——Governor Pinchot now realizes that molasses is a better lure for flies than vinegar. — In the case of sheriff Cunning- | ham, of Philadelphia, justice travel- | 23 W's leagen heel but a sure ——An investigation of the rea- sons for delay in voting machines was tardy but may prove valuable. ——The General Assembly has ended the most futile session of all time. It has bickered more and ac- complished less than any of its pred- ecessors. —— There are still three separate and independent departments of the State government, the efforts of the Governor to the contrary notwith- standing. i ——Governor Pinchot's goody- goody House passed the bili that | would have broken into the sanctity of the Sabbath by permitting Sun-| day base-ball, and the people's dia- | bolical Senate killed it, —Tomorrow will be the first an-. niversary of the most memorable | Memorial day this community has ever known. On the morning of | May 30, 1930, there was a freeze | that killed much vegetation. Early risers saw a white frost so heavy that it looked like snow. | — Governor Pinchot will probably | call the General Assembly into ex- tra session some time later in the year. It will cost the State about | a quarter of a million dollars, and pothing will come of it. It is not | likely that men who refused to eat | out of the Governor's hand this spring | will be any more disposed ! to do it | —The Legislature redeemed itself in the closing days of the session. | After doing nothing since January it passing a bill that makes it legal | to kill elk, deer and bear with a bow | and arrow. That, we should say, ers; no legislation of any impor- tance having been enacted. Few will revile the body for that, how. ever, for most people believe we have more laws now than we have time, inclination or courage to en- force, ‘the Watchman is given a credit line, which is not always done when our stuff is “lifted.” planations as to why we made Mary go over the mountain on May 14, when she won't start the until July 2. of to go of what we have always thought to have been the best amateur singing quartette we have ever heard. And we write from a heart bowed down with regret, that he, most in- genuous, most devoted in his friend- ship, most human of the four, had to be called while we Pp ted. It might have been a comfort to “Bill” to hear what those who really thought. We knew him, We knew all of his shortcomings and as a voluntary pleader before the judgment bar we rest his case with- out presenting other evidence than |g our own kunowiedge that in his heart The bond which binds Governor Pinchot and Joe Grundy in political partnership is threatened with sev- erance, Gossip has break several times auguration of the Governor four months ago but the minor differences upon which the rumors were based have in turn been adjusted. Maybe they were only imaginary and in- vented in the hope they might ma- terialize. Anyway both seem to have been satisfied with conditions as they p thus far. The Governor has scrupulously refrained Mr. Grundy, and the Sen- ator, for a month, has been prompt responding to every call for serv- ice and help. But the resignation of Public Serv- ice Commissioner Benn has opened up a chasm between them which may serve the of a grave for their rather sinister alliance. Mr. Grundy demands that his servile friend, Frank J. Gorman, be appoint- ed to fill the vacancy. Gorman was affiliated with the Fisher ad- ministration in a very intimate and even confidential capacity and has always shared with Fisher and the Mellons an antipathy against Pin- chot. So far as the Governor is concerned this attitude would make little difference. Eleventh hour con- | versions make strong appeal to him, But a great number of his friends out did itself, in the last week, bY |..." or gigrerent temperament and the are commendable proposition has provoked a roar of indignation. The Governor owes much to the friendship of Grundy. In the pri- mary campaign of 1922 it gave him the nomination for Governor and a It was The most absurd alibi which the President and his friends have of- fered for the continued failure to check or even mitigate the industrial | depression is that it is a world-wide | misfortune attributable to unavoid- able conditions incident to read- ts after the world war. This might serve as an adequate reason for industrial and commerical tress in Belgium, with her compara- tively meager population and limited area and resources. It * might be set up as an excuse for Germany, France and Italy, with their im- poverished populations, Recupera- tion is difficult and tardy where pov- erty is prevalent. But there is no basis for such a pretense in the United States admit- tedly the richest country in the world. The world war was an expensive en- terprise to the government and peo- of this country but it involved such sacrifices as it levied upon participants on either side. ments of recuperation into motion. country, with rather than impaired facilities for production and an immense farming section of almost unequaled fertility, has no reason for failure to Hoye there was so much of gold thatone never thought of dross. ments, dis- | of approximately a billion as Uncle Real Cause of Unemployment. During 1930 our foreign trade fell approximately $2,737,780,000 be- low that of 1929, according to a statement issued the other day by Assuming that the average profit of business is ten per cent this repre- sents a loss to the commercial life of the country of about $20,750,000. For the first quarter of this year, according to the same ble authority, our exports were $418,170,- 000 below those of the same period of 1930 and $708,545,000 less than that of the first quarter of 1929. This gradual but disastrous decrease of export trade no other cause than the Grundy tariff law. The other day President Hoover called the Secretary of the Interior ‘and the several under-secretaries of ‘that department into conference at his fishing camp on the Rapidan to devise methods and means of reduc- ing expenses, A week earlier he (had held a similar conference with officials of the War Department. Out of these conferences it is said plans of hundred thousand dollarsa A group of New York Re- couple | year. | publicans recently petitioned the President to hasten operations on | public building construction author- lized by the last the pur- pose being to remedy or reduce the ‘evil of unemployment. | Petty economies in administration and activity in ‘public construction desirable. The | first averts waste, as Calvin Coolidge |proved when he set a limit to the number of pencils to be issued each \year, and the other would give Commission is that every member of the investigating committee who sympathized with Mr. Pinchot's pur- pose is a candidate for a seat on the Uncle Andy’s Claim Vindicated s—— Uncle Andy Mellon has vindicated his claim as the greatest Secretary of the Treasury since Alexander Hamilton managed that office dur- ing Washington's administration. It wasn't a very big job then but it was a hard one for the reason that resources were limited, debts compar- atively large and credit bad. Receipts expressed in thousands then instead of billions, as now, and we gravely doubt Mr. Ham- ilton’s ability to “laugh off” a deficit | Andy will have to do within a month from to-morrow, unless some tidal wave of good luck intervenes meantime. But it is not our purpose to meas- ure the relative capacity of the two great Secretaries on the yard stick of ability to frown or smile in the face of desperate emergencies. Uncle Andy's “edge” is based on a more substantial achievement. He has just discovered, and disclosed to the lic through the medium of a that income tax yields 25% ——Governor Pinchot has signed the bill abolishing county poor dis- tricts in Union, Snyder and Juniata counties and creating borough and township districts. Extravagance in the operation of the county unit system was the principal reason for the demand for its abolishment and a return to the borough and township unit system. of Tennessee. the Baltimore Sun predicts an in. | evitable increase of taxes in the I near future, “no matter how far the administration's economy may be carried.” Secretary Mellon has sug- gested a lowering of the income tax exemptions. But with a practically certain deficit of a billion dollars at the end of the present fiscal year and an equally ponderous deficit a | year later treasury officials can see 'mo other way out of the dilemma. Senator Couzens, of Michigan, who Is under suspicion of the administra- | tion, proposes a heavy can be ascribed tO an increase in the estate and inherl-| iniquitous tance tax, but it is figured that such | expedients, however aelpful, would |be inadequate. |, But something must be done and ‘that something must come very soon. A tax of one cent a gallon on gaso- line seems to be the first expedient that occurs to the minds of the treas- ‘ury officials. It is estimated that ‘such a levy would yield $500,000,000 | a year and cut a considerable figure | savagery |in ‘solving of the problem. It has also ‘were devised which will Save 8 been suggested DE en to Ta th the tax on cigarettes might be toler- ated with little if any complaints on the part of consumers. Other sub- jects of internal taxation have been proposed, such as proprietary medi- cines, amusements and even bank checks. But Secretary Mellon is un- alterably opposed to taxing bank he “whole cheese.” The President is bitterly opposed to any increase of taxation during the first session of the new Congress. He realizes that responsibility might be shifted upon the Democrats but it would be difficult in view of the present deficit, and traditionally the | blame for tax increase is placed on the administration in power at the time. Moreover, he imagines that dis- aster may be averted until after the election of 1832 by selling treasury certificates and negotiating tempo- ————— A ———————— ——Among the House apopsia tion bills passed finally by Sen- ate, last week, was one for $25,000 to the ent of Military Affairs for acquring land in Harris town- ship, Centre county. Fishing Was Very Good On Last The Weshington correspondent of rr —— STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. 1931. nr sg | | | From the Danville Morning News. Two great enemies beset the adult human being of today, says Dr. | George H. Crile, famous middle- | ern t. They are infections |and emotions; disease and fear, to! | put it more simply. i In of the claws, horns and | fangs with which other animals pro- tect themselves Dr. Crile points out, ‘man has only an extremely high | development of certain parts of his brain. This, his greatest asset, is 'also his greatest liability. He liter- |ally consumes his brain with worry land fear. A long and grinding | emotional strain may use up 100,000 be a method of escape, says Dr. Crile, in an intellectual ap- proach to the problem. The fear of ‘death is the worst of man's fears, for it begins as a child and continues |into old age; but it is a fear that |can be rationalized. Some day, the doctor , children are trained physical aspect of death as a fact, the race whole story of the race's climb from to civilization is simply a the discarding of fears. , men feared every- they did not understand, In the were profound mysteries, carrylze A threat and a ed menace, Even the fire leaped upon in cave or forest hut was a mystery —a thing to be propitiated, some- times a thing to worshipped. We have a long way since that day. from the eg hid ik : i! 2 EB g : 2 i “Uncle Andy” is the Tariff “Angel,” Ro | From the New York Times. Professor Harold Laski, continuing his articles on ities in The London Daily Herald to- day, calls Andrew Mellon the “world's tariff cham ry Mr. ” he says, “feels that men are to the United States were to the Amer- personal- | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —When he came in contact with a 2300-volt line while making repairs on a pole near Tamaqua, Russell Jarrett, a, a lineman for the Pennsylvania Power and Light company, was electrocuted. —Charles Smuck, 18, of Wrightsville, fishing from the shore of the Susquehan- na river there landed an 18-pound Ger- man carp on a hand line but not until the huge fish pulled him into the stream giving him a thorough ducking. Fisher- men in the river borough stated the fish was one of the largest ever caught there. —Claiming total disability as a result of shell shock, Mrs. Mary Allison, of Tamaqua, has been notified that she has been granted compensation. In 1927 she was caught in an explosion of dynamite caps at the Atlas Powder company plant at Reynolds. She lost her right eye and hand and was given compensation at | that time. Since then she has become | totally disabled, suffering a type of shell | shock identical with that suffered by | many soldiers in the world war. —A modern hospital, 800 feet below the earth's surface, was opened last week |in the No. 9 mine of the Lehigh Coal land Navigation company, near Tamaqua. | The hospital is equipped with pulmotors, | oxygen tanks, surgical instruments and | an operating table. In case of serious | accidents surgeons will be lowered into | the mine and work on the patient right | oh the scene. This will result in sav- |ing many lives of injured workmen. | safety director John F. Boyle said in dedicating the hospital. | Preference to married men and to | men with dependents is to be the rule in | hirimg men for road work by the Penn- | sylvania Department of Highways, Sec- | retary Samuel S. Lewis announced on “Our contribution to the abate- { 1 | Monday. ment of unemployment is limited to the | funds at our disposal,” Secretary Lewis | said, “and it is my belief that if wages i paid the head of a family or the breadwinner for several dependents, bene- | fits from the Department's expenditures | will reach many more people.” | —Another gas well has been added to the Tioga fleld. At a depth slightly less | than 4000 feet the Ashton No. 1 of the | Lycoming Natural Gas company came in | with a flow of better than 12,000,000 feet. This is the seventh successful well. Ter- ritory in New York State has been open- ed in conjunction with the Tioga ter- ritory. New York has thirty wells pro- ducing 150,000,000 feet a day, while the | Tioga territory has seven wells producing around 165,000,000 feet a day, while the | local average is boosted, however, by the Meaker well, near Tioga. —Edward G. Strickler, former clerk of the Franklin county courts, was arrested on Monday, on a warrant charging him with failure to pay to the county com- missioners $500 deposited as cash ball in a case. In default of $2,500 bail, Strick- ler was committed to jail. L. H. Leiter, months. —Thomas B. Gallagher, who uttered two words on St. Patrick's day, was paid 1 $125 for each word by the White Haven Savings Bank last week. He saw the at- “to rob the bank and yelled “Bank robbers,” then dodged back, ‘followed by a shower of bullets... As a result, Mi- chael Viadyka, of McAdoo, is in the east. ern penitentiary, serving a life sentence | for murder. Michael Capawan, John Mac- arski and Anna Ignatovich, of McAdoo, | are awaiting sentence for the stickup. | The directors of the bank passed a reso- lution thanking Gallagher and ordering | that he be paid $250. | —Starting on June 1, the State will | collect the gasoline tax from the distrib- | utor instead of the retail dealer. Gov- | ernor Pinchot late last Friday affixed his | signature to the Beidelspacher bill, an ad- | ministration measure which switches the responsibility for paying the gasoline tax to the source and which was urged by Governor Pinchot in his inaugural ad- dress. Instead of collecting the tax from 26,000 retail dealers, the State will now hold approximately 700 distributors responsible for the payment. The bill does not affect the tax, which remains at three cents per gallon. —Health authorities in Pittsburgh have announced that it had been definitely as- certained that three presons who are ill in Allegheny county are suffering from psittacosis (parrot fever.) Three deaths already have occurred among members of | the family to which the three persons now ill belong, and the deaths, first be- | lieved to have resulted from pneumonia. | are now sald to have been caused by psittacosis. Weigand, his mother, k Weigand and his daughter, Marie. A parrot owned by the family died before members of the family were stricken. —A cut of two thousand dollars a year in salary is in prospect for the president | judge of Clearfield county providing a | bill now before the State Senate galas final approval of that body. The authorizing Clearfield county to slash salary of its judge from $12,000 000 has already passed the House, now awaits final action of the g tional bank of Altoona, one a woman, pleaded guilty in federal court at Pitts burgh, on Monday, to embezzlement charges. Cyril Nagle, 87, former assist- ed with defalcations of $27,000 over a period of six years. His brother, H. Eugene Nagle, 25, a bookkeeper, admitted defaleations of $1,006 and was placed on He made full for two years after she admitted defal- cations of approximately $12,000. Her attorney told the court she had support. ed nine members of her family and that when the burden became too heavy, she began her defsleations. The bank was closed in April. :