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Love Jr. regent of the Bellefonte Chapter, presided and made the welcom! address after the bugle call by Harold Breon, boy scout, and prayer, by Prof. J. H. Frizzell, of State College. The salute to the flag followed and two members of the American Legion formally unveiled the marker. Notable among those present were five veterans of the Civil war: Capt. W. H. Fry, Prof. W. M. Garver, John B. Holter, Thompson Snyder and Cyrus M. Walker. The American Legion being represented by Prof. R. E. Minshall, R. A. Lepley and Prof. E. H. Rohrbeck. The Hon. John L. Holmes, of State College, was then introduced and made the address, during the course of which he asserted that the two outstanding events in the history of our country, the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the battle of Gettysburg, had occurred in Pennsylvania. Following are brief sketches of the men to whom honor has been so fittingly paid. JOHN PATTON From a Piper read by a descendant, Miss Hilda ompson, of Centre Furnace. John Patton was born in Ireland in 1745. At the age of 16 years he came to America and settled in Philadelphia, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In August 1775, he was appointed a member of the city committee of inspection. After entering the Rev- olutionary war service he was ap- pointed a major of Col. Samuel W. Miles’ 2nd Battalion Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment. On October 25, 1776, he was appointed colonel of one of the sixteen additional regi- ments that were added to the army by Gen. Washington and on July 27, 1777, became a member of Wash- ington's body guard. He was also a member of the Philadelphia Light Horse and of the Cimitars. In November he resigned from the serv- ice to take the contract to supply the army with flour. In 1780 he gave personal bond of 2000 pounds | for provisions for the army. In [1791 he was made brigadier general {of the State Militia and from then | until his death he was known as | Gen. Patton. | He came to Centre county in 1792 (and built the first iron furnace west |of Harrisburg. His settlement was {known as Centre Furnace and the (original stack still stands there on {land recently acquired by the Penn- | sylvania State College. It is mark- {ed by a bronze tablet put there by the Pennsylvania Historical society. | Gen. Patton died at Centre Fur- nace in 1804 at the age of 59 years. | He requested that he be buried on his farm, but all recorded history i places his burial at Boalsburg, ELEAZER EVANS From a per read by a descendant, Miss Ann Poads Dale, of Bellefonte. Today as we meet to pay tribute to some of the brave men who serv- ed in the war of Independence, I ‘deem it an honor to read a short ‘history of my ancestor, Eleazer Evans, who's body is buried in this cemetery, as are also the bodies of (his two daughters, Mrs. Norris | Hagerty and Mrs. Andrew Hunter ! (who's husband served in the war of 1812), and one son, Jeremia. | Eleazer Evans was of Quaker de- scent. His family came from Wales and settled in or near Coatesville, | Chester Co., Pa. It was from there that he joined the Revolutionary Army. He had three brothers, Ithamer, Joseph and Benjamin; and also two sisters, one dying quite young, and the other, Sidonia was married toa Mr. Campbell. his mother lived to a great old age, between 90 and 100 years, and was buried in Coatesville, During the Revolution Mr. Evans ‘served as a private in Captain Hol- man's Company of Chester Co. Mili- tia. Soon after the Revolution he came to Centre county. He was a fine carpenter by trade and a very good mechanic. He came to Centre county to make bellows for the iron furnaces then being started here. He located near here, undoubtedly mak- ing bellows for the iron furnace lo- cated at Centre Furnace, just over the hill to the north of this ceme- tery, which was owned and operated by Col. John Patton, one of the oth- er heroic men who is honored here today. Eleazer Evans was a man of short stature but of more than common intelligence, spending much time in reading, although a man of very few words. He married Christina Barb, who was born Feb, 12, 1771. Her family came from England and settled in Birdsborough, Pa. She was a woman of gentle manners and kind to all. She died April 25, 1824. They had ten children. One daugh- ter, Elizabeth married Christian Reese and lived in Buffalo Run Val- ley. Sne lived to a good old age and was one of the first members of the Bellefonte Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, she be- ing one of the two Real Daughters living in this County that joined the Chapter. Were she living foday how pleased she would be to know that her Chapter was paying sucha lovely tribute to her father, and I | wish to thank this Chapter in behalf |of all the descendants of Eleazer | Evans for this honor they are be» e gave his time, money and strength |to the cause of American Independ- |ence and his deeds of valor are here preserved in written form for poster- ity. JOHN BARRON ! From a paper read by a descendan Miss Olive B. Mitchell, of Bellefonte. John Barron was born in the north of Ireland Nov. 10th, 1755, Oneof ‘his sisters became the wife of a Mr. Harper, tradition that she was the mother of the r Harper, of Harper Publishers, New York. Coming to America in his youth, John Barron's home was in Donegal township, Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania, where, on Nov. 7th, 1777, atl the age of twenty-two, he took the oath of allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania and served in the As- sociated Battalion of Militia of the State. Later he served in “The Colonel's Company” of Seven Months Men in the Ninth Pennsylvania Con- tinental Line, receiving a medal for bravery. After the Revolution, he removed to Huntingdon county, where, in 1786, he married Susannah Ferguson Huston, a young widow, the daugh- ter of Thomas Ferguson Sr., Susan- nah Ferguson was born in Scotland, her family being natives of that country. From there they re- moved to County Antrim, Ire- land, 1763, and thence to America. They endured the hardships of the early settlers and dread of the hos- tile Indians. It is said to have been very interesting to listen to Susan- nah's recital of incidents of frontier life in her young days, All that great region comprising what is now Central Pennsylvania was then over- run by the ruthless savages and every frontier settler was expected to do his manly duty with his rifle in repelling the attacks of the wary and skulking enemy. The home of Susannah Ferguson Huston was burned by the Indians and her first husband, William Huston, was killed by them. She escaped by hiding in the high wild grass nearby. Thomas Ferguson Jr., her broth- er, was one of the most prominent and highly esteemed citizens of Penn's Valley, He bought a tract of land of about 2,000 acres from the British government and lived and aied in Ferguson township, Centre county, which was named in his honor. John Barron came to Pine Grove Mills and erected a mill there. In jon his name appears on the tax st. He and his wife raised a large family and have many descendants scattered all over the United States. Agnes Barron Newell, the child of their eldest daughter, was the first white child born in Centre county. Their youngest son, Robert F. Bar- ron, twice represented his County in the Legislature of the State. He was a man of fine physique—6 feet, three inches tall and strong in pro- portion, a great reader and of re- tentive memory and was noted for his uprightness and strict integrity of character, and this I believe was true of all the Barron family. John Barron died February 9th, 1820, and was buried in Slab Cabin (or The Branch) cemetery, Centre County, Pa. One of his grandsons was Dr. David Barron for forty years pastor of the Presbyterian church at Hol- lidaysburg. The late Mrs. Daniel Clemson, of Pittsburgh, was a grand- daughter. Rear Admiral David Pot- ter, U. S. N,, is a great grandson. ROBERT MOORE. pa From a r read by a descendant, Mrs. James Hugg, of Philipsburg. Ihis history of Robert Moore is compiled trom family traditions, newspaper clippings, Linn's History of Centre county and Archives of Pennsylvania. Robert Moore was born in Ireland in 1753 and died at his home in Centre county in 1831. The first survey made June 4th, 1774, upon application of John Rob- inson dated April 3rd, 1769, belong- ed to the Robert Moore who lived upon it in 1775, as is given in his deposition. This was at that time a part of Northumberland county became a part of Mifflin County ir 1789, and later a part of Centre county in 1800. This farm, more recently, belnnged to William Thomp- son and is now (1931) the property of the College. Blooming Grove farm. There in the forest, where wild beasts roamed, was the cabin he built and in which he and his wife Esther Wilson Moore with their lit- tle children lived. “College township was formed in 1875 from parts of Harris and Ben- ner. The sary settlement, how: ever, dates back to 1786 and per- haps farther. As an attempt al settlement had been made prior to that time, but the attempt did lit- tle more than give name to one |branch of Spring Creek, viz.,, “Slab Cabin,” so called from a siab or log cabin having been found on the bank of the stream. College township lies partly in Penns and partly in Nittany valleys. Spring Creek and its branches water a large portion of College township.” James A, Moore, a grandson of Robert Moore who died at Bellaire, Ohio, on December 25th 1923, in his 90th year, states in his family rec- ords, “My grandfather, Robert Moore, was a soldier of the Revolution and fought against the British and Hes- sians at Trenton.’ During the Rev- ,olutionary war he was known for his activities as an Express and Forest er. I~ the Pennsylvania Ar- chives, Series III, Vol. 23 we read, “On May 9, 1778, Arthur Buchanan, who resided where Lewistown now stands writes, “I this moment received by Robert Moore, an ex- press, a letter from Captain Bell, stationed at Bald Eagle, which in- forms me that Simon Vaugh, one of his company was killed on the 8th inst.,, at the house of Jonas Davis on Bald Eagle Creek. Robert Moore was sent of express to inform me of what had happened. As Moore came through Penns Valley, he stop- ped at the house of Jacob Standford to feed his horse, where he found Standford killed, and seeing no one |about the house rode off.” This was known as | on the 11th of May, Mr. Buchanan writes, “Jacob Standford, his wife land daughter were killed and scalp- ‘ed and his son, a lad of ten or eleven years, is yet missing, and + that the savages ravaged all parts of our frontiers in a very public manner.” “The writer of an obiturary of | Robert Moore in the Centre Demo- ‘crat of May 27th, 1831, statement received from Robert | Moore, says he was returning from ‘the Great Island to Brown's Fort, now Brown's Mills, (Reedsville) Mif- 'flin County, when he stopped at the cabin of Abram Standford, a Ger- ‘man who lived on the farm now (1831) owned by Peter Ruble, in Potter Township. On entering the ‘cabin he discovered that none of the family was in the house, but going around the cabin near the spring he saw the body of Mrs. Stanford, scalped, and blood yet oozing from the wounds. At a few rods dis- tant lay the bodies of two children. Life was hardly extinct in the body of Mrs. Standford. The writer then goes on to say that, Mr. Moore's horses having strayed among the Seven mountains, he went in search of them and dis- covered the body of an Indian, with his rifle and accoutrements by a large pine log, under leaves, in a state of preservation; that after peace was restored Mr. Moore in- quired of an Indian chief, named Captain Hunt, who was with the party, who told him that after the murder of the Stanford family, they held a council and determined an attack upon inhabitants of Kishaco- quillas Valley, and had arrived at the gorge near where the old Lewistown entered; that accidentally the gun of one of their chiefs exploded killing the owner. This was deemed an ill omen, a council was called, the expedition was abandoned, and so great was their alarm, that after covering the chief hastily with leaves, they retired.” “In early life Robert Moore was distinguished for active and energetic services rendered in defense of the scatterd inhabitants of this section of the State. Gifted with a constitu- tion of muscular power of body rare- ly found in men, he was capable of sustaining the hardships incident to the settlement of a new country. With a mind uncommonly bold and vigorous, and a memory tenacious of every impressicn he seemed form- ed by nature for one of those men who make the first settlement in the wilds of our country. He lived to see improvements in the country such as few have ever witnessed. The beach of the Juniata River presented the only pathway in ascending the Long Narrows when he first removed to Kishacoquillas Valley, where now is found a canal, the great thoroughfare for the commerce of the valley of the Mississippi to the Atlantic; from a wilderness containing the log hut of the Indian trader and hunter, a populous and highly cultivated coun- try has sprung up.” As a packer in the employment of the late Judge Brown of Brown's Mills, now Reedsville, he acquired a | perfect customs adopted son of an Indian warrior had considerable influence in the tribe. It takes a long stretch of day, with its rich farms and its ele- gant homes, and its evidence of wealth and prosperity, to go back to the log cabin and little clearing of Robert Moore, the “express rider’ of early days. “The poineer settlers of College Township have left the stamp of their character on their descendants that years will not efface. The same dogged perseverance, thrift and fru- gality that characterized the original settler linger still in his family unto the third and fourth generations.” CAPTAIN DAVID WHITEHILL nn From a r read by a descendant, Walter Whitehill, y This patriot, among others whose giving a' ledge of the manners and | the natives, and as an imagina- | tion of the person traveling through | the beautiful College Township of to- Creek, namely—*“Slab Cabin” so call- | ed because of a slab or log cabin having been found on the bank of the stream. It was David Whitehill who donat- ed the land for the Slab Cabin Church and Graveyard. Both he ‘and his wife are buried here. He served as one of the first elders of ' this church. About this time the Academy at Bellefonte was founded (1805) and David Whitehill was named one of the trustees. As a great, great, grandson of Captain David Whitehill of whom am very proud and to the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania and the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion of Bellefonte, I wish to express my thanks and good wishes at the unveiling of this tablet which will bear the name of my illustrious an- cestor, (Signed) E. W. McCAULLEY IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. 9:30 A. M., Church school, Her- man Hazel, superintendent. 10.45 A. M., Morning service; ser- |’ mon: “The Seeking Shepherd.” 7:30 P. M., Vesper service; ser- mon: “ A Good Man Leaves Earth.” Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school, C. C. Shuey, Supt, 9.30, supreme study subject. Ep- worth League, 6.30, and a discussion of a timely theme. Wor- ship 10.45, and 7.30, preaching by ist R. R. Stanley. Strangers and week end visitors welcome. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Minister. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m, R. R. Davison, Supt. Preaching at 1045 a. m.,, by the pastor. Subject “The Ark of the Covenant, A Type of Christ.” There will be no young people's meeting at 6.30. Children's Day program at 7.30. Brotherhood Monday at 7.30. Rev. G. E. Householder, Pastor. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edith R. Hall, of Arcadia. J. Russell Goodhart, of Centre Hall, and Lila Elmyra Evey, of Pleasant Gap. Charles M. Emigle and Charity Chelton, both of Clymer. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMISSIONER We are authorized to announce John 8. a candidate for nomination for the of- fice of County Commissioner, subject to that the decision of the voters of the Demo- | Wi cratic y as expressed at the Primaries to be hela Tuesday, September 15, 1931. CATHAUM STATE COLLEGE (Summer Opening Time 7.300 p. m.) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Clive Brook, Fay Wray Charles Rogers in “THE LAWYER'S SECRET” MONDAY AND TUESDAY— May Robson, Lawrence Gray in “THE SHE WOLF” WEDNESDAY James Cagney, Jean Harlow in “THE PUBLIC ENEMY” THURSDAY — ATLANTIC CITY NIGHT memories we are revering today, was | the son of James and Rachael Cresswell Whitehill who emigrated from north of Ireland in 1723, Their first warrant for land was obtained December 2, 1734. Located near the head of Pequea Creek, Salisbury Township, Lancaster County. James Whitehill perous life, having owned a tract of land on the west side of the Susquehanna River, in Cumberland County. He served as a Colonial Judge for a number of years. In 1736 he was appointed assessor and later served as 1739 to 1741. He died February 1, 1776 and his ty Commissioner from wife followed on June 25, 1795. They are both buried in Pequea Church Yard in Lancaster County. Captain David Whitehill, the one whom we are concerned about today, was the eighth child, born in a fam- ily of ten children, He was the first white child born in Salisbury Town- ship, Lancaster County. He served as a captain of the Seventh Battalion of Lancaster County Militia under command of John Boyd. He was pros- perous, having been taxed for many acres of land, horses, and cattle. A lengthy discussion may be had by referring to Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series Volume 17 and 5 Series Volume 7. Upon the death of his father in 1776 David Whitehill inherited one- half of his father’s estate. He later married Rachel Clemson, daughter of James Clemson and Margaret Heard Clemson at Frederick, Md. To this union ten children were born. Later David Whitehill took his family to Centre county to live, where he purchased 1043 acres of ground located near the town of Le- mont on Spring Creek, This land was a part of the tracts owned by Samuel Bayless, Sr. Jr. and Haines College tracts of Harris and Beamer (Ben- ner). The early settlement, however, dates back to 1786 and perhaps ear- lier as an attempt had been made prior to that time. However, it Again | gave name to one branch of Spring | enjoyed a pros- | large | and | township | was later formed in 1775 from the | Leslie Howard in Peter B. Kyne's “NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET” also Bobby Jones in “THE MEDIUM IRONS” NEXT FRIDAY and SATURDAY— Elton E. Truse, of Barnesboro, and | Pan Spearly, of Spring township, is (i OST.—Last Sunday Methodist church, a der bar pin. Re this office. ol ward June oid ar pire E Finder re- north Alle- 25-1t Or Saturday: gheny or Hig ed. MH LINN. warded Fi a hes £ gheny St. welling house and double house im. B rt eteite. Estate of Margaret: ul The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Bellefonte, Pa., Executos~ 76-20-3t HARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of C Common Pleas in and for the Coun- ty of Centre, State of of No. 51 September Term Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the above rt an of July, 1931 at- Suesday the 7th day ten o'clock A. M., under the rporation. Act of 1874 of the Commonweaith of Pennsylvania and the supplements there-- to, for charter of an intended corpor-- ation of 2s first class CR called the- ENN N,” the charact and TION, er object of which is to hold regular religious serv-- ices, develop Christ! cl er among its members y Christian ideals in the every day life oft the students of Pentaylvaniy State Cole. lege, t tizens of e state College Jana of the Commonwealth: van as well as Na andthe world: and ion these up poses to re, receive, o title to both real and personal property. and to have a DE iouer of t y said Act of Assembly and its supple The. posed charter is now on file im ro] c the Prothonotary’s office. ELLIS L. O 76-24-3t : RVIS; Solicitor. HERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of a writ of Levari Facies issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, to me directed, will be ex- posed to public sale at the Court Houses n the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, July 8, 1981. The Following Property: ALL that certain tract or piece off land situate in the town of Clarence, Township of Snow Shoe, County of Cen- Ur tre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:— BEGINNING at a point on Public: Road at intersection of Pan Cake Street: and said Public Road; thence along said Cake Street South 86 degrees East ; eh "West 136 feet to a post h 4 de oR on Uzzell Street; thence ug Street North 86 deg "nit, hence along eid Pub blic Road, thence fie Road 138.7 feet to the place of be« Ki. described ises includ bove premises inc alll That is 2 aained A De Deed a H ins an eymou Hopi which sald Deed is ing Centre County in Deed Book 3 page 194 and aiso a portion of the 1 contained in a Deed Dee GT" February’ 28, e Deed Book Vol. 66, 5, strip on the thern side of t from Hopkins an on which said describe recorded Vol. n ing of a the property remises is erected a two story otel and other outbuildings. i be ized, taken in execution and to sold as the property of Clore M, Kachik, defendant, and John M. achiky terre tenant. Sale to commence at 10.00 o'clock Ae M. of said day. Te Fath, B. DUNLAP, Sherif Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte Pa. June Sth 1981 7-24-38 RIFF'S SALE.—By virtue S gi of Levari Faclas issued of the Court of Common Pleas Centre County, to me directed, will exposed to public sale at the Cou House in the Borough of Bellefonte ome FRIDAY, July 8, 1981. The Following Property: ; * that certain messuage situate an via, the Borough of Bellefonte, Cen= tre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:— BOUNDED on the North by lot now ofr late of Mrs. Jane Dolan; on the South by lot No. 191 in the general plot of plan of the Borough of Bellefonte: om the East by Spring street and on thee by an ey. Wo li Southern part or portion of lot No. 192 on the general plot or plam of the Borough of llefonte fronting om said Spring street 24 feet and exten of & out back to an Alley. same premises which Susark Do hig a will and testament bearing date the 23rd day of January. 1917, 5 recorded AP her ster . ntre coun n Be qo amd, jeathed ton H. Anderson an TE and which Joseph H. Ander~ son by his deed bearing August 19th, Yo18, and recorded in Centre coun= ty in Deed Book Vol. 124, at page 7, conveyed his undivided one half inter- est in the lands above described to his mother, Mary Anderson, and which also became vested in John Anderson by virs tue of the death of his mother and grandmother, being the parties of the First Part. : Together with all the defendant's per- ORT property. Seized, Jakeh in, execution and 2° be e pro ol omas A. An~ Rat 2 yi Y nderson and Johm Clara Bow, Regis Toomey in | Anderson. “KICK IN” ar 10 Sequence at 10.05 o'clock Ao and Terra H. E. DUNLAP. Sherif ADVENTURES IN AFRICA Sheriit's OMiss, Bellefonte. Pa. To Bgt — e— RICHELIEU Friday This Week—Warner’s | Special Comedy of High Society “God’s Gift to Woman” With Frank Fay, La AOA ak Fay, Laut LaPlante Comedy, “Don’t Divorce Saturday This Week— “Up For Murder” With Lew Ayres (Starof ** on the Western rat’ and Gone: vieve Tobin. rst Dr Car we pat Run Bu 80 “Adventures In Africa” ~2 years in . Vitaphone brings you the Adventures Screened — actually photo- graphed in the heart of Af nd Altarrs Comedy, Monday, Tuesday, Wednes. “ys: Virtuous Husband” with Elliott Nugent, Betty Compson, Jean Arthur, Tully Marshall and a Large Cast. It’s the Scream of the Century ! - - , roma - { i | | State—AIll This Week “The Party Husband” with Dorothy MacKaill : and Big Casi. State—All Next Week The Year's Greatest Thrill Picture— “Public Enemy” with Jean Harlowe (star of ‘““Hell’s Angels’’) and Big Cast. A smashing drama of the life of a gangster, from childhood to death. Traced as in real life. It’s Real!