T—— Bellefonte, Pa. July 24, 1931. Your He alth THE FIRST CONCERN. | JAZZ IS SCOTCH SNAP REINDEER CAUSE SAYS NOTED COMPOSER. TROUBLE IN ALASKA. | Se The most famous of all ragtime Uncle Sam is in the reindeer busi- | | songs isn't ragtime at all. Geoffrey ness in a big way and has had to O'Hara, composer of “K-K-K-Katy” take measures accordingly. Nobody | “Give a Man a Horse He Can quite knows how many of these use- | Ride,” said yesterday at the Belle- ful creatures, imported originally | vue-Stratford after he had address- from Lapland, roam the tundras of | |ed the Rotary Club at luncheon, on Alaska, but the number runs now | “Putting the Muse into Music.” ‘well into the millions—all derived Mary Brown Gets i ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney Practices I Pa. » 51 i mmm i KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney | Law, Bellefonte, Pa. | tention given all | entrusted to his care. | East High street. Law, Bellefonte, courts. Office, | a— «Alexander's Band,” tra- from a few hundred reindeer that | | A EsCHLING. Attorney at Lu | ditionally is as the corner- the Government established in its { onal business will rece! ' stone of the modern ragtime mel- great Artic outpost as a kind of | prompt attention. Offices on fio 'odies. But Mr. O, Harra declared reserve food supply for the natives. A of 49-5 i ‘that instead of being ragtime it's The reindeer business has grown G. RUNKLE.— Att | schottische time, and that what is so big, in fact, that Secretary wil- | W Consultation in Englis “and Or | mistaken in it for syncopation really bur, of the department of the In-| a, 4 man, Office in Crider's Brehaty ' |is “the Scotch snap. terior, the department that runs P t | el atonts, Pa | And Irving Berlin, the king of Alaska, has directed that a ‘“rein- | ermanen - - met ! ragtime, seldom uses more than a deer council” of five members be in- | - _ pis, i | SPECIALISTS | mere Sa of ZTucopaion, for flavor, stalled to regulate and supervise ; Nu EEE Ea MIRACLES OF HEALING assert r. O'Hara. generally the great herds; oversee ; ere | As to plagiarism in music, there gla ghtering anu take charge of the # | R. R. L. CAPERS. In our country more than 100,000 is ground for complaint, he holds, marketing. i OSTEOPATH. people every vear are hit by lobar when classic masterpieces of music) Secretary based his action on ' Br 66-11 Bais, Sole pneumonia. Type I. i selon are “jazzed up a po javesties a report made by the “Reindeer » Seiduyy bn Xn Koimes By iry to be ory Snetrtd Tl rock ol Os uy ® o% ht to Committee” that spent five months Mary is a charming | D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Re. ave and wait. For the doctor ey ot that pe been a pe- In Alaska investigating conditions IC tered and licensed by the Sta Pf Auriiiv feverish smd use i ble th h in the reindeer industry. One of Ns __ girl from a farm that Eyes examined, glasses fitted. S. Yoichi, Yate, sty fortes wo fom cu Sommers Semen hav is get Sates 3 en spit Tame “Fn DE 1 ry A 28, rly IE States Senator John B. Kendrick, of is not yet electrified. But does that keep |gnd, spas [niicliea, < Sd mathematical waiting for the crisis. Such was Type I lobar pneumonia when Russell Cecil began his experi- ment with human beings in 1924. To Bellevue hospital, New York City, came the usual forlorn folk with racking coughs bringing up ominous rusty sputum teeming with lance-shaped pneumonia microbes. Were they Type I, or II or III? Healthy, beady-eyed white mice sick- ening, then dying to give the an- swer. Type I? Yes; all right, anoth- “er patient for Cecil's experiment. tune as Wyoming, an old-time cattleman, Liszt With the experience that goes back to the old trail days; Representative Scott Leavitt, of Montana, for years “It isn't so much the what you do with it,” he said. took his theme from Hungarian . Chopin from Polish Qypey USS or pa German folk 2 forest ranger in the Government song.” service, and Charles P. Sisson, As- With utmost frankness he told the Sistant Attorney General. | Rotarians his own case in point. In After checking up on the reindeer his college days he rejoiced in and general conditions this commit- | Blanche Ring's singing of “Yip! I tee advised that it would be a good Adee! I Aye! I Aye!” He said to thing for the Government to set up himself that some day he was going a Control Committee, consisting of Ito use that theme. Years . the Governor of Alaska, the chief of He wrote “Give a Man a Horse He the Alaska division of the Bureau and age. her from looking her best? Not in this day Mary is getting a permanent. And dozens of times today electricity will be of service to her . ; . drying her hair, running the fans, heating the irons. This invaluable service, available in all | VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licens by the State Board. State Coll every day excopt Saturday, Bel fonte, in the Garbrick building oppos | the Court House, Wednesday afternoc {from 2 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays 9. a. ito 4:00 p.m. Bell Phone 68 — | - - oo | FIRE INSURANCE | At a Reduced Rate, 20% | 133% J. M. KEICHLINE, Agen Eac |Can Ride!” It achieved world-wide of Indian Affairs, the superintendent | tl Tee a3¢ Was .Siven 3lfame. of reindeer in Alaska, a member to essive communities at all times is just ‘Cecil and his DO I somes Sitting down at the plane Mr. be chosen by and from the Eskimo | progr i ’ ' O'Hara sang that song of own reindeer owners and a representative | f th lectricity comes to gave the new Felton pneumonia one of the many ways electricity serum. In the laboratory this re. | and asked his hearers to note how it of the Lomen interests, which own markable new serum had saved mice -from billions of fatal pneumococci, Type I. All odd-numbered folk, no matter how sick, were left without this serum, with out any serum. A ‘grim business. The point was that from year to .year pneumonia has ups and downs | of deadliness. There had been the I remarkable mouse-saving Type be present due to a gradual breaking grew out of the theme Blanche Ring the largest individual herds in the ‘set ringing ound the Hon 0000 Territory. His “K-K-K-Katy” 1,750,000, Alaska has turned back the clock ‘said Mr. O'Hara, twice as many of history, the investigating commit- (copies as were sold of “The Lost tee found. Condiuons ..aving todo | Chord” up to the time its copyright with the reindeer there are not un- {ran out. Great as was that sale, jjke the conditions that existed in it was by no means a record—Some Texas following the Civil War, when | popular songs lave gone beyond the there was great confusion in the | i 2,000,000 mark. But that's far less likely today, |S ihe industry, electric generators interconnected. |ed tissues. gh you cheaply, certainly, because dozens of in many stations are You can depend upon an interconnected system and the experienced men behind it. pneumonia serum discovered by the r.oretfully remarked the composer, _1be Dative Eskimos have been country by a famous doctor, who'd hiss came, the phonograph fo cut (LD dl tna many of “meses, WEST PENN POWER CO - given great shots of this horse ser- aqays it's the radio. thousands, possibly—have been pick- | . um to all his Type I patients in a And besides, he said, this is an © up as “mavericks,” branded and | — certain year. That year many less | age of quantity production of popu- Claimed by white men possessing We have taken on the line of had Sem > We uss ow the old | lar songs, with new ones c herds. ‘ hia hay made Souvie jus) | we—— m———— EE Ee, F pre-serum ys. reat hopes, and |g, fast on the heels of their prede- 2S a similar s 0 airs caused | TRY at the Primaries to' be held on Purina eed then disappointment when searchers | cossors that there is little Jyece in play in Texas in the old days. WEEPING-WILLOW ANCES | Fienday. September 15, 1981. - gave this serum to alternate threat- for one's songs to set all America oy rustle reindeer now instead of| A twig placed in a box of figs We are authorized to annotitice [hat We also carry the line of ped suka, Sud the death rates of ginging, thrumming, whistling, hum- longhorns. | which was sent by a traveler in OS Womer, of Rush townshi s Re eid ovens no different. ming or howling the same ditty, as Also, a big market for reindeer Syria to Alexander Pope, English a et TT fe Wayne F ceeds Yat ats ested his okies, in in the days of “After the Ball. ‘meat has been developed. The meat poet, is said by nursery men tohave cision of the voters of the Déifiocratic ry records, as numbers. |is sent to this city and to New| the awcestor of all the weep- party av expressed or I ene 1930 he got those numbers together. | York, among many other places, and ing willows im this country today, Tuesday, Septem per 100 of untreated odd-numbered ones, 26.8 | : ‘of the bill of fare. One of the | The twig, frome ome of the weep- | We me authorized lo suncunce it Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed - 1. percent have died. Of those even- | FROM FOREST TOWERS i 10 Reindeer Council will be ty ing willows beside the river of Baby- | A B; Williams. of Port Matilda, Fe 18 | Wagner's 18%, Deiry Feed - 1. ‘numbered and getting Felton serum, | that the |lon, was planted by the Thames and of Auditor of County, on" the Wagner's Meal - - - - 1 only 11.7 percent had passed a An invitation to Keystone State See natives receive a fair | paante Democratic ticket, subject anty, deciston | Wagner's Map - - - 2 oy or peice Reh way, tourists to visit the fire observation price for the reindeer supply became & Ieee 4 tise Revolu- | er tery of the party as = expressed Wagner's Scratch Feed - - 1 NS oy 3 a geth the onan tal towers scattered throughout Penn- to the shippers, and they probably | tio rar, & Bilt officer brought | .; ip, to be held Tuestiy | LaBRCLE rr R ed - - 1 ing in ays onset of gylvania was extended recently by will fix a price the Eskimo owners with a slip’ this tree, which mber eo Watnors Winer Bw - - 1. * “Ine Felton serum is easy to give, Sere Lewis E Staley, of tho |ean sccept. or reject... lie wuole|Be Sve to Jon Cigtie of Virgia, KEFUBLICAN Wagner's Winter Middlings - 1 ‘even in Homes, by doctors alert up: ‘Cu Linited and. twenty | forest ministered ia Ave. districts with | WHICH grew from it stll stands on ror SHERIPY. Wagner's Standard Ghiop - - 1. “to-date enough to make quick diag- th &| re Curtis estate’ amf is said to be s Starting as nosis And. now brilliant fire towers, comprising the most ex- superintendent responsible to the will in the | , We are authertied to announce that Li with Cod Liver Ol - 2 Doctor Sabin has invented a short: 'cnsive fire tower system maintain- council in in each district, tHe Jaye Willow ems owWhan IP: Mee: Wagner's Medium Scratch Feed 1. cut way of telling pneumonia type © DY any State, now watch over a superintendent who actually wi United . St ahoni® of Cetra County on. the Re-| Wayme Chick Starter - - - 2. within 24 hours. No excuse now Lenn's Woods, Secretary Staley an-| administer the range. | toket. sublet woe Wayne Chick Grower - - - 2. for not getting Felton serum early. nounced. These towers offer excep-| It is probable that a great rein-| HUNTING LICENSE RULE oa te Le election to Wayne Calf Meal - - - - 3. A short while ago a young Belle- tional opportunities for unusualdeer round-up will be held through-| licensés which were Bl ed en 1981. Ol. Beal 38% - - — ~ - 1. “vue hospital doctor came down ter. Scenic views of the mountains and out the Seward Peninsula at am early All hunting licenses ! candi. | Cotton Seed Meal 43% - - - 1. ribly sick with lobar pneumonia forests in 47 counties of the Com- date. Its purpose will be to collect | SSued after May 1, 10 oe 3¢ in . gpg Be fy) Seri ot Cen- | Alfalfi Sreml - a 2 diagnosed Type I that PRSw and monwealth. Thirty-three of them the thousands of unbranded may. COTCe until August 31, TBI, i Se on tie Republican ticket, Gluten Weed 23g, - - - - 1 “while his parents in Texas were be- 3r¢ located in the State Forestsand ericks and fix ownership and award WATKS the termination of the EW | sub; to the decision of the voters Reed 2 - -—-- - I 87 are on private lands. os | license period. After Au-|of y as expressed at the Primar- ing wired to come, got his shots of Panora: 2 vi ine: several them to their proper owners. That's, Bunting 1931. all licenses” will be is- | ies to held on Tuesday, September NMdat: %5% - --- - 12 Felton serum. The Very Neat dAY pups an, owd tovering a job that is geing to call for a lot, SUSE 2%, THOL ng Septem- | 15 1. 8 = 5 —six days ahead of Nature—the hundred tnousand acres are frequent, of diplomacy or somebody may start, Sued for the year wesinng | Rp : WR. LANOREBAUX | gy; 5 x: 'T ‘grisis ‘was redched, and when his and in any cases these towers pro. a reindeer war in Alaska, precisely Re ending Aug Fine: Stock Salt - - --- - 1 parents got to New York he was }hd¢ the only vantage poms as aggrieved cattlemen. used to. start. year. COUNTY TREASURER Round GH" -» « « «YT “well. tag Suproun ng Lg All tow o cattle war back in. the '70s and re——————— We are suthorized« tv. samousee that Ogster Shell - - . -- - . 1 Used in time, no specific in all t re Mirna i Sage i | 50% for the I a Oe Eten i LE Gl H- ss 2-1 medicine is more striking. Today steps, a forma and —— p— wm | the Republican ticlsst for the office of Skifmmed Milk - - - --- 4 in our country there are more than. a a bing exsy ate | — | Tressurer of Centre-County, subject 10| po, 0 cring your Corn: and Os 30.000 people dying every year from , Lot OVC OMIA re RE and , SAYS | mewmcaL OUNCHEMENYS: 2 a he Tendon Toedey: | amd: mate up Feed, wi “lobar pneumonta,’ 1 “Last WS an ry I ST. SWITHIN IS A FAKE DEMOCRATIO 15, 1981. "| Catton. Seed: Meal, Oil Glut: Of the 100,000 threatened with death poke, TROT, Rel to CTT TUITE ednesday, July 15th, w—— | announces my candidacy for | AMSIfa, Ham, Midds and: Molass from it, less than three precent had urag te ns, eaday, July was St. FOR SHERIFF- pd hTeb announ Sndiducy toe serum. =~ Figure for yourself the Servers are continually on duty. Swithin's day, the one on which Mary We are authorized to announce that {asminagiol_lor oh hee We will make delivery: ontweo t lives saved 8 doctors can only get Telephone lines connect the towers is supposed to have. gone over the Eimer Breon, of Bellefonte nolorough, | subject to the decision. the 1 ok Felton serum into folks’ veins—on With foresters rangers and fire) mountain. There is a tradition that; will bea candidate for Wie nomization |g JoitY a2 oXpiutiod the Prine Adl: accounts must be paid in time. a - ‘wardens. In addition to the value if it rains on. that day there will. be Be Die ee the | 52.0% on Tuesday, days. Intevest ) a ? cd of the towers in forest protection, rain. for forty days thereafter. diieision of the voters as- expressed: at | C. C. SHUNY, Bellefonte Pa. | time, charged: over ~ ALBUNINURIA they are beacons of service to tnel According to the records of. the primaries to be heldi on Tuesday: | Hi tat By Dr. Morris Fishbein public. The thrill of ascending fire United States Weather Bureau the Fah, 1921, nities "B Womeisdart,” of Phiiipeburg, If you wamt good bread a The term “albuminuria” does mot INNER, 5 attracting 100.000 VItorw) Cb Sw pe We aE Footie | Brot pi “Libre og, Cot | [LCS use Our Best andsGuld O describe a disease but a symptom. annually. he Baldwin | nce there is nothing. recorded. that (3%, 1% SUNNY, th decision. of the | Eessarcr of Coniros county subject 10 Whenever the kidneys fail to func- In Tioga cousty, are tfe AUCEnH a a La Ao Bi Demostatic voters at primers sleo~ fhe decision of the- voters of the party — ’ » ’ i a - h 4 September N : as recorded Ho er” manta substances, 2.300 feet; Lee, ‘2500 feet: Maple: Pluvius and his:min making machine. Hi HO¥ | Tuesday, 9m. CY Wagner & Co. I some protein passes out of the blood na 2,085 feet; and Rarick, 2, Senge 8. Buse, in. cimrge of. the:| wa are authorized to thai | I hereby announce that I am a candi- - Abrough the lddneys and the ex: "Ciorry Springs tower, elevation tna following Tiger A candidate fof’ nomi RoE, fioket Tor "the. office: of Trsssurs of Gob: PA, Bar rotein does not appear, duly | 2403 fest, Ok {le turuplKe W Potter) hunch: Subba: othe ‘decision of tha voters of | ze County. sublest to B Sxprossed. of | THULE. water pe and various other waste county, is widely known. Be a Pig it wil Wout rein. to, hg hela 7 Septem Abe 15. om Ei lea lo) be neta sidueieay. products being found in the fluid. | St Swithin's Day, if thow be fale, |" ae : ERNEST ins, Philipsburg, Pa. | se— eee There are, of course, conditions in A newly married woman was shop~ 8 forty. dys i in hae a ol COUNTY TREASURER which the body tissues in the urinary ping, and was determined that the gr : ost : recon; 1 hereby announes & candidiels AUDITOR dant 2a tract itself are damaged and the by- grocer should not take advantage-of an is Jail 1826 pushm 10% for the nomination, of: of Can. Dp. ltgaeer, of Sacing Mii, 1a 4 s candi; products of these tissues which her youth and inexperience. | om bears him pry Ps ™ ‘Bamogratic” ors ‘at py | date, for pans iy, sanjoct to. the Caldwell & Sor might appear in the fluid are also| “Don't you think these eggs are VEU, LU Moony, og ap To" be hid Seplember 16, JHE. | Auditor of Cen "ue Republican responsible for the appearance of very small 7” she said very critically. | in his pr in Fad I ROBERT F. HUNTER A “albumin.” | “I do,’ answered the + Jbut | uilding, “It. rained St. ‘Swithin: Be Beta" on Shepts 18 1801. Bellefonde, Pa. In some cases exceedingly hard that's the kind the farmers = $0: Eo wi / 5 PROTHONOTARY 5 muscular work, exposure to severe me. They are fresh from the coun- | JAY gh Y- Surty.font Hmph. We ie authorised to annones that py, He figieer, of announce that cold, or overeating of meats may try this morning.” . | t inn ED foll > Bs date. ‘tor for Pro a candidate. & temporarily result in the appearance “Yes,” said the shopper that's the It ¢ 2a Soliowien Sng. "Contre County, on the | Of Auditor of { Cssire. County. mu Plumbin of some albumin, but these condi- trouble with those farmers. They're | Sniy Tou Says oly shits. subject to the deci- fedision s By tions are rare and not permanent. so anxious to get their eggs sold ne BE pointed oat tat 50 : en the ia _of Culute aunty to Pe Theld on , Sept. ® “The présence of albumin is de- | that they take them off the mest, =n the. Oalted States has : Jat at the Primaries to be eld on Tuesday, p— and H tin tected by a simple chemical test. | too soon.” | atied 2 rainfall OF forty: suse. September 1931. eda 8 The simplest test is fo allow he _- | sive days. FOR RECORDER Sentratod miric acd. Under these down of the ddney. In which caselt| “During uy, 1018, © tuned on we gu tira loans, vat | Fre Insuramce rms ) 4 b Ee id Wille 2 in| commonly known, Bright's disease. after to July =X inclusive, nine gue a naa, OF ecordsr | Does yours represent the val- Vapor....Steam albumin is present. There The disease was named for Bright, | cessive days. t, don't forget,” he | ticket, sub , the decision of the ue of your property five years By Hot Wat Case any ld an English physician, who first added, “it had rained four days prior yoters of » ago or today? We shall be y Hot Water are occasions, particularly in col | Swithin's day.” Primaries to be on , Sep- weather, when the excreted fluids | classified it and described its symp- to oid within y: ts tember 15, 198%. glad to help you make sure that Pipeless Furnaces. seem cloudy, under which circum- toms. 5 of te inflammation \neaviet Yalny season, it does pot COUNTY COMMISSIONER your protectior is adequate to stances the suspicion may arise that| In the case of acu forty days straight. The your risks, albumin is present. In such cases of the kidney, the control of the rain for ¥ days iaigh Te | a 5 thorized Sut ounce | that Ifa checkup on property the warming of the fluid or the ad-|fever, the stopping of the drugs, the is always a let-up, BEE Bal. ol i tary Ann or he on values indicates that dition of a little acetic acid will elimination of the poisons o the | However, there is one place in the gm, County Commissioner, subject to ues cates you are . f Pi dF cause the development of a clear bacteria that cause the irritation world where it might do that, he the decision of the voters of the Demo- || only partially imsured—let us 8 Full Line o pe an a ce. This clearness does not will bring about healing, provided added. Talc Jens An etpiessd September 15. 1931, || Pring your protection upto date. tings and Mill Supplies P ur if the cloudiness is due tothe too much damage has not already “The rainiest spot is Cherra Punijl, ‘nocses - gs ,. presence of albumin. been done to the kidney. If, how- India, about 300 miles northeast of | Wo sis authorised, io township. Je HughM Quigle rra ¥ The presence of albumin in the ever, the damage has been too great, | Calcutta,” he sald. “The season of | = Gis ( "00r nomination for S ° Y All Sizes of Te Cott rine, or so-called albuminuria, is if the kidney has lost in its func- rain begins in May and continues of oner on Centre County, on ie. Pa . - usually due to an inflammation’ of tions, thereafter the person suffers until August. with an average rain- |e Demorats You SENS jo, a Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa. Pipe and Fittings mation of | from chronic kidney disease. - 9 a at the Primaries to be the ney is talled nephritis. It der such circumstances, great care| The Panama Canal Zone also has Tiiday, September 15. 1981. ALL FORMS OF Ly De Te a won of In the. conde of life Generally. May and continuing mi the end | viet ST Sot e, urance ESTIMATES due to the action of some poison or in the con bemo- Bpel d 0 l . t further damage and of the year. November, the rainiest | candidate for nomination on the Furnis! through by-products of fever or to order to preven cratic ticket for the office of Commis. 07-48. and rder not to overtax the weaken- month, an average fall of the toxins is bacteria. Tt may also | in order | 20.7 inches, sloner at Canis Sony, abject 2 ow 06-15-21.