Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 24, 1931, Image 5

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J. H. Kocher made a business trip
o McAlevy's Fort, Friday.
Mrs. Frances Swartz is visiting
ier sisters, in New Jersey.
Wilbur Ward, of - Sunbury, spent
. short time in town, on Sunday.
Dr. R. M. Krebs spent Monday at
he place of his birth, at White Hall.
At their festival, Saturday eve-
ing, the Citizens band cleared
Miss Eleanor Dale, of Bellefonte,
3 visiting her parental home on the
H. A. Grubb and family motored
o Millheim on a business trip, on
Mrs. Alice Buchwalter, of Lan-
aster, is visiting at her old home,
t Fairbroox.
Jacob W. Kepler, of Philadelphia,
ras an over Sunday guest at his
arental home.
George Lutz suffered a slight
troke of paralysis, Saturday, at his
ome at Struble.
L. Frank Mayes, of Lemont, was
1 town, on Monday, looking after
is political fences.
Mrs. P. H. Dale had as a guest,
ver the week-end, her cousin, Miss
label Gardner, of Tyrone.
Morris Smith and wife, of Aitoona,
ere Sunday visitors at the parental
ome of Mrs. Clara Smith.
G. W. Louck and family and A. S.
ailey spent Sunday at Whipples
am, in the Seven mountains.
W. R. Port, wife and daughter
lorence are away on a motor trip
long the Susquehanna river.
Walter Woods and wife, of Pitts-
urgh, are spending their vacation
t the Dr. G. H. Woods home.
Miss Mary Stover, of Altoona, is
isiting her cousin, Miss Minnie
oss, and other relatives here.
Dr. W. M. Neidigh is ill at his
ome at State College, though his
)ndition is not regarded as serious.
Mrs. Alice Bowersox returned to
er home in Philadelphia, on Friday,
fter a pleasant visit with friends
Charles Corl and wife and Henry
leyer and wife, of Boalsburg, were
unday callers at the Mary Meyers
Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick gave notice
2 Sunday that he will take his an-
ual vacation and spend it going to
Washington camp P. O. 8. of A
ill install its new officers this
Friday) evening. A full turnout
Rev. S. E. Russell will hold services
Meek's church, on Sunday morn-
g, and in the Methodist church
sre Sunday evening.
Fred B. Goss motored in from
ittsburgh, on Sunday, bringing in
iss Sadie Goss and taking home
ith him Miss Ruth.
W.W. Keller, wife and son, Dr.
aul Keller, and G. W. Ward, of
ittsburgh, were all here for a brief
ay the beginning of the week.
The Presbyterian Sunday school
ill picnic on the A
morrow afternoon and evening.
apper will be served at 5.30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~ Wrigley and
jsses Mary and Maude Dreibelbis
parted, Monday morning, for a
onth's motor trip through Canada.
Mrs. Ellis Auman entertained the
embers of the young women's Sun-
iy school class, at her home on
‘ater street, last Thursday evening.
N. E. Hess, Henry McWilliams, J.
. McWilliams and wife and Mrs.
lice Buchwalter motored to Can-
msburg, the latter part of the
eek, to visit Prof. S. P. McWilliams
id wife.
After camping for two weeks on
issey mountain John Dannley and
ife, their son, Dr. George Dannley,
ith his wife and daughter, broke
.mp, last Friday, and left for their
yme in Medina, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Dunlap and
mily motored in from Cherry Tree
spend Sunday at the Dunlap pa-
ntal home. Two of the daughters,
.ne and Josephine, remained for
rt of their summer vacation.
John Frankenberger and wife, J.
Shank and family and Mr. and
rs. Burd Gummo picnicked on top
Nittany mountain for dinner, on
inday, then went on to Hecla park
nere they made supper on the
Her children and a number of in-
nate friends gave Mrs. Sara Everts
delightful suprise, last Thursday
ening, on the occasion of her 7lst
rthday anniversary. They invad-
her home carrying heavily laden
skets and boxes which, when emp-
:«d and assembled, comprised a
ost tempting and delicious supper.
rs. Everts also received many
autiful as well as useful gifts as
minders of the pleasant occasion.
The Pine Grove Mills ball team
feated State College, Saturday,
* the score of 8 to 4, and on Mon-
y downed Huntingdon 8 to 3.
Mrs. Frank Peters is very little
proved at this writing.
James Walker has returned home
ym a two month's stay at Austin, |
b i
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Witherite and |
ughter, of Osceola Mills, spent
iday with friends in this sectiom.
C. L. Weber, an employee of the
est Penn Power company, who is
arding at the Mrs. Irwin home, |
ent Sunday with his wife, in Hol- |
aysburg. i
Robert Catherman and Thelma
vine, both of State College.
Joseph George Donachy and Anna |
auline Fohringer, both of Centre |
ntre Hall. |
Richard Adair Parsons, of Penn-|
Ivania Furnace, and Mary Eves, of |
arriorsmark. |
John Lisik, of Grass Flat, and
ma Korman, of Clarence.
1841 1931
JO Anniversary Sale
Furniture and Rugs
20% TO 50%
Lowest Prices in Fifteen Years
or nearly a century four generations of Brachbills have zealously maintained the Brachbill
tradition of finest quality in furniture. On this, our Ninetiecth Anniversary, we desire to
thank the Public for the steadily increasing patronage which has made possible the long life of
the Brachbill Store. Shop, compare and be convinced that the following Anniversary Specials
offer the Greatest Values you can find in furniture in Central Pennsylvania.
Heavy Oval Rag Rugs. $ 190 Guaranteed Bed-Spring
Blue or Rose, 24 x 48 inch A helical tied top, a $15.00 value
Piece Living Room Sue...
Fiber Reed. Velour Upholstering
4-Piece Bed Room Suite
All the Above Items From Our Regular Stock
Large size, Oriental Walnut, Dresser, Chest
we gale Positively Closes Saturday, August Sth
$ 9%
Fine Axminster Rugs...
Excellent quality, 27x52 inch
9x 12 Axminsters. . . .
Genuine Bigelow-Sanfords
Living Room Suite.... []2.%
Davenport, English Lounging and Button Back Chairs
§-Piece Dining Room Suite. ..
Buffet, Table, China Closet and 6 Tapestry
Seat Chairs
Spring Street . . . . . Bellefonte, Pa.
BE | ——The Bellefonte Methodist Sun-
me to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work [day school held its annual picnic at
Hecla park yesterday.
work, in a family of three. Ten
miles from Bellefonte, in the coun-
but no farm work. Position until
1st of November. PR ab this office
. Glenn, Port Ma-
Vv) es or write Mrs. Geo.
- = tilda R. D.
ANTED—Return to Alec
a small brass vase picked up by
two young men, in the east end
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
of the cemetery, W: py writ of Levarli Facias issued out
d 9 edneuuy of the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, to me directed; will be
OR SALE.—Real estate consisting o to public sale at the Court
i’ exposed
dwelling house and double house ir | House in
Bellefonte, Estate of Margare
efon .
76-20-3t Executor
the Borough of Bellefonte on
SATURDAY, August 8, 1931.
The Following Property:
ALL that certain piece, el and
of land situate in Half oon RL iy
Centre county, Pennsylvani
IDS FOR COAL—Sealed bids to fur- | described as tollows,” tovwit > unded "
nish good grade of Bituminous Coal
to_be delivered at buildings of Belle- Er Sener 9 lauds
e Entire Nation Votes omy School District will be Tece sived un- by rf 2mee an rier! thence
| h 4 . ou ons re- |of John Downing and D. Beck
Sul iy , South 51
7 qu All bids to state mine from | degrees 20 minutes West 416 perches to
which coal will be delivered. The School | stone; thence by lands of F. bs South
reserves the right to reject any or |39 degrees 30 minutes East 172
all bids. M. B. BROUSE to ost thence by land of Schoenber -
6-27-31 . RB. , Secretary, |& Co. North 48 degrees East 188 perc
6- : a Bellefonte, Pa. 3 st; thence by land of same South
egrees 30 minutes East 5 perches to
post; thence by land of ame” Nore 52
degrees East 116 perches to stones; thence
by land of Elizabeth Ebbs North 2 de-
grees 30 minutes West 156 rches to
testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned upon the estate
Marie Dressler
of Marcus A. Landsy, late of Bellefonte S
t; thence by same | egree.
In Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Latest Laugh Hit iad indebted “l Pad knowing minutes East 70 an To res
0 estate are | thence by land of Mark James North 53
requested to make prompt payment, and
degrees minutes west 44 rches to
post; the place of beginning. ve
Excepting and reserving to th
of the First Part its hey rs, all party
oils, fossils, mineral oils, fire clay and
| iron ore, and other ores and all mineral
* | deposits embraced in the following de-
| scription: BEGINNING at a point on the
; . Western line of a larger tract of |
XECUTOR'S NOTICE.— The under- | er fast of lad
E signed executrix of the last will and or Dab, hea kA 2
testament of John F. Holt, late of | James Sommerville, said y
the borough of Unionville, Centre County, | cated North 39 degrees minutes and
Pennsylvania, deceased, hereby notifies | thence by line parallel with the Southern
all persons knowing themselves indebted | line of said larger tract 40 rods from a
to said estate to make immediate pay- | t at the Southwest corner of said
ment of euch indebtedness and those | larger tract North 49 degrees East 188
having claims against the same to pre- rods to a point; thence North 39 degrees
sent them, properly authenticated, for |30 minutes West 124.5 perches to point on
payment. the Northerly line of the sald larger
MARY ELIZABETH HOLT, Executrix, | tract; thence by the said Northerly” ifpe
W. Harrison Walker Atty. Fleming, Pa. South 51 degrees 30 minutes West 188.2
Bellefonte, Pa. 76-27-6t | rods, more or less, to a stone, the North-
west corner of said larger tracts; 39 de-
grees 30 minutes East 132 rods to the
place of beginning. Containing 150 acres
and 4.100 acres more or less,
Together with all the defendant's per-
| 80! property.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Harrison A. Stew-
art, Mortgagor, and Amos N. Wagner,
Sale to commence
of said day.
Terms cash.
those having claims
must present them, duly
for payment,
John G. Love, Executrix,
Attorney. 76-26-6t Bellefonte, Pa
inst the same
Polly Moran Roscoe Ates John Miljan
Sout being lo-
Better than ‘‘Reducing’’ and ‘‘Caught
Short.’ Marie Shows the Men How
a Real Political Campaign Should Be
UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Notice is here-
oy diren that the Orphan's Court
of Centie County has appointed the
undersigned Auditor in the estate of
Steve Taraska et al., minor children of
John Taraska, deceased, to pass upon all
exceptions and make distribution of all
funds to and among those entitled thére-
to; and that the undersigned as Auditor
has fixed a hearing Tuesday, A st 4,
1931, at ten A. M., in his office in Temple
Court, Bellefonte, Pa., wherein all parties
in interest may be heard.
7 (le 1 Monday and Tuesday
July 27-28
Shows at 7.00 and 8.45
| BJ le!
at 11 o'clock A. M.
STATE 7. BE. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
76-26-4t July 13th 1881.
new, for sale very, very hy
quire of John Fleming, Belletontas
| DER DISHWASHER—Dractically
Free wheelingly
Op 0
Just Joy
its Course
OU don’t have to learn
Studebaker Free
Wheeling—it teaches it~
self to you.
Just start off driving as
you always do. And pretty
soon you'll be enjoying a
swell, sweet new sensation
~that's Free Wheeling!
It just comes natural.
Before long you'll be
lifting your toe from the
accelerator and thrilling to
costless gliding on merry
Then you'll find your~
self shifting at 40 to 50
from high to intermediate
and back again as easy as.
pie, without using the
Why, it’s absurd, say I,
to pass up the fun and
economy of it, now that
you can get a real Free
Wheeling Studebaker for
$845. It’s the lowest priced
Six today with Free Wheel-
ing as standard equipment
—engineered from tip to
tail to give you its fullest
benefits in its finest form,
free wheeling
originated by
at the factory
Heard the news?
Reach for your
—the easiest way
to keep in touch
these busy
Summer days!