Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1931, Image 2
There are gains for all our losses, There are balms for all our pain, But when youth, the dream departs, It takes something from our hearts And it never comes again. We are stronger, and are better, Under manhood's sterner reign; Still we feel that something sweet Followed youth, with flying feet, And will never come again. Something beautiful is vanished, And we sigh for it in vain; We behold it everywhere, On the earth, and in the air, But it never comes again. —Richard Henry Stoddard GOOD SOLDIER It seemed to Tarrant that it was the first time he had stopped to think really to think, in ten years. He sat rigid at his desk, the tense- ness still in him which had been him for all of the last nine and half years. He couldn't get rid the tenseness, though now he was set, practically, for life. That thing which had put a spell of grim de- termination upon him nine and a half years ago would not let him relax, though now he would have liked to relax. The whole nine and a half years seemed like a consecutive, unremit- ting thing; likea long prize fightin the old English manner, with no rounds between. He hug Wen Sse protagonist. the worl been the other; and, curiously enough, all that time he had taken the heavy body blows of the world, starting nine and a half years ago with a blow that should have been a knock- and , instead, he in a of half years of shaving every ing, not looked at himself in a mir- ror. But now he did look. What he saw shocked him a little, though he took, also, a deep pride in it. His face was hard. Hard! Indubit- hard. ; Though he was only 40. there was gray at the temples, even if the of Ba chestnut, Wayy Rais was thi strongly, orfully ve. Even the expression of his lips had changed. They set firmly together now, in a straight line. He remem- that Lana had often told him “pretty lips,” and he had al- ways felt rather foolish and silly and awkward when she said that. He thrust his strong hands into the depths of his pockets and took a turn around the room. His move- ments were noiseless. The large room was carpeted with thick material that was very expen- sive. Through the windows he could look out over New York, He glanced at the back of the frosted-glass door and saw there the Alice-in-Wonderland words: “tnediserP, tnarraT sucraM” He smiled grimly to himself. Yes- terday there had been flowers all over the room; on the desk had been § i of the country. The room reeled with silly, insincere speeches. He laughed , con- temptuously, to himself and sat down heavily before the desk. Sud- denly a softness came over him. ig Jan. jntense look went out of an e am 3 act. y e infinitely moment Miss Varney, who was to be his private Misi en- tered and laid something upon his Seth — spoke to JR, He did er; was uncon- Sous of her tN abstraction, she withdrew sil without waiting for an ently her question. In the outer office. however, she said to Miss Feldman the er Sténograpier: : ! ave you noti govlilooning he is?" 84. ow ‘“Good-looking!" Miss Feldman re- turned with surprise * o - ig, Ta oe rprise, ‘Hard-look t you ought to see him 3" Miss Varney returned, her brows Pitkured in amazement. arcus was at a graph on his ang It i photogravh of a sweet-faced y girl. ~ He was talking to her men- tally. “Can you imagine this - led inwardly as he on tick chuckled to her: heard her answer- ing chuckle. “Me! President of a concern as large as this. Can vou imagine it!” The picture smiled back at him warmly. For several moments he permitted the illusion that she was alive to him; it was sweet as a drug. And then reality swept over him in over- whelming waves. He rose swift- lv, went to the door and locked it tightly, He laid his head upon his arm on the desk. Reaction was upon him, reaction to nine and a half vears of bullving life as life had once bullied him. He silently, hovelesslv. Yn an orgy of emotion nd viet dye let it all come . e A motion picture, from the beginning. h He kad been 22: she onlv 19. Thev had met at Coney Island. Conev Tsiand had been auite the vorue in those dave, He had been attracted bv her oniet way of dress- ing and her air of noise. And she Tndkked so small and frail and sweet. He had gone to Conev Island for the first time and had fond in it|goctor uttered it after a thorough not the surcease ‘from loneliness primp BS and sid that she must that he had hoved for, but rather. ne iaken at once to a hospital, Mar- in the center of fay crowds, anac-|oyg ght he could not stand it. centvation of that loneliness. He | Then he ed of he was having a prettv hard time to|had not thought uh haut B “get hv. Motherless and father- | fe had : ' with her hap. Tess and with only an insu py, look-on-th -side - high- education, it was ment, she had got th “the war presence. Nothing his | had wept. | er, and somewhat expensively; i RRE to pick up a began. “It's all right,” she said quietly. “You're different.” said: “I ought to be to be at work tomor- and it's a long ride he said, with enthusi- way home she told about herself and he told about himself. “Strange,” she said, in that quiet way of hers, “that you and I should have picked out this particular row { alone?” he asked. “Oh,” she returned frankly. “I'm not pretty, and my girl friends go in for things I don’t, I'm mostly | alone.” i “Not pretty?” he echoed, thinking | for a moment that she was some- | thing of a coquette after all, trving merely to draw a compliment from hime. He studied her closely. She! was beautiful. Her quiet, blue ed up at the corners: soft brown hair: slight figure. But he could see | what she meant. | “YT snonose it sounds utterly idiotic, but IT love vou. I want vou to marry me. I don't see the slighest sense in our going out with each other for weeks or months and working up to it graduallv. want vou now. T want us to be toreth- ‘er as man and wife all those months that others spend courting, We've already lost too many worevious months bv not having met each other sooner.” “All right,” she said simply: “but on one condition: that you let me keep on working for a while.” And on this she was adamant. They were married the following morning, quite simply. by a justice of the peace. It had been heaven from then on—or at least if there had been small frictions, Marcus had quite forgotten them now. | She took endless pride in keeping | immaculately to rights the small rooms for light housekeeping which they had taken at first. Later there had been a small integral apartment with their own entrance. Still later a small unfurnished anartment which thev had furnish- ed on the installment olan. Curi- ously they had never tired of each other: never “usual” and “every day” to one another. They walked many nights togeth- er along Riverside Drive, looking across at the Jersey shore and the dark river, They took endless ex- cursions together; hand-in-hand, minds and hearts locked. No two married people, he felt, had ever grown so closely together. He got so that he knew her every mental process, and she knew his. Hun- dreds of times he spoke out what was in her mind and she did the | | mireion hacis, laavth fav an {in his heart. He pretended other's minds, though they knew, of | coin- | cidence and that their minds ran in| the same channels. | "Po | Marcus it was like death. He never | expected to see her alive again. The first days in the trenches been careless, hoping that a bullet would end the agony of sep- aration from her. Then. detecting this selfishness and cowardice, and when he was not wounded, he pluck- ad up hope that might see her 8 piece of luck ons falt it entirelv possible that the or- der of his life had changed. Thev wonld have each other always and live to ripe old ages. Their being together now was a new gna greater ecstasy than ithad ever before, for there was not deep in his mind the eternal, haunt- ing fear that oresently he would lose her, They played gavly togeth e8- necially in view of that fact that Marcus could mot get his old job back. She had her job: and thev had monev in the bank. And presently, when things straightened around. he would get a better posi- tion than he'd ever had before be- ease he was an ex-soldier now. ¥ F eigey Sinker ¥ i g ke : fege $52 pil Ez y : : g% & i: sE BEE hat £828 £3 with because he in a position hospital care, a specialist, other refinements of med- ical science that were expensive, he could have saved her. he became conscious of 1 in it, for the peovle in it. for the svs- tem that controlled it—that was like a fever, The unfairness, the callousness, the futility of it. The | utter insouicance of it. facing these terrible thines that went on when it was about enjoying itself. uncon- cerned. Something akin to madness took him. He would hurt it. He wonld somehow mark it and bruise jt. He eves: sweet mouth whimsically turn- would hurt people. He would make | them suffer as he had suffered— these neonle who calmlv bought theatre tickets: arrange’ for reser. At the door that night he said: vations at nicht clubs: flirted. dene. | inferring anvthine. ad expensively, while Lana lav there You don’t look sick. in the hospital morgue and he had id money for a decent funeral for er. Fe took the first position offered A dah melline om = straicht com- The last inh intravert ‘an ta%e n man with a definite feeline af feripritv toward others. toward life, even himself, But the de- fense mechanism to the feeling of inferiority was even more 1 now than the original feeling. He went out to sell and he sold. He went to his p sales where it was impossible to make sales. In- stant recognition came. Because there was nothing to do with the money now, he put it into banks in savings accounts. Promotion followed awed emotion. He was a ‘crew wi an “overriding” commission on what the men under him did. He drove unmereifully, and they hated him; but obfected desperately when cials of the company tried to trans- fer them out from under Marcus Tarrant to some other territory. Then he was sales manager. He gloried in this, Hundreds of men working hard; he getting part of their earnings. Another corporation made him an offer which included a large share of the profits of the concern. He took the position. His investments. because thev had been vredicated uvon the conservatism of hankers rather than the ootimism of secur- itv salesmen. prospered amazineglv. He had gained control of this cen. ond concern easilv. Then there had heen an amalgamation and Marcuse Tarrant found himself onresident of the new, larze, consolidated organ- ization. At 40 a millionaire execu- tive: at 30 a nenniless, jobless man. He lifted his head from his arms, dry eyed, trembling weakly. His eyes sought the photagtaph again. He talked to it softly in a low tone. “What it would have meant to you!” he said, “Trips all over the he | world. Getting up at dawn in Japan, when the che trees are in full bloom. You'd love it. Why, Lana, there isn't anything we couldn't do.” He wanted Lana, that was all He'd turn everything into invest- ments with income and run away somewhere before they all found out what a bluff he was. But there was no place to run. He didn’t want to see anything, do anything. go anywhere. Without the madness of driving energy which had kent him ever busy, the nights would be horrible: the days hardly less bitter. There was a way. he knew, to get out of the office without being seen. He could go out the front 0 AT BE or an unmar e corridor, kr : ev g m as he went. At hor call he felt like a naughty schoolboy escaping from rlasses. At night he walked the streets, During the day he slent fitfullv. héelning to wet sleen bv using a half dozen sedatives. He hired a nurse and instructed her to tell visitore and those who called upon the nhone that he suffered a nervous hrealk- Aown and could see no ope. Beecanee ha was known as a willful man who Ald ae he liked and would he fori. ne at anv interference, thev dared not nrv into his affaire overmunh, He had no friends. Not one. The dave went into waslka: the weeks developed into several months. And then at last one dav he woke to hear hie nurse arenine sharply with snme one in the pext room. a rapneonizad the voire at once TF wae ‘Rtevenson, chairman of tha hanrd, “I'm eoine to mee him,” Steven- son maid. “if T have to use force to oot in there. TI tell wou, woman. it's desnerate: a matter of life and death, practically. I-—" ,Om some impulse. Marcus called ou: “Let him in, Miss Walters.” Stevenson. a man .of .80. Iv heht He was e death. eyes were E on | in. | ts with hate listen, | E120 h Eigt i . Don't you know anything t it at all?” “What makes you think I can us through?” Tarrant asked detached way, You're a business gen- !that makes eve they touch— why, even if you're too sick to | work; if you could just get to the office somehow.—If they all {you were there, taking hold, it {would put new heart into every one. { “You've You're a soldier. If you {anv interest in your own | welfare. Don't you realize | younger key men. like you, have got to fight now as they never haven't lize that if we fail. as it's entire’ 'nossible we will unless a battle is put up in the next | months, it will mean that half a dozen other firms will he affected. | thousands thrown out of work. | “You must trv to null vourself the svnthetic face in the street be- shade becomes worn on the It's war. T tell eon to crinkle in smiles: the haunt- end. | together and fight, vou. And here von lie with | glirht flesh wound. d~v after dav." | “Are vou inferring’ Marcus he- | gan coldlv. {an imnatient eesture. Thera ave | rimors that vou've heen about town iat night. Please, nlease do some- | thing: it not for vourself for oth. break the blow. But now he knew jacket, hat, dress, lora, Yon ean't ha samnletaelr golf. ish a man with vour ahilitv” ™ he down in the wmamine™ [Mavene gaid. tn he wid nf him, That nicht Marene went ont tn well again. Fa wonld have tn fas witerly, now he eow Qt avanenn wonld carrer hanlr the stare thet ha wae not vealluy einl Thay wand a1 harrv him, timer pt af it Widine enmeawrhawa Y Ab thn thine fall: Wie aelvnba wean! Yeannm hime fae TNFa Lair Tra had ecbusnlsr hants ab fav YT ana He turned into Riverside Drive. It would be, he told himself, the last time he'd walk along by the Hud- fTwmnnenita ¥ ab "w Yaad ed, hand in hand. He looked off over Jersey, at the lights whose predication she had loved to guess at. There was a languorous soft- ness in the air, even though it was ter. From somewhere came the ong moan of a steamship’s siren. Lana, somewhere, perhaps knowing. Little Lana, gone west, whom he would never see again. Lana. gone west, and the things that she loved still all here, going on as usual without her. He oretended that she was walking by his side. “Gone west,” he said, musing at the curious thought that he had an- plied a soldierlv term to Lana—so | little like a soldier she had been — ‘A enod soldier. The thought drift. pd through his mind with startline from Lana herself. Marcus trem- bled. It was as though. somehow enide themselves. Presently he found himself on Broadway. He looked into the ed, those faces, curiously strained that Lana did not see these : The uld have hurt her, If they’d only turn to and a again. A country with less natural resources, a nation which was owed money by virtually every other nation on the Slave, a , young, vigorous na ig like this! What rot! With a few strong men at the helm— His footsteps were hurrying south badly. 3 ; -He found himself turning into building that housed his offices. The plant elevator was still in operation. ie upstairs. He had his keys. , He let himself into his of- fice, turne up to his desk. was there. He looked at it long To his horror he the eves.! The same sort of sad- of the crowds upon the streets. Lana's crowds. He looked at his desk. It heaned wi with detail of everv sort. He ex- amined a sales report from the New York State territory and was avpalle He sat down and bur- | faton, perfectly 0 wanlr tn and Tanwa tha alter on intal son, where so often they had walk- distinctness, as though it had come now. she were walking with him. He listened intentlv. in the denthe of his mind. Let his footsteos faces he passed. Curiously depress- and feverish and desperate. He was | A curious ex- nese that he had seen in the eves of both astonished, snapped, without looking crossl | “You, look,” he said, 'got into you, anyway?” The confer- |ence lasted for some time. They out furious with Tarrant, up things as they had not speeded up for months. At least bushel basket full of telegrams Marcus’ office before evening; |e a a: ae ! to most - branch office, a curious change took | place. PI was very hard, Tarrant found in the months to come, to keep from laying off any one to those ‘hopeless ones in the street but he | managed it somehow, At luncheon gr knew each day he met other executives a mistake with navy, from other large firms. He found, to his astonishment, that they were all got to do something. grimly fighting with their backs to as | ‘the wall: and all, apvarently, conscious as’ he was of the woebe- financial that the ®one faces in the streets. Could it be possible, he wondered. that these fought men had anvthing but selfish rea- | ‘before, for others? Don't you real- sons for fighting as thev were fight- | ing now. instead of retiring on their hang, for the want of leadershin? {He found that it was not only pos- gible but indubitablv so. A little, as the months went bv. a oA look began to recede. The end. the roller, hemmed on the and victory. was in sight. Marcus, | pazing longingly at the photogra oh The older man made one afternoon when he dared to take bh “Oh. Tm rnt a few minutes from his work, found | I'm desnerate ‘heat he could contemplate it almost colors in the costume, a safe | with eguanimity. He had always | regretted that they had not had a | child: that might have helped to that she had left him somethine even more substantial than a child. She had left him all of humanitv and the memory of her love for it. As long as he lived. he realized, there ‘would be something to do for Lana, That would make life worth living. i |And he was going to believe—de-. been for spring. | they're no | spite everything he was going to fident now, as against the time of | that meeting. Thev would stand #~vtrm~ together again, hand in hand. mind ‘in mind. heart in heart, soul in soul, and Lana could not fail to be pleased with him.—Jack Woodford | Convright bv Public Ledger. | MANY LAWNS SUFFER FROM BEETLE DAMAGE Many lawns in the area of heavy Japanese beetle infestation are show- ing bare places due to the feeding of the beetle grubs, according to T. L. Guyton, entomologist, bureau of plant industry, Pennsylvania De- partment of Agriculture. These spots usually show up as yellow places and later the grass dies out, he explains. A treatment for such lawns, rec- ommended by the Pennsylvania De- ent of Agriculture and the Uinted States Department of Agri- culture, is the application of pow- dered arsenate of lead at the rate ‘of five pounds to each one thousand square feet of turf. Mixing the arsenate of lead with equal partsor more of tankage or bone meal is | desirable. The application should | be made at once, If uncertain as to the number of beetle grubs which may be in the lawn, it is from one square foot of surface be | turned back and a count made of the grubs under this area. The | grubs will be found in the first two or three inches from the surface. Entomologists state that a heavy (flight of beetles about a premise |last year, may mean a heavily in- |fested lawn this ,. and if a (heavy flight of beetles occurs this |summer, it will be decidedly worth ‘while to make the arsenate of lead | TO SAVE EAR DRUMS | Conservation of ear drums and the part autcmobiles may play in it is the subject of a bulletin issued by W. W. Matthews, deputy com. missioner of motor vehicles. noises on streets w necessary. gears as noiselessly as possible. atch that muffler Stout. Never are for ambulances and fire trucks. “We don't predict that automobile noises will eventually deafen the nevertheless, we are all desirous of retaining as large a part of those sensitive perceptions with which nature has endowed us as we can, and this is just a small contribution to that conservation.” WATERPROOF THE SHELL MATCH BOX The use of an empty 16 gauge shotgun shell slipped into an empty {12 gauge shell is well known. You | can make it “seal” better by pour- |ing melted paraffin inside and out shells. Information of this gort is of value to a : in the woods, who finds it easier to obtain was | shotgun shells than a factory-made th mail. with revorts. |water proof match box, Cocoa butter shells melts at body heat and is the best material for rproofing leather I have used. 1 s Jome a pie tin and melt on a . your boots perfect- pest of the accumu- 8 ye Have r be . riated. Tt was |ly dry and ‘clean, ur it along Rw “hie men | ‘ho seams etter dole And uppers ' with her note book,” y- i “ like a lot | terrents t the sod: | application to the lawn late this . summer or early fall. v Do not look for wrong and evil— You will find them if you do; As you measure for your neighbor . He will measure back to you, Look for goodnes, look for gladness— You will meet them all the while; i If you bring a smiling visage To the glass, you meet a smile. i —Alice Cary. | _—With blue eyes, all shades of ue are appropriate, from ‘navy to light blue, and on . of chicken-livered slackers. What's the fairness of the skin—For vari- lety, choose plain navy. plain vivid blue, and checks. ws and stripes ‘of all sorts in which blue appears. Green may usually be worn with | blue eyes, especially a blue green. The brunette, with brown (and eyes, will choose browns, the dark seal shade | These may run into rusts {and may be used in plain {in combinations. Medium complexions or | types, as those with brown hair | gray-blue-green eyes will ref. | blue-green or gray-green | their clothing, They will not make green or outfits. a wide range of choices from which g giving the outfit the ensemble ef- fect. | ~The too-short window shade is {likely to be pulled off the roller, gigar‘in fortunes an letting the world go from time to time, as some ener- aw | | getic person gives it an extra pull It is well to have the shade longer than the window. ‘This is a con- ‘venience, too. when the window lower It should then be taken off H lend, and reversed. Thus a | will give double service. ~—In this day of contrastin rule | follow when choosing | The shoes usually match |er part of the costume—the n i handbag, ‘or jewelry, But in the case of pastel costume, a beige shoe is ually a good compromise. ~—8heer, lightweight woolens are going to be just as smart for sum- mer suits and dresses as they've They're so sheer, any warmer than silks. Mhava'd he nn mot. believe that some day he would And they take the light pastel tints Tr tha mawnine ho'4 | AZain see Lana. And he felt con- beautifully. —Twenty-five children under 14 years of age were killed in accidents | involv patomabiles last month were in . Benjamin G. , Commissioner of Motor Ve. Bids: hts atiisoisced Of those ve were four of ; or under. years age —Do not mash berries for short- cake. Cut them instead, with a couple of sharp knives. This pre- serves the texture which is one of the pleasant things about berries. ~At last science is making head. way against the moth, that harm- less looking little insect that causes damage to household effects to the tune of $400,000,000 annually. In regard to at least one important fabric, mohair velvet, victory has All fabrics made from animal fiber, which is largely protein, are normally attractive to moths. Ex- ceptional cleanliness, exposure to sunlight and the use of moth de- 2pplieq at home are some- | times, helpful, but the thorough and scientific way to thwart the enemy is for the material to | be permanently mothproofed with chemicals at the mill when it is being made. So successful is this process that mohair velvet, or Yeluio 2s fhe Fick le fabric made rom the 0! e angora t is called. once considered by ig wives as the moth's heaven is now recognized as their Waterloo. It has indisputably been proved that moths will starve themselves to death rath- er than eat mohair velvet that has ok re This feature alone, ities, easy cleaning and luxurious appearance of velmo, recommends it as the ideal fabric for furniture furnishings, ring and plenty of sunlight will tend to uce the breeding haunts of the house moth. Killing the moth on the wing will not any good as by the time it has reached the flying stage it has already de- posited its eggs and is ready for death. It is these eggs larvae mal fibers chemically treated and eat them, -—Glass supports under the legs of the stove or kitchen cabinet will keep them from cutting the lino- leum. ~—If the color of a garment is likely to run, wash and rinse it fap. idly in cool water and dry it quick- ly. —When asparagus is canned, the large tough ends may be used for canned soup instead of being wasted. —Silk and rayon garments should be washed in lukewarm water and dried away from direct heat and sunlight. . —Keep egg custards, flavored with cocoanut, coffee or chocolate, in the refrigerator, for luncheons or late suppers for the children. —8lip covers for upholstered fur- niture of unbleached linen or simi- lar materials help to make the liv- ing room look fresh and cool in summer. —Buttermilk is an excellent sum- mer drink, It has the same food value as skim milk but is more easily digested by some le be- cause the casein is clotted the acid.