I'll haul ye back home, FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. FARM NOTES. | Chess. with o Ro. summit wr = all, for ten dollars.” i a ir Sa— |hill at good distance, then EY Co va St Aen wilh DAILY THOUGHT. —Many cases are reported in the | . cut a Actions speak louder than words, but press and by letter, of the shooting | jumped down, his 37 the | this offer; and, to i Pe a os to SADA tio |Wog Sry. Ahort, we reached the old some people don't make much noise Of beneficial hawks and owls in \mind to us, Jehu was t off farm at about eleven o'clock that either. ag Ressuse of the - i | steam so noisily that I to night, after a slow but safe pas- — of a few ‘hear what he said: but Catherine, sage. pamy.fuced Yahi WAmdn areso year relative, beneficial hawks are THE STROKG JAN'S. CONE. | ‘Who was farther behind, sat and Judkins remained with us until Some beck into fashion during 1981 much persecuted. To love the Truth and to fight for it it dj she would hot pest the nest morning. aking leave after factories of the Rue de La Paix, tive rodents, snd are of great. coo. NR a ta. | ther; and then we 1 ‘was the t man she had ever breakfast, he hesitated a little, then Which have ordained the bloom of nomic value to the To Luft vitough the gay und nigh! for it altope H an we let it run 3 Angriest ¥ a that ho WE, »¢ the rosy cheeks that bloomed last farmer, accordi to the 1 of usr gil ois ons EA there was left in the tank which At last we reached the fair which a Be of ie Ianunae oe | vear. (Plant Industry, Pennsylvania De- i f other and ‘had r le use of when he first dis- Women have tired of looking too partment of culture. As long as the game shall last, |it accomlildied iis Shout an hour of) Was mucy jie Si fairs, : : ise of itm robust, with real artificial sun tan- = Learn to oliein the To follow the course that's clear to him | steady sl banging. ‘at about four in the afternoon start- cover. . us corn Pp ous ed skins. That marked the : of hawks: To the End of the World—and past. | of automobiles are sensi- ‘ed for home. Two or three miles afternoon. Be. Sins, hat Srna ine. Age muds ® tive, and I wish to state here that on our way there was a fine field “No indeed!" the Old Squire prom- : sharp-shinned is a chicken To help the weak and the faltering ‘the steam-driven type was no more containing several acres of sweet ised cordially. “If ever a man Purveyors beauty who themselves thief and kills game birds and The weary among the throng, imperfect than o*aers at that time. corn, bor the road, and this had extreme provocation you did.” Protest they do not originally make should be killed Yet keep, with a Will unaltering In fact “steamers” were, I think, im- we were to pass when to m Catherine called at the farm to ‘he fashion but only follow the lead The red-tailed hawk and the spar- His place with the Stern and Strong: | proved than most cars. dismay I espied a whole string of inquir how Grandmother Ruth had Of the ultra-smart set in row hawk, are beneficial and should To bear the ills that are bearable Manufacture oe: Pores wamaon | fet to the d the jowney to the fair. Faris. The rest of the world then be protected. With a courage that will not tire, | best: but It has been ¢ task to evening attractions of the fair. All The old lady had come through SPs into line. se Being slow to wrath, but terrible | bring the automobi Holizh resent | da steering gear had been With health unimpaired, but was heard this year is to be a pale year Small gardens are going to play When roused to a righteous ire Dring die Sutomobile to Rts Present | ay a hs De BoE on aay Timi ar hereater aie and. lstiessmess will he Salully a large past this vear in supplying : | a per eelion. t ails | og B 2 ake: Elving me travel by horse power. Cath. Studied by young women of fashion, the family larder with food To stand by his comarde loyally | vents vet many Subsequen a | EE a erine declared that it had been the Who will crave to look cadaverous decreasing inroads on the income. Through stormy weather or fair: | ve fo ab as, the Tole y Pa imi. ape 1d most remarkable episode of her life. as anxiously as they tried last year Backyards promise to be especially To. spend: his substance royally months it was in our possession. I ju it safer to head up to it, On application to the agent who 19cappéar Ow Joptiar Sis year i piecing out te Whietiever ‘Shs. uted i Hhiare; These were f00 common to be worth if possible, and wait there for ap. had sold us the automobile, 1 pro- Ee L.ihe Suriacs Jreauses e unemployed, To face his Fate and to be bold to her ing spent hon hol roaching processi of e. fessional expert was sen ho rk- — Whatisver- she" 5l0Ske™ the: oat; Jos : L iy beneath it, dd t go by OeSe with end ed over Jehu one. whole day, "pro. height of te every h i young caren i thi oy 8 tly To love One Woman and hold to her— | i : c » a time. nsigh ve ing hopelessly up into the grimy tan- wrenches at the wheel I managed nounced it ready to take the road "noi to appear as if dying depressions which > 4 That is the Streng Man's Coge! ‘gle of cogs, rods wires ‘to turn off the highway, made for 8gain and charged us twenty dollars. ed Safimol We 38. : {Be smutty nose; wl I i | the gate and nev "in getting It stalled on me, however, the first of RCsumption in, schieving tie | ting oy us i ey JEHU |apart more than once—sometimes both Jehu and the buggy out of the time I attempted | oi Srive to the Listless young things, who 12 ool, og Thi he 5, with. Sood srw—— | violently. road. When I attempted to stop, VIUage. er ehu stood at , ins ago were bursting with this is not practical, fine loam can It has always been a great to, But story is about a journey however, the brake stuck fast. In ase in the carriage house for three me that the Old Squire lived BY oe | made with Grandmother Ruin oc) [vain T ‘kicked at it and the Old Weeks—when relief appeared unex- EhersY: Oy on about fhe spread 1008 depth of three inches an automobile and hear friends the Old Squire to the State Fair at | re jerked the wire. We knock- Pectedly in the person of a fellow- jotikiag eminguish them. To wind Tacs isting lawn and the sur- speak to him by telephone. Lewistown, a distance of twenty ed the gute down and plunged over toWnsman, named Coleman, who healthy will once again be “disgust- Seeded. This, of course, was some years miles. This was in September, follow- it into the corn, the b jolting | Was one of the Board of Selectmen . .." 0." «. mon” i bvv footine after I had gone back to live fora | ing our purchase of the machine in perilously in the rear, those un- and had come to consult the Old Ee ? the Dh lon 8 vy feeding and no exercise part of the time at the old farm. ; that time I was able to Sympathetic, occupants of the on. Squire on a matter of town busi- fur ie pale-face after JB . juiday or Shay days are bad Without saying much about it, I had make it go, occasionally, and, once coming vehicles shouting derisive Nes. BE a ar ou Of Years Will | o, (omsea, =o Jue 10 reduce the had an instrument installed in the started, could keep it going for a comments. Coleman, it transpired, had of late nbits oF vou Pls a Je en the work is idle. sitting room, and next dayIsaid to while. Stop, I couldn't and on we went, Deen beset by the contagious ambi- = oe Rh Weak ws the old gentleman, “Addison wants Thus far Grandmother Ruth had thrashing down corn rows clean tion to own an automobile, but like TY. 5 = a sport, Gating aided by ened fruit buds will be to speak to you, sir.” Helooked up. fought shy of it. She had a buggy across the field. There was a stone MOSt people of that time, was ut- JIRCE Th Fo doing. post Stan high in Sation of a. fertiliser “Why, Addison is at Cambridge, and a steady horse of her own which wall on the far side, but with ter- terly without exeprience. ~Espying "0 pang co Bal 1981 oe oy available nitrogen, isn't he? Has he come home?” she still made use of to drive as far rific wrenches at the wheel I partly Jehu, he went in to look it over . 0 3 pre ak Miss pi 08 | y Penn e fruit specialists. “Just you come here, sir, and put as the village. turned, and we careened on till a With marked interest. th sine h . a al. a | = your best ear to this thing,” I told “I will get Catherine Edwards to deep gully came in view on the oth- _ In truth it was a handsome ve- the aught 9 A Bolesorme food, tgs mpitg Off of vegetable seed- him. “Ad is calling you.” accompany me and drive to the fair, er side of the field. hicle, glittering with the extensive —" VTE YRUES, W oy Dever meant 5s sane cohtrolled by: ‘treating Somewhat perplexed, the Old myself,” she declared. (Theodoraand| As this meant disaster, I tore Dicklework with which the early FHCRC “ FIERER. WT BO and seed or Son with chemical solutions. Squire approached, and I held the Fllen were now no longer at home.) savagely at the wheel again. By Makers were so fond of adorning | = nu for En on search on your county agent about this. receiver to his right ear. “Nowsay But a highway danger had arisen good luck I succeeded in turning ‘heir product. Its uncertain char- 0 SACU TF HCE SPAS POH —Th pA ‘Hello, Ad,” I prompted—and then Of which the old lady had as yet partly around, and we continu ‘acter had no reflection in that gleam- mante or Lhe e OOKIng ro- Pers e Sisters that turkeys can uite distinctly came the words, little knowledge. Horses were then madly smashing our way on, cut- IDE surface, and I could hardly : . is 1 Sosustuny raised in confinement ‘ morning, sir. How do you do, beginning to get their education in ting down a broad swath of a lux- blame Coleman for desiring it. - i leading te extended use of and how is grandmother Ruth?” the matter of automobiles, and it uriant corn crop. An agonized glance 1 Suppose you don't want to sell Women are as old or as young thod, ow are listed some The old gentleman actually start- came hard to them. Even our most showed me Grandmother Ruth and it?’ he questioned. as their state of health. A woman suggestions for turkey producers back. trustworthy work horse would stop Catherine, pale and speechless, cling- OR yes, I'll sell it,” I replied. may be young at sixty years or old |. or tending to follow the re- “Why, I heard him;" he exclaim- short at sight of one approaching, be- ing fast to the fan of the buggy “About how much?” Coleman ask- at forty. It all depends on her pra be ae plan. This plan ed. “I heard Addison's voice as Bin to run back or attempt to bolt top. I was afraid to advise them ed craftily. physical well-being. GRRE owed specifically if the clearly as if he were standing in past the ill-smelling object. Runa- to jump out, we were going so Well,” I answerd with equal Youth and beauty have a founda- ys are to be sucessfully. that doorway! And he is a hundred Ways and smashups were frequent. fast; and I durst not desert Jehu, ¢raft, “IT paid a thousand dollars for tion in sound health. And food is a WO yard areas should be provid- and sixty miles away,” he added, |attended by much profanity and ve- myself. That brake simply wouldn't | it. We haven't run it much but easily the most important item in the he called the brooder Naturally he had read about this hement reproaches on the part of in- work, and on we went circling about We've had it six months. Tl knock health. In giving consideration to the eT termed the rearing e, new invention previously, yet his de- dignant drivers. the field. . off four hundred on the price.” the subjects of diet and beauty, wo- near the er light in it oR rey the Te fresh In the rural districts the farmers By this time a shouting, hatless I caught the gleam of a deal in men should make for the perserva- house, dhe second to be used after and real. ‘resented the appearance of horseless man was seen approaching on the Coleman's eye, and felt sudden com- tion of teeth, hair, figure and com- ar Toe longer need brooder Not quite as much could be said vehicles on the roads, and in some run from a farm house on the farther Punctions. plexion. be sod . “we ’ " hat is not infested with of Grandmother Ruth. The old cases tried to legislate against them side of the gully. Naturally he was I don't advise you to buy it” I = Blame for round shoulders, flat blackhead ladys hearing was still very good; —On account of their teams, much excited. “What aye think hastened to say. ‘In fact, I would chests and poor teeth among women rare, Shie jedna have aot but when we finally succeeding in “Hi thar! Stop that dod-blasted you're doin’? he shouted breathless. 2divse you not to. is due in large measure to faulty (CV uy. re ms lo be impossible coaxing her to the phone she was thing! You're scarin my hoss!” was ly when he was able to get near us But as is often the case when a diet, or, specifically, to a lack of if hig urkeys free from blackhead unable, for some singular reason, the angry shout that the first owners as we dashed along. seller talks in that way, the pro- lime and horus. Milk ,or evap- i are allowed to mix with to get Addison's words through to Of automobiles heard only too often “Stop! get out of my corn!” posing purchaser him of a orated milk, which is simply cow's y “HERS: her understanding. in those days, and were obilged to He ran along with us, shaking a 9esign to back out. Coleman re- milk with 60 per cent of the water yoo0eC and fed the same as baby “I don't hear a thing!” she cried heed. Then followed much coaxing menacing fist, and actually got a S8rded me drolly for a moment, then taken away, is especially rich in With all feed given in hop- impatiently several times. and lashing, to get snorting old Dob- step ahead of us. We were near 58d, “T'll take it" —and got out his lime. pers. “But listen!” we urged. bin past, Women were frequently as running him down in the thick check hock. Because of the concentration of Bap dmatdy 200_poults ean. pe “I am listening!” she protested. much frightened as their animals. growth. The Old Squire came hurrying out. evaporated milk, which is regulated nooCed Ih a 10 by 12 brooder house. “It doesn't say anything to me. I The Old Squire and I, while out one “I can't stop!” I tried to | ‘Don't you buy that machine, by government standards, it is of gop, hous be used for the first guess I'm too old,” she added; and day in our steamer, met five chil- He mis od me and - map!” he | “You don’t do the richuess of ordinary mar- JS oh ing i after which the after that one effort she could never dren, from eight to twelve years old, bellowed with rage. “If I had a run | or ket milk. poss ou moved to the sum- be iiduced to try again. It was her Who at sight of Jehu approaching here, I'd stop ye!” he cried. in for!” But Coleman no at- A quart of milk a day for adults beat Tale Juarters as no further pride. jumped from their wagon and took The Old Squire then nis tention to his protests and contin- is recommended by doctors not only "°R° required. “I make no doubt that the thing tO cover of the bush. We had no small feet. “Good friend,” he said, “our “ed Writing his check. because of its high mineral content, . . oN" Beparate yards should be pro- is a device of the Adversary!” she ado to catch their team and reassure automobile has run away with us, If he had been a poor man, I but for the reasons that it helps poo adjacent to the brooder house. was won't to declare, laughing de- them. ‘We are unable to use the brake, Wouldn't have taken his money; but keep, the digestive tract in proper ol SIO contain 500 square feet fensively. "We would all better keep Nowadays it is not often that a We are aware that your corn is De Wasn't, and he for a tion, strengthens the oy 10 two we Pa each should be used only away from it.” horse is encountered that gives more being injured, but we will pay for Shrewd one. Evidently he must resist disease, and gives proper B so that the poults will Looking back thirty-five years, I than a sidewise glance at an ap- the damage.” have his experience with automo- balance to the diet. t ve access to fresh ground every can but laugh now when I think of ching car. The former genera- «= 'biles, and T thought he might as Salads also play an important We. eeka. our mishaps with our first automo- tion of skittish nags has passed, and Catherine, too, now leaned from well begin that experience then as part in the dietary. Some sort of om the brooder house, the young . # turkeys should be moved to the bile. The Old Squire's farm was so the colts of the t day seem Lhe buggy, striving to smile ~ later on, a salad, lettuce, tomato, fresh fruit, ys re far f¥om 2 OK Squire a nd to be born waywise. But on that ingly in spite of her pert on. Several times during the following cabbage or vegetable, should be ing range, where a cheap roosting gan to hear of this new means of September morning oz 1892 the equine "We're awfully sorry sir,’ she called, year I met Coleman on the highway. eaten at least once a day, Neither Shelter should be provided A travel it at once occurred tous that Problem was rampant; and, since it We can't stop the car!” He was always driving a horse and is the daily menu complete without "“"8¢ of one acre of sod is consid- much time on the highwa ht be Was likely that some automobiles Indignant as the farmer was, passed me with a pale smile. I a generous quality of coarse, leafy C cd Sufficient for 100 young tur- saved by owning ong id palent be would appear at the fair, the Old and with good reason,—he began at hadn't the heart to ask him after vegetables, Tanabe for their high keys from the age of eight weeks es, too, was much more expensive Squire was unwilling to have Grand- last to comprehend our plight. For- Jehu.— Youth's companion. vitamin content. Fruit juices also Sooo 'y gre marketed. This rea at that Uo Duc Hore Sp ‘mother Ruth drive there, even with tunately for us, he was also not have very beneficial pi should be Uivided ine four Sec cultivated oats and yellow corn. For Catherine holding the reins. without @ sense of humor. FOr 8 pyyvoys MEN CHOOSE TUNES If & woman follows out the rules gn "RCH, S€CUDR 8 gtegon a pretty price we therefore invested At length a compromise was ef- moment he stared at us, then began | EBS VE CERF TEC of diet, birthdays to her will be pu cooeen The secret hind Socess. in one of those primitive models, fected. Catherine and the old lady to Jaugl n Heron, '» Tr nothing more than an excuse for a Povianme fee TE ae a or propelled by steam, or rather steam Were to go in the , but the ue utte And I've pugqy Vallee would prefer to listen Celebration. feeding all feed, coupled of re generated by gasoline. Such ve- Shafts of that respectable vehicle Just bought ome o' the things, my- , “. razpde” -- hicles are AR complex and it were made fast to the rear end of Self! ie heer ast ® Ee ~The Federal Board Wills Heong. healthy" poults’ anda goes without saying that we had Jehu, as a trailer; and after that By this time we had made a com- Holy Goa We Praise Thy Name. Education tells roo ional | miltabie vation. little or no knowledge of the vicis- Manner we set off amid much laugh- plete circuit of the field, leaving be- gene Tunney finds the funeral in Americ U8 Bhat IIS mL Se dacton of yange, it shold situdes to which all those early ma. ter, the Old Squire and I in the hind us a trail of desolation in the aren from Gotterdammerung’ home economics classes they thors Motergy off where chickens ranged chines were subject. I had learned Steamer ahead. corn. But the best I could do was were in 1018. That is, inthe public sibility of drainage from the most agreeable, ublic sibility of drainage from the poultry an. G : ese preferences were disclosed day schools. The number of eve- yards reaching the turke range. It and supposed that was about al] route through the towns of Hebron randmother Ruth's plain by The Etude, music magazine, ning classes and part-time classes is desirable to have all of the poults there was to know. The agent and Minot, in the hope of meeting tive voice was now heard crying: ald 1 uF ok nT fer Boe CA Appl | ARs Mt Toshi Sal ye Toi Sok sie ole, bern Ma ners seven de nT the me hee. re in 50 nr complete my education; and for a y oa a " *" they would prefer to hear if they sewing lessons given in American cessful raised in confinem 1 woud der 1 Jag aged toget Jome ith | ios a ty Sa 3 Ne We Dy Sentiéiuan Hed knéw they were to die within a few high schoo is are much more com- that or — A to og Ms » " ours. ensive ose given in oth- range h out any particular difficulty, except Most part, although our steering Providence—and Jehu! Boldly nominating his own famed or countries. There ars. also plenty Tor teoly Ind with the farmers’ h was wor so fitfully as to I keenly felt it was up to me to f . - igh Sores ua. Tmet: | ear vas Working ny | attempt something, and that march, “The Stars and Stripes For- of classes which deal not only with __Geese may be successfully rais- im- almost | ever,” John Phflip Sousa explained: elementary domestic arts, but also ocality made in automobiles during the past day, too, Jehu had a tendency to rush mediately. could not hope that the “T would meet my maker face to teach the basic knowl ed on aay 1 where to ¥ spells spite farmer's edge of home they can have a plentiful yenutes, 5 on vel Haat Se Fo dh on to he Oe Bone Somer oud hola face with the inspiration that grows life, family relationships, child de- green food. The Tn oy of ones, or had the patience to con. Speed by means of a wire which it doing; and when we had completed fun oft ifs Welodlag 210 the patriot- velopment, etc. Dr illetom a Juguired tinue buying them. If in thirty became his business tohold by hand. our course around the field for a 'ST that gives I DE it. Hike- - ducks. = Geese are usually raised in years more as much improvement Back in the buggy, however, Grand. second time, and were back at the Roger Babson economist, Uke when the ankles become weak, comparatively small flocks. The is made in aeroplanes, there is little mother Ruth and Catherine appear- ate I had demolished, I managed g °° SHC Ae WOME P a daily bath in a solution of salt fact that geese require very much doubt that we shall all be flying ed to be enjoying their novel mode after desperate exertions at the 3 ‘water and acohol will strengthen more room than ducks has kept the by 1960—that is to say such of us Of travel. ‘wheel to plump into the post, bring. Speaker Nicholas Longworth ofthe yy, op, business in the hands of farmers as survive our e xperiences. It Four or five miles beyond Hebron ing Jehu's career of devastation to sd grog Hoong ood i who go into it in a moderate way. ’ be is alwa possible that Newton's Academy: > faine we re ute | au dry Bu He wy {o In moments of relaxation from state , paaye sng dry al a er Ly a Janta Mv the ay Hy yer curd} ate | colts were feeding, "At sight or | take account of what had happened ares, said ey like to hear |.) revive it. cultivation, on account of springs or I reached home with my new | smell of the steam auto they started and negotiate a settlement. Beethoven's Symphony. streams, but which make good pas- Fo " Dr. William Lyon Phelps of Yale i ture for geese steamer somewhat late that night, galloping around the pasture, ap- “We are at your mercy, sir” the oo, "5 Cho ym 500 Yeoh the Kitolien Sink Olean He Oy Socac JH; i sun Badd but in quite a triumphant state of parently torTiiod, and Hom a hoube | Old, Squire said to the farmer, whoue | the hovers intl Sy ! and p pour a strong solution for geese, they can be made ittle ways beyond a man, name we now learned was Judkins. While Pp P » of washing soda in boiling water to return a good profit. mind, and got the old folks out | some ’ “Em lantern light to look it over. WY | provabiy their owner, issued forth “We want to do the right thing. | Bentioned Be , nperor | ‘down it occasionally. Somewhat low, springy or marshy was a new departuve for us, and we in 3 towering: gasdion. |the old gentleman explained, : a of Becth a rosorob] -— land may be used to good advant- were all elated over it. I had rid-A “Stop! y don’t ye stop?” he| Judkins made a trip of inspection Som ng oven, I Y Milk that is kept in a large age, if some part is comparatively den in only one automobile before, shouted. “Can't ye see you're scarin’ about the corn field. I made no Nis Fifth or Seventh Symphony." gyallow basin will remain sweet for very high and dry. Geese may be " River” seemed to How- a Locomobile of six-horse power, at them colts?” | doubt that he woud set his damages _ Cid Man . al time than if kept in a deep pastured at the rate of 600 to the the national capitol, in which a fes- “But, my friend,” the OId Squire at fifty dollars. EO Main receptacle. acre on marshy land where there is tive Member of Congress had invited replied ap , “it doesn't harm | ‘Wi he remarked, returning to... ,q4 be co in the final mo- Uo wm § Exowih of £2 rEvrous awugh me to take a short trip with him, colts to run a li e. They will stop | where we stood sung resignedly, ts” t} Backing both its story and please voles Sie iy Providens | re ge supply St Grea vig elie he Sh won: yo the man ine | te tly Eo eh ars ©" philosophy Sombined With tte 8 | ooontul of pure glycerine to the pools fo rm BO ets ‘ run themselves to I rather think I can save most of rangement as recor |castile soap suds and the bubbles It is never advisable to allow a large on the side of the zoo. It did it at sisted. “They'll ORO a pinch—if we got up speed enough death!” And we left him threaten- |it, and the fodder can go into the |P R DETaDLL t's choice of “Schehera- will be larger and last longer. Pre- number of geese their freedom over on the level road at the foot of the ing us with legal proceedings. silo. I guess about four dollars | UY made on the beauty of bared vegetable tinting added to the en entire farm. A few geese will not A mile or two Beyond the farm will make me whole—with a couple | Pug “composition, whose sweetness he | Above will make a very pleasing prove objectionable, but if a large Ta there Were no Ea Wel unfriendly citizen et for gate. color scheme ber is allowed to roam at will way! s we met a more for a new : r . num But alas for our elation of the man driving what looked to be | “Mr. Judkins," the Old Squire ex- fit Would ‘ake dike Jeu: WhappY | ia over pasture lands, cattle will not first evening. When I went out nervous horse. He had a|claimed, “you are a man and a2 Swan preparing : —You can get a lovely color care to graze in the same field. next morning I could not start it. load of tk cans, and by the time |brother! : | world. | scheme for salad by using vegetable Geese do not require a great deal That asinine Plece of fauliy mecha he was within a hundred yards of| “And a Christian to boot!” Grand- | i” | coloring mattér and making a gela- of attention; after the young are nism would seem to have re- us his horse began to prance. - I mothér Ruth added. | Stude—“Where is my fraternity tine fruit salad a pale green, with two weeks or so old, they are able flecting over night and to have | thought it best to the car and| We were still fifteen miles from pin? — | chopped green peppers, white grapes to care for themselves largely, if a planted its fore feet for trouble, I managed to a cloud of home—heading into a stome ate Cog —“I have it on my chif- and green cherries scattered good range is given, The food is able to |fonier. . do toiled over it for two whole hours; steam. The milkman also drew post; and now I was not through, all being a different green. largely grass, although insects and { then the Old re joined me; we and, contriving to turn his Ww t at all, either back or ahead! | Stude—“Your chif—well, don't for- other low forms of animal life are both worked noon and gave up. |in the road, ove hack at a furious mrart. new-found, friend stood look- get to take it off when you send it —Eggs that are stored in water eaten and essential. The most com- While we were at luncheon a Pace for a quarter of'a mile or more, |ing on, amused but compassionate, [to the laundry. 'glass need not be put down all at mon breeds are Toulouse, African, great racket was heard in the car- to a point where cart tracks diverg- * 1 you what,” he proposed at | one time: they may be added as Imhden, Chinese, Canada (or wild) riage house. Our new car had ed from the highway. Following length. “I've got a good span o’ ——Subscribe for the Watchman convenient. and Egyptian.