Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1931, Image 1
—Crickets will be chirping soon, then it will be time to look with concern at the empty coal bin. ——Old Mortality has thrown away the scythe and taken an auto- mobile as the symbol of his trade. ——The troubles in Europe give no concern to Calvin Coolidge. His | mind is centered on the Vermont trout streams, at present, and too narrow to take in much territory. ——It's a trifle hard to conjure up sympathy for Albert B. Fall, rec- reant cabinet officer, VOL. 76. | Suspicions about the Moratorium | | The suggestion of Senator Robin- and besides hope on the moratorium as a cure son that President Hoover supple- It would be unwise to build much The Need of Tariff Legislation. justice is even-handed and punish- for the present economic depression. ment his amiable gesture for the re- ment must be administered to great as well as the meek. —Just thirteen days of the fishing Season remain and it would be just our luck for a couple more storms to come along and muddy up the Streams again. Thus far July has been almost a complete washout. —President Hoover's moratorium helped Germany exactly like “the old | woman kept tavern out west.” Ger- many didn't need delay in paying | her debts. What she needed was something to live on while getting | On the day the Presi- As a matter of fact there is a | mills squared off to start making some- ‘lack of confidence in the public mind causes the It may work a temporary relief, as lief of Germany by a movement for it actually did cause an increase in the relief of the United States security values alike in this country through a decrease of the tariff and abroad. dent's announcement was issued stock price a shot upward in Wall street. But it was not an enduring improve- | The attempt to shift responsibility ment. Within a day or two a reces- [for unemployment in this country 'sion ensued which was attributed to the economic distress in Europe to the failure of France to express having failed, the Arkansas Senator spontaneous approval. Since the suc- | thinks it would be wise to strike at cess of the plan has been made ex- the real cause of the trouble here pectations are disappointing. Signs Tariff rates which have closed for of industrial stabilization are absent. eign markets to the products of our | disposed of and enlisted Vice Presi- and factories are the real dent Curtis and Senator Capper, of | Kansas, on their side. schedules of the Grundy law is like- ly to precipitate a tariff war in the approaching session of Congress. of unemployment. Goods thing to pay them with. You can't as to the sincerity of the President. must be sold or factories can't oper- get blood out of a turnip and only It is widely believed that he has no ate. | Senator, Watson, of Indiana, Re- | Chairman Stone promptly resented hue in the eyes of a near bankrupt. bert Hoover is absolutely destitute | publican floor leader of the Senate, | the interference of the Vice Presi- honor gives a moratorium a rosy ——A letter from Congressman | Chase suggests the idea that postal officials are considering the McClure fering and Miller properties on west Bishop 38% street as a probable site for the new form of relief except post-office. owners have made any proposal to of “bowels of compassion.” (sympathy for human suffering. Her- millions of his countrymen were suf- | Senator to introduce such Legisla- the pangs of hunger, a year he opposed every available mind. For this reason thoughtful tion. It will be remembered that when the final vote was about to be such tardy taken on the Grundy bill Senator | measures as occurred to his own Watson declared “that within thirty Netter one. of the |days after the passage of the meas- sell to the government and don't Persons look elsewhere for wae causes ure prosperity would be restored and want to. the post-office will be located there Moratorium. And there are plenty this country”. The Krader property, corner of How- ard and Allegheny streets is still the government's real objective. —The announcement that Mrs. Pinchot has had a second secretary added to her staff at the State's ex- pense is pleasant news to a lot of us who find it so hard to pay our taxes that we can't have even one secretary for ourselves. Why should the State pay for any personal serv- ant of the Governor's wife? If this competent to discuss such technical questions, but we do know that since there was so much ado about get- ting the approval of the State High- way Department as to the structure much might have been saved had the Department been asked to draw the plans for the bridge and supervise its construction. It would have done that without charge and there would have been no commis- sions to pay to a foreign engineer to pile on top of the cost of building a bridge that will be longer than nec- essary. —The creditors of the defunct Cen- tre County Banking Company are being asked to take Whiterock Quar- ries stock in lieu of cash. The trustee holds enough stock of that corporation to make a fifteen cent distribution, or thereabouts. If it should be sold at public sale the price would probably be pounded down to less than half its value be- cause this is no time to sell good stock and even if il sre were a bet- ter market for securities this com- munity is too small to absorb so large an offering, without disastrous effect on the price. Having been one of the four men who started Whiterock, its first treasurer and a member of its board for many years we know something of the value of the property from which this stock issues. In the light of that belief we feel that those creditors of the bank who can do so would profit considerably by taking stock in lieu of cash. The company is being capably managed, it has maintained its six per cent dividend right through the depression and the book value of the stock is actually nearly double its par. The best feature of the plan is that an individual holder of a few shares at $70 might some day discover them to be worth double that sum. In such an event he would in reality have a thirty per cent dividend instead of the fifteen per cent one they are to be issued for. Even if one could not find a market for his stock should a need be press- ing it is good collateral on which to borrow at the banks. We have much faith in the future of Whiterock Quarries, we have already assured many creditors of the bank as to that and for the long pull we recom- mend the offering to its other cred- itors. of leads to guide them in the search. It is conservatively estimated that there is at present $17,000,000,000 of American capital invested in Europe. impressed upon the mind of Presi- dent Hoover he devised the plan and promulgated it, not for the re- lief of suffering humanity, not for the stabilization of industry, not for the alleviation of economic distress, but to save Wall street. It is true that the postponement of payments for the brief period of a year would not serve to rescue the vast amount of American invest- ments in Europe. But it was ex- pected, and among optimists be- lieved, that even so brief a respite Sem. pressing Suligasions would in- American investors an opportunity to unload their foreign holdings on the unsuspecting “Lambs” at home and abroad. It was a promising en- terprise and an enticing bid for Wall street support next year. —The Watchman now has a baby subscriber and he is paid so far in advance that we are worried lest the old sheet peters out before young Mr. Gray grows old enough to learn to read it. Stream Purity Legislation Delayed. Governor Pinchot promises legis- lation to purify the streams of the State next year. In a message read before the Conservation Council of Pennsylvania, in session at Harris- burg last week, he said, “the pollu- tion bill should have passed at the last session. This administration gave it every backing. I am against stream pollution and for ending it every- where promptly, as soon as it can be done.” In his campaign, last fall, he promised action during the ses- Per | sion of 1931. It was one of the prin- cipal planks in his platform. Un- less a special session is called there will be no legislation on any sub- ject in 1932. During the recent session of the General Assembly a bill was intro- duced at the instance of the Con- servation Council. Governor Pinchot induced the friends of the measure to abandon it and accept an admin- istration bill to be introduced sub- sequently. The result was that no legislation was enacted on the sub- ject. As happened in the coal and iron police matter, the Governor's interference prevented action. Under pretense of serving the public he was helping the interests which drew profits from stream pollu- tion. A promise now for legislation next year is an appeal to popular credulity rather than public intelli- gence. In addressing his colleagues of the Conservation Council Mr. Lad- ner, of Philadelphia, stated that “out of 100,000 miles of water in our streams only 14,000 miles can be found in a state of purity. The other 86,000 miles are badly pollut- ed and their unmentionable, filthy and poisonous waters swallow up the 14,000 miles which are mostly small streams located in remote places with no direct channel to the sea.’ Governor Pinchot was fully aware of these facts. But he sacri- ficed remedial legislation in order that he might acquire the right to “hire and fire,” certain big salaried public officials. which influenced him to propose the unemployment will be ended in Neither Ia 1 Hedy that Nearly a year has | “the situation in Kansas is approach- elapsed since and instead of the promised improvement conditions {have been getting worse. Our ex- port trade has been cut in half and It is believed that the collapse of such factories as were still in oper- Germany would have involved the ation have been compelled to close loss’ of practically all this money because they can find no market for and that the collapse of Germany | their products at home or abroad. would be inevitable on the date of | the July reparation payments unless President Hoover promised that the something was done to postpone the Tariff Commission would correct the payments. These facts having been inequalities and eliminate the inequi- ties which he acknowledged to be In approving the Grundy bill present. ‘The report of the work of the Commission has just been pub- 229 subjects considered decreases have been recommended in eleven cases, increases in tem and the rest undisturbed. This record shows the futility of the flexible feature of the bill but the faults of the Grundy should be corrected. = = ——Mental delusions produce curi- ous spectacles. For instance, Bill Vare still thinks he is a party leader. A ——— —————— Philadelphia Crooks at War. “When rogues fall out honest men come by their own” is an ancient adage. The crooks who compose the Philadelphia Republican machine are involved in what seems to be an irreconcilable war and it remains to be seen whether the time honored result will follow. These same po- litical racketeers have had quarrels before but the adhesive force of self- ish interest in common has brought them together in the end and public expectation of destruction has been defeated. The present cause of quarrel appears to be deeper, how- ever, and the enmity more bitter, which inspires a hope that the hon- est voters of Philadelphia will come into control of the government of the city. Four years ago a similar, though less acute, difference among the leaders was compromised by the selection of Harry Mackey for Mayor and the people accepted the solution as a promise of improvement. But it turned out to be an aggravation rather than an alleviation of the evils. Since the infamous Ash- bridge administration there has been no such orgie of corruption as has prevailed under the Mackey regime. That fact has made it more difficult to fool the voters this year. No man who sincerely desires improve- ment in the methods and morals of government will accept favors at the hands of the machine, and the man- agers are unable to agree on a can- didate who will serve their purpose. It will be a great boon to the people of Philadelphia and a vast benefit to the voters of ithe State if the quarrel among these crooks is continued through the primary cam- paign and up until the election of November. The city, rich in tradi- tion, abundant in resources and fav- ored in all the elements which make for prosperity and contentment, has been brought to the verge of bank- ruptcy to serve the cupidity of these lecherous politicians. If the fight among them continues long enough it will force the better element of the population to oppose them and elect in their places men of charac- ter, intelligence and integrity, thus vindicating the adage “when rogues fall out honest men come by their own.” va ——Mussolini talks peace with great volubility but rattles the saber at the same time. lished and it appears that out of bill and the inequalities which the blk, RE The war between the Farm Board and the farmers of Kansas and other wheat growing States of the middle west is increasing in interest and energy. A few days ago chairnian Stone, of the Farm Board, announc- ed that the Board will sell 5,000,000 bushels of wheat a month until its accumulation of 200,000,000 is dis- posed of. that announcement was a decline in price of six cents a bushel to the low of thirty-five cents a bushel. The farmers, through their organizations, entered protest against any Board | sales until the crop of this year is But this ag- gravated rather than composed the quarrel. While | promptly challenged the Democratic dent and the Kansas Senator and ascribed the decrease in price to a conspiracy of the wheat speculators “to discredit the Farm Board in its efforts to aid agriculture,” and sig- nificantly added. “I am not going to let these people dictate to us what is for the best interest of the farm- ers.” Senator Capper’'s reply was, ing a crisis. The farmers are in re- volt and their anger may be reflect- ed in the coming elections. Wheat is selling at thirty-five cents a bushel in Kansas, the lowest price in years, which means that the farmer re- ceives for his product less than the cost of production.” In the controversy, if it may be so called, chairman Stone declares that he has the support of the Pres- ident. His policy to sell 5,000,000 bushels a month was announced af- ter a conference with Mr. Hoover and he believes the President will stand to the agreement. But Cap- per and Curtis appear to entertain a different opinion on that subject. At least they have announced a purpose to appeal to the President in person. They realize his mental infirmities as revealed in the past in relation to the operations of the for Farm Board. He has already chang- ed his mind and reversed his policies ago. ih “respect to its activities half a times, and the fear of losing ~have a. strong effect in ———— pe ——————— —Among three names now being frequently mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for Auditor General is that of Senator Harry B. Scott. Senator Frank Baldwin, of Potter county, and Hon. Benson E. Taylor, of Jefferson, are the other two. It has been on the card in organization circles to give our Senator a State office, but slate making is not now the easy job it was before Mr. Pinchot messed things up, so that no one can tell just whose “number is up” for the Auditor Generalship. If the regu- lars intend naming a regular for the office it goes beyond question that Senator Scott embodies the quint- essence of regularity. Germany Will Not Collapse. At this moment Germany is in a critical condition . The moratorium, well-intended, failed of its purpose, temporarily. Adverse conditions were moving too rapidly to be stopped by a single gesture. But there well be no collapse. The threatened crash will be averted. The German gov- ernment is under wise management. Von Hindenberg and Chancellor Brue- ning are capable and patriotic pub- lic officials and enjoy the confidence not only of Germany but of the world. The collapse of Germany would be a world-wide calamity. It would in- volve adversely every government within the radius of civilization and possibly convert a number of them to the policies of Communism or . In either event it would involve the loss to each nation concerned of all or a large part of their foreign investments. That would make universal bankruptcy practically inevitable. No country could survive such a disaster. For these reasons it may safely be predicted that the impending col- lapse of Germany will be averted. Word comes from Washington that the American government will not further intervene. But the American bankers and investors will. There are $17,000,000,000 involved and they will not allow that amount of money to disappear without en effort to save it. Investors of other coun- tries will adopt the same view and ultimately they will chip in the nec- essary funds. ———While the organization Re- publicans are throwing harpoons in- to each other Gifford Pinchot is quietly enjoying himself at the sea- shore. The market reaction to From the Philadelphia Record. | When the Winnie Mae landed at Roosevelt field, N. Y., last week, af- ter the greatest flight in the history of aviation, the cockpit door opened (and Wiley Post, the pilot, stepped ‘out, weary but happy and grinning. Inside the plane sat Harold Gatty, the ship's navigator. He was all in. They had to lift him out. Post handled the ship through fog and clear; over seas and mountains. And Gatty gave him the course. Two men of skill and courage, nerve and endurance. They deserve all the honors they will get. But the conspicuous thing about their splendid achievement is the accurate navigation over 15,500 miles of a strange course. Lindbergh shot his ship at an in- visible speck of ground 3000 miles |away—and hit the mark. “Lucky i fia some, overlooking the fact t the young flier had s cialized, in his preparation, on the problem of navigation. Chamberlain, his ship as well as any pilot could, missed his | mark, got lost. Imperfect naviga- Yon sent many eager fliers to death | at sea. (a triumph of scientific accuracy. | William Brock, who in 1928 flew to Tokio, said: “What a flier sees in it i to admire most is the speed and the precision, with credit going equally | {to both men. It is unbelievable | even to some of us old-timers—the (manner in which they clicked off place after place on their route.” From New York to Harbor Grace: from Harbor Grace to Chester, Eng- land; to Berlin; to Moscow; across Siberia and Manchuria; to Alaska; over Canada and the Great Lakes, and on to New York, the plane ran close to schedule; the paper plans | were translated inte actual achieve- men no bling, gro | trusting to luck on a A SDE | Almost as surely as a train on the rails, and perhaps quite as sure- ly as a liner at sea, the Winnie Mae reeled off its thousands of miles and scored its scheduled contacts. Fliers who gathered to greet the boys at the end of their cruise agreed that their demonstration of accurate control could not have been made with the equipment available 80 recently as two or three years i Ground speed and drift are the toughest problems of the naviga- tor; the actual rate of progress gardless of force and direction of wind, and the incalculable side-slip- ping of the craft. Gatty used a drift indicator of hfs own invention; we suspect that lit- tle instrument was the prime secret of the success of the ; Compasses, artificial horizon and drift indicator-—these and other del- icately adjusted instruments are! | West Chester. | recommended the decree, but Judge Win- ‘set in the yards and gardens of ee mm— SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —Frances Leberman, 19 years old, was struck and burned by a bolt of light ning at Pottsville, on Monday night, in the most severe lightning and rainstorm of the summer. Miss Leberman was at- tempting to close a window when struck. Her right arm and shoulder were burned. —Although he testified his wife stood by and cheered her ‘boy friend” on while the latter beat him, John N, Clarke, formerly of Coatesville, was refused a divorce on Monday, by Judge Windle, at The master in chancery AnntAad dle this did not constitute an “indignity” within the meaning of the i law. —The Lawrence Stone and Setting company, operating the new stone quarry | near Curwensville, has been awarded a contract for furnishing the stone for three more boulevard bridges on Long Island. The officials of the company were in Curwensville last week and say the con- | tract already entered into will keep the plant going at full capacity until Jan- uary 1, 1932, at least. —Three hundred beetle traps have been Lock Haven residents and a special Federal agent, Harry G. Barton, Duncannon, has been located there by the United States Department of Agriculture, to be in charge of the Japanese beetle work until the middle of September. The traps will be visited several times a week and the beetles killed by the use of cyanide. —The bureau of liquid fuels tax of the State Department of Revenue has instituted a State-wide investigation to determine how many gasoline retailers | should be classed as distributors under the new liquid fuels tax act. The in- vestigation includes a checkup of all re | tailers who were operating under the old act and is being made by revenu: pa- trolmen and investigators of the bureau. —Miners digging coal in a Lansford strippings operation of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co, in Schuylkill county, The flight of the Winnie | recently uncovered anthracite that burned their fingers when they tried to handle it. The men had uncovered the site of an old mine fire which had been believed extinguished ten years ago. The coal company plans to remove as much coal as possible from the path of the fire which has defled efforts to seal it and shut it off from valuable coal seams. —While Albert Lutes, 20, of Belle Ver- non, was swimming to rescue a child adrift in a boat, a sneak theif ransack- ed the clothing he cast off on the Mo- nongahela river bank and stole $15 and a $60 wrist watch. George Brusic, 9 years old, had climbed into a speed boat. Tha wash from a passing towboat set the boat adrift and the boy started scream- ing. A fire truck played a search light on the boat and swimmers from both banks went out to bring the lad ashere. ~—Two churches and the Young Wo- man's Christian Association building at Williamsport, were visited by safe crack- ers, burglars and thieves. At the Cove- nant Central Presbyterian church a safe was picked, but nothing was missing. The sum of approximately $20 in éhange was taken from a desk drawer in the Y. W. C. A. The third robbery was at- tempted some time during the night when burglars forced their way into the St. Paul's Lutheran church. A drawer In one of the Sunday school desks was “jimmied,”” but nothing was stolen. _e=Mrs. Bessie Fyock, aged 41, of Banks township, Indiana county, met with al- most instant death in an odd manner at her home last Saturday morning. A charge from the barrel of an old shot gun which had been placed in the kitch- en stove struck her in the abdomen. The gun had been discarded many years ago and all that remained of it was the bar- rel. It is believed a charge was left in the sources of the navigator's ability the su a ne Sie 2 i Ydsevered to give the pilot his course withun- nove faltering accuracy. damp powder and caused it to explode. “A fiier's flight,” they are calling —Many coal miners in the Panther this. It thrills the technician. The | Creek yalies: Sayin SoumEY. are going spectacular element appeals to the back to arms, a survey of that sec- public; but the true triumph of Post tion shows. The Lehigh Coal and Nav- and Gatty, their chief contribution to sation company, which operates mines progress, is in the clean precision !n that section on a rotating basis in with which they followed their difti- | cult course. They gave a hundred per cent. | demonstration of reliability in avia- | tion. - | A Serious Situation. i From the Altoona Mirror, i A serious, not to say critical, sit- uation is developing in Germany, with the run on the banks there and the closing of the Nanat bank. i There seems to be 3 loss of | fidence u the part e people | in their De al institutions. Per- haps it is an hysteria of fear, such as certain communities in the United | States have recently enced. At | all events, heavy wi wals have continued and depositors have thus threatened the financial stability of So far it is a European problem. When appeals were made to France for assistance that country is re- ported to have asked for certain po- litical guarantees first. To give them, it was feared, would result in a cabinet crisis, with the Facists and communistic groups profiting thereby. But it may have a more far-reaching effect than upon Europe alone. The United States has let it be known that the Hoover m um lan, which grants relief to the ex- t of $400,000,000, is as far as this nation can go at the t time. The federal reserve aystem, it is understood, is willing to lend a hand to relieve conditions. Meanwhile directors of the bank of international settlements are meeting at Basel, Switzerland, and they may envolve a plan of assist- ange that will help Germany in the What the outcome will be cannot be 3ssurately forecast at the mo- men ——The new Tariff Commission is proving its value. It has recom- mended an increase of fifty per cent on dried eggs. There is no dried egg industry in this country to pro- tect, but it's a good subject to prac- tice on. order to give some work to as many men as possible, has only two collieries in operation this month. As a result a great number of men are without employment and many of them are returning to farm work. Wages on the farms are less sub- stantial than in the mines but the men are able to make a living for themselves and their families. < —T he Swarthmore Chautauqua, for years a medium of culture and enter- tainment, and which gave summer enter- tainments in Bellefonte a number of years ago, made it's final exit on Wednes- day, the 8th, to the accompaniment of an auctioneer’'s hammer, according to re- | ports. A year ago the Swarthmore Chau- tauqua Association went into bankruptcy. Edward F. Hitchcock was named assignee for the benefit of creditors, the associa- tion having liabilities of $162,000 and as- sets of about $2600. Hitchcock derided upon the auction to clear up a Mttle of the indebtedness. —A bomb, believed by police to have been placed by mistake under the front porch of the home of Thomas J. Conley, retired business man at McKees Rocks, exploded at 8 a. m. last Thursday, show- ered the neighborhood with debris, and did damage estimated at $2,000. Chris tina Sichak, 18, asleep in a second floor room across the street, was injured in the back when a flying chunk of wood flew through the window and hit her. A sister, sleeping with her was uninjured. None in the Conley family was hurt al- though all windows In the three-story house were shattered and the porch de- molished. No reason for the bombing can be offered. —Golfers must play the game at thelr own risk, the State Superior court has ruled in deciding that a person cannot collect damages for injuries received at play. The opinion handed down supports that rendered in Pittsburgh by Judge Swearingen in the case of Leon H., Ben- teeth when struck by a ball driven by Attorney Maurice A. Nernberg, in Schen- ley Park in July, J820. When Judge Swearingen reversed the jury, Benjamin took an appeal to “Many bad shots right or left of the play,” the opinion said, all golfers must accept.