i NHY ‘ustom of Earth Eating Is More or Less Common The mud pies that children often wke could be eaten with enjoyment y many adult persons In various arts of the world, according to facts ERerada Taker, ureter of oF. | wlogy at Fleld Museum of Natural | on Thaw i has made extensive go Ques search in geophagy, which Is the ractice of eating clay, loam and oth- | * types of soil, and has published the »sults of his studies throughout many >untries in both ancient and modern mes. His investigations began with swords of earth eating in China. Traces of the custom have been ound in Indo-China, Malaysia, Poly- esia, Melanesia, Australia, India, Bur- ia, Slam, Central Asia, Siberia, Per- a, Arabia, Africa, Europe, North merica, Mexico, Central America and outh America. As a rule not every kind of. earth Is iten, says Doctor Laufer, but only | wse kinds which recommend them- slves through certain qualities of col- = = r. odor, flavor, softness and plas- | © city. Geophagy occurs among the mos vilized nations as well as among rimitive tribes. It bears no relation » climate, race, creed or culture. It i & habit that occurs among individ als and not among any particular ‘bal, or social group. The women of Spain, says Doctor | aufer. once believed the eating of arth was an aid to a delicate com- | lexion and the ladies of the Spanish | ristocracy In the Seventeenth cen wr, had such a passion for geophagy | mt the ecclesiastic and secular an. | 1orities took steps to combat the evil. | Vhy Scientists Display Interest in Alaska | If the first Americans did come from sla they must have left on both des of the Bering sea material traces f their existence in the form of uten- | 1s and tools and dwellings, as well as ossibly, skeletons. It is in the hopes f locating some such traces that the | mithsonian institution sent out its tpedition Into remote Alaska under octor Hrdlicka and Is now planning | wrther explorations. Much of the success of this new tploration will depend on unlocking ie secrets of numerous “dead” vil ges, whose traces have been located. lany sre found along the shores of 1 Yukon, where the first Immigrants ‘om Asia are thought to have placed | weir habitations. They show the smains of pit dwellings, with stone oplements, bones of animals, frag ients of crude pottery and now and en articles regarded by Doctor rdlicka as of Asiatic derivation. uman skeletons have also been | »und. 4j Why 1930 Is Noted M. K. Wisehart In the American lagazine suggests the following as the | utstanding events of the year 1930: | iscovery of the remains of the Salo ion August Andree North pole aerial spedition ; transatlantic nonstop flight f Coste and Bellonte ; winning of four wmjor golf championships In one yeur y Bobby Jones; revolt in India, led vy Gandhi; birth of Charles Augustus Indbergh, Jr.: Columbus (Ohio) pen! :ntiary fire; great American drought; | Iscovery of Planet X. later named Tuto; return of Carol to Rumania to scend throne, and loss of England's | Irigible R-101, Why Waves Change Motion C. Grand Plerre in “A Systematic | Mictionary of Sea Terms" suys: Waves are not a motion of water msses, not an undulating current, but arface undulations, as that of a grain eld; they do not imply a forward ovement of successive portions of ‘ater.” In other words, the advance f a wave Is the advance of a mere | orm and no water Is moved horizon | ily by a wave unless It breaks.— | athfinder Magazine. | Why Thunder Seems to Roll | The weather hureau says the long | uration of thunder is owing mainly | ) the fact that the several parts of a treak of lightning are at differeht Istances from the observer, and thar | ound travels at the rate of about a | ille fu five seconds. Reflection of the | ound from clouds and other objects 180 helps to produce the long. drawn. | ut rolls sometimes heard. Why Snowflakes Differ If the temperature Is iow, the nowflakes are small, flat and regular | { the temperature Is near the freez 1g peint, particularly in the lower wyers of the atmosphere, the flakes ften mat together and form large lots, If the temperature Is still high r, the flakes are often Incomplete, as | arts are melted off, Why Grounds Are Changed Congress hus approved the prepara lon of plans and studies for Improving he base of the Washington monumen: 0 as to conform to the landscape reatment of the Mall and the Lin | olin memorial. Why Absentee Voting Many persons bave business which akes them away from howe at voting Ime. Since thelr Interests are iden ifled with their homes, many states | rovide for their voting by mall, Why Face is Called “Phis™ “Phiz" as applied Po the face Is a | orrupted contraction of the word | physiognomy.” | | Spanish | “Key” is a corruption of the Indian word signifying an Islet, sand bank or | | rock in the ocean. TERM “WISEACRE"” BECAME A WORD OF CONTEMPT.— “Wiseacre” is a corrupted form of German “weissager,” mean ing a prophet, soothsayer, or one who foretells the future Cent wag lied to CH a Ay For instance, John Leland re ferred to Pythagoras as “a mighty wiseacre.,” The word, { however, has completely lost its original meaning and now is ap plied to one who makes undue pretensions to wisdom, or a would-be wise person. Accord ing to an old story & country gentlemen once boasted of his ¢ vast estates In the presence of Ben Jonson, while they were sip- < ping wine in the Devil's tavern on Fleet street. Jonson replied: “What care we for your dirt and » clods? Where you have an acre of land 1 have ten acres of wit.” As the country gentleman y left the room he retorted: “All right, Mr. Wiseacre."—Path It Is interesting to learn, based ou research, that man sleeps an average of 28 of his 70 allotted years. He works—contrary to popular be lief—only 18 out of those 70 years Ho spends 4 years of his life reading | newspapers, books and magazines, 1 year, ® months at play, 2% years | idling, and only 3 months less than | that washing, shaving and dressing. He devotes some 2 years 3 months to walking, riding on cars, on trains. ships and in automobiles, airplanes | ete. Three full years he spends eating his food, while another year and 3 months are devoted to school. A year and € months, usually, represents time ou’ for sickness, Radios, movies and various other forms of entertainment claim 2% years of man's life. The remaining 7 years and 65 days may be classed us “sundries.”"—Capper's Weekly. How Light Stimulates Bees By cutting a window in the botton. of the hives, a California beekeeper has devised a way to prevent the queen bees from leaving the colony and to Increase the yield of honey. says Popular Mechanics Magazine. An opening, 10 by 15 inches In size, was made and a glass installed. The hive was raised a few Inches above the ground and white paper spread under it to reflect the light into the brood | combs. With this device, It was un | necessary to use a queen excluder, and the keeper found that hives equipped with the window yielded from 200 to | 250 pounds of honey, while the others. | not so equipped, had from 30 to 50 pounds. How Strawberry Got Name Strawberries do not owe their name | to the fact that they were once brought | , to market like onions—strung on straws. Originally, the belief was that the name arose from the practice of protecting the fruit-bearing fleshy receptacle thut we call the berry with a bed of straws. Later philologists derived the name from the achenin scattered over the surface of the strawberry, because they resembled particles of chaff or straw. But straw- berry bas been traced to the Anglo | Saxon streaw, strew, from the fact of its spreading of scattering by means of runners, plus berige, a small round or ovate frult.—Literary Digest, How Soil le “Limed” The term “liming” us generally nsed «eans the application to the soil of the element known to chemists as cal cium in one of two forms—either cal clum carbonate, more commonly known as carbonate of lime, or calcium ox ide, the ordinary burned lime of com merce. Carbonate of magnesium mixed with carbonate of lime, as in dolomitic | or magnesian limestone, and the mixed | oxides resulting from burning such | limestones are included also under the term “lime.” How Sound Travels The velocity of sound through ah depends upon the temperature; for practical problems, 1,100 feet a second | is usually taken as the speed of sound | in air. Light, on the other hand, trav: | els at a speed of more than 18,000 feet | In a second. That is why one one can see a person at a distance strike an | object with a mallet and not hear the | | sound produced until a short time lat. How Mountain Lion Died A mountain lion escaped from a cage after capture near Gunnison, Utah, ac cidentally killed himself a short while afier his dash for freedom. A chain trailing from his neck, caught on the limb of a tree as the big cat jumped. and the animal hung, suspended in the alr, untill strangulation stopped his | frantic efforts to free himself. How Key West Was Named “West” is a corruption of the “huest,” meaning a vune How to Outwit Tormade An automobile can outwit a tornadc | | coming at 40 miles an hour, If the driver keeps his head and turns into a side road at right angles to the | storm's path. | —New cotton fabric gloves are so | {fine and smooth, they look just like suede or kid ones. They're made slip- on style, like the most fashionable leather gloves, and are often hand sewed, like the gloves ustrated. You can wash them at night and wear 5 them in’ the mm ‘ Segtuning 1 xo end. It's just a | White is as smart as anything but |", "ponent 1ater I went back to youll find the same practical beiges no peach, leaving Astley in his fra- and browns that you like so well In| orant garden, alone with the spirit suede. man —Hearst’ If you want the newest glove idea 2 Dt om ania H couldn't bear to stay. “Every year I make isn’t it?” He smiled apologetically. “I warned you that my story had no | it's pique, for sports-wear. And there | | PEACH CROP DOUBLED | | The Pennsylvania peach crop for 1931 will reach 1,872,000 bushels, just | ns | twice the 1930 production, it was es- | —Pique tulips, gingham carnations, timated today in the June crop re-| eyelet batiste roses, madras gardeni- port of the Federal-State crop re- as—those are a few of the new flow- porting service. ers blossoming this summer on fash- The survey found the condition of ionable coat and suit lapels. | oats, barley, alfalfa, apples, peaches | White flowers on the dark costume, | and further advanced on June bright colored flowers on the white 1than the 10-year average and win- costume—are the fashion rule. {ter wheat, rye, tame hay, clover, —Belt and scarf to match is a timothy and pasture from 2 to 6 per fashionable color combination this cent behind the average. ‘season, So you find cotton belts to go -— - -_— i with cotton scarfs. | Pique belts, mesh belts and bright “Are you looking for something in | | colored cotton prints that can be tied men’s clothing?” asked the polite around like a sash. floor walker. | are even gloves of cotton mesh. —Have you seen the new hand- bags of pique, cotton mesh or cotton tweed ? — “No, sir, boss I ain't,” —This is what the fashionable woman wears with her dresses of linen, pique or mesh to make the ‘the old man. “I'se looking for sup- | 'p'n in Wimmen's clothing; I've lost my wife some'eres in this place.” right ensemble effect. She chooses mesh lisles to wear with mesh dress- “I wonder if Jack knows I have es. And for her other cottons, plain money.” | lisles, sheer and light as chiffon. “Has he proposed?” Beiges that look like tanned skins “Yes.” i are smart. And white mesh stock- “He knows,” ings are new with white dresses. —And don't forget the collars and It dramatically shows that the men cuffs and vestees of cotton that make and women of this country know your dark or printed dress look so What is right, and wear what is ‘much in summer fazhion. Nor those right. Know it and wear it better swank little hats of stiched pique or linen or the new, mesh-like cotton | weave. | They all belong in the fashionable ® | cotton accessory wardrobe for sum- mer, ADD ~ American men “dress pretty much ONE OF THESE alike all over the country. They APPLIANCES dress comfortably, conservatively and becomingly, too. The men's fashion | ® ® @® census proved it. Their favorite hat is the snap brim EACH KWH* felt. They wear more of it than all other kinds put together. The major- COSTS YOU LESS ity of men prefer it with the plain, ® raw edge. And more and more men |are wearing it with the brim turned THE MORE up. A good half the number of men ELECTRICITY counted wore this hat in medium or YOU USE light gray, Brown and tan came sec- | (ond, with green and blue far down ® | ler se: You can have the | benefits of good —First choice of suits was the two- botton, single-breasted coat with sp: ‘notched lapels. Next the more fitted lighting plus the use two-button type with peaked lapels. of these appliznces Third, the three-button suit. Then came the double-breasted, Medium and dark grays were the $5 a month. favorite suit lots, with browns iid Many customers tans second. t navy blue is s ‘a country-wide favorite. havebrought greater a —Three topcoats out of every four were single-breasted with three but- tons, box back and patch pockets. | Double-breasted coats ran second, according to the census figures, with | fly-front coats in a small minority. As in hats and suits, gray ranks | first; brown and tan second, Tweed is the most popular material. —Leading the shirts is the one | with soft collar attached. Next—and on the increase in popularity—is the 'neckband shirt worn with starched | collar. ! Over half the shirts counted were ' white. Blue came second, tan third, | | green fourth, gray fifth. And solid | colors outnumber stripes. comfort and beauty to their homes through better illu- mination—more and better shaded light. You, too, can enjoy these advantagesand the additional con- veniences that only electrical appliances can give. And, the more you gain from the use of electricity, the less it costs you per KWH*, *KWH— kilowatt hour— the unit used to measure the electrical energy. WEST PENN POWER CO | | —Whbs’ kind of necktie does the | American man prefer? Decidedly all- over patterns—pin dots, geometric | and floral designs. Over half the men | counted ore Shep. ple stipes | Next were simple A | with NE third. | Blue led the colors, Dark red was | second; then brown and green, run- ning close together; gray fifth; tan, | sixth. | —Of every hundred American men, | 756 prefer shoes with box toes. Most of these are regular oxford types. | The remainder, blucher oxfords. : Wing tip shoes rank second ANd ee | plain toes third. | Black is the leading shoe color; | | brown second and tan third. | —From Maine to British Colum- | bia, New York to the Pacific Coast, | | Chicago to New Orleans, cities were | | censured. And the picture presented here is a perfect composite of Amer- ican fashion. } than any other country in the world! for as little zs $3 to | 72 | FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN, BLACK PEARLS NEW HIGH RECORD FOR AVIATORS LOSE FEAR | DAILY THOUGHT (Continued. SromPage 2 Gol 63. | BIBLE CIRCULATION PENNA’S MOUNTAINS - — part of it was lawn, green and During 1930 the American Bible Flying apparently is becoming" | "Fives cach kindness that you do | gmooth and well cared for. Dotted | Society distributed Bibles, Testa- safer in is, Hho aE Soon as you have done it. ‘here and there were hibiscus bushes ments and | the Forget the praise that falls to you portions totaling 12,035- gheny mountains have gained 4 sie. Moment, You Have wou In laden with red or white bell-shaped 133 the largest distribution in any (name of “aviators graveyard” among: ® | oe blossoms, and small arbors ola trail- year in the Society's history. Accord- air mail pilots. . L | Remon? Avery Jintss ing vine from which hung clusters of |ing to the 115th annual report just | Permanent discontinuance of four: F amenber praia by © eds won pink flowers. | published, the Society since its or- | intermediate fields, used for emer-- © | And p \ . | Entirely surrounding the lawn in 1816 has distributed landings on the original trans- - | Pass it on with pleasure. were beds densely grown wtih other 538284 048 volumes of Scriptures. continental air mail route £ —Cotton has t on again! The 'roPical flowers “dazzling masses of The year 1930 was the sixth year in vania between New York and 3 | sweet little cotton-frocked heroine of S°1oT: On every side towered great succession in which the distribution | Cleveland, has been decided upon by ® stage and story is actually walking fOTest trees which watched over this surpassed that of the preceding year. | the Department of Commerce 2 the city streets as well as the country Strange thing of beauty laid down in |The Society's work of transistion. D [anes > as UY | their midst, I glanced at the with Publication and distribution occurred a | And, besides her cotton frock shos(sige me. Ie Was standing Within 235 languages. ———Subscribe for the Watchman.. ' often wearing a cot cotton “ ” 0 i gloves, 3 cotton searl Sous stock- |, POOF Jafra,” he said. She rests Ings many © accessories | ""," ,,, . sience followed. He|[—— = “1h | dually important and equally “0 squared his shoulders mally and | onabl vy (Said, “It's over five years The fashion for cotton doesn’t | since it happened. My soul : stop with sports things either. Nor | goo¢ Uo, Tappenec, ~My very 1 \ does Jour entire outfit have to be of ney have out here are terrible. I | cotton tc make these cotton acces- .,.ldn't bear to think of her among : sories fashion-right. They go every- | mbstones—she was So gay, 80 a Where aud with eve . much alive—so I bought this piece of I Lontar. It had been our ; —Crisp piques, soft cotton meshes, /i..ic ground—she loved it. It is tad : : / gay Po A hs nl rather fine, isn't it? very definite signs of business | ’ re . . . fashion as silks, and they can be rT made this. Garden with © my improvement are not in evidence, there laundered at home over 1 tis y / OWE Bids #14 put Rasim Rere 19 is a feeling that the worst phase of the depression has been passed and that slow but gradual improvement may be looked for. The highest authorities are agreed on this; agreed that the country will resume its advance, strengthened by the weeding out of weak cor- porations and by the conservatism induced by the severe lessons of the past two years. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor ssoupng op Ww suwel of BUSH ARCADE BLOCK BELLEFONTE, PA. SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED SALE! Men's Fine Shirts $1.65 : 0 gamble about buying Shirts at this shop. It doesn’t take a shark to select what is best. Among the newest arrivals will be [Eg found new colors to harmonize with summer ; suits. 2] These Shirts are all from our regular 3 stock—former price to $2.50—all on 2 sale now at. $1.65 This 1s a Real Bargain ¢ ..Fauble’s §