PINE GROVE MILLS Prof. J. B. Shaw is a surgical pa- ient in the Centre County pi James Burk, of Howard, was a unday visitor at the W. R. Port ome. One of Fred Fry's guernsey cows reeatey him with twin calves, both eifers. Dr. Fleming, of Boston, is visiting is brother, J. F. Fleming in the Jlades. Mrs. Basil Frank is suffering with n infected arm, the result of a wire uncture. The Baileyville ball players de- cated our nine, on Nixon field, last ‘riday, 6 to 4. Mrs. W. L. Swartz spent last week 8 a guest of Harry Miller and fam- y. in Philipsburg. W. J. Dean has been discharged rom the Centre County hospital and : convalescing at his home. Rev. Harry N. Walker and son, lalph and wife, of Bellwood, are isiting relatives in the valley. Holy Communion will be adminis- ered in the Reformed church, here, 'unday morning, at 10 o'clock. W. K. Goss and son Hugh, of Ty- one, are making some repairs at he Walde Corl home, at White Hall. P. M. Corl, wife and sons, motor- d to Franklinville and spent Sun- ay with Wilbur Mcllvain and fam- ly. t Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Krumrine are | eceiving congratulations upon the rrival of a son, Wednesday of last veek. i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gates are risiting relatives in the State of ndiana, where Mr. Gates formerly ived. i W. R. Port and Reed Randolph ook a motor trip to Lock Haven, on junday, stopping at Hecla park on heir way home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Homan, who | vent to California a quarter of a | entury ago, are back for a visit mong old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Homan, who he Presbyterian Sunday school at he county convention to be held at Centre Hall next Monday and Tues- lay. Prof. G. B. Snyder, of Pittsburgh, as been visiting Centre county ‘riends, making his headquarters at he Robert M. Foster home, at State College. S. A. Homan was in town, this week, trying to dispose of some of he surplus stock left on hand when :he Farmer's Cooperative Association juit business. Walter Woods and wife, of Phila- jelphia, were here for a brief visit at the Dr. Woods home. Miss Virgin- ia Woods accompanied them back to the Quaker city for a visit. H. A. Elder and J. E. McWilliams, for a number of years employed on the Centre Hills golf course, have been laid off and are now among six or seven million others looking for jobs. While inspecting an old lumber pile, last Friday, Wilbur Heffner un- covered a mink’s nest and captured six young ones. Six scalps at $2.00 a scalp means $12.00 extra for his day's work. Owing to the rain storm the Odd Fellows parade was abandoned, Sat- urday evening, and the memorial exercises held in the hall. The pro- gram, as outlined last week, was carried out in detail. C. H. Meyers and family took a {in June motor trip through Buffalo Run val- ley, on Sunday, and were surprised to see many changes since Mr. Meyers left there forty years ago, and many | of them are not for the best, either. The State-aid road machinery has all been moved from this section and the indications are that the farmers here will continue to “stick in the mud” another year, regardless of the Governor's campaign promises. W. H. Glenn and his force of men were ordered to Port Matilda on Monday. Last Thursday night D. G. Reed's dog dug a hole at the base of an old tree and his continued barking attracted members of the family. Going to the tree they found the dog had uncovered a small iron box. which, on being opened, was found to contain old coins to the par value of $14.00. Some of them were a hun- dred old. Who hid the coins there is not known but members of the Behrer family were the original owners of the land. Over one hundred and fifty mem- bers of the Homan clan gathered at the old homestead, now occupied by Frank Homan and family, last Sat- urday, for their annual reunion. It was a happy get-together as some were there who had not met in many | years. The dinner, a most lavish picnic spread, was served on long es on the lawn, and was one of the enjoyable features, as the women | demonstrated the fact that they are still artists when it comes to pre- paring goog things to eat. Mrs. Mary | Brungart, 87 years old, was the old- est person there, while four genera- tions were represented. In the after- | noon brief talks were made by H. A. Grubb, B. F. Homan, Howard Ho- | man and Rev. J. S English, It was | decided to hold next year's reunion at Grange park the third Saturday | | BOALSBURG. | Mrs. H. F. McGirk, of Bellefonte, spent Tuesday with her sister, Miss Anna M. Dale. | Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner are visiting their son, Rev. J. H. Wag- ner and family, at Hudson Heights, N. J. Mrs. Shuey and friend, Mrs. White, of Cleveland, Ohio, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner, on Friday. The officers of Victor Grange at-| tended a meeting of Washington | Grange, at Pine Hall, on Tuesday | evening. | Abner Alexander, of Centre Hall, was a caller at the home of his cou- | sins, Misses Flora and Augusta Mur- | ray, last week. Mr. and Mrs. McCreedy and fam- ily, of Clearfield, were among the | visitors at the home of Jennings Valimont, on Sunday S————————— A ——————— MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Richard Simpson, of Parnas- sus, and Helen Catherine Detwiler, of Bellefonte. Alfred Fuller Cooke Jr. of State College, and Emily Halton, of Pitts- | burgh. i Lester Z. Garbrick and Edna R. Cunningham, both of Centre Hall. Paul R. Lecrone, of Alexandria, and Harriet Marie McCole, of Hun- tingdon. George Robert Sharpless, of Lon- don Grove, and Lorraine Eleanor Way, of Stormstown. | — As long as the Athletics hold a lead of seventy the country will be safe. “DADDY LONG LEGN” | The Richelieu AT Misundersianding becomes a barrier 10 the love between Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter is . the Fox romance, Daddy Long Legs.” i i i i i | Me Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 29--30, July 1 The Loveliest, Most Heart--Stirring Picture of the Year. Janet Gaynor in Her Greatest Role Warner Baxter in His. {under strong and prepared F.O. B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers ee” ——— &D Authorized Ford Finance Pi of the Universal Credit Company THE NEW FORD STANDARD SEDAN A beautiful five-passenger car, with longer, wider body, and attractive, comfortable interior. The slanting windshield is made of Triplex safety plate glass. You can now have the new Ford delivered with safety glass in all windows and doors at slight additional cost. The price of the new Ford Standard Sedan is $590, f. o. b. Detroit. and tire extra at low cost. Convenient, economical terms through the IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m, R. R Davison, Supt. Preaching at 10.45 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Morning subject: “The Ark of the Covenant, a Type of Christ.” Evening subject: “The Great Con- troversy Between God and Satan.” Senior and Intermediate Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Official board meeting Monday eve- ning, at 7.30. Brotherhood meeting Monday eve- ning, at 7.30. Prayer and Bible study Wednes- day evening at 7.30. Junior Endeavor Saturday at 3 o'clock. Special music by the choir and male quartette at the preaching services. Rev. G. E. Householder, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. 7:30 A. M., The confessional serv- ice preparatory to the Holy Com- munion. The Holy Communicn will follow. Communion Meditation: “The Eternal and His Habitations.” 9:30 A. M., Church school, Her- man Hazel, superintendent. 10:45 A. M., Holy Communion; sermon: “As Your Father is Merci- ful.” There will be no evening service. Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church school C. C. Shuey, Supt, 19.30 special events. League, 6.30, leaders, presenting timely topics. Worship— 10.45, special exposition of selected scriptures: 7.30, evangelistic message and period. Pastor responds to all calls for his services. [Every cour- tesy extended in this church to strangers, commercial travelers and people of Bellefonte community. ——BExactly 2496 children were entertained at the annual kiddies picnic, at Hecla park, given last Thursday by the Bellefonte lodge of | Elks. This number exceeded by | about five hundred the attendance |in any former year. And not an accident occurred during the day. | : ee ——Mrs. William Bottorf and fam- ily "étend thanks and appreciation to all those who so kindly extended aid and comfort during their recent bereavement. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANTED,—Ladies or man and wife to travel, $18.00 per week salary, v anteed, paid. guar iy ving See Mr. or Mrs. Jeffery, at Penn Belle, Hotel, Bellefonte, Saturday or Monday. 76-26-1t HARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Common Pleas in and for the Coun- ty of Centre, State of Pennsylvania. of No. 51 September Term, 1931 Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the above ourt oun Juesduy the 7th day of July, 1931 a° ten o'clock A. M., under the Corporation Act of 1874 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the supplements there- to, for the charter of an intended corpor- ation of the first class to be called the “PENN STATE CHRISTIAN A P TION,” the character and object of which is tohold religious services, devel- op Christian character among its mem- bers of both sexes, to develop Christian ideals in the every day life of the stu- dents of The Pennsylvania State Col- lege, the citizens of the Borough o. State College and of the Commonweait: of Pennsylvania, as well as of the Na- tion and the world: and for these pur- poses to acquire, receive, own, and holc title to both real and personal property. "atten Fre Lie Lewistown..... Bellefonte Office—46 West Market Street LEWISTOWN, PA. Dial Phone—4205 Local and Long Distance HAULING i | 76-26-2t* and to have and possess and enjoy al the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supple- ments. The pro charter is now on file in office. ELLIS L. ORVIS, Solicitor. | the Prothonotary's | 76-24-3t HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue write of Levari Facias issued of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be ex to public sale at the Court | House in the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, July 3, 1931. The Following Property: ALL that certain messuage situate and being in the Borough of Bellefonte, Cen- tre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:— BOUNDED on the North by lot now or late of Mrs. Jane Dolan; on the South by lot No. 191 in the general plot or plan of the Borough of Bellefonte; on and on the the East by Spring street West by an Alley. Being the Southern part or portion of lot No. 192 on the general plot or plat of the Borough of llefonte fronting op said Spring street 24 feet and extending back to an Alley. Being the same premises which Susan Dolan by her last will and testament bearing date the 23rd day of January, 1917, and recorded in the Register s of fice of Centre county in Will Book “H e 89, Etc, devised and ueathed to oseph H, Anderson and omas A. Anderson, and which Joseph H. Ander- son by his deed bearing date August 19th, 1918, and recorded in Centre coun- ty in Deed Book Vol. 124, at page . conveyed his undivided one half inter- est in the lands above described to his mother, Mary Anderson, and which also became vested in John Anderson by vir- tue of the death of his mother and grandmother, being the parties of the First Part. Together with all the defendant's per- sonal property. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas A. An- derson. Mary A. Anderson and John Anderson, Sale to commence at 10.05 o'clock A. M. of said day. Terms cash. H. E. DUNLAP. Sherift Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. June 8th 1681. 76-24-3t ANTED—Return to Alec Morrison, W a small brass vase up vs two young men, in the east e of the cemetery, Wednesday. OUSE IN STATE COLLEGE FOR SALE.—An eight room house, bath, gas, 2 car garage and all modern conveniences, on south Barn street, State College. or Phone -R. State College. 76-26-11* OR SALE.—Real estate consis dwelling house and Dae He Bellefonte. Hstate of Margare: The FIRST NATIONAL omaNE 76-20-3t OI ior XECUTRIX'S NOTICE —Letters E testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Marcus A. Landsy, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims a the same must present them, duly authenticated, for payment. Mrs. BLANCHE B. LANDSY, John G . Leve, Executrix, Attorney. 76-26-6t Bellefonte, Pa. A ntre County has appointed the undersigned Auditor in the estate of Steve Taraska et al., minor children of John Taraska, deceased, to pass upon all exceptions and make distribution of all funds to and among those entitled there- to; and that the undersigned as Auditor has fixed a hearing y. August 4, 1931, at ten A. M.,, in his office in Temple Court, Beilefonte, Pa., wherein all parties in interest may be heard. ELLIS L. ORVIS Auditor of UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Notice is here- by en that the Orphan's Court 0 76-26-4t RICHELIEU Always Continuous 2 to 11 Keep Cool—New Silent Ven- tilation System Just Installed "| Friday This Week —First Run Paramount Production Comedy and . First Run News. Saturday—This Week “Suwanne River” Thrilling picture of the Old South — enhanced and Sou entertaining with Inquire of John M. Luse ' | tre and State of Pennsylvania, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS —————————————— HERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of & S writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, tc me directed, will be ex- d to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, July 3, 19881 The Following Property: ALL that certain tract land situate in the town of Clarence, Township of Snow Shoe, County of Cen. bounded or piece of land described as follows, to-wit:— double house in | BEGINNING at a point on Public | Road at intersection of Pan Cake Street ‘and said Public Road: thence along said | Pan Cake Street South 86 degrees 178.7 feet to post and corner: thence South 4 degrees West 136 feet to a and corner of Uzzell Street: thence along said Uzzell Street North 86 de West 138.7 feet to a post at South si of Public Road, thence along said Pub- lic Road 138.7 feet to the place of be- ginning. The above described premises includes all that is contained in the Deed of Hopkins and Weymouth to George B. Uzzell, which said Deed is recorded im Centre County in Deed Book Vol. 68 page 194, and also a portion of the land contained in a Deed from George De- Garmo, et. , to George B. Uzzell dated February 23, 1892, and recorded in Deed Book Vol. 66, e 5 consist. ing of a strip on the uthern side of the property bought from Hopkins a Weymouth, on whic said described Premise is erected a two story brick otel and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George M. Kachik, defendant, and John M. Kachik, terre tenant. Sale to commence at 10.00 o'clock A. M. of said day. Terms cash, H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte Pa. June 8th 1831 76-24-81 Leading Man of her career Arner Baxfer—and Big Cast. Janet in Her Greatest Role Baxter in his. © Most enjoyable picture of 1931, at lowest prices anywhere. STATE State—All This Week Jean Harlow, star of ‘“Hell’s Angels,” in “The Public Enemy”’ Thrilling, true to life Gangster Story State—All Next Week Lupe Valez, John Boles and Big Cast in Tolstoi’s “Resurrection” World's Most Dramatic Love Story.