HOWARD. Raymond Swales, of Clearfield, was a business visitor in town, Friday. Mrs. Willard Neff, of Bellefonte, spent Thursday evening in town, with | friends. Mrs, Stella V. Williams was a ousiness visitor in Bellefonte, Friday afternoon. J. Will Mayes and daughter, Mrs. Mary M. Hoffman, spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rathmel and family spent last week-end in Wash- ington, D. C. Mrs. Clara Hicks, of Altoona, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. H. T. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bitner, of Mill Hall, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. I. Reber. : AARONSBURG. | Paul Stover, of Dauphin, spent a | ‘brief time, Sunday, with his parents, elaborate program. At 7:30, “Grace | Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover. 'S Mother's Love” for sin- | Mr. and Mrs, George E. Stover ners. Pastor responds to calls for League young people will bring their moth- ers as the 's guests of honor: brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaver | share this Sunday's worship; and son Lester, of Pottsgrove, and with your friends, Mrs. E. J. Hines, of Fiedler. orace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor. Francis Haffley was taken to Al-| lentown where he entered a home for | crippled children. It is hoped he ‘may be greatly benefitted, and if so Editor Democratic Watchman: ‘will later enter another institution. | pear Sir:—In the last issue of Rev. G.H. Griesing delivered, Sun- your paper you said that I had gone day evening, one of the most power- on a rampage and beat up a neigh- {ful and timely sermons the writer bor. I want to correct the ‘“ram- ever heard him deliver. By this page” part, as I only defended my means may people awake to the seri- family against the assaults of Ira ous condition facing us as a nation. “Brownie” Sprankle, who came to Benjamin Stover, his daughters, my home at least three times in a AN EXPLANATION, service for Mothers, the had been told the case was settled by Sprankle paying the costs —Ed. | in had as guests, Sunday, Mrs. Stover’s | his services. Urgent invitation to | kin hall, this afternoon (Friday) at | come ‘3 g'clcok. The toxin-antitoxin clinics | have been discontinued. | Mrs. Verna Walter and son Nevin, Mrs. Lottie Musser, her daughter Mae and son Raymond, spent Sun- day with Mr. Stover’'s younger son, Mrs. Girard Altenderfer entertain- ed the members of the Sewing Cir- cle at her home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dorman, of Altoona, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Stover, near | spent the week-end with Mrs, Dor- Rebersburg. gays parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al yorgan Otto, son of Mrs. John M. Otto, who entered the Curtis-Wright flying school the latter part of March, has received honorable men- Mrs. P. M. Cheeseman and chil- dren, of Williamsport, spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Rachel tion in various newspapers for his Weber. ground work and solo flying at Mr, and Mrs. Bressler and chil- Baltimore, Md, where the school is dren, John and Mary, called, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. McDowell. located. Mr. and Mrs. C, S. Bower had as guests, Sunday, Mrs. George Taylor, drink-crazed condition and threaten- ed myself and wife, and after being warned to go home, he tore off the gate, came onto my porch and struck me. The result, he was hit by a poker. I have been advised to have you correct the account of this af- fair and I think it would be advis- able to do so. Respectfully, JOHN L. STEELE. Several days, after the above al- leged ‘rampage’ Mr. Sprankle had Steele arrested for assault and a hearing was held before justice of \ OR SALE.—A combination stove, gas | and coal. Cheap to quick buyer. ~The baby clinic will be i Bell fan be seen at Methodist parsonage, the W. C. T. U. rooms, in Petri- | >* fone: XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- tamentary having been granted to | the undersigned upon of | Samuel E. Weber, late of Boalsburg, de- — CEASE, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are uested to | make prompt t, and a. havi cl nst same must | them, duly authenticated, [BARNETT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS from home, Fri EE 0G LOST.—Stra; F day night, ed ira dog, 8 mos. old, brown, medium long hair, taf recently bobbed. Liberal reward for re. R. Driscol, at Judge vis XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- tamentary upon the estate of Eliza- beth M. Rotuick. A3ts of boroug! . deceased, ng been gran to the undersigned, all persons SEEuS a Sa rom those having c p Rt the sing must present them duly authentica | . for payment. | EDWARD R. ER, T. WILSON ROMICK, ALICE E. Mrs. HANNAH R. SMITH | Huntingdon, . RE OCULONS 17-18-6t Executors. 76-17-6t Bellefonte, _- — BROS. CIRCUS TT. ciRCug A Tra PAR EXCELLENCE |g. BIC MENAGERIE IS ONE STRIDE AHEAD OF NOAKS ARK, See this Greatest PRIMITIVE HATE to PRIMITIVE LOVE! changed of All Adventures Miss Vonada Johnston and Mrs, Mary M. Hoffman were recently elected teachers in the schools of Jacksonville. The Health Service held their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Willard McDowell, on Tues- day afternoon. C. D. Johnston, who is employed as a guard at Rockview, spent Mon- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Pletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diehl and children spent Sunday with the for- mer’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Diehl, at Hartleton. Mrs. Carrye Butler and Floyd Yearick, of Jacksonville, attended the funeral of George Sechrist, af Millheim, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crr took ad- vantage of the beautiful weather, Sunday afternoon, and drove to Mill Hall, Monument and Hublersburg P. J. Hilbert, of Altoona, special agent for the Equitable Insurance! Co., spent Tuesday evening with Girard Altenderfer, local representa- tive. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and children and Mrs. Mary Hoffman at- tended the play, “The Tom Thumb Wedding,” at the Methodist church at Snow Shoe, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, Miss Kate Hoffman and Carl Hoffman, of Stale College, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Spade, of Centre Hall, were Sunday | guests of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hoy. | The class in “Table Service,” | taught by Miss Alexson, of State College, met at the home of Miss Emma Pletcher, on Monday after-| noon. A dinner was served at this meeting. i Mrs. Alters, of +Beilefontey “and | the peace J. M. Keichline. After the story of the night's happenings CATHAUM ~ STATE COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Keener and Mrs. Neff and daughter Patsy; Mrs. Wal- lace Kerstetter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kerstetter and Frances Hecker, all of State College; and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bower and small son, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Orwig enter- tained the following guests over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Har- | ter and Howard Furney, of Toledo, Ohio; George Bright, also of Ohio, who was called east at this time by the death of a relative in Williams- FRIDAY— port, and Miss Alma Corman, of Gloria Swanson, Ben Lyon in Rebersburg. “INDISCREET" WINGATE, SATURDAY Lew Cody, Laura La Plante in “MEET THE WIFE” MONDAY AND TUESDAY Matinee Dally at 1:30 Harry Carey and Star Cast in “TRADER HORN?” Donald McMillan purchased a new Chevrolet car last week. Miss Beulah Harnish spent the week-end with friends in Altoona. Miss Marie Murray had a new radio installed in her home last week. Mrs. Clara Davidson, who was WEDNESDAY — threatened with - ly ily Puewigomsia, is sngit Marlene Dietrich, Gary Coeper in “MOROCCO” *Beatrice Reese, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese, is slow- ly recovering from a recent serious illness. Added Attraction Bobby Jones in “Chip Shots” THURSDAY State road men desiring board by the day or week can be accommo-| Ruth Chatterton, Paul Lukas in dated at the Mrs. Irwin home, “UNFAITHFUL” at | reasonable rates. Roy Fisher has been compelled to dig up much of his water line and clean it out, as it was badly clogged with all kinds of dirt and refuse. Some decided improvements are’ being made to the Joseph Baker summer home. A new stone kitch- en is being built onto the rear of the house; new "MAtes “aré being built | NITTANY THEATRE FRIDAY — Jack Oakie, Jean Arthur in “THE GANG BUSTER” SATURDAY ; © ViINDISCREET” AS MANY OF THE ANIMALS ARE REPRE SIS AERA Set FEL YR SENSATIONAL "ACTS ~ | 1 | AND-A HOARD OF 1 \ FUNNY CLOWNS 0 SATHERED FROM a Ld LIL 2 fl I { THRILLING PERFORMANCES, PARADE. AT NOON HORN, » Meo Golduyn Mayer mera ! They traveled 14,000 miles, braving myriad jungle perils, to make it! Two years to film! And now it's here—the greatest thriller ever to reach the Talking Screen! Bellefonte SATURDAY MAY 16 Monday and Tuesday May 11 and 12 Matinee at 1.30 Evenings at 6.00 and 8.00 No Advance in Prices THEATRE STATE COLLEGE | Mrs. Leitzel, of Port Matlida, called (and other changes made which will on Miss Mae Johnson and mother, on | add to the comfort and convenience Sunday. Mrs, Johnson, who has of the occupants. been visiting her daughter, is con- The Boggs township school board fined to her bed by illness. has elected all the old teachers for The Keystone Bible class of the the Wingate schools—Miss Anna M. E. church met at the home of Schroyer for grades 1 and 2; Miss Mrs. Sylvia Pletcher, on Thursday | McClellan for grades 3 and 4; Mrs. | evening, with nine members present. | T, R. Robb for grades 5 and 6, and After the regular business meeting, Mr. Weber for grades 7 and 8. The delicious refreshments were served schools closed on April 24th. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY- Warner Oland in Harold McGrath's “DRUMS OF JEOPARDY” THURSDAY “MOROCCO” and Bobby Jones in “Chip Shots” Dishwashing is Easy when you have and a social hour enjoyed by all. Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, Mvs. J. Wili Mayes, Mrs. Walter Yearick, Miss M E. Allison, Mrs. J. W, Orr and Mrs. S. I. Reber attended the missi conference held in| the Presbyterian church, at Miles- burg, Tuesday afternoon and evening. The grades in the school taught by | Miss Ruth Miller and Miss Lula Schenck closed for this year, last| Friday, and the grades taught by Miss Kane and Miss Schenck ented tained their scholars by giving a] picnic while Mrs. Miller expects to take her scholars on a sightseeing trip to Harrisburg in the near future. The Sunday school class of the M. E, church, taught by Mrs. Alia | Pletcher, held their annual class | party at the home of Mrs. Grate Holter, on Thursday evening. There were about twenty-two members and | friends present. They were dressed in old fashioned clothes and sold oid | fashioned hats during the evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. Bertha | Schenck, first prize, and Miss Mil- | dred Askey, 2nd prizes Various games were enjoyed. Those present were Mrs. Ira Shilling, Mrs. Pearl Gardner, Mrs. Bertha Schenck, Mrs. Mildred Neff, Mrs. J ine Year-/ ick, Miss Julia Daughenbaugh, Mrs. Elizabeth Pletcher, Mrs. Edna Kline, Mrs. J. F, Winkleblech, Miss Carrye | Butler, Mrs. Esther Pletcher, Mrs. Lillian Holter, Mrs. Alice Kunes, Mrs. | Grace Holter, Miss Mildred Askey, Donald Pletcher, Donald and David Holter, Mrs. Helen Pletcher and iaughter, Mrs. Alta Pletcher, teach- | ar, and Buddy Cheeseman, of Wil-| jamsport, JACKSONVILLE. The Ladies Aid met at the home of | Mrs. Edward Bartley, on Saturday avening. i We are sorry to note that George Ertley has been seriously ill the jast week, | Mr. and Mrs. George Wright are | ’ che proud parents of a son, born | Vonday morning, This makes num- Jer two. | Sunday visitors at the William | Weaver home were Mr. and Mrs. | Jortman and daughter Edna, Mrs. | Mary Deitz and Miriam Rodgers. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shepperd, of | 3ellwood, spent the week-end at the | 10mes of H Hoy, Mervin Hoy | ind Luther Fisher, returning home | mn Sunday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. George Rodgers are ‘ejoicing over the arrival of a son, orn Thursday. Both mother and »abe are get along fine under the iplendid care of Mrs. Mary Deitz. IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES | UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. FOR SALE—Lot of good | HOATS : shoats. A. M. Riegel, phone 11-R3 Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., R.R. Centre Hall ? : Da Sips, ’ : Pa. 76-19-11 Preaching at 10:45 and 7:30, by ANTED.—Competent House mother the pastor, would "Dé. conmacred if Dusbig . “ ' i Cc Morning service: God's Blessed | had outside employment. Te Reply us Man, | references to Xx 500, care Dem Evening service: “Prophecies Con- | Watchman, Bellefonte, Pa. 76-19-3t cerning The Second Coming of Christ | and False Theories about His Com- UMMER TOUR.— If you are inter- ing.” ested in a two weeks, personally ng. conducted Western trip, all expen- Senior and Intermediate Endeavor | ses included, sarly in July, from Chicago at 6:30 p. m. jan ey es Dag ca Brotherhood Monday evening, 7:30. | P ancion Baa T ie Ce ity, 1 Ladies Aid all day Wednesday. | Springs, De Peak and “return, Prayer and Bible study Wednes- $0808" pillaing. Poiludeiphia Pa day evening 7:30, | additional week includes Yellowstone 76-19-8t Junior Endeavor Saturday at 3 Park. o'clock. i Special music by preaching services. the choir at a) IVORCE NOTICE.—Florence Arline Pifer, Libellant, ve, Wilbert Pifer, i Respondent. In the Court of Com- Male chorus will sing each Sumiay | mon Pleas of Centre county, No. 113 Feb- | evening services. ruary term, 1981. In Divorce A. V. M. Rev. G. E. Householder, Pastor. 3 VY bar Bie Biter, Aktoz. ig TO : ! pointed Master to take testimon | ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. ab & he : bove case, and that I shall hold a meet- | Mother's day will be observed in ting for the Du oe oT neat 20 St. John's Lutheran church, the Rev. | Tuesday, May 5, 1931, at clock a. m., in my No. 17 Temple Court Build- Clarence E. Arnold, pastor, on Sun- | ing. llefonte, Pa., at which time and day evening at 7:30 o'clock, with a |” ¥ va ure Nouenes v and. special program under the auspices |7g.15-4t "rn of members of the Sunday school. : : An ie feature will be the re R ROISTER'S NOTICES Notice is enc mal | ven to inter- A e quartette from State ested % nat the foll aE Inventories College, which will render a number | ,¢ tn of selections, e goods and chattels, set apart to | widows in accordance with the provisions At the morning service at 10:45 Of the Flduciaries Act of 1817 have been o'clock the pastor will speak on the | exceptions ‘are fed oe oe an ate “Ascension of our Lord,” in refcr- day of next term the same will be con- ence to Ascension day, which falls |Heied sbaclate. " od . ANDERSON. invento next THUS raisement of the personal OPH. Df nce R. Anderson, late of State Col- was set apart to EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 9:15, Sunday school. The Ladies E. Arnold, Pastor. | lege Borough, dece (his widow, Doll Jeanette Anderson. 2 CONFER. The inventory and ap- raisement of the personal property of Bible class will have charge. | Harry R. Confer, late of Gregg Town- 10:30, Morning worship with Moth- | ship, 3 sceased, was set apart to his wid- er's day sermon. ow, Ella Confer. 6:30 Mission band, Ruth Teaman, |,,3.,CROCKETT, The inventory and * ’ * aporaisement oO e Tr rty superintendent. | William Day Crockett, late 0! State Cor: 6:45, E. L. C, E., Pearl Rote, lead- lege Borough deceased was set apart to his widow, Sarah Gates Crockett. w | 4, MILLER. The i ory and ap- 4 7:30 Song and Story service— | praisement of the s ey property of | “Home Fires. | L. C. Miller, late of Miles Township, de. A. Ward Campbell, Minister. Seazed, Yat det apart to his widow, Min- Ther regal property” of e pe Tro PR tornin star, late of Phils ug | y y WARE se widow, Rachel ors, yet Pure 19 6. PLETCHER. The inventory and ap- UF aisoment of the personal property of illlam H. Pletcher, late of Howard Township, deceased, was set apart to his widow, Clara A. Pletcher. | — Cs inventory ne ap | ‘aisement of personal pr late of Howard Town- BELLEFONTE METHODIST CHURCH. Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey, Supt., 9.30: very pertinent “Parable” study; extra exercises. Mother's day will have exceptional observance, At 10.45, special recognition of every mother by the League folks together with an address by Dr. George W. Reese, surgeon in chief and superin- tendent of the Shamokin State hos- John F. Schenck, pital, who come with his quartette of Ship. deceased, was set apart to his wid- Welsh singers, miners residing near | " (by auto) Shamokin. At 6.30 the 76-17-4t HARRY A, ROSSMAN |§ Register. | plenty of Hot Water! Of course dishes need soap —but plenty of hot water’s the main thing. And you want it handy—right at the kitchen sink where the job must be done. Here is your opportunity! A “Red Crown” makes the hot water faucet as Dependable as the cold! . . .. Install one of those dependable water heating sys- tems NOW and you’ll come to rely on your hot water faucets just as you do upon the cold. Plenty there when you want it—and it’s steaming hot! A “Red Crown” will provide hot water for that morning shave, the bath, shower, laundry and kitchen— AUTOMATICALLY! Just turn the switch—and your water heating troubles are over! No running up and down the cellar stairs—no heavy work at all. This is the modern way—it cuts out inconvenience the year round! Special---As low as $14.00 down. Just make the down payment before May 29 and pay the small balance on easy terms. Investigate TO- DAY—find out about this convenient low-cost hot water service! WEST PENN EL ECTRIC SHOPS