Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 31, 1931, Image 6

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    HF rrr ———————————
—————————— i
Peworvait atc BANKING REFORMS HOW: Bl we are an pi shoes
OLD NAMES OF GARMENTS J this summer instead of playing
HAVE BEEN PRESERVED.— ® ature golf, and, not to
= —
Bellefonte, Pa., July 31, 1951
Hall Fair will
” Ecououiic Policy Commission of | 5 Yew Persons teslize-what au i @ | procession tye Centre Hall, Bair wil !
Your He alt | eshwratton | 3 Lo Jule of Jut Sw a in as a | Tummy Hurts!
THE FIRST CONCERN. Recommends Aids to Prog- | ® about on our backs In the ® suitable court has been planned and
: ress in Banking Business. : clothes we wear. Some features a manager selected who is familiar
) In them have been preserved 2 with the present day rules govern-
almost unchanged right down ® ing the game. A schedule has been
LLOWING a nation-wide survey | ® from Greece and Anglo-Saxon ¥ arranged which undoubtedly will |
of banking conditions and opinion % England, others are traditions ® prove interesting and exciting, as
among bankers, the Economic Policy © that have lost all meaning or § much so as the contests waged at |
| Commission of the American Bankers | @ the words themselves have had @ the farm show last winter. Prizes
Association has made the following | 8 5 pew meaning given to them. § and ribbons will be awarded and
| récommendations for banking better & writes L. F. Easterbrook In 2 every effort made to make this one
| EL The“ GitezokY of ip | @ John O' London's Weekly. © of the big features of the fair. J Py ®
nder the cate roved | 8 me very word “garment,” for § While horse-shoe pitching may be \
te it AY er js bank management specific Improve | § yngance, means “garnishment” ® a rival to baseball, it certainly will J
the really essential possession. There Tenis we might summarize are: | 2 or adornment, rather than a @ not take the place of the latter and | Bless his little
can be no doubt, of course, thatthe _ (1) Liquidation or consolidation of | § oop pecessity, and the fash- © the interest displayed each year in|
physical and mental states are inti- banks where changed local economir fonable lay who chooses her ® ball games warants the management : | heart!
mately related. Anything that low- conditions render this desirable; latest “robe” little dreams that & to again make arrangements for a | - fe /
ers the vitality affects unfavorably “(2) Wider affiliation among state the word is indirectly derived series of games for the week. Skill- | | ; Abide 100m
the mental condition. | banks with the Federal Reserve Sy? & 1. ugh the German from “rob” 3 ed teams have been secured and ite uch
But toan immeasurable degree the ‘tem: d once | =.
’ referred only to the ® games scheduled for each day. And,
state of mind governs the physical «(3) Development of limited branch an CS ® | Talors. may: view
well-being. As a man _thinketh in| panying wh economic conditions | spoils stripped from a dead en in order that spec y
ice cream and
Ys heart 90 1s Be. If you can) Trios WHOIS On hb wana | 3 uy. Ber “tweplece’ sports J (this aport in comtor!, igachers of cake and a big dark room can make a small
keep that brain of yours functioning t: costume Is only one of the many @ approved type have been purchase bo feel mi gh ba d alon about mi dni ght.
along normal lines you will have wi 45. 2 Wore general practice, evs | modes which she has stolen 2 and will be erected adjacent to the y feel mighty 4
solved the chief problem of the mys- | ' from the earliest days—in this ball field A small fee will be :
terious thing we call “health.” | clally lacking among country banks, t0 | © cuse from the ladies of Greece © charged for their use. But mother has answered his call and ata
Cultivate calmness, poise, cheerful | analyze the cost of carrying accoults | § ang Crete, who wore a body © No more delightful place in the touch of a switch reassuring light floods
ness, contentment and happiness; and other operating details and the | © .. get” guy skirt. Others she 2 State can be found to take children .
then you will be fit to run life's race establishment of proper service charges has stolen from men, for med ® than to the fair on Grange Park. A | the room even before her own comforting
and win the victor’s crown! | to make all classes of function profi! ) ® |
SOAP w. GEIS | 8 | @ were the first to wear gowns safe and pleasant playground care-| presence.
. ; | @® frocks, blouses, and even 2 |
A Frenchman, Maurice Renaud,| *“(5) A more general application of | robes, 8, fully supervised, is provided with
last Nove: | | @ Detticoats. Gowns were original splendid equipment to which this
that a tn 8 efhoqins | the theory and practice of secondar) | @ iy made of fur and were worn 3 | year a fine wave slide will be added. Then the electric heating pad is applied
cleanser of pussy abscesses and ul- | 1 oldance by banks of undue oy monks, as also were frocks. Placed in the center of the tented | x t :
‘cerated surfaces. ‘The diluted soap | (9). Av ee to i theirown © 3 the extant phrase “unfrock portion of the park, where no driving | and with its soothing warmth comes sleep.
‘not only washed germs away me-| COrrowing merely to Increase ther | @ ing” a priest still betokens. © 5 permitted and accessible to all |
‘chanicaily. Tt killed germs and seem- Profits by relending at higher rates, or | @ upjouse” is + French word that
i ) d, it is ideal for | . =» .
ed to neutralize their toxins. | to overspend credit 19 lead pusias 1 @ eferred’ to the smock or over a groun When your children call in the night you
The Renaud report inspired Dr. in order to increase their own | @ all worn uy peasants, although 2 | Subordinate G 5 are. .taiin % : .
John, Eaward walker 10.2 summarize | Was oiperition bankers fn | § 0 the beginning it was 1 silken © wna E | SYANEe) ALY he ae want instant electric service—and you have
own p's germ- “ peration among igh : . ‘
KilHng POETS Tertboons Or gr. | loon om boro tiuak city, county | § Overall that knights wore io $ [for the dramatic performances which it, for far away in the substations and in-
. t the rain from spotting ©
ry and bacteriol say very lit-| SB preven ) will be given in the auditorium as : .
e on the subject, Dr. Walker, 39, RE io | § tueir cymmor levening entertainments, and four terconnected generating stations of your
one time arm , ol) G " 4 ut
ye imstrucior at ome Hop. hy iste higher | : San we Ppa yan power company men are working through
kins and the Army Medical “(8) The insistence upon , ;
‘one time Ii oT of 3] school, educational effort and qualifications How Yale Men Came to the ni ght to keep your se rice #e
‘diseases at Opelika, Ala. last week | Among employees, especially those to be Adopt B oil ATE liable:
‘summarized: trusted with executive duties. ulld Mascot | REAL EST TRANSFERS.
Any soap is practically as good as | The origin of Yale's famous mascot. | James S. Scholl to First National
carbolic acid, iodine, mercu Legislative Measures Proposed | :he bulldog, was explained In a recent Bank of Centre Hall, tract in Gregg |
or ed synthesized RL “There are some external measures, issue of the Yale Alumni Weekly. A | TwWP.; 3325. WEST PENN POWER CO.
in killing infectious germs. Soap | along moderate legislative and super- | fine-bred bulldog named Handsome = Ruth E. hartman, et bar, to Ger-
will not kill staphylococci or typhoid | visory lines, that we also believe Dan was bought in 1890 by Andrew B. trude T Rowe, tract in Haines Twp.; EE EE A Cr
bacilli, which are unusually resistant | would help strengthen banking. Amons | Graves, Paris banker, then a sopho- $100.
to germicides. But soap will kill | spege are: | more. The dog became a favorite on = Ephriam W. Gardner to Lenna E. | se
pneumococci, meningococei, strepto-| «(1) The broadening In the states | the campus and was paraded at foot- | Gardner, tract in Liberty Twp.; $1. COMMISSION ADDS a A. B. Williams, of Port Matilda Pa. Is
’ nomination the
a Htors ™. Zhtheria adil. of branch banking laws where condi- | ball games by his caretaker, a whiter | Ephriam W. Gardner to Lenna E. TO GAME HOLDINGS 8 candidate top Centre dun 100 on the
lida very easily, very Tr The tions warrant an extension of this | bearded old man called Pop Smith. Gardner, tract in Liberty Twp.; $1. Democratic ticket, subject to decision
f the voters of the party as expressed
hotter the water th _ | type of banking service to the publie; | Subsequently, songs were written J. O. Heverly, treasurer, to L. L. Over 12,000 acres of ideal game = the Primaries to be held Tuesday,
ing properties of ry he ealke | “(2) The establishment of sound | about Handsome Dan, including the Weaver, tract in Haines Twp.; $13.12. territory have been purchased by the | September 15, 1931.
kind of soap is virtually as effica- minimum capital funds under which | popular “Bulldog, Bulldog, Bow Wow. Mary Macura, et bar, to Annie Game Commission and include tracts
“cious as. anether. banks will be allowed to operate, which | Wow!” and the dog was recognized | Yanorich, et al, tract in Snow Shoe in three counties. In Columbia REPUBLICAN
- , 5 . 31. ty 1580 acres of adjoining State —
PROTECT YOUR TEE WITH should be materially higher than mow generally as Yale's symbol. Hand- Twp. $1 | coun
PROPER en a prevails in most states; specifically, some Dan won more than 100 prizes Joseph Pagash, et al, to John W.| Same lands No. 58 were purchased. FOR SHERIFF.
| : | 2770 acres tobe known that L.
The British Dental we belleve that the minimum capital | at dog shows before he died in 1808. | Palfy, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1. A tract of 1 | We are authorized to announce
written to the Ea ysiation hus with which any mew bank shall be fis skin was stuffed and mounted and | John W. Palfy, to Mary Macura, 33 State game lands No. o% Was Aa | Frank Mayes, nomination, for tne. office
and Health Review a letter to stress | chartered, whether state or national | Is now on exhibition In the trophy |et bar, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1. TLTE 0“ onsisting of 8142 acres, Of Sheriff of Centre Jou "on Re-
the im of diet in the care thould be at least $50,000; | room, L. L. Smith, treasurer, to Whitmer- _., 5, rchased in McKean county Da opabiiosh voters of the
“of the th. Sita gronsiy exist, “(3) The provision of funds and | IAT I ‘ Steele Co., tract in Walker TWP. | and will be known as State game |as
3 wing tha ty roguljtions (9 weep She Siete) to | Haw Susbos Bibest Ed. i Smith, treasurer, to Whitmer lands Wo. 01. yr hereby that I candi-
of supe ry departments up t0 | Many species of snakes eat hen eggs r, “| The tract in Clarion county was announce am a
Jaws and. Sonsaquent Ireuiariles of a level of ability and integrity that Jy swallowing them whole; In fact Stele Co. tract in Walker TWP: once the site of many old iro fur- dale for hominaticn for Sherif of OM:
‘the teeth, and also most of the Will universally inspire confidence that Is the only way they could eat LL Smite. & to Witte ‘paces. In the early days Clarion su voters
“diseases of civilization,” arise from | 3mong bankers whose activities they | them. Generally the eggs are crushed | Lo Lr Vit, LreRsurcs to r-| county was known as the Iron coun- |G JEG on™ Tuesday, September
an insufficiency of vitamins in the are empowered to review, and will sup | by constriction soon after they are | 38. e dh er TWP. ty and at the t of its dusry 15, 1981. LAUREATE
food, not only during development ply real added defenses to the public | swallowed, although they would un |* °°: |over thirty-one es were N. R. LAMOREA x
but throughout life. Correct feed- ‘nterests they are appointed to protect. doubtedly be digested in time by the | [I~ Smith, treasurer, to Whitmer- blast.
. with all the other “(4) In connection with the policies powerful juices of the snake's stom Siete Co, “tract in Walker Twp. | ___ Won .
measures which go to improve gen- of bank chartering departments, we ach even if they were not broken le We are authorized to aanounce
eral health, reacts favorably on the th ven to a I Anna Maria Hessong, et bar, to DEMOCRATIC o.
state of the mouth and tends to would recommend that, e Poultrymen sometimes kill snakes
‘prevent dental
greater extent than is now the prac which eat hen eggs by placing artifl- J ag. of “al, tract in FOR BRERIFE Republican ticket . for the ofice of
The actual cause of decay, the let- ‘ic® the greatest care and moderation | ial eggs where the reptiles will find Charles H. Robb to Sarah S. Robb, | , We are authorized to announce thatthe decision of the voters as
“ter continues consists of an acid, Should be exercised in granting mew them As a rule, egg-eating snakes tract in State College; $1 . ' Bliet Breon, of Bellelonte borough. a rn
produced by the fermentation of Shanighs, . ato spd alaliet over a a distinguish Svar Seti Harry M. Coll aL x to Edith lon the: Democratic ticket for the office of
starch and sugary substances, ng or the launching of new banks | and genuine eggs and they . ’ :
ST remem Ita: mata hond | by unqualified persons, which have | low gins nest eggs as readily aa they | HUrWits, tract in State College; $1. | decision of the veters as”eipressed, uf | numination lor Shee Republican tet
“which are derived chiefly from white doubtless been serious factors in the will real eggs. A glass or porcelain | Frank P.Royer, et ux, to Stewart gepiemper 15th, 1981. subject to the decision the To
bread, confectionery, sugar and wank failure situation in the past. egg cannot pass through the snake's | BenDer; et ux, tract in Haines Twp; the as at the
‘Sweets. Raw fruit and vegetables w(5) Algo, referring to Federal Re = digestive system and it proves fatal | >° > tor Gr a arunat | PGs | 2a? " '
“and nuts are especially a serve practice mot requiring legisla = to the reptile. The following snakes, 15 Ww. Radar, Enis to Blavart | Si: subject to the decision of oa C. C. SHUEY, Bellefonte Pa.
hey require HC able pasticles, | ton. We believe that the Federal Re | common in the United States, are 3 Beer, Haines Twp. | Democratl ember We are authorized to announce that
Sar a I AS resi- serve Banks should exercise more freee known to eat hen eggs: Indigo snake. H ante) Hitwits Wo Milton. S. Car H. HOY Philip is alsa oR Philipesury;
“dues themselves. Apples. pears and ly their rights to examine banks and | conchwhip, black snake, fox snake. ver, et ux, tract in College "Twp.; | , We are authorized to announce that ticket for the offen, o
‘oranges at the close of a meal not use their discretionary power to refuse corn snake, pilot snake, pine snake. $1. Join It Bodbis St Millhetm . Ire re of Foun any, a Party
“only have this effect but they as rediscount facilities to banks indulging | bull snake, gopher snake, king snake. Clara M. Meeker to Abbie M. Centre County on the a3 recorded at the primaries to be
“well cause an increased flow of in objectionable banking methods.” = —Exchange. Rees, ot al. tract in Potter Twp * | subject to the decision of voters , September 15, 1981.
“saliva os heightened alkalinity, which | : 1 gn A Boll, Kon 15, 1831. | I hereby announce that I am a candi-
neutralizes the acid. Potatoes are | How to Water Trees Bessie E. Gould, et bar, to Joel A. Ie date for on, the “Republics
‘excellent in themselves but leave| Banker-Farmer Plan | io Co oo i aced ar | SPY: tract in State College; $1. Casi ticket for the office of,’ of Cen
‘fermentable particles, hence should | tficial watering for at least two or Joel A. Sperry, et ux, to Gwendo- the it “he party a at
“be followed by raw fruit. Toasts, | An editorial in Southern Cultivator =. =H sin: lyn M. Aikey, tract in State Col-|, I Bereby announce a candidate | {10 "Dr aries to be held 0B v
crusts and other firm materials re- | rays: “Favorable comment is being | Jears g the dry seasons. lege; $1. tre County, sub, to the decision of | September 15, 198, Philipsburg, Pu.
iri mastication are better than | Specialists In the United States De- the Democratic at the ERNEST B.
Yuir og ata r made upon the wisdom and promised = ToT et on eo 3 Gwendolyn M, Aly do Joi A. he Dompiiwis gy Th x .
TR oods. | results of the farmer-banker agricultu- recommend , et ux, . UDITOR
Brushing the teeth. with a solution | "0 onan in Georgia. Industrial | that such trees be given a good water- oi ROZERY ¥. HUNTZR We are authorized to announce that B.
of one teaspoon of salt to a glass of | ing once or twice a week rather than PROTHONOTARY D. Musser, Mills, ‘of
| leaders and publicists, noting that 115 Paul N. Eckley, et ux, to Charles for for office
water recommended. The brush a little water every day. A muleh |g tract in Benner ©'$50. | We are authorised to annonce that Auditor of Centre ; the
| of the 161 counties in the state have ouser, Twp.; ;
should be moved both across and up of straw or leaves around the tree 8. Herr, of Bellefonte, Penna. | decision of the the
and down. The gums should have pledged prosecution of the live-at- John M. Hartswick, et al, to|jga for nomination for Pro- party. ps to
will help to conserve the supply of | George L. Smith, et tract in of Centre County, on the on “best:
active friction in every part, behind | home’ farm reform, are regarding the | wo TP 0 CU rge gt ux, Democratic ticket, subject to the deci:
‘and before, to help prevent spongi- working out of the plan this year as of State College; $225. ston of the Democrats of county | We are authorized to anmounce hat
mess and pyorrhea. A dentist should more interest to American farmers David Chambers, treasurer, to a3 expresaed by the voters of party David A. Holter, of sion tor ine. lbs
be visited twice a year or oftener. than any developments of the Soviet How Landslide Ruined Mine | Charles Steele, tract in Miles Twp; ae on Tuesday. | 8 CANAIN® of Caire. County.
OKLAHOMA STERILIZES | five-year plan in Russia. Agricultural | Enormous earth pressure caused by |$4.82. JOR RaviRoHs lias purty” a sxpressed Ky
The state of Oklahoma now has actuaries are of the opinion that if | a landslide bas caused destruction of | David Chambers, treasurer, to og apy
«sterilization law which vrovides | Georgia farmers, backed by our coop- | the New Tredergary colliery at New | Charles Steele, tract in Miles Twp.; | We sre authorised De ser
for the sterilization of the honeless-| orating bankers and supply men, dem- Tredegar, England. Only the screens $10.15. a candidate for nomination for Recorder OVERSEER THE POOR
Jv insane and habitually criminal of | ,ngirate the expected economies and | and some valuable machinery have | David Chambers, treasurer, to of Centre county, on the Demacrale| We are authorized to announce thal
that State. Men vmder, sixty-seven | oool™0 To TY ne cupport plan, it | been saved. The main road has been | Charles Steele, tract in Miles TWP.; | otos of the: party, as €, 2 | Alazander Morrison will be a candidate
Years of age ang Hoien under | Lu; quickly become a contagious cus- | swept away, and the rallway Is burled | $7.28. Primaries to be on » 86p- |at the primaries to be held on September are 5 ett 10 he Drovis| tom all over the agricultural areas of | beneath thousands of tons of debris | L. Frank Mayes, treasurer, to tember 15, 1981. ith LL. subloct 1° Je decision of i
of a felony for the third time must the nation. It will be the writing of a | Traffic will not be restored for several | Charles Steele, tract in Walker Twp.; COUNTY COMMISSIONER
he examined hy a medical hoard, | new ‘declaration of independence’ for months. $52.26. We are authorized to announce that amma
and sterilization. if recommended, the individualist farmers of the coun- L. Frank yes, treasurer, to John £1. Sbedsly, of Spring ob
must he carried out. There is| try, putting them upon solid terms of How to Clean Paintings Charles Steele, tract in Walkec TWP.; | 5.6" o¢ County Commissioner, subject to Fir Insurance
nroner nrovision for anneal in case | credit and prosperity without need of Raw potato rubbed over the surface $6.51. the decision of the Soles Of rh Cc
near unfair. The most encouraging | |jef measures. The man of the soil | grime. Wipe with clean cloth. This Samuel M. Roberts, et ux, tract in
the decision of the hoard should an- recourse to federai or state financial re- | of ofl paintings will remove dust and George E. Rothrock, et ux, to Satie Reid” Tuesday Dy eptember 15, 1981. Does yours represent the val-
faature of this niece of leeislation 18 | who lives year in and year out ‘on his | will restore original brightness to the Bellefonte and Spring Twp.; ¥1. TM.
‘ . Huey, of a|| ago or today? We shall be
the fant + Vi - : arren W. Carson, . L. | candidate nomination
ned a8 faishment = but rather | OX Will stand up in his community as | pictures. Beyarren W..Carson, et ux, to M.L. | cangidate for Homan owas. Tne || £144 to help you make sure that
“am a “nrotaction” for the best inter. | JB economic freeman, making his ows M. L. Beck to Warren W. Carson, | he, Democratic Hot oe party ag || JOUT, Protection is adequate to
nts of Society. terms with the world of finance and How to Judge a Tree 3 decision ped || your risks,
trade.” The. av tardwood: tres: which et ux, tract in Howard; $1. expressed at the Primaries to be
n the work of. tha Thetitnta Brge Lawrence H. McMullen to Nittany | Tuesday. September 15, 1981. Ifa check up on your property
} tn ve is 21 Inches in diameter 6 feet from | oo piry Club, tract in Walk "| We are authorized to announce that J.|| values indicates that you are
Yaw down ne the first event com-| A meeting of farmers, bankers, and | the ground will yleld one cord of |g) : er TWD. | ror "Drunsar of Miles is a|| only partially insured—let us
mandmeant that. in order to obtain | newspaper men of St. Croix County, wood. . candidate for nomination re tection upto date:
nhvsieal efficiency and Jone life. and | wisaongin, recently organized a drive cratic te for the Office of Commis. bring your pro up
all that thease things mean to the in- ? “ ” said h ‘ sioner of Centre County, .
Mvidunl, there must he a thoroneh | [0 Promote the growing of alfalfa in | How Worms Get in Chestnuts a oe Cham hue, py decision of Hh Ts rs bo hd on Hugh M. Quigley
nhvsteal examination of the hodv | SCR pe] as bo save the Shey The worms Inside chestnuts arc ang I'm terribly sorry.” Tuesaday, September 15, 1931.
and of the life of the individual | M80 the expense of commercia » | hatched In the nuts from eggs lald | «peed, ma'am, Ah ain't had no
"The onlv safe course is to take the | and insure greater dairy profits. It | i; the blossom by beetles. hard luck.” oY} gfe suthortzd to oe Dat Temple Court, Belifonte, Pa.
“human hodv Aas won would a ma-| is planned in this campaign to have, ee “Why, wasn't your husband killed | candi for nomination for the office of ALL FORMS OF
shine. or an automobile, and #0 over | within the next three years, at least How Freezing Affects Water in a accident amy { tory" the De
it thoroughly. then in order to out| one acre of alfalfa produced for each ds when it fr d “Oh, yes, but dat's hard luck, as expressed at the primaries to be
it in the hest nossfble condition an Water sxpands whet o lreeses; AD " Reid” on Tutsday, September 15, 1981.
oN We salon’ > dairy cow in the county, or a total | 159 ints 6f water ylelds 110 pints of | 0Ot mine. s A
van, with edison aud. Jos re. of about 40,000 acres. lee a E——— COUNTY AUDITOR
gard to the conditions found —Subscribe for the Watchman. We are authorized to announce that