Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 24, 1931, Image 1

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    — Wednesday evening's slight fall
of “the beautiful” was probably “the
onion snow.” i
—Mayor Jimmie Walker, of New
York, denies the allegation that he
is incompetent and offers to lick the
—We wish some of these fellows
who are so persistently telling us
that good times are just around the
corner would be a bit more specific
and tell us which corner.
~The employment situation around |
here is evidently improving. We
know a fellow who has been paint-
ing his own house who put himself
on a nine hour shift yesterday so he
will get through quicker to get back |
to fishing again.
. —The further they go at Harris- |
burg the more certain it becomes |
that all the State is to get out of
the many Pinchot campaign promises
is the rural roads building
and even the Governor has admitted
that there will be no money to carry |
that out,
When President Hoover appointed
William D. Mitchell, of Minnesota, a
Democrat who had voted against the
candidate of his party, to the office
of Attorney General, he imagined
that he was simply recompensing a
personal service. It was taking a long
chance and in the light of recent de-
| velopments, a rather grave mistake,
Mr. Mitchell may have voted against
religion or on account of fanaticism
of some other sort. Or he may have
Attorney General Mitchell Makes A Wise and Proper Recommendation. Disappoin
| The majority report of the Senate
| committee investigating the Public
| Service Commission recommends leg-
islation providing that the power of
appointing members of the Commis-
sion be vested in the Superior court,
|“so that the Public Service Commis-
' sion shall be an independent and un-
| fettered agency.” There are substan-
tial reasons for this solution of a vex-
program the candidate of his party because of tion of President Coolidge, whenever
‘the Tariff Commission made a deci-
Ermer ene
About the fiftieth time within a
year Roger Babson assures the pub-
lic that “this month for the first time
since the summer of 1929 revealed a
| From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
| Booms and slumps may come and
‘go, but the fake stock swindler is al-
| ways among us. The immediate com-
| t now is not from Philadelphia,
'but from the supposedly sophistica-
| minors under 16 years
| to 48 hours a week,
! finally by the Senate.
| for and 19 against.
i —Martha Jensen, aviator who
| dangers of transpacific flying sucessfully,
refused to permit himself to be lowered
‘into an anthracite mine while on a visit
at Ashland, Pa., because he admitted he
| thought it too dangerous.
| three stations from an agency to a non-
agency basis. The stations are Kerr-
| moor and Dimeling, Clearfield county,
{and Arcadia, Indian county.
| —While one of his five children looked
(on, John Z. Oksek, 45, a miner of Acosta,
| Somerset county, on Monday, atfached
| two sticks of dynamite to his belt, set
(them off and was blown to bits. Police
| said Oksek was out of work, and was
| despondent and had threatened members
definite turn for the better in the ted citizens of New York. Salesmen .. is family.
business situation.” The only practi-
cal difference between this statement
those previously issued by Mr.
is that this one was deliver-
ed to President Hoover dircct while
the others were detoured to him by
way of Wall street where the infor-
| peddling wild-cat stocks cost the vic-
| tims half a million dollars in the
| month of March alone. This is a low
average. It is safe to Say Sunt the
| losses in a year would go beyond
| $6,000,000. The surprising thing is
| that this should be possible during a
| period when
‘sion adverse to the President's views mation was obtained and the prepa- ors are mighty cautious about what
| absorbed the absurd idea that Her. the body was reconstructed, thus ad-
| bert Hoover is a great business gen- |
the members that their
—At this writing their respective |, . uo could and would steer the tenure of office depended upon obedi-|
standings put the Athletics and the
Phillies in the same class as base-
ball aggregations. And neither Al
Simmons nor “Chuck” Klein would
have been missed much had they both
been left to “hold out” as long as
they wanted to.
—The new moon is lying flat on
it's back and believers in signs as-
sure us that that means a dry one.
If there is anything in it farmers
are going to have another short hay
crop. Right now is the time when
cool and very wet weather is needed
to produce good grass.
--The Japanese Prince who is be- |
ing royally entertained in this coun-
try just now is doubtless a fine
young man, but he is in no danger
of being sought by American cig-
arettee manufacturers to permit the
use of his picture on the bill boards
advertising their products.
—This week “Uncle Sam” makes
announcement, through local agencies,
that part of the forty-five million
dollar drought relief fund appropri-
ated by the last Congress is avail-
Ship of State into a high tide of
prosperity. Some men normally in-
telligent and well meaning had such
foolish notions then.
It appears, however, that notwith-
standing that mental aberration Mr.
Mitchell still cherishes some of the
principles of Jefferson and the Dem-
ocratic party. That is, he has decid-
ed aversion to giving unrestrained
power to big business to violate ex-
isting laws in order to promote
their selfish interests. Influenced by
these ideas of government, in a
speech delivered in Minneapolis, the
other day, he expressed a purpose to
prevent a scheme carefully concocted
by President Hoover and Secretary
of the Interior Wilbur to regulate,
by collusion, the production of oil,
palpably “in restraint of trade” and
directly in opposition to the provis-
fons of the Sherman anti-trust law.
Secretary Wilbur, who seems to be
exem the evil rather than the
good of the “scholar in politics,” con-
ceived the idea of limiting the pro-
duction of oil by an agreement among
the producers, in order to “stabilize
able to farmers in Centre county the industry,” or in other words, to oor to discharge
who need it. What a joke the pro-| jack up prices to the consumers and lo vio action was that they had dis-
posal is. In the first place every | profits for the producers. President
farmer who planned any
seeding | Hoover had given cordial approval
this spring is already at it. In the to this scheme and Secretary of
second, by the time he went through Commerce Lamont promptly ex-
the red tape necessary to procure
question Col. Henry W.
statement of facts concerning the
history and legends of Central Penn-
sylvania. Col. Shoemaker's hobby is
digging into musty records and in-
terviewing “oldest residents” to the
end that he might compile and put
in lasting reference form the interest-
ing incidents of the early days of New York or Chicago about every | The other day Secretary of State
this section of Pennsylvania. For
years he has devoted his leisure |
time to converting the unwritten
local history, the word-of-mouth
stories of our communities, into
printed sketches. ‘Through his ef-
forts many facts that might other
wise have died with the present gen-
eration have been preserved for
sons in the same families are
vey of the industrial equipment
United States would show that there
is a productive capacity now that
could supply the normal needs of a
population three times as
we have. If such is the
foolish it is to think we
our mills and mines and farms going
to capacity without foreign markets
|who are fearful that they
pressed his sanction. But Attorney
it would be too late | General Mitchell has now complete-
nouncing that he will resist it with
all the force of the Department of
Justice as a violation of the -trust
laws. It may cost Mitchell job
—The importance of a rebellion in
one of those Central American Re-
publics might be better understood
if one stops to consider that thirteen
Sandino men captured a big town in
Nicaragua the other day.
gansgsters capture a night club in
twenty-four hours and nobody thinks
of calling that a rebellion. And
foreign countries don't line “the Bat-
tery” and the “Gold Coast” with
warships to take off their subjects
might be
captured in another night club.
The Congressional Gerrymander,
The new Congressional apportion-
ment bill, prepared at the headquar-
ters of the Republican State machine,
was introduced in the Senate by Sen-
ator McClure, of Delaware county,
on Monday evening. It is probably
the only t measure
that will be considered at this ses-
sion, though Senatorial, Representa-
tive and Judicial reapportionments
are due. The decrease in the delega-
tion from thirty-six to thirty-four
made the reconstruction of the Con-
gressional districts imperative, and
political expediency was the only
thing considered in framing the
Following the lines of least resist-
ance the bill makes no changes in
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. There
may be a few voters in each of
these cities who would have prefer-
red an alteration of the district boun-
daries but the machine managers are
satisfied and nothing else matters.
The main purpose of the bill is to
make the election of a Democratic
in Pennsylvania prac-
pending measure will achieve that re-
sult, which will be quite as pleasing
to Pinchot as to the Mellons and Gen-
eral Martin. .
In our own district Bedford and
Blair counties are added to Clear-
field and Centre, to make up the new
Twenty-third district which may
cause a contest between Representa-
tives Chase and Kurtz for the seat.
The shifting of Northumberland coun-
ty from the Seventeenth to the Shoe-
string district and Huntingdon coun-
ty to the York district will throw
either Mugrady or Beers out of a
job or set Haines, of York, outside
to take up the surplus. And foreign |the breast works. Altogether the bill,
countries, being worse off than we which is said t o have been written
are, can’t buy our surplus because by State Treasurer Martin, is about
our tariff walls prevent them from |as complete, not to say vicious, a
paying for it in products that they |g
manufacture, mine or grow.
errymander as has ever been im-
posed on a helpless people.
Thirteen |
lence to the appointing power. This
| action perverted the Tariff Commis-
sion into an agency of injustice.
| No matter what name the Public
| Service Commission is called, and no
questions brought before it upon mer-
it and according to the judgment of |
its members it cannot render valua-
to the public. In order to
| fulfill its obligations to the interests
in contention before it, complete
| freedom of thought and action is es-
sential. The fault of the Public Serv-
{ice Commission of Pennsylvania, in
‘recent years, lies in the fact that it
| was under duress to serve the inter-
| ests of the Republican machine rath-
ler than those of the people concerned
in its decisions. Appointments were
made with that understanding.
During his previous term of office
Governor Pinchot attempted to dis-
miss certain members of the Com-
not contribute much to the interest
of the public it will add considerably
to “the gayety of nations.”
i Ls m—
| New Policy in Nicaragua.
| The administration policy with re-
| spect to Nicaragua has been reversed.
Stimson announced that “this gov-
ernment cannot undertake the gener-
al protection of Americans through-
out that country with American for-
ces.” In other words, those adventur-
ous Americans who undertake busi-
gua or elsewhere will have to take
care of themselves. If they behave
themselves and the government at
Washington attends strictly to its
own business, they will probably
need no other protection, If, on the
other hand, they misbehave, or the
government at Washington provokes
resentment, they or the government
at Washington are to biame.
This would seem to the average
mind to be an eminently just and
be protected by the American army.
Soon afterward American marines
ration and publicity paid for.
' Roger Babson is one of those pro-
essional figure jugglers who confuse
average man and woman by pa-
rading percentages, speculating on
possibilities and pretending powers
prophesy and fool the credulous.
claims to have predicted some
i pted
| ing
| matter what type of men composeit, time in advance of the Wall street | toch age in = not even make
| unless it is absolutely free to decide | panic
was approaching and ever since has
been promising the return of pros-
erity to the great delight of Presi-
t Hoover and the disappointment
f the vast army of job hunters.
With the opening of Spring life
naturally brightens up. Agricultural
activity sets in, building operations
and industrial enterprises de-
velop, as a rule .About this time last
year Mr. Babson and most of the
other professional wizzards of fin-
told the people that “prosperity
around the corner,” and that
a surprisingly brief period it
bloom from one
our District, the Twenty-third, and
puts Bedford and Blair in with us,
The new arrangement would make
the District more overwhelmingly
Republican, but that will not worry
Democrats half as much as it will
some of the leaders of the favored
men J. Banks Kurtz, of Blair, and
Congressman J. Mitchell Chase, of
Clearfield, would have to pitch pen-
nies “or sumpin” to determine
which one goes onto the congres-
sional scrap heap in the event the
bill should pass in its present form.
~—The Sheetz family broke
ground, last week, at the “Red
Roost” for the erection of a
story building, 24x32 feet in size,
a new home for their
——Senator Davis’ announced
speech-making itinerary would indi-
cata that he is a candidate for re-
election. But puddler Jim is “devil-
ish sly.”
~The dry women having paid
tribute to President Hoover's fidelity
to the cause, he tried to flirt with
the wets but with little success.
—A con suggests that
money is the sufferer from
unemployment, But it also has the
greatest power of endurance.
———Philadelphia has started a
movement to eliminate plant pests.
What that city really needs is the
elimination of political pests.
—Secretary of Labor Doak is
doing his best to justify the opposi-
tion of the American Federation of
Labor to his appointment.
————— A ——————.
——AsS the session of the Legisla-
ture advances the chance of the ful-
fillment of Mr. Pinchot’s promises
——Barclay Warburton Jr. may
not be exactly “a chip off the old
block,” but he is certainly a hum-
——Somebody ought to send out an
expedition to find the lost adminis-
tration policy concerning Nicaragua.
In other words, Congress-
they buy in the legitimate securities |
| market. But when plausible agents
| come along to “let you in” on some-
that is sure to return big divi-
| on the investment, men and
| women who have laid away a sum of
| tem to b
! The
|in onder to protect the pu
| the depredations of
raiders are laws which keep
der constant watch and
creasingly difficult for th
we. Peuusyivanis th}
by the passage of hat is popularly
known as “blue sky law.” The
Securities Commission is part of the
Banking Department, and it has a
staff of investigators whose business
it is to run down suspected stocks and
bonds. No firm or salesman has au-
thority to do business until register-
ed; and after that the Commission
has power to uire the dealer to
file a list of securities being
u_— no law_Do MARE how air
—can protect men women
themselves. Gullible persons
From the Pittsburgh Press,
President Hoover has
should like to
carrots and certified milk other
things good for children.
But we can't.
In the desk lies a tch that
beet workers of a large
proportion of whom are children,
portionment bill introduced in the
State Senate, on Monday, by Sen-
May ) as National Child Health Day. |
—An unidentified man riding the New
| York Central freight train which left
Newberry Junction for Corning, N. Y,,
| fell from the top of one of the cars while
| the train was passing Jersey Shore, on
| Monday, and was instantly killed. The
Iman was well dressed and carried a
| wrist watch with the initials M. M. D.
—The Mill Hall brick works, which
| suspended operation some time ago, re-
{sumed with full force and capacity on
| Monday. This will give employment to
ia number of men in the woods and at
| the mines, many of whom have been idle
since the shutting down of the mill,
With the advent of spring and the build-
ing operations that naturally follow, it is
hoped it means all summer work.
—Thwarted in his purpose to take his
own life two years ago, when a self-in.
flicted wound in the head failed to kill
him, Dewey Newman, 32, single of Leb-
anon, committed suicide early Sunday
morning. After telling his sister, Mra.
Dehart, and his housekeeper, Jen-
Kreiser, of his decision to try a
time “to end it all," Newman
shot gun to blow off the top of his
—Edawrd Decker, well known retired
business man of Lock Haven, was killed,
on Monday evening, when he was crush-
ed by his own automobile, driven by his
wife. The two had returned from a
drive and Mr. Decker alighted to open
the garage doors and told his wife to
back in. In doing so she turned on too
much power with the result that
husband was jammed against the doors
with such force as to fracture both hips.
~The second
vault in
| “Indian Craig, a half-blooded Cherokee
Indian, of slaying Jack McNeal, a Safe
Harbor dam worker. Craig was defend-
was admitted to the bar about two years
—Andrew Budy, of Uniontown, found
$49. It won him release from the Fay-
ette county jail. A trusty in the jail.
he found the money in a pocketbook in
the courthouse, and returned it to the
owner, Mrs. Linn Phillips, wife of an
attorney. Philips hustled into court.
“Surely,” he exhorted, ‘this man is too
honest to remain in confinement. Judge
Thomas H. Hudson agreed. With a
month of his year's sentence on a liquor
charge remaining to be served, Budy was
robbery of the Park theater box office at
Franklin, Pa. Monday night, and
Howard Jones, 27, of Pittsburgh, and
Cleveland is in jajl. Jones poked an
automatic pistol at Miss McClintock and
demanded all the cash she had. She
: “I won't give it to you. You're
The man dropped his