constitutional in Dauphin county but DOWNIE BROS. CIRCUS | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. IS REALLY WORTH SEEING _rpomas King Morris Jr. was in from ms | Pittsbu Saturday, for an overnight Fred Hall Gillette, of It you care for & circus at all we Cul Seteoie 424 st Ste Cle hearing from a decision | appointed if you attend the DOWRIE y.yister returned home from Phila- | una W, I. Allison TE aulies. justice of the E.T. Haynes, Bros. enterprise which will exhibit geipnia, Monday afternoon, to assume her | : here next Thursday, May 28. duties as hostess at The Markland. | burg. Wednesday, to represent the Balle: 1 r obvious reason Ringlings, Sells —Mrs. Louise Taylor Manchester re- | fonte chapter of the C.D. of A at their December. The Floto or Hagenback and Wallace will | turned home, the afterpart of last week. piennial convention in session there camp Probably never exhibit in Belle- from Philadelphia, where she had been | weak. eer, by game fonte again. They are the big a patient in one of P ! B28 g 2 | | Z g : i lil ge EE g { £ a i 4 E 11 1a on the | spent several days pi + State appropriation for §1,- contempt for failure to orris | in Bellefonte with ' | fore the grand jury, last “000,000 has been recommended Sok | wi Rockview penitentiary for the get : “two years and $220,000 for the | affirm ecisi enough to give old circus fans the Philipsburg State hospital. rested on the. OHNE keeping & frais ine and cing 4113.55, thrill they BT i A a me | Rasa Yam Pit auaent at Temple | shoo! of pabdmer at She U. ot 5. + — Thursday, June 18th, hasbeen ea by James C. Furst Esq. ‘and Gillette's $412.80. They set- youngsters that something of delight win friends, last week, and spent the be Home oN from PHllateiphia thir week, for set as the date for the State College | vo explained to the that ever was and always will De week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kiwanis—Farmer picnic to be held | the girl did not a was | Thomas J. Fisher, of Fleming, peculiar to entertainment under a John Van Pelt, at their home near Miles- Lom: WKS the week and visitors . at Grange park, Centre Hall. The |, .,,5, when the subpoena was charged with a violation of the ve- DI top. yrs, to Bellefonte, having driven over to spend Lemont band has been engaged tO | oq on her she was not informed ‘hicle code, was in court on an ap- This show was here last season. —Mrs. Samuel W. Fleming accompanied | gynqqy with Mrs. Donachy’s parents, Mr. furnish music. ‘that she was to a | peal from justice J. L. Tressell's de- It was fine then and we know that Mrs. Hastings here from Harrisburg, C. C. Sh ppear as a wit- | and Mrs. . Shuey. _ “ i i ted it is better this year. We have been last week, remaining over night as a] In the regular “Farm and Gar | ness but had merely been ordered to cision. A mol pros was gEramNed: = thing the oho notices it has Suest of Mrs. Frank McFarlane. Mrs. —Jane Rath, of Elizabeth, N. J. has . den” column of the Watchman, this appear on motion of the district attorney. been a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Dorworth, week, will be found a very full re- ape ae Nefonte bY of i Po On January 17th, fish warden G. received in towns where it has ex- | Hastings is now in Bellefonte for the | LAE ring here from State Col. port of the monthly meeting Of paper, Mr. Furst also protested to W. Sperring, of Lock Haven, ar- hibited thus far this season. In "TIDUT ln 5 pocke returned, | eevaemity house haff bees for ane of the «The Garden Club,” of Bellefonte, {the court against what he charac- : rested Walter Davey, Thomas Spang- variably unusual space has been giv- Sunday evening ron Ble nia where fraternity house parties last wek. held last week. terized high-handed methods of chief ler and Robert James, of Blanchard, en to the merits of the show. News |p; pocke ee PIL big) Mr and Mrs. C, Y_Wagner lah Wes. —_C. A. Krape was taken to Yougel, not only in connection with on the charge of fishing out of sea- Papers, as a rule, don't bother much prother, for a month, while under the nesday on a drive to Searcy, Kansas, for | i ircus perform- ‘a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Elliot Pittsburgh, last Saturday, b sheriff the Ellis girl but several others, whom Som, fishing without a license and With comment on a ¢ care of Dr. Frazier and Dr. Grant, of Harry E Dunlap to hs Yon his he kept o his office several hours having in their possession five trout ance. In consequence of that fact|the University hospital. | 7 Hors 2a the Su, Se pocting sentence of one to ten years in the and by threats of sending them to and one bass. They were given a | . Downie Bros. must be exceptional- Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Darlington and Dy ne Flom. jail endeavored to force them to hearing before 'Squire Tressell who ly meritorious for a small circus else Mr. Eagen drove to Williamsport, Tuesday, eelian YEitics ight Superintenacit b : ing last Thursday. | give testimony against Tanney, even found them guilty and imposed a the rule would not be broken. in Mrs. Darlington’s car, the women ac- |... yome Sunday, from a three month's .___At the recent student dairy ex- (When they told him they knew fine and costs. The men appealed, The Charlestown, W. Va., Gazette companying Mr. Eagen, a shoe man of | L. tion spent with relatives in Califor- "| and after a hearing in court, Thurs- of May 8 devoted an entire column Johnstown, on a business trip to Wil- |, ong will at once resume her d . position at The Pennsylvania State ‘nothing to his detriment. The El day afternoon, Judge Fleming sen- to praise of the enterprise, Before me her duties it 72.288 ; i | i 5 re ; : g : : i : E f | liamsport and Harrisburg. at the hospital. Rollege James D. Burke, of Howard, |lis girl went on the witness stand —Mrs. Roy Wilki ith her daugh- | © was 8 eclared winner as grand cham. (and told her own story, which was tnced them to Pay @ Sine of $185,00 US is the Marietta, Obio, Sunday, Ir ler, ry | The three Love men and their sister, | each and costs and stand committed Times of May 10, and it goes so far ‘Clyde, Win J., Linn L. and Mrs. Charles _ pion show man of dairy cattle and coroborated by her father, and the Flegal, of Philipsburg, drove to Philadel- | oo" proieon all of Bellefonte, and | : tence is compiled with. 83 to say that Downie Bros. “is the . champion professional judge of dairy court discharged the defendant. ‘until the sen phia, Monday, for a days visit with Mrs. | Sanpny judg | “William S. Crispen, of Clarence, |Davey's fine and costs amounted to best Sires br has een seen here Wilkinson's second daughter, Emily, & | wed Be tn to Punssuluiney — All next week that pair of | Plead guilty to a violation of the $236.67; Spangler, $225.81, and Burns, Downi B sh on 9 Say: © | student at Drexel. | Symmonds, who was operated on in the | $236.67. e Bros. show that played here __ as Harold Kirk, a surgical patient Punxsutawney hospital that day, and _ | motor code by driving a car while | Jovie coniedy Slows, Wintie Light under the influence of liquor and| On Tuesday of last week the six last season had been rejuvenated of specialists in Lewistown, for the past since then has been in a very serious and a good job was done of it. In five weeks, | hough sl : was sentenced to a fine of $25, boys who, last January, played havoc | five , is now thought to be slowly condition. : tne State ad whem that pair a | costs of p I 3. 50rve thir. in the Joseph Baker home, at Win- the first place it has been nearly recovering from a sinus ailment. No| _ iss Annie Gray was taken to her ons i pond hi i BE for | days in jail. | gate, were brought before the court doubled in size and now has a men- | definite time, however, is set for her re- home at Benmore, Saturday, having ere is 0 0 or | Ye yard Butler, charged with driv- and after being severely lectured agerie that in many respects is as turn to Bellefonte. | been under treatment at the Centre Coun- "&heir audience. ing a car after his license had been ‘were informed that if they would creditable as that to be found inthe | —Mrs. Odillie Mott and her son Basil |ty hospital since March. Mrs, Vonhees ue moat beautiful dilae bush | evoked, vas sentenced to pay the |make good the damage to the prop- larger cirouses. There wesy 34{ have Sutirned Seo. Deprolt,_ Hiehigan, | Fininpach who has been in charge of we have ever seen stands in e i h imens a ere not agreeing th | 0 ray home at Benore since her | coats, $25 fine and 30 days in jail. | erty to the extent of $300, and pay |C28€% Y ues Basil's impaired health. Mrs. Mott sister, Miss Gray, was taken ill, will re- yard in front of the home of F. M. | the costs sentence would be sus- land five elephants and four camels, ‘Dunkle, in Hublersburg. Its sym. | Annie Sokolosky, of PRIIPSM'E: pended, but they would be put on |The motorized equipment this season rousht with her Afrs. Maurice Yeager. | shortly to her home at Madison, “metry is perfect, the foliage luxur- harge consisted of 85 trucks and about for a visit with Bellefonte friends. |N. J., to arrange for closing it for the : of violating the liquor laws and parole for 18 months. ; | summer. Mr. will jant and the bloom an unusual shade of Yidatsg q upon pay- Five cases docketed on the May | thirty trailers and house cars. Mgr. —The W. L. O'Brien family and Mrs. | Halt oh ao. m ln her 8 «pf deep lavender. sessions and 1 i by the 3 Sparks evidently has expended a O'Brien's sister, Mrs. Talbot, have been i Last Thursday, May 14th, was piece, a = Secertion, jury, last week, with BY ester put |£00d share of the fortune he is said here ‘oo THUR Wo Sho wok | Car E13 DALI Gray Some woe “the day that “Mary crossed the pronation and parole officer. upon the county, were as follows: {to have made with his other Circus. 5.5 mother, ‘re a and His ountain.” according to the old leg- |" Timco Capello, of Philipsburg, Dale E. White, Boalsburg, pateing |es in making the Downie circus Wor- 4 the Gamble home on west Linn street. AMERICAN LEGION WILL “end. and rain that day will mean wet | bead guilty to a violation of the Worthless check. Albert Thompson. thy of his name and reputation.” —Mr. and Mrs. Francis Musser moved HONOR SOLDIER DEAD ‘weather for forty days; and it will |liquor laws and was sentenced to prosecutor. Costs, $17.45. | | from State College, last week, to the — * be recalled that we had a terrific | pay the costs, a dollar fine and 30 George Harshberger, assault and BELLEFONTE FIREMEN | Quigley Inn, a twenty-three room road | At a regular meeting of Brooks- “thunder shower that evening. days in the Allegheny county work and battery, Amanda Rhoads, pros- | LOSE IN COURT HEARING Bouse betwen Lock Haven and Jersey Doll post American Legion, Monday Costs. . x n connecti vening, emorial Clo er 30 ‘he an | omiiass Ball | iron A Beckwith, malicious “espe Museers will have on to aie 2 Say progiam , of Rush township, | . cious Two cases of especial interest to was definitely arranged. Members | | filling station. by John R. Bracken, head of the land- | charged with breaking, entering and mischeif. Paul Tuskovich, prose- volunteer firemen everywhere were of the post and the Ladies Auxiliary :wcape agricultural department at larceny, was sentenced to pay the cutor. Costs, $50.03. tried in court here, on Wednesday. a Davia ule ung 2: Fauble, o will attend religious services in the - State College, to be held in the Pres- costs, a dollar fine and serve three Lewis D. Harvey, State College, They were the cases of John J. BoW- | guniingdon, are in Canada on a fishing Evangelical church, at 10.30 o'clock chapel this (Friday) eve- months in the county jail Luke involuntary manslaughter. A. E.| er against George I. Purnell, ChArg- | expedition. They left here on Wednes- Sunday morning, marching there in ming, at 8 o'clock. The public is in- | Russell, who plead guilty to a sim- Yougel, prosecutor, Costs, $38.62. ed with resisting an officer and In- day and are occupying a camp that is a body from the Legion home. - wited: _ | ilar offense, was sentenced James Cramer, larceny. W. T. terfering with firemen while In the owned by Mr. Fauble's brother-in-law, On Sunday afternoon the Legion, — Steve Hamas, former Penn the costs, a dollar fine ‘McClellan, prosecutor. Costs, $40.08. performance of their duty, and O. W. E. Seel, of Harrisburg. accompanied by the bugle and drum : State football and boxing star, has months in the Allegheny coun | CASES DISPOSED OF THIS WEEK. B. Malin vs. George I Purnell, as-| —Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Rankin and corps and a firing squad from Troop : scored his eighth consecutive knock- work house. Ball and | The regular session of May court | Sault and battery. their two sons, Douglas and Bailey, were | L, will go 30 the Meyers. Semetery Russell out since entering the professional gone on the premises of Casper ‘opened, Monday morning, and the The cases grew out of an alterna- up from Camp Hill, Sunday, for one of land hold services. .) tion between the firemen and Mr. Pur- | their freqeunt visits with the children’s be Rev. C, F. Laurer, chaplain at Tanks. It was in the preliminaries sab, at Sandy Ridge, torn down sev- following cases heard and disposed grandfather, William B. Rankin and his | Rockview penitentiary. From Meyers ‘to the Loughran-Campollo fight at eral outbuildings and stolen the of: nell at the burning of his garage Madison Square Garden, New York, lumber. John Reed plead guilty to two cases (On February 6th. At the time Mr. Seo Saughbes, Mrs. Helliwell and Miss | cemetery they will go to Pleasant Nast Friday night. | Benjamin R. Harris, of Spring of violation of the vehicle code and | Purnell knocked Malin down and —The Philip Sh Have pout | S20 00d Bold services there, Serv- — Maj. Gen. A. A. Fries, of | township, was brought into court for on each one was’ sentenced to pay | Pushed Bower so hard that he fell | soned going to their new home just east ices at Shiloh will be held by the ‘Washington, D. C., head of the re- failure to pay $20 a month for the the costs and a fine of $100. down. er Near of py | amesican Legion of Stale College. . serve officers training corps, will be | support of his children. He was F. E. Boyer Jr. entered a plea of Bower's case was tried first and iliness of Philip's mother, Mrs. T. A.| On Memorial day, May 30th, the the Memorial day speaker at the Sent to the Allegheny county work nol contendre to a charge preferred after the Commonwealth closed it's | Shoemaker, whose condition though now | Legion will go to the Advent ceme- Pennsylvania State College. The en- house for six months to one year. by Veronica Folmer, was adjudged testimony Ivan Walker Esq., moved improving was regarded as very serious tery, in Boggs township, where serv- tire student brigade of 1800 rifles| Russell Flick, who in February, guilty by the court and given the for a demurrer on the ground that within the past two weeks. ices will be held at 9 o'clock in the will parade as ol feature of the ob-|1929, was ordered to pay $15 a usual sentence imposed in such cases. Bower was not a sworn officer of the| —Miss Margaret Cook went to Summit, morning. At 11 o'clock the Le- : servance of the day. ‘month for the support of his two, Harry L. Yeager and George Cul: law. The court promptly dismissed N. J. Sunday evening to be the guest ‘gion will hold services in the Cath The Woman's Civic club of Children and failed in his payments, ver, overseers of the poor of Snow | the jury and attorneys argued the |of a school friend on a drive to Welles- (oli cemetery, Bellefonte, where Rev. was ordered to file a new bond in Shoe township, were in court on the case to the court. The argument 'e¥ college, expecting to spend several Downes will be the speaker. “Bellefonte will hold its regular meet- days there and in the vicinity of Bos-| . the sum of $300 within ten da ‘charge of neglect made Mrs. Sol- developed that while Bower was duly o In the afternoon, at 130, the OE rt wasaing orning, | Charles Hummell, of a ta who clahaed they es fu. | elected fire marshall he had never | (2CTIE 1 WE LC TU leav- | parade will form on north Spring : in, iss l “May 25, at 7.30. Since this is the | Who last December was ordered to nish her proper support. Defendants been sworn in as an officer, acord- te x Cook will be gone about ten greet and march to the cemetery ast meeting of the year and the P&Y $15 a month to the support testified that they had furnished ing to the borough ordinance, and| _pne Misses Sara and Frances Furst, vaneetion of officers will be held, jt of his wife, and had also failed in clothing and provisions but she also the court granted the demurrer and daughters of Mr, and Mrs. William S. “#8 urged that every member be pres- Nis payments, was informed that it wanted them to pay her rent and placed the costs, $60.77, on the coun- | Furst, of Overbrook, who were obliged cation and the speaker wiil be Judge rent. he will pay the costs and all ar- supply of coal. The court suggested LV. : to postpone the visit they expected to |M. Ward Fleming. Tonight the last showi ¢ | rearages to date the order will be that they furnish the coal and ar- Malin’s case was tried next and make to Bellefonte several weeks ago. Services will be held at a ~—1onigl ne A. RE vacated, ‘range for the payment of the rent. went to the jury. Thiey, Tefuriod 8 src srranbiug 2 Sume tuia wih = oon at four o'clock in the afternoon, the eRe Jilin In he 1 Milla a George Wise, of Philipsburg, also | The case of the Commonwealth vs. verdict of not guilty but pay the spvora) Jugs, with their grandmother, Legion and drum corps to partici- : adwtse seeing it. Arliss is the "in court on a desertion and non-sup- Elsie Harpster, eharger Wo pos- | costs, which in this case amounted BR {Coot pate. cast Ii tor and the reat Lot charge, was ordered to pay the session and the transportation of II | to $0717 eh He; The Legion has undertaken to ving eter play is one C0." oturn home and go to work, quor, was tried on Monday, and re- as a guest of place a flag and marker at every * with an unusual interest. The very! ” sulted in a v of * Wea of a Disraeli running a sling after pa wile Jad signified hor will Ss 3. 10 3. vediet ‘not guilty, but "PIRIGIBLE; MIGHTY oA oa Wainedday Mrs, Jadings motored to *igtuiion ia SHOuED S Pay curiosity oo: Harhosky, of Philipsburg, On complaint of Sue Kadish, John =e san do who was brought into court on a Zavada was convicted onanimmoral Overshadowing all preceding air |two months in —— Delightful entertainment is desertion and non-support charge, charge and was sentenced to pay the | pictures, “Dirigible” comes to the her sister, Mrs. Martha Wilson. marked. promised those who go to see the | got off easy. His wife failed to ap- costs and $100 fine. Cathaum theatre, State College, on| —Miss Elizabeth Cooney accompanied Mijwing pictures of famous paintings pear against him and, on motion of Joseph Powell was before the Monday and Tuesday of next week, | Miss %'that will be shown at the Episcopal the district attorney, the case was court on three separate indictments, for its world premier run at popular Week, going from - parish house, in this place, next nol prossed upon the payment of one an immoral charge preferred by prices. Now running in the large tyulu to do sothe Fumes buying for The § £ g “Wednesday evening at 8:15. The costs. ‘May Sowers, the second relating to | cities at $1.50 prices, this mighty or %. Jaaph, the pastor ladies of St. Mary's Guild are going | Richard Henwood, of Philipsburg, | the same charge in which county de- | epic of the clouds is one of the most uw. from Fillyteighia Ju | ® Patviah Sa. the Times.” ‘This was the third to give a series of entertainments another desertion and non-su tective Leo Boden was the prosecutor, | thrilling adventure-romances of the ,.. roiher and returned, Sunday, to join of a series of sermons on “The Sec- and this will be the first. Admis- case, was ordered to pay $20 a and the third a violation of the liquor year. his sister in the city. : ond Coming of Christ” The large -smion is only 35cts. month for the support of his child laws. The first case went to trial but _ The picture was made with the Out” ol town ZHiends’ here, on’ Tuts: attendance indicated the interest ——A crew of se otion picture and give bond in the sum of $300 after the Commonwealth had sub- | full cooperation of the United States |. . sor the manifested operators of Warner Bros. of New Within ten days. mitted it's testimony defendant Navy, utilising the naval airbase day. tor the funeral of the late ©. Lew consuming toplo. Next Sunday eve- John L. Sellman, of Philipsburg, changed his plea from not guilty to at Lakehurst and the giant Zeppelin | proup, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Catherine Bell, ning’s subject will be “The Rapture Ey tag ws Be: also up for desertion and nou: | uilty and wag SOBIBCH Is OY he “Los Angeles” in its thrilling scenes. son Earl and daughter, Mrs. Margaret of the Church” The public is cordi- - Bellefonte aviation field. They ‘support and the order against him | costs of prosecution, a dollar fine Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Fay Patton, of Huntingdon; Mrs. Thomas ally invited to attend. - mained overnight as guests at The Was for $30 a month for the sup- and serve nine months in jail. In the Wray are the featured players, and Hull and daughter, Miss Jennie, of “ Markland, returning to New York on | port of his wife and child, and to second case he was sentenced to pay a strong romantic story is woven Aaronsburg; Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Kess-| ___Three Centre county girls were “Saturday. The pictures taken will | Post a $300 bond within ten days. the costs, a dollar fine and three | through the exciting scenes of an |inger and son Finley, of State College. | included in the list of nurses gradu- * likely be shown on the news reel at Abraham C. Coble, of Boalsburg, months in jail. On the third charge airplane crash in the polar wastes ahd Mit. 334 Mes. A. B. Naldrett, of. c0q gt the Protestant Episcopal - %he Warner theatre, at State College, | Plead guilty to a violation of the he was given a probation sentence and a sensational rescue by the * hospital, in Philadelphia, on Wednes- 43n the near future. vehicle code and was sentenced to upon payment of the costs. dirigible. —Mr. and Mrs, John I. Thompson were | day evening. They are Miss Mary pay the costs, $25 fine and 60 days Co wealth vs. H. L, Tlian,| There will be a daily matinee at here from Westfleld, N. J. Saturday, 10% Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. on This evening will be the time [ino Allegheny county workhouse. [charged with a violation of the liquor | 1:8) atl the evening showings will [40 overnight visit witk Ale TOOVPUY |S. Smith, of Snow Shoe; Min Kath- for tre Bellefonte Academy football Glenn Hoffman, of State College, law. Defendant plead guilty and was | begin at 6:00 and 8:00. Parente ing coe up on secount of the | IYR Love, daughter of Mrs, Elizabeth dance, in the auditorium, at Hecla uigation of the vehicle code, an ap- sentenced to pay the costs, $400 fine ————— illness of Mr. Thompson, who suffered a Love, of Reynolds avenue, Bellefonte, park. Music will be furnished DY | peq) from the decision of ‘Squire |and imprisonment in the Allegheny ——Mary Louise Meyer, daughter | signe stroke of paralysis last week. Mrs. | and Miss Ruth Wetzler, daughter of the Nittany Nine orchestra, of State jy L. Tressell. Hoffman was ar- county work house for nine moaths. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Meyer, of Carrie B. Sides, of Jersey Shore, was|Mr. and Mrs. F.ank L. Wetzler, of Mil . College. ‘The usual price of $3.00 |yooteq in State College while driving |A similar sentence Wes imposed in |Spring street, Bellefonte, has won also a guest last week at the Thompson ~ per couple will prevail. This will 1 a side street with only his small another case against the defendant signal honors at Hood College, Fred- | apartments, coming up with Mrs. Garber, ” probably be the last big dance of y,.q jights. ‘The case was heard for selling liquor. erick, Md., where she is now in her who had been in Jersey Shore visiting. MEMORIAL DAY FLOWERS the season and should not be miss- p.ore Tressell who imposed the us- | B. H. Savercool, of State College, |junior year. After having been | Thirteen officials and employees of = tt * od by all lovers of the art. Danc-| ..: fine and Hoffman appealed. In Was tried on an indictment for fraud, chosen editor of the “Blue and Gray,” the West Penn Power company, Belle-| The Annual Memorial day sale of ing from 9 to 2 o'clock. court he was represented by John | prosecutor, Jove Pashiih Smith. | the school publication, made vice |fonte division, jidating superintendent plana 3nd oe ES Wil be a Superintendent Russel, of the | T. Taylor ., of State College. In |The jury retu a t of not president of the athletic association and Mrs. W. T. rmick, Miss -lat rge 8 pe ut of State highway | Builty and divided the costs between |and president of the Keystone honor fred Gates, chief clerk; Miss Mary Penn- | beginning Wednesday May 27. 21-2t ‘Williamsport division of the Pennsyl- vania railroad, accompanied by other | patrolman C. I. Gross, attorney Tay- the defendant and prosecutor. society, the greatest compliment the ington, Me. 4 J Mss Jun We Rrege 2%, | | Commonweal " . » . officials from Williamsport, and van | lof asked him why he brought the th vs. Ambrose Smead, | students of that institution can con- | o "victor Watson, Carl Dubbs, Bellefonte Grain Markets. ‘8. Jodon, president of the Bellefonte case before 'Squire Tressell, instead of Bellefonte, indicted for neglect to fer was voted to her last week when |... Gordon and D.C. Dalrymple mo- Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Central Railroad company, made a of taking it to the nearest justice, pay gasoline tax. Prosecutor, Floyd [she was made “White Blazer” girl to at-| Wheat .. 80 tn over the Bellefonte Central from as the 1a" directs. Gross replied that | © Parker. Defendant plead guilty It is awarded by a secret ballot of 006d. to PULbUEED. _Yorturidy. 3 tne [Corn * Bellefonte to Nealmont on Wednes- | that law had been declared unconsti- (and was sentenced to pay the costs |the entire student body and 18 a | National Electric Light Association held Oats 40 day afternoon. The object of the trip | tutional in Dauphin county. Judge and a fine of $130. recognition of the girl who is most |last night in McCreary's banquet hall. |Rye 60 we leave to the conjecture of our Fleming promptly interceded by outstanding, both in scholastic work (From fifteen to eighteen hundred usually | Barley, =o 80 wredders. stating that “the law might be un- | We will do your job work right. and in campus activities. attend this gathering. a