Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 10, 1931, Image 8

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—— ———— { ——
Important Business Transacted at At a special session of court, | The life of a State highway patrol-
morning, man is not one of a bed of roses,
When you're settin’ there a-fishin’ council, on
Just a~waitin’ for a bite there had been no session
And your thoughts sneak off a-wander- Weeks, considerable business had
ing up for disposition. As John S. Walk-
To the folks and things you like er has not yet returned from
You can’t help but get ambitious | trip to Florida W. J. Emerick
Dreamin’ dreams of better deeds hogen
And the ways and means of helpin’
With the other fellow’s needs.
E 388
creek. He was furnished
——Mrs, Elinor McDowell gave a | blue print of the line and referred
povel and most enjoyable Easter to the Street committee for all oth-
party, at her home on east High er information, but inasmuch as
street, Saturday afterncon, for her Harrisburg has not yet approved |
daughter, Barbara Ann, whose guests the laying of the sewer nothing def- a time in the psychopa
included Jean and Martha Turner, | inite could be stated as to the kind After reading the card J
of Kane; Charles Cook, of Pittsburgh; or size of pipe. ‘remarked that it lcoked
Susanne Hartswick, Joyce Marie Donald Miller, representing the man was crazy and he
and Francis Louise Jones, Myron Miller Construction company, was ed to jail, It is quite likely a
Cobb, Richard Fromm and Robert present to ask permission to install commission
Pennington. ‘a gasoline tank on their property on examine him
the Pennsylvania Iailroad company | Street committee with power. 'dition he will be sent Farvi
goes into effect on Sunday, April | O. B. Malin and Howard Smead Herbert Hollobaugh entered
26th, train west on the Bald Eagle represented the Logan Fire company of guilty to forgery and was
Valley railroad at 9.02 a. mi. and IP preferring a request that council tenced to pay a
now has it's terminus at Ty- 2sSist them in the purchase of a costs of prosecution imp!
, will be run through to Altoona, 2eW 1000 gallon pumper. As no ment in the Allegheny county w
make connection with Plans have yet been worked out the house for one year.
main line leaving Al- Matter was referred to the Fire and Guy Hadden, “alias Guy
10.55 for points west. The Police committee for consultation. entered a plea of guilty to
train will leave Altoona at A notice was received from the fraudulent checks. There
645 and Tyrone 7.15, arriving in Public Service Commission stating indictments, one sworn out
Bellefonte about 8.16 it's present that the ordinance granting the West | uel Swarm and the other by Geo driving north on Route 45, near
schedule. (Penn Power company the right to R. Koon. The cases were contin eru. It was.snowing hard and the
‘erect a pole on “The Island” has until June 25th, the defendant being road was slippery, and suddenly he
——A treat is in store for picture peen approved. | released on bail, was confronted by a man walking on
fans next week. On Monday, Tues-| Regidents of west Beaver street Mac Packer, arrested in May 1930, the roadway right in front of his car.
day and Wednesday “A Connecticut petitioned council to improve that on a charge of malicious mischief, He did the best he could but could not
Yankee 'street, and the matter was referred and brought into court on a bench avoid hitting him. The man proved to
to the Street committee. warrant because he failed to report be Abel Moore, of Coraopolis, who
Miss Grace Dubbs requested ex- for sentence when ordered to do so, Was hiking to Pleasant Gap. He was
Story 1S oneration of water taxes on a house was sent to jail for three to six brought to the Centre County hospi-
inimitable Will nat nas not been occupied for over months. ‘tal and while the full extent of his in-
Rogers, as the Yankee who got , year. Referred to the Water | juries have not been determined it is
knocked “goofy,” and wakened up committee. ‘not believed they are critical.
dack in King Arthur's time. Every- A letter from B, O. Harvey quoted About 11,36 o'clock, Tuesday eve-
ene, from the oldest to the youngest, prices on street and property ac- - ‘ning, highway patrol headquarters re-
ought to see the picture, because it cident insurance, the rate being Last Thursday three young men ceived a call from Kyle Alexander
is something that will be remember- $50.00 per lineal mile. The matter robbed the First National bank, of stating that his Oakland sedan had
ed. Take our advice and go. You ‘was laid on the table. Jonestown, Lebanon county, of $6000 been stolen an hour previous. The pa-
will not regret it. '" "The Street committee reported 2nd made a successful getaway in a trol were unable to get any trace of
——The State Fish Commission various repairs and a request from Car which carried Ohio license tags, it that night but shortly before six
bas just announced that @ number Benjamin Bradley to eliminate the Some time on two ‘o'clock, Wednesday morning, a tele-
of trout streams in Pennsylvania Street curb on the southern ‘men arrived in Bellefonte in a car phone call from Milesburg, stated
dave been stocked, recently, with of his property, on Allegheny street, bearing Ohio license tags [65-77, that the car had been driven west
trout from seven to eleven for the purpose of putting down a State highway patrolmen and police through that place by Frank Morris,
ches long. Those in Centre coun- concrete driveway from Allegheny Officials at once smelled a rat. ‘Who has been employed on his farm
4y that have been stocked are: Elk Street through to the alley. Permis- The young men put up at ‘by Mr. Alexander. The car was found
ereek, Penn's creek, Logan's Branch, sion was granted on condition the Penn Belle, leaving their car
South. Fork of Beech Creek and Lit- work be done under supervision of d on the street in
tle Black: Mosharmon. The stock- the committee. The committee also hotel. Taking the
ing was done by employees of the reported that residents of Howard, license tags officials
hatchery. Fishing creek in Clinton north Spring and Burnside streets telephone and were
Snaty; Was. Hot socked exsept for are clamoring for better light fa. | tt whic cai waa
James C. Furst and George R. Meek It was also reported that a per- ness in Toledo. It
raised in their experimental nursery mit had been received from the Wa- that he was in New
on the stream and released last fall. ter Power and Resources Board for The two unsuspecting young
——Jacob Shirk, driver of the the erection of a new bridge over were shadowed and all
borough truck has almost lost faith Spring creek, on Lamb street. they went to the
in the workmen's com tion law, The Water committee reported va- the moving pictures. When
and with good reason. Da ) rious repairs to water lines and the came out of the show they
10th he was in the act of cranking COl€Ction of $1889.00 on water taxes Picked up and taken to the county three: obscured tags,
the moto the truck hen it 20d $9.32 for rent, Etc. The com- detective’s office for quizzing, were given the drivers to
ha rth wy mi in the Mittee also reported that the meter but it took only a few minutes have corrections made within forty-
face, knocked out three of nis false DIlIS fOr the fourth quarter amount to convince the officers that they eight hours.
= : ree to $2199.46, had nothing to do with the robbery On Monday afternoon patrolmen
teeth and cut a gash in his lip, with Mr. Cobb reported that the com- Of the Jonestown bank and that Turner and Norris checked traffic on
the result that he was laid up 107, 1nittee’ had received a permit from their trip to Bellefonte was an en- Route 52, near Runville, from t to
Je days. Siu applied for coms yp Nyater Power aid Rooun Hidy legitimate Ja 5 o'clock. In the 75 cars stopped
of sation End ae yarded $1208 ‘Board granting the borough permis- —a ten had faulty emergency brakes
to bave es ai teeth pay 31 ‘sion to lay the Lamb street water MONSTER BEAVER KILLED and one a swinging tag.
- repaired. e ‘through the ' areek, and then BY PASSING TRUCK. During the month of March mem-
Ba ng Mim $298 If 4: had been), no receiving a letter from M. J. ‘bers of Troop D traveled 5158 miles
2 ho count Bnd Id been knocked | go pyc ce Williamsport, protest. Last Friday game protector in patroling the highways in tai
= = could’ have recove OF thet (or against the laying of the pipe Thomas G. Mosier was notifed that district. Thirty-seven arrests were
t the law males no provision for | VL CSfEE determined whether it 8 beaver had been killed on the made, six for driving a car without
repairs. or replacement of false tgetinio 1 oF with the proposed sewer State highway near Hairy John’s an operator's license, one for oper-
— Benjamin Bradley is planning line down the stream. In order to Park by a passing truck and he ating acar while under the influence
some. decided improvements to the get a definite understanding the Went down to investigate. The of liquor, one for driving a car dur-
surroundings of The Talleyrand this secretary was instructed to write beaver, it appears, was waddling ing a revocation period, two oper-
spring. The old flagstone pavement Mr Barrick and ask him to come along the road at night and the ating with illegal tail light equip-
on: Aliegheny street is to be thrown to Bellefonte and personally look the driver of the truck failed to see itin ment, one for failure to carry a red
into the discard and a new concrete gituation over. time to keep from running it down. flag on rear of load extending more
pavement will be put down. A con- The Water committee presented When Mr. Mosier arrived at the than four feet over the rear of the
crete driveway will also be Put an ordinance providing for the tak- scene of the killing he found the truck, one for not having motor
carcass of a really nionstrous beaver. properly muffled, three for driving
He had a pair of scales which were on the left side of highway on a
good for 55 pounds but the beaver curve and crest of a hill, three for
pulled the pointer to the limit and reckless driving, one for driving too
Mosier expressed the belief that close behind another car, three for
it would go 60 pounds or over, He improper passing, nme for violation
brought the dead animal to Belle- of “Thru Traffic, Stop!” signs, one
fonte and gave the meat to Jimmie for parking on highway at a pro-
Matthews as a roast for his Sun- hibited point and three for the lar-
day dinner. We confess that this ceny of motor vehicles.
is the first time we have ever heard Seven accidents were investigated.
of beaver meat being an edible dish, One, a child ran into a car, one
but as Jimmie has been around this caused by intoxication of driver,
week as usual we have come to the three from reckless driving, one on
conclusion that it didn't disagree account of slippery road and one
with him. for driving on the left side of high-
| way on a curve.
During the month a total of 963
‘cars were checked. Fifty-three had
and their husbands, were guests of had emergency brakes, fifteen bad
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Swartz, Fri- foot brakes, three no mirror, one
day evening of last week, at their no windshield wiper, seven had ob-
home on east Logan street. A scured tags, sixty-three glaring
short time was devoted to the busi- headlights, seven no tail light, two
ness of the society, the remainder of illegal head lamp device, one no
the evening being given over to a headlights and two rusted headlamp
specially arranged social entertain- reflectors.
N. N. Grundy, of Butler, and a
operated by George Summers, of
ngate. No one was injured in
mixup and the approximate
to all the cars was about
3 the Tuesday morning John W.
of Boalsburg, driving a Cadillac
of the Boalsburg Auto Bus Co.
car and committea to jail in lieu
On Monday morning Corp. Gross
men and patrolman Turner checked traf-
fic on near Millheim, from
%0 the alley
grounds fixed is laid under the right of emi
for cars. A port-cochere will be domain, the same bei sed by a
Duwilt at the south side entrance to unanimous vote of Sie Loa y
he house over the driveway so that The Finance committee reported a
guests can enter or leave without palance in the borough account of
being exposed to the eleraents in $205.56 and in the water fund $3.-
rainy or snowy weather. In due 099.76. A water department note
time he expects to construct a large of $1500 was ordered paid, borough
garage on the rear of the property notes to the amount of $20,100 re-
fn which to accommodate the ears of newed and a new horough note for
guests. $2000 authorized to meet current
During the past two or three bills.
years complaint, which at times de- The Sanitary committee presented
weloped into a regular howl, has been the monthly report of health officer
made by people living in the north- S. M. Nissley.
en section of Bellefonte against the The Special committee reported
lime dust nuisance from the plant of calling at the American Lime and
the American Lime and Stone com- Stone company to inquire what has
pany, and almost six months ago been done toward abating the lime
officials reported to borough council dust nuisance, only to find that all
that definite steps had been taken to the officials were out of town and no
abate the nuisance. In a visit to one at the office could give any in-
the offices of the company, within formation.
the past week, members of the Spe- An ordinance providing for the
committee of borough council erection of a new bridge over Lamb
ol unable to get any rn street in conjunction with the coun- ment. Not all of the expected fifty A number of inquiries have been
8s to what is being done because ty, subject to the approval of the guests were there, on account of the received by the patrolmen regarding
mone of the head officials were there, State Highway Department, was read very inclement weather, but the the double numbering on operator's
The fact of the matter is people and passed by a unanimous vote. enjoyment of the evening by those license cards, and this, they report,
traveling the road between Belle-' Borough bills totaling $2055.60 and fortunate enough to be present, | is due to the installation of a new
fonte and Coleville aver that the water bills $1325.55 were approved made it one long to be remembered type of numbering machine, and the
dust nuisance is now worse than for payment, after which council {two numbers will appear on all cards
ever. One young woman who came adjourned. ———Governor Pinchot has approved until further notice.
rom leville, early Monda; |
Brom aa oy a eon | —One day last week C. H. the Pennsylvania State College for | casion when a highway patrolman is
eloud of dust and when she reached Watson, of Snow Shoe, went to the construction of a new dairy needed call Bellefonte 707 and a
Bellefonte her face was as red asa Philipsburg to spend a night with building, a new domestic science patrolman will respond at once,
beet, the result of the lime dust It his son. During the night his bung- building and a sewage system on
won't be long now until house clean- alow home, north of Snow Shoe, the college campus. The appropri- |
ing time and we voice the hope of caught fire and burned to the ground, ation becomes available at once in Huntingdon will be held
the women of Bellefonte that the with all it's contents. The loss is order to provide employment for as | In the First Presbyterian church, |
suisance will be abated by that time. | partially covered by msurance. | many men as possible, | Altoona, next Monday and Tuesday.
——The Ladies aid society of the
Reformed churck ol Jacksonville,
——The spring meeting of the
(the bill appropriating $040,000 to In case of accidents or on any oc-
Erie |
Mrs. Cox, who visited in Bellefonte un
Haines, of Clearfield, who drove to tO Bellefonte for their mother, Saturday.
Bellefonte especially ror the day's visit —Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Harper and thelr
with Mr. Haines’ grandmother and Miss two sons, of Brooklyn, with Dr.and Mrs.
Margaret Haines, at their home on north Fred R. Seidel, of Ieazeiton, completed
Water street. | She family [Hustet party Sutetiliaget by
—George W, Sherry closed his house on | . Barnhart daugh-
Spring street and went out to Pittsburgh, ter: Miss Elizabeth, at the Barnhart apart-
Sunday, expecting to spend the month | °F on east High street. The Harpers
of April there with ns two sons, Leo 3Uring their stay divided the time be-
and Oscar. Mr. Sherry's grandson, who 'WeeP Mr. Harper's mother, Mrs. J. C.
had been with him since Mrs, Sherry’s Harper and Mrs. Barnhart.
death, returned home several weeks ago.
~The John S. Walker party, inciuding NEW REAL ESTATE
Mr, and Mrs. Walker, Miss Ella Levy AND LOAN OFFICE
and Miss Mary Treaster, is expected —
home this week from Florida, where Having turned the management of
they have been spending almost two his auto supply and sporting goods
months. For the greater part of the store over to his son Cameron, J. O
time they have been located at St. Peters | Heverly has opened a real estate and
buts, loan office in the basement room
~Miss Edna Kilpatrick dental hygien- | un-
ist at Derry, Pa, and Miss Henrietta JCF the Haines shoe store in the Hev-
' : (erly block, where he will be located
Sebring, of Philadelphia, were among
Bellefonte’s young business women who [OT the present. In addition to buy-
spent the Easter holiday vacation here INE and selling real estate he will loan
with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Money on chattel in sums
Kilpatrick, and Dr. and Mrs. John Se- ranging from ten to three hundred
bring. dollars. He will start out as an indi-
—Mrs. C. Thomas Stahle and her daugh- vidual proposition but if the business
ter, Mary Jane, drove in from east grows beyond his financial means he
Lansing, Mich., last week, for an Easter
visit at Mrs. Stahle’s former home at Bas: sentauvaly arranged for outside
Sertre Puriiage, Mrs, Stahle, Beforvhia | At the t time one: or two
eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Parties are negotiating for a lease of
James Thompson. the corner room now occupied by the
—Former Governor John S. Fisher, of | 2Uto supply store and if it is
rented the store will be moved into
Indiana, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Benson E.
Taylor, of Punxsutawney, and State Sen- | the adjoining smaller room.
ator Harry B. Scott, of Philipsburg, | .
were ail in Bellefonte, last Friday, They “THE PADEREWSKI OF
had lunch at the Penn Belle but so far
as Saulq po learned their visit had no
it! gnificance. “ly ~ —— ow &
Poe James Schofield returned home, , | cSday morning, April 14, at §
Monday, after spending the winter with o'clock, Alfred A. Farland, who is said
her daughters, Mrs. McGinnis and Mrs. '© De the world’s most skillful
Parker, in Allentown and New Brunswick, Player, will give a recital in the aud-
and with other relatives in Philadelphia. itorium of the Bellefonte Academy.
Mrs. Schofield will be with Mr. and Mrs.| The entertainment will continue
Charles Larimer until opening her south for forty-five minutes and the ad-
mission will be 50 cts.
Recently the Cleveland Plain Deal-
er said: “Farland, the Paderewski of
Thomas street home.
—The Rev. Horace Lincoln Jacobs and |
‘the banjo,” fully justifies his cogno-
Mrs, Jacobs left, Thursday, on a drive to
Baltimore, where Mrs. Jacobs will visit
with relatives for the ten day they will be
gone, while Dr. Jacobs will spend the The Washingt n, D. C, P _
‘of him: “One of the most interesting
musical events of the season. Far-
land's skill is wonderful. After hear
time there, in New York, and Harris-
burg, looking after some business relative
ing seventeen numbers the audience
‘was clamorous for more,”
to his work in the General Conference.
—Mrs. Harry Showers, who makes her
home with her father, John C. Mulfinger,
at Pleasant Gap, was a very pleasant
caller at the Watchman office, Saturday
evening. Mr. Mulfinger, by the way,
who underwent a slight operation some
-_ Musser—Graham.—George Musser
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Musser, of the
time ago for the removal of a foreign Branch, and Miss Evelyn Graham, ¢
growth on his lip, is recovering very daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
nicely. | Graham, of Boalsburg, were mar
—Mrs. George M. Glenn, who has been ried at the Lutheran parsonage, a
spending the winter with her daughter, Rag
Pine Gro h t
Miss Esther Glenn, at Cambridge, Mass., | priday ove dm ons josh past
will return to Half Moon valley very | y Ss English. ! Th were attendec
shortly, to open her home on the Esther Miss Mabel rnd
Gray farm for the summer. Later she VY usser, and Mr
will be joined there by her son, George Graham, a brother of the bride
Jr. of Harrisburg, and also her daugh- They will reside at the bridegroom’:
ter, Miss Esther, of Cambridge. farm home, on the Branch.
—Lewis Troupe was brought home from ein in sus
the Gelssinger hospital Thursday of last Seeger—Leitzel—Gerald Seeger, o
week, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cal- New Castle, and Miss Rachel Jan:
vin Troupe, who with their daughter Leitzel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Anna Mary, had driven to Danville the Samuel 8S. Leitzel, of Port Matilda
same day. Lewis has been a patient were married in the Trinity Cathe
in the hospital for three months suffering dral, Pittsburgh, at noon on Mon
with a bad heart ailment and although : grad
now able to be about the house, his con- day. ie bride is a uate nurs
dition continues serious, of the Centre County hospital, whil.
the bridegroom is an employee ‘0
—Charles M. McCurdy and his three | pepngylvania Railroad company
sisters, Mrs. J. B. Scott and the Misses
Virginia and Grace McCurdy, will drive | THEY will reside at New Castle.
to their former home at Gettysburg, to- '
morrow, where Mr. McCurdy will make, ——ON their way home from
the address, Sunday. at the one hundred trip to Lewistown, late Saturda;
and ninety-first anniversary of Upper night, Gottlieb Haag and Edwar
Marsh Crook | shire, now Bors a Houser crashed into a telephone pole
Presbyterian church, of Gettysburg. near Reedsville their ca:
Gettysburg Miss Virginia McCurdy will | Fr ap ie, rreskine a 3
go to Washington, to attend the ativaal | the headlights of other machines h
congress of the D. A. R., to be hel |
th week got off to the side of the road an
0 Rest crashed into the pole before he real
—Jim Watt, of Tyrone, dropped in for
ized where he was. Haag escape
a little call on Monday afternoon and,
i injury but Houser sustained a num
t is putting it mildly to say, we were and Hi
delighted. We hadn't seen him for so | het of lacerations bruises,
long and he was looking so surprisingly injuries were attended to atthe Cen
well that it took us quite a little while to tre County hospital after passin
realize that our guest really was Jim. motorists brought the men home.
He is still selling dry goods and notions |
and still covering the same territory in|
which he has been so popular for years.
Time was when he was a factor in the
political equation in Mepublican clecles |
in the western end of this county and if Cooney’s Sit ep.
he were disposed to take a hand Suwa. | prices §1.
days we fancy he would be something to EE
be reckoned with up in west Ferguson Bellefonte Grain Marketa.
where he once lived ana still owns a ———
fine farm. Years ago a county convention Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wugaur & C
———You will find an extensive as
| sortment of smart new hats for a
season requirements at Elizabeth I
Special hs
was never held until Jim was on the Wheat
scene and one time, whether or no, Dan | Corn
Hastings was bent on making him the | Oats
Republican nominee for prothonotary, but | Rye
Jim had the final no and wouldn't hear | Barley .......
to it. Buckwheat