Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1931, Image 8

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    ———Tonight and tomorrow night
‘will be your last opportunities to see
"Party Husband” which has been
Riving general satisfaction at the
State this week.
——The William H. Brown fami-
ly are moving from their present lo-
«<ation in the Gehret property on
Bishop street to the Forrest Tanner
‘home on Spring street.
—-—The general appropriation bill
signed by Governor Pinchot carries
an appropriation of $1,000,000 for
maintenance and $358,000 for build-
ing purposes at Rockview penitentia-
—-—Last Tuesday was children's
«day in the Bellefonte Methodist
church. 331 were present, five chil-
“dren and one adult were baptized and
Seven were taken into the fellowship |
«of the church.
——It is estimated that the total
value of the milk and eggs produced
‘on Centie county farms last year
was $1,877,200. Centre ranked thir-
‘tieth in the State in the value of
Ahese products.
———The Willing Workers Club of
“St. Paul's A. M. E. church, will give
& baked ham supper in the social
room of the church, Thursday eve-
ming, June 25, at five o'clock. Price
; The public is cordially invited.
—-—~The Epworth League of the
Bellefonte Methodist church will hold
a food sale in the vacant room of the
Heverly building, on Allegheny street,
beginning tomorrow morning at 9
“@’clock. During the afternoon and
“@vening ice cream, strawberries and
“cake will be served.
——The sixty- second annual con-
‘vention of the Centre county Sab-
bath School Association will be held
in the Lutheran church at Centre
Hall, on Monday and Tuesday, June
29 and 30. Dr. Geo. W. Weliburn,
Rev. B. A. McGarvey and Dr. Homer
W. Tope, all associated with the
State organization, will be present
to address the gathering,
——The annual convention of the
‘Central Pennsylvania District Fire-
men's Association will be held at
Osceola Mills on July 3rd and 4th.
At that time Philipsburg firemen
“will make a bid for the 1932 con-
“wention, and in connection therewith
-H. Elmer Johnston, of the Hope Fire
“company, is a candidate for presi-
‘dent of the Association next year.
——Yesterday was the Bellefonte
lodge of Elks kiddies day, at Hecla
park, and the weather couldn't have Emerick was chosen to preside. There |
Award of Contract Might be Mad.
At Special Council Meeting
This Evening.
Eagerness for work was emphat-
ically demonstrated, on Monday eve-
ning, when ten contracting firms sub-
| mitted bids to borough council for
the construction of the new Lamb
street The bids ranged from
$7421.00 to $9667.50, over $2200 var-
'iation. Three Bellefonte firms bid for
the work, the Bellefonte Engineering
and Construction company being
| third to the lowest bidder. The bids
were as follows:
David Bajex. Morrisdale ....... $9288.50
D. A. and F. M. Wagner, Dal-
plastown Bop aad Bon So Hud
i efonte g. an on. Co .... 5
W. H. Drawbsugh, Dover, Pa., 7421.00
IC. & E. Construction Co.,
John 8. Mcliwaine & Co.,
Chambersburg... 7650.00
. E. Rhoads’ Sons, Bellefonte 9667.
Miller Con. Co., Bellefonte .. 5994.00
Bailey Con. Co. Philipsburg ... 7932.50
Andrews Eng. Co., Tyrone .... 7107.85
Each firm also submitted prices
for doing any extra work that might
be necessary should the engineer in
charge make any change in plans
and specifications from those on
which the bids were computed. Each
bid was accompanied by a certified
check for ten per cent of the total
| bid.
Owing to the fact that J. D. Long,
of Norristown, bridge expert who
drew the plans for the bridge and
who will be the engineer in charge
of construction, was unable to come
to Bellefonte, on Monday, owing to
the serious illness of his wife, coun-
| cil decided not to award the contract
until the bids have been gone over
by the engineer, and a special meet-
ing will be held this (Friday) eve-
ning, at whick time it shoped the
|engineer can be here and the bid
Other bids opened, on Monday
‘evening, were those for the pipe for
the proposed sanitary sewer to be
{laid down Spring creek to take care
{of the sewage of houses and business
| places enroute. Four bids were sub-
‘mitted, as follows: J. F. Reber & Co.,
‘of Lewisburg, and the Central Found-
‘ry Co., of Grape Arbor, N. Y., both
for cast iron pipe; Limb Bros., of
Altoona; Concrete sewer pipe, and
The Sheet Co., Inc. of Buffalo, N.Y.,
‘rolled pipe. As all the bids were com-
|plex in character they were referred
to the Street committee for a
| thorough examination and report, if
possible, at the special meeting to be
held this evening.
Only five members were present
when council convened. President
| John S. Walker being unable to
attend on account of illness. W. J.
been nicer had it been made to or- Were no verbal nor written commu-
‘dies day.
And the crowd was the larg- |
"@St ever seen at the park on kid-| The Street committee reported the |
Between 2300 and 2400 removal of two trees from
| nications.
|fonte Garden Club was held in Mrs.
|George A. Beezer's garden, Wed-
nesday afternoon, June 10th, with
forty-seven members and three visi-
(tors present. The chairs were ar-
‘ranged on a stone terrace above the
‘sloping lawn, giving those present a
view of a charming vista through
'the trees to a flower encircled pool,
‘with a beautiful background of trees
the business meeting
there was a flower show displaying
June garden flowers; there being 27
entries. The judges werc Mrs. W.
J. Emerick and Mrs. Nelson Robb,
and awards were given as follows:
Mrs. J. D. Hunter,
an exhibit of Monsieur Elie pink
peonies, artistically arranged in a
basket; Miss B lanche Underwood,
red ribbon for a charmingly ar-
ranged combination of columbine,
corn flowers and pinks; Mrs.
Wilbur H. Baney, yellow ribbon, for
a mixed bouquet of gallardia, double
buttercups and California poppies,
arranged in an old-fashioned brown
earthern-ware jar. Honorable men-
tion was given to Mrs. J. Coburn
Rogers for a bouquet of Siiver Moon
roses, and to Mrs. Thomas Beaver
for a beautiful mixed bouquet of pink
peonies, delphinum and long spurred
columbine. The president Mrs. Gregg
Curtin, called special attention to an
old-fashiond nosegay presented to
her by Mrs. Henry Kahlmus, it be-
ing a combination of a red rose,
mock orange, and blue cornflowers,
|tied with a narrow red, white and
blue ribbon.
The question box developed some
discussion of perennials suitable for
hardy locations, fertilizng, and cor-
rect pronunciations of some plants.
Dr. J. J. Kilpatrick gave an inter-
esting and instructive talk on gar-
dening, soil conditions, and his own
prohlems in relation to them. He
stressed the. importance of a definite
plan for every garden so that tall and
dwarf varieties are properly placed,
and colors and types in proper com-
bination. At the conclusion of his
address, and after answering many
| questions, Dr. Kilpatrick invited the
club to visit his garden, which ad-
joins Mrs. Beezer's. The tour of
‘his garden, also the garden of Mrs.
‘J. D. Hunter as well as that of the
‘hostess, brought to a conclusion a
delightful afternoon as well as a
very profitable one because of the
practical advice from these highly
successful gardeners. Twenty new
members were enrolled during the
afternoon. The July meeting will be
held at the home of Miss Margaret
Cook, on Linn street.
| The June meeting of the Belle- |
blue ribbon for
Edwin M. Reese, of Milesburg, was
instantly killed in a premature ex-
plosion of a blast in a small coal
/mine on the Stewart property, near
Pine Glenn, at 8.10 o'clock on Mon-
day morning. The mine was open-
‘ed about two months ago and was
being operated by Edwin and his
brother, M. C. Reese, of Runville.
The two men, with a Mr. Catherman,
went to work at the usual time, on
Monday morning. M. C. Reese and
Catherman had drilled a hole
shot of dynamite in the hole when
it in some way exploded.
The explosion brought down tons
of coal and dirt, blocking the mine,
but M. C. Reese and Catherman
made their escape from the blocked
mine by climbing out of an air shaft
that had just been completed on
| Saturday. Farmers working nearby
‘heard the explosion and hurried to
‘the mine. They assisted in digging
‘out the body of Edwin Reese, but it
was forty-five minutes before it wis
recovered. The body was consider-
ably mangled, evidence that death
was instantaneous. A hole had been
blown right through the center of
the man's watch which had stopped
at 8.10, which gave the time of the
The unfortunate man was a son
‘of the late Charles £. and Minnie
‘Aikley Reese and was born in Miles-
(burg 35 years ago. He married
‘Miss Hazel Fetzer who survives with
‘three children, Eloise, 12 years old;
‘Mildred, 10 years, and Lloyd, 7. He
‘also leaves his mother and the fol-
lowing brothers and sisters: M. C.,
William, John and Mary Reese,
‘all of Runville; Mrs. Ralph Edmin-
ston, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Lewis
Wetzler, of Milesburg, and Mrs.
'Gilbert F. Noll, of Pleasant Gap.
Funeral services will be held at
his late home, in Milesburg, at 2
‘O'clock this (Friday) afternoon, ty
Rev. M. C. Piper, burial to be made
lin the Treziyulny cemetery.
The thirty-ninth annual convention
of the Central District Firemen's
| Association will be held at Osecola
Mills on Friday and Saturday, July |
3 and 4.
| On Friday the business of the As-
| sociation will be taken care of at
| morning and afternoon sessions in
|the Lyric theatre. Also there will |
|be demonstrations of fire fighting |
| apparatus, a delegate’s banquet at
(5:30 p. m. and a dance at Fairview
park at 9 p. m.
| Saturday features will be the
|firemen’s parade at 10:30, a base-
/ball game between Philipsburg and |
| Houtzdale at 2:30, concerts by the
—Owing to serious development in the
illness of Mrs. John A. Woodcock, with-
~Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Stevenson and
their son Frank, of Waddle, went down
to West Grove, Chester county, on‘ Mon-
day, to attend the funeral of the late
John Bush.
—Mrs. John Furst has been here from
Philadelphia spending the week with Mr.
Furst's mother, Mrs. A. O. Furst, while
“er husband has been in camp with »
fishing party.
—Mrs. Charles De Ferrie, who was
over from Tyrone to spend last week in |
Bellefonte, was a guest, while here, of
Mrs. Louis Carpeneto and her family, at
the Carpeneto home on south Allegheny
—Miss Isabelle S. Hill, a member of
the faculty of the Bellefonte academy,
left this week to return to her home at
Norwich, Conn., where she has planned
to spend the greater part of her sum-
mer vacation,
—R. B. Freeman, of Philadelphia, but
formerly a resident of Tyrone, was a
guest at the Nittany Country club, the
afterpart of last weea, being a member
of the party entertained there by Dr.
Black, of Lewistown.
—Mrs. Jay Osler, her little daughter,
Beverly Jane, and Miss Loretta Kane,
have been spending the week with
friends in Milton, Sunbury and Harris-
burg, having gone down as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Persley.
—James W. Swabb, of Linden Hall,
was in Beilefonte on Wednesday and
while here took occasion to tell us that
there is nothing to the rumor that he
intends being a candidate for office again, |
Jim says he has other fish to fry.
~—Mr. and Mrs. James Parsons arrived
here, Tuesday, from Toledo, going from
Bellefonte by motor to Fillmore where
they are spending Mr. Parsons’ vacation
with Mrs. Parsons’ brother and sister, at
the Kephart home. Mrs. Parsons was
formerly Miss Eva Kephart.
—Mrs. George M. Gamble returned,
Monday night, from Philippi, W. Va., ac-
companied by Robert Talbot, who will
be her guest during Mr. and Mrs. Tal-
bot’s absence in Europe. Mrs. Gamble
had gone to Phillippi for a week's visit
with her daughter before she sailed.
~—Mr. and Mrs. oruce S. Burlingame,
who have been spending the past week
with Mrs. H.C. Valentine and Miss Mary
Valentine, drove down from Cazenovia,
'N. Y., Friday of last week, to be here
while Mr. Burlingame was recovering
from an accident in which he suffered a
broken rib.
~—Henry S. Linn went to Philadelphia,
| Tuesday night, and from there to Bath, |
Pa., to attend the 200dth anniversary of
the Allen Township Presbyterian church,
It was in Northampton county that Mr.
Linn's paternal ancestors settled upon
coming to America from the north of
Ireland, about 1728,
—Mrs. Joseph Ceader and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Helen Ceader Gamble, came
over from Tyrone, Monday afternoon, to
spend a short time with relatives and
a month's stay at Atlantic City,
~Miss Carrie Rankin came over from
| —Betty Casebeer will
| town, Sunday,
to Avalon by
‘will spend the
—Geo. 8. Denithorne,
patrick, Capt.
‘and Frank Crawford comprised
| that spent the latter end of last
| Bowers Beach, Dela., on a fishing excw
‘sion. They were very successful.
—Miss Mary Shoemaker, in the Cer
sus Department at Washington, Ww:
(home for a short visit, the early part «
the week, having come up on busine:
jand to see her mother, Mrs. T. A. Sho
| maker, who is slowly recovering fro:
her recent serious illness,
| —The Rev. G. E. Householder and Mr
| Householder, their daughter Alma, tt
| Misses Janet Benford, Dorothy Stove
Ruth Behrers and Mrs, Anna Pletche
were among those who represented 144
U. B. church of Bellefonte, at the C. }
convention held in Altoona, this week.
—Warren L. Cobb, of Brooklyn, joine
| his brother Arnold here early in ti
| week, that they both might be nes
their mother, Mrs. Myron L. Cobb, unt
she is able to be brought home (ro
the Geisinger hospital. Mr. Cobb's si
‘ter-in-law also came up from the sout
this week, to be with the family,
OR ———— A ——————
Shultz—Fye~Edward Alber
Shultz, of Pittston, and Miss Grac
‘Leda Fye, daughter of Mr. and Mr
L. D. Fye, of State College, wer
married in the Lutheran church ¢
State College, at 5 o'clock last Thur:
day evening, by the pastor, Rev. ,
F. Harkins. One hundred and fift
invited guests witnessed the cer:
| mony,
The bride was attended by he
| cousin, Miss Heloise Fye, as maid ¢
‘honor; Miss Kathryn Maneval,
Windber, and Miss Dorothy Griffith
of Johnstown, as bridesmaids, whil
Alice Virginia Keeler, of State Co
/lege, and Virginia Holmes Dorwar(
‘of Clearfield, were flower girls, Th
best man was Allen Riester, of Pitts
burgh, and the ushers William Bat
‘cock, of Pittsburgh, Richard Fye an
Roland Fye, of State College.
A reception was held at the bride
home immediately following the cers
mony and later Mr. and Mrs. Shult
(left on a brief wedding tour. The
will reside in Pittsburgh.
—————— — ———
| Hughes—Merrill.—From the Pac
|fic coast comes word of the ma:
(riage of Frederic Perdue Hughe:
‘son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I
| Hughes, of Monterey Park, and Mis
'Gertrued Genevieve Merri),
‘ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Merril
|of Alhambra, the wedding havin
| taken place in the Baptist churct
|at Alhambra, on June 6th. Mor
|than three hnundred guests wer
|present to witness the ceremony
| which was performed by Rev. G. F
'E. MacDonald. There was the us
(friends in Bellefonte. Mrs. Ceader and |Ual complement of bridesmaids an
| Mrs. Gamble had stopped in Tyrone for Ushers in
(a visit, enroute home to Cleveland, from Wedding.
The bridegroom, a nept
‘ew of James R. and Charles ¢
| Hughes, of is now en
Hollidaysburg, last week, with her niece, |
tickets were given out and it is
safe to say that every one of them
was used. Wetzler's boys band was
on hand to furnish the music.
Hard P. Harris, Wednesday
Charles Stine and Guy Housel were
fined $100 for dumping a load of ref.
use {rom their fish market on the
Public dump near the Beaver and.
Hoy row. The burgess, however,
informed the offenders that the fine
“will be reduced if the obnoxious
-®matter is removed from the dump
‘@mpd the place covered with lime to
&ill the odors,
-———A campaign in promotion of
“The advantages of “Seeing Pennsyl- |
“wania First” is being launched by the
“Standard Oil Co., of Pennsylvania.
‘During June and July a talking,
‘Scenic picture describing and ilius-
‘Rrating the charms of motor tours
‘and resorts in Pennsylvania will be
‘Shown in every movie house in the
“State. The picture was produced by
“Warner Bros., and will be shown at
the State theatre here on June 18
Xo 20, inclusive.
——Dr. Horace Lincoln Jacobs,
‘pastor of the Bellefonte Methodist
“church, is away at Conference and it cil and action was deferred until the
is the sincere hope of many of his next meeting on condition that the
“congregation that he will be returned man who constructed the racks |
to this charge. During his short pas- keeps them clean of rubbish.
“orate here there has been a net in-| Mr. Emerick stated that the time |
“crease of 76 in the Sunday school en- for fixing the tax millage for the
‘rollment, an increase of 25 in the year will soon be here and he ex-
“average weekly attendance, and an pressed himself as favoring a reduc-
“Increase of $2521.00 in contributions tion. All the members present ex- |
to the church causes, while the pressed the same sentiment. The |
“church debt has been cut down to matier was referred to the Finance |
“F752. (committee for careful consideration
= ———Fifteen Bellefonte women, golf 224 repo ge es he seri
“enthusiasts, motored to Altoona, | Borough bills for $890 and water |
eek Tul tov pen bi he 'bills $1140 were approved for pay- |
“Blairmont course by teams from Al- | ent, after which: eouneil adjourned.
“toona, Philipsburg, Lock Haven,
“State College, Bellefonte and Hunt-
¥ngdon. It was the second tourna- |
“ment of the season and consisted of |
“three matches. Philipsburg won Among the bills signed by Gover-
from Blairmont 14 to 13, while Blair- (nor Pinchot, last week, was one ap-
¥nont defeated the Nitcany club team propriating $25,000 for the taking |
22 to 5, and Lock Haven by the over by the State of the land now |
“same score. leased from Col. Theodore Davis
——Charles F. Bush, a son of Loa: at Boalsburg, by the Twenty
‘eighth division officers club. Under
John Bush and a grand-son of Dr. | bill twenty-eight acres of the
John Bush, who lived at Waddle land acquired will be set aside for
fifty years ago. was killed near his
. (use as a military cemetery, including
home at West Grove, Pa., last Thurs- that section which has been dedicat-
“day evening.’ He was a farmer and
| nty-
‘while driving a tractor from one of |° 88 ¢ shrine to the Twe y
: eighth’s officers. An additional thir
This fields he had to cross the li-
ty acres will be acquired as a m
®racks of the Octorora railroad. It tary reservation
“was late in the evening and he prob- .
“ably didn’t see the approaching gas- S———— ——
‘oline engine that struck him caus- ——County Commissioner John 8S.
dng Instant death and completely de- Spearly has announced that he is a
“molishing the tractor. Mr. Bush | candidate to succeed himself in that
mwas about forty years old. office.
| street
‘street. Three new sewer taps were
‘reported, and the committee report-
ed receipt of $90.00 for the taps. |
The Water committee reported va- |
rious repairs, that the 12-inch pipe |
has been laid on Lamb
for old iron sold, rent ete.
The Finance committee reported a
balance in the borough fund of $76.29
and $2398.78 in the water fund.
Notes aggregating $9000 were te-
newed and the treasurer was author-
‘ized to pay Mrs. Mary Weaver $400
on a note of $1000, renewing the
same for $600.
The Fire and Police committee re-
| ported that both fire company houses
'are in need of a number of repairs |
‘and were instructed to obtain bids
for the work.
Mr. Ardery called attention to the
fish racks that had been erected in
the overflow stream from the spring, |
which has been deemed a nuisance |
and ought to be removed. They were |
‘erected without securing permission |
{from council. Mr. Emerick stated |
'that it was a question that should be
|decided at a full meeting of coun-
(well, Melvin, Martha, Joan and Doris,
|the Rev. W. A. Ridge.
| periority of the exhibition that the
| Mr. and Mrs. Daniels Peters, well
and one from north Thomas | known residents of Nittany, Pa, | fifteen bands expecting to be present, ||"! Elsie Rankin Helliwell, on her re- \
|turn home from the annual cafeteria |
were greatly surprised on Sunday |
morning when their children and
many friends gathered at their home |
to help celebrate the golden anniver- |
sary of their wedding ceremony.
went laden with baskets and
day was such a beautiful one
a great table was set under the trees
party gathered for a feast of delici- |
ous refreshment.
Not only was it the half century
mark in the happy married life of |
the respected couple, but it was also |
the sixth birthday anniversary of
their little grand-daugh! Doris |
Grenoble, in whose honor a y |
cake bearing six candles was placed |
in the center of the table, ; i
It was a day of days for those as-
sembled and happy were the bride |
and groom of yester year who had |
survived to be the recipient of such
honor at the hands of
children and devoted friends, In ad-
dition to the sincere felicitations from
all sides Mr. and Mrs. Peters also
received several presents in gold.
Those who were there to celebrate
with them were: Mr. and Mrs.
Peters, of Mingoville; Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Zimmerman, Mrs. Julia Zim-
merman, Philip and Glenn Guiser,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Peters and their
children, David, Phyllis and Joyce
Loraine, all of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Grenoble and their family, Max-
of Mill Hall; Mrs. Emily Kimick and
daughter Jane, of Nittany; L. E.
Guiser, of Belleville; Mr. and Mrs.
Peters and son George, of Storms-
town; Jesse Irwin, of Unionville; Mr.
and Mrs, Ross and son and
Miss Bess L. Elliott, of Renovo, and
Frank Peters and his grand-daugh-
ter of Milesburg.
Daniels Peters and Mary Albina
Trwin were united in marraige at
the home of the bride's parents, in
Union township, on June 16, 1881, by
——Tonight the delightful enter-
tainment that proved such an agree-
able surprise in the parish
house on the night of May 27 will be
repeated there. We refer to the “Liv-
ing Pictures of Famous Paintings”
that were arranged by the Misses
McGarvey . They were 80 artis-
tically done that the large audience
gathered to view them came away so
impressed with the interest and su-
reshowing is being made in
to a demand that those who did not
get to see the pictures be given an
opportunity to do so. Accordingly,
the Episcopal parish house is the
place and 8 o'clock tonight the time
to see them. The admission ig 35 cts.
and competitive drills by the thirty-
five volunteer fire fighting organiza-
tions that are expected to be there
with their apparatus.
The celebration will really be the |
fortieth anniversary of the institu-
tion of the Central District Associ-
ation, for it was just that long ago
that Columbia Fire Co. of Osceola |
Mills, invited neighborhood fire com- |
panies to that town to join in a
Fourth of July parade. At that
time, with six towns represented,
came the inspiration of forming the
organization, which today consists
of more than seventy-five companies
and relief associations.
The Undine Company of Bellefonte |
expects to attend as an organization
and will take some of their appara- |
tus with them, if council sanctions
its removal from the borough.
The Logans, however, will not be
able to go, for they will be having |
their own annual outing at Hecla |
park on the Fourth.
SR —————————————— |
R. L. Burdon and M. Depew, of |
the United States Department of
Commerce, have been in Bellefonte —Mrs. John Dawson has been visiting |
this week outlining plans for the en- *!
largement and reconditioning of the |
Bellefonte aviation field, and within
a week plans and specifications ask- |
ing for bids on the work will be on |
file at the Bellefonte postoffice where |
they can be seen and
local contractors
on the job.
The enlargement of the fieid will |
all be on the east end. The Depart- |
ment recently leased 27 acres of land
from W. E. Smeltzer, twenty acres
of which are a part of what was
formerly the George Garbrick farm
and seven acres on the old Ben Gent-
zel farm, both of which are now own-
ed by Mr. Smeltzer. They are locat-
ed on the east side of the township
road which now constitutes the east-
ern boundary of the field. Because of
this fact the road at that point will
be closed. The present field is 2200
feet long and the new addition will |
give it an east-west runway of 2800
feet or more than half a mile. |
The present field will also be level- |
ed up and tile-drained so as to pre- |
vent any possibility of it being mir- |
ed in the mud in the wettest kind of |
weather. Work will be begun as soon |
as possible—probably within a month,
so that the job can be completed |
this summer. The estimated cost is |
from $4,000 to $5,000, and local labor
will be employed as far as possible.
——During 1930 there were 273
marriages in Centre county and 19
divorces were granted.
luncheon given at the Presbyterian home,
Thursday. Miss Rankin visited in Belle-
fonte with her brother, William B. Ran-
kin and his two daughters, until Wed-
—Mrs. A. W. J. Woche, of Arlington,
N. J., came over by bus, Monday, to join
her child, who has been with its grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bower
since Memorial day. Mrs. Woche's visit
back home at this time is primarily to
be here while the Stailey family of Al-
tadena, Cal., are making their visit in
—Mrs. LeRoy Plumb and her two chil-
dren left Newton, Kansas, on Monday, as
driving guests of friends, on a nine day
motor trip east. Mrs, Plumb and her
children, who are now in Bellefonte, are
with the Joseph Fox family, on east
Bishop street, of which Mrs. Plumb isa
member, she having been the former Miss |
Helen Fox.
—J. H. Heberling, our good Democratic
friend from Warriorsmark, made us a
short visit, the afterpart of last week,
having driven up from Blanchard with
Edgar T. Bechdol, his son-in-law, at
whose home he is visiting at present.
Mr. Heberling divides his time between
his daughter, Mrs. Beck, at Warriors-
| mark, Mrs. Ebbs, in Halfmoon valley,
and Mrs. Bechdol, at Blanchard.
th the John Loneberger family, in
Williamsport, for the greater part of the
past week. She went down, Friday, asa
motor guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross-
with her daughter, Mrs, Chandler, who
drove to Williamsport especially to bring
on Half Moon Hill,
—'Squire 1. J. Dreese, of Lemont; his
daughter, Miss Miriam, and grand-daugh-
ter, Helen Ard, of Hanover, left, on
Tuesday, on a trip to the Pacific coast
through the Canadian Rockies. Going
direct to Chicago their trip from there
will be by way of Winnipeg to Banff and
Lake Louise, where the first stop will be
couver, thence by boat to Victoria, Seat-
tle, Wash., and Portland, Oregon.
the latter place they will go down the
coast to San Francisco, thence to San
Diego and Tia Juana, Mexico. Enroute
home they will visit the Grand Canyon,
in Arizona, and spend a few days at
Amarilla, Texas.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Stailey and
their small son, Gene, will arrive in
Bellefonte today, from Altadena, Cal.,
for their first visit east, since leaving
ten years ago, to make their home on
the Pacific coast. Many persons will re-
will be while here. Making the trip by
| motor, Mr. and Mrs. Stalley have stop- ! Corrected Weekiy by C. Y
ped with friends in a number of places
coming across the continent and antiei-
pate going on farther east to spend a
part of their time with relatives of Mr,
Stalley and friends at their former home
in Philadelphia.
Smith—Killinger.— Russell Smit}
|formerly of Bellefonte, and Mis
| Laura Killinger, of Harrisburg, wer
/married, on Thursday of last weel
|at the Sixth street Presbyteria
(church, Harrisburg, by the pasto
|A wi reception at the bride’
(home followed the ceremony. Afte
July 1st Mr. and Mrs. Smith will b
at home at 2000 State street, Ha:
risburg. The bridegroom is a so
of Witmer W. Smith, of Milesburg
but spent much of his early life i
Bellefonte. For a number of yea:
‘he conducted the “Russ-Bell” res
|taurant, in Petrikin hall. At pre:
ent he is the junior member c
Kuhn & Co., expert accountants an
‘auditors, of Harrisburg.
Siphron—Rider.—J 0s e ph Willia:
Siphron, of Scranton, and Miss Flo:
ence Alverde Rider were married i
the Lutheran church, at Gatesbury
at 10:30 o'clock on Wednesday morr
/ing of last week, by the pastor, Re:
J. S. English. The attendants wer
Miss Jeanne Siphron, of Detroi
Mich., as maid of honor, and Ei
gene Palmer Smyser, of Pittsburgil
best man. The flower bearers wer
(Paul and Ruth Rider, nephew an
/niece of the bride. Mr. and Mr
'Siphron will reside in Cincinnat
| Ohio.
| ——Announcement was made thi
inspected by her mother home. The Lonebergers Week by Mrs. George H. Emerick,
desirous of a former neighbors of the Dawsons Centre Hall, of the marriage of he
| daughter, Miss Verna May Emeric
and Andrew F. Mark, of Sprin
‘Mills. The cermony was read by th
Rev. Martin pastor of the Miffii
Presbyterian church, at his mans
in Mifflin, Pa., on Saturday April 1:
1931, Mrs. Emerick, mother of tt
bride, being the only witness. M
Mark has lived in Centre Hall fc
four years, but will now go with Mr.
Mark to the Emerick home, wher
they will reside.
A —————
——Twenty-two of the sixty-tw
members of the Bellefonte Garde
Club went to Philipsburg, on We
nesday, in private cars, to attend
meeting of the club there. Whi
they were splendidly entertaind an
saw many beautiful floral exhibit
and flower gardens, there were non
any prettier than can be seen |
| member Mrs. Stailey better as Miss | Bellefonte.
| Julia Curtin, the younger sister of Mrs. |
| John Bower, whose guests the Staileys
jo | Bellefonte Grain Markets,
——————— A —————
FIVHREAE iciisirccusrimmie apace —————— of
| Corn .
Buckwheat —————————————