Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1931, Image 4
- WEBER.—Samuel E. Weber, + of the best known residents of 1 burg, passed away at his home WY that place, at 6 o'clock last Bellefonte, Pa., April 17, 1981. evening, as the result of an Ll 5 § ii! ees. Of ANGINA. pectoris. He had not being made in the Disciple cemetery, Monday of last week. State this week to deliver his annual | McFarland, of State College. She P. GRAY MEEK - - Editer been in good helath for some time at Blanchard. Mrs. Edward Houser, of Bellefonte, | series of lectures on current Ameri- | was the only Centre county student a — Bo i [a Ay k leat can TS EE ries | Wh af Be ! Te Correspondents.—No {Wi of last when he ALBERT. —Mrs. Mollie Nesbit Al- on M y of week and ‘with a re ) published hless iccompsaie@by the real | yo in enough to call a physician. bert, wife Henry Albert, died at charged the same day. (ser, Dr. Pattee will speak of the | mm ; = Friday morning he felt somewhat im- her ranch home at Alta Loma, Cal, Abel T. Moore, of Coriopolis, Pa. | “Newspaper Column as a Literary ——Lloyd Roye, of Philadelphia, is Terms of ntil further proved and was up and about in the March 12th, following an illness was admitted on Tuesday of last | Evolution” on Tuesday, and of poe- in Centre county hunting insect fos- BS 35: Sohaintioncth house but during the day i a broken week as a surgical patient, ‘try of the future, Sinclair Lewisas sils for the Smithsonian Institute, at notice he Pal ee an advance ear ~ - "13% much worse and died at six hip sustained in a fall. Mrs. Mary E. Markle, a student Paid expi in after ration of year - 200 A son of Jacob f E i gw ii i | I the Nobel prize winner, and the Washington, following a the neighbor- nurse at the hospital, who had been “New Generation,” on the succeed- dates back over twenty years when 1g nena ut | Tuesday of last week. lectures will be given in the little tion in Buffalo Run valley and up , Pa. as second class matter. burg on July 20th, 1859, hence was girl she came to Bellefonte y : In ordering change ‘of address sways in his 72nd year. As a young man !0 make her home in the family of Charles R. McCool, of Spring Mills, theater in Old Main. , about Scotia, give the old as as the new he learned the tailoring trade, anoc- | H. N. McAllister, and at his death, Who had been undergoing surgical - ; ified ipes nt Hat tie: punlisher Ro cupation he followed a number of a discontinued. In ail such cases the years in Harrisburg and Lewistown, of the family of Gen. and Mrs, nesday of last week. | awscription must be paid. up to date ofl)" 0 1s Benith became impaired James A. Beaver. She was educated Mrs. William 8. Jeffries and in- A sample copy of the “Watchman will from the close confinement he gave up in the schools of Bellefonte and at fant son, of State College, were dis- be sent without ccst to applicants. that work and returned to his home McAllisterville, and later taught a charged on Wednesday of last week. ————————— in Boalsburg. For a number of year or two in the McAllisterville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith, of FIFTY YEARS AGO years thereafter he clerked in the soldiers’ orphan's school. Returning Bellefonte R. D, are the happy par- | ENT store of his brother, John H. Weber, to Bellefonte she taught school here ents of a son, born at the hospital | 1. QENTRE COUNTY: at Boalsburg, and in 1904 he and Several years, a portion of that time last Wednesday. Items laken from the Watchman issue pis brother purchased the flour mill having charge of the separate school Mrs. Cyrus Hunter, of Stormstown, of April 23. 1581. and grain house, at Centre Hall, and ‘for negro children which was then Was admitted on Thursday of last | , ee large number of SBS Of soaps he took personal charge of the same. located in a building on the south. Week to undergo medical treatment. Run Tepu ong A few years later he personally pur- west corner of the present High Mrs. George Weaver, of Bellefonte, chased the flour mill and grain school grounds, was admitted on Thursday to un- —Last Wednesday morning John y,uce at Oak Hall Owing to im- | While at McAllisterville she met dergo surgical treatment. Wiliams the towils Hguly respected paired health he disposed of all his Mr. Albert and after coming to Mrs. Richard Snyder, of Bellefonte, the West ward. Ho was 81 years interests about fifteen years ago and | Bellefonte kept up an intimate cor- Was discharged on Friday, after hav- old and was brought to Bellefonte had since lived a retired life. respondence. Some years later Mr. ing been a surgical patient. : by William A. Thomas who bought He never married and his only Albert went to California. In the Mrs. Roland Spicher, of Spring him out of slavery. For forty years survivors are one brother and a sis- meantime Dr. Thomas R. Hayes had township, was admitted on Friday he had been class leader in the ter, Fred. W. Weber, of Boalsburg, acquired some ranch land in Cali- to undergo surgical treatment. A. M. E. church here and if there and Miss Anna M. with whom he fornia and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wilbur R. Shuey, of Bellefonte, ever was a saintly man John was ade his home, He was a member | Roberts, (the latter a sister of Mrs. Was discharged on Saturday after the one. He was the father of of the Reformed church all his life Charles Gilmour) had gone to that having been a medical patient, Mrs. “Mesh” Graham. and Rev. Wink had charge of the fu- State to live. At the solicitation Miss Pearl W. Fetterolf, of Cen- —Dr. H. K. Hoy has opened an peral services which were held at of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Miss Nesbit tre Hall, was admitted on Saturday office on the second floor of the pig 1ate home, on Monday afternoon, went to California to visit them, was for surgical treatment. Sourad house, on oS egheny Street, burial being made in the Boalsburg met by Mr. Albert on her arrival Mrs. Alice Burrs, of Bellefonte, a eh ay : p cemetery. 'and they were married within a few Who was admitted on Saturday to IE: is wow Very - positively por i I jhours. They later took charge of undergo medical treatment, died at | BURRS. Mrs. Alice Burrs, widow | the Dr. Hayes ranch and eventually the hospital on Sunday. | disted that Sat \inofe Coager of William Burrs, and a member of Secured a half interest in it. When Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corl, of Ben- | and that work will be begun very One of the oldest and best known Dr: Hayes died, and his will was ner township, are rejoicing over the shortly. negro families in Bellefonte, died at rad. It was found that he had given arrival of a son, born at the hos- maT of raftsmen on the Centre County hospital on Sun- '© Mrs. Albert his interest in the pital on Saturday. | their way home to Clearfeld ty day after a brief illness. | Pech. Bits. Hugh Saxion and infant, of have passed through here every day She was a daughter of George and | During her girlhood life in Belle- Pleasant Gap, were discharged on oA Harriet Smith Sims and was born in (fonte Mrs. Albert was a member of Sunday. bd ay to the & 10 cabin on Thomas ) |the Presbyterian church and active Miss Gladys Houser, of Bellefonte, | any Surtin Th (S20 0 the! re old McQuistion carriage shop 'P all phases of church work, Her Was admitted on Sunday to undergo | | survivors include her husband, three Medical treatment. —Perry Gentzell's team ran off on wae Jaler losgren, poll Jr years | daughters and one son. Burial was Mrs. Harry Eberhart, of Belle- | Bishop Siraet last al irgay And | ol d. She lived in Bellefonte unti] | made near her California home. fonte, was admitted on Sunday to the horses Pop badly ed, ‘her first husband, John Emery, died. Mujergo, Medical. Heatment. i Mrs. John Shope, of Bellefonte, Later she married William Burrs and RICHARD CROOKS, TENOR ’ | Constans Commandery, No. 33 K. ! was admitted on Sunday to undergo | T., had public installation ceremonies they located in Altoona where she TO SING AT THE COLLEGE. |g gical treatment, last Fri evening. made her home until a year or more | rene | Cri i spats To in oF hen che return 1s Dee hard Crooks bilan ten, HAY Shah o¢ Spring wr. impressive ceremony. A choir com- and for some time lived with the assisted by Rudolph Gruen, pianist, 0D) as Wimirted 8 Sunday as a | posed of Misses Clara and family of her brother-in-law, Wil- Will give the concluding number of ™ patient, yon, Evan M. Blanchard and Ben) liam Mills, later taking a room in the Artists’ Course Concerts at State There were 37 patients in the hos- Bradley furnished the music. ‘Frank her old home, on St Paul street. | College next Monday night, April 20, Pital at the beginning of this week. Potts Green, assisted by S. D. Gray, During her early life she worked for Honored abroad with the title of Hewitt ade 1h Se, "Fools 4 number of ihe lending mies in “Lhe new Caruso” 4nd Suing. ia PENN STATE STUDENT ing are the officers who were so Bellefonte and her services were reputation with every public ap- | DIES FROM AUTO INJURIES. | ceremoniously inducted: always in demand. She was a mem- Pearance, Richard Crooks is now err Commapder Jncioon b Srinent | of the A: 3 E. church oll ner | as the leading tenor of Donald C. Keeble, 21 years old, of mo, . Daniel H. life: |the concert stage, The fact that | Pittsburgh, a Junior in the school of | captain general, Elias W. Harris; Her only suvivor is one brother, he is an American, and able to liberal arts at State College, and | treasurer, John P. Harris; recorder, George Sims, of Altoona. Funeral |Sing most attractively in his native Manager of “Froth,” died at the | George B. Weaver; prelate, Rev. John services were held in the A. M, E. language, has added tremendously to Memorial hospital, Johnstown, last Hewitt; senior warden, Wilbur F. .}. oh at 3 o'clock on Wednesday his popularity, and he stands today Wednesday afternoon, of injuries | Roeder; i wasden, x culvia afternoon by Rev. W. E. Gibbons, ‘among the few singers of either sex Sustained in an auto accident on the | Hepburn; sword bearer, Jona Ji. burial being made in the Union cem- OF any nationality whose art and highway between Mundy's Corners | Sands; warden, J. Irvin Hagerman, tery. personality unfailingly combine to and Ebensburg on Tuesday night. | ’ ’ i 1 |give pleasure to every listener. Keeble and Newell J. Lewis were ~—Mr, H. L. Harvey, of Roland, {Crooks commands the operatic rep- On their way back to the College ti d . REISH.—Willilam H. Reish, as- | pe P- | com Sues rive se four Wheeled sistant prof r of mechanical en- ertoire as well as the great song from spending their Easter vacation | zens with the best of milk. gineering at the Pennsylvania State literature, and his programs are al- &t their homes in Pittsburgh. Lewis | —The Bellefonte Morning News College, died on. Wednesday of last Ways well chosen. ii oe a 2 a oe $ has entered upon the second year of week following twenty day's illness | Seats can be secured at the busi- a y or ay ’ th oor its existence and is to be congratu- With an attack of pneumonia. ness office in “Old Main. ow pen J belle was. thrown | lated on having survived so long on He was a son of James and Sarah ou ping him back into the car | 80 little. Heckman Reish and was born in EASTER DONATIONS TO Lewis drove to Ebensburg and to a | —The houses of ill-fame in Belle Potter township on September 14th, CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL lostore mee She oF NSloiy a4: | fonte were visited by the police on 1894, hence was not yet 37 years ing Keeble 8 roms: Monday and six of their inmates old. He was educated in the public, The Centre County hospital was town hospital, There it was found | were lodged In jail because they schools of Potter township and pre- Dot forgotten at Easter time, as the that in his fall from the car he had could not furnish bail for trial at pared for college at Mercersburg following donations have heen re- fractured five ribs, one of which had court. Academy. He entered State Col- Ported: punctured a lung. Death ensued at —Teacher Edward Woods closed lege in 1915 and graduated in 1919. St. John's Episcopal chureh, Bene. 1.20 p. m. Wednesday afternoon. his school term at the Weaver school He spent a year with the New York fonte—4i dozen diapers, 2 dozen white | — in Spring township Tuesday of last Central railroad as a special appren- ®Quares, 4 blankets, 27 slips, 2 dozen P. 0. S. OF A. MEETING TO Week and it was a great day for tice, returning to the College in 1920 “Ddershirts, 3% dozen castile soap, 20 BE HELD IN BELLEFONTE. Bote Juplls ata Sasha ber Ed a5 an instructor in one en engi- date, aloy. igs. 13 Wath Sloth] 5 sakes he had for his scholars thoy neering. He was Promoted Doe binders, Ps in District No, 1 took charge of things and fairly del- sistant prof r in 1926. Mrs, Irvin Boerlin, State College— P oo a y ee oo ' uged him with oresents. Four 0 Past few years he specialized Can dextri maltrose. it tee > a Tove Smeltzer children. Minnie, Dallas i? Steam turbines and refrigeration, Reformed church, Bellefonte—Bread, one Mills last Friday evening, announce- a meeting of representatives Lettie and Will, gave him a hand- He was a member of Grace Luther- dozen rolls, jelly, cake, beets. ‘ment was made of a county meeting some gold watch chain. Then Mol- on church and the Lodge of Masons. Elks club, Bellefonte—Roasted chicken, to be held in Bellefonte on Wednes- | lie Hoover, Jennie Weaver, Thomas Surviving him are his wife and cakes. ice cream. day, May 6th, in the camp rooms in Weaver, Mary Swarm, Lettie Smelt- four children, Robert, William, Ruth Bellefonte Pubilc Schools—Pears, to- the Potter-Hoy block, Prominent men | zer, John Kane, Edward Kane and and Helen. Funeral services were ™"*!°°% Peas, corn, shredded wheat, po- in the order who are expected pres- | David Hoover presented him with a tatoes, eggs, sugar, soap, oranges, rai- ent at : | handsome call bell. And to top it Ned in the Lutheran church, at two | yin, macaroni, beets. jellies, bread. dures that nding are: Arthu; R. ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF FORD VALUE AIH ee Be - Bright, enduring RUSTLESS STEEL is used for many exposed bright metal paris of the Ford WHEN YOU BUY a Ford you buy enduring beauty. The body finish is made to last for the life of the car and practically all exposed bright metal parts ex- cept the bumpers are made of enduring Rustless Steel. This Rustless Steel has great tensile strength. It is the same bright metal all the way through. A salt test equivalent to forty years’ service under the severest weather conditions failed to have any effect on its brilliance. It never requires polishing. All you do is wipe it with a damp cloth, as you do your windshield. "This is just one of many features that show the substantial worth of the Ford. In speed, com- fort, safety, economy and long life — in the rich. ness of its finish and upholstery — it brings you unusually low price. Call or phone for demonstration. LOW FORD PRICES "430 to *630 (F. o. b. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra at low cost. You can purchase a Ford on economical terms through the Authorized Ford Finance Plans of the Universal Credit Company.) ali off Fanny Butler presented the 0 Cock Friday afternoon, by Rev. | cleanser, cream of wheat, cherries, black B- FO% the State president; Charles UE | : teacher with a cake fit to grace J°BP F. Harkins, burial being made berries, raspberries, cocos, jello, puffea Brum Holms, State secretary; A. D. any wedding feast. in the Centre Hall cemetery. rice, tea, peaches, apricots, pineapple, | Mitler, former field representative; Oliver Brothers and Philips, of | cranberries, soup salmon, rice and prunes. E. J. Thompson Esq., of Philipsburg, | Pittsburgh, have leased a large tract LOSE. Mrs. Emma Jane Lose, Prunes. chairman of the State school com- of ore land in Patton township, ad- Wife of Nicodemus Lose, died at her mittee, and others. It will be an | I joining that of the Edgar Thompson | Home = Coles on Easter Say as PRESBYTERIANS WILL open meeting and the public is in- I teel Co, and expect to n min- result o neumonia, followin, MEET THREE TIMES . { ing at once. pes beg? an attack of the grip. g r YEARLY. At the district meeting, at Pine | & ) John Paul She was a daughter of George and At the spring meeting of the Grove Mills last Friday evening, [0 in the as eS Sas ney Sized Savilla Armagast Meyer and was born | Huntingdon Presbytery, held in A]- 222 members were present from the | I Sunday. His God fathers were in Snyder county on November 17th, toona Monday and Tuesday, it was four camps represented. Bellefonte | Capt. Breese and Roland Irvin. Miss 1851, hence was 79 years, 4 months decided to hold three sessions year- Sent a delegation of 102, Hublers- > Emily Natt was his godmother— and 18 days old. In 1872 she mar- ly of one day each instead of two burg 43, Lemont 60, and Pine Grove | lf (John Paul is now very capably ried Mr. Lose and all her married sessions of two days each, and con- Mills 17. & carrying on for his well known fath- jire had been spent in Haines and sequently the next meeting will be i Br punner Sram First National penn townships. She is survived held on June 8th, at a place to be — Officials and employees of the | by her husband, two daughtersanda | selected by the moderator and stated West Penn Power company, in Belle- | —~Michael Cooney writes from son, Mrs. Katie V. Martin, of Co- clerk. fonte, listened in on KDKA, Wed- {i Houtzdale to accept Geo. Miller's 1... di Frauk Frankl Downs ‘nesday nigh 0-0’ odie lo. dedept JGev. M pg | Jun: Mrs. J. Bible and J.| Rev. in Shunk was n y t from 9 to 9:30 o'clock, ' ff any fisherman 1} i ! | ed bs creck. Aiding trout out of lds leaves two sisters, Mrs. Agnes year and Rev. Walter K. Harnish, [Penn band, of Pittsburgh, and all & ness, because he has posted $25 to Krader, of Coburn, and Mrs. Tam- stated clerk. James H. Potter, of Who heard it were pleased with the | § be forfeited if he doesn’t beat George. Mie Rishel, of Spring Mille, Burial | Bellefonte, was re-elected a trustee | various numbers rendered. | was made at Woodward last Thurs- and also an alternate to attend the ——e eee day. | State Synod. | ——The 30 varieties of wheat in ——Landlord M, A. Landsy, of il I | Pennsylvania ten years ago have & The Markland, recesved a collie dog| GARDNER —Mrs. Emma Gardner,| —The Centre County hospital is been reduced to four varieties espec- | [li i i Painter and Paper Hanger | I I i I Lose, of Aaronsburg. She chosen moderator for the coming to the concert given by the West ar as a present, last Friday morning, wife of George Gardner, of Blanch- |now arranging for its annual spring |ially adapted to soil and climatic 1 and it came to him by airplane ard, died at the Lock Haven hospi- | rummage sale, which will be held on | conditions here through the work of from New York, reaching Bellefonte | tal, last Thursday night, as the re-| May 6. Everyone is asked to put agronomy extension specialists of the at six o'clock in the morning. The [sult of collapse following a major aside all their needless or unwanted Pennsylvania State College. dog was a gift from M. P. Little, | J one of the N. A. T. pilots, whose and had lived in Blanchard all her they may be used at the sale. Help| — The C. D. of A. will have a ; principal hobby is raising dogs. The [life. She was a member of the |those who need what you have to [food sale at the Variety Shop, Sat- pilot is an intimate friend of land- |Church of Christ, the Col. John H. give away and the hospital, which |urday April 18, and will have on y lord Landsy and it was because | Chatham chapter D. A. R., of Mc- needs the money. The place for [sale just what you want most for | [i] of this fact that he sent him the |Elhattan, and the Rowena chapter | holding this sale will be announced | your Sunday lunch. Arrange to be dog by airmail. jOrder of the Eastern Star, of Lock | next-week. |there Saturday morning early, | i i operation. She was fifty years old [clothes and house furnishings, that e " G. F. NOLL Now located in room formerly occupied by The Bellefonte Republican— 19 West High Street Bellefonte, Penna. Open Every Night Until 8 0’Clock Let Me Figure on Your Painting and Papering Needs With a new machine I remove the old paper from the walls without making dirt or smearing the paint. 76-16-4t everything you want or need in a motor ear at an + § Li