Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 31, 1931, Image 3
i ed — = Bellefonte, Pa, July 31, 1931 | CAMP MEETING TIME AT NEWTON HAMILTON. There will be a marked departure this year from the traditional pro-| gram at the Newton Hamilton camp | grounds, known throughout Central) ennsylvania as the Newton Hamil- ton camp meeting. The new name for the series of meetings to be held August 7—17, 1931, is the camp meeting and summer assembly. The meeting will open Sunday night at 7.30 o'clock with an address by Governor Pinchot. Each morning at 10.30 o'clock Saturday, August 8, Professor Lowstetter, head | of the department of Bible in Bos- ton University, will give a series of Bible reading. Professor Lowstetter is a man of superior ability in his field and the management is exceed- ingly fortunate in securing his serv- ices. Each evening at 7.30 o'clock, men who are outstanding in leadership in the several fields they represent, will 8! The evening program fol- lows: Saturday, August 8, Dr. B. D. Kohlstedt, secretary of the board of home missions and church exten- sion of the Methodist Episcopal church, will give an illustrated lec- ture; Monday, August 10, Deets Pickett, research secretary of the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals, will speak; Tuesday, August 11, Dr. Hon. H. Tippett, pastor of the Church of All Nations in the lower East Side, New York city, will tell the romantic story of his work in the most densely popu- lated section of this country; Wed- nesday, August 12, Dr. A. C. God- dard, executive secretary of the | world peace commission, will make | the address; Thursday, August 13, | to India, will describe his experiences in that most interesting land; Fri day, August 14, Honorable ~ John T. | McS secretary, Department of Agriculture, will preach; he will also make an address at 3 o'clock | that same day at a farmer's | It is expected that great throngs of | farmers will be present to hear him. Saturday, August 15, a musical pro- will be given under the direc- | Katherine R. Lowth admission is made at any of these events. A fering will be saked for at each service. | The S schedule is as follows: A wil preach; at 2.30 K t ; at 2.30 p. m. | Bunn Van Ormor of preach. Sunday Au-| Rev. Don. S. Colt, of h dis- | trict superintendent of the Williams- at 2:30 p m. and the rt district, | Rev. Dr. J. E. Skillington, superin-| tendent of the Altooua district, at B. Norris. Miss tharine R. Low- ther, of Bellwood, will look after the music p for the entire period. The four district superintendents of ...» Central Pennsylvania Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal church constitute the board of man- agers of the camp meeting and summer assembly and will be pres- ent to do all in their power to make the meeting a success. They are the s J. BE. 8S of | the Altoona district; Morris E.| Swartz, of the Harrisburg district; Allen C. Shue, of the Sunbury dis- | trict, and A. L. Miller, of the Wil- liamsport district. BARBERS MUST BE LICENSED | AFTER JANUARY IST Tonsorial artists throughout Penn- | sylvania are rejoicing over the pass- age in the State Legislature at Har-| risburg of the Barber License Bill by | an overwhelming majority. The bill | was passed May 26th and was sign- ed by Governor Pinchot. It will go into effect January 1, 1932. According to the act, every per- in the occupation days fee is two dollars. To shave or trim the ular hair cutting, to give facial and scalp treatments with any prepara- tions made for this purpose either by hand or mechanical appliances, to singe or shampoo the hair or apply any makes of hair tonics, and to dye the hair of any person for hire by the person performing such serv- jce or any other person, shall be construed as practicing the occupa- tion of barber, according to the act, rovided, however, that nothing con- ed in the act shall be construed i to include so called beauty sh or | have a of hairdressing parlors, or culture patronized by women, except as to regular hair cutting performed by one engaged in the occupation of barbering as above defined. The act states that the board may revoke a barber's license for habit ual drunkenness, for having or im- parting any contagious or infectious disease, for doing work in ah unsani- tary or filthy manner, or for gross incompetence. ——Subscribe for the Watchman. | cidents numbered 17,545. | five month's period, 10,254 collisions | trians AUTOMOBILE KILLS 706 IN FIVE MONTHS OF YEAR. During the first five months of the year, 706 died as the re- sult of automobile accidents, accord- ing to reports received by the Bu- reau of Motor Vehicles. Of that number, 134 were children aged 14 or less, 365 were in the age range 15 to 54 years, and 160 were 55 years or more. In 47 fatalities the age was not given. The number reported injured was 13,900, of which 2631 were children. Total accidents of all kinds involving automobiles was 17,260. For the e period last year, total ac- In the between automobiles were reported. Collisions with fixed objects were 1452. Automobiles and railroad trains figured in 126 collisions. with street cars numbered 386. There were 143 collisions with bicy- cle riders and 120 with horse-drawn vehicles. cident reported were 22. Pedestrians were involved in 3813 accidents, of which 362 were fatal. The jay-walker figured in 1087 of these accidents. Of that number 102 had fatal endings. Pedestrians run down after coming from behind parked cars were in 667 accidents, 56 being fatal. Pedestrians who crossed at intersections against sig- nals were reported in 427 accidents, 28 fatal, and 436 non-fatal accidents were reported at intersections hav- ing no signals. Accidents while getting on or off street cars numbered 37. were fatal. Two fatal and 13 non- fatal accidents were reported due to automobiles running down pedes- standing on safety aisles. Accidents involving riding or hitch- ‘hiking on vehicles were 58. Eleven g4q were fatal. One man at work in the roadway was killed and 20 others in- | Dr. Judson T. Perkins, a missionary ! ured. Operators exceeding the speed limit were charged with 2506 acci- dents, 51 being fatal. Those driv- ing on the wro 2030 ac having the Highi-of way was ible for 1 accidents. respons- Fifteen fatal. Cutting in caused 1086 crashes, 12 fatal; leaving the road- way, 143 fatal and 2264 non-fatal; passing on curve or hill, two fatal, 114 non-fatal; passing on wrong driver who failed to signal caused tree-will of- 17 fatal and 962 non-fatal accidents, if and the driver who passed a stand- choose just what ing street car, one fatal and 45 non- fatal accidents. Six non-fatal ac- tor. ning away minus opera Most of the accidents reported provided 70 fatal and 1772 non- bridges. Six were fatal. Of the drivers involved 26,605 were of the male sex and 1750 were wo- men. The former were credited accidents and the la- “Flaming th,” the under 18 years age, was d in 18 fatal Jctiaen and while to 54 with 756 fatal ter with 27. operator led the days of the fatal, Sunday respect. Saturday, week in ‘with 3134, 111 fatal, was second and Friday, with 3212, 85 fatal, was third. The most dangerous driving | hour continued to be 4 p. m. to 5 p. 'm. with 61 fatal and 1554 non-fatal accidents. From mid-night to 1 a. m., 24 fatal, 451 non-fatal accidents were reported; 1 a. m. to 6. a. m, 83 fatal, 1001 non-fatal. of age how to read and write, has made greater progress in the campaign to reduce illiteracy than any one of 20 States for which census returns now are available, the national advisory com- mittee on illiteracy has reported. In 1920 there were 328,853 per- sons above ten years of age unable to read and write, which represented 15.3 per cent or Georgia's population within that age group. The com- mittee has reported that under the leadership of State Superintendent of Schools M. L. the num- her of illiterates has shrunk to 210,- 736, until now but 9.4 per cent of the population above ten years can- not read and write. The committee also much progress among the eet In- dians in Montana. With two weeks of instruction, 236 adult Indians be- tween twenty-two and eighty-four Years of age acquired some ability reading and writing. Mississippi ranked second to Geor- gia in progress. That State reduced illiteracy by 4.1 per cent of the pop- ulation. —————————— PREVENT ENTRY OF FOOT-MOUTH PLAGUE Following an official indi- cating that an outb of the dread livestock malady known as “foot and mouth disease” has oc- curred in England, officials of the bureau of animal industry, Pennsyl- vania Department of Agriculture, taken possible precaution to keep P vania free from in- fection. 5, ivestogié own have been asked cooperate reporting immediate- ly to local Gnu or to the State bureau of animal industry, any suspicious cases. A sore mouth or sore feet are the best evidence of an infection. The disease is not known to exist at the present time on the North American Continent, Dr. T. E. Munce, director of the bureau, states. The last outbreak in Pennsylvania was in 1914. Three | side of the road nts, 22 fatal. Not FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn. —John Muir. —There is great solicitude regard- ing the morals of women in New York. Police vice squads and so- cieties to supress vice have abound- ed. Prostitution is outlawed. Yet veals figures more the | rational moralist than any of their ‘reports. These indicate a shocking |drop in women's wages since 1929. Women are particularly heipiess, due 'to the relative lack of organization among women workers. | Women's wages in New York State Collisions have decreased 40 to 50 per cent] | since 1929, according to official re- |ports of the State Department of | Labor. The report says that book- |a week. | from $15 to $22 a week to $12 | -$21, with the $12 offer far | usual.” said the report. ‘“Stenog- | raphers’ wages dropped from $15 to $9 and $20, respectively.” Ma- chine operators in offices are getting about $12 a week and the piece rate on hand addressing has been cut from $3 to $2.50 a thousand. | Even in the higher paid brackets ‘women workers are affected. Wo- men specialists who formerly drew $2,000 and more a year are now | getting $1,500 to $1,800. Department | store clerks’ income has been re- duced as much as 50 per cent. The bi it service. private homes are being paid as low as $15 a month, and the average is “Wages of women factory work- ers have also been reduced,” says the report, harder to trace, due to the fact that piecework is’ increasingly replacing a flat weekly wage for unskilled fac- tory operations.” There is nothing more likely to promote morality and self-respect among women workers than a Bving wage. There is nothing which more surely drive them into devious | ways than a starvation salary. | —AIll the house-furnishing depart- er. | side, two fatal, 61 non-fatal. The ments, gift shops and “five-and-tens” PIR® 380 |are showing trays in profusion, and you are tray-minded you can your pocket-book | affords. But do invest in a set of trays. They will save you many 1030 a. m., Dr. E. D. cidents were due to automobiles run- steps and labor in other ways. ys | Tray meals are a decided help to the busy housewife on many oc- preach; at 7.30 | took place on State highways. These | casions. If send breakfast dis | Pred 9694, with 454 fatal, Curves tray to your house-guest will | have the early hours of the morn- Ninety-six happened on | ing free to do the extra cleaning |and baking. And what keen en- joyment the guest will experience, breakfasting leisurely in her room! When you or some other member of the family must lunch alone, why not have a tray luncheon? An at- tractive tray carried to some part of the house or garden quite away from the scene of your morning's activ- ities is cheerful and restful. Fur- thermore, it's no more work to set a tray than itis to arrange a place at the table or to clear off a corner of the kitchen cabinet. : Porch and garden meals are eas- ily served on trays. Let the family fill their own trays, cafeteria style, then join the group on porch or {lawn to eat. | Sunday night suppers are another ‘meal that can be served on trays to |advantage. Each n can serve | himself, or the trays can be arrang- |ed and served from the kitchen. The same sort of foods can be served on trays that would be served at the table. Simple meals always ‘are desirable in summer, and of | course this type of meal is ideal for tray service. Buttered rolls sandwiches make the tray service meal. sure to select them large enough to take some of the dishes without crowding. Oblong trays hold more than oval ones of equal I and breadth, and will be f more convenient to handle. Round trays are awkward for this purpose and are impracticable. tray cloths and napkins. Gingham in half-inch checks makes effective sets. An inch fringe on both serv- ettes and cloths finishes them quaint- ly. As for dishes, with the exception of breakfast, the same dishes that you would use for any meal are used. Individual breakfast sets in gay patterned china are most attrac- tive, but not necessary. A cover- ed dish to keep the toast or muffins hot can take the place of the regu- lation toast plate and cover, provid- ed the covered dish permits the steam to escape. Take care not to fill dishes too full on the tray. —You can get colored potato chips to serve with beverages. You cook them in deep Jat and salt them af- terwards. ey come in apricot, blue and lavender and are a great addition to any party. —Of all the fruits available for jelly making, currants are perhaps most ect. Astrakhan apples and, r in the season, crabapples “ naturally but they do not give the color and flavor found in currant jelly. »” rich in For this reason they also can with non-acid fruits lacking tin to make a delicately flavored firm jelly. Roast lamb and mutton are ed with currant jelly as often as as they are with mint or caper sauce. Many a desert can be gar- nished attractively with a cube of this sparkling jelly. Both dessert and meat sauces gain plqusney by the addition of a few tablespoons- ful of currant jelly. and the cost of easier and give a festive air to the coop When you choose your trays, be It is attractive to have matching sur- | plus buds to insure beautiful blooms. rove alert in seeking a herd sire to re- place the one now in use. Study and records carefully be- | —Farmers who plan to get forest plant on various sites. —Crowded brooder houses on hot summer nights may prevent normal development of pullets, say Penn | State poultry specialists. Growing | chickens on range need shade. i —The secret in controlling Can- Non-collision accidents | keepers who drew $25 to $30 in 1929 | moved, numbered 844, and miscellaneous ac- | are now working for as low as si5| 298 Jhisties is in keeping the green will constantly and persistently “Wages for typists drop- .,i pack for ome or two years. This deprives the roots of food and event- more ally destroys them by starvation. off is not to for beginners and $35 for an hApert | oro dons Should be haryesied pi ‘ed in a cool, dry place. Immature | onions will not keep well and are easily injured. | —To improve raspberry planta- tion, work the ground between rows. thoroughly and then plant a cover | crop. Millet, buckwheat, or a com- bination of the two may be | —Perennials which are 'now for next year's borders must Girls working in receive sufficient moisture to germi- Se or clerk of ' nate the seeds. If it is not possible to plant after a soaking rain, the soil should be thoroughly saturated. —Thorough and frequent spraying “but the reductions are i; recommended by plant patholo- | gists of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege as protection against tip burn, {leaf scorch, and late blight. Under {the most adverse conditions, er than 5 to 7 day intervals. | —Visit the plantation of young | pines this month. Discourage initial |attacks of insects by cutting out and burning weevil-infested tops of white pillars on red and pitch pine. Pre- | vent choking of the trees by tramp- ing weeds aside from the trees they | are over-topping. | -— | —Spring calves, for best results in growth and development, should 'be kept in the barn during the sum- mer and provided with an abundance |of good, fresh water, and comfortable | quarters, —Plan now to attend the Potato Exposition at the Pennsylva- ‘nia State College August 24, 25 and | —In answer to the question, “Are summer and early fall ducklings | profitable ?” it can truthfully be said | that late hatched ducklings have a number of advantages over their earlier hatched brothers and sisters. | In the first place, the summer and | early fall hatched ducklings, if push- |ed for rapid and cheap gains |goon the late fall and early markets in time for the Jewish and Christian holidays. 'urally very profitable for at this |time the highest prices can be real- ized and in addition, the weather | during the | hatched du rapid growth. | Another advantage of the late hatched duckling is found in the | matter of shipping the ducks to | market. In the cool weather of fall ‘the shrinkage and mortality losses |in shipping are greatly reduced and shipping is materially They are nat- is more favorable for il bilities te hatched duck- should not be overlooked. —It will pay owners of turkeys that are developivs sore- head or sores on the wattles, to vac- cinate them with chicken pox vac- cine. If the young turkeys are also showing signs of bad colds and roup, it is advisable to give them an in- jection of mixed bacterin. It may be purchased from most A Farmers whose druggist : J : 2 i gE 2 2 3 Ii *hgge g282%5:s it ih g B i Bzg : 5 g corn 10 meat should be constantly the State Department of Labor re-| trees from the State for planting sprays should be applied at not long- | who has all the other qualification) perfer- | ence and prove his right to voteat , will | winter | CHANGE MADE IN THE pay lot deposited in the box. | The five other election measures Governor are: | signed by the Elimina! ting the names of presi- dential electors from the ballot in in favor of the | ter sessions court to | paign expense accounts on file with | ‘him for at least | viding a penalty | $1000 or from one in prison or both for to obey the law. | Permitting an elector of a boro town or township who is 21 to vote except as to taxes, to declare his '|a primary election. | tting | of necessity on the | tion days to ¢ petitions to the | county Commissioners to nave their placed on lists y preced- the | time before a election which ii petitions may pe | names up to noon of the Sat an election day. i ding that in computing filed that the date (excluded and the day of the | shall be included in the calcula Tommy—*“Nurse, did you would kiss me if I were good day?” so I will now.” the kiss to my big shilling.” ed a phrase that it has been adopted i , | says | Provided, him and make him gargle. Good Printing. A SPECIALTY Employers, ecti residents in third class spruce and crushing cater- cities who are ill or absent because Handsome Nurse—'“Yes, dear, and Tommy—*“No, nurse. I have sold brother for a Some bright Westerner has twist- into a slogan so pat an Okla- The with strong antiseptics,” a medical journal, “will invar- season of late japly kill the influenza bacillus.” of course, we can catch Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 80 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria In three days. orders. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold morte te errr vn mt oe This Interests You | A change inthe t and the man- | Law, Bellef, Pa. Practices ase of vouug § i Mage WS 3 lw | ¥en oie, room 18 Crass | passed by recent session of the | Legislature and signed Governor | — — Pinchot last week. by Law, ID pl > | Ballots used at any election in the | tention given all legal business |future will have a diagonally per- entrusted to his care. 0. B | forated section on the upper right =ast High 5 i corner on which will be a ‘number. The ballots will be printed J NE AT Vi in booklet form and as each ballot © professional business will recetrs is torn out, on the ballot a stub will | DIOP: attention. Offices on second 700% remain in which will also be the number. Election boards will also | G. RUNKLE.— At at Law. place the number on the voting list. Consultation ia Engl and Ger- ballot, he will Bs trkea, DL | Betletonte, Pa chy #3 | either to the judge of the election mm ‘or one e inspectors who will ey stu on list. Vy | | correspond, the perforated section | R- RL CAPERS. jw oe Song off gad a de- aelieionte OSTEOPATH. _ Sak th or- | t State ated section bearing the number re-| Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bd the ts in the box] be the same and the secrecy of | ((} Qared and licinsed by the State the ballot will not be affected. Any | ~ ity examined, glassed Stted, Sat- ballot placed in the box without the ,;4 Rd RRR i ag upper right gad ! Sormes being torn hi St., Bellefonte, Pa. T1-22-t¢ | To put teeth in the law, it is pro- yaVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed | vided hat any section judge or is E by Se State Be Boara, State C who permits a to ! ' | de ted without removing the num- ig in the Gar brick, pg Spouse | bered section shall be guilty of a from 2 to 8 p.m. and Sat 9 am | misdemeanor and on conviction shall to 4:00 p.m. Bell Phone 68-40 a fine of $10 for each such bal- en we FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% 733% J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent FEEDS! Purina Feeds Wayne _ Feeds 1.10 1.20 Wagner's 329 Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed Pig Meal - - Mash Feed Horse Feed gst i h-0-0 ¢ 4 5 ¢ ¢ 8 0 Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces Full Line cf Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully sad Promptly Furnished . sana