Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1931, Image 5

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MARRIAGE LICENSES. PINE GROVE MILLS AARONSBURG. IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES | preparatory to occupying it for the i a ana Mrs. HA B. Witherite
Allen C. Royer, of 1 A June wedding is stated for this Mis. JME Qtioibas as Secent EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Mr. and Mrs Roy Fisher and son, Rev. J. B. Thomas, of Port Matilda,
and Helen Irene Kreamer, of - section. ‘guests Mrs. Musser Sr. . 9:15, Sunday schoo) Wm. M. Os- Mrs, Irwin and Mrs. Florence Lucas | made a brief call on friends here dur-
heim, | Miss Beulah , of Boals- her son, Mr. and 3 Sonu Mus- man, Supt. ‘motored to Osceola Mills, Sunday, to ing the week. Some ten or more years
George C. Musser, of State Col- burg, is visiting friends in Altoona. Ser and small daughter, Akron, | SN oor Waray with ser- | ago he was located at Milesburg as
lege, and Edna Evelyn Graham, of The thirty days quarantine has | Ohio: Smith Thr ™ RE Of Race. pastor of the Baptist church.
Bebe Bedwell Marina [23 Htet from the J. A. Fortney |, purelion State. Village, A | GHD. Je rea Mow. A. Grove,| POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
Guenat, a | George W. Ward is in. from Pitts. | 15, employed, for a week-end visit | Supt. |
18 Vi | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 6:45, Young Peoples League, Kath- FOR SHERIFF
Kenneth C. Everhart and Sarah H. burgh for a brief visit at the Ward | yg oy erine Peters, leader, We ate OR
Yingling, both of Altoona. | name. | : 7:30, Evening worship with ser- Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte ALE Mer circle glass cigad
| Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle have will bea candidate for the case, marble top counter and
install new officers on the evening of "gests, for a few days, at the On Monday the King's daughters Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the onte 76-
| April Zia, ‘home of their daughter, Mr, and Will meet at the church. | decision, of the voters as'exprensed of | yor CE NOTICE Fiossace Antes
| Will Kennedy and wife spent part Mps George McCormick. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- | gt, FUCTER Cost . Pifer, Libellant, vs, Wilbert Pifer,
‘of last week with the Dean family, Mr. and Mrs William Mingle and Ding followed by a meeting of the! Rereby | Respondent. In the Court of Com+
|in Reading. | daughter Ruth, of Akron, Ohio, were 50rd of Stewards. | for the nomination for Bherifl. of Gentre og Rh gL)
Patron- | [latter end of the week at his | church on Thursday evening. Democratic voters at the elec- | Sir: —Take notice that I have been
We Suggest That You i a camp parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. e Ww. tion on September 15, pointed Master to take testimony in the
ize Your Home Merchants First, | in the Barrens. ‘and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stover, A. Ward Campbell, Minister. SINIE H. HOY | Wbove case. ‘and that I shal hold a meet:
We will Be Glad To Supply | Mrs. D. B. Reed recently under- Mrs. John Laidlacker had an at- UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. We are_ auth to announce that | 8 for purpose of my appointment on
Things That You Cannot Secure | |went a minor operation, at the Lock tack of appendicitis, during the guna. op 000.00 R. RR Er i aii of | in m tice. No. 11 at 10, elock Build:
At Home. | Haven hospital. week, but we are glad to note she Dacor superintendent. am : Centre County on the ticket, | (1%; lefonte, Pa., at which time and
ALTOONA BOOSTER J. L. Shank, E. B. Long and B. F. has greatly improved and, we trust at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 | Subject to the decision of the voters of | Place YOR are Joguesind 9 bed
STORES Burd motored to Bellefonte Thurs- may soon recover her former health |, m,, by the pastor. to be a . 30 at De Vip __ »
day on business. and strength. Morning subject: “The Ark of the J | m— —— —
Miss Lizzie Archey, teacher of the Mr. and Mrs, Showers and their Covenant, a Type of Christ.” Eve- COUNTY TREASURER ' HARTER NOTICE.—In re applica
Bellwood school, spent Sunday here son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Showers ning services istic. 1 hereby announce a candidate Hop for charter of the Pennsylva-
EVERY with her mother. of Lock Haven, spent a brief time, Senior and Intermediate Endeavor for the |: ig of A isn ot | Fraternity. © chapter of the Delta Chi
| This being cleanup week we ad- Sunday afternoon, at the home of at 6:30 p. m. the atic Voters st the { [In the Court of Common Pleas of
monish all housewives not to miss Mrs. Showers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brotherhood Monday evening at | Election, to be held September 15, | Centre County, Pa. No. 236 May Term,
the, 89 hatcheries, Gopige re ho had bee 0 Aid all day Wednesda: | um | “Noti a hereby given that Dplica,
S. E. Ward is planning to intro- TS, es Harter, who n es y y- PROTHONOTARY i a 8 giv an applica
WEDNESDAY duce a complete water en in the ill for a week or more, part of which Prayer and Bible study Wednesday (, are authorized to annonce that | Court on a the 38th “day of April,
restaurant’ building. ed 0 er ee Oe Haver Saturday at 3 | fr nel 100 namie Ful: | £5, HL 2 th et ens of tl
Will Wertz, a Spruce Creek farm- aga 1 2 to = 2 on 8 ue, relar aver vay a thonotary of Centre County, on the Court will permit, under the Act of the
er, was in town, Thursday eveni bing Light tasks. e trust el 0¢ ok. Democratic ticket, subject to the deci- | General Assembly of the Commonwealth
on a business mission ng, may soon fully recover. Special services by the choir and gion of the Democrats of Centre county | of Pennsylvania, entitled An act to
. : vide for e in tio -
A little daughter arrived in the _ Recent guests at the home of Mr. Male chorus at the Sunday evening a8 exprissed 2%. the Sotuss of party de [Tat Nou Dra tion ang lege
Robert Wigton home ten days ago.
She has been named Anna A.
R. C. Walker and wife, of Bell-
wood, were dinner guests, on Sun-
and Mrs, A. 8S. Stover were T. W.
Kreamer, of Rosecrans; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Kreamer and son, Mr. J. R.
Friel, of Renovo; Mr. and Mrs. Shem
Aurand of Milroy; Mrs. Herman and
Rev. G. E. Householder, Pastor.
9:30 A. M.,, Sunday school, Herman
September 15, 1981.
We are authorized to announce
McDowell, of
. A.
candi for nomination for Recorder
. eadidate the Democratic
the twenty-ninth day of April, A. D.
1874, and the several supplemonts there
to, for the charter of an intended cor-
{ ation to be called PENNSYLVANIA
day, at the Ed C. Martz home. Mr. and Mrs. John Isenburg and Hazel, superintendent. of Centre county, on hiect of which are for the promotion
Mrs, John S. Dale and Miss Eliza- daughters, of State College. 10:45 A, M. Morning worship; ticket, subject to the decision of the ol oral, socal and religfous ac
Ss : “1 the Good Shepherd.” voters of party, as at the £
beth Sankey, of State College, spent Mrs. Thomas Hull and daughter, Sermon: “I Am the P Primaries to be held on , Sep- | Kood fenowsh p. devotion to the cultiva,
Tuesday with Mrs. Viola Smith. Miss Jennie, have returned home _ '-o0, P. M. Vesper service; ser- tember 15 1931. eR
Mrs. W. L, Foster has returned from Huntingdon, where they spent T° An if I Peuiah, 1 Petish, COUNTY COMMISSIONER endeavor, and the general welfare of the
home from a visit with her daugh- the winter with Mrs, Hull's niece, areace THLE T We are authorized to announce that | Lennsylvania State College. as Sec
ter, Mrs. Boll, at Lansing, Mich. Mrs. F. B. Patton and other rela- TM Hus, tl ' 18 8 | of associated ort, and for said pur-
Auctioneer H. C. Harpster has tives. Mrs. J. C. Rote, her son, HOWARD. saniida te be Boutin ay Re poses to , hold, encumber and
another crier, a little son, born at Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rote, of Axe Sm—— the tic ticket, sub, to the = for all TEN! Jone Propesty
AlOONA 5 Aloo oot monty. ** Mans wre Sunday callers St thir A user ig born, Prides, to abut 50 roll Sl ony 8 peu ch BERL fi
y LG. G, A an
Joseph Harpster recently purchas- home. home near ksonville. y Tuesday, September 15, 1931. of Acmny and ta saver! oa chs
: ed the well known Ripka home in Mr and Mrs. Fred Best and daugh- e usar Jacksonville We are authorized to announce that J. | thereto.
this place for one thousand dollars, ter Miss Helen, of Rebersburg, drove Reed Worrick and Mrs. Hayes, of yy o.“g , of Miles township, is a | Application for said charter has
‘to town, Sunday morning, in time Mackeyville, called on Mr. and Mrs. candidate for nomination on the filed "in the above named Court to
William Paul Gross, of Tyrone : Do Sunda cratic ticket for the office of above number and term since April 14th,
was a Sunday visitor at the h f to attend the Reformed Sunday H. J. McDowell, y sioner of Cen County, subject to the |A. D. 1931
Novi a op yo? A fr school. The Best family resided in| Mrs. E. W, Cartwright and chil- decision of the voters of am "W. HARRISON WALKER,
Y Moe Soneon Ker € Hall. town several years and while here dren spent Sunday with the former's 20d at the Primaries lo be held on (76-16-1t Solicitor.
ores. rs. Joseph Kepler, with her son endeared themselves among their mother, Mrs. Bryan, at Milesburg. Tuesday, September 15, : ete ——
Flora a rs: o Somville, gue neighbors, and on returning to their My and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and COUNTY AUDITOR tak OURT ar BOCLAMATION WHERE.
course the week is a e J. L, nk farm in Brush valley, last spring, CAM spent , We are authorized to announce onorable M. Flem-
o Good an i in Altoona DOME. were greatly missed in the church, Ey Sa Bs Yrs. uf Lg ef RAR for "the ‘office | of Common Pleas of the 6th Judicial Dio
Booster Stores, but it pays to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis and Sunday school and in the neighbor- pennis Reese, at Port Matilda. of Auditor of Centre County, on the | trict, consisting of the County of Centre,
make a special effort to shop each family, of State College, were callers hood. Come often. | Girard Altenderfer, Harry Bulter Demo atic 2 telkat, subject to A hay Javed hs J Join, Guts
Wednesday, as there are always at the W. R. Port home, on Friday |G. A. Ekdahl and John Diehl attend- at the to be held Tuesday. |ed for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
special atractions to take advan- evening. BOALSBURG. ed the installation of officers of the September 15, 1981. Orphans Court, Court a Quarter Sessi
tage of. Harry Reed and wife, of Hunting- — I, 0. O. F., at Lock Haven, Thurs- REPUBLICAN a Pa Jeary sin Beletonte for
Some Booster Stores offer Special don, spent Sunday with Mr. Reed's Mrs. M. A. Woods recently had day evening. — —— the County of Centre.
Priced Merchandise for SUBUR- father, finding him much improved her Church street residence beauti- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and FOR SHERIFF. And the Grand Jury to convene on
BAN DAY. in health. fied by a coat of grey paint. children, Carroll, Harold, and Carolyn, We are authorized to announce that L.| MCaay the eleventh day of hay json
Others plan to place on display Adam Hartswick, of Pittsburgh, Fred Weber spent several days, and Charles Bechdel attended the Frank eof ege township, ja 3 erse Jury called for the regular meeting
spent a portion of last week with last week, with his daughter, Mrs. special worth League meeting held candidate for nomination for er ons Court will convene
New Metcinidisdy SUBUE- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Charles Ross, at Linden Hall Phe the i Ire ow Bon thee subject ay the .. on the hi 4 Mon day , Ma 3
BAN DAY OP- Hartswick. : 4 ' en o'c . M., being n
make first The yo ladies cl Shoe, Friday evening. of the Republican voters of the ty and the Traverse Jury for
portunity to Farmer George P. Irwin, of Penn- Ltt Ed school oo Py Bu Mr. and rs, G. A, Ekdahl, Em- » Seed a vieetion v0 eco bE Td a ha paar i
In still other Booster Stores ou Sy Evania race, bought a nag for tained by Miss Ruth Craine, on Tues- ma Pletcher, Mrs. W. C. Thompson, hereby announce that I am a candi- | o'clock A. M. being May 25th.’
will find morctiundise on sale Foals a e horse sale, at Centre .ay evening. | Mrs, Mary Sou, Mys. Ethel aate Jor Domination. for Sheriff of Cen- sNoTICE is? hereby given to the Coroner.
has been bought at special price ? week. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Stover, of | ¥, " rs. Winkleblech, tre n lican ticket, | Justice o! Peace, Alderman
coticessions and: - is ‘being. offered . . The ladies Bible class of the Luth- Yeagertown, were ente at the|Ffilicis Holter, Virginia Heverly, “ibject to the decision of ‘the voters [sueh Constables. (that may have business
at that mean worth while eran church were entertained, Fri-| home of the Misses Reish and Mil- | Harris Heverly, John Neff, Fred jes to be held on Tuesday, to the Honorable Court) that '
sa ! Se Syesiag, at the home of the ler, on Sunday. | Pletcher, Mrs. Alta Pletcher, attend- 15, 1981. N. R. LAMOREA be Hey andy there in i" above: “with: (helt
rs. ed the services being held at Miles- 3 specified - above: .
Miss Maude Hubler entertained a Phil , Pa ; i
Many come 10 Altus. from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, of number of friends at su at burg, every Monday evening for five og el. Sauiaitiong, ee Sumiiat 90 those
all sections of Central Pennsyl- po)... ig | a Supper, a.!weeks. Tn rvi nsist of COUNTY TREASURER things to thelr offices appertaining to be
vania to shop in Booster Stores on re So ovarpanied by the Mis- | the Hubler cabin in the mountain, | FoCHe: ee us Ow thorized to announce that | done and those wha are hound in recog-
SUBURBAN DAY and to meet ses Curry, were callers on Mrs. on Friday evening, special instruction in Sunday school o e are au borough. Se ee a re re on
their friends from other sections! O'Bryan, Sunday afternoon. The Reformed congregation has “OTK: will be a candidate for nomi on | That are . and shall be in the Jail of
Samuel M. Hess motored to Al decided to make some necessary re- CR eR
toona, Thursday, to visit his uncle, pairs and also some improvements WINGATE, the the voters Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the
IS ALWAYS PROF- John Hess, in the Altoona hospital, on their church building. at the primaries fo be held on Tuesday. | oh day of April in the year of our
IT 4 and fi Miss Florence Peters, of Fleming- e e and the 155th year of th
nd found him improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Odenkirk and Lord, 1931 i
SHOP IN W. R. Port. of th » . WV. A. ton, is here for an indefinite visit 1 pereny my candidacy for | Independence of the United States o
ITABLE TO Times, ort, Of tne State College daughters, Misses Helen and Sara, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. nomination for the office of America. :
been serio ei Be , Sherift
ALTOONA BOOSTER usly all of Centre Hall, were callers at the BF. Peters. Centre blican Ehoritts’ ‘OME; pi E. DUNLA JSheni
. de Sub will Rive a) Smertainment I Motiirabaigt at supper, on Mon- yy ang Mrs. Willis McClellan and Philip 5. Womeisdort je at "Bhilipsours: Fire Insurance
: Oo" | . t children motored over from a nomination
New Furnishings EH Wh clock. Admission, Mrs, Peter Weber, Miss Alice | a bE va Sunday Republican ‘ticket for the office ce. of || Does yours represent the val-
. Weber and Edward Weber, of Hunt- visitors at the John Shawley home. the decision of the voters of the party [| ue of your property five years
Everybody who owned a ishing ingdon, attended the funeral of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Baker, of 8 recorded at the primaries to be held || ago or today? We shall be
for the Home. tackle and had money-to buy a i- |S. E, Weber, on Monday. Friends p;ii.prgh are having their summer Tuestuy, September ‘35, S90. glad to help you make sure that
neaday morning, In an eMort to. en. | Contre Hell wert also in atiendanee, NOME here remodeled and fixed up of ESD MACE DL “hbk || ° your protection is adequate to
" : i ' en- Cen were also in a ce.
rs ws ity ant ay ts the Wily trout. Among the visitors at the home of | tre-*lcounty. subject" to the decision o || YH "OTL 0 0 our property
x in The Mrs, Fleming sale, on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reitz, on Sun- the voters of the party ss expressed at a Pp on. your prope
mer, a that, 3. for ew day, was well attended and most of day, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dorn- the Primaries to be held on . || values indicates that you are
Rugs, Furniture, Draperies the stuff brought good prices. An sife and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lenker, *PERNEST E. DEMI, Philipsburg. Pa || Only partially insured—let us
other Furnishings that have out- ox yoke 101 years old was bought of Sunbury; Mr. and Mrs. Henry t AUDITOR bring your protection up to date.
by G. W. Ward as an antique. 'Dornsife and sons, Chester and Sam- | A R. ;
lived their usefulness. There wili be a song service in the uel, of Williamsport. pg. Sire auth Ome Ble tt H M 1
All of these needs can be os bo ih Site for nominghios for the office of ugh . Quigley
to best advantage in
week and his sister, Mrs. Smith, of
Altoona, is at home helping to take
care of him.
The Pine Grove Mills dramatic
Methodist church the coming Sab-
bath evening, at 7:30, with an ex-
Rev. H, N. Walker, of Bellwood,
Jacob Meyer home recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mothers
baugh and Mrs. Knoss, of Altoona,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Howard Kline and littie
‘daughter Sarah, and Mrs.
3 1
Confer, of Howard, spent last Thurs-
‘day with friends here.
Auditor of Centre County, sub, to the
Booster Stores where you have un- planation from the Hymnody of Carl UNIONVILLE. STATE COLLEGE party. as Li) ead a the primaries to Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa.
‘limited variety for choice and F. Price regarding the circumstances ups Lucy Buck, of Harrisburg, is - En a held on » Sept. 15, 1931, ALL FORMS OF
where the highest standard of under which many hymns were writ- | ghending a few days with her rel-| : Ws ol i eee his
duality and newest style features ten or sung, Everybody welcome. |atives, Mrs. J. S. Askins and fam. | FRIDAY— o oandidate. pr nomination. {oF the. fice
the b-
Dependable Insurance
lily. Cliff Edwards, Charlotte Greenwood, or le
assisted Rev. J. S. English in ad- Soclsion of
ministering Holy Communion at the
Lutheran church, on Sunday morn- |
ing. During the service the Misses
Weaver were received into full mem-
bership and the baby son of Mr. and |
Leila Hyams in
Slim Summerville Comedy
Bert Wheeler, Robt. Woolsey in
Mrs. Nora Erhard Brown and lit-
tle daughter, of Trafford City, were
guests of Mrs. Frances Hall, last
Saturday and Sunday.
The W. C. T. U. here are prepar-
ing to give the school teachers of
Hoan Tory on Tuesday, Sept 5! 1931. .
And to Stores of Members of The
Altoona Booster
1 Week Starting
In His Greatest Dramatic Hit
With Fay Wray
Mrs. Ralph Walker was baptized.
C. M. McCormick and wife, of
Circleville, spent Tuesday evening
in town. During the winter Mr.
McCormick seriously considered quit-
ting the farm this spring but finally
decided Lo stick to it this year, and
next spring retire to a comfortable
home at State College.
Misses Edith McCormick, Ruth
Foster and Martha McCormick, stu-
dents of the Walker township High
'school, with Miss Virginia Dale,
teacher, composed a jolly quartette
given an auto trip to New York,
during the Easter vacation, through
'the kindness of Dr. S.S. McCormick.
| It is needless to say they all had an
enjoyable time.
A small but happy group of wo-
‘men gave Mrs. Mary Meyers a com-
| plete surprise, last Friday, on the
occasion of her birthday. Carrying
{well filled baskets they invaded her
(home and found her at work in her
|garden. A delicious dinner was
| quickly prepared and after it was
| disposed of the women t a de-
|lightful afternoon together, The
| party consisted of Mrs. J. H. Strouse,
| Mrs. A. B. Musser, Mrs. Roy Strouse,
| Mrs. A. Kline, Mrs. J. Snyder, Mrs.
| Earl Musser, Mrs, Will Fye and
| Mrs. Zill Snyder. Regrets were re-
| ceived from Mrs. Adaline Fye and
Mrs. Mary Snyder, who were confined
(at ‘home by illness.
| the borough and township a recep-,
| tion this (Saturday) evening. The
| meeting will be held in the Com-
| munity house at 8 o'clock.
| Members of Union Grange who
| attended the dedication of the new
Grange hall, at State College, Sat-
urday, were Kyle Alexander, master;
| Miss Harriet Alexander, A. Y. Wil-
| liams, Miss Maude Hall, Mrs. Anna
| Finch, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Miles,
| Mr. and Mrs. James Stere. A num-
| ber of them remainded for the ban-
{quet and had the pleasure of hearing
|a splendid program of after dinner
| speeches and music.
| Union Grange had a good attend-
‘ance at it's regular session, last Fri-
day evening. Following the regular
order of business the lecturer took
charge and presented a Saunders’
aay program. Clyde Maurer ve
a biographical sketch of Wil-
liam Saunders. Clair Parsons sang
a solo after which Clyde Maurer
returned to the rostrum and gave a
recitation entitled, “The Boy and His
Stomach.” Clair Parsons responded
| with" What the Stomach said to the
{ Boy." Mrs. Stella Parsons and Mrs.
Susan Fox gave a very interesting
report of the lecturer's conference
held at State College on April 1st.
A group song, “Planting Trees,” was
followed by refreshments of custard
‘and coffee and z general good time.
Matinee Daily at 1:30
, (Special After-School matinee Monday at
| 3:30)
Robert Coogan, Jackie Cooper
in Percy Crosby’s
Bill Boyd, Jimmie Gleason in
Marlene Dietrich, Victor McLaglen
Lila Lee, Louise Fazenda in
Friday (This Week)
“Doctors’ Wives’
with Warner Baxter, Joan
Bennett and Big Cast.
Saturday (This Week)
“Fair Warning”
with George O’Brien, Louis
Huntingdon and Big Cast.
From Max Brand’s novel ' ‘The Un-
tamed’ '—Gripping story of the
Golden West ; through which is
At Philadelphia it ran four
straight weeks at advanced
prices. [It must be good.
See this thrilling picture
A super picture from the great
book and play, with Ann
Harding, Clive Brooks. Conrad Nagel
and All-Star Cast.
Shows 7.15 and 9 o'clock