EE ————————————— EEE EE EEE Ei ; | CAMPBELL.—Mrs. Edith Patton, HOY.—Miss Mary Wekerle Hoy + Campbell. wife of J. Milo Campbell, passed away at her home on north of Fairbrook, passed away at 11.30 Spring street, at 4:30 o'clock on afternoon, About fifteen COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM HOWARD. AT PENNA STATE COLLEGE MoDo 2 A sexaple copy of the ‘“Watchman'" be sent without cost to applicants. Items taken from the Watchman issue of June 10, 1881. —There were twenty delegates at the “Temperance” convention held in the court house yesterday. It was called for the purpose of nomi- nating a candidate for Associate Judge. Nothing was done, however, because no districts in the county were represented but Bellefonte, Milesburg and Unionville. If there is enough demand the executive committee of the Temperance party was empowered to call another con- vention to nominate a ticket. —According to an ordinance just passed by council and approved by John Powers, chief burgess, it is unlawful “for any non-resident per- son or persons to expose to sale any goods, wares or merchandise of whatsoever kind, either at public auction or outcry or at a fixed price or in any other way, temporarily, without first procuring a license from the chief burgess.” The Ili- cense fee was fixed by the ordinance at $20.00, —Dr. Coolidge, of Scranton, spent a few days in town during the past week. - —June has been extremely wet and cold so far, but everything seems to be growing nicely. —Beezer's distillery has closed | for the present and operations will not be resumed until next fall. f £F i? EEpd Bye g 8 E g fel g gs 18 ; county and her death is universal regret in her home lo- | cality. She is survived by her husband and four children, Mrs. Mildred Black, of Allentown; Charles Hen- ‘ry, Robert Paul and James Milo Campbell Jr., all at home. She also |leaves the following brothers and sisters: Charles E. Patton, in China; Mrs. Helen Hutchinson, of Blooms- /R., in China; Mrs. Gertrude Geist, of Juniata; and Miss Mary E. Pat- ‘ton, of Hollidaysburg. Funeral services were held at her late home, at 10 o'clock Saturday ‘morning, by her pastor, Rev. Charles 'W. Rishel, burial being made in the | Fairbrook cemetery. ‘at her home in Milesburg, at six o'clock on Sunday evening. Along about the Holidays she suffered a stroke of paralysis but had re- covered sufficiently to be up and around. Saturday evening she com- plained of not feeling very well ‘and remained in bed on Sunday morning. At noontime, however, !she ate her dinner but shortly after ‘grew rapidly worse and sank grad- ‘ually until the end. | She was a daughter of John and | Caroline Delaney and was born at | Curtin 77 years ago. The family ‘moved to Milesburg in 1877, and for fifty-four years she had been a resi- dent of that place. She wasa mem- ber of the Catholic church and a i Il : DELANEY, — Miss Mary Anne De- | 'laney passed away, quite suddenly, — Robert Doak went to Snow Splendid woman in every way. Her be Hi r Bigg Bagg i : E g E i | Academy. She was a life-long mem- ber of the Presbyterian church and the Woman's Missionary society and ‘always took an active interest in the work of both until she was ‘stricken by illness. Her death occurred just about two months following that of her sister, Mrs. W. Fred Reynolds. Her only survivors are one sister ‘and two brothers, Miss Anna H. ‘Hoy, of Bellefonte; J. Harris, of Chicago, and Randolph H. of Craf- ton. The latter came to Bellefonte for the funeral which was held at two o'clock yesterday afternoon {from her late home. Rev. W. C. ‘Thompson officiated and burial was made in the Hoy lot in the Union cemetery. fi n FOHRINGER.—Mrs, Eliza Fohr- inger, widow of Robert Fohringer, of Romola, died at the Lock Haven (hospital, on Wednesday morning of |last week. as the result of a broken {hip sustained in a fall almost two months ago. | Her maiden name was Eliza Bow- jer and she was born at Hublers- burg on September 10th, 1846, hence was in her 85th year. When she was quite young her family moved to Romola and that had been her {home ever since. She was a mem- ber of the Reformed church of that place. Her husband died some years ago but surviving her are the following children: Mrs. Annie Fike, of Mill Hall; Jerome Fohringer, of | Johnsonburg; Mrs. Emma Houser, ‘of Snow Shoe; Mrs. Bessie Bowes. ‘time of the various events of Com- mencement week at the Pennsylva- Dr. Kurtz spent several days, last week. in Philadelphia, ye nia State College we publish the complete program as follows: FRIDAY, JUNE 5 7:45 p. m.—Musical Club's cert— Auditorium 9:30 p, m—Fraternity Dances SATURDAY, JUNE 6—ALUMNI DAY 9:00 a. m.—Alumni Golf Tourna- ment—College Course Con- 11:00 a. m.—Election of Trustees: Delegates in Auditorium; Alumni in Old Main 12:00 noon—Alumni Luncheon— Armory 2:00 p. m.—Alumni Council Meet- ing—Little Theatre, Old Main 2:00 p. m—Meeting of the Board of Trustees—Board Room—Old Main 2:30 pp m .—Baseball--Temple Univ. vs. Penn State—New Beaver Field 6:00 p. m.—"“Reely and Truly” by the Penn State Thespians—Auditor- ium. 9:30 p. m.—Fraternity Dances SUNDAY, JUNE 7 9:30 a. m.—Alumni Breakfast “The Nittany Lion" 4:00 p. m.—Baccalaureate Sermon, “Finding Ourselves” by Dr. George A. Butterick, Pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian church, Ncw York City—Auditorium 7.00 p. m.—Concert by the Blue Band and the Penn State Glee Club —Old Main Terrace ALL DAY CLASS REUNIONS MONDAY, JUNE 8 9:00 a, m.——Senior Class Day Ex- ercises— Auditorium 10:45 a. m.—School Receptions to Seniors and Parents 12:15 p. m.—Senate Luncheon to Trustees and Speakers of the Day m—Commencement Pro- 3:15 p. cession (Forms in front of College Library and marches to Recreation Hall led by College Band) 3:45 p. m.—Commencement Exer- cises. Address “The Communication of Ideas” by Dr. David A. Robert- son. President of Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland 7:15 p. m.—“Broken Dishes” by Shoe on Monday to paint, and paper the offices of Berwind, White & Co, in that place. When he is through there he expects to go on out into Burnside township to put some fancy touches on Dr. Stewart's handsome residence. —Port Matilda residents are go- A Ww. thousand plants for himself and neighbors. They say potato bugs don’t bother the sweet potato vine. —The Snow Shoe Coal Co's, big steam saw mill, now operated by P. B. Crider & Son, was totally de- stroyed by fire last Sunday morn- ing. —The school board of Snow Shoe township organized on Monday last by electing W. F. Holt, president; Abel Campbell, secretary, and Pat- rick Kelley, treasurer. Philip Teats, of Altoona, formerly {only survivors are one sister, Miss | Nancy, with whom she lived, and (three nephews, Fred, Harry and John Parks, all of Pittsburgh. | Funeral services were held in St. John's Catholic church, Bellefonte, ‘at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, by Rev, W. E. Downes, burial being il B . PLETCHER.—Mrs, Susan Wyers Pletcher, wife of Charles Pletcher, ‘died at her home in Howard town- ship, on Monday of last week, fol- ‘lowing a lingering illness with tu- berculosd the mountains of Berks county, but failing to respond to the treatment there. returned home and there, sur- rounded by members of her family and friends patiently awaited the time at the Hamburg sanitorium, in ‘of Beech Creek; Robert, of Roches- the Penn State Players—Auditor- (ter, N. Y,; George, of Danville, and ium. Albert, of Orlando, Fla. She also 10:00 p. m. to 10:45 p. m—Com- leaves two brothers and one sister, mencement Reception for Facuily, Daniel Bower, of Hublersburg; John. Seniors, Juniors, Candidates for ad- of Dunbar, Pa. and Mrs. Alice vanced Degrees and Guests-—Re- Simanau, of Charlevoix, Mich. Her creation Hall ‘survivors also include 29 grand- 10:45 p. m. to 2:00 a, m.—Com- children, 27 great grand-children mencement Dance—Recreation Hall. and four great, great grand-chil- dren. Funeral services were held atthe | Fike home, at Mill Hall, at9 o'clock (on Sunday morning, after which {burial was made at Romola. : { n ERTLEY,—George A. Ertley, well (known farmer of Jacksonville, |died last Friday morning, following |an illness of some months with a | complication of ailments. He was a son of Enos and Mar. DR KILPATRICK TO TALK TO LADIES ON GARDENS The June meeting of the Garden (club will be held at the home of | Mrs. George Beezer, on Curtin St. ‘on Wednesday, June 10th, at 3 P. M. If members have any extra seedlings, they are asked to take them for distribution; as well as cut flowers for display and award of prizes. If possible these flowers bow of this place, and brother of Harry inevitable end, which came peace- Teats, died on Wednesday last. His fully on the morning of May 25th. remains were brought to Unionville for interment yesterday, ~—Rain, rain, rain; nothing but rain all week and only occasional streaks of sunshine. —The Legislature has dissolved the old judicial district which com- prised Clearfield. Centre and Clinton counties and hereafter Centre and Mifflin will form the district over which Judge Orvis will preside. —Howard Spangler and Mike | Her maiden name was Susan Wyers and she was born in Ohio 46 years ago. All her married life, however. had been spent in Bald Eagle valley. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and ‘two sons, Miss Evelyn, Mrs. Norma | Fetters, Melvin and Stewart Pletch- ‘er; also her mother, Mrs. Lydia Wyers and two sisters. She wasa member of the P. O. of A, which garet Ertley and was born at Jacksonville on June 17th, 1856 hence was almost 75 years old. He followed blacksmithing for a long time and for a number of yearshad (charge of the shop at Scotia when ‘the ore mines there were in opera- tion. When they closed he returned | to Jacksonville. He married Miss ‘Jacksonville. He married Miss Mary A. Kling who survives with the following children: Guyer G. should be at Mrs. Beezer's at one o'clock. Dr. W. J. Kurtz recent! pur- chased a Buick coupe. y Mrs. Briggs Kingsley is a surgi- cal t in th hospital. ®. Centrs...Couiiy Miss Jennie Holter, of Williams- port, spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. Chester Caseman, of Water- ville, was a week-end guest of Miss her her and some friends on an tomobile drive. In some way the woman lost control of the! car which crashed into a telephone pole at the side of the road. The did not upset but Mrs, Rees was thrown violently against the front of the car and sustained in- juries which resulted in her death. Miss Margaret was also injured, but so far as can be learned, not seri- ously. Mrs. Rees was a daughter of Wil- liam and Margaret Donley and was born in Philipsburg about 45 years ago. From Philipsburg the family moved to Patton and it was there she met and married William Rees, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wash Rees, of Bellefonte. Some twelve or more years ago they moved to Indiana. Pa., and that had been their home since. Mrs, Rees was quite well known in Bellefonte through her frequent visits at the Rees home here. . Mr. and Mrs. Stutzman, of Wil- liamsport, called on the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. S. I. Reber. Mrs. Nelle Watt, of Williamsport, spent the week-end with her moth- er, Mrs, Mary DeHaas. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Holter, of Lewisburg, were guests at the home of P. C. and D. A. Holter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warg and son Thurlow, of Philadelphia, visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Smith. Mrs. D. M, Waite and daughter Caroline, of Tyrone. spent several Jye with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Con- er. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wagner, of She is survived by her husband Ephrata, spent the week-end at the and one daughter, Miss Margaret. home of Mr. Wagner's parents, Mr. She was a member of the Catholic and Mrs, John Wagner. church and funeral mass was held Dr. and Mrs. William Hensyl and at Indiana, yesterday morning, af- family, of Berwick, are visiting the ter which the remains were brought formers sisters, Mrs. W. J. Kurtz to Bellefonte by auto hearse and rs. William Weber. buried in the Rees lot, in the Union ne and ph , ed e Semetery, at two o'clock in the af | Johnson spent several days in Erie, , the guests of Mrs. Ellen Rumberger. . Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bennett and PHILIPSBURG MAN KILLED daughter: Romeo of melt. ane IN FALL FROM TRUCK. spent several days with Mrs. Ben. So — nett’s mother, Mrs, A. M. Butler. Charles E. Squires, of North Phil-| The Senio : \ipsburg, was fatally injured in a r class of the local High | ‘school left, W fal from a lumber truck, on Wed | pon for tars Snead Harris iy hd nesday morning of last week, and adelphia, Baltimore, Washington and died while being taken to the Philips- Gettysburg. 'burg State hospital. Squires, a Prof. Lloyd Kemp, who has been (carpenter by occupation, had been assistant principal of the High ‘engaged in tearing down several School for the past two years, was ‘houses at New Liberty. Paul Mc- recently elected principal for the Dowell. of Hawk Run, was hauling | : 'the lumber from New Liberty to! Philipsburg. Unknown to McDow- Barbara and Doris, of | Clearfield. (ell, Squires jumped on a load of home of Mrs TAY. Bl She lumber for a ride to Philipsburg, A. M. Butler. : He fell off and sustained a badly Mr. and e Heastured sical). Mrs. Herman Johnson : and Mr, Hubert V Squires was almost fifty years old mich. spent a, With ut ‘and unmarried. He is survived by Hubert Vonada and children, at the ‘his mother, Mrs. Catherine Squires, home of Mrs. Vonada's parents, Mr. four brothers and three sisters. The and Mrs. Harry Butler. funeral was held on Saturday after- Mrs. George Robb and Mrs. Clara noon burial being made in the Phil- Hicks. of Altoona, and Prof. and ipsburg cemetery. Mrs. Eugene Robb, of Bedford, call- 3 open Xi tne” Mn 'BIGLER CHILD FATALLY |W. K. McDowell, on Saturday. + INJURED BY LOCOMOTIVE Miss Mary Weber, who taught in the schools of Somerset the Ethel Louise Washburn, two year year, spent Wednesday at her wd ‘old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. here, leaving Thursday morning for Washburn, of Bigler, Clearfield coun- Peterboro. N. H., where she will ‘ty, while playing on the railroad teach in a summer camp during the ‘tracks near her home was struck month of June. ‘by the locomotive of a passenger _ Mrs, Clara Hicks and Mrs. Cora train, at 10 o'clock Friday morning, Robb, of Altoona, Mrs. Isaac Corn- thrown from the tracks and injured so bady that she died while being taken to a physician's office. The little girl's brother, Earl Washburn, attempted to rescue his sister as he saw the train round a curve, He ‘caught her dress in an effort’ ‘to pull her from the track but Garden problems presented i n query form are in order for the Question Box. At 4 P. M. Dr. J. J, Kilpatrick will give an informal talk on his own experiences in gardening. All interested in joining the club are invited to attend. was unable to stop the train in the short distance he had after round- well and Miss Nellie Kline, of Wil- liamsport; Mrs. Richard McNalley, of Atco, N. J, and Mrs. H. T. Mc- Dowell have recently had a mem- orial stone placed on the family plot, in the Methodist cemetery, for their brother, Eugene Kline, who was fatally injured in an automo- bile accident near his home in Ne- his hold slipped. The engineer b ~———Another restaurant is to be Cooney are down on the Bald Eagle Organization had charge of the fu- on Reine ow on th Before go- neral services held in the Baptist ing they promised the writer a mess church, at Milesburg, last Thursday of fish, so we are praying that good afternoon, interment being made in luck will be their lot. the Schenck cemetery, at Howard. —Chas. Brown has his vegetable i i and fruit market in the old Linn [yMEL. building, corner of High and Spring streets, where Agnew’s tobacco shop was recently located. The room in| gusstiolis the i by Dr. Linn as study there many a good old orthodox Presbyterian aye of uraemic poisoning, following mon was prepared. ‘about eighteen hour's illness. —Miss Mame Tripple, daughter of She was a daughter of Mr. and W. S. Tripple Esq., of Spring street, Mrs. Charles Weader and was born is an accomplished pianist, and al- at Farmer's Mills 25 years ago. She though quite young, has become a married Mr. Immel about five years music teacher. She has quite 8 ago and since then had beeén a resi- class under her instruction. I roomas Hull of Aaronsbur. per of the Lutheran church at Cen- fell the scaffold around the tre Hall. In addition to her husband new Evangelical church there and injured himself severely. she is survived by a three year old i y son, Paul Jr, She also leaves her —Geo. McG h : i and WP. Dunes’ of Philipsburg, father, now living in Bellefonte. one were in Bellefonte on Monday to in- brother and a sister, Joseph and spect our water works. Philips- Virginia Weader, both of Linden burg citizens have raised $30,000 Hall. and are going to have a modern Funeral services will be held at water supply. ‘her late home, in Bush's Addition, —The long talked of wedding be- at one o'clock this (Friday) after- tween is, Theodtie Gorden 5 und ‘noon, after which the remains will ss Esther was celebrated ye taken to Fa Mills for bur- at the residence of the bride's par- | jo | og eS ar x r ents last Thursday evening, after| 3} in the cemetery at that place. which the happy couple departed for a honey moon at the seaside. | ol —Montgomery Brewer was found | -'¢ dead in the hay mow of the Lloyd the Pennsylvania railroad between house barn, in Philipsburg, last Bellefonte and Milesburg, died quite Monday morning. He had been suddenly at his home in Milesburg, Immel, wife of Paul R. Immel, of Bellefonte, passed away at the Cen- tre County hospital, at 5:25 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, as the result il —Mrs. Rosie Elizabeth dent of Bellefonte, She was a mem- il I SHROYER.— William Shroyer, known track walker on drinking and it is supposed he crawled up there to sleep it off, but never wakened up. ——At the crippled children’s clinic at the Philipsburg State hos- pital, last Thursday. thirty-seven children were given re-examinations, seven new cases were examined, three operations performed and six cast cases given treatment. Most of the cases were from Philipsburg, Bellefonte and vicinities. Clearfield county cases will be given attention at the next clinic. at 6 o'clock on Monday evening, as the result of a heart attack. He was a son of Emanuel and Mary Shroyer and was born in | Milesburg 63 years ago. He had worked for the Pennsylvania Rail- road company all his life. He married Mrs. Catherine Emen- hizer who survives with one broth- er, Samuel Shroyer, in the South, and three step-sons, Charles, Alfred and Milton Emenhizer, all of Miles- burg. Mr. r was affiliated with the Methodist church and ‘was a good etitizen in every way. Ertley, of Jacksonville; Mrs. Walter TWO WEDDINGS HELD Daley, of Altoona; Paul C. and IN THE COURT HOUSE. Deemer P., at home. He also Eo On Wednesday afternoon Orrin leaves one brother and two. sisters, .., 3. "oq Miss Aline Huke, Strunk Rey ud Mrg, both instructors at State College, "Tate rtland Ohio ‘came to Bellefonte, took out a Alwar » of Co y ¢ | marriage license, and going to the He was a member of the Reform- | had ed church. of Jacksonville, where ‘Prary the wedding ceremony ? performed by Rev. W. C. Thompson. funeral services were held at 2.30 Geral Bilger aud o'clock on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. | Misses dine Rowena Harry Hartman, burial being made | Crawshaw were the official witness- I Jo Jkaaviie oman. On Tuesday Harold A. Moyer and FULTZ —Mrs. Annie Frances Miss Anne J. Stover, both of Wad- [Fultz died at her home at Wood- dle, were married in the vault, at ‘ward, on Monday evening of last the register's office, by justice of week. following a fortnight's illness the peace Charles Slack, of Centre with complications resulting from Hall an attack of grip. She was a daughter of William Cooper—Furey—A fashionable ‘and Mary Emerick Smith and was event in Pittsburgh society was the ‘born at Farmers Mills on July 17th, Wedding, on Monday, of Miss Vir- 11881, making her age 49 years, 10 ginia English Furey, daughter of ‘months and 8 days. She is sur. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris Furey. vived by her husband, one brother and David Alexander Cooper, of and a sister, Albert H. Smith, of Philadelphia. The ceremony took Williamsport, and Mrs. Edward J. place in the Shadyside Morrison, of Cedar Run. ‘church and was performed by Rev. She was a member of the Luth- Dr. Hugh Thomson Kerr. There eran church and Rev. L. V, Lesher were sixteen attendants. including ‘had charge of the funeral services the matron of honor, maid of honor, ‘which were held in the Evangelical bridesmaids, best man and ushers. | church, at Woodward, last Thursday | | Woodward cemetery. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. it i | Cooper will be at home at Alden | MEYERS.—Mrs. Jennie Margaret Park manor, Germantown, | Meyers, wife of John J. Meyers, |died at her home, at State College, The baby clinic, which has been on Tuesday morning of last week, held in Bellefonte every Friday, has following a lingering illness. Her been discontinued until further no- maiden name was Jennie Probst and tice. she was born at Jersey Shore over | SOHAL ahi member at Sate by her Ho. SHO Ja" Sur | pleuro-pneumonia. He was a na- A reception at the Longue Vue morning, burial being made in the Country club followed the ceremony. children, Earl E., Edna and Blanche, | all of State College. She also leaves one brother, L. E. Probst, of Jersey Shore. Burial was made in | the Pine Hall cemetery last Thurs- | day afternoon. | | ACKER —Abner H, "Acker, of | Boslsburg, died on Sunday, May 24th, as the result of an attack of tive of Haines township and was 75 ing the curve. opened in the Crider Exchange building, in the room formerly oc- cupied by the Governor Cafe. CLARENCE WOMAN INJURED BY PLANE. | Mrs. Elizabeth Pachipko, a crip- pled woman of Clarence, was seri- ‘ously injured, on Monday evening, ‘a landing on the government emer- 10:30, Morning worship with ser- gency field at Snow Shoe. She was mon, “Fruit Aid ‘struck on the back of the head by 6:45, Christian Endeavor. |the lower wing of the plane, in 7:30. Ein ip with ser-- ‘which her 18- -0ld son Philip mon, “Distur Dreams.” wae 3 passengee P A. Ward Campbell, Minister. | In making a landing Carrol Mc- gy jouN's EPISCOPAL CHURCH. |Queigh, of Philadelphia, instructor ... poy Eucharist will be cele- of aviation at State College, the , ,10q at 11 a. m., Sunday, by the pilot, was forced to allow his plane poy Edward M, Frear, of State to taxi toward a crowd standing on College. Church school will be (the field. Mrs. Pachipko’'s infirm- held at 9.45 a. m. No other services. ‘ities prevented her from fleeing ADVENT CHURCH. ‘with the others. |. The airplane - belonged to. Orvis | Rev. Ropert McCay and Rev. Gillette, Snow Shoe, whom Mc- 'aggoner, missionaries i ’ visi ’ will speak in the Advent church 'Queigh was visiting. Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, | It is said that the accident Was ang in the Dix Run Baptist church unavoidable. The skillful piloting in the evening at 7:30. Everybody by McQueigh, in attempting to di- invited and urged to share in the vert the course of the plane from benefits of the services. (the crowd, is reported by witnesses | — ,yu,.p ppETHREN CHURCH. [io ave Pievented.. the’: injiry of | Sunday School at 9.30 a. m, R. R. 5Mrs, Pechioho was rushed to the Davison, Rap. 10 and 7.30 Philipsburg State hospital in an anal bw Bs : automobile. Morning subject, “The Believers Attaches at the hospital report Position in Christ.” her condition as unfavorable. Itis Evening subject, “The Inscription ‘believed that she sustained a frac- of the Scriptures.” tured skull, internal injuries and a Brotherhood Monday at 7.30. tured lung. Prayer and Bible study Wednes- we day evening at 7.30. ller—Borches | Junior Endeavor Sat. at 3 o'clock. Spi A wedding that | al music by the choir at all EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 9:15, Sunday school, Wm. M. Os- © will be of interest to a number of preaching services. Bellefonte people was that at Knox- The Men's chorus will sing at the |ville, Tenn., on April 18th, of Mrs, Sunday evening service. years old. He is survived by one Mary Jackson Borches and Frank daughter, Mrs. Ray Strickler, who M. Spiller. Mrs, Borches was a half made her home with him at Boals- sister of the late Mrs. Wilbur F. burg. He also leaves one brother Reeder and for a number of years and a sister. Howard E. Acker, of made her home with the Reeders, in Aaronsburg, and Mrs. Emma Beav- |Bellefonte. It was at their home er, of Williamsport, Burial was she was married to Joseph Borches, made at Boalsburg on Wednesday of Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Borches died | morning of last week. several vears ago, i i Rev. G. E. Householder, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. 9:30 A. M.,, Church school, Her- man Hazel, superintendent. 10.45 A. M., Morning service; ser. mon: “Self and Others.” 7:30 P. M., Vesper service; ser- mon: “Afraid of God?” Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers