Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1931, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., May 1, 19881.
If an S and | and an O and a U,
With an X at the end spell SU;
And an E and a Y and an E spell I,
Pray what is a speller to do?
Then if also an S and an I and a G
And H E D spell side,
There's nothing much else for a speller
to do
But to go and commit siouxeyesighed!
As a result of a survey of pure-
bred dogs in this State, the answer
to an oft-asked question can now be
given. The Pennsylvania survey was
part of the nation-wide ‘‘dog breed
census” covering 44,988 dogs kept
for com onship or exhibition.
Over 70 different breeds were listed.
For convenience in tabulating, the
various breeds were broken down in-
to seven recognized groups; namely,
non-sporting dogs, terriers, toys,
bird-dogs, hounds, working dogs and
farm-ranch dogs. The playful Boston
Terrier in numbers leads all Pennsyl-
vania dogs as well as its own non-
sporting classification, although the
Chow Chow, of striking Chinese ap-
e, is becoming quite popular
The Wire Fox-terrier and the Scottie,
strong favorites in urban homes, eas-
ily lead the terrier group, with Fox-
terriers numbering three to every
Scottie. Among the smaller breeds,
the Pekinese, an Oriental toy dog
of great antiquity, is the reigning
favorite, with the Pomeranian hold-
ing a strong second place.
Setters and Pointers retain their
long-time supremacy as bird-dogs,
but with merry little Cocker
Spaniel popular and well-liked in both
urban and rural sections. The Beagle,
whose musical bark thrills the hun-
ter, is the favorite of hounds. Most
numerous of working dogs is the Ger-
man Shepherd, while the Collie con-
tinues as the favorite of farm dogs.
Some interesting facts were
brought out by the survey. Purebred
dogs are definitely on the increase.
This fact is corroborated by increas-
ed registrations on the stud books of
the American Kennel Club and Amer-
jcan Field. The larger and more
heavily coated breeds predominate in
the rural sections, while the smaller
breeds and those having smooth, wiry
or silky coats are found largely in
the centers of population. Pug dogs
and mastiffs, at the height of popu-
larity at the opening of the present
century, have now all but disappear-
The house-dog is the answer to
present-day small home and apart-
ment living, and keeping a dog with-
in the home is but a small problem
if certain simple but essential prin-
ciples are observed, according to the
Chappel Kennel Foundation. The dog
should have his own Jittie Book 5
rest , receiving meals. His
That for should be clean and
dry and protected against draft. He
should be given outdoor exercise
every day, Fifteen minutes of hearty
romping will do him more good than
several miles at a slow walk. A meal
of a prepared, well-balanced meat
food in the evening and some dog
biscuits in the morning is all a dog
needs in the way of food. Avoid table
scraps, starchy or soupy foods and
sweets, and provide fresh, clean wa-
ter at all times. “Rin-tin-tin,” fa-
mous movie dog, has been on just
such a regime for the past eight
years, and today, at 13 years of age,
is in better physical condition than
many dogs several years younger.
— Wn tn cn.
Her outstanding heroism and de-
votion to duty wnen fire broke out
in the central office building of the
Bedford-Fulton ‘I'elephone company
at Everett one morning last August
has earned for Mrs. Christine But-
ton, well known telephone operator
there, the highest honor that can
come to a telephone worker, a Theo-
dore N. Vail medal.
Vail medals are awarded annually
by the Bell Telephone Company of
Pennsylvania to members of its or-
ganization in recognition of acts or
services which illustrate the ideals of
public service held by the late Mr.
Vail, former president of the Ameri-
can Telephone Company, with which
bi Bell of Pennsylvania is associ-
al A
Announcement of the award was
made by J. T. Harris, vice-president
in charge of the Central Pennsylya- guard
nia area of the Bell company. The
medal will be presented at
exercises to be held in the year, Mr.
Mr. Harris said,
As feature of the citation
of Mrs. Button for a Vail medal is
the fact that while she is not an
employee of the Bell Company, her
act of heroism so impressed the Bell
of Pennsylvania committee of awards
that she was selected for the honor
despite this circumstance.
i ss—
A house organ gives the following
little known regulations that
are worth e knowing: Did you
know that the use of dark colored
stationery in window envelopes is
not permissible. Post cards cannot
be used to collect overdue accounts?
Price lists with hand-written changes
of individual items must go first-
class mail? Envelopes, cards or
folders less than two and three-
fourth inches by four inches are!
highly objectionable to the postal
authorities? The sender's return
address should be placed on the up-
per left hand corner of the envelope |
and not ou the reverse side? Not
Jess than three and one-fourth inches
clear space should be left for the ad-
dress at the right side of the enve-
lopes, folders and cards? Air mail
envelopes must contain the return
address of the sender in the wu
left-hand corner of the envelope
John Oliver, of State College, who
had been under surgical treatment,’
was discharged on Monday of last’
Mrs. Lewis Smith and infant son,
of Bellefonte, were discharged on
Monday of last week. i
The Rev. George R. Johnson, of
Howard, was admitted on Tuesday
of last week as a surgical patient. |
John F. Weber, 2 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Weber, of |
Oak Hall, was admitted on Tuesday
of last week as a surgical patient.
Mrs. Russell C. Mallory, of Belle-
fonte, was discharged on Tuesday of
last week after having been a surgi-
cal patient.
Mrs. Harry Eberhart, of Belle-
fonte, who had been a medical pa-
tient, was Hischarged last Tuesday.
Mrs. Paul Corl and infant son, of
Benner township, were discharged on
. Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Henry Bathurst and son, of
Bellefonte, were admitted on Wed-
nesday of last week as medical pa-
Mrs. Alice J. Vonada, of Walker
township, was admitted on Wednes-
day of last week to undergo medical
Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Dennison, of
State College, are the proud parents
of a baby daughter, born at the hos-
pital on Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Allie R. Morrison
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
daughter, born at the hospital last
Lawrence H. McMullen, of Mingo-
ville, was admitted on Thursday of
last week to undergo medical treat-
James Kreamer, of Pleasant Gap,
was admitted last Thursday as a
medical patient.
Mrs. James McKiverson, of Col-
lege township, was admitted last
Thursday for surgical treatment.
Mrs. Benjamin Gordon, of Belle-
fonte, was admitted on Thursday to
undergo surgical treatment.
Master Mahlon Bowen, son of Mr,
and Mrs. William J. Bowen, of Walk-
er township, was admitted on last
Thursday as a surgical patient.
Mrs. James Leitzell, of Bellefonte,
was admitted on Friday as a surgi-
cal patient.
Mrs. Harvey H. Barnhart, of Boggs
township, was admitted on Friday
as a medical patient.
Arthur V. Gearhart, of Pine Grove
Mills, was admitted on Saturday to
undergo surgical treatment.
Vernen ‘H. Shantz, of Morganza,
Pa., a student at Penn State, was
admitted on Saturday for treatment,
Mrs. Frank L. Murphy, of Belle-
fonte, was admitted on Saturday to
undergo medical treatment.
Philip A. Marko, of Patton town-
ship, was discharged on Saturday
after having undergone surgical’
Mrs. Cyrus Hunter, of Stormstown,
was discharged on Saturday after
having been a medical patient.
Miss Maude Sharer, of Walker
township, was discharged on Satur-
day after having undergone surgical
Mrs. Charles Flynn and son, of
Milesburg, who had been medical
patients, were discharged on Satur-
John Plozner, of Bellefonte,
admitted on Sunday as a
Margaret Wilson, 6 year old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wilson,
of Spring township, was admitted on
Sunday for medical treatment.
There were 55 patients in the hos-
pital at the beginning of the week.
An unusually large number of rabid
dogs have made their appearance in
several sections of the Common-
wealth, according to the bureau of
animal industry, Pennsylvania de-
t of agriculiure.
Forty positive cases of rabies in
dogs were fouid by the bureau dur-|
ing January and February this year,
fourteen persons were reported bit-
ten and 444 animals were exposed.
In taking the usual precautionary
steps, the bureau quarantined 427
dogs and other animals on 190 prem-
ises. In addition, seventy-five dogs
were killed by owners as a safe-
The section where rabies is most
prevalent are those near large cen-
ters of population, as for example,
in Chester, Delaware and Lancaster
counties in the southeast, Luzerne
in the east central, and Allegheny
and Fayette in the west.
The State has been handling, so
far this year, the rabies situation
under special or individual gquaran-
tine where specific premises and
dogs are placed under strict control.
At present, the officials are watch-
ing the situation very closely and if
conditions should warrant, a general
quarantine may be necessary in cer-
tain localities.
io Ct ugecaut 10: She cuntro) of rabies
e con 0 gs running at
large. officials
of animal ind or directly to
the bureau's main office in Harris.
—Test your seed corn. If a sam- |
nle tests less than 90 per cent good !
kernels, test every ear planted.
But She Found Animal too Boisterous
to Be Kept in City
New York.—A musk ox calf makes
a fine pet for a girl, but you can't
keep one In a city apartment. Marie |
Ahnigh! to Peary, daughter of the
famous Arctic explorer, tried it, and
learned to her sorrow it couldn't bs
' Jone.
Miss Peary, who was known as the
“Snow Baby” because she was born
in Greenland on one of her father's
expeditions, tells about her musk ox
difficulties in Good Housekeeping Mag- |
azine. The calf, she says, was a fast |
grower, and when she got him back
to civilization she kad to turn him
wer to & Zoo.
“On one of the hunting trips,” she
explains, “the Eskimos killed a group
of four musk oxen and were prepar-
Ing to skin them when my father
noticed a small black object about 100
yards away. Going over to it he found
a strange wooly little ball, a young
musk ox calf. The poor baby had gone
for a walk while its parents were
grazing, and It didn't know it ha”
suddenly become an orphan.
“The calf seemed to think dad was
a long lost friend, for it ran right to
the shelter of his legs and accompan-
jed him back to camp. That night
they slept together—at least they lay
down side by side and tried to sleep.
The calf was covered with a corner
of musk ox skin, but this did aot
seem to make him feel at home, He
nibbled dad's hair, licked his nose,
and pawed his face with his hoofs,
which though tiny were hy no means
soft. Altogether, it was an uncomfort.
able night, and dad was glad to get
him safely back to the ship and ture
Aim over to my care.
“I was delighted. We named him
Sambo at once, because he was so
black, and he was the most cuddle
‘ooking animal you ever beheld.”
Miss Peary says in her Good House
keeping article that the story about
Eskimo women chewing their hus-
band's hoots to get them soft Is nc
all tale. She has seen them do it.
{I Duce Plans to Start
a New Gambling State
Paris.—While the rulers of Monaco
are squabbling as to how to use the
gambling spoils, Mussolini has been
planning to become dictator of the
reen tables, according to reports,
It is said that he plans to create
an “independent gambling state” of
Yan Remo to rival Monte Carlo.
Creation of this new country would |
enable San Remo to devise gaming
laws of her own, Introduce every
known kind of game. of chance, at-
tract big finance, and, last but not
least, probably bring to the new casi-
nos the famed Greek banking conces-
than six months ago against the
French government's new taxes on the
Yaccarat bank.
There have been rumors for a long
the of an Italian attempt to cut in
on the French Riviera's profits by cre-
ating a new world of entertainment on
the Mediterranean. It is said that the
authorities on the other side of the
horder now consider the time ripe to
make war on Monte Carlo and that
the Independent state of Sam Remo
¥ill result.
Defendant's Joy Over
Verdict Is Short Lived |
Columbus, Ohio.—"“Not guilty!”
read the clerk of the court from a |
‘ury's findings,
‘The youthful defendant sighed in|
~ellef and sagged down in his chair.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
is that your true verdict?’ asked
Judge Mahaffey as a matter of rou
“No,” emphatically answered the |
The foreman then explained the de |
fendfant had heen found guilty—but |
the wrong verdict was signed. The
srror was corrected,
Largest Steel Casting
Weighs 460,000 Lbs.
Bethlehem, 'u.—The world's largest
steel casting, weighing 40,000 pounds,
was shown here today in the Lehigh
plant of the Bethlehem Steel company.
It is a platen, or cylinder jacket, for
the 14,000-ton forging press of the
Bethlehem plant. Such devices here
tofore have been built up of separate
parts. It is 12 feet 10 inches high, 2%
feet 4 inches long and 10 feet 2 inches
wide. Six open-hearth furnaces were
used for melting the steel simultane
susly for the casting.
Illinois Family Able to
Form Its Own Orchestra |
Le Roy, IlL.—Henry O'Neal has 1:
children in bis family and gall of them |
wre capable musicians.
Emery plays the banjo, Robert, the
violin; Bonnie and Millie, the piano;
Rollie, the saxophone; Herman, the
drums. and so on down the list.
Millie, a sophomore in Le Roy hig |
school, is the only ome who has had |
musical training. }
Enrollment Gains
Washington.—Eurviiment [2 Indus |
trial and vocational schools receivin; |
federal aid was 10 per cent higher ir
1930 than in 1920, figures of the fed |
eral board for vocational education re |
veal. The 1980 ;nroliment was ove: |
which went on a strike more |
| Despite widespread use of water
is the conclusion of H. M.
“Technology of the utilization of
coal,” Hoar declared, “has advanced
more rapidly in the last few years
than at any time in its history. Lig-
nite is utilized for steam raising
purposes; gas is made from coal or
from oil; and in Germany motor
fuels have been recently obtained
from the distillates of coal.”
These new developments, Hoar
points out, have resulted in
savings to coal consuming industries. |
“The electric utilities, for example,
have been enabled to reduce the
amount of coal n to develop
a kilowatt hour from 3.2 pounds in
1919, to 1.76 pounds in 1928, a re-
duction of nearly 45 per cent,” he
explains, “The railroads, which ab-
sorb about a quarter of the total
fuel consumption
States, and the iron and steel in-
in the United
| dustry have been effecting similar
| savings.”
| While a large amount of coal will
‘continue to be employed in the gen-
eration of heat and power, Hoar de-
(declares, an increasing part of its val-
{ue in the future will be found in its
| chemical properties. Already
fifth of the annual output of bitu-
| minous coal in this country is being
subjected to chemical processing.
Three agricultural scientists on
| the staff of the Pennsylvania State —
' College have been nominated for the [Ui
1931 “Capper Award for distinguish-
ed service to American agriculture,”
Dr, Ernest L. Nixon, Dr. Charles F. |
Noll, and Dr. Ernest B. Forbes. The
award is the highest existing honor
that can be bestowed for work in
agriculture in this country.
Dr. Nixon, the “Pennsylvania Po-
tato Wizard,” was nominated for his
‘nation-wide success in improvng the
| yield and quality of the potato crop.
| Following introduction of his meth-
ods the average potato yield in Penn-
BATHTUB FOR HUNTERS cooks are the best, and I always
rn have one along.”
Johnny Jones, big game guide in
the Yukon carries a bathtub and a | Germany boasts the mouth
thy tourists
where to bag game.
Jones makes 30 to 60 day trips
into the wilds. His
A Bg ig
| This Bank as Your Executor
en the Will of a decedent is read, and it
is found that a proper Bank has been
named as Executor, there is a feeling of
relief by the heirs. They know that this es-
tate will be properly administered and their in-
terests carefully guarded.
If you have not already had your Will
drawn, do not delay. Life is uncertain—
And name this Bank as your Executor.
i Baney’s Shoe Store
Ly WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
FR woupsng oy Ww save 0f
'sylvania has been increased from 80 '
to 130 bushels to the acre, while the
‘record crop has been recorded as
696.1 bushels to the measured acre.
Dr. Noll is best known for his de-
velopment of “Pennsylvania 44,”
wheat that is mentioned wherever
prime yielding cereal crops are dis-
‘cussed, and Dr. Forbes is noted for
the work he has done and is
|ing as director of the
| Animal Nutrition at the college.
It was little Willie's first ride in a
railway train, and the succession of
wonders reduced him to a state of
hysterical astonishment.
The train rounded a slight bend |
(and, with a shriek of
| plunged into a tunnel,
There were gasps of surprise from
the corner where little Willie was
Suddenly the
it's whistle,
voice was lifted in wonder.
“It's tomorrow!" gasped the small
those extra calves
to cash!
are easiest found
The modern
farm home has a
train rushed into
broad daylight again, and a small’
orm- |
tute of
From Hundreds of
Style is a matter
of Choice rather
than of Cost—
Good Style
Costs No More
Than Poor Style
—but it’s harder to
find. Fauble Clothes
assure Correct Style,
Finest Material and
Best Workmanship.
good or prices as low. If you want to
be SURE that your clothes are right
and the cost as low as possible— then be
sure and see us FIRST.
N° for a long time have clothes been as
el Radi Toe
"YF ==