Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1931, Image 8
Bellefonte, Pa, May 8, 1981. — S-' NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——"City Streets” will be the showing at the Richelieu next Wed- Desday night, ——Fire at State College, last Fri- day night, badly damaged the inte- rior of the David Weaver apartment house on south Pugh street. ——The Altoona overall factory, last week, delivered to State College & consignment of 500 white duck eoats and trousers for outfitting some of the students. Every suit bears the insignia of the Nittany Lion. ——A meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church will be beld in the parsonage this (Friday) evening. Dues paying day and mite box opening. A full attendance is desired. ——There will be Mother's day services in the Advent church, be- yond Milesburg, on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Everybody is invited to at- tend. In the evening, at 7:30, ap- propriate services will be held in the Dix Run Baptist church. ——At the opening of highway bids, at Harrisburg last Friday, M. Bennet and Sons, of Indiana, Pa. Submitted the lowest bid, $144,255, for the construction of 5.59 miles of highway on route 107, from Port! Matilda toward Philipsburg. | ——Clayton I. Yarnell was the purchaser of the Harry E. Harter | farm, at public sale last Saturday, his bid being $6650. The farm con- tains approximately 140 acres. Harter home, on east Bishop street, was knocked down to John Rossman for $5600. ——Next week “Fifty Million . Frenchmen” will be shown at the State Theatre. That's a lot of French- | men, but this is a stupendous show and it takes a lot of them to carry | out its all embracing scheme. All the | way through it is in natural color and well worth seeing. ——At a brief session of court, i LANDLORD M. A. LANDSY DIES VERY SUDDENLY. Stricken with paralysis, at 6.15 o'clock on Wednesday evening, land- lord M. A. Landsy, of The Markland, passed away at 10,25 o'clock the same night without regaining con- sciousness. He had been in the of- fice about twenty minutes, had seated several guests in the din- ing room and chatted with Mr. and Mrs. John Sommerville He was talking to Morton Rosenberg when he became ill and was helped to his room, He became unconscious about an hour later and remained in that condition until the end. He was a native of Posen, Ger- many, where he was born on Janu- ary 1st, 1873, hence was 58 years, 4 months and 5 days old. His par- ents were Marcus and Esther Landsy. As a boy he left the land of his birth and made his way to Paris, France, thence to London, England, and while yet in his teens crossed the Atlantic to New York. In that city he sold pictures and crayon prints in a house to house canvas. Later he went to Philadelphia where he formed a partnership with Mr. An- trim, who was then gaining a repu- tation as an oil portrait painter, and under the firm name of Antrim and Landsy they became quite well known throughout the State because of the excellent quality of their work. It was while traveling over the State soliciting orders for portraits that Mr. Landsy first came to Belle- fonte about twenty-eight years ago. He was so favorably impressed with the town in the mountains that he eventually established his permanent residence here. When the late H. S. Ray retired from the manage- ment of the Brocherhoff house Mr. and did so on April 1st, 1921. Some years ago he purchased at public sale the old Bush homestead, on south Spring street, and with it as a base constructed The Markland, one of the most complete and mod- ern small hotels in the State. He continued to manage The Brocker- hoff until March 31st, of this year, when his lease expired and his plans energies to The Markland, As a NEW GARDEN CLUB ganized Garden Club of Bellefonte will be held at the home of the ‘president, Mrs. Gregg Curtin, on Wednesday May 13. This club, which will function for six months, promises to be the most popular or- ‘ganization of the summer. Every- ‘one interested in gardening is invited [to be at this meeting and asked to go with a view to joining. The members, who now number twenty- ! six, are expected to take extra seed- ‘lings and bulbs for distribution. Following is a “listen-in” program which all interested are asked to follow very closely: A series of garden talks is being broadcast by the N. B. C. from sta- tion WJZ, New York and associated stations, The program began April {17th at 3.15 p. m. eastern standard ‘time and continues each Friday at the same hour to aa including May 29th. It was arranged by the Na- itonal Garden Bureau. On May 8th Prof. Alfred C. Hot- tes, Assoc. editor of Better Homes ‘and Gardens, of Des Moines, Iowa, !will discuss the “Sport of Vegetable Gardening.” On May 15th Mrs. H, H. Buxton, corresponding secretary of the na- ' tional council of Garden Clubs, will ‘discusse “The Garden Club Move- ment.” On May 22nd. Mr. C. E. Cary for- 'merly head of the landscape garden- ing department of the University of Minn. will discuss “Landscaping the Farm Home." On May 20th the series will be closed with a talk by Mr. F. F, Rock- well, author of the “Home Garden | Handbook series. The subject will be “It's not a home until it's plant- The Landsy was induced to take it over ed.” rm ———— pt. Ss “NITTANY LION” OPENS AT STATE COLLEGE. | Meeting one of the greatest needs |of the State College community, the | Nittany Lion, a colonial inn on the {edge of the college golf course, was | formally opened Tuesday night at a | dinner dance for 125 guests, since were to devote all his timeand On the highest point in that part ‘of the Nittany valley, overlooking last Saturday morning, John Koris- hotel man he catered to the desires Tussey, Nittany and Bald Eagle Kosky, of Fal a plead guilty to and comfort of the traveling public mountains, the new inn is a ram- the manufacture and i liquor, but maintained that he made | it for his own use and not for sale. He was fined $25 and costs and placed on probation for one year. ——The annual minstrel dance of the Bellefonte Academy will be held in the auditorium, at Hecla park, for his success. As a man he pos- sessed to a high degree the finer in- stincts of a gentleman under any and ali circumstances. He was loyal and true to his friends, kind and charit- able always. In 1923 he married Miss Blanche B. Bailey, of Philadelphia, who sur- | Friday evening, May 22nd, 9 to 2 @'clock. It will be a semi-formal af- fair and all lovers of the dance are invited. Music will be furnished by the Nittany Nine, of State College. , —=We notice that out in Union town master and journeymen plumb- ers have voluntarily reduced their wages from $14 to $12 a day, and it is likely they think they have done something wonderful, while it is probably, a fact that not ome of vives with no children. He leaves, however, one sister, Mrs. Lipsky, in New York city, and a brother, Leo- pold Landsy, in Detriot, Mich. The remains will be taken to Philadel- phia where funeral services will be held and burial made on Sunday in the Mt. Sinai cemetery. Mr. Landsy was a member of the Bellefonte Lodge of Elks, the Ki- wanis club, Nittany Country club, (the Pennsylvania Hotel Men's asso- | ion of | Which accounted in a large measure bling structure of white painted brick with green trim, following early col- onial lines. American and Dutch Colonial interior fittings make it one of the most attractive inns of its type in the east. The Nittany Lion contains 80 guest rooms and a num- ber of state conventions have been booked for May and June. Col. J. Franklin Shields, of Phila- delphia, president of the Pennsylva- nia State College board of trustees, with Mrs. Shileds, was among the honor guests at list also included Raiph D. Hetzel; Mr. and Mrs. Hen- {ry D. Brown, of Williamsport; Mr. and Mrs. George H, Deike, Pitts- | burgh; and Mr. | Cosgrove, Johnstown, representing the | college trustee board. Other honor’ guests included L. G. The first meeting of the newly or- nm, 2 and Mrs. John C.. { Stem is even worth the twelve dol- ~——At a hearing in Clearfield, last week, Walter N. Todd, of Philips- burg, was appointed permanent re- seiver of the Pittsburgh and Susque- hanna Railroad company, the famous “Alleypopper” line which runs from Philipsburg to Fernwood, Clearfield gounty, and was used mostly as a eoal hauling road. ——The offering at the Richelieu Dext Monday and Tuesday will be “Tarnished Lady.” It is a Donald Stewart play and Stewart has been writing most of the Broadway stage Bankhead and Clive Brook head the exceptional cast in the production so that a pleasant evening's entertainment is | assured. i ——The Centre county Sabbath | School Association will ho its an- nual convention in the Lutheran church at Centre Hall on June 29 and 30. Pastors and superintendents af schools in the county are urged to eall attention to the importance of this gathering to the schools of which they have the instructors of national reputation ip Sunday school work are: Miss Lillian Reed, Dr. Geo. W. Welburn, B. A, McGarvey and Dr. Homer Ww. Tope. ——We regret that want of has crowded our estimate oe Very unusual show given here. Mon- day evening, by the Kiwanis organi- zations of Philipsburg, Tyrone and Bellefonte. It was so superior that it surprised everyone. The gross receipts for the Bellefonte were about $750. As the expenses were $250 there is a net of $500 for the Kiwanis crippled children work. The same show was given in Tyrone Tuesday night and in Philipsburg last night. ——M, A. Landsy, former land- ciation and the Greeters association. NEW RULES PROMULGATED FOR COURT HOUSE CROWD. When the next session of court is held in Centre county new rules will be put into effect in connection with | the people in attendance, according to large signs which have been post- ed at the foot of the stairways in the lower corridor and also at the two rear doors on the second floor leading into the court room. The signs in the lower corridor read: “Jurors, litigants, witnesses and spectators use these stairways.” In the upper corridor the sign at one at the other door “This door for at- | torneys and court officers only.” The purpose of the new rules is to keep the crowd out of the bar en- closure. At every session of court $0 many people make their way in- to the space enclosed by the railing and occupy the chairs that very fre- quently attorneys and court officers cannot find a chair to sit on. The confusion of the crowd inside the railing is also quite annoying, at times, to the court as well as those engaged in the trial of a case. Here- after only court officers and mem- bers of the bar will be admitted. Now, if someone in authority would also see that a table is installed at a convenient place for newspaper men it would be an additiona! good feature. EAGLEVILLE GIRL DIES FROM AUTO INJURIES Struck by an auto as she darted across the road in front of the car Jean Wells, five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wells, of Blanchard, was so badly injured on Monday morning, that she died while Tord of the Brockerhoff house but who now is devoting all his time and energy to his own hotel, The Mark- land, on Spring street, has moved all his furniture and belongings from the Brockerhoff and stored them on the third floor of the Bush Aacade. He will have the furniture all given a thorough overhauling and cleaning being brought to the Centre Coun- ty hospital. The driver of the car lwhich hit the child was Mrs. Guy | Thompson, of Lock Haven, but she !was exonerated of blame. In addi- |tion to the parents two brothers land a sister survive. The remains | were taken to Tyrone for burial yes- | terday, door reads “For court use only,” and | and will then dispose of it to the best | advantage possible. In the meantime ——State police are endeavoring to carpenters are still at work on the | rin to earth a gang of blackmailers Brockerhoff house various who, last week, attempted to extort changes and much needed repairs. So | $2000 from Mrs. Charles T. Aikens, far as known no cne has yet been se- | of Selinsgrove, widow of a former cured to take charge as landlord, | president of Susquehanna University though several men have been here |and at one time a resident of Pine to look it over. Grove Mills, Centre county. | Treadway, of Williamstown, Mass. | managing director of the corporation | that is operating the Nittany Lion; | Charles M, Hart and Robert L. Shope, (of New York city, architects for the inn; John C. Wriston, New York city, assistant managing director of the L. C. Treadway corporation; and Charles L. Graham, present manager of he 1 Jeffry at Amherst, Mass., who is to r of the new Dearborn Tt Mich, financed by Henry Ford and oper- ated by the Treadway organization. Rates at the hotel are $3.50 per single room, $7.00 for a double room. They have a few double rooms at $6.00. Every room is taken for this week-end. i UNKNOWN POT HUNTER TAKES SHOT AT DEER. Shortly after daylight, on Monday morning, three deer were seen graz- ing in the John McCoy field, on the point of the mountain, near Miles- burg. They had not been there took a shot at them from the under- brush some distance away. dently the man was not a marksman as the deer, with tails in the air, made a quick Scamper (to the woods and safety, During the past month or more the deer have been coming into the McCoy field to graze. As many as six have been seen there at various times, and the fact that there were only three cn Monday morning has given grounds for suspicion that the of W. B. RANKIN RECEIVES “LONG SERVICE” FOB. W. B. Rankin, oldest and best known insurance agent of Bellefonte, has received from the Fidelity and Casualty company, of New York, a “long service” gold watch fob, the official decoration of the company's “Old Guard,” given to employees and agents who have been with the company for twenty-five years or over, but Mr. Rankin's recognition comes on the heels of fifty-three years of faithful and continuous service. The emblem was accom- panied by a letter from Paul L. Haid, president of the company, who expressed his appreciation of Mr. Rankin’s record of loyal service with the company and expressing hope that the association will be long continued. | ALL FIRE HYDRANTS HAVE BEEN INSPECTED At the regular meeting of borough ! council, on Monday evening, the Wa- ter committee reported that a thor- ough inspection had been made of all the fire hydrants in Bellefonte, {74 on the streets and three on pri- 'vate property. Sixty-nine of ' the hydrants are in first-class condition ‘while the others are being repaired. 'A private hydrant in the lumber yard has a different thread from the standard hydrants and ought to be replaced. Two private hydrants out at the Abramsen Engi- neering plant are too close to a build- ing for good service and ought to be moved further away. A hydrant up near the hospital, not in the best of i ‘condition, will be replaced by anew one. There were no verbal nor written communications to present to coun- cil. The Street committee reported patching and cleaning streets, open- | ing sewers, etc. The Water committee reported the collection of $1325 on water taxes and $8.70 for rent. Also that a meter has been placed on the water line leading to the new armory, a new meter at the Claster lumber yard, another at the G. E. Haupt farm and one at the Bellefonte bakery. The Finance committee reported a balance of $381.66 in the borough fund and $1874.17 in the water fund. Notes totaling $9,500 were presented for renewal and the committee was authorized to borrow $2250 from the Reformed church for the borough fund. The Special committee reported that the American Lime and Stone company has placed a dust collector jon their stone crusher and Mr. Shall- |cross stated they are saving several tons of lime a day. So far no col- lector has been placed on the hy- ‘drating plant but officials assured the committee that new machinery will soon be installed there which NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. | —Mrs. Benj. Bradley returned, Monday, {from a visit with friends in Buffalo and with her sister, Mrs. Peek, at East | Aurora, New York. | —Mrs. Bruce Talbot, was here for a {part of the week, having driven up from her home at Philippi, W. Va., for one of | her frequent visits with her mother, | Mrs. George M. Gamble. | —Clyde G. Swartz, who recently spent two weeks in the Geisinger hospital, asa | entirely recovered and immediately re- | sumed charge of his machine shops on | Water street. | —Dr. Walter Stewart is expected here from Wilkes-Barree, this week, coming ‘over with plans for an indefinite stay in | Bellefonte with his sister and brother, Miss Margaret and Dave, at their home ‘on Linn street. ~—Mrs. Karl W. Berberich is arranging (to come up from Washington, Saturday of next week, for a weeks visit home | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. | McGinley. Mrs. Berberich was formerly Miss Margery McGinley. Irma Kocher, of Zelienople, who were among those here for the week-end, were | house guests during their stay of Mrs. Pearce’'s sister, Mrs. BE. BE. Widdowson, at the Wiadowson home on Spring street. —Miss Sue Garner returned fonte, Tuesday morning, called back by the death of her father, which occurred at the Bottorf home Monday. Miss Gar- ‘ner had been with Mr. Garner for two ‘weeks, but left, on Sunday, to return to her work in Philadelphia. —Mrs. Jack Guldin, Mrs. Ogden B. Malin, Mrs. Harry C. Meyer, Mrs. John | Musser, Mrs. Elsie Rankin Helliwell and | Miss Mary Rankin motored over to Clearfield, Wednesday morning, to attend a bridge luncheon given at one o'clock | by Mrs. Charles G. Cruse and Mrs. W. C. Dorward. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mallory came over from Altoona, Friday of last week, for a visit back home, in Centre county, being guests while here of Mrs. Mallory's sister, Mrs. C. M. Dale, at the Dale farm on the Branch. Ill health had made it necessary for Mr. Mallory to give up his work for several weeks. —Mrs, F. E. Craig and Mrs, L. S. Haskell, have been spending the week at —Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Pearce and Miss | to Belle- | —Miss Mary H. Linn and Miss Anne | McCormick are expected to land in New | York tomorrow, from their two months | trip abroad. | —Mrs. D. H. Hastings is having her house put in readiness for occupancy, in- tending to come to Bellefonte next week, | for the summer. —Mrs. John I. Olewine and her daugh- (ter, Miss Adaline, have been entertaining | Mrs. John Kline, of Philadelphia, a for- | mer resident of Bellefonte, who has been : ‘here visiting with relatives. Claster surgical patient, returned home last week | __ nro prank McFarlane was over to | Linden Hall for the week-end, a house guest of Mrs. Frank Weiland, while visiting with friends in the neighborhood of her former home, near Boalsburg, —Mrs. Oscar Wetzel who is now visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Ww. A. Mc- | Coy, at Ambridge, went out, yesterday, with no definite plans as to how long | she would be with the McCoy family, —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M from Philadelphia, Wedn | the remainder of the | Moore's sister, and with Mr. at Howard, —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, with | their daughter, Mrs Jay Osler, and her little daughter, Beverly Jane, and Miss | Loretta Kane, drove to Milton, on Sun- day, and spent the day with Mr. and | Mrs. J. Pursley. ~—Miss Margery McGovern, who is now under observation at the Geisinger hos- | pital for an arm injury, from which she | has been suffering for several months, | was taken to Danville Sunday, Mr. ‘and Mrs. A. Fauble, by Joseph Nolan, an employee of the P. R. at their new yards below town, | had his left foot crushed, Wednesday, | necessitating the amputation of the lit- | tle toe. Joseph recently came to Belle- fonte from Pitcairn, where he had beer laid off by the company on account of retrenchment, —The Calvin Troup family was called to Danville Wednesda » owing to the crit- oore drove up esday, to spend week here with Mrs. Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, Moore's sister, Mrs, Weber, R. ists at Geisinger hospital months, with a heart ailment. His con- dition had improved at Easter time, bu! | the improvement not continuing he re turned to the hospital. i ————————————— will get rid of most of the dust The Markland, while in Bellefonte visit- MOTHERS’ DAY PROGRAM there. Mr. Emerick asked what council intended doing with the requests for more light on east Howard street, north Spring and Burnside street, and the matter was referred to the Street committee with power, A revised ordinance in regard to taking the island in Spring creek under the right of eminent domain was read for the first time, and one or two changes suggested. Mr. Cobb stated that Mr. Lightner, of the West Penn Power company, had submitted two propositions rela- | tive to a standing charge for the meter at the electric pumps in the plant at the spring, and the matter was left in the hands of the com- mittee for further consideration and a recommendation. Borough bills for $1614.90 and wa- ter bills $2330.97 were approved for payment, after which council ad- journed. BARNETT BROS. CIRCUS IS COMING TO TOWN If you have the pleasure of seeing | the Barnett Bros. cricus this season, the good Democrats in Centre county, | you will no doubt be surprised to see three great unusual pals that are mg Mion oon Thplentbi he Reid until night. Prince, a Canadian | Great Dane dog, who has won many cups and ribbons at various dog shows throughout the Dominion of Canada, and Snookie, a full grown horse, standing 34 inches in height and just one inch taller than his hy} Prince. Junie, the baby elephant, and his pals present a unique and ing with Mrs. Craig's son, James B. Craig and his family. The women will be joined, Saturday, by Mr. Craig, who will motor in from Pittsburgh expecting to take them home with him when he returns. —Miss Doris Cobb arrived home from the South, Wednesday of last week, after | having been there for the greater part | of the winter. Doris went to Florida |in January, but spent the last month of {her stay in North Carolina. Her moth- er, Mrs. Myron M. Cobb, who has been ill since before Christmas, is now thought to be rapidly recovering. —Mr, and Mrs. George Robb and their two younger children drove up from Morgantown, W. Va., Wednesday of last week, for the funeral of Samuel Miller, Friday. When returning home Sunday, they were accompanied by their daughter, | Edith, who had been visiting for three | weeks with the James Kelley family, at | Coleville. The Robbs were former res- !idents of Coleville. | ~The Misses Mary and Maude Dreible- bis, of State College, were motor guests | of their brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drieblebis, on a drive to | Bellefonte Monday, to spend a part of ‘the afternoon here in the shops looking | after some business and visiting with friends. The Misses Dreiblebis are among who are very active in politics. ~The Methodist Episcopal parsonage isterial friends of Rev. H. L. Jacobs wife, among the number being Rev. Evans, of Philipsburg; Rev. C. A. Metz- ger, of Pleasant Gap, Dr. I. Frank Yea- ter and family, of Altoona, and a dele- gation of twenty-one residents of Clear- field, who made a brief stop while on a motor trip through Bellefonte. —Samuel 8. Taylor was in Bellefonte and 8. B. awe-inspiring display of almost hu- over Sunday, having come for a visit man intelligence, consisting of var- with his sister, Miss May Taylor, who | fous routines dances, drills, poses, has returned from the Clearfield hospital. | While here Mr. Taylor made tentative ‘and other difficult executions rarely 1 ever accomplished by animals. { Jor taking His sister to Bridge. | port, Conn., shortly, expecting that she The management of the circus has yi; pe there for the summer, with him devoted a tremendous sum of money and Mrs. Taylor. In order to be under ‘and time to secure the best trainers the care of Dr. Waterworth for a while : available to produce this act, which longer Miss Taylor returned to the Clear- long when an unknown pot hunter illegal killers may have bagged some | them. is the only one of its kind now be- | fore the public. This act is one of ‘the feature animals acts of mixed ‘groups and has no equal, i A spi car has been provided to trans these three pals with train- |ers and attendants from town town and can only be seen with | Barnett Bros. circus this year at. | Bellefonte on Sat. May 16. | VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TO BE HELD DURING JUNE, | A daily vacation Bible school will (be held this summer for a period of three weeks, beginning June 8 and ending June 26. This school wiil be ‘open to boys and girls of all churches and Sunday schools, and especially to all who have no religious affilia- tions, between the ages of five and fourteen. A session will be held each morning except Saturday and Sunday for two hours and a half, and will be under supervision of competent instructors. The school will be held in the High school building. Such a school has been conducted under the auspices of the churches of the community for a number of years, as this year’s school will also be. Many children and parents have learned to look forward to the help- ful and interesting work of this va- | Rush township. | very capable manager. field hospital again yesterday. —Mr. O. 8S. Womer, of Rush township, was In Bellefonte last Thursday. He is a candidate for nomination for the office of County Commissioner on the Democrat- fc ticket and was here to talk with some old friends and introduce himself to others whom he did not know. Womer is one of the substantial He is a tendent and for engaged in business necessary to deal ple, so that it might be said that a good judge of human sf A °t rf 1 been a school director township for thirty years be good or the Republicans wouldn't have kept him office all these years. pects to make a canvass of and we are sure those whom and Mrs. S. D. Rhinesmith, of St. Mary's; William Waite, of Clearfield; James Sharp and Fred Waite, of Trafford City; Mr. and Mrs. John Waite, of Johnstown; Mr. and Mrs. George Waite and son, Williamsport; Mrs. Anna Focht, of Wil. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wal Mr, and Mrs. Harry Waite, Mr. and Thomas Waite, Leonard Waite, Gillman, all of Tyrone; Mr, gs IS ON AT PEEN STATE 1 | Parents of students at the Penn ‘Sylvania State College will be guest: (of the college this week-end at the ‘annual college celebration of Moth | ers’ The pi night with a comedy by the Penn by the wome: students in Old Main. The co-ed: will also entertain with their ann May fete in the early evening. the musical organizations’ at the College of the York, | DOWNIE BROS. CIRCUS IS COMING HERE AGAR Downie Bros, three ring circus un |der the management of Charle ‘Sparks, through their agent Fred C (Kilgore, have completed arrange ments for showing here on |May 28. Kilgore stated rangements have been cluding the street Bros. is said to be in the world that parade : e "i ike : i] The brightly colo seem never to lose gd 4 53 Ew This is the hit when it Ohio; Leonard Lechner, of Eri Jack Spangler and Frank Schlow, « Bellefonte. ——— A —————h. FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DA’ White carnations for Mother's ds and assorted cut flowers will be « sale at Miller's hardware store, Sa urday, May 9. Flowers anywhere in the United States. 18- — ——Miss Cooney is having gre success in reblocking and reconditio ing old hats into those of the 19: models. Take your last season's h to her and you will be amazed : what she will do with it, for a ve: moderate price. 19- Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & ( 7813