Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1931, Image 6

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    1 = |
’ ter oo Loans to world war veterans, un- FOR SHERIFF
With the coming of Memorial Day der legislation passed by the last We are authorized to announce
ropriate consideration may be Elmer Breon, of te :
Bellefonte, Pa., May 1, 1981. 2PP'oP 8 , on April 18 totaled $562-
—— : . ¥ given to the planting of tribuie trees a, 1.482.672 holders of com- | il be a candidate for : nomination
and memorial groves, State Forester pensation certificates. | Sheriff of Centre county, subject to
Joseph Illick of the Pennslvania de- , . decision of the voters as expressed
Y our H ea 1 t h partment of Forests and Waters says a rts Bureau applications, | Lhe, Brimari ries to be held on Tuesday
THE FIRST CONCERN. That the tree lends itself to all yore than $35,000,000 already has| hereby announce a candidate
times and all occasions has been re- eon paid to Pennsylvania veterans, for the nomination for Sheniff of Cidate
peatedly proven ut history, Approximately 100,000 veterans in | County, subject to the decision of the
but it is significant, said the state ;p, State have benefited or are about A te os af the primary
forester, that we have three typical- ; penefit from loans, Senator Reed's ' SINIE H. HOY
ly American holidays when (ree mice announced from figures re-
planting now receives special atten- ..iyed from the bureau.
tion. In addition to Arbor Day, Up to April 18, the last compila- a candidate for nomination for of
these are Memorial Day and Mother's jon made by the bureau, a total of Centre County on the
Day. $35,559,433 was loaned from the Phil- the party as exmomod of the voters
Aree planting to honor the heroic adelphia and Pittsburgh regional of- to be held Tuesgay, Septorar 15, 1981.
dead gave the world a new form offices of the bureau. The Philadel-
. monument—the memorial that lives. phia office at that time bad paid out COUNTY TREASURER
1. Ventilate every room you occu- .... ovement gamed great impetus $24915415 to 63,138 veterans and I hereby announce a candidate
with the signing of the Armistice $10,644,018 had gone out from the fof the nomination of of Cen-
. Wear light, loose and porous to the desision of
3. Seek out-o f-door
and recreation.
4. Sleep out-of-doors if you can,
5. Avoid overeating and over-
6. Avoid excess of high protein
foods, such as meat, flesh foods, eggs;
also excess of salt and highly season-
eleven years ago, when people adopt- Pittsburgh office to 27,142 veterans. ino Toomey; Sub
ed the trees as their token of tri-
bute. ‘The idea was taken up file at Philadelphia and 10,087 at
promptly by Sie Saulzaticss, Pittsburgh from holders of the ad-
and ediiors, y the public gen- justed compensation certificates. rized
erally. When General Pershing re- Reed, who cpposed passage of the 5." Claude her i a TR
turned from France, among his first veteran's act, commended the Vet-! is a candidate for nomination for Pro-
acis was the planting of memorial eran's Bureau for the speed with | {honotary, of Centre County, on
trees in Central Park, N. Y.,, and In- which loans were dispatched. Ad- sion of the Democrats of
dependence Square, Philadelphia. vised that a total of $562,360,930
occupations | ROBERT F. HUNTER
oters at the
There were 1524 applications on Election, to be held September 6, 1081, &
ticket, subject to the deci- |
f the voters of the as expressed
at the Pay, a8 Tuesday,
September 15, 1981.
We are authorized to announce that L.
date for nominati or Cen-
tre nty on the Republican ticket,
subject to the decision of the voters
of ee as erpressed at the Primar-
fos to Be’ herd oa VY Tucadny, September
the primaries to be held on Tuesday,
September 15,
I hereby ann dacy for
| nomination for the office Eo of
| Centre County on the Republican
| subject to the decision the voters o
| the party as e at the
to be held on Tuesday, September A
| 1981.
C. C. SHUEY, Bellefonte Pa.
ed foods. ; at he Drivhrice The pe tem oh Phill Womelsdort, | of PhIpsburs
7. Bat some hard, some bulky, Each recurring Memorial Day has had been paid {hrongholt the coun | gootember 15, 1981 Tuesday, P p oS omalsqort, J MHpaous:
some raw foods daily. seen more and more memorial tree try on applications, he said: FOR RECORDER andy ticket gg office of
8. Eat slowly and taste your food. planting in Pennsylvania and other It is gratifying that the bureau of Centre county, subject to
9. Use sufficient water internally States. has been able to function so efficient- | pe Ske, S3thoriad tia announce that | the decision z J a fhe Party
and externally. Ihe idea of the Mother's Day ly in acting on applications for loans ..angidate for nomination for Recorder | Tuesday, September 15, 1981,
10. Secure thorough intestinal tree, too, belongs to Pennsylvania, and that the work is so nearly cur- of Centre county, on ie | 1 nereby announce that Tam a candi
elimination daily and the first memorial tree tc moth- rent. | Hoket, ofubject to the deciglon of the ,., n on on the Republican
11. Stand, sit and walk erect. er was a white birch planted on “Since the figures were compiled, piers of {he Party, as ex 0. She | ticket for the office of Treasurer of Cen-
12. Do not allow poisons and in- Mother's Day at Reading in 1923. the Philadelphia office has caught up tember 15, 1981. |e ky. subject 3S ision a
fections to enter the body. ‘The following year this plan won completely with its work and checks COUNTY COMMISSIONER the held on Tuesday,
LK th th, gums and national recognition when President are being issued as rapidly as appli-
a RD . ‘tee gu Coolidge planted a white birch on cations are received. The record "a fo uthorized to announce that
1 the White House unds. Since Speaks for itself. ole
Ag playrvest sudusisepiin then Mother's Day iti have been ‘The Pittsburgh office had difficul- | of Commissioner on Centre County, on
15. Breathe deeply: take deep- planted in increasing numbers. ty, I am told, in getting experienced goo, FOmOCratic ticket, au to the
: RG RY; R er tors for th hines used in | yoras PALLY oy
breathing exercise several times a One of the most appealing fea- OPeérators for the machines Bi at the Primaries to be held
tures of the tree as a memorial | the work. This resulted in an ini- Tuesday, September 15, 1981.
Illick said, is that this form of ex-| tal delay, but the difficulty has been we are authorized to announce that J.
i re and th ess than Victor Brungart, Miles townshi
These are the general rules of pression is possible for everyone. a ere 1 Jas og dh eae
| It candidate for
1 but underl them all is the The memorial tree is well suited to | cratic ticket for the office of
ving, hut u eHiving hem of hay- the requirements or the needs of one 5 expected that the work will be sioner of Centre County, subject to the
grea | TIE the rever- current by May 1, so that there will decision of the voters of the party as
ing your body periodically examined person an or pe vine] be not more than a day's delay in SXPressed at the Primaries to be held on
and ‘your individual needs ascertain- ence of a group or an individual. gC PR JURE CARS theseatter © | Tuesday, September 15, 1981.
«ed, so that you can apply these rules While the planting of trees for re- «last week in Pittsburgh a total COUNTY AUDITOR
to your own life th intelligence 'forestation is usually done in April, — | We are authorized to announce that
of 6400 loans were paid—an average |
and precision, the month of May is considered & of more than 100 a day.” |A. B. Williams, of Port da, Pa. Is
Most of the diseases which usually satisfactory time for transplanting J | 3 ae. Tf Nomimation Io ‘he oltice
cause deatn at thirty, forty, fifty and specimen trees such as is used for | Democratic ticket, subject to the decision
even later are preventable or, at memorial purpsses. The later t RAT DAMAGE IS ENORMOUS |
least, can be deferred from a few to of tree is produced by ornamen [vm
many years, if proper preventive tree nurseries, and the roots if well Damage by rats to produce and
measures are taken in time. balled and burlapped, make it pos- Property damage amounts to 200 |
: | sible to move the trees at almost Million dollars annually in the]
GET YOURSELF EXAMINED | any time. The little seedlings pro- United States, according to an esti- |
You are the average man or wom- duced by millions in the nurseries of Mate by the secretary of agriculture |
an. You want to live a long and en- the department of forests and wa- ©f North Dakota, who recommends |
Joyable life. You want to prolong the ters, for forestation of waste lands, the waging of a constant and rent-
years of Your earning power to the are not suitable for single memorial !¢ss campaign against this pest.
‘utmost. Get yourself examined at tree purposes, and large ornamental Measures recommended include,
intervals. Find out and cor- trees are not distributed. White keeping waste food and garbage in
rect any factors which may be caus- birch trees from five to eight feet Covered containers until destroyed;
ing a present lowered condition of high may be bought from commer. Preventing accumulations of trash |
health or your future. |cial nurseries at a nominal sum. and refuse; making corn cribs and
Over 700,000 individuals die in this | granaries rat-proof, and adopting
‘country annually from chronic or- any means whereby the supply of |
16. Keep serene.
at the
Bp a
| September 15, 1931.
decision of the voters
as at
held on , Sept.
Wo are authorized to announce that
Da A. Holter, of Howard is
a candidate for eu, Ia
of Auditor of Centre » Sul
the decision of the voters
lican part
10 00 ald athe
odd Soar
This Interests You serrer LicHT MEANS
The Workman's
Law went into
1916. It makes
ganic diseases. Such diseases are pe- STANDARD CLOCKS SOON rat food may be reduced. |
culiarly the result of ignorance, apa- | Among the means for destroying |
thy or neglect and go far in establish- |
E. DEMI, Philipsburg, Pa.
the b-
D. you have
to hold the phone
book under the
living room lamp
to find a number?
Correct general
makes it possible
to read any place
in a room, with-
out straining the
a" rats’ and most effective is poisoning, |
ing themselves y before the in-| In three airtight cases in Washing- for which purpose government ex-
‘dividual! realizes that anything is | ton are three master clocks which, of perts recommend powdered barium |
wrong. jof all clocks in the United States, run | carbonate, which is inexpensive and |
— | with the leat val Maintained | has added advantage of being odor- |
WHAT CAUSES ORGANIC DISEASE? 'by and kept In the United States Na- less and tasteless, therefore more |
In protecting human life against val Observatory they are the time- | readily eaten by the rodents when
disease it is of first importance to pieces by which the nation keeps its|it is applied to their bait. Care
detect the early signs of disease— | appointments; they are the standard must be taken, of course, that it is
conditions that may lead to apoplexy, | by which we set each watch aud clock not placed in the way of children or |
to Bright's disease, to those appar- throughout the United States. Now, domestic animals. en poison can
ently sudden deaths from heart dis- after many years, new clocks are to not be used, trapping is suggested
ease. | be installed in the observatory. | as the next best method to be em-
These organic diseases are due to! A Munich clock-maker named Rie- ployed,
faulty living habits, chronic infec- fler is the maker of the standard/ In addition to the property de-
tions, chronic poisoning. In the ma- | clocks now in use, Riefler’s clocks de- | struction they cause, rats tend to
jority of instances their causes can rive their accuracy from the manner spread disease, and from every |
be traced by careful examinations, in which the pendulum is attached. standpoint they are an unmitigated
and always when c:uch causes are In ordinary clocks the pendulum is nuisance. A nation-wide rate ex-
found there is something that can be attached to springs in the rigid clock termination campaign might be con-
done. In many cases the cause can! frame. In Riefler's clocks however, it sidered as an aid to unemployment
be eradicated and the organs saved is attached to springs connected to relief.
from injury, small tables Wich rock back and
y ‘forth slightly. Electromagnets
1 HOW TO LIVE LONG Le pia vy thirty seconds. © $3,000,000,000 ROAD PROGRAM
/rite to the Life Extension Insti- | The new standard clocks which ae- natio
tute for many interesting free re- cording to Captain C. S. Freeman, |g One Ap ih kg Ju
prints on the value of yearly health | superintendent of the observatory, ing 1931, according to the De
‘examinations and correct personal will be purchased soon are known as| ont of Commerce. Two- of
‘hygiene, including the free reprints, “Short” clocks, and aim at an accu- pio great sum—=$2,000,000,000—will
“How to Live Long” and “Hygiene racy superior to that of all other ,. spent in the United States.
‘to Middle Life.” Your inquiry in- clocks anywhere. | Thus the good roads movement is [I
volves no obligation, Caring for the nation’s timepieces (14. wide. It is realized, nowadays |
The health survey which members |involves much accuracy. The airtight p., paved highways are essential to
‘of the Institute receive follows a cases holding them are kept in a ,.qiness and social p The
‘system of standarized examination double vault with automatic temper- | oy ick economical and EE oan, trans-
‘forms and detailed reports which ature control. Year in and year out | sortation of commodities and
‘were formulated in consultation with | the temperature in this vault is kept | g no is one of the factors that makes
‘the eminent physicans on its Hy- | constant within one-tenth of one the for a higher developed civilization.
igiene Reference Board, and which centi e. Once a week the 13
‘have been further developed and per- : Ee iETaget is entered for in- i n ihe Somited Staten Special ouial atten
fected from its experiante in the ex- spection. Any variation in the clocks go. to market, highways.
amination of nearly a millicn men is carefully recorded, since the hands | my, modern slogan is e
and women, residents of all sections | are adjusted to the correct time only | gormarg gate a shipping point.” x
of the United States and Canada. when overhauls are made—every arge y of American farms
The Institute's service is available four years, Wires running to various,” still situated on roads that are
everywhere. Medical treatment is | parts bservatory grounds
@ot included in the Institute's work. make it possible toJieep chacl ontie
—Two causes of baldness—arsenic |
‘and lead, said to be various telescopes. materials, suitable for all but main,
: absorbed by ‘heavy traveled highways, have been
I ur Dretsnt a thro” | HE REASONS FOR Ey Mibior oT tae esl
‘jean Chemical Society Dr. C. N. FAILURES IN COLLEGE be given the full-width weatherproof, |
Myers, 9 the New York Skin and The largest percentage of students creasing tax burdens, if available
at the Pennsylvania State College funds are wisely used.
several score who were dropped for poor scholar- invest in nothing of greater value
in the ba ship at the end of the first semester than permanently surfaced farm
patches Te | showed the poorest high school prep- | roads—and few investments will pay
is baldness is alopecia areata, in aration, Registrar William S. Hoff- greater dividends.
“whi hair falls out usually in Wan announces. Of those who failed, |
. It attacks persons of both | 1:07 per cent entered college from | MORE HURT IN GOLF
‘sexes and all social stages, Dr. tne first J het a gh Ruod THAN R. R. ACCIDENTS
i, “the Se teamr¢ | fifth, 3.76 per cent from the third| Many interesting facts are reveal-
life, The malady, he added, is re- | fifth, 4.61 per cent from the fourth ed by the latest analysis of the
lieved by treatment that eliminates |Dfth and 7.27 per cent from the|claims paid by the Aetna Life In-
‘arsenic and lead from the system, | fifth fifth of their high school classes. surance Company for personal acci-
The sulphuric smell in coal gas | Mr Hoffman pointed out that thesé dents from 1922 to 1930 inclusive,
has been converted into a Bisa) percentages are quite similar to During this nine-year period it was
‘soap at Ohio State University. those obtained from a study of stu-| found that the number of
Results of one year's experiments | dents dropped from college for poor | accidents (23 per cent), happened in
with this soap were reported today | Scholarship six years ago. buildings other than homes. Acci-
by DE Emery R Siayhurat, profes- |p. ; ppaNy USES MORE Be od or 0 » hg
sor of hygiene. He said the effects un
of this soap were remarkable “in WATER THAN FOUR CITIES ¢laims paid, and home accidents fol-
ases encoun ae low closely with 15.53 per cent.
Prochen Ny 31 & skin enevuniored of With the recent of a tun-| We find sports and recreation ac-
» | nel which connects the Ford Motor | cidents nearly five times more num-
Pr Hayhtrst carga Dlemishes” | ompany’s River Rouge plant with a |erous than the combined total of
made from a new sulphur compound, | Pranch of the Detroit river, more railroad, street car, elevated, subway
p Pound. | water was made available to hie and stegmghi 4 Scsidents, aioe peks
—“A good rule to follow is never | Ford plant than is used by four of sons were while ng gol
knowingly to use a glass or towel | the Jargust ities in the United States, | than while traveling on railroads.
that has already been used by some-| The mile tunnel has a capac- | More than twice as many claims
one else until it is properly cleansed. | ity for 913,600,000 gallons of water were paid to policy holders who were
Moreover, towels should not be used | daily, which is more than is used by | injured while Playing baseball than
by individuals more than a very Detroit, Washington, Philadelphia, to those injured street car acci-
few times before rejection. and Cincinnati combined. dents.
or fifty years ago.
Long-wearing but economical road
able an asset as a bank account—For thriftiness can al-
ways get a bank account of its own.
And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the way in
which they read the newspapers—just as you can usu-
ally spot the other kind.
The great majority of men and women never put a
newspaper down until they have read the important
news which is directed to them thru the advertisements.
Thriftiness is a state of mind that is nearly as valu-
The modern woman, especially, finds the advertise-
ments indispensable. She spends more than five-sixths [if
of the family income. And the prosperity, happiness [if
and health of her household frequently depend on her [Hi
reading of the advertisements and on the wisdom with |}
which she chooses everything she buys. I
Advertisements in the Watchman have an unusual
value because they are read by a class of women who
have the thrift complex. Women who are leaders in
every community in which it circulates. Women whose
advice is solicited and whose suggestions as to the
worthwhile things to buy are invariably followed by
those who do little reading for themselves.
The advertisements bring you complete informa-
tion about accepted products and new ones. Thru
them you can compare valu es—discover ways and
means for greater household efficiency and enjoyment—
and make sure that every dollar spent will bring its
full return.