| oe mi— Bellefonte, Pa., April 10, 1931 Your Health THE FIRST CONCERN. ¥oEgs A COMMON AND INCBEASING | AMERICAN DISEASE COLITIS, By Dr. John Harvey Kellogg | The mucous membrane of the colon | tis exists, the mucous membrane is damaged and its filtering power is thus destroyed, so that the poison- ous matters produced by the putre- | anemia | causes than the real one. There is reason for believing that high blood re, cirrhosis of the liver, neuthritis, certain forms of rheuma- tism and the painful sensations of various sorts commonly termed “neuralgia,” are due to systemic poisoning resulting from the damage to the colon filter caused by colitis. That this chronic poisoning may cause the symptoms referred to has been clearly demonstrated in thous- ands of cases by the disappearance or improvement of the symptoms when the colitis has been cured. Although formerly regarded by many, and perhaps still by some, as an incurable disease, it is now known that colitis may yield to the applica- tion of the efficient methods which modern scientific research has sup- plied. Discoveries made in the Pas- teur Institute, of Paris, first called attention to the highly dangerous character of the bacteria common- ly found in the colon and to the in- sidious mischiefs to which these micro-organisms may give rise. Doc- tor Tissier, of the Pasteur Institute and, later, numerous other bacteri- ologists, have shown that in the colon there is a great battle constantly being fought between two classes of bacteria, the so-called acidophile, or protective germs, which produce harmless acids, and the putrefactive, | or poison-forming germs, which Pro- fessor Herter called “wild bacteria,” for the reason that the acidophile or | acid-forming germs are normal in- habitants of the intestine, their func- | tion being to protect the body by preventing the growth of pernicious bacteria and by producing acids to | stimulate the colon to action, and | so prevent the accumulation of food | residues and body wastes, | In colitis, these friendly, protec-| tive “‘acidophiles” have largely dis- appeared and their place has been taken by the pernicious, putrefac- tive, poison-forming and disease-pro- ducing bacteria which are always present in cases of chronic constipa- | tion and when the stools are foul- smelling or contain mucus, i There is only one way in which | colitis can be cured, and that is by | restoring the normal acidophiles bacteria and getting rid of tie dis- ease-producing bacteria to which the disease is due. ‘This is accomplish- | ed by changing the flora. By the | flora is meant the germs growing in the colon and other parts of the intestinal canal. The need of change of flora has been for thirty years or more, but it is only during the last ten or twelve years that practical methods have been perfected by which the flora can be readily and certainly changed. To change the flora, that is, to get rid of the pernicious germs which cause colitis, it is necessary to keep the colon as clean as pos- sible, that is, free from putrefactive residues. The diet must be care- fully regulated, and food, the result of years of scientific study, must be supplied to the of acid-forming bacteria. colon must be thoroughly cleansed at least once, and better twice, a day by a warm enems. The temperature should be 110-112 de- grees. The quantity should be three or four pints and not more. It is absolutely e to cure colitis without keeping the colon free from putrefying residues, which al- ways harbor the germs which pro- duce and perpetuate the disease. Laxative drugs, salts, mineral wa- ters and all sorts of aperients only Sfzrayate the disease by irritating mucous membrane and thus make it more vulnerable to the at- tacks of bacteria and greatly lessen the filtering properties so that poi- sons are more freely absorbed. “soothing” remedies applied locally, have no curative value because they do not destroy the pernicious bac- teria. The various antiseptic drugs which have been recommended, eith- er when applied locally or adminis- tered internally, are worse than use- less because while they donot eradi- cate the germs which cause the co- litis, they do hinder the growth of the protective or acid-forming bac- teria which are endowed by Nature with the ability to drive out the colon the pernicious and numerous other bowel disorders, pro- | vided conditions are made favorable. The problem of curing is theo- retically very simple, First, it is only necessary to keep the colon clean—to starve out the pernicious | bacteria by depriving them of putre- factive foods, and to encourage the growth of the protective acid-form- gE | i | i , ol § 2 ] a gk i i i going manner a cure may be confidently expected as the result of a persevering effort in practical- ly every case. NATION'S RICHES IN 1929 WERE $361,000,000,000 | 000,000 since 1914, but in terms of ng power of the dollar be- fore the world war, this was an in- crease of only $3.28, the survey re- ——We do your job work right, . | quite ; tity be small, one can and physical Ro stance, ho BN that it from practically e sistance certain had been lost among quiry disclosed that that An expert hope that he the precious stuff, zinc sulphide in about the cellar and the lights turned out. | time had dumped the entire lot into the furnace in the cellar. was called in in the might be able to locate the furnace and } Fi g38 E Z i of 5 ¢ g eren no satisfacto ly abused for fer a lame excuse, fired. the latter. the janitor by Churchman, He sprinkled then had all Now zinc ed a harmful practice. IY. 53, esi, mgd Ms moss his stupid error, to of- Scala San or and then to the Ia He gets on his hat and coat, cross- es the street for a soda or a cup of coffee, and returns for another h and as many more as are necessary to satisfy the complainants and maintain the reputation of the shop. Could some such scapegoat find a place on the staff or a parish ?—The —Feeding chicks 24 to 36 hours after hatching is no longer consider- first Christian their knees. organ or altar bells, and organs were still, mourning. All dance halls were closed. JOIN IN WORSHIP IN ROME crowned with thorns. Tradition says they were taken to Rome by St. Helena, mother of Constantine, Emperor. The faithful are permiited to ascend them only on Services were not accompanied by Church bells in sign theaters, movie houses and of ; Don't scrub soiled kitchen walls another year! Keep them clean with an TRACER \YOUR CHOICE o\WNT TI RRL ARES Start Cooking with Electric Heat ...it's AS CLEAN as Sunshine! SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME! soil your curtains and make unsig ceiling? Then install an other year, trying to get electric range off the dirt that should never have been there at Do soot and fumes from your stove htly smudges on your kitchen walls and NOW—don’t scrub and slave an- all! Cook the clean electric way—with HEAT THAT'S AS CLEAN AS SUNSHINE—heat that throws off no soot or dirt of any kind! x x x Remarkable Opportunity for Thrifty Housewives! PRICES ARE DOWN—You have never had a more favorable opportunity to own an electric range than right now. During the past 18 months electric range beauty and efficiency oved. Glistening porcelain ge ovens. Heat regulators atly im ishes. have been and timers to do your oven-watching— automatically . . . Quick-heat platform burners for igh speed. make cooking easy, accurate an Everything to CLEAN. In spite of all this the prices of full size, ranges WEsT PENN ELECTRIC SHOPS 11 convenience modern electric from the four leading manufac- * * turers have been reduced almost half in that time! INSTALLATION—Have you put off buying an clectric range becadsc you are thinking of moving? hen you need no longer be without one. Even if you move within a year, West Penn will reinstall, FREE, adequate meter entrance facilities in your home . . . ready for the installa- tion of the circuit to your range! LOWER OPERATING COSTS —And just think: West Penn's recent new rate makes electric cooking even more economical for everyone—for all current over 150 kilowatt hours per month comes to you at only 1¥c per kilowatt hour! 3-piece’’Wear-Ever”’ Aluminum Set With Each Range! All appetizing flavors and healthful food values are retained when you cook with this 3-piece se tof triple-thick aluminum ... designed especially for electric renge use by the “Wear-Ever” people. The Sauce Pans have a capacity of 2 and 3 quarts, with bottoms that exactly cover an electric burner—thus pre- venting heat loss. Steaming Skillet is 1034 inches in diameter by 2}{ inches deep, and all three pieces have black glypal bottoms for quick heat absorp- tion. Removable handles for oven use. Special “Steam-Seal” covers, with vens for excessive steam, allow the foods to cook in their own juices with a minimum of water. Buy your electric range now, from us or any other dealer, and this $13.50 ses will be given to you absolutely FREE! Why not come in today and select the range you want? . . . Start cooking electrically at an average cost of only 3jc per meal per person. D. c tered and tsfaction guaran High St. Finny sting. Sak niche. Cunebeer BEE, fone, og Surbrck vali oer fo Sebo 8 to 4:00 p. m. FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% 1% J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent FEEDS! Purina Feeds Wayne _ Feeds Wagner's Wagner's Wagner's Wagner's Wagner's Egg Wagner's Wagner's Wagner's Wagner's HorseFeed - - - Winter Bran - - Winter Middlings - Wagner's Standard Mixed Chop Wagner's Chick Feed - - Wayne 249% Dairy Feed - Wayne Egg Mash - - - Wayne | Wayne All Mash Grower - Wayne Calf Meal - =. a ee A I EE Blatchford Calf Meal251b. - 1. Oil Meal 34% - - - 9 Cotton Seed Meal 43% - - 2 Gluten Feed - « «= «w 9 Fjominy Feed = =~ =- - 1. | Fine Ground Alfalfa - - 2. Beet Pulp - - - - w H | Meat Scrap 45% - - = 3.00 | Tankage 60% - - - 3.25 | Fish Meal - - - . 3.75 | Fine Stock Salt . - = 120 Round Grit - - - - =~ 130 Lime Grit - - - 1.00 Oyster Shell - 0. - 100 a us grind your Corn and Oats make up Jour Dany Feed, with Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten, Alfalfa, Bran, Midds and We will make delivery ontwo ton orders. All accounts must be paid in 30 days. Interest charged over that If you want good bread and gustey ws Ope 'Be8 sad Qo! Colm C.Y. Wagner &Co. in BELLEFONTE, PA, 76-1-1yr. Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces ——— Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings