Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1931, Image 3
Bellefonte, Pa., July 17, 1931. TRAINMASTER PLACED ON RETIRED LIST. Wilson T. Charles, who for the past thirteen years has been train- master on the Pennsylvania railroad, at Tyrone, has been piaced on the retired list after 46 years and 10 months service. He was born at Milesburg on Au- gust 19th, 1865, hence is not yet 66 years of age. As a young man he learned telegraphy and when but nineteen years old began work for the railroad company as an operator, working on the Bald Eagle branch and also on the the Bellefonte and Snow Shoe. In 1887 he went to Ty- rone as an operator and two years later was made assistant train dis- patcher.. On January 1, 1900, he was promoted to train dispatcher. In 1908 he was made assistant train- master; four years later he had the duties of division operator added to his work, and in 1918, when R. B. Freeman was sent to Philadelphia, Mr. Charles became trainmaster. Assistant trainmaster in 1889, at the time of the Johnstown flood, he recalls the thirty days following that awful catastrophe as being the most strenuous in his entire rail- road career. With miles of track on the Middle division washed out all trains were routed over the Bald Eagle valley and he didn't have time to read a newspaper. He had the distinction of being train master on the old Tyrone division when they had the greatest movement of any single track rail- road in the world. On one day they moved 2800 cars over the division, not to say anything of the large number of passenger trains. There were no delays, whatever, and every- thing about this super railroad day was carried out with clock-like pre- cision. J. K. Johnston, of Tyrone, now retired, was superintendent at the time and J. L. Downes, now train dispatcher in the Altoona offices, was then chief train dispatcher. It was a day that will long be remembered as a banner movement day. Mr. Charles was a member of the building committee of the splendid PRRYMNC A budng at Tyrone, and had personal super- vision of the wiring. He also had personal supervision of the building of one of the first and most com- plete electric World Series score boards in the State, one that called | forth admiration from all who saw it. At present he is making his home with his son and daughter-in-law, STATE GAME COMMISSION The State Game Commission, ap- pointed ten days ago by Governor Pinchot, met in Harrisburg, last Thursday, and reorganized by elect- ing Ross L. Loffler, of McKeerport, president. The board took no action on an open season for antlerless deer but some changes were made in the bag limits and seasons for game birds, as follows: Male ringnecked pheasants, two a day and six a season from Novem- ber 1 to 15, instead of November 1 to 30, as last year. Ruffed grouse season changed to the first three days of the first two weeks in November and the last three days for the third and fourth week in November. Last year’s sea- son was November 1 to 8. The bag limit was fixed at two a day and twelve during the season. The season on quail was fixed as November 1 to 15, instead of No- vember 1 to 30, as last year, The Commission approved the pur- chase of 50,000 cotton tail rabbits, 2000 snowshoe rabbits, 2000 Hunga- rian partridges, 300 raccoons and 500 fox squirrels for stocking purposes. The kill in the State during the 1930 hunting season has finally been summed up as follows: Five elks, 20,115 male deer, 5979 antlerless deer, 707 bear, 3,068,019 rabbits, 20,- 602 hares, 456,523 squirrels, 48,190 raccoons, 2,374 wild turkeys, 83,787 ruffed grouse, 251,362 ringneck pheas- ants, 152,958 quail, 71,402 woodcock and other shore birds, 63,784 water- fowl, 250,035 blackbirds. The weight of the total number of |game killed amounted to 5,881 tons. | Despite warnings about the care- less handling of firearms, 350 hunt- ing accidents occurred during the | past season, of which 59 were fatal and 291 non-fatal. Of the fatal ac- cidents, 23 were self-inflicted and [33 inflicted by others. Of the non- fatal accidents 75 were self-inflicted and 214 inflicted by others. The ma- jority of accidents occurred during the small game season. Of the faial accidents, 15 were caused by rifles, 43 by shotguns and ‘one by a revolver. Of the non-fatal accidents, 56 were caused by rifles, 233 by shotguns and two by revol- vers. ‘accidents seems excessive, the pro- | portion is comparatively small when |it is considered that 600,000 hunters | were afield. | NEW LOCATION NAMED AS POSTOFFICE SITE. Postmaster John L. Knisely re- |ceived another letter from Congress- {man J. Mitchell Chase, on Monday, | | REORGANIZES FOR YEAR. | | While at first the number of | | Mr. and er —————————————————————————————————— ~~" PATIENTS TREATED AT CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL. Mrs. W. C. Shoemaker and son, of Pennsylvania Furnace, were dis- charged last Monday. Mrs. Adam Ruth, of State Col lege, was admitted last Monday t¢ undergo surgical treatment. Paul Stover, of Royersford, Pa., a | student at the Pennsylvania State College, was admitted last Monday for surgical treatment. | Miss Helen Bambrick, of Girards- ville, Pa., a student at Penn State, was admitted for surgical treatment last Monday and was discharged on Friday. William Resides, of Unionville, be- came a surgical patient last Monday. Lois M. Hoy, 7-year-old daughter of Mrs. Maude Hoy, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was discharged last Tuesday af- ter undergoing surgical treatment. George A. Sones, of Julian, was admitted last Monday as a medical patient and discharged on Saturday. Mrs. Perry Krise, of Pleasant Gap, was admitted last Tuesday as a med- ical patient. Miss Rachel Parsons, of Pennsyl- vania Furnace, a student nurse at the hospital, was a medical patient from Tuesday until Saturday. Zachariah T. Holt, of Unionville, was discharged on Saturday after undergoing four days of medical treatment. i Miss Lois O. Packer, of Centre Hall, was discharged last Tuesday after undergoing surgical treatment. Robert Morris, of Bellefonte, a medical patient, was discharged last Tuesday. | William H. Bogan, of Philipsburg, a surgical patient, was discharged | last Tuesday. Mrs. Agnes Fry, of Bellefonte, was discharged last Tuesday after under- going surgical treatment. William B. Rhoads, of Unionville. | a surgical patient, was discharged | last Wednesday. Mrs. Ella Sellers, of State College. was discharged last Wednesday after | undergoing medical treatment. Mrs. Homan Brigstock, of Spring township, and infant daughter, were | discharged last Wednesday. | After undergoing medical treat: | ment Mrs. Toner Spicer, of Spring township, was discharged last Wed: nesday. | Mrs. John Jacobs, of Milesburg, | | became a surgical patient last Wed. | nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dobson, of Col- | lege township, are the happy parents | {of a son, born at the hospital last Thursday. Adrian L., 4-year-old daughter ot Mrs. E. O. Westgrem, of | Bellefonte, underwent surgical treat- | | ment last Wednesday and was dis- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Charles, in id Which the latter stated that the Les gigi ae {field men looking for a site for | Tyrone, Bellefonte's new federal building are | Mrs. George Newman, of State mp———— considering the location on thé South- Soles, became a medical patient on MAN WANTED HERE |east corner of Spring and Bishop | . IN OHIO streets, taking in the properties of | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ficks, of Boals- | — | Mrs. William McClure and W. Har- |Durg, are the proud parents of a N. M. Elliott, wanted in Centre vey Miller. 0 Map born at the hospital last county on the charge of malicious, The owners, he stated, are asking . SU and the wanton destruction | $41,000 for their properties, Mrs. Mrs. Russell Miller and infant son, | of property, was arrested at Lisbon, McClure $25,000 and Mr. Miller $16, °f State College, were discharged on | Ohio, last week, and is being held 000. He stated, however, that if Friday. | there until county detective Leo they will come down to $35,000 Robert J. Albright, of College | Boden can get there with authenti- the location might be accepted, township, was discharged last Friday cated extradition papers to bring providing it is deemed satisfac- ‘after undergoing surgical treatment. | him back to Bellefonte for trial. tory by the patrons of the office. Mrs. Milo Campbell, of State Col- Last summer Carl and N. M. El- In the event it is regarded as a sat- lege, a surgical patient, was dis- | liott, brothers, were in the employ isfactory location, and the owners Charged last Friday. of Daniel A. Kessler, a highway refuse to come down in price, it is | Mrs. J. B. R. Dickey, of State Col-| Trans-Sea Telephone Talks Speed Moratorium Parleys ee —— President Hoover and Secretary Mellon Use Washington-Paris Service Freely to Ex- change Data During Negotiatory Period (How trans-Atlantic telephony accelerated European acceptance of President Hoover's war debt moratorium plan is described in the follow- ing article by Warren W. Wheaton, of The Philadelphia Public Ledger's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON.—The radio telephone played a tremendously important part in the international debt suspension negotiations. It represents a new phase of modarn diplomacy availed of with alacrity by President Hoover and his advisers in what doubtless is the initial stage of world-wide use of the ether waves as annihilator of space and time in the affairs of nations. With the facility and dispatch almost with which Philadelphians may telephone suburban points, Washington is connected with London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European points, and to the use of the radio telephone may be attributed the speed of the nego- tiations instituted by President Hoover. The telephone has been used to span the Atlantic as a substitute for the laborious coding of cable- grams and their decoding since Secretary Mellon touched foreign shores to put the “finishing touches” upon the debt holiday. It has hurled American voices across the seas to be heard as distinctly as a local call. It has cost a lot of money, but it has accelerated the moratorium project materially. President Hoover picks up his desk telephone and informs the White House operators he wants to speak with Mr. Mellon. The secretary is on the other end usually within five minutes. But what is just as much to the point, so are the American Am- bassadors in London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. At home here there is a three- forked telephone, with the Presi- dent, Acting Secretary of State Castle and Acting Secretary of the Treasury Ogden Mills listening in. With eight or more on one wire, there ordinarily would be a lot of confusion with two or more trying contractor who built the State high- quite possible condemnation proceed- | !¢8¢, Was discharged last Friday af- |, 4 qmoric BISHOP URG way from Millaeim to Soodward. \ings might be restored to, in which (182 haviog undergone surgical treat- | Carl was road boss and his brother event, it is deemed probable by Con- | . shovel man. On July 26th they gressman Chase, that the properties Lester Stine, of Patton township, were discharged by Mr. Kessler for can be obtained at a much better [Sesame a surgical patient last Fri- inefficiency. The night following figure than $35,000. | day. their discharge they returned to the The above location is approximate- |_ Mrs. Robert C. Spencer, of South job and damaged the road making ly 160x120 feet in size and while Fork, Pa., was discharged on Satur- machinery to the extent of $800 to not as large as the specifications 98Y after having been a surgical pa- $1000. The damage was of sich a called for would probably be big tient for one day. character that work was at a stand- enough for all purposes. Miss Ethel Huey, of Union town- still until new parts for the machin- On Wednesday morning Mr. Miller | ship, is a surgical patient, having ery could be secured. informed a Watchman representative | Deen admitted Friday. Descriptions of the two brothers that he had made no offer of his| ‘Wiliam Garman, of College town- were sent throughout the United property to the government and has |SBrip, was admitted last Saturday States but both evaded capture until | given no price on it to anyone. for surgical treatment. | last week when N. M. Elliott was Mrs. Clara Tomlinson, of State! arrested at Lisbon, Ohio. The where- College, surgical patient, was dis- 1 are still | charged on Saturday. ¥boats A Big roiher Car Mrs. James Throp, of Lemont, a medical patient, was discharged on Saturday. William Nale, of Coburn, who had been a surgical patient, was dis- charged on Sunday. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry Schermerhorn, of Homer, N. Y., and Ethel J. Vonada, of State College. Carl H. Galloway, of Trenton, N. J., and Beatrice Y. Thorpe, of James- town, N. Y. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Harry E. Butler, et al, Exec. to . . tract In | Har EB, Sots Harold Owens and Edith Peters, ~Johs Roberts, of State College, Robert C. Baney to Arametta W. both of Higler. Jediie 2 glen] patient on, Sil day. Roland L. Fye, of State College, became a surgical patient on Sun- | itzer, et bar, tract in Bellefonte; . Theodore Victor Letenhoff and oo Elizabeth Frances Healy, I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to J. Philadelphia. Martin et ux, tract in State Allen Cavil Clark, of Reedsville, day. College; 00. and Masie H. Chriswell, of Philadel- Mrs. Wade Harpster and son, of | William E. Tolbert, et ux, to How- | phia. | Ferguson township, were discharged ard H. Hazel, tract in Union TWp.;| Geo. Walter Reed and Jessie H. on Sunday. $150. | Strunk, both of Altoona. + Louisa Robison, et al, to Herbert wesley M. Lowrie and Bessie E.! NEW PARCEL POST RULES W. Dunlap, tract in Spring Twp.; $1. Huff, both of Franklin. | EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1ST. | John B. Fortney to John 8S. Fort- | m— ney, tract in Potter Twp; $1. Officers of the Pennsylvania Feder- | New parce) pod, Tied ianaisg | H. Laird Curtin, et ux, to J. Bruce ation of Democratic Women | the size an g m ourth | Lingle, et ux, tract in Boggs Twp.; of — w | class packages will become effective | SL Mrs. Lucy D. Winston, Mechanics- | August 1st. The limit of size will Charles W. Corl, et ux, to H. O. burg, was re-elected president at a pe made 100 inches, length and Smith, tract in State College; $1. recent meeting in Harrisburg; Mrs. | .,.; combined, and the limit of | William G. Dunkle, et ux, to Hig. | Resm0rS. Howell, Ait. Sloe Bint | weight increased to 70 pounds for | abeth M. Dunkle, tract in Philips- ' presid Mrs. Jeane Kane delivery to parcel post zones 4 to 8 | burg, $1. [oe 2 et president; Miss | inclusive. The Postmaster General | Anna A. McCoy, et al, to David Margaret Stone, fourth vice presi- has also been authorized to establish | K. Hughes, tract in Bellefonte; §1. dent; Mrs. J. Campbell Roberts, a minimum charge for parcels meas- Charles H. Foster, et ux, to Roy A. secretary, and Mrs. Harvey Dorn- uring more than 84 inches. The Rhul, tract in State College; $800. | blaser. treasurer. | new regulations, approved by the A. Foster, to Roy A. Ruhl, | tract in State College; $800. | An INE was talieg 2 Le Ei Tovar, at SX 1p Catherine a, in me HoT and come | Baumcosk, teas PADUTE: | out me back.” | ; “But,” his friend said, “it would fore it a request of the Postmatser Kathleen Hancock to Minnie Hoov- | pave heart and |General for authority to increase | er, tract in South Philipsburg; $1. | jilled foe, Vorough your Walter Gherrity to Philip H. Zern, | tract in Potter Twp.; $165.50. both of dollars. The Commission still has be- | “Faith and me heart was in me this matter is not likely to be given) | mouth at the time.” | for several months. (and the tax |in letters at least two inches high. parcel post rates, but a decision in| the bill will be of $25 or imp in default of payment of the fine. FIGHT ON BIRTH CONTROL that American women were “foregoing the laws of God” ip order that they “may have fur coats, limousines and other luxuries,” Bish- EE i] to speak simultaneously. President Hoover and his advisers foresaw this possibility and immediately met it. When the conversations were to start a chairman was ap- pointed to conduct the “meeting.” Usually it was Mr. Mills, who has been a tower of strength to the President in the negotiations. Mills or the President opened the conversation. Then the “chair. man” told who was to be heard from next and when that spe ker had finished, the next, if there was a next, was designated, thus avoid. ing not only confusion but keeping down the bills, which were running into the thousands of dollars. It costs a bit over $33 for the first three minutes to talk to Paris and $11 for each additional minute, The “chairman” method is, there. fore, one of economy as well as facility. The “cross-the-ocean” telephone habit really got its start during the London Naval Conference a year ago, but now has become an accepted medium of international communication. It is hard escap- ing a trans-Atlantic telephone call, There are 35,600,000 telephones in the world and intercommunication is possible on 32,000,000 of them, so that 91 per cent of all the tele- phone subscribers in the world, notwithstanding oceans and con- tinents between, are in potential touch with one another. As a time-saver the interna- tional telophone is a wonder come pared with the code-cablegram method of communication. Wil. liam R. Vallance, Assistant Solici- tor of the State Department, is authority for the statement that had not the radio telephone been used in the debt negotiations much more time would have been cone sumed in learning what France intended to do about acceptance of | 666 Mr, Hoover's moratorium proposal Relover 20 UB TABLETS a Headache or Ni in 30 minutes, pm ogg day, and checks Malaria In three op Hafey, of Raleigh, N. C., severely | da arrainged birth control and its ex- ponents in addressing last Wednes- | day's session of the fourteenth bien- nial national convention of the Cath- olic Daughters of America at At- lantic City. Bishop Hafey, national chaplain of the organization, further Catholic women “no longer can sit idly by and do nothing to offset birth-control propaganda flaunted in the face of the Nations.” “It is now time,” Bishop Hafey said, “for the women of this Nation to do a little serious thinking rela. tive to offsetting the morally, social- ly and physically destructive propa- ganda of birth control.” The Rev. Bernard A. McKenna, D. D., director of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, now being erected at W: also addressed the meeting, as did the Rev Francis P. Lyons, of Chicago, spiritual director of the Convert League of the Catholic Daughters of America. As a result of the address of Dr. McKenne, the 3500 delegates attend- ing the session voted favorably on a roposal that the 200,000 mem! of C. D. A. contribute $2 each or $400,000 toward the completion of the Shrine. At present, Dr. McKenna declared, the foundation is completed and he expressed the belief that the entire structure will be finished within twenty or twenty-five years. It was in 1922 and will cost when completed approximately $40,000,000. GAS DEALERS MUST DISPLAY PRICES The Bidelspacher bill became effec- tive in Pennsylvania, requiring gaso- Interstate Commerce Commission, is | line service stations to display the expected to increase the revenues of | price | rately the department about five million |The meagre ifies that the price of Suidiine snd {he tix - iE Of Sore must be borne rovisions of e witha fine t of tendays Fallure to obey the ys. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold Good Printing. A SPECIALTY at the Employers, This Interests You is | i | pms ’ 125 117 oF W 4otuung oN IY 3 3 3 piepue)ls Se d 3somoj-- TX Jed pao nba ‘yuouwrd IM ays jo 3red yeada paisauidus [//] seyo [PYM 3344 3 uepas 1guassed-g ‘T00p-p ‘1amodasioy Qf se b GEORGE A. BEEZER GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA.