—————————————————————————————— ye a AW - - 1 n FARM NOTES. grain stuuds in Nosth Canira) Ne- OSCEOLA MILLS MAN WHY SOME BILLS | ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW alco os : ud ,. | Draska FOUND DEAD IN BED. ARE DEURAQUENT| WOODRING. Attorney i ills ave Jportunt Speralicns ih pig: Wheat growers ordered tons Of | Stanley Brink, son of Daniel Brink, Blanktown, gune 4, 1081. J aw. Bel Pd Sit 'itable strawberry production. The poisoned bran mash to feed the in-'o¢ phjlipsburg, was found dead in | Gentlemen: | Exchange. 8 berries be picked carefully, sects which swarmed in buzzing I wish to inform that the as packed bed, at his farm home near Osceola 0 you t > ly. Berries prepared this way for | utes 10 ny bw every growing | yu. "ioc Friday morning, and a | Shattered condition of thy Dank as S Kan, Dellatonte, Par Prompt’ at- market 0. pounced. : man. | count makes it impossible for me to terion quart more than those carelessly | tasks to fight the plague and confer |ner of his death. A 32 caliber re- | 30d JOU & CHEER Ny oP | East High street. 87 handled. i with Federal and State authorities volver was loosely clasped in one |" vy. recent financial condition is | on the best methods of combating | hand, but on the opposite side from due to the effects of fed 1 laws, | J M, BEICHLINE. — Altorhey-ai-Lak —Readily available nitrogen fertil- the invasion. which the bullet had penetrated the ! wa ential i state laws, coun ws, corpora izer and) wre BIN ane | Not since the historic grasshopper head. There were no powder marks | jaws, My mY laws, Sor Satics | prompt attention. Offices on Second Hoes hordes of the 1860's and 1870's when |.» +v. head, which would have been | er-in-laws and outlaws that have emple Court. tables, Nitrate of soda or sulphate | the insects were so thick they gb there had the shot been fired at | been foisted upon an mmepeling| OW 5 RUNKLE, — Altorney-at-Law, ‘of ammonia can be applied sparingly | ‘along the rows. io eh, | cured the gun, has Such 8 [close range, public. Through these various laws vel man. Office In s ing must be used the 2oil should be | than | Brink was married but his wife I have been held down, held up, walk- p.,\.0 Pa. Bachan thoroughly soaked to a depth of 6 ta Bo squate ules & was in Philipsburg helping care for ed on, sat on, flattened and squeezed te, or 8 inches. | the hoppers. New areas of infestation 'her mother, Mrs. Charles McMullex, gui § Pi Wok ag! Where I am, Any seed oF not needed fob lave been reported dally since ihe | who was quite ill. Coroner Lewis, Ro laws compe] am.) os. SOF ; } a rst a rance oO e e earfi - peg bring ag planting this spring may save the middle of last week, yet, 95 Clea aed Souuty, aed 3 nyyest poration tax, merchants’ tax, capital R. R. L. CAPERS. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION | SHuation, HER) speing. Such sed san A mild winter resulted in an ub- | poo ep Ey ef of the young man’s stock Ja, ae a income iax, OSTEOPATH. 8 ely. Nex y grassh property auto , - The public should be educated in pe so favorable for seed corn as the yews) Sunibes o just ope 3 being death, whether it was a case Of | water tax, light tax, cigar 2 street | Pohetonts doi State College he. peinciples of Sicuert Toedical | ast one Was, | Be fo this Gp not fly, but Suicide, accident or murder. tax, and SYNTAX, ine science elp in the preve -— ' at. It was known definitely that on D. CASEBEER, = diseases march in almost solid phalanxes, eat- | y In addition to these taxes I have ) CASEEREN Optometrist. EET 3 Wet weather and poor seed ing @ Thursda: he had twenty dol- | very green thing in their path u y evening he y to get a permit for this and permit Eyes examined 3 cis Was the gist oF the ididvess from the crop grown in the hot, dry ', nq leaving stripped the fields lars or more in his pockets, When | for that. I am required to get a busi- Isfaction guaranteed. BIE) tel. a ve y . KE y weather last year are responsible for yp .,,oh which they pass. found, on Friday morning, $1.20 and | ness license, city license, state license, ne fens matched, Casebeer Bide ps a Pind fi Ea ok ok into In the wheat fields of Kansas a'g punch of keys were found on a car license, and I am also requested ‘Association, at its meeting in Phila- small potatoes in the ground in bumper crop is expected. But with to1,e gownstairs and his watch was and required to contribute to every VA B. ROAN, : Optometrist, prices as low as 33 cents a bushel society and organization that the in- by the State Board. State delphia, . many plantings this year. last week, many farmers announced under his pillow. His pocketbook was | Ventive mind of SAO . vers dn dat d r. Paul A, O'Leary, of Rochester, — ans missing. The back door of the kitch- nan rganize, “in the Garbrick baliding aled artificial fever pro- they would abandon their grain crops to the society of St. John the Baptist, H Ww Minn., reveale a. Yop peor —Practically all the annual flower altogether next year unless the ex- en was partly open and a large Po- | the Wo s Relief, the Near East, e sunt us, Wednesday afternoons ons a b t also an im- seeds should now be in the ground ,..teq pull market developes. ‘lice dog, always kept tied, Was |tne Gold Digger's Home, also every to 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone. 58-40 i frestment Wut si am if flowers are to bloom before frost. P31" 1iC or not pressed by abso- loose, having broken a board from | hospital and every charitable institu | emm—— sms of bon? 4 and skin, nerve and brain _All members of the sheep flock : lute necessity wore cipecied to Sor it's pen. Brink conducted a chick- fon in the city, the Red Cross, the ’ thei n pen evelopmen ! own ac , th aming Cross and involvements of the blood disease. should go through the dipping tank. (pe'y Svan pending Seve pnents wl oi fan a0 » bing as known had no | Bla k Cross, he Flaw ad PYRE INSURANCE Malarial fever heat increased the Any good coal tar product will be | resistance of the patients against effective in killing the ticks. If! m— | He was 34 years old and a World | For my own safety I am required ,, ;, Reduced Rate, 20% this disease. there is a bad infestation, two dip- | —In bursting boulders, the mud war veteran, Twelve years ago he | to carry life insurance, liability in- | » Specific therapies, such as by the pings 10 days apart should be given, capping method be used. This cob- married Miss Susan McMullen, who | Surance, property damage insurance, | 33 jy MN, KEICHLINE, at well-known mercury and arsenic say anima! husbandry specialists of sists in placing sticks of dynamite g ives with a little son. He also compensation insurance, fire insur- Age preparation, should be kept up to Pennsylvania State College. ‘on the stone and putting about six ,.. =o "vio parents and two sisters. ance, theft insurance, accident and | produce the best results. 1 — jenes on wet, sticky wud over Shefe. Bn was made in the Philipsburg Sullision ugurance: and business jn. | EE Other forms of artific ever Grasshoppers threaten crops in Stump blasting usually done by Burial surance. | oer HOI athetmy | 81 | westoms Caran. Almost 20,000,000 placing the charge dircetly under the CeMe(CrY’ The government has so governed CHICHESTER S PIL radio waves, will give much the g..e5 of wheat is seared yellow, buf- Stump, or where there is a taproot, my business that I do not know who : same results as is now obtained DY gated by dust storms and in dire need "in boring a hole for the charge in The train was late—very late. owns it. I am suspected, expected, in- | a artificial malarial fever, the speaker rain. So is the t the center of the root. However, if | The talkative conductor sat down be- spected, dis , examined, re- ad Gold m declared. os soll is rv to ivi og haat the wood is hard, the charge may be , side a passenger. You know,” he | examined informed, required, wv. B Prof. John H. Musser, of New Or- {ne storm winds and the individual | placed close to one side of the root. boasted, “I've been on this train | compelled, commanded until all I : leans, outlined diseases caused DY heat plants are beginning to wilt. | The charge may be tapped with safe- | four years. 2 know is that I am supposed to supply SOLD BY DRUGGH diet deficiencies. He Smphasiued If heavy rains fall within the next | ty after a few inches of earth have Teale Passenger: Where did you | an inexhaustible dup y of money tor BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWKERE that, in a proper diet, 0 ese been placed next to the d te and | Be : every known n F HOPE Of | ——————— t, p 10 days western Canada may pro- Pp ynal the human race, and because I re- elements should be represented: car- bushel mud placed in the hole, — bohydrates, fats, proteins, water, rig Zoymw the Lh Py oo - _ Mussolino is a bold dictator, | fuse to donate to all and go out and vitamins and minerals, forthcoming, the crop likely will be | —After the goslings are two or but arousing religious prejudices is beg, borrow and steal money to give | Unless there is enough protein a reguced to 20,000,000 bushels. three weeks old, if good grass, clover |a dangerous enterprise. away, I am cussed, discussed, boy- ! — . feels at low ebb. Although the eagerly awaited or alfalfa range is available they will cotted, talked to, talked about, lied Minerals needed by the body are geek.end crop foe of the Win- | need only one light feeding dail held u vitamin essentials they will grow up i Wayne Growing Mash normal and strong.” Wayne Calf Meal - Dr. Charles Mallory Williamson, of New York, described the wide prev- . : Cotton Seed Meal 43% alence of fungus diseases, which in- g i Gluten Feed 23g, - - clude many t of ring worms. i Hominy Feed = a.» w= Frequently become infected Fine Ground Alfalfa M from parasites lurking in the nails Meat Scrap 45% er . - of their mothers or nurses. | : Tankage 609; .-ly ee X-rays are used with beneficial | Fish Meal - eile - vm, i copper, iron, calcium lodine, Mag" pineg Free Press was sensa. | a mash made up of two parts of |the Pennsylvania State College, re- and robbed until I am nearly ruined ‘al nesium, manganese, flourine, lithium, | tional as had been Th gen- | shorts and one Ds of fine ground | ports. y so the only reason I am clinging to We uve on Bo no of sulphur, potassium and chlorine. ora) consensus held the Canadian | corn, or ground oats or barley. After | Where mummied were left life is to see what the HELL is com- Purin Feeds They are present in salts, liver, fresh |... situation worse than it had been they are six weeks old, if they still in orchards or cultivation was not |ing next. BO a and green vegetables, milk, yolk of i's gecade. need extra feed, change the mash to | thorough, from 10 to 76 per cent of YOUR. D 8 We also carry the line of eggs, sea foods, rare meat and lear | Se inaipeg grain man went so | equal parts of shorts, ground corn | the blossoms were destroyed by &ho a——— ‘ meat. Vitamins A, B,C, D, E ‘far as to call the crop outlook the land ground oats, with 5 per cent of | disease. Only 3 or 4 per cent infec- G are important. a poorest in Canada’s history, meat scraps added. With good grass | tion is present in orchards where Dr. Musser disclosed it 2a Seen “Another week of dry weather may | range the amount of feed needed | precautions were shown yeast does not contain Vita-| .q¢ in a calamity so far as the | will be small. Kirby explains that the blosom LIGUI OL TABLETS pe min G or B—which prevent pellagre: | crop here is concerned,” he said. — infection is ome of the principal |. = I OR Wagner's 169% Dairy Feed - 1.55 black tongue ubq other dijeases. "The drouth is mot quite so critical | Favorable weather during the | sources from which the fungus |. } Heal al a Neawsihin Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed - 165 liver, leant meal, and eggs ON in the Northwest of the United blooming period in and cher- | spreads to fruit later. He urges 30 minutes, a the Ars! | Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed - 1.80 tain much of Vitamin @ 4 © Req States, but an invasion of millions orchards ca heavy infec- | growers to apply the summer sprays vs checks Malaria In three | y,gners Pig Meal - - - - 1 Rare Mig! ha . ‘of striped yellow grasshoppers tion of brown rot this spring, R. S. Ehoroughly to check what appears to | 48Ys. Wagner's Egg Mash - - - 2 meat gravy ron, ‘threatens destruction of us | Kirby extension plant pathologist of | be a brown rot epidemic, 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold | Wagner's Scratch Feed - - 1 EFFECT ON TEETH i Wagner's Horse Feed - - - 1 Dental decay is prevented by vita- | Wagner's Winter Bran - - 1 mins D and C. Oranges or any citrus | Wagner's Winter Middlings - 1 fruits contain Vitamin C. Vitamin . | Wagner's Standard Chop - - 1 A is most important, as its absence a Wagner's Chick Feed - - - 2 leads to stunting growth of babies. | wi Starting and G Professor Musser said: with Cod Liver Oil - 2 “The foundation of disease pre- : Wagner's Medium Scratch Feed 1 vention is the proper dieting of the | Blachford Calf Meal 25Ibs 1. nursing mothers. If the babies are Wayne Egg Mash - - 2. fed milk containing all mineral and : Wayne Chick Starter 3. 2 4 2 2 BhEEbLEEEEhE EERE kEakREakEE ! : ease, : Round Grit = =iw = = i= 1% NEW CAUSE OF HAY FEVER FOUND Shell « = - = « =H IN SMALL SAND FLY | : Lime Grit - - - - - = 100 Hay fever caused by a sandfly is Let us grind your Corn and Osta ounce at on American Nodal Ford cars are now equipped |S iedial o Tel Gute a iS “from ita — i make delivery on two ton "Grasses causing bay Lover stand 11 with safety glass in all doors and ot Eo If you want good bread and junley: uae Our Bost aad Gold es A tl WN 3 Ireland - A windows at a small extra charge malady. BS eer mwunt of the pollen FLL Lor fie Coupes Do Luss Comps 5pers SO for Joe Tudor Salm, Sande : C.Y. Wagner & Co. inc Coupe or Convertible Cabriolet De Luxe Sedan, Town Sedan or Victoria PA. Front J for niet | fmm i repated i rent saves or . THE Triplex safety glass windshield has always been an outstanding feature of " HOW. 10 Bike AND BE HAPCS the Model A Ford. By reducing the dangers of flying glass, it has saved many R: gi wma, mening over "WaBS, "said lives and prevented countless injuries in automobile collisions. Caldwell & Son Ig A or Strole, Now comes a further assurance of safety to every Ford owner . . . polished : Bellefonte, Pa. He Wario againgt reducing pills plate safety glass in ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS at slight additional cost. | - He Suvs the A The charge for this gee grigsion- to. wowtuall Sow hosts 42 Lge | Plumbing oe gi td sort stormy sede Sul | . e no exe nou fave 14 fo 3a lorie: or and windows” and the car will be factory-equipped for you in that manner. 8 Pil Tou ais YH garam, Yo to Today, as before, the safety glass windshield is furnished as standard equip- h : Ry oieEs!-eiuciss ment on all Ford cars without extra charge. 3 apor....Steam 4. If do hard, muscular labor y Hot Water aa wil weight is 150 FORD OWNERS This announcement refers only to NEW CARS. Ford dealers are not in Pipeless Furnaces and you take light exercises. ~Mul- a position to install safety glass in the windows of your present Ford at the above prices. tiplying 150 by 18 gives 2,700 the amet of calories you need to main- jr Br er: you may | ! Full Line of Pipe and Fit-- i SE TRAE FORD nga and Mill Supp consuming up fat. ference by All Sizes of Terra Cotta The stomach of a pig, dried and ’ iin pulverized, has been found to be an Pipe and Fittings effective treatment for pernicious anemia. The French Academy of ; S— Medicine has studied he ev cure, ESTIMATES which it pronounced as good . . as the feeding of raw liver to ane- . Cheerfully sed Promptly F: mic persons and much more agree. a. eA Eau. able to take.