Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1931, Image 4

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the writer.
of Subscription.—Until further
at the following rates:
- 17
- 2.00
A sample copy of the "Watchman" will
be sent without cost to applicants.
Items taken from the Watchman issue
of June 8, 1881.
—Within the last week W. H
Noll, of Spring township, and L. T.
Munson, of Bellefonte, have decided
to be candidates for sheriff. Now
our party has eleven candidates for
the nomination and eleven of them
are darn'd good men.
—Snow Shoe reports having
very impressive Memorial day serv-
jces. The parade formed
o'clock under Marshal John Gunsal-
lus, The Snow Shoe City Cornet
band headed it. Then followed fifty
children bearing flowers, two flag
bearers, the United Order American
Mechanics in full regalia and a
large concourse of citizens. Both
the Askey and Catholic cemeteries
were visited and the graves of the
soldiers therein profusely decorated.
Rev. W. A. Carver made the address.
—On Monday, May 16, Mr. Mi.
chael Lamb, of Baltimore and Belle-
fonte, was married to Miss Barbara
E. Miller at the residence of
bride's parents, by the Rev. John
Hewitt, of St, John's Episcopal
—On the 31st. ult. Mr. B. Frank
Houseman, of Altoona, and
Maggie A. Meek were married at
the home of the bride in Pine Grove
Mile, by the Rev. Henry S. Menden-
—Butter is 15cts, eggs 10cts, ham
14cts and bacon 9 cts.
o communications
accompanied by the real
we | his discharge from the
MAYES.—Thomas Elliott Mayes,
'u native of Centre county and for a
‘number of years a resident of Belle-
'fonte, died at the Veterans’ hospi.
‘tal, in Aspinwall, on Saturday eve-
‘ning, where he had been a patient
{for about a year.
| He was a son of J, B. and Mary
Mayes and was born at Lemont on
February 9th, 1883, hence was 48
years, 3 months and 14 days old.
|He was educated in the public
$1.50 Schools of College township and as
la man went to work for the
‘nia, making his home in Bellefonte,
| He remained with that road until
passed out of extistence in 1918.
latter part of the World
enlisted for service and was
(he could get overseas.
service he
returned to Bellefonte and shortly
‘thereafter he secured a position with
lat Johnstown. He moved his family
| there and that had been his home |
ever since.
He was a member of the Presby-
terian church, of Bellefonte, the
‘old Central Railroad of Pennsylva-
The tryst ye made
Lest ye forget that here we sleep,
with us to keep.
To you appeal we from the dead,
To you who live; to you who said
| "T'was ours to die;
Reminded by the tears ye
That here we died for you,
Lest ye forget
Johnstown lodge Free and Accepted |
‘Masons and the American Legion
|of that city.
He was a
outdoor sports and an ardent trout
had fisherman, and every year during his |
over- |
at 2 taken by illness, he always came
residence in Johnstown, until
back to spend a few days whipping
|the streams of Centre county.
About twenty years ago he mar-
‘ried Miss Martha Brown, of Johns-
town, who survives with three chil.
dren, Margaret, Thomas and Robert.
‘He also leaves the following broth-
Mayes, of
'D. and Charles F., of Milton;
Robert Evey and Mrs, John Mokle,
‘of Bellefonte; Miss Maude, in New
| York city, and Willis A., of Lehigh-
| The remains were brought to
| Bellefonte on the 1.20 p. m. train,
lover of |
As scythe-like o'er
That war's last harvest we should reap.
IN CENTRE COUNTY, ipo Pennsylvania Railroad company, |
be yours to weep;
and bled,
Above our graves the grasses creep;
Our crosses frail. battalions deep,
Confront time's leveling onsets dread
the earth they sweep.
This say we from our foreign bed.
Lest ye forget.
JENKINS, —Harry E. Jenkins, a
native of Bellefonte but for eighteen
a resident of Tyrone, died at
four o'clock on Monday morning, at
the home of his son, Raymond R.
Jenkins, in Pittsburgh, following al-
most a year’s illness with a compli-
cation of diseases, Last December he
went to Pittsburgh from his home in
Tyrone to be under observation and
treatment by specialists, but instead
of improving he grew gradually
worse until the end.
He was a son of William R. and
TYSON.—William E. Tyson, wn0
spent the early years of his life in
Bellefonte and who was well known
by many residents here. passed away
at his home in Tyrone, at 9.26 o'clock
on Wednesday morning. He had
been ill for some months and for
several weeks had undergone treat-
ment in the Altoona hospital. Fail-
ing to respond to the treatment he
was taken to his home in Tyrone.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. and was born in York, Pa,
on October 16th, 1865, hence was in
The first aid elimination contest
for the Keystone division of the West |
held on
Friday, May 22nd, inthe Y. M. C. A. |
at Ridgway and was participated in |
by five teams, two from Bellefonte,
two from Kane and one from Ridg- |
way. The contest was held under
direct supervision of H. F. Webb, |
safety director of the West Penn
Power Co., and consisted of three
problems. The Bellefonte team, com- |
posed of Leroy Bryan, captain; Allen |
Cruse, Paul Miller, Patterson I Hoit, i
LeRoy Scull and John Hoy, were the
winners of this contest, The judges |
were J. Conner, chairman of the
first aid committee of the West
Penn Electric company, R. D. Hat- |
ter, C. Mellor, C. M. Ruble and H.F. |
Webb. :
The Bellefonte team, having pre- |
viously won two contests for the |
George Kaelber cup, by winning this
contest becomes the permanent
holder of the cup, which will be
The seventeen year locusts are due
for appearance in some parts of
Pennsylvania this year. June is the
month in which they will start com.
ing out of the ground and they will
be thickest in Fayette, Greene and
Washington counties.
This is known as “Brood Five” and
is but one of the thirty or more broods
that appear from time to time. They
do not appear simultaneously over
the country, but a brood that has
colonized a certain area will appear
periodically every 17 (sometimes 18)
years. Brood Six, which will appear in
1932, will have much wider distribu-
tion than Brood Five of this year.
“Soon after the egg-laying activi-
ties are completed, probably about
the middle of June, the adults will
suddenly die off. Their bodies will be
feasted upon by birds and beasts and
soon disappear.
“The 17 year locust’ may be iden-
tified by its orange veined wings and
a black body, banded and marked
suitably engraved with the names of about the abdomen with orange bands.
the previous winners and later pre-
sented to the Belllefonte team.
The Bellefonte team, having won |
this elimination contest, will now |
participate in the main contest of
the West Penn Electric company to
be held in Pittsburgh some time
during July.
Among the visitors present
Ridgway were M, H. Bowman Jr.,
at |
| Pittsburgh, who is in charge of the
welfare work of the West Penn Elec- |
tric company.
The year's activities of the Belle- |
fonte Woman's club came to an end
| with the regular meeting on Mon- |
‘day evening. Miss Isabella S. Hill
| presided for the last time after serv-
|ing as president for a number of
|years, The usual program of rou-
| tine business was disposed of, after |
‘which the reports of the various
‘on Tuesday, and taken to the home | gy; apathy Gardner Jenkins and was
Miss Of L. Frank Mayes, in Lemont, where ,,.,, in Bellefonte on January 24th,
funeral services were held at two 1869 hence was 62 years, 4 months
o'clock by Rev. W. C. Thompson, of
Bellefonte, assisted by Rev. J. Max
Kirkpatrick. Burial was made in
|and 1 day old. He was a graduate
of the Bellefonte High school and
the family lot in the Boalsburg cem- | duoetiy after graduating went
in the office of Jenkins &
A detail of the Brooks-Doll | Lingle, a well known foundry firm
— The attention of council is call. post, of the American Legion, of
ed to the steep and trea - |of Bellefonte, of which his father
e steep and treacherous lit- Bellefonte, attended the funeral as | the i tner. Mr. Jenki
tle hill just where south Water
street connects with High street.
Every day some farmer coming into
town with a heavy loaded wagon
has trouble there, Horses are fall-
ing and some are permanently hurt.
Something ought to be done about
it, even if it requires filling Water
street up several feet back as far
as the Bayard dam.
—B. F. Leathers and Son have
opened their new store room in
Unionville and if you want to see a
country store that is one you should
drop in there some time.
a guard of honor.
il 1
FIEDLER.—Word was received in
‘Bellefonte, last Saturday morning, of
‘the death, at Seattle, Washington, on
{widow of James A. Fiedler, one-
time editor of the Keystone Gazette
and a former postmaster of Belle-
fonte. Mrs. Fiedler's death was the
| result of a stroke of paralysis.
She was a daughter of Emanuel |
Friday, of Mrs, Ella Louise Fielder, |
also had iron works at Howard and
Harry also spent some time there.
| Following the death of his father, or
|in 1913, he went to Tyrone to accept
|a position as assistant cashier in
the Blair County National bank, a
position he held until he was com-
| pelled to quit work on account of
|illness. He was a member and sec.
|retary of the vestry of Trinity
| Episcopal church, of Tyrone,
ber of the Bellefonte lodge Free and
and Rebecca Frank Brown and was Accepted Masons, and the Bellefonte
lodge of Odd Fellows.
his 66th year. When he was a child | committees were presented, all of |
his parents came to Bellefonte and
| which evidenced continued interest
for a number of years the elder ,.; o. ores in the club's work. |
Tyson conducted a meat market in
| The treasurer's report showed a
the room now occupied by the Cen- balance of $151.01 in the t ol
tre Democrat. He finally sold out |
‘and on motion $25 were contributed |
his establishment to Frank B. Stover | the ¥. 2. C. A p fund and |
and moved to Philipsburg. “Billy,” ¢,4 4; tne hospital drive. The an- |
as he was known by his many friends, | resul |
was educated in the Bellefonte pub- nga) gloetiun Of ‘officers ted ani
lic schools and after the family mov- : nN
Phili | President, Mrs. Paul McGarvey; |
od to psburg he studied teleg- | .....onding secretary, Mrs. Walter
raphy and became an operator for |
|. McCormick; treasurer, Miss Helene |
the Pennsylvania railroad. Laterhe |yyjiame; auditor, Mrs, Harry Wit-|
was made station agent at Vail, a
» 8 ter: civic chairman, Miss Anne Keich-
position he filled for many years. On jeri Slvis olia at large, Miss Isabella |
leaving the railroad company he be- oro) : |
came an accountant for the West
: | A sincere and hearty vote of ap-
Virginia Pulp and Paper company, | preciation was given to the two
at Tyrone, a position he filled until 5
overtaken by illness: te faithful, hard-working, reti of
Miss Hill, whose splendi wo 1
Though he left Bellefonte when a president ten through a |
quite a young man he always kept
period of eight years, and Miss Mary |
—Decoration day dawned most
auspiciously, but from every where
in the county came reports to the
gffect that those who attended ex-
ercises in the afternoon were nearly
drowned by the heavy rain that fell
in al! parts of the county..
—*“Tke" Lose is carrying his right
eye in a sling because some one
jumped out of the darkness last
Sunday night and landed a fist on
his optic. “Ike” can't understand
why anyone should have paid so
particular attention to him. He was
on the way to his livery stable at
the rear of the Bush house, was all
unsuspecting and didn’t even see who
his assailant was.
—The eldest son of Mr.
Henry, who lives along the railroad
opposite the Bush house, is Ying
very ill with scarlet fever. ( t
was Charley, now a very respected
resident of York, Pa, We know
him as “Penny,” a chum of “Tang”
Johnson and “Putty” Harris—and
what a trio they were—Editor's
Miss Bella Rankin gave a birth-
day party on Monday evening last.
She had reached the age of—years.
Ah! you thought we were going to
tell, didn't you?
James P. Irwin, so long connect-
ed with the Snow Shoe R. R. tele-
graph and coal office in this place,
is preparing
going to Snow Shoe to take a posi-
tion with Berwind, White & Co.
While Bellefonte regrets to lose
Jimmy it can truthfully say that his |
new employers will
having him leave here.
—The borough's treasures are now
never regret
safe. Through Bond Valentine, agent,
just become
owner of a No. 10 Morris and Ire.
the Town Council has
land safe that is guaranteed to be
burglar and fire proof,
—The tobacco fever has reached
Ferguson township and John Shad- |
man has caught it. He is one of Fer-
guson's most enterprising farmers
and is pioneering in tobacco grow-
ing. Already he has set out 7250
plants and expects to reach a total
of 20,000 if the weather remains
—Maj. Geo. D. Pifer, blustering
good fellow that he is, is in town
representing the Philadelphia white
goods house he has been traveling
for so long.
—On Friday night of last week
the large saw mill of Hoover, Hughes
and Co., in North Houtzdale, was
totally destroyed by fire. It was
the second time within thirteen
months that the mill has been wiped
out by fire. It manufactured lum-
ber, nail kegs, boxes and shingles.
———John Palmer, 30 years old,
and Robert Burton, 21, of Philips-
burg, were brought to the Centre
county jail, last Thursday, in lieu of
$500 bail, after they had confesscd
to." of taking part in
four recent robberies in that town.
to leave us. He is
‘born at Potters Mills about seventy On September 22nd, 1891, he mar-
year ago. As 4 young woman he, theme 5. Lukenbach,
‘of Penns valley. Following their Bellefonte, who survives with one
| ei as ved at Olean, N. ¥., 900, Raymond R, of Pittsburgh; two
‘where Mr. Fiedler was engaged in grandsons, Richard B, and James H.
‘newspaper work. In 1886 they Jenkins, and a half-sister, FS.
|came to Bellefonte and Mr, Fiedler Dorothy Jenkins, of Detroit, Mich.
having associated himself with the The remains were taken to Ty-
late Robert A. Cassidy, started the [Tone where funeral services were
‘Keystone Gazette largely through per- held in the Episcopal church at one
suasion of the late General James A, o'clock Wednesday afternoon, by the
‘Beaver. Several years later Mr. rector, Rev. Clifford L. Stanley, af-
‘Fiedler was appointed postmaster of ter which they were brought to
Bellefonte, the office at that time Bellefonte for burial in the Union
being located in the room in the cemetery.
Bush Arcade now occupied by the i I
‘Bellefonte bakery. In 1804 the Ga- FRANKENBERGER.—H. Charles
| zette was sold to editor Thomas H. Frankenberger, well known farmer
‘Harter, and shortly thereafter the ,f Penn township, died of a heart
Fiedler family moved to williams- attack, at his home near Smith-
‘port. Mr. Fiedler died several years town, on Tuesday morning of
later and soon afterward Mrs. Fied- ||ast week. He was sitting on the
ler went to Seattle, Wash., to live. ‘porch eating an orange when strick-
She is survived by five sons and ep and died within a few minutes.
‘one daughter, Blaine Fiedler, in Bye He was a son of Henry and Sarah
ney, Australia; Hugh, Ralph and Gobble Frankenberger and was born
Carl, all of Seattle; Reginald, of jn Miles township on July 1st, 1852,
‘Washington, D.C., and Miss Myrtle, pence was 78 years, 10 months and
‘at home. She also leaves one Sis- 18 days old. He had been a resi-
‘ter, Mrs. Charles Tabel, of Belle- gent of Penn township for many
'fonte. A brother, the late T. Clay- He was twice married, his
ton Brown, passed away several frst wife having been Miss Annie
years ago. Burial was made in| gtover. They had one child, who
‘Seattle, on Sunday. | died a number of years ago. Fol-
il Ih lowing the death of his first wife he
BECK.—Mrs. Laura T. Beck, wife Sartied S8. ANE WL Lo
‘of Carl W. Beck, died at her home
at Bellevue, a suburb of Pittsburgh, rence diye Willissmspon, att 2
at noon on Sunday, following an ill- ’
ness of several years with a heart services were held at his
ailment as the result of an inward | 1,0 home, last Friday morning, by
goitre. ‘Rev. L.V. Lesher, burial being made
i . . ’
Her maiden name was Laura Tam- in Fairview cemetery, Millheim.
‘azine Harrison. A daughter of John |
'F. and Jennie Barnes Harrison, she | fl I
BANEY.—Frank Baney
was born at Pleasant Gap 43 years died
| Bellefonte when she was a girl
at | On Decembe:
in close touch with the associates | Gray Meek, who had been the de-
of his boyhood days and took advan- _ +eq civic chairman since the or- |
tage of every opportunity to come | ganization of the club. i
back for a little visit. |” Miss Mary H. Linn
He married Miss Ida Lloyd, a those present with an informal ac. |
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert count of her recent trip abroad. |
Lloyd, of Philipsburg, who survives Following a cordial welcome to the
with one son. Lloyd E, Tyson, a newly-elected officers the meeting |
radio announcer at the Detroit News | adjourned.
entertained |
' station, but who has been at home
since hia father's serious illness. He
also leaves two sisters, Mrs. W. B.
Brown, of Philipsburg, and Mrs, T.
S. Moran. of Lockport, N. Y.
Mr. Tyson was well known
The P. O. S. of A. Camp, No. 889,
in of Center Hall, will have charge of
‘athletic circles throughout central tne Memorial services at the follow-
Pennsylvania, taking special inter- ing cemeteries tomorrow: :
est in baseball and for some years At Tusseyville, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
was manager of the Tyrone team in| with S. D. Gettic Esq. the speaker.
the old Mountain league. He was | At Sprucetown, 2 p. m, Rev. J.
also activitely identified with com- max Kirkpatrick, speaker.
munity activities. At Center Hall, 6.15 p. m, Rev.
He was a member of the Tyrone Keener, speaker.
Presbyterian church and his pastor, School children have been invited |
Rev. Joseph A. Speer, will have to participate and a firing squad will |
charge of the funeral services which be in attendance at all places. The .
will be held at his late home, at 2.30 Spring Mills band will be at Centre
o'clock this (Friday) afternoon, af- Hall for the exercises.
ter which the remains will be The Camp Memorial
brought to Bellefonte for burial in
the Union cemetery.
il I.
SYMMONDS.—Mrs. Margaret
Symmonds, beloved wife of George | !
O. Symmonds, died in the Punxsutaw- S01, both of whom were boys in
ney hospital, Saturday morning, at | Bellefonte and both of whom lived
7 o'clock, following an illness of only in Tyrone, died within the week.
eight days with an affection of the It is said that because of failing
gall bladder. health they retired from active work
She was a daughter of David and °B the same day. If memory serves
Annie Emerick Love and was born (us right Harry was the first Belle- |
at Graysville, Huntingdon county. fonte boy to own & bicycle. And
63 years ago. The family came to what a sensation that high wheel
and | contraption caused among his com-
! panions. i
services will |
| be held in the Camp room on the
evening of June 5th, to which the |
‘public is invited.
——— A —————
——Hary E. Jenkins and Will Ty-
most of her early life was spent here.
ago. While yet a child her parents
moved to Bellefonte and she was
| educated in the public schocls here,
| graduating at the High school in the
‘class of 1903, She supplemented
her public school work with a course
‘at State College where she gradu-
|ated in 1907. She taught school at
Philipsburg, Jersey Shore and Belle-
| fonte, and about twenty years ago
| married Carl W. Beck, a classmate
lin the Bellefonte High school. They
at once took up their residence in
| Wilkinsburg, where Mr. Beck was
employed by the Pennsylvania Rail.
road company, some years later
moving to Bellevue. She had no
children and her only survivor is
her husband. Her father died twen-
ty years ago and her mother in
March, 1927.
The remains were brought to Belle-
fonte on the 1.20 p. m. train, Wed-
nesday, and taken direct to the
Union cemetery for burial in the
Harrison lot.
the Centre County hospital at 5.30
o'clock last Friday evening, He had
been in ill health for the past five
lor six months and some weeks ago
pital. He improved somewhat and
was taken home but his condition be-
came worse and recently he was
taken to the hospital for further
treatment which failed to relieve
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Baney and was born in Belle-
fonte 74 years ago. For many
years he operated a hand laundry at
his home but the competition of
steam laundries literally put him out
of business and he took the agency
for the Atlantic and Pacific Tea
company, selling their products from
house to house. His wife died sev.
eral years ago, but he leaves one
brother, William Baney, of New Cas-
tle. The funeral was held on Mon-
day afternoon, burial being made in
the Union cemetery.
had undergone treatment at the hos- | ney,
| ried George
| tirst few years of their married life
r 24th, 1896, she mar-
Symmonds. spending the GRAMLEY.—W. O. Gramley died |
in Bellefonte. They moved from here
to Altoona and later to Punxsutaw- |
where they had lived eight
years. She was a member of St.
Peter's Reformed church, a kind and
loving wife and mother and a splen-
did neighbor and friend.
She is survived by her husband and
three daughters, Mrs. Anna Stine, of
Altoona; Mrs. Maude Manns, of De-
troit, Mich., and Miss Mary, at home.
One daughter preceded her mother
to the grave. She alsc leaves her
aged mother, four brothers and one
sister, namely: John A. Love. Mrs.
Charles F. Harrison, Winfield and
Clyde Love, all of Bellefonte, and
George H. Love, of Altoona.
Impressive funeral services were
held at her late home in' Punxsutaw-
ney, at 12 o'clock Tuesday, by her
pastor, Rev. M. A. George, the re-
burial in Rose Hill cemetery.
11870, making his age 60 years,
at his home, at Spring Mills, on
Monday night, following an illness |
of some weeks with complications. |
He was a son of Austin and Ab-
bie Weber Gramley and was born |
in Miles township on June 6th,
10 |
months and 27 days. He had been |
in the milk business at Spring |
‘Mills for many years,
| member
| Fellows.
He was a
of the Lutheran church |
and the Spring Mills lodge of Odd |
He married Miss Nellie |
Hazel who survives with the fol-
lowing brothers and sisters: Charles |
land Pines Gramley and Mrs. Floyd
‘Mills cemtery. i
being taken to Altoona for | hoe.
Bowersox, of Mifflinburg; Oliver
and Edward, of Camden, N. J.
Mrs. Emma Weiser and Oberheim
Gramley, of Lock Haven.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at two o'clock yester-
day afternoon, by Rev. S, E. Green-
burial being made in the Spring |
Six reddish legs, bright eyes protrud-
ing in front like headlights and the
four membraneous transparent wings
completes the description.”
——A very interesting letter to
school boys and girls who have
savings accounts at the Bellefonte
Trust company appears on page
6 of the Watchman today,
We Suggest that You Patronize
Your Home Stores First and
Come to Booster Stores for the
Things Your Home Merchants
Cannot -
For The Convenience of Their
MAY 29
MAY 30,
In Observance of Memorial Day
June is the month of Wed-
dings, as well as Wedding An-
niversaries, and many gifts
will be wanted for the new
brides, as well as for the brides
of other years.
Those who will have occasion
to secure Wedding or Anniver-
sary Gifts will find pleasure
and satisfaction in making se-
lections in Altoona Booster |
Stores, where unlimited variety
for choice is offered.
No matter what kind of gifts
may be desired, you will be
sure to find something to }
please in a Booster Store and
at a fair price!
Booster Stores ate glso prepas.
ed to supply the needs of June |
Brides and their Attendants, as
well as those of the Grooms §
and their “best men.”
Suburban Day
This is a good day to shop as
there are always worth while
attractions offered by Booster
Stores for SUBURBAN DAY.
Eastern Standard Time is Ob-
served in Altoona.
1 Week,
Starting Friday, May 29th
Gala Celebration of Our 15th
Our Birthday, Your Party!
“BORN TO LO po |