Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 15, 1931, Image 6

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    We hold our stuff until the last,
Then try to rush it through so fast
The printer gets snowed under,
But still we camp upon his trail,
And prod him on with woeful tale, «
Or rant and roar like thunder.
He shoots it through, the proof we get.—
Hell's bells! the job is not right yet. i
We chop that proof to splinters.
It takes two days before he knows
Just what each hieroglyphic shows—
A dumb lot are those printers.
The job's delivered. Some relief!
fo know we're through with rush and
We ought to thank the printer.
But no! The poor gink's out of luck—
He overcharged us one whole buck.
Once more we damn the printer.
a Boston Jestier resulted from
crossing o English bulldog.
Being a good-looking little chap, he
sprang into ty.
Unfortunately, Dr, Lentz states, |
{here has never been a commercial |
demand for dogs with outstanding
The St. Bernards of the Alps would
geem an exception to this statement,
put their work has been more a
tter of instinct than definite intel-
About the only real commercial
demand for highly intelligent ca-
es has come from the stage, and
stage has paid little or no at-
tion to breed.
- Harry Goldberg, in a righted
$iiiate in the Philadelphia Public
r, elaborates this idea quoting
Pr. Lentz thus:
“In trying to give the dog style
and an aristocratic air, American
Breeders are deliberately attempting
to modify the t so that it will
Raye long slender and muzzles.
And this intelligent animal is hav-
ing the brains pressed out of him
as the skull grows smaller and small-
Take the German shepherd dog
known in America as the police dog.
He is ceasing to resemble the big-
Read, on ahed animal which
yepresents the species in Germany.
It is not really the breeders’ fault.
Pr the people wanted and demanded
fntelligence in dogs, there would be
2 Juss to supply the demand,
especially intelligent dogs were
dred to dogs of like intelligence, it
would result in the appearance of
suner-intelligent dogs.
IT am certain that such dogs would
provide much more entertainment
and fun for adults, as well as boys
and girls, i
The brain of a dog i= more like
#h~t of man than any other small
Twentv or thirtv years ago there
rors 2 Rveat many Newfoundlanls
2 eo'mtrv, but now
virtnalle disappeared. Puey ave
The Newfoundland was a sunerior |
grimal. He had brains. He was |
rm He was fond of children,
A ~enld be trusted with them. He
gp he taught to go errands and
T have seen Newfrundlands go to
a gtre with a note tneked under
ho collar and return with eggs un-
k=alron and pn groceries lost. They
#14 fetoh slinners. omen the door.
Prine in the evening paver, and be
feat chnms for voungsters.
. ™he nve-dog was an example ofa
~natrocitv ereated bv the skill of
. This creature was enormously pop-
r at one time. but the wo that
= Wrouzht to my clinic recently
wne the first Thad seen inten years.
. Hit how legs. wide shoulders, un-
hat aw, and sagging belly were
mhined in a doz which was ob-
anme'v an artificial product: a mon-
yin hy Wits Tia really to rec-
o ty dship
Arman haines, She tele ”
Tha nwno.dne has a turned-un tur-
Woate in his nose which makes it
@®anlt for him to hreathe: and
whila tha enartine at first made him
anmanw $a ha a npuenacious dog, a
am~tte which manv neanle nrefer in
” Ravanhald net, wet the constant
gmavtine hanamas annpuine, esneciallv
@* wnivht and the niedne has now
Borama nn walla of n nast fad.
A EaRInid newsnaner. offering $1
@arh far Yamharrqstine moments” |
fottama wanaived the followine eniatle:
“TF yeavts an an early nicht shift in
p tan! wlant T ent hame an hour
pnvter Inat nicht. and there T fond
prnthiae wan with me wife r wey
Yvan I uaihanand Pleaae
~- “an Ladd
en y mv mvife was also
ha aditam on roe are tnlAd cont a
ahonls fav 7 pAmittine the noesthil.
ftv that tha ofvanmar tna. micht
Powe hoon amharrasgsed.
Ona nn fthe laveast oontracts for
pantamntive trangnartation nlared Hv
tha eonvrernmont since the war has
hen nwaedad tha Findenn Motor
ecom=mans whisk hae poacelved an or.
Aor far 100M Tgepx Suner Six units
Tha sama ava tahe nand he the poetal
Aannwpwmante on mafl delivery work
in 25 cities,
Leaders Take Advantage of
Zeal and Superstition of
Religious Sect.
Manila, P. 1.—The recent battle In
the Island of Luzon,
between several hundred religious fa.
naties known as Calorums and an
armed force of the Philippine con-
stabulary caused little surprise to per-
sons familiar with conditions in the
archipelago. The Calorums, who de
rive their name from the Latin words |
with which |
“saecula saeculorum,”
Philippines, |
sultan or headsman complained, he |
was told that there was no way to
prevent a boat going “Juramentado™
any more than the tribal authorities
could prevent some of their own peo- |
ple from doing it. The quick thinking
Moro has a sense of humor, and the
lesson was not lost.
Head Hunting Negligible.
Among the wild tribes, perhaps the |
most overrated for flerceness are the
so called head hunters. It Is doubt-
ful whether there have been twenty
heads actually hunted in the islands
in the last twenty years. The tribes
| who used to take delight in head Nunt-
| ing—Igorotes, Ifugaos, Bontoks, and
| Tingians—cause comparatively little
many prayers conclude, have been ac |
| tive throughout the islands for many
years under the leadership of self:
styled “papas” or popes, who find it
easy to take advantage of their zeal |
| and superstition. .
In the troublesome islands of Samar
and Leyte, southeast of Luzon, the
Calorums are generally called “Pula: |
janes” (pronounced “pulihanes™)
| schools.
and in other localities they may, from |
| homemaking, operates her classes on |
time to time, assume other designa
tions. But, whatever their name, they |
believe they are true Christians, and
thelr faith is so strong that they think
themselves immune to the bullets of
their enemies.
Forty-three Distinct Tribes.
To deal with them is often dif
cult, partly because of geographical
reasons. Adequate policing is almost
impossible in an archipelago of more
than 7,000 islands, some of which are
almost as large as New York state
and others mere barren rocks jutting
out of the sea. Large areas are jun
gle and mountainous—almost inacces
sible to a punitive expedition and al
ways fraught with the danger of am
bush. Forty-three distinct
speaking “Hanared
inhabit : ra 4
porino from iy Ving oo
ing bout. 4, , to the pig-
mies, Negritos, and others, dwelling
either in the swamps wor high up io
the mountains. = = .,
American administrators have en-
countered trouble from various of
these groups in many of
In the island of Leste :
e islands.
te the Pulajane
branch of the pram ce Eept
v or
neatly a brigade of
win, po a on
in the barrios there pry
p+ war would begin
sweep over the Islands, and then over
the whole world, Furious fighters were
coming to Surigao from all over the
islands, the priests said, and every gov-
ernment official, regardless of race,
was to be slaughtered. After this
massacre the immortal Jose Rizal—
the George Washington and Simon
Bolivar of the Philippines, who was
executed by the Spaniards before
America took over the islands—would
trouble. In the mountains of Luzon,
where the summer capital, Baguio, is
situated, the Igorotes are the pre-
dominant tribe and make excellent
Kansas School Conducts
Classes in Home Life
Kansas City, Mo.—Dissenters to the |
theory that American home life is |
rapidly disappearing will find material |
for debate in the sixth grade class
rooms of the Kansas City public
Miss Anna E. Hussey, director of |
the principle that the thirteen-year-old |
girls have a share in the home and |
family life. The more they put into it
the greater happiness they derive,
| aside from the benefits to other mem-
rise from the dead and make his head- |
quarters on a small island off the
coast of Surigao. From there a Rizal
ark would take the victors to the large |
{sland of Cebu, where
dwell forever without
rest of the world.
The “Difficult” Tribesmen.
The natives believed the prophecy.
They slaved and saved and sold and
turned all the profit into the coffers
of the priests and leaders. When au- |
thorities sent an armed force to break
up the scheme severe fighting followed
and a number of lives were lost.
The general bellef that the Moros, |
the Mohammedans of the southern |
{slands of the Philippine group, are
the most difficult tribesmen to deal
with is not entirely warranted. True,
they are hardier warriors, more cour-
ageous and intelligent than the other
so called “wild tribes.” But the Moros
are becoming educated, while it is next
to impossible to go into the jungles
and mountains and carry civilizing in.
fluences among the more remote tribes,
Much of the bad name associated
with the Moros is due to their cus
tom known as “juramentado.” A
Moro gone “juramentado” is a Moro
who has sworn to dle killing male
Christians and sending their souls
to hell. Christian women are in no
danger, because in the Moro faith a
woman has no soul,
The story is still told in Moroland
that in the early days of American
occupation, when “juramentados”
were running amuck all too frequent-
ly, an American gunboat did a littie
“juramentado” of its own by shelling
aqversl offending villages. When the
would |
molestation |
while a plague would depopulate the |
bers of the family, Miss Hussey holds. |
In her home economics classes she |
teaches courtesy, how best to spend |
spart time, how to lighten mother's
work, how to entertain the younger
children, and how to prepare foods. i
The courtesy classes have aroused |
the most enthusiasm, Miss Hussey
sald. With an eye to debutante days,
the girls are eager to know what to |
do when receiving and entertaining |
The project method was brought into
play, and various social situations
were unreeled in approved form |
Young daughter is hostess of the oc
casion, and she uses all the little
tricks that contribute to the word
18 Foot Shark Caught
in Net, Fights to End
Boston.—And 18 foot shark, weigh- |
ing close to a ton, that was strong
enough to bring an 80 foot fishing
boat up short despite the fact her
powerful engines were operating at
half speed, was landed at the fish
pler today by the dragger Natalie II,
whose crew captured and killed the
big fish 25 miles ncrtheast of Thatch:
er's island yesterday.
When the Natalie was suddenly
jerked to a stop on the fishing grounds
with her big ground fish net trailing
under water, Capt. Tony Linquata and
bis crew figured the net might have
fouled a ledge or sunken wreck, so
they hauled it In and discovered the
huge shark in the strands.
The net was landed on the boat by
the powerful winches
for half an hour sinking lances Into
the 18 footer before it succumbed.
slipped and slithered around the deck |
Beetle, Farm Pest, Is |
Parasite’s Meal Ticket
Washington.—All human effort to
stay the aggressive Japanese beetle |
has failed, but he is being mowed | |
down by a parasite, the tippia popil-
liavora rohwer. |
This parasite is particularly adapted |
for use in the natural control of the |
beetle because it is a specific parasite |
of this pest In its native land, and In
this country the tendency is preserved.
Soil temperatures here appear to
be favorable for its normal develop
ment. The adult, wasp-like parasite
shows a decided preference for the 1
flowers of wild carrot, as food, and H
fortunately this plant is abundant in |
the region now infested with the bee |
Dentist Pulls Own Teeth
and Then Fits Bridge
Omaho.—Dr. H. E. Newton, Omaha
dentist, recently, pulled two of his
own front teeth. After the gums
healed Doctor Newton made a bridge
for the cavities.
The doctor, however, didn't pull the
teeth as an advertising stunt,
The rest of the world probably
would never have known that the
doctor did his own dental work If
it hadn't been for L. C. Chapman, in-
surance man, who held the mirror
while the doctor performed the oper-
Maine Grows Lemons
Bath, Maine, —Miss Jane Murph;
has at her home here a tree which this
year produced eight lemons, two of
which weighed 1 pound, 11 ounces
each and were 15 Jdnches in circum-
Cambridge, England. — The
boy who got 80 per cent in an
examination should never, nev-
er marry the girl who got 80
per cent. They would be far too
clever for each other, according
to Prof. Ernest Barker, profes
sor of politica! science at the
University of Cambridge, The
professor, however, would mar-
ry the boy who got 80 per cent
to the girl who got 40 per cent,
and she would manage him,
ss .8 8 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 2. a 8 3 8 8 8 8 2 B 2 8 BB
. 8 8 8 8 2 8 8 8
Tiss ass
| victim wus a cabinet minister,
Too Fluent
A war-wearr Tommy, elated by
prospects of .oing on leave, was ap-
| proaching the docks at Boulogue, He
had just asked the French porter
some question. A torrent of explana-
| tures on petitions to be filed
weighed down by haversacks and | the County Commissioners.
| equipment, stood stolidly listening and
tory French followed. The soldier,
gazing intently at the porter. Finally
the verbal torrent ceased. Then Tom- |
my spoke again, “And ‘ow does the
chorus go, matey?” he asked.—Bairns-
father's Rook, “From Mud to Mufti”
Genesis of Train Whistles
Among recent centenaries is that of
the first sensational railway accident,
It happened at the opening of the Man-
| chester and Liverpool railway, and the
ees ee meee ae ———
June 17—First day securing sig-
{ natures on petitions for nominations
| to be filed wth the Secretary of the
| Commonwealth.
July 2—First day to secure sigas
‘nominations to fill vacancies cause
by the withdrawal of candidate
nominated at the primary election.
October 3--Last day topay tax t
qualify for the November AY on.
October 9—Last day when cand
dates nominated at the primary elec
| dates may withdraw before the prl-
titions with the County Commission-
ers for party officers.
be assessed for the November elec-
nomination papers by any independ-
ent body of citizens y
had been killed before, but it was felt |
that, if the high and mighty were in
peril, something must be done. So the
rallway engine whistle was invented
to give warning of danger, and Rev,
Sydney Smith sald it sounded like the
| despairing squeal of a lnwrer when
carried off hy his master the devil?
Wren House Front Moved
The facade of London's first man-
sion house, designed by Sir Christo-
pher Wren in 1669, was purchased by |
a Fulham firm and the entire facade
assembled on a lawn at Isleworth, sev-
eral miles away.
Gorilla a Vegetarian
Like most other members of the
monkey family, the gorilla is a vege-
tarian, its food consisting chiefly of
the fruits of the trees in which it
lives, but also of vegetables and
Made Beads for Indians
The first glass beads which were ' 3
traded to the Indians were brought
. from Europe, but in 1821 several
Italian glasa-workers were Imported
to manufacture beads for the Indians.
There is a statue erected by women
to woman In Fredericksburg, Va.
erected by women of America to Mary,
mother of George Washington. It
was dedicated May 1, 1804,
Beneficial Loss
Loss of population wouldn't hurt a
town much if it could devise some
scheme to lose the right ones. —San
Fraacisco Chronicla
August 3--Last day when candi-
tion may withdraw.
November 2—Municipal election.
August 11—Last day for filing pe-
August 25—Frst registration day.
ber 1 and 2—Last days to
September 4—Last day for filing
September 5—Third and last regis-
September 15 Primary election.
September 29—Last day to file
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
74-27-tt Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
Fire Insurance
Does yours represent the val-
ue of your property five years
ago or today? We shall be
glad to help you make sure that
your protectior is adequate to
your risks,
If a check up on your property
values indicates that you are
only partially insured-—let us
bring your protection up to date.
Hugh M. Quigley
Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa.
Dependable Insurance
fy TR Te FT ro fey pa Le Be ee I ET Teed] Teed] Med 1a)
i Be ee FIN Na Hed Le
Painter and Paper Range
Now located in room formerly occupied
by The Bellefonte Republican—
19 West High Street
Bellefonte, Penna.
Open Every Night Until 8 0’Clock
Let Me Figure on Your Painting
and Papering Needs
With a new machine I remove the old paper from the walls
without making dirt or smearing the paint.
-3R |
1 FIIR FIN £330 F230 £230 £20 FN Sn SO G3 FE SN CN G50 G50 GE GSN GER G0 G30 EEN 0 606 0 0 60 FE
ITT dl Hed] Lael Lied! Led! Led] Ties
| +
on wealth.
Your Standard of Living
For all we know, some Monoglian landowner, living
miserably in a smoky felt tent, may be the richest man
in the world—For standards of living are not based
They are based rather on the way people
use wealth. The reason why American standards are
considered highest in the world is because the great ma- |
jority of Americans have at their command all the
things necessary to a civilized and cultured mode of liv-
Te. Democratic Watchman
Any housewife in America, even of most moderate
means, can draw upon the resources of all the world for
her own private use!
You may study and enjoy outright at very small
expense, music—drama—art in all its forms. You
may review the smartest styles each day as they appear
in the pages of newspapers. You may select household
furnishings, modern conveniences, heat-units, refriger-
ation, food in luxurious and endless variety, cosmetics,
dress-goods, automobiles, anything in fact that is com-
monly looked upon as part of the American scene—you
may select these things leisurely and conveniently by
merely studying the advertisements that appear daily,
weekly and monthly in the papers and magazines that
come into your home.