Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1931, Image 3

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    Bellefontz, Pa, May 29, 1981.
Inasmuch as there are two sides
to the argument as to the wisdom of
giving one man in Pennsylvania the
absolute power to “hire and fire”
men who serve the Commonwealth
in its most important relations with
the people we publish the following:
It is the viewpoint of the head of
one of our greatest public utilities.
The Watchman has no other inter-
est in the matter than one in com-
mon with all the people who want
efficient service at the lowest rate
that will maintain the companies
se! us; allowing them, of course,
ample earnings with which to pay
reasonable dividends to their stock-
holders, fair wages to their employ-
ees and depreciation charges suffi-
cient to take care of obsolescence.
Many people look upon Gov. Pin-
chot's proposal to put the appoint-
ment or dismissal of members of the
Public Service Commission entirely
in the hands of the Governor from
an impersonal view point. Granting
that he would not abuse such power,
what guarantee has he to give them
that his successors in office might
Pennsylvania is overwhelmingly Re-
publican, A great leader of that
party once said: “They make Gover-
nors out of anything in Pennsylva-
nia.” Such a truism is not calculated
to be any too reassuring to those
who are not impugning Mr. Pinchot's
motives so much as they are con-
cerned about what future possibili-
ties of destruction there might bein
his plans for the present.
Let Mr. Kinnard, president of the
Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania,
present his side of the question. The
following is a copy of the letter he
recently wrote to members of the
Senate of Pennsylvania:
It is, in my opinion, appropriate
for me to speak in the interest of
the investors in and management of
this company, and it's twenty-two
thousand employees, as well as the
millions of people of Pennsylvania
whose reasonable expectation is that
the present high quality of telephone
service shall not be destroyed by
legislative imposition.
There are a number of principal
respects in which the e
these pending bills would, altogether,
not only produce this last effect but
jeopardize three hundred millions of
conservative telephone investment
in Pennsylvania. I shall be brief in
reference to each.
The proposal that members of a
Fair Rate Board, although appoint-
ed with the approval of the Senate,
might be removed at will by
Chief Executive would substitute for
the collective judgment of the
ate in the direction of public utility
regulation the dictates of adminis-
trative expediency. This appears to
be neither wise nor reasonable; the
matters proposed to be placed under
the control of the Fair Rate Board
are, in
Te a va: Father too, Vital)
The proposal that a public utility
company by contract give up ils
constitutional rights and
lieu of present value, what is termed
“the prudent investment” basis for
earnings, when and as the company
applies for certificates of conven-
ience in order to grow and spread,
would generally result in stifled pro-
gress of public utility service. I can-
not conceive of the attraction of is set off by the deer coming incon- ;
the |
legislation discloses its
ultimate purpose to
turn over the complete managemen
| of the public utilities to the sugges
'ed Fair Rate Board—financing, con-
| struction. expenditures, rates, service
and everything else. I may, per-
| haps, be excused in believing that
|such service will fare better in the
‘hands of company management. If
|the public wants to experience the
| virtual effect of government owner-
| ship, here is an opportunity. But,
‘because I believe they do not, I urge
| your close consideration of the fore-
going, and emphasize my strong con-
| viction that the proposals referred to
are hostile to the interests of Penn-
sylvania and its people.
Buckwheat coal, considered waste
and sold very cheaply, has today be-
come, along with pea, the most
popular of the anthracite sizes, re-
cent market surveys indicated.
The aristocracy of the larger sizes,
chestnut, stove and broken grades,
has been broken and no longer does
the demand for them lead the trade,
it was shown,
Many of the operators are run-
ning the larger size coal back
through the breakers again and turn-
ing out the smaller sizes almost ex-
clusively. Several breakers are bhe-
ing run as washeries in order to
keep pace with the demand.
During recent years heating engi-
neers have perfected furnaces and
heating plants that utilize efficiently
the coal sizes that were once con-
sidered a loss on the market. Small-
er grates and forced drafts have
been responsible for the change and
the decrease in the demand for the
larger sizes, it was said.
Formerly the operators sold pea
and buckwheat at a loss concentrat-
ing on high prices of the large coal |
to carry the burden of making min-
ing profitable.
With the announcement of spring |
| prices it was noticed that for the
first time in years the prices of
pea, buckwheat and other steam
sizes had been increased. In spite
sizes continued to be as brisk as be-
| fore.
| The increase in price from the con- |
sumers’ point of view meant that!
(homes burning the large sizes and
| those using the smaller sizes shared walls and no fire stops between floors
|alike in making mining show a pro- to prevent flames from racing through |
| fore considered practically unusable. to be that we would rather have a
fit. However to the operators it
meant profits from a source hereto-
Although game commission officials
Sen. were able in recent years to success-
fully design traps for taking beav-
cently that their painstaking efforts
land experiments were successfully
| rewarded in a trap for
| taking live deer. According to H.
|H. Groinger, chief of the bureau of
predatory animals, a new type trap
|has been designed by the commis-
|sion’s trappers and recently four
accept, in deer were caught in seven nights in |
| the Mifflin county section. The new
{trap is 12 feet long, 3% feet wide
‘and 9 feet high, and is constructed
| of heavy Jotuy wire. Trap doors
‘are placed at each end and are
| dropped by a trigger arrangement in
| the middle of the trap. The trigger
sufficient capital to keep these serv- tact with two wires which are plac-
ices healthy and expansive if ‘“pru- ed over corn and apples used as
dent investment” would, in my opin- bait, On all sides of the trap are
jon, require litigation over many rolled curtains which drop when the
years at enormous cost. |trap is sprung, rendering the inter-
It is proposed that public utilities | ior dark. The dropping of the cur-
shall not be allowed to adopt rates tain causes the deer to become quiet
for service until approval of the Fair and it is not as apt to make a fuss
Rate Board is secured. There could or injure itself until it can be trans-
be no reasonable objection to this
were it that the Board
shall er its decision within a
reasonable time, perhaps three or six
months. But to permit the Board,
wilfully or otherwise, to persist in
the disallowance of rates for an in-
terminable time, is to say that the
service of public utilities flour-
ish or stagnate, entirely by the suf-
ferance of the Board. This is a possi-
bility which fair minds do not care
to contemplate.
“Recapture has been proposed as
a principle hereafter to apply in
Pennsylvania, notwithstanding the
fact that the Interstate Commerce
Commission, after many years of ex-
perience over a wide variety of con-
ditions, has recommended that it be
abolished. I know of no quicker
method to vitiate present investment
and to drive away future investment
in these enterprises than to adopt
“recapture.” Furthermore, unless
the State desires to increase its
own revenues by some such process,
I fail to see how it enters into the
question of reasonable and adequate
ro aon.
is a proposal that cost of
rendering each element of the serv-
ice shall be the basis of the rates
therefor, regardless of its relation to
all Der, dlements, This, of course,
could no ve been suggested
anyone familiar with & service thy
that of the telephone. This business
has grown to its present respectable
dimensions in lasge part because
growth has been encouraged by
development rates and by gradu-
ations of which take some
account of the values of the several
services, both local and toll. To
adopt charges based on the principle
now proposed would impose rate in-
creases where they could not be
borne, and lessen other rates which
are now acceptable in their relation
to the rate structure as a whole.
This would be chaos.
The proposal that charters and
franchise rights be limited to fifty
years would, in its ultimate effect,
be most serious to the plain manor
woman who has invested in public
utility securities. Tt would say to
him: “Your investment may be all
right until 1940 or 1960 or whenever
your Company's charter or franchise
expires; but st that time everything
ferred to the shipping crate.
| Pheasant eggs are being laid at a
high rate at the State Game Farms,
the number so far produced exceed-
ing 10,000. At this rate the 60,600
to 70,000 eggs expected by the Com-
mission will be produced, officers
said. It is planned to furnish the
sportsmen and interested farmers
with about 50,000 eggs and Game
Refuge Keepers with about 12,000.
Some eggs will be hatched at the
farms. Over 600 wild turkey eggs
have been produced at the turkey
farm. At this farm it is hoped to
secure about 2500 eggs this season.
Due to the tendency of the female
turkey to secrete her nest, itis very
difficult for the game farmer to lo-
cate them in many instances.
Inasmuch as it is becoming more
difficult each year to secure bcb-
white quail in the open market, the
Game Commission may experiment
with the pro tion of these birds
on as e, Weather condi-
tions in the southwest have made it
almost impossible for shippers to se-
cure any birds at all.
The founder of Mother's day de-
plored some of the ways in which
she said it has been exploited.
Miss Anna Jarvis, for whom
Thomas Heflin introduced a Moth-
er's day resolution when he was
Representative from Alabama in
“They say a million dollar's worth
of flowers are sold for this day. I
never thought it would mean t.
“But even stranger than commer-
cialization by tradesmen is that the
public has allowed onal wel-
fare workers to loit its senti-
ment for mo in a manner
more than amazed; I am dismayed.
“I deplore particularly that com-
mittees of prominent men and wo-
men have commercialized this day
in the name of needy mothers.”
—Subscribe for the Watchman
Half-past three in the morning.
Mr. John Doe, asleep on the top
| floor of his suburban home, is par-
tially aroused, then sits up with
t and in two jumps is across the floor.
| He yanks open
| Doe is done for, What
| Well, Mr. Doe did what thousands
|of others have done—he inhaled air
‘heated to a temperature around 700 | “whites”
| degrees. Though the fire that Leat-
led the air was 35 feet below, it kill-
ed him.
The cellar door was, of course, light-
ly built. The flames ate their way
through it. Pent-up until now, this
outlet increased their fury. Smoke
and intense heat poured into the
ground-floor hall. With a swish
| they were sucked into the open stair
well, and in the next moment a
solid column of heat was pushing
against the hall ceiling on the top
floor. Right at that moment Mr.
Doe jerked open his door, And since
his windows were open, creating a
perfect draft, the heat whipped
through his door like a streak of
This may all sound unreal, but
it is exactly what causes more fire
deaths than any other single hap-
pening. I've counted 13 bodies in
one upstairs room, all dead without
a burn. So you can see why exper-
ienced firemen, when they roll up to
a blaze in a dwelling, throw anxious
eyes to the top floor, even though
the fire may be plainly confined to
the cellar.
If you are ever caught in this
| predicament, never open that door
until you have felt it with your flat
hand and found it cool. If it is hot,
make for an open window immedi-
ately. If the height is such that
you can get out safely go. If not,
yell for help. As long as that door
is closed behind you, the time you
can safely wait for rescue wili be
| prolonged. If it is open, your
chances are pretty thin.
Twenty-eight people die every day
from fire in this country,
them die in their homes.
{home burns somewhere in the United
| States. To my mind the curse of
this country is its poorly built houses
(with deadly open stair well; with,
of the rise, the demand for the small |
flimsy ground floors that let a cellar
fire loose in 15 minutes; with defec-
tive chimneys on unsound founda-
tions; with furnaces built close to
wooden partitions; with tinder-box
| roofs; with cheap lath-and-plaster
| their entire area.
{ Our failure as home builders seems
(sun porch than a fire-stcpped cellar;
{or a cute little breakfast nook in-
| stead of a fire resisting door.
having been a fireman for 43 years,
| those dead bodies on the top floor
| always impress me more than the
| handsome orchid-and-green bathroom
and bears alive, it was only re- that we saw when we went through |
on the overhaul.
out superfluous brain
| fluid is a new surgical cure for
chronic alcoholics, offered by Dr.
Edward Spencer Cowles, of the Park
Avenue hospital.
In his article in the current num-
ber of the Medical Journal and Rec-
rord, Dr. Cowles advances the theory
!about the cause and cure of incorrig-
{ible desire for alcoholic drinks:
“In case of the alcoholics there
!is an irritation set up in the nervous
| system that drives them to drinking.
The cause of this irritation is a
pressure created upon the brain b,
| the overflow of intracranial fl
Some irritation in the covering of
the brain increases this fluid out-
“By a simple operation the excess
| fluid can be drained out. When the
| irritation is thus removed, the brain
pressure becomes normal. The
globulin and albumin becomes nor-
mal in the spinal fluid. And the
patients entirely change. They no
longer have the same im to-
ward and irra be-
havior. They experience a change
of character.”
Neither preaching, education, ex-
ercise of will, nor any other similar
measure can rmanently make a
sober person a chronic alcoholic.
The craving for drink passes off
only when the psysiological cause is
removed, the article says:
Certain have brain cells
that become irritable under the in-
d is Others might
safely indulge in moderate drinking,
. Cowles.
by a number of prominent
surgeons, incl Dr. George Kir-
by of Institute.
The earth is slowly warm-
er and drier, as it was many thous-
ands of years ago during the inter-
glacier periods of relatively recent
geologic history, assorae to re-
ports by Professor P. L. Mercanton
of the University of Lausanne. Pro-
fessor Mercanton, head of the scien-
tific committee which has recorded
the advance and retreat of glaciers
since 1881, bases his statement on
the fact that the glaciers of the
Swiss Alps have been retreating for
several years.
The report
Alpine weather stations, quring
this year and last, have report
that snows have been far less than
normal and that there have been, as
a result of the warmth, an
| Late in February the
| States Navy played its great annual
|g built, against attacking forces,
That blaze broke out in the cellar. |
Most of ¢
Every |
two minutes of day and night a
‘game of naval warfare, This year
war game was concerned
an Nicara-
such as may some day
The two sides were named the
and the “Blacks,” The
officers of the navy, with-|
out of course causing a single shot |
or s a single ves- |
engaged in the game of!
trying to outwit their opponents.
War vessels of all types sped here and |
there, in accordance with the rules
of the game. In the air above |
them the navy dirigible, the Los |
Angeles, and numerous naval air- |
planes participated in the manoeu- |
There were, according to naval ex- |
| perts, two main results of this mimic
1. Lighter-than-air aircraft were |
found in many ways more useful |
than heavier-than-air craft. In oth- |
er words, the Los Angeles justified it- |
self. For this reason the Navy De- |
partment is expected to recommend |
definitely the construction of the |
ZRS-5, the second of the new dirigi- |
bles planned for the navy. The first
one, the ZRS-4, is now being built at
Akron, Ohio. It will be the largest
of all dirigibles and will cost $5,- |
2. Battleships rather than cruis-
ers, destroyers and other smaller
vessels are pronounced the backbone
of the navy. The reason for this de-
cision is the fact that they are the
only ships that can “take as well as
give punishment. “Thus the time-
honored standard means of naval de-
fense is justified. Much the same
situation exists in land warfare, for
it is commonly claimed by military
experts that the infantry is the
backbone of the army. In spite of
the great value of the artillery (can-
non), cavalry and aircraft, it is the
foot soldiers in any army that con-
stitute its greatest strength.
Mistress—I'm glad to hear aS
will be staying on with me
you're married. Do I know the
{lucky man?
Maid—Oh, yes ma'am,
| It's your
defense of the Pana- |
| children's hospital, gave
| was adopted, and by
The Red Cross Christmas seal was
introduced in the year 1907 by Miss
a CTuEe t Wi oe he But
a ashington.
Jacob A. Riis, the social reformer
and author, was responsible for its
An article by Mr. Riis in the Out-
look in 1907 on Christmas stamps
and seals and how they had been
sold in Denmark for the support of a
her idea. She accordingl
before the central commi with a
stamp bearing a red cross and the
words “Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year,” which that chapter de-
sired to sell for the benefit of anti-
tuberculosis work.
raised $1,000 toward paying
site of the first tuberculosis sanitar-
ium in Delaware—Hope farm.
The nation-wide sale of seals was
thereafter sponsored as a means of
funds and as an educational |
Red Cross. The dis- |
device by the
tribution is now, however, in the
hands of the National Tuberculosis
association and its many state and
local branches, and the double barr-
ed cross which ap on the Christ-
Her suggestion
seals is the symbol of that or-
| ganization.
Q RENE woopRNG— pumas
S gm mise, Fr Fr
Y JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at-
J Ensue REE
| East High street. © brad
| Y M. KEICHLINE. — Attcrney-at-Law
| and Justice of the All
| prompt attention, Offices second
SE Remple “Court i
| man. oie in
Bellefonte, Pa.
| Bellefonte
Crider’s Ex. 66-11
| ouse,
from 2to 8 p. m.
to 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone.
So that motorists may travel in|
comfort, sleeping while riding if they |
desire, M. A. Montenegro, of Tampa,
Fla. has devised a head rest for use
in autos. Straps suspend the rest
from crosspieces in a car's top, The
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
33% J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
device is equipped with “ear flaps”
to prevent the noise of travel dis-
turbing the sleeper.
Shocks and jars of rough roads
are eliminated by its elasticity. A
head rest for every passenger may
be fitted in any car with a top. They
are expected to prove a convenience
for bus passengers and motor tour-
ists on long runs.
Fonda Love—Suppose I should
steal a kiss?
Miss Pert—I defy you.
Fonda Love—And suppose I should
steal two or three?
Miss Pert—I should keep on defy-
ing you,
55 to 65 miles an hour
We have taken om the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne _ Feeds
per 100lb.
Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed - 1.65
Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed - 1.75
Wagner's 329% Dairy Feed - 1.90
Wagner's Pig Meal - - -
Wagner's Mash
Wagner's Scratch Feed
Wagner's Horse Feed
Wagner's Winter Bran
Wagner's Winter Middlings
Wagner's Standard Mixed Cho
s Chick Feed
Wagner's Chick Grower and
Starter with Cod Liver Oil
Wagner's Medium Scratch Feed
Blatchford Calf Meal 25 1b sacks
gS: haEEaELE
Everything you wanlt
or need in a motor car
at a low price
Beauty of line and color
Attractive upholstery
Quick acceleration
Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes
Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield
Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers
Rustless Steel
More than twenty ball and roller bearings
See your dealer for a
*430 to "630
F. o. b. Detrois, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spave tire extra
ot small cos. You can buy a Ford on economical terms through the Ford
Finance Plans of the Universal Credis Company.
Long life
Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 240
Wayne Chick Starting Mash - 3.10
Wayne Growing Mash - - - 2.50
Oil Meal 349, - - - - - - 210
Cotton Seéd Meal 43% - = 200
Gluten Feed - - - - - - 190
Hominy Feed - - - - - - 170
Fine Ground Alfalfa - - - 2.50
Meat Scrap 45% - - - - - 3.00
Fish Meal - - - - - - - 875
Tdnkage 60% - - - - - - 3.00
Fine Stock Salt «el oiw 190
Round Grit - - - - - - 130
Lime Grit - - - - - - - 100
Oyster Shell extra quality - 1.00
Let us grind your Corn and Oats
and make up ur Dairy Feed, With
Cotton Seed Oil Gluten,
Alfplfa, Bran, Midds and Molasses.
We will make delivery ontwo ton
All accounts must be paid in 30
days. Interest charged over that
If you want good bread and
use Our Best and Gold Coin
Caldwell & Son
Belielonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit~
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfiilly sad Promptly Furnished -