Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1931, Image 8
Bellefonte, Fa. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——After having been closed for two weeks operations at the Chemi- «cal Lime and Stone plant were re- ‘sumed last Friday. ——Mrs. Krader has left Petrikin Hall and gone back to the Harter ‘apartments, where she had lived ‘for a number of years. —-—The Bellefonte curb market “will open on Saturday, June 6th, ac- | i | Southwest of Greensvalley. i — | Mail pilot James D. Cleveland, 'more familiarly known among flying craft as “Jimmie,” was | stantly killed, Sa (to top Nittany mountain and his i ‘and completely destroyed the plane 'and it's entire cargo of mail and ex: | press. | Cleveland left New York at 10.30 | Flew Into Top of Nittany Mountain May 29, 1831. night, when larceny | body was burned beyond recognition in a fire which followed the crash receiving stolen goods, also won a MAY COURT SESSIONS quarter sessions court, last Johnstonbaugh was found preferred by a given the usual sen- in such cases. W. J. Walker , indicted for information preferred by county detective Boden, was nol pros- sed upon the payment of the costs. Mary Hockenberry, indicted for nol pros upon the payment of the ‘costs. When court convened on Monday | morning a continuance was granted cording to truck gardeners who ex- o'clock Saturday night, fifty minutes in the Kato Coal company vs. the ‘pect to be here bright and early that late, with a cargo of 1167 pounds, New York Central Railroad com. morning. | which included four small express pany, and Ralph A. Smith vs. the — Ask for Blanche's potato chips, packages, He passed over Winkle- same, both being actions to recover you will know them by the size of blech at 12.40 o'clock, and the report alleged damages on account of for- ‘the package also by their quality. there was that a light mist was fall- est fires. “Telephone 323) at once for some ing. Instead of continuing on his Settlement was announced in the for over Sunday. ——The Forrest Tanner family are moving from their home on Spring street into the old MacManus prop- erty, corner of Allegheny and How- ard, which they recently purchased and restored with such good taste. ——Denzel Collins, who gave his Jbome as State College, was arrested in Clearfield, last Thursday, on the charge of illegal transportation of liquor. When arrested a five gal- Jon can of alleged alcohol was found in his car. ———The Bellefonte camp P. OQ, S. -of A., No. 887, having been invited to take part in the Memorial day “parade in Bellefonte tomorrow, all mmembers are requested to meet at the Camp hall, on High street, at <gpne o'clock p. m. Commandery men “who have uniforms are requested to “wear them, with side arms. -——Competition in the green gro- «gery business in Bellefonte has be- “come so acute that Paul W. Emerick, “who has been in business in the “Decker building, on High street, the past two or three years, closed his < store, last week, declaring that he “will wait until the business condition improves then open up again. The first tarantula ever to have been found in Bellefonte was taken from a bunch of bananas that were hanging in front of Carpe- neto's fruit store yesterday morn- ing. They are very deadly and it ‘is very rarely that one is captured in this country. A crowd of near- ‘ly a hundred people gathered in “front of the store to see it captured. Mrs. Lief Olsen entertained at ‘dinner, Wednesday evening, eight :@choolmates of her daughter Ruth, “in celebration of the latter's eighth "birthday anniversary, She was as- ‘sisted by Miss Hilda Leathers, teach- er of the second grade school. The | guests included Emma Lou Craig, Joyce Marie Jones. Jeannette Mec- ‘@Ginley, Sarah Bryan, Charlotte Gor- ~don, Mary Ann Cherry, Violet Olsen and shortly after five o'clock located | ‘and Helen Olsen. -——Four policemen and five other | Small circle around its location they | “residents of Lock Haven are under Were able to indicate to Olsen and ‘bond to appear before United States commissioner Charles Williams, at " Williamsport, next Monday, to an- “swer to charges of conspiracy to vio- ‘late the prohibition laws. The po- licemen are Martin J, Peters, Wil- “fiam T. Devling, George R. Webb sand Robert W. Probst, all of whom ‘are under $3000 bond. The others “mare Simon Zimmerman, wholesale ‘candy dealer under $5000 bond; Ar- ‘«ghie Mace, W. W. Miller and Russell Barter, members of the Harmonic enlub, under $2000 bail each. : ~--"The parish house of St. John's - Episcopal church was crowded “the doors, Wednesday evening, to of St. Mary's Guild. It consisted of regular course, over Brush moun- /tain and Brush valley and crossing | Nittany mountain near the Hecla | gap, Cleveland flew up Penns valley and attempted to cross the mountain to the Bellefonte aviation field. At {that time weather bureau officials at the field report that there was an {ample cloud ceiling and range of five miles visibility. Whether his plane had become ice-coated from the misty rain he (had flown through, or whatever the | cause, the pilot failed to obtain suf- | ficient altitude and right on top of |the mountain his plane cut a swath | through the tops of the small trees |for a distance of a hundred feet, finally tearing off the wings and the | disabled ship hurtled to the ground ‘against the trunks of three small trees. The motor was wrenched from its fastenings and came to rest some ten or twelve feet away. The gasoline tank was crushed and the ‘liquid fuel burst into flames immedi- ‘ately. Employees at the field were on {watch for the plane and saw the ilight of the burning ship but be- {lieved it to be flares the pilot had |dropped in an effort to locate his | whereabouts. Shortly after, how- ever, a call from the Millheim ex- ‘change to the field conveyed the in- formation that a young school teach- er of that place, who had been up the valley on a motor trip, had re- { | the valley, heard a crash on the {mountain and almost immediately saw the flare of a bright light. As it was impossible to make a ‘search of the mountains during the night officials at the field could do | nothing, but with the first streaks of |dawn Edward Olsen and Daniel | Miller, the latter of the weather bu- | |reau, went into Greensvalley by | automobile while pilots Sampson and Hudson, who were in Bellefonte on 'a lay over because of weather con- | ditions, went up by plane to search the mountain top. They flew low | the wrecked plane. By flying in a |Mtthee: where it was, and it was just 5:30 o'clock when they reached the wreck, and saw, with dismay, the havoc wrought by the ‘the crash. The metal frame of | ported hearing the plane pass over case of Henry Brown vs. Harry | Abramson, an appeal. The first case called for trial was that of John O. Todd and Evelyn M. | Todd, in their own right, and Hazel Christine Todd, by her parents and ‘next friends, John O, Todd and Eve- {lyn M. Todd, vs, F, W. Hoffman, be- ing an action to collect damages for ‘injuries sustained by Hazel Todd who was hit by defendant's automobile in Port Matilda on August 2nd, 1928. The case was tried at the February term of court but was de- clared a mistrial when N. B. Spang- ler, one of the attorneys for the plaintiff, named the amount of dam- ages that should be given in his ‘plea to the jury. The jury at this ‘trial awarded the father and mother $200 and the little girl $300. In the case of Fanny Graham Uz- zle, executrix of the last will and testament of George B. Uzzle, late ‘of Snow Shoe, vs. George J. Kachik and John M. Kachik, an action to recover on a book account, no de- fense was offered and the jury re- turned a verdict in favor of the | plaintiff for $4657.07. i ‘recover on a book acount was that of W. F. Bradford, J. W. Bradford jand V. A. Auman, trading and do- |ing business as Bradford & Co., vs. ‘Raymond Walker. Verdict in favor of the plaintiffs for $518.02. Another action in assumpsit to! pany vs, Alexander C. Bailey and Lewis Stein, trading as Bailey and | Stein, being an action in assumpsit, | continued for the purpose of taking ‘deposition of witnesses out of the | State. GREGORY BROTHERS WIN OVER PEOPLE'S NATIONAL Judge M. Ward Fleming handed down a decision in the case of Greg- ory Bros, vs. The People’s National Bank, of State College, in which he affirmed the verdict of the jury, re- fused a new trial and entered judg- ment in favor of the plaintiffs for the full amount of the verdict rendered. The case was tried at the Novem- ber term of court, 1980, and was based on the liability of a note for $2500. John B. Marinos, a candy deal- i i Standard Accident Insurance com- | | OF BELLEFONTE SCHOOLS. | The commencement events in con- | nection with the close of the Belle- | fonte High and grade schools for [t* e year 1931 will begin with ‘the baccalaurate sermon in the Pres- 'byterian church Sunday evening, at /7.30 o'clock. Rev. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, of the Methodist church, will ‘deliver the message to the sixty or ‘more members of the graduating ‘class. A select choir of grade chil- dren will furnish the music, with ‘Miss Rachel Shuey as organist. On Monday evening the annual ‘Junior declamatory contest for the | Col. W. Fred Reynolds prizes will be ‘held in the High school auditorium. | The judges will be Rev. Clarence E, | Arnold, James R. Hughes and Philip 'H. Johnston. The contestants and their subjects will be as follows: Chariot Race from Ben Hur... Wallace Walter Smith Martha Brugger The Tell-Tale HEA mmm Poe Joseph Meyers Gettysburg Singmaster Pliny at Pompolieesoc nme PHOY 1 Annette Decker Michael Strogoff, Courier to the Czar Lee Alexander Verne How I found America... Yezierska Eleanor Johnson Soul of the Violin..........Anonymous Samuel Noll Swan Song .......cmoe- ANONYMOUS Martha Walker The usual 15 cents admission charge will prevail for the above contest. On Thursday, June 4, at 10 A. M,, ‘the grade children from the Bishop, | Allegheny and Dale buildings will give their “last day play” at the Richelieu theatre. The presenta. (tion this year will be a review of the high spots of the year’s produc- tion. The first four grades will be seen in a beautiful woodland sketch in (which the “Pixies” and their re- !cruits save the woodland folks from /their enemies, the ‘“Hobgoblins.” | Fifth and sixth grade girls will | present a cutting of the beautiful Japanese operetta, “Search for the | Wing-Wong Jar,” given last Febru- ary; the boys of these grades will ibe seen in “The Pirate's Umbrella.” | Seventh and eighth grades will re- peat in part the beautiful operet- Ha “The Caravan” as heard in March, Interesting specialties will be heard between acts so that an hour and a half's solid performance is promised. Price of admission will be 15¢ to all. In the afternoon of June 4th, at 2:15, the Seniors will present the three act comedy, “Blind Dates.” mencement week and it is hoped that it will become an annual af- fair. It also will be held in the Richelieu theatre. Admission price for this will be 10c for children, 25¢ for High school students and adults. On Thursday, at 8:15, the final commencement exercises of the class of 1931 will be held, at which time Dr. Charles C. Ellis, president of Juniata College, will deliver the ad- dress. Dr. Melvin Locke, president | i fire following © Of Sunbury, wanted $2500 and was of the board, will present the diplo- | the accompanied to the bank by one mag to the graduates and award the | /fusilage was all that remained of ©f the Gregory brothers to negotiate ‘that part of the ship, and it was 2 loan. The bank refused to loan the = There is an unusually fine exhibit ‘warped and twisted. The pilot's badly charred body was lying onit's left side in such a position as to ‘show that he had not been catapult- 10an was made in that way with the understanding that the bank prompt- Had the ship Marinos in Northumberland ‘been twenty feet higher in the air county. This the bank failed to do. ed out of the ship. Pieces of the broken wings were sca in various directions. | { ‘of the woods it had to be carried ‘money to Marinos but agreed to loan it to the Gregory Bros. and e ‘Marinos as endorser on the note. The it would have topped all the trees Marinos failed in the payment of the to and crossed in safety. : Funeral director E. E. Widdowson the bank charged the note up against “see the first of a series of entertain- brought the pilot's charred remains the Gregory Bros. The latter brought | ‘ments to be given under the auspices to Bellefonte. To get the body out Suit to recover the value of the note ‘note and also failed in business and ‘with interest and the jury returneda ‘Hving models of famous paintings almost two miles to a fire road run- verdict in their favor for $3130.94. ‘and was conceived and put on by - Misses Mame and Blanche McGarvey. ‘The settings were very artistic and “the entire conception so true to his- “tory Jot no newspaper description ‘an do it justice. Every person ~Who posed took their part splendidly but fhe credit for the success of the “entertainment belongs to the Misses ‘McGarvey. ——While the Misses Dorothy 'Coxey, Lelia Jodon, Dorothy Lewis ‘and Mabel Watson were in their “Places in the choir loft of the Belie- ‘fonte Lutheran church, last Sunday “@vening, someone sneaked into the ‘Sunday school room and took their :purses, which they had left there *wwith their wraps. The thief didn't f8et much money, but he caused a “fot of trouble because three of the ‘young women's drivers license cards “were in their purses. Miss Coxey “ad also locked her car upon arrival + at the church and had considerable “difficulty in locating a duplicate key #80 that she could get into it again. ~ ——C. A. Krape, the former Spring ‘Mills merchant who was sentenced “for arson two weeks ago, spent only cone week as an inmate of the western “penitentiary at Pittsburgh, having “been brought back to Rockview, last “Saturday, as one of a carload of * prisoners transferred to that institu- “tion. At Rockview he has been ‘made a “runner” to carry messages “between the cell block and business ‘offices to the merit building. He ‘wnakes two trips a day, one in the ‘morning and one in the afternoon, ‘and being on his honor is not ac- “companied by or kept under surveil- “lance of a guard, He is apparently “cheerful and is the best “possible of his brief term of confine. “zment. ning up the mountain from the dam in Greensvalley. Coroner W, R. Hea- ton had been notified of the disaster ‘and came to Bellefonte from his {home in Philipsburg. A coroner's inquest to determine the exact cause of the pilot's death was held in the Widdowson morgue at 1.30 o'clock. The jury was composed of John M. Fleming, George and Charles Clellan, O. B. Malin, Charles Mensch, Jr. and C. L. Gates. A thorough |examination of the remains showed that the left side of the pilot's skull was crushed just back of the left temple, evidence that he was instant- ly killed in the crash and not burn- ed to death. National Air Transport of- New York, Cleveland and Harris- burg. Of the 1167 pounds of mail and express only one letter was found anyways near Intact. Just how valuable the cargo of mail was cannot be told at this time, and it may be several weeks before any- thing near a correct computation can be made. The accident was the first fatal one that has happend near Belle- fonte since Charles H. Ames flew to his death on Nittany mountain, about four miles east of where Cleveland was killed, on October 1st, 1925, and it is the first in this immediate vi- cinity since the National Air Trans- port has had the contract for carry- ing the airmail. | Cleveland, Ohio, He was 24 years old and had been in the flying serv- ice ever since he was sixteen years old. He had been on the New York to Cleveland route about eighteen months. He was unmarried but leaves his mother and two sisters. ficials flew here from Cleveland, and | | postal inspectors came here from Pilot Cleveland was a native of i | ——Thus far in May the U. 8S. | Weather bureau at the air field re- | ports that we have had rainfall | totaling 6.87 inches. The normal annual rainfall in this section is 142.3 inches. That would be 3.52 | inches per month which would make |it appear that this May has increas- ed her precipitation by nearly 100%. Such calculation would be based on a wrong premise, however, since the spring months always do give the greatest rainfalls, while others give very little, We have been unable to find out just what is the normal rainfall in this section for May. MEMORIAL DAY FLOWERS The Annual Memorial day sale of plants and cut flowers is now being held at George Miller's hardware store. 21-2t i § | ——Two prisoners were reported to have escaped from Rockview pen- itentiary, last Friday, but were later found in hiding under the hay at one of the barns. lot work in manual training this year, | which may be seen at any time dur- ling the week, OVER AIRMAIL ROUTE. In the thirteen years that Belle- fonte has been a regular station on the trans.continental airmail route Centre countains have seen many airplanes come and go, but never have they seen such an armada of bombers, scout ships, pursuit planes, Etc., as that of last Friday, when government ships to the number of 154 flew over Bellefonte enroute to New York. shortly after eleven o'clock. There were six groups with a total of 97 planes. Some time later eight more passed over. About two o'clock in the afternoon 37 bombers in one group flew east at fairly low alti- tude. Some time afterwards six ships followed. Single planes pass- ed over during the day making the total 154. Only two of the ships landed at the Bellefonte field, the others making the through flight without a stop. | ——From our friend, David J. Kel. ly, of Greer, West Virginia, we have received word that his employer, Herbert C. Greer, with his wife and daughter, Miss Jane will sail from New York, Saturday, on a tour of Europe; and further, that Mrs. Greer has been selected as one of thirty- two American women suggested by Ambassador Charles G. Dawes for presentation to their Majesties King George and Queen Mary, at the Court of St. James, So far as Mr. Kelly is concerned we presume heis so busy looking after the interests of the Greer Limestone company that if the King and Queen want to see him they'll have to come to America. ——A festival will be held in Noll's grove, Pleasant Gap, tomor- row (Memorial day) afternoon and evening, for the benefit of the Meth- odist church at that place. Wetzler's Boy's band, of Milesburg, will fur- nish the music during the evening. The public is invited. IF Harris Jr., of Altoona. This will be a new feature of com. The first of the ships passed over | —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGowan have had as a house guest this week, Mrs, Helen Pierson, of Philadelphia. —Mrs. H. E. Fenlon and Miss Stella Cooney arrived home, Wednesday of last week, from a month's stay in Atlantic City. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffer and their children, will spend the week-end at Valley Forge, visiting with Mr, Hoffer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Hoffer. ~—Mrs. Emma Bathgate returned to her home at Lemont, a week ago, after a two month's visit with her daughters, in Philadelphia and Cedar Crest, Maryland. —Among the week's visitors to Wash- ington from this locality, was Mrs, E. A. Wagner, of Bellefonte, who while there, was a guest at the Dodge hotel, near the Capitol. —Miss Ruth Garman will come over from Brooklyn, Tuesday of next week, for a three weeks visit in Bellefonte | other relatives. —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman and | their daughter, Betty, will drive in from [Clarion to spend Memorial day here | with Mrs. Bowman's parents, Mr. and | Mrs. A. F. Landis. —Robert Willard is anticipating a visit | to Pittsburgh, next week, expecting to days with Willard family, who [live in that locality. | —Anne Dale, who arrived home this | week from Washington, will leave early to-morrow with her mother, Mrs. David |drive out to spend several | members of the | Dale, to spend Sunday with Mrs. Dale's | brother, Judge Donald McPherson and 'his family, in Gettysburg. —Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoy's guests | this week have included their daughter, | Mrs. Vincent Stevens and her two chil- |dren, of Ridgway; Miss Margaret Mor- gan, of Snow Shoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kimberly, of New Jersey. —Mr, and Mrs. Orin Ishler, of New | Castle, motored to Bellefonte, on Satur- day, and spent Sunday here with Mr. | tshler’'s sister, Mrs. D. Paul Fortney. | They brought David Fortney, who had | been visiting them, back to his home | here. | —Miss Helen Harris, an instructor in | the schools of Altoona, was here for an | over Sunday visit with her aunt, Mrs. | Frank Warfleld, of the Petrikin hall |apertments. Miss Harris is the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John —Mrs. Joseph Landis and her son “Bobbie,” left, Saturday, for Mrs. Lan- |dis' former home at Hickory, N. C., | where they anticipate spending two or three months, The Landis family oc- cupy an apartment in the A. M. Rishel home, on east High street. —Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Strausbaugh and their two children, Helen and Bob- | bie, drove up from Cedar Crest, Md., a | week ago, to spend the week-end in Cen- | tre county with Mrs, Strausbaugh's moth- | er” and sister, Mrs. Bathgate, at Lemont, ‘and Dr. Eva B. Roan and her family, at | State College. Mrs. Strausbaugh is a ‘native -of Lemont. —Included in the over Sunday house | party Mrs. H. S. Taylor will entertain will be Mr, and Mrs. Henry Booske and their three children, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Booske was formerly Mrs. Harry Taylor, and Mrs. H. D. Zerby and her daughter, Miss Betty, who will come over from Altoona, where Miss Betty is now doing social service work. —Mrs. Sarah Brown, of Cleveland, is here for the summer, and will be a guest of Mrs. Frank Warfield until the apart- ment in the Baum home, which she has occupied for several summers, is vacated by Miss Mary Forbes. Miss Forbes is {nstructor in English at the Bellefonte High school and will spend the vacation at her home in Chambersburg. —Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foote, of Bridge- i , Conn., were in Bellefonte over | Tuesday night. Mr. Foote was taking a few days off and decided to spend them | motoring through Pennsylvania. It will | be remembered that he was connected with the management of the American Lime and Stone Company here just after the Warners acquired a controlling in- terest in the enterprise. | —The Reynolds Shopes’ Memorial day guests will include Mrs. Roy H. Grove, her daughter, Blanche and son, Harry with two friends, all of Warren; Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shope and their daughter, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, of Harrisburg, and George Blakeslee, of Bethlehem. The Grove party will drive on to Gettysburg for the day, stopping here for Mrs. Grove on their return trip to Warren. —Mrs. Samuel 8. Taylor, who had been here from Connecticut for the greater part of a week, left, Wednesday, to return to Bridgeport. Mrs. Taylor came to Bellefonte to look after some work in preparation for Memorial day, and to spend several days with Mr, Taylor's sister, Miss May Taylor, who is now making tentative plans for spending a part of the summer at the Taylor home at Bridgeport. —Mrs. Orin Miller is here from Erie | A g frequently as he once did. have a suspicion that John doesn't do much any more but sit on the front porch of that comfortable home up there and watch the world race by in auto- mobiles. At least he didn't deny the accusation when we made it. His neph- ew lives in the brick house on the Mus- ger farm, just at the entrance to State College, and there is very little that goes into or out of that bustling place that can’t be seen from the vantage point of their home. John was looking quite well and we were exceedingly glad with her father, William Garman, and { Mr. and Mrs. Malin. Mrs. Malin | —~Miss Jennie Engles is making | first visit in Bellefonte since leavin; month or more ago, and during her s of several days will be with Mrs. Wo cock, in Petrikin hall. —Dan Haggart was here from Wa ington, last week, and left with plans resigning his position, intending to turn the middle of June to become guard at the penitentiary. —Mrs. Lola Strohm Person, of Bro lyn, who is visiting with relatives : friends at her former home in Cer Hall, spent Tuesday night in Bellefo with Mr. and Mrs, D. Wagner Geiss. —The A. H. Tarbert family, who coming up from York for a memo {day vist with Mrs, Tarbert's pare: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coxey, will arriw Bellefonte to-day to stay until Suns afternoon. —Mrs. Glenn Johnston came up fr Woolrich, Tuesday morning, to look ter some business matters and for time to call on a number of friends m | during the two years she and her h band lived in Bellefonte. —Mrs, Willlam Derstine will have w her as Memorial day guests, her | sons, Frank M., of Juniata, and Jesse Ambridge. These men have made I custom since leaving Bellefonte, mm: years ago, to make a visit back home this time. —Carl W. Beck was accompanied Bellefonte, Wednesday, by his brot Herbert, the nurse who had been w Mrs. Beck for more than a year, 1 formerly Miss Lida Moore, a cousin Mrs. Beck and a native of Bellefonte. —Following their custom of many ye Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kelly, of Gre W. Va., will come back home to sp« Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. Ke and their daughter, Mary, are expec to arrive in Bellefonte today and will house guests during their stay of ! Kelly's brother, William T. Kelly, his home on east Bishop street. ROCHESTER MAN BOOSTS THRIFT BAN David W. Denton, former treasi er of Beaver county and vice pre dent of the Rochester Thrift Cor) ration. was the principal speaker the Bellefonte Kiwanis club lunche: identified with charity and chu work in his home town. He is super tendent of the Baptist Sunday sch at Rochester, Pa. In his talk pointed out that the Thrift bank Rochester had done more commun good for the poor man than any o er welfare organization in thats tion. To his personal knowled; he declared, there were over 4 properties saved from being sold by the sheriff on account of del quent taxes. While he way county treasurer saw to it personally that folks wot borrow money at the Roches Thrift Corporation to pay their tax In that small community, he sa with less than 15,000 people in 1 contiguous territory, there had be nearly half a million dollars loar out in small amounts in the last fc years. Of that amount only ¢ account nf about $220.00 had be charged off. The company is n making better than 199% on the vested capital and paying stockho ers 10% in dividends. He said ti even in these times of depress: stock could not be bought at $15 a share, although the original pr was $12.00. He congratulated the commun of Bellefonte and State College getting back of the Centre cour Thrift Corporation. Within a ye he added, I'll come back to seey after your company is in operati and I know that you'll congratuk me in using my time and effc of the subscription committee, "| ported that he has been agreea! surprised by not only receiving ms subscriptions for stock of the p posed Centre County Thrift Corpo tion but many applications for loa as well. BELLEFONTE BANKS WILL BE CLOSED TOMORRO The three Bellefonte banks will closed all day tomorrow (Memo: day) and merchants, business and the public at large who hs any banking to do, should not { to attend to it today. The bar have always observed Memorial ¢ as a holiday, and this year will ms no exception, merely because the d falls on Saturday. Most of the stores and busin places in town will also be closed ——— lp ——— Bellefonte Graia Markets. Corrected Weakly by C. Y. Wagner & WHOSE .cicrrsrsrimenas Corn Oats Rye Barley Bio WIHBAE musemmasecsmsenstesssmmsmisasmenseenes errs to see him.