Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 15, 1931, Image 2

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    : ) { La Estrella sudden] 'such as I am, that I could not look
{of Luis Sal; this boy, we recog- ing others aside, until he was cincocentavos piece for the boy's se- mounted, y ap-
: | ee nok Toth Dorm | chrity! But Luis Sal had a longer peared, mounted on a sturdy nag upon that pitiful spectacle, but cov-
afte, calde Paz in the lead. And so we came thought than mine, and before morn- and wearing under her capa man's
i than ered
prawl into which Porfirio Paz to the house of the superintendente ing I was awakened in my blanket breeches, with the butt of a heavy the
= eRe a “paz firet. the boy behind him, and to hear roistering, and looked over American revival QEGHUIing frou | the aris ob bi$ Swestheart,
Bellefonte, Pa, May 15, 1931 Therefore, as Juan Borega had myself last, watchful to see what to see our leader and our young re- the band and with Tojedo-stec] (Luis Sul suuShiubyethio wrist, whis.
es em | proposed, I rode back with him and might befall. The mine boss leap- cruit making fiesta by a camp fire, dagger in her boot. Luis Sal c pering promises to her; the two
‘came on the girl, whom we escorted ed up and back, reaching for a rifle; with a jug of wine between them, out sharply at this sight. Bacas stood manfully under the
4 BOY'S CALENDAR. into Paraje Seco and delivered to then his eye fell on Arrelanes and and the exchange of many vows of “This ride tonight,” he said, “will sBadow of theif own house walls;
Down on their knees in the schoolyard, her father and brother. A ofc hig Land forgot its putbese, undying friendship. So it was, as be no jaunt for girls. and 11 Se omen agera the wgge
marking a ring in the ground, lighted her face for a moment, and ‘Caramba!’ he “Is this I give you my .sacred word! “I do not care for jaunts, guards Ja en y; to one :
Poising the prizes of battle each cn its I saw that she would be of a quick some prank, Ernesto Arrelanes?” | The ransom came at last, and hot am no longer a girl, said Estrella helpless, mocked, undone, was Er-
little earth mound, and deadly temper if she were af- “Si, Morena,” our recruit rejoined; on its heels—as we had wit enough coolly. ‘Mount and lead on, jefe, or nesto, voiding the
Breathing, for luck, on the shooter, play- fronted, for she held her head nigh “but it has a bitter point!” to expect!—a troop of Federalistas there will be a old Moja Yising to oi Luis, a Shotked o by Porfirio
ing by time-honored laws, and flickered with her quirt He stood aside, biting his lip; Paz from Paral, so that we ran like deer, light the pain o Tous ve Bla al 3 Roca. s at heartless ras-
Silently eyeing the glassies and moving soft silk of her falda. It seemed to was at the loot already; I myself losing two that had been told off as el Yo an Wl Jheicd) eed A He, Sucking !
backward to taws; me then that our Tiger of Jalisco followed by instincts. When we had a rear guard, and it was necessary to vier WOMEN a y Sathe. Sangre a isto! y withers
Slick’ries and cloudies and agates, all in had, perhaps, fled as much from the gone through the place like rats override the rendezvous we had made y Batrellasmocked. lay SiHory! teat
a gorgeous array furious claws of his quarry as from through a cupboard Faz turned to with our women and our camp fol- “Do you think yourself a maestro de it no e, Senor, no man
Shooters all nicked up with half-moons— the baying of that pursuing hound, Arrelanes. lowers and to return to it two weeks escuela, and me a little pupil, Senor knows \hat is in the mind of a wo-
April, and soon to be May ‘young Ernesto Arrelanes. “Where next, faithful spy?” he de- later, and then only for a night. Sal? I tell you in return that where man who loves? They have—those
' : I would have said that the leaves manded. Thence, before dawn, with our wo- you go tonight Igo, or may God take women—a cunning that is from the
Bringing up mud from the bottom, hold- | or that incident had all been turned, “Espia’ So he saluted Ernesto in men stumbling after and La Estrella my life before the sun shines again!" wolf, a strength that is from the
ing one arm up with pride. but not so! Within hour, while the hearing of the pallid little su- riding the horse Luis Sal had provid- Sal cast an eye furtively on us. great bull, a quick wit that is from
Floating and diving ‘way under, coming we sat in a tavern with our women perintendente, who had known the ed for her, we renewed our flight and Some were smiling, others sneered; the fox, and, finally, a compassion
up on the far side; ‘on our arms and good drink before boy for years, and was, past for a long time were hid out in the thus defied, and by a woman, it be- that is sent down to them from
Clothes on the bank quite forgotten, ,o the door was flung wide and in- doubting, a friend of the boy's fath- mountains of Chilhuahua. came necessary for our leader either Mary, our Holy Mother! When a
spring board all slippery and wet, t5'oyr circle strode no other than the er, the alcalde of Paraje Seco. Waiting and idling about are not to advance or to retreat swiftly. He woman loves she will do what ever is
Cries from the door of the kitchen—com- 4 ,..elanes. “Espia?” the superintendente echo- good tonics for men of action: you gave a loud laugh, asserting that he to be done. ;
ing!—right soon but not yet. He was in a black mood, and he ed. “So leading bandits to the house may credit that we were soon sick had only jested, and bade La Estrel- Here, por Dios! is the heart of the
Trousers and waists wet and muddy— ordered drink in short words, cast- of friends is the new trade of of our own society and hard put to la ride at his side. It was thus matter:
home and the woodpile hign, ‘ing his eyes on us with suspicion and our alcalde's son, is it? It shall be it to keep the peace one with anoth- that we set forth to companion Arre- In that moment of crisis, when
ond et GL oe ae rep 2 apes ase chs 1 Cot Lo yo hn 1 da Fimo ld arent h nt hie
. e: , W un, .
and along to July Kotega, sid to mysd! for what we With 4 sigh and a shrug Ermesto| always ca g a hr Intervent to28ve those
heel and to Ernesto Arrelanes, who was the not know well the lay
Game of the Terrors and Tigers: blue w that two of our walked oe and — all was finish- very shadow of our leader, Sal, about Paraje Seco,
shirts, white pants and red socks, ‘watching all,
first, perceiving that Sal had tell by what route or by what de- Estrella, who had been his mistress,
Hearts almost stilled in thelr beating, umes were yum > Him ud a, $3 pe Ai ¢ thence With oo aye a hidden purpose with the boy, vice Luis Sal and his confederates rode her horse quietly near him. I
oYes 08 the MAD in the box: this tale told, proving word. I could accept; the second, seeing among us, whoever they were, con- saw her white arm whip up and
Swish of the swift-wielded willow, thud "Uo "lpr "ie lolling, was our jefe, It was plain that the boy was that they had little in common, I trived what they did. What I do down, pointed with steel that had
of the ball In the mitt, Luis Sal, and at his side, question- of two minds whether to abandon us, was sorely tried to comprehend. know is that presently I found Ern- been made blue and glistening in the
Cries from the bleachers, “Oh, Reddy! ing, m all jal, whom he plainly or to see But the truth came to me inthe end. esto had become separated from us smithies of Toleds. I heard a grunt.
Cal Te ia Cut Tun wit 8 MY ax. |Win La Eetrain, Sila, his mistress. San. the thing out, And I think perhaps In one of those dark nights there Who rode with Sal, and that either I saw Luis Sal fling out his arms
F. YJHere the Lat uitdts the de Jesus, she was a dangerous his decision was reached because of in our place of hiding that clown, before or after him had gone Por- and reel from the saddle,
ball, swells such a turbulent cheer, ON a Her skin was cream; her his anger against his lady, as much Juan Borega, and myself, Manel firio Paz his sworn enemy, also with mighty sound like that a strick-
Reddy's the hero of Sandlots—midsum- ,.c the gateway to paradise; her as in the hope that, in very truth, Castro, had stolen a red gamecock Juan Roca, a knave if ever one en oak makes in the mountains.
mer, August quite near. eyes little cats to play with men’s Luis Sal would help him find the as- with which we hoped to humiliate lived, and thirdly a half-caste Indian “Let all honorable men stand fast
Nut stains and berry-brown fingers, hearts. She missed that sailant who had confronted her in the white gallo of Diego Corral; we called Bustamente, who was capable against the shameless;” La Estrella
in that low: rooni, the trees out of Paraje Seco. Ay de made a secret business of this train- of any treachery. cried, “What, companeros, are there
freckle and stone bruise and tan, went on je y t onion kala t us?"
My! How the time has flown from us thick with smoke and the incense of mi, there were, also, it is not impos- ing, the more completely to undo What I know further is that on only jackals amongst us
‘since the vacation began! steaming food; she did mot .niss sible, the eyes of La Estrella shining Corral, and so it happened that the third day, before daybreak had 1 observed that Juan Borega
Ob! but the summer was splendid! Ob, Ernesto Arrelanes. before the eye of his mind, height- Whilst we were grooming our bird come, we found ourselves inthe very leaped fur the warehouse where
: ve. ' one day in the chaparral above the courtyard of Francisco Baca, the peons of the ranch were imprisoned.
but the June-time was glad! Neither, in truth, did Luis Sal. I ening his mood of bravado! Quien y ! ello, tha
Wish it could be that way always—what saw the chief scrutinize the lad sabe? camp voices came to our ears and cattle breeder, at the edge of the Arguello, that quiet mouse, sprang
vacat 0 closely; beyond dou someone On the eighth day out of Paraje We out to see, walking to- town of Paraje Seco. We had no at the throat of Diego Corral, who
A hte schoolhouse | art 1 Ties of the encoun- Seco a chance meeting with an oa | our hiding place, Estrella de more than herded the peons of the had always stood with our leader.
whistle nor birdeall nor cheer— co Fg A he es Bglaghei Ahi big Sal's, one Valentino Dolores Hidalgo and young Ernesfo rancho quietly into a mud warehouse I myself, in an instant, had my
Comes melanchol, ber, sorrowful me that some design against this Suarez, led us on a wide detour; un- Arrelanes. It was an amazing When there rode straight in among on Porfirio Paz, my gun in
end of the x. September: a in his black der the guidance of this Suarez we Pairing! And first to our hearing us with his eyes wide and with en- | the stomach of that murderer, Juan
year. —J. W. Foley. |Joung i oo the came clearly the words of the wo- tenment growing upon him, Er- Roca, and the toe of my boot in the
| La Estrella was the first of them sheepshearers were at work and Man. nesto Arrelanes hard-pressed on eith- popa of the handdog Indian, Busta-
LA ESTRELLA to catch the sullen gaze of Ernesto. there was some money and a great “I am the heart of Luis Sal's life,” er hand and behind by our three mis- mente = Half a dozen fed, squeal
Across his glass he glanced her warehouse bursting with fleece, She cried, “yet I lie against his side creants, Paz, Roca and the Indian! ing; the us stood. fast,
The way of a woman when she way; smiling, she raised her glass Against when we came roaring Panting to have you touch my hair! “Welcome, my bear-hunter!” our La Estrella shouting approval. And
loves, I aver to you, is past know- giantly dnd drank, so that the Grink | upon the place, where only a slack. | D0 you know that there are many leader cried, and I saw that the so, while one winks an eyelid, all
ing; this Luis Sal, called the “Tiger pecame at once a challenge and a nerved major-domo, the fumbling Would envy you, hearing me make mask of friendliness he had worn had was ended. The true men and the
of Jalisco,” under whom I rode and toast. Luis Sal, instead of flaming 'sheepmen, and an aunt and uncle of Such a confession, Ernesto?” dropped from his treacherous face. servants of the Bacas pursued the
raided and plundered in his time, out with jealousy, straightened on the master's with their comely daugh- He moved away from her, and I He forced his horse into the very ren Nn Jecambed.
should have known if any did. Yet nis bench against the wall and ‘ter. Straightway, when we had shear- S8W that he trembled. flank of the high gray the boy be-| “Live La Estrella! cried.
belivld what came to him at the clearly, so that laughter and De a or a aryaar “All the story is bound up in this, ‘strode and struck Arrelanes heavily Vitor Arrelanes! Down with the
hands of La Estrella, though she had | making were quieted and all could a buyer who asked no questions, the Senorita!” he said hoarsely. *T in the mouth. ‘What, are you blind, traitors! y
followed him from the tal on a pear ‘old sunt and her daughter were tak- know full well what envy would be | estupido?” he mocked. ‘Come, dis-| For me, I hung on my turn; I
turn of his shoulder and the flashing “I. too, salute you in wine, Senor!” en into the hills whilst Juan Borega given me, if all were published. But mount! Unsheathe your knife. My checked my horse. I saw Mercedes.
of his cruel black eyes! ‘our bandit said, lifting his goblet. was sent, with the uncle, to the near- 1 &m betrothed and my heart is in dogs are about to drive out from Baca sink down in the arms of her
Ay, ay, ay, if only God had given “will you do the great honor to est town to communicate with the the K of Mercedes Baca, of this house the bear you seek. lover; he, that brave heart, looked
me the voice of a cavalier the master and demand ransom Paraje as I have given you to Ernesto Arrelanes looked all about pitying beyond her black head and
guile of a gallant, instead of bandy | We made camp in a secret spot in Delleve before now.” him; his eyes rested for an instant his eyes rested on those of La
legs and the paunch which earned in a mood for anything, my a canyon, awaiting Stel pos “In the name of Mary, then,” she on the face of La Estrella, sitting | Estrella de Dolores Hidalgo.
me. the name of “The Squirrel”! fn while we idled there our 1 * said piteously, “abandon this camp quiet on her horse, but she gave him The Star-—our Star!—sat her horse
Should I have turned aside on that to me that tiger with the thorn in Ader |and go to your love! Do you stay no sign. silently, steadying him with her lit-
road into Paraje Seco, forgetting | of his foot!—began to cast his here, 50 close to our Luis Sal, the “Surely you make a jest, Senor tle heels where he reared back from
Estrella—diverted by nothing more! upon the timid Saez, our hostage 1 Tiger of Jalisco, because you divide Bandit!" the said vacantly. the dead hulk that had been the
than the quick, frightesed look ofa | pledge you my ret aw with him the love you bear your “That buzzard Sigues. nother, Ty Oo ae 2 "
slim ? Madre de Dois, there is ; | Mercedes?" : Ernes rrelanes:
better stuff in me than that! | closed 6 | purpose 3 KKehed mi Jar the git waa wy formalmente!” he said, Sel laughed cruelly, “Por Dios!” proudly, smiling. With a queen's
I give you my word, Senor, that face |Bub.e and the eadar must be with tense throat. “I remain in his he glowied “I have said it. You | bearing she made him a bow; smil-
to Luis Sal, our chieftain, this Mer- : B Saliower mus deal yond because he promises to help | are ! It is a piteous affliction; | she kissed her hand to Mer.
ceds Baca was one more bird twit- hp dr fend." It was 50 ime find mine enemy; I cling thus let me open your eyes” And he c Baca; then, with hep oad
tering in the chaparral, and nothing « | Tne, but it was mot so with this Er. close tohis side. La Estrella, because slashed out with his keen knife and tossed and a light laugh cb he ps,
more. Yet because he was always of your companionship. I neato Arrelanes when he is by T am armed, perforce, cut neatly through the bridge of | she rode away into nigh
to be turned from his way by a Wo- | Arrelanes shrugged. “It is s00n| Sitting by my camp fire one night, “S2inst your fascinations!” Erk ve ov ‘his at ro, se ane
man, our Tiger bade us ride on to told” he said. “Behind a lady ne gave ear to a sharp cry that arose With those words I beheld that he | » gi, a —we followed her, at a dis-
Women waiting, wrist rb Chinon whom I loved I rode but a little from the wretched abode where our wiped his brow. The women could hgh gy LL Ce, Joyal to mer service in our
Woes, waiting, whilst he himself | way, so that some bear took oppor- yn guests were housed. It came have bent his purpose then with a|JL.dmag aul 3) Ry : | alo hearts; so, for a second
spurred into thicket, setting to flight tunity to track her down and try to to our es muffiled—and the laugh sigh, a look, a touch of her hand; rep g f his | time, when she thought she was alone
the two timid servants who rode catch her in his embrace. When I ug ' Ernesto was dragged from | time, wi
with this high-heaGed | ca! of our jele, Luis Sal. Ernesto started but she, too, drew back. She point- porse by the three who rded him. and unobserved, we beheld that Es-
or girl he had had driven off the squealing beast, y ed along the way they had come. Others, too, went into the casa, and trella herself to the warm
heard ‘my lady turned on me with re-' “ut appears to me thatcoyotesare “I know all now, Ernesto mio!" asta, : e of earth, and let her broken heart flow
ay and Angry, mt it eK on proaches she might have framed for in our cap!” he said. “Do We plun. she said. “Go back to the camp the he oy a lo n the fading:
fair of ours, in truth. I have heard Bim, wit Struck the table with his der virtue as well as treasuries, Man- t, cold pearl
found. | straightway; I pledge you my word pe )ighted, there were brought old leaves, under
a saying of Alicante: “Even the lion | 4 when he is d, uel Castro?” you shall have no more danger from | peanitece Bare dark with Cr. og of the dawn. Hearst's Internation-
In Must pay twice: once for his ef- “we follow our inclinations,” I me.” He wavered; he stretched & furious son, and that high-headed al Cosmopolitan.
truth, the weakness of this bold, re- frontery and once for those unjust said, “And this seems to be a business to her. She raised her voice gir Mercedes.
i ey CE oul Ss Wodll ate Rect uiitih fives that were turned of gut chief.” a cry of agony. "Maria y Jesus! It was such a pla; tht Sal loved «GET THE SPOTLIGHTER”
feared, his i 1 ’ he : think apo of t r for
fea was hi vertigo at sight ofa, 1, Estrella looked at him along coming to his feet. “I am not made body is carven of stone?” ve he A Se tee pleas- GAME PROTECTORS TOLD
‘her white shoulder. “Are you, per- of r clay that can hear
You will not be able to credit this, IO ed SAY " "
ty nd pr Sod te an Fn Br, 5 Gla Bebe HELE TEL, ts
pg in og: ROrSe. manila Sareea | go] Have stuck pigs!" 08 | Fecoing ony Hs Load edge you | 7 oil
his white stallion make a sharp de- " |
tour where a ravine cuts down to Our jefe, Luis Sal, extended an, fo
the little river there, and with the °P¢R palm on the table. My cretion, and I remained in the back-
other ear caught sounds of pursuit. friend,” he said, “hunting the bear
Straightway there rode into our IS & sport at which I excel. By
midst, as boldly as though he were of San Pablo, I sh
a teniente with a platoon at his !lke well to join you
back, a straight, tall youth crying _Arrelanes hesitated
out a challenge.
“No farther, you!" he shouted, in
such a voice as men obey. “Is your
pty complete, or does one lag be-
“Not so,” I answered glibly. “We
are all here who have not gone be-
fore. What is the need?”
“Por Dios!" he cried. “It is very
well that you are above cion, |
whoever you may be. For am
Ergesty Arfdlants, son oi the al-|
cade araje 0, I have ner
just come upon one who checked Stinging tongue.
Senorita Mercedes Baca off the pub- his eyes there, but I had
lic road and would have done her at the
or very young fawn, Slatterbuck
i he “My mission has Sal spoke suddenly. R
“You | home a ay as we have “Senor Baca,” he said, “I am call- The Commission in recent months
companions, let us part ed Luis Sal, a gentleman who makes | has prosecuted 26 cases on charges
friends.” such fortune upon the road as God of spotlighting in which fines of
“Caramba!” cried Sal. “I am wills. Not so long He sent me $500 or an equivalent jail sentence
id ‘cursed, but I had let your errand a spy who has meon tothis was imposed,
4 jovencito!” slip my mind these many weeks! undertaking against you; knowing Commission officials cite one Ly-
said, still in good humor. “You Now, por Dios, we shall not part your great courtliness I have the co county case as an instance
' with you, Ernesto mio, until we have pleasure of introducing him to you, of r determination to follow the
sesh You Chrough in your Susiuesst™ so that your thankamay be exptest; uf if 5 SY JSBSr regardless of
or aid,” said | to » e « ow
Porfirio Paz, a surly and impa- ; an A ; y. present to your household Ernesto Horace Slider, Coatesville, and Lin-
tient one of us, uttered a rough had peeped out, with her glances “And this camp it, “Nor we offering!” cried Sal. “We Arrelanes, your former friend and coln McClausland, Dowaingtony in
oath. “Did, then, the two of you darting amongst a humming. will 301 be played. ‘shall attend only as spectators, to my lick-spittle! cently killed a doe deer wn
gallants drink at one spring?” he bird in. manzani too steps
2 ill
i :
on his shoulders, though he often| “Fear?” the boy exclaimed. “What
played the fool. For there we were is ?7 Let me go with the vay. |!
descending into a fri , in|guard, If there is, doubt of my
a state and at a tine, when ridnds EY a .
were not too many for the renegades | His big gray leaped forward, press-
f, then, Ernesto dragged him this itre, Rodriguez—shall find | fath d be placed against the N BY Leguiaiuk
, then, m | this buitre, er and son, be plac State of New Yor Y
, sanctuary in it!” wall--Good! And now, Ernesto, the | °F the
“Good!” said Sal. hans we ride Sifflemca aie Yondy: Speak to them
with —armed for bear-hunting!” word to ” I
When. dusk came and we were' T give my word of a gentleman. ~The Watchman prints the news
us .
ta and his cheer the conqueror of the bear!” Ernesto was thrust forward, He in Lycoming county. Game pro-
demanded, sp in. {moment to draw sw from the face was gray. “There is room out- He laughed. “Has aught been heard straightened, dashing the clotting | tectars learhied of the killing and the
For answer the youth who accost- troubled eyes of this Arre- side,” he cried, “and both of us can- by any here of the assailant of the blood from his eyes; but before: he'| identity of the men. es
ed us leaped his own mount forward lanes! not remain within!” ‘gentle girl outside Paraje Seco?” had spoken a phrase suddenly Mer- were imposed on Rieti
and with open hand slapped Paz on You must observe that our leader “Good! said Arrelanes, matching It was Porfirio Paz, that jackal cedes Baca pushed into the open, Killing of deer, comititdion ot
the nose so that the blood spurted. had as yet but hold on this Sal's steps with two of his own. who had named Ernesto & spy at the with a sob, and ran to her lover. said, is done almost exclusi y y
‘There are many answers may be impetuous boy; the day was “Then both of us will go. Buenas )g camp in Paradones, who With one arm about him, she point- men who make a practice of it and
made a gentleman,” quoth Arrelanes spent he had tightened that grip so | noches, rita!” spoke first. ‘ed at our jefe, Luis Sal, and her not because they are needed for .
coolly, “but only one to give a cur.” that he held him, for the time be- | He wade o to the girl, who “It has come to my ears,” quoth voice could be heard clearly by all.
Paz roared with his quick rage, ing, fast. Not eight kilometers out was wa! those two fearfully | he, “that a certain Rodriguez, called ‘It is he, Ernesto!” she said. ‘That wow SYSTEM AIDS
but Juan Borega, the one whom we Of Seco lies a little mining and Wr Sal struck his thigh. | ‘El Buitre, of Copalquin, has been monster—that Salis the one who IN POLICE WORK
called “Clown,” rode switfly be- camp I believe, Paradones. “Por Dios!” he exclaimed, hisanger known to boast of his encounter attacked me on the road! Al
tween. Stopping’ ug in the road forks, Sal now complete. “I have come a long with such a lady and at such a “By Mary!” Ernseto shouted, leap- p, the last fifteen day period
“Draw in your sting, scorpion!” cried: way since I was young enough to be time. He mises soon to bring! out. ““Thus are all things made ,¢ spn) 405 automobiles were re-
he said to Paz. “This youngster “Fifty pesos to the first man over taught my obligations! Vamos!” her little velvet chinela—her slipper clear!” And he would have ported stclen over the Pennsylvania
was in the right” He laid a hand yonder threshold; and my knife in| His gun was a heavy one—his —from which to drink his wine ina into the open knife and drawn gun {.j.¢ypewriter system of the Penn-
on the taut arm of the boy.” “We are the first who draws back!" He fell hand swift. The flame and smoke certain cantina in Parral” of the leader had he not been re- sylvania state police, and 249 auto-
not men to put shame on a defense- behind us. “Adelante!” he shouted, |of the fire and the loud shout of the, Earn Arrelanes burst out an- strained by the three ruffians who | “ohoes were reported as having
less girl,” he said. “Beyond doubt | and like were we driven to|shot came to me ther, yet not | grily “Let him look to himself guarded him. They had a struggle, ,... recovered.
your enemy has escaped. If you the attack, wi . Earnesto Arrelanés slower had been toning thrust this buzzard, riguez!” he ex- and Porfirio Paz kicked the boy During this same period 70 per-
would pursue your chase, God speed | lagging and looking at us all with a of Ernesto A es, who leaped claimed. “I know him well. Where brutally in the groin with his knee | "ol reported missing from
you: Manuel Castro and I, who are new 4 aside and lashéd out after the fash- is he now, Paz?” |so that Ernesto was again reduced),
honorable, will retrace our road un-| “I did not subscribe to riding with [ion of the americanos, with his| “IT am able to tel! only what I to helplessness. Luis Sal laughed gp, teletypewriter m, as used
til we find this lady, and will escort a pack on such a as this, | clenched hand, so that Laiils Sal's have heard,” Paz replied, shrugging. loudly. lin P vania, has found favor in
her safely to Paraje Seco.” Senor Sal!” he sald to the chief. bullet went harmless into the wall| “I ride tonight” said Arrelanes, “Senor Arrelanes, our bear-hun- | o 4ioining States, New Jersey having
And so it was. That payaso—| ‘Ride apart, then” sald Sal, “if and he himself was sent crashing to| “and not in all Mexico is there a ter!” he said. “To you shall be the |, 4onted the system, and a bill is
that jester, Juan Borega, had a head | your fear is so great.” the floor. As though he had been | cranny so small that this vulture— honor tonight! Let those two Bacas, | now pending