Community Health
Service held it's regular monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs Girard
Altenderfer, on Monday eveaing.
Arrangements were completed fora
festival to
the Howard High school grounds,
with music by the Howard band.
The proceeds from the festival will
be used for the benefit of the under-
privileged children of Howard and
Miss Edna Sortman took in the
chicken supper at Mount Eagle, Sat-
urday evening.
Mrs. Mary Deitz has returned to
her home after working at the
George Burd home for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hoy and
family spent Sunday at Curtin, at
the home of Mrs. Hoy's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Korman.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hoy spent
Sunday afternoon and evening with
Mrs Hoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ephriam Lucas and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Walker and
children, of Bellwood, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ephriam Lucas. Other
callers at the Lucas home were Mr.
and Mrs. Doyle Lucas, Mr. and Mrs.
Hogan Long and son George, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Lucas and family, all
of Howard.
Mrs. Harry Fisher, of Connells-
ville, and Mrs. Evans and grandson,
William Fisher, wife and two boys,
of Sharon, spent part of last week
visiting at the Luther Fisher home
and also called at the Harry and
Mervin Hoy homes. Elwood Fish-
er returned home with his mother
after spending the month with his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Several thousand members of
the Evangelical church throughout
Pennsylvania attended the celebra-
tion of the fifteenth anniv-rsary of |
the church home for tu2 aged and
tte Eastern orphanage, at Lewis-
burg, last Friday. During the ex-
ercises certificates of honorable dis-
n.issal from the orphanage were
given to three girls who have at-
tained the age of eignteen years,
one of the number being Isabelle L.
Miller, of Bellefonte.
a —— I ——
| ot Export,
| annual summer vacation at their
| old family home in the Glades, the
| Reverend helping to house the sum-
mer crops during the absence of his
brother Harry on a five thousand
mile jaunt with Pennsylvania farm-
Comrade B. D. Brisbin, a Civil war
veteran, motored here from Connecti-
cut with his daughter, Mrs. Robin-
son, to be on hand for the annual
reunion of the Centre County Veter-
an Club, which will be held on Wed-
e |
nesday of the week of the
encampment. Both he and his daugh-
ter are staying at their old home at
[Centre Hall.
Be held August 15th, at’
Pa., are spending their
James Wert, after a week's visit
with his sons in Tusseyville, return-
ed home Sunday.
Mr. Yerdy and son Alvin, of Sha-
mokin, were brief callers in the
home of Mrs. John Wolf.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stover, of
Dauphin, spent the week-end with
Mr. Stover's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Stover.
The Misses Amanda and Cora
Haines spent a day, recently, in
State College, with their sister, Mrs.
Alvin Eisenhuth.
Mrs. H. E. Crouse has been quite
ill for several days, having suffered
a severe heart attack Saturday af-
ternoon. May she soon recover. {
Week-end guests of Rev. and Mrs.
G. H. Fred Griesing were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Snyder, of Allentown,
and Miss Margaret Smith, of Hazle-
A goodly number of towns people
drove to the Alexander Caverns Sun-
day. The Aaronsburg band furnish-
ed music at the Caverns that after-
Mrs. James Holloway, who bas
for some weeks been ill, is some-
what better and her friends wish
for her a speedy and full recovery
to health.
Miss Verna Ardery, of Bellefonte,
was the week-end guest of her aunt,
Mrs. George J. Weaver. Miss Ard-
ery attended the Stover-Meyer re-
union Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaver, son
Lester and grand-son, LeRoy Beav-
er, of Pottsgrove, were brief callers,
Sunday, with Mr. Beaver’s sister, |
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Stover.
In last week's locals we failed tO]
note that Mrs. Miles Arney and two
daughters, of N Falls, have
been the guests of Mrs. Arney's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gramley.
Mrs. Herman Haupt, of Philadel-
phia and Atlantic City, after a stay
of some time with her cousin, Mrs.
John M. Otto, left, Monday, for At-
lantic City where she will join Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mingle,
Mr. and Mrs. Corl Stover and small
daughter, drove to town, Friday, to
spend their vacation with their re-
spective parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Mingle and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stov-!
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Guise-
wite were dinner guests, Sunday,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Harter, at Pine Creek. A. P.
Maize, Mrs Guisewite's father, spent
the day with his brother, William
Maize, in Millheim.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hosterman
and Mrs. J. F. Krape and children
drove to Lewisburg, where they
spent last Friday at the Evangelical |
home for the aged. Orvis Hoster-
man is the guest of his brother,
Rev. Ward K. Hosterman, at Central
Oak Heights.
Sumner Burd, son John and daugh-
ter, Grace, drove to Burbank, Ohio,
Thursday, where they were guests
until Saturday in the home of Mr.
Burd's brother Harry; all going on
to Akron, Saturday, to help cele-
'brate their brother Fred's birthday.
It was a complete surprise to their!
elder brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pike, their
son Thomas, of Woodland, and their
daughter, Mrs. Leah Hughes, of
Brooklyn, N. Y., were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King. Mrs
King and grand-daughter, Mable
Henry, went to Bellefonte to visit
Mrs. Fount Smoyer, Arthur Smoyer
accompanied them home for a visit.
Harry Keeler, of Bellefonte, was
in town, Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of
Pleasant Gap, were visitors in town
on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. W. Hess is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Paul Coxey, and fam-
ily, at Indiana.
The exterior wood work of the
Reformed church has been improved
with a coat of white paint.
Perry Sweet, of Warren, is
ing his vacation at the home of
mother Mrs. Sarah Mowery.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartley, of
Bellefonte, visited at the home of
Mrs. Charles Kuhn, last week.
Mrs. George A. Homan and daugh-
ter Marjorie spent the week-end
with friends in Northumberland.
Mrs. Ralph Noll, of Pleasant Gap,
was the guest of her cousins, Misses
Ellen and Cathryn Dale, on Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Whitekettle and
baby, of Newport, are visiting at the
home of Prof. and Mrs. E. H. Mey-
er. i
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and
Miss Grace Smith, of Centre Hall,
spent a short time in town on Mon-
Mrs. Peter Weber, Miss Alice
Weber and Edward Weber, of Hunt-
ingdon, were guests of Miss Anna
| Weber, recently. |
| Mrs. Warren Cupp and children
‘returned to their home in Williams-
| port, on Sunday, after spending a
month at the home of Mrs. Cupp’s
| parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kuhn.
| Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIntyre and
four daughters, of Rebersburg, at-|
tended Sunday school in the Luther-
an church, on Sunday, and spent the
remainder of the day at the David
Bohn home, east of town.
James Atherton has secured a
position in the schools at Numidia, |
Columbia county, and with his fam- |
ily will locate in that town. During
the year spent in this vicinity the
Athertons made many friends who
wish them success in their new lo-
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer, Mrs.
Mattie Tressler, Samuel Wagner and
son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Meyer and daughter, Miss Rosella,
and Misses Evelyn and Carolyn Mey-
er, of the Branch, attended the Mey-
er reunion at Woodward Cave, on
—If you read it in the Watchman
| You know it's true.
S. Williams, et ux, to Ray-
mond L. Williams, tract in Port
Matilda; $1.
William Brown, Adm., to John T.
Miller, tract in Rush Twp.; $850. :
Ida Michaels, et bar, to Farmers
National Bank and Trust company,
tract in Millheim; $1.
Annie C. Roland to Lou Roland
Hollenback, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
R. F. Stein, et ux, to Regina Mof-
fet, tract in State College; $1.
Regina Moffet to R. F. Stein, et
ux, tract in State College; $1.
Ray D. Gilliland, et al, to Edith
Walker Gilliland, tract in Snow
Shoe; $1.
Sara C. Ritcher to Ellen F. Kep- |
hart, tract in Taylor Twp.; $1.
Charles Steele, et ux, to Whitmer
Steele Co., tract in Miles and Walk-
er Twps.; $455.
Raymond L. Williams to Harry S.
Williams, tract in Port Matilda; $1.
The farmers are finishing up their
oats harvest.
Miss Decima Green, of DuBois, is
visiting relatives here.
John Martin was a welcome caller
at the Boob home, Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Darl Reb, of Am-
bridge, are visiting Mrs. Reb’s fath-
er, Robert Malone.
The condition of Mrs. Frank
Peters is not much improved. Miss
Florence Peters has returned from
Mill Hall to help take care of her
The Department of Health has
taken all possible steps necessary to
deal with the seasonal increase of
infantile paralysis during the pres-
ent hot season.
“The early symptoms usually are
tro-intestinal in character and
prompt reference to the family phys-
jcian is always necessary.” “It
should be remembered that prompt
and efficient after care has a great
deal to do with restoring the use
and function of the damaged mus-
Keeping children away from large
crowds is the primary suggestion to
avoid contagion.
Lawrence E. Callahan and Virginia
Mott Weber, both of Oak Hall
Robert Carter Quigley and Win-
fred S. Wieland, both of New York
Maurice P. Whitmyer and Ada V.
Winklebleck, both of Aaronsburg.
Clifford Hoover Yorks, of Miles-
burg, and Ella Louise Dann, of
(Summer Opening Time 7:00 p. m.)
Eddie Dowling, Ray Dooley in
Sheets Gallagher, Carole Lombard in
Adventures in Africa and Fox News
Irene Delroy, Jack Whiting in
George O'Brien, Sally Eilers in
Alse Bobby Jones in
(Next Week)
Ricardo Cortez, Bebe Danieis in
Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey,
Supt., 9.30 special events. League,
6.30, and prepared leaders with per-
tinent topics; attractive meeting.
Worship, 10.45, special exposition of
selected Scriptures—preachment
sharply timely. 7.30, union service
for all the churches, Rev. A. Ward
Campbell, preacher. Pastor re-
sponds to all calls for his services.
Commercial travelers and visitors
are usually found in every service
for worship. All welcome. Fri-
day, parsonage, Woman's Foreign
Missionary Society. Monday, 10th,
7.45 adjourned meeting of the offi-
cial board.
Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor.
9:30 A. M., Church school; Her-
man Hazel, superintendent.
10.45 A. M., Morning service; the
Rev. George Ely, of Arendtsville,
will be the guest Preacher.
Clarence Arnold, Pascor.
Sunday school at 9.30 a. m,, R. R.
Davison, Supt.
Preaching at 10.45 a. m. and 7.30
p. m., by the pastor.
Morning subject: “The Tabernacle,
a Type of Christ: The Altar of
Evening subject: “Christianity, or
Christ All in AlL”
Senior and Intermediate Endeavor
at 6.30 p. m.
Prayer and Bible study Wednes~
day evening at 7.30.
Junior Endeavor Saturday at 3
music at all preaching
services »% the choir.
. E. Householder, Pastor.
————————— A ———————
—The annual convention of the
Centre County Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, scheduled to be
held in Philipsburg August 5th and
6th, has been postponed until early
in September, probably the 2nd and
Monday evening at
OR SALE.—Real oft
lling house and double house in
Berle onte. Estate of Margaret
of Bellefonte, Ps.
estate consisting
Aer of administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon the
gate of wilbur T. Twitmire, a
efonte borough, , -
sons knowing themselves indebted to sald
estate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims against
the Juste mst present A duly au-
i , for .
Te! HARRY BADGER, Lhlminis Fotor,
W. Harrison Walker, efonte,
Attorney. 76-30-6t
EE stinea
the borgugh of, Unionville,
gd knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate -
indebtedness and
Se "io
ETH HOLT, BExecutrix,
Ww. Harrison Walker Atty. Fleming, Pa.
Bellefonte, Pa. T6.21-6t
ECUTRIX'S NOT teen granted
t mentary ving
to the undersigned upon the estate
of Marcus A. Landsy. late of Bellefonte
persons ng
the, nst the a
claims al :
thie Li them, op authenticated,
for payment.
John G. Execu!
Love, _. 26.6t Bellefonte, Pa.
{ Atlantic City
$425 | New York
Saturday, August 15
Standard Time
Leaves Bellefonte . . - 8.26 P.M.
Consult Agents. All Steel Equipment
Continuous Showing, 2 to 11
Friday — Ruth Chatterton in
“The Magnificent Lie”
See this Grea
each emo! t Star, who ub ky
own. She learns about love from
Er a
lifetime. can live in a
Saturday, This Week—
That Great Western Star
Buck Jones, in y
Season's i reer me.
“ -
Forbidden Adventure”
with Mitzie Green.
If you are looking for thrills—if you
“want to take a
they are. Best t laugh, here
y and News.
Shows at 7:15 and 9
‘Now All Week—
The picture you have waited
for is now here at last. of the
Greatest Air Dramas of the Season—
“Men of The Sky”
After 13 years, secrets of France's
Greatest are out, She was a
woman, who gave all for her coun-
try. A story of love and sagrifics 4
so intimate, that it had to
war records.
Greatest All Talking and Sound
Railroad Thrill Drama this year—
“The Lightning Flyer”
A picture filled with
situe STed sith Jeu