Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1931, Image 2

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‘and really lovely, in her soft green ship. But it seemed incredible that A wave of pity flooded Narcissa's
eas [uy | a shinai have Ruown Boe on Wail |eart Patty never looked lovelier
| The doorbell rang, Narcissa felt and not mentioned him. But Patty than she did at that moment, stand-
— ‘a sudden surge of panic. Incredible, mentioned no one, except in answer ing flushed and defiant on the thresh-
we _— , to think he had not been to direct questions. old. Narcissa moved quickly to
Bellefonte, Pa. May 8, 1981. in ’ ‘take the child in her arms. She
when had on his answer. It came kissed the ccol pink cheeks. Then
Ew She the ‘suddenly Nareigsy began tocry. |
front door open and close. A step “Cissy, do you think I would? Be- “Mother!” cired Pa incredul ous- |
He olin tit tut a loved hat, on the stair. And Dick stood on fore I spoke to you?” ly. “What's the matter? i
And she smiled as he fondled her brow, the threshold. | “I would put nothing beyond you,” “I'm so sorry for him, Patty,
But there's no relief for the mother, “Cissy!” he said. Just “Cissy!” she said coldly. she heard herself incredibly saying.
When her son-lover breaks his vow. And his eager face broke into an, “You're unfair to me, Cissy. “So dreadfully sorry. o
There is never another to turn to : smile. ‘How nice to be You're awfully unfair. There's no “He's sorry for himself,” remark-
And. never a court to decree, ‘here again! How sweet of you to reason in the world why I shouldn't ed Patty coolly. He thought he was
“We have found him unworthy, unfaith- let me come!” | marry your daughter—" | irresistible. Well—he’s learned that
ful “Your note sounded urgent.” . “Please—" said Narcissa vely. I can resist him.
And so we are setting you free.” “It was urgent. But don’t let's “Can you name a reason? Helook- Narcissa turned, sobbing, and sank
: talk of that just this first te. ed at her keenly. “Is there a reason Upon her sofa.
There is never relief for the mother. I want to look about me. I want you could name?” “You th’s—terribly—cruel,” said
She must live to the end of her years to look at you. Everything is ex- Narcissa's eyes fiashed fire, ' Narcissa weakly.
Bearing his shame and dishonor; actly Sue sams | “I know what manner of man you Patty advanced to the sofa side
Live with her heartache and tears, “You saw me last week at the are,” said Narcissa firmly. “That's and regarded her mother with mute
Hoping that he who has failed her Livingstone ball. Wasn't it Friday? reason enough.” ‘amazement. Narcissa’'s tears broke
Will some day return to her knee, Did you expect to find me irrevoc- “For you, perhaps. But not for me into hysterical laughter.
Sick of the world and its pleasures | ably since then?” |—and Patty. Cissy—listen to me. 1 “But you don't have to marry
And be what he promised to be.
Forget her and still she'll remember!
Betray her and still she'll recall
The joy of your glorious childhood,
The sound of your voice in the hall;
Still faithful, still hopeful, still loving,
In spite of the wrong you do,
At home will the mother be waiting
“Cissy!” he protested lightly. Don't
be ! me, now
I'm here! I meant the i
course. It's really lovely. |
The unobtrusive maid brought in
room, of
! p! .
as he surveyed the tray. Cissy, why
are you the only woman in the world |
And watching and praying for you who can achieve real Scotch scones
—Edgar A. Guest. He settled back in his
‘armchair with a sigh of pleasure
‘over his fragrant cup of orange
pekoe, Delightful, debonair Dick.
He didn't look
She thought to eep him waiting. |
3 e oug
be out when he arrized and breeze uly Sstmition : i his boyish grace
‘thought Narcissa, her eyes averted,
in on him, half an hour later, from
some tea or committee mecting, find- her hands busy with the tea things.
She Mould never ge over him.
05 iim odin We: hess. OB wap HS
nervous expectation, thinking over Rick Broke ote Pause.
what he had to say. Breeze in on | e009 you all these » That
Bim, very casually’ contrite, laugh: mi Jo al thése years That
ing ligh ¥ eyes met his she felt them softening.
My dear! How stupid of me! Did “Have you?” she murmured.
I say five? “Don’t you know?” he asked. “No |
Narcissa knew all that. She un- one ever understood me as you did.” |
derstood the art of . And she, Tm glad you thought so,” she
understood Dick, Dick had no in- said briefly.
terest in slavish devotion. Not that “I felt myself, that I understood |
Dick had any interest whatever in you very well.”
her devotion, slavish or otherwise. “You would
Any more. | everything.
Not even his note, crashing into forgive.” |
her life after an interval of five Ol managed a little mocking
long years, could shake Narcissa’'s laugh.
cynical certainty on that point. But “Aren't you growing a little senti-
still he had written. “I want to see Mental, Dick, in your old age?”
you, Cissy. I have something to tell dort ou feel Pry he asked. “I
you that only I can explain.” y Vad (a yet I'm 37. N
Despising herself, she went up to Cer Fain) y ndigaest ar este ar- |
her room immediately after luncheon oi oon: very
to prepare for that casual call. Taragecusly. an|
J as 3 losing fight, this about |
mot to look your age, when it ‘was the pangs of growing older."
the uns be one at which she "
had just arrived. Dark, slim and— ,, Loat® like you Sly be sald
well—yes, 40, and a widow. But ye won
she didn't look it, If it hadn't been
for her daughter Patty. She could ..
still have passed for—certainly not
And you would always |
more than 33. But not even Pat- NOr® competent thas used to.
That's the only way I notice the
ty's denouncing presence at dinner :
table and in P coula touch of time. I'm te equal
now,” she went on steadily, “to any
‘situation that might arise.”
“I'm glad you feel that way,” said
make her admit to a day over 37.
What could Dick have to tell her?
What was there to tell, after the
Dick simply. a ow o -vk |
stark fact, never told but so dread- = =
fly impli. re yeurs velore, Hak | vepmaced Rit Gp. agen hein, a
't wan r? She "|
bad hardly seen him since. Just He arose to stand before the flicker-,
casually at parties. ing fire,
Why hadn't Dick wanted to “Cissy,” said Dick, “I've come to!
her? When she wanted, so dread- ask you something.”
fully to marry him? Was it “What is it, Dick?” she asked.
that she was older? With a great And her voice was breathless.
strapping child like Patty? “Cissy,” he said, “I—I haven't got
Stretched on her bedroom sofa, the nerve to tell you.”
waiting for the hours to pass, Nar. Her heart went out to him. He
cissa forgot Dick for the moment, was really in difficulty.
t feel that way,
He gave her a
in her maternal solicitude over Pat- “Dick, you mustn’
ty. She didn't pretend to under- ever, about me.”
stand young people. A queer un- grateful glance.
awakened generation, for all their “I know, Cissy. But this—this is
freedom and the reckless use they difficult.”
made of it. So self-sufficient, so Narcissa's eyes dropped before his
sure they were right, And yet so own, He was obviously deeply in
very wrong, in their presistent un- earnest. The old persuasive note
dervaluing of the world of senti- had crept back into his voice. Why
ment. it could only mean one thing. He
Why, Patty was grown up.
would marry some day soon,
my Livingston, perhaps.
always under foot.
But Patty, of course might marry
anyone, Narcissa never knew, reai- ly.
ly, whom she was seeing.
A ring of the door bell woke Nar-
Tim- own terms. Dick nad come awoo-
He was ing. She could not be mistaken.
She knew Dick too well.
“What is it, Dick?” she said soft-
“It's hard to tell you, though I
know you'll understand.” He turned
cissa ZbruDily from her reverie. Was suddenly, to face the fire. He gazed
it five? clock on the mantle- a moment, silently, at the flaming
piece pointed only to four. But logs. , I—I want to
that was Patty's step on the stair. marry your daughter.”
“Mother? Are you asleep?” That Narcissa sat motionless on the
was Patty on the threshold, hat in little loveseat, her yes upon the tea
hand, fresh and rosy from the wind, tray. This—this } beyond every-
looking like a wood nymph in her . This was an awful silence.
russet sport suit. “I want to tele- Narcissa would have given her soul |
phone.” to break it. But no words came
“To whom are you telephoning, to her. She sat as in a trance. |
dear?” asked Narcissa. “You want to marry—Patty?"
““Fimmy,” said Patty briefly.
“Timmy's such a nice boy.” said He turned, now, to look at her.
Narcissa pathetically. “I want to marry Patty,” he said
“He's a good egg,” said Patty ab- firmly. :
sently, receiver at ear. “I—I don’t belive you,” said Nar-
“Hello, hello, Tim! Can't you cissa, “Patty is a child.”
guess? How many other girls ring “Patty is 19, said Dick very
you up in office hours? I bet our reasona ly. His face lit up as he
name is legion! Well, this is your added q ckly, “and Patty is ador-
side kick. ‘Yes, Pat. Now, listen, able.”
Timmy, I got your message. This The words stung Naricssa instant-
is just to say I'll be there, dearie, ly into action.
I'll be there, Yes. The usual place “You can't marry Patty!” she said
at the usual time! Come early. The hotly. “I—I won't permit it.” i
opera's a washout. I'll leave before “Can you help it?” asked Dick
the last act.” with a sudden flash of anger. Then
She hung up the receiver. quickly, tently, “forgive me,
“Patty,” said Narcissa severely, Cissy. I ‘'t mean quite that.”
‘what are you planning? You can’t What a cad he was, thought Nar-
leave Mrs. Mackey's opera party be- cissa passionately. To come back like |
fore the last act.” this, to the very same room, to say
“Just watch me,” said Patty se- he wanted—Patty. Why—the echoes
renely. “You don't know what you of their former fatal interview still |
can do till you try!” Abruptly she trembled for Narcissa in the circum- |
left the room. ambjent air, Then it was—the|
Really, thought Narcissa helpless- Azores— as his mistress. Now it was
ly, she ought to do something about | her daughter—to marry. And his
Patty. But not now. It was half- note of pleading was precisely the
past four. Dick would come in half same. But this time it had in
an hour. She hoped Patty wouldn't an ultimatum. He had threatened her.
burst in on their tet-a-tete. But But she wasn't helpless. She was
she wouldn't, of course. She never | Patty's mother. She could—but what
bothered with her mother's friends. | could she do, thought Narcissa des-
the | perately, with a surging memory of
and | the obstinate wood n she had
de: | faced not an hour ago, her room
the staircase and contem- | upstairs?
i been much with her?”
she said at last.
Narcissa at her image, re- |she asked, guardedly
flected from the doorway in the mir- tn Deen sealing hor. win-
he ffpin In that | ter. We've been constantly Ee
golden light, fadea Of course that was .
panels, she looked
how I've on your
always understand ask it.”
‘he quoted lightly,
nat is it, Mother?”
young | knew so little of Pa s companion-
love your hter. I could make her him, darling—to please me!”
happy. Can't you see, don't you un-
derstand, that the situation concerns 242 ONE ROOM SCHOOLS
no one but me and the woman I REPLACED BY 66 NEW ONES
love?” -
“Why, then, did you come tome?” Schools consolidation has grown
“I came because I wanted to be on steadily in the rural sections of
the square, Cissy. I wanted to tell Pennsylvania, since July, 1930, ac-
you what I was doing before it was cording to the records in the de-
done.” partment of public instruction,
“How very honorable of you,” said which show that 66 consolidated
Narcissa, schools have been organized this
Dick winced at her words. Then year; that 6 of these schools are
his tone suddenly altered. ‘housed in newly erected buildings;
“Cissy, don't treat me so unkindly. and that most of the other 10 are
Don’t you know, you who know in remodeled school plants.
everything, what I've been h The reports also show that these
over it all? I'm in hell, Cissy. Ab- consolidated school buildings are
solutely in hell. I have been for modern and range in size from fo.r
months. IT can't work any more— I to twenty rooms; that many of tne
can’t think. There's no one but you buildings contain gymnasiums, audi-
to help me. I—I counted absolutely toriums, laboratories for Special
undertaking.” | work, libraries, cafeterias and rest
His voice tore at her , rooms; and that these are built on
What a fool she was! She would nev- sites ranging from two to sixteen
er get over him. He was watching acres in area.
her intently. | There were two school consoli-
“It was foolish of me to speak as dations in Clearfield county; two in
I did, Cissy,” he said gently. “You Blair; one in Clarion; one in Jeffer-
have my life in your hands, of course. son; four in McKean; three in Indi-
I throw myself on your mercy.” ana.
“I can’t—be merciful,” said Nar- Other information contained in the
cissa piteously. “You—you shouldn't reports shows that these 66 consoli-
‘| dated schools have replaced 242 one
“I do ask it,” he returned gravely. room and a few larger schools; that
His eyes met hers. They were piti- the instructional force in the newly
ful, A 0 schools is divided into 32
Before she could reply, the door to elementary and 52 high school teach-
the hall was flung open abruptly and | ers; that the enrollments show 13,-
Patty entered the room. Dick wheel- 442 elementary pupils and 1482 high
ed to stare at her. | school students; that these children
“I'm hungry,” said Patty pleas- are provided with superior instruc-
antly. “Can I have a cup of tea? tion; that 5579 children are trans-
Why, it's Richard! Hello, Dicky ported to the new schools; that each
i | School has a library adapted to all
“You don't look very tidy, my grades; and that the number of li-
dear,” she said. bi books in these’ consolidated
“I should worry,” smiled Patty. schools totals 19,622,
“There's only Dick. He won't mind.” In addition to the 66 consolidated
“On the contrary,” said Dick very schools organized since July, thirty-
earnestly, “I think you look charm- one new buildings were erected for
ing. A sweet disorder in the dress,” consolidations that were organized
“kindles in clothes [prior to the present school year of
Narcissa rose abruptly, This was
more than she could Tour Dick did MOTOR LICENSE CARDS
not mean to go. And Patty obvious- WERE NOT FORGED
iy had designs on a second piece of
she—she reall uldn't | With a dozen or more letters be-
hy together like this a mo- {1ag. received daily by the State bu-
ment longer. She would retreat. '®8u of motor vehicles concerning
Retreat, once more, with ty. the validity of the 1931 operator's
‘licenses card, Benjamin G. Eynon,
She Would leave Ber daughter Hhg | CS er OF taal ao
“I have some notes to write, found it necesary to again deny the
Dick,’ she said evenly, ‘and I'm din- Tumor that a wholesale forgery of
ing early. If you'll excuse me I'ii— licenses has been promoted. In|
leave you and Patty.” some cases writers of these letters
“I'l take good care of her,” he have enclosed their cards requesting
said, with grateful humility. new Ones,
“Patty takes very good care of ‘This rumor is entirely unfound-
hersal/Y said Naroia proudly ed,” Commissioner Eynon said. “It
She wished she could believe her i8 causing the bureau no end or
own words. Without another glance trouble and brings needless worry
for the child on the love seat, she 0 Pennsylvania motorists. There
walked with composure to the door. (has been no counterfeiting of li-|
Alone, in her bedroom, Narcissa Ceénse cards. Every license receiv-
sat quietly down on her sofa to face °d from the bureau of motor ve-
the future. She still felt, absurdly, icles is a valid one. The rumor
that it couldn't be going to happen. Probably arose because of the two
To see Patty—Patty—in Dick's arms, diferent style numbers gos Bn
Life couldn't be so cruel. She had 1931 operator's license cards. This
despair. But this was complete dey-| U2
astation, 3
A on the stair arrested her _ The new style numbers are of a
ath Why, it couldn't be Pat- Plain machine block type, approxi-
ty! It wasn't 20 minutes since she mately three sixteenths of an
. in height and are stamped on the
had left them .
‘card in black ink. The hand stamp-
Had he unexpectedly succumbed to numbers are italic in style
2 Smiatd soruple? sixteenths of an inch in height and
generous ure ? |
orrow, 2re stamped on the operator's card
RE coat um tom done In blue ink. The automatic ma-
to day? chines did not have the capacity for
ipl ns tensions SHRI SL So nr ese
; |eire on o] s licenses wi
The child stood in the doorway, ive if? Re eas
cool, unconcerned, perhaps a Both were issued by the bureau of
motor vehicles and both are legal.”
The Board of Game Commissioners |
, recently completed the purchase
to Tom the Central Pennsylvania Lum-
ber company of 5517 acres of land
The child stood in the doorway, in Pleasen ant valley apd Clara tows- |
of irritati count;
‘Oh oe other—do you into Annin 5, Mckean county, |
: know y. |
gesture vy, Mi on. 0 townanip, t OW.
Wes, Patty wl Gard ConKiin, Stiof of She hureau aot
“Well, you needn't trouble to ar- refuges lands, stated that |
gue about it, Mother,” said Patty tract is in the heart of ideal deer,
combatively. “It won't do a bit or bear and game ter ry and is a val- |
T've made up my mind.” uable addition to the Game Commis- |
Jo | Gosignated Biate Gems Lagn ie. 36.
‘des te Game 0. 59.
Na y Pronvunce the For the present the entire tract will
“Yes, and I know everything remain open to iawful public hunt-
you're going to say before you say
it. I know you think he's charm-
ing. I know he has millions. I've
had an earful of his tragic life. But
“Has Dick gone?”
There was a moment's pause.
“Why did he go so soon?”
“He wanted to,” said Patty brief-
ly, a hint of defiance in her voice
“Patty—what did you say
him ?”
The Game Commissioner's holding |
| now 240,705 acres dis-
tributed in
thirty counties of the
DE To, on or a Tar, Le goaituss
a rose unsteadily from her to ns covering almost very citation
» he) J | e game WS. They ve n
“¥ou—don’t—think Bog Blisas | Jory active in trying to get the
tive?” Her stiff lips with difficulty rtsmen and the farm to k
framed the words. | 5p0 ig |
n 8 1 their dogs under control, thereby |
Moris! Saye a heart! I know | saving a lot of game birds and
het a ARES delight, Dut 1 just| EU0E ring the: canting Hod oreo. |
BD he am. He inks hes or Dur dion eel
such a prosecutions were brought.
“Patty!” cried Narcissa in hor- | 152
rified protest. Really, at such blas-
her hands flew to her ears, | Visitor—“And wot was think- |
oi: e does, mother. He's been hang rb of Sing wiv your boy, Mrs. |
pi iv "But he's Th Sa J-| Mrs, Smith—“Well, "e's fond |
o' animals 'is father was this
making a butéher of 'im.”
er than T am—just an old
all his winning ways.”
Preliminary construction has start-
ed on the world's most modern pris-
on, the new United States Federal
Penitentiary for the Northeastern
District, on a 26-acre tract in Kel-
ly township, Union county, Pennsyl-
Construction work of the general
outline and the first unit isin charge
of the Great Lakes Construction
Company of Chicago.
The contract, awarded for $2,781,-
000 calls for completion of the first
section, to accommodate about 1,500
prisoners, in 425 working days.
The entire project covers a 10-
year building program, an expendi
ture of about $12,000,000 and a peni-
tentiary to accommodate 5,000 pris-
oners to be drawn from the north-
eastern section of the United States.
The builders’ first task was grad-
ing of the site by removing from
eight to ten inches of the top soil
over the 26-acre area, jurisdiction
over which has been ceded the fed-
eral government by Pennsylvania.
The wall, which will surround the
tract, will rise 21 feet and will be
eight feet below the surface. Esti-
mates of materials to be used in-
cluded 3500000 bricks; 650,000
square feet of cement block; 650,000
barrels of cement; 70,000 tons of
sand; 60,000 tons of cut stone, and
30,000 tons of other stone.
Wells are being dug to provide
adequate water supply, The Read-
ing railroad has run a two-mile sid-
ing to the tract. Electric lines and
telephone lines are being strung
from Lewisburg.
Within the walls construction will
express some of the new ideas in
prison arrangement and penal prac-
tice to be developed at the peniten-
The familiar “big house” of most |
prisons will be missing
dations will from a small
block with inside cells for less tract-
El oa ry
apartments for the most peac e
prisoners, offering them living quar-
ters on par with those of an aver-
age-salaried person. Conduct and
character will determine occupancy
of the more favored dormitories.
Inside ——r —: too, ol be build-
ings pro tchen, ng, man-
ufacturing facilities; class rooms and
laboratories; a hospital; a raido room;
a theater and auditorium and a com-
fortable library. Outdoors extensive
fields for farming and dairying have
been planned.
During the 18 months of the World
war, 50,510 members of the Ameri-
can Expeditionary Force were killed
in action or d of wounds.
During the 18 months preceding
January 1931, 50,900 people were
killed in automobile accidents in
this country,
There could be no better illustra-
tion of the seriousness of the auto-
mobile accident situation.
According to a survey by the Trav-
elers Insurance Company, the
ing cause of accidents in +1980 was
failure to give right of way, which
accounted for 15 per cent of deaths
and 31.5 per cent of injuries. Sec-
ond was excessive speeding, which
was Feshulisible for 21 per cent of
all accidents, and third, driving on
the w side of the road, which
totaled 16 per cent.
Higher speed is a natural result
of improved roads and cars. But
the other two primary causes of ac-
cidents—which together accounted
for 27 per cent of deaths and 47.7
per cent of injuries—amount to
simple ignorance, recklessness or
carelessness. They show improper
training on the part of the motorist,
coupled with inadequate enforcement
of modern traffic codes, is well with-
in the limits of plausibility.
Every year complete and detailed
resumes of the year's acel-
dent record are prepared. Study of
them should show what enforcement
is needed, what can be accomplished,
A few States, in a period of rising
hazards, have managed to appreci-
ably decrease accidents within their
borders. All other States can do the
A new unofficial of “assistant
president” has been awarded, with-
out salary, to Mrs. Herbert Hoover,
by the President.
in duties beyond the ordinary func-
Liows of a mistress of the White
0 4
Mrs. Hoover has represented the
chief executive at two functions with-
in the past few weeks, and it is un-
derstood she will take his place on
another occasion this week.
It has not been the custom for the
wives of Presidents to make speeches
or to act in any save a social capac-
ity. Only since the adoption
TE oS hasnan
Cc any
t oy go functions of the exec-
Mrs. Harding was the first wifeto °8E
be prominently indentified with an
administration. Mrs. Coolidge ap-
peared alone only at small women's
social gatherings.
—Figures released by the United
States bureau of mines show that
P vania has retained the lead
for 1 from the standpoint of bi-
tuminous coal produced. The 1930
production for Pennsylvania was
122,459,000 tons, as with
a production of 143,516,241 tons for
1928. The production of West Vir-
ginia for the year 1930 was 120,040,-
000 tons, and for 1929, 138,518,855
tons. The production of the major
coal produ States follows: 1li-
nois, 88.275, tons; Kentucky, east-
ern, 40,497,000 tons; western, 10,-
200,000 tons; Ohio 23,440,000 tons;
Indiana, 15,840,000 tons and Ala-
bema, 15,240,000.
~The Watchman prints the news
You can't buy the sunshine at twilight,
You can't buy the moonlight at dawn,
You can’t buy youth when you're grow-
ing old,
Nor the life when the heart beat is
You can't buy your way into heaven,
If you had all the wealth that’s untold,
And when you lose your Mother, you
can't buy another,
If you had all this world and its gold.
—Backs are very much in vogue.
While it is probably no politer to
turn the back now than atany other
period, it seems almost a shame not
to, with all the elaboration of the
costumes concentrated there. Neck-
laces that almost appear to be throt-
tling the wearer drape their heavy
pendants down the back while they
gag the lady in front; ceiffures that
are plain to the point of severity in
front, form pretty little curls or
soft elaborate coils in the back; A
bows, suspender-like straps, clips and
flowers have slid over the shoulders
to anchor in back. Reveres have
got lost and find themselves soften-
ing the decolletage in back and the
corsage bouquet has wandered around
to emphaszie the point of a deep V
—We seem to be going wild over
wooly clothes this season. -
where one sees wool dresses, even at
formal afternoon functions, and the
best coats and suits are all of wool
weaves. The new cool weaves are
more soft and subtle than ever and
make up with a maximum of smart-
ness. Bulkiness, the former bug-
‘bear of the woolen frock, has been
entirely eliminated and this is prob-
ably why we are all indulgiing in a
Hong peut up desire for a woolen
| The tailored models and the softer
| creations are equally smart and are
being selected by the most fashion-
‘able clients of the leading houses
here. Woolen coats, too, have rel-
egated to the background the coat of
silk, and it is very rarely now that
one sees a day coat of satin or faille.
Instead, we seek the unostentatious
smartness of a fine tweed or wool
crepe and go our tailored ways re-
Jjoicing in our insistence on the prac-
tical rather than the softly pretty,
—Molyneux’s opening was marked
by dresses and sleeveless hip-length
tunics of plain and printed linen.
The latter were worn with light-
weight wool suits, with the coats
lined with linen, or with Jatehing
linen coats and wool skirts. 1
length and seven-eighth length coats
of a number of suits were lined the
depth of the blouse with material to
Jack it, the remainder of the lin-
the coat in color. Evening gowns
in crepe brocaded gold figures dis-
placed those of lame gauze, Much
brown and beige shown for street
wear. '
-—Although women are vastly dif-
(ferent from each other, eve wo-
‘man fits into a general tion.
or group of women whose outstand-
‘ing characteristics are similar,
Thus it is essential to the full de-
' velopment of individual charm and
beauty that each woman recognize
‘her “type,” and do all in her power
' to enhance her good points, blending
her moods, her make-up, her clothes
‘and her activities into perfect re-
flection of herself.
For example, the most important
feature of a business woman is her
intelligence and confident ability.
But this doesn't mean that the
business girl must be plain and un-
attractive in appearance. Far from
it, because her personal ApDeaiAlce
is a definite reflection of her spirit
and her intelligence, But, instead
of accentuating her beauty of face
and form, she shouki subdue them a
little, so that instead of their being
her outstanding characteristics, they
are only a perfect background for
her business faculties.
Smart frocks are helpful because
they show taste and discernment, a
clear, fine skin delicately touched
with make-up if necessary, adds to
her powers without detracting from
But should that same girl weara
heavy make-up and more informal
clothing. they would be completely
out of harmony with her position.
Find your by analyzing your-
‘self until you what your out-
standing points are.
The chances are that you have
been intending to make a Chiffon
Lemon Pie for a long time, but that
you just haven't gottem'round to it
yet. Apple pie, judging by the cor-
pulent pieces of that delicacy that
go on the cafeteria trays, isthe
prime favorite with men. But Lem-
on Pie ranks a close and faithful
' second.
Let's have a Chiffon Lemon Pie
for supper tonight! To make it,
beat yolks of four eggs until
‘light, add one-half cup of sugar and
the juice of a large lemon; cook in
‘a double boiler until thick and
smooth. Remove from the heat
and let cool a little. Whip the four
whites until very stiff, add a
speck of salt and a half cup of
sugar. Fold the whites into the
cooked mixture. Have ready a baked
shell, turn the cooked mix-
ture into it, and bake in a moderate
oven until the filling se
Then there's another Lemon Pie
Recipe which has always been a
favorite. You mix one and a third
‘cups of sugar with five level table-
spoons of cornstarch and a pinch of
salt. Over this pour water: stir
until thick and let cook fifteen min-
utes in a double boiler. When al-
most done, add two tab ns of
butter. Beat the yolk of four eggs,
add to them the grated rind of one
large lemon and six tablespoons of
lemon juice; combine with the corn-
‘starch mixture and cook two min-
| utes more.
| Let the mixture cool, pile into a
baked pastry shell and cover the top
| with a meringue made from the egg
whites. Brown the meringue slight-
ly in a slow oven.