Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 03, 1931, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., April 3, 1981,
— —————
—A pigeon net that “often caught
two to three barrels of pigeons at a
single cast,” the pigeon's stool to use
with it and two mounted passenger
pigeons are among the collection of
natural history specimens now in
possession of State College.
This net and stool, according to
the donor, Charles E. Eldon, of Wil-
liamsport were the last to be used in
Pennsylvania, where the passenger
pigeons, now extinct, once passed in
such flocks as to “darken the sun.”
Eldon not only presented the pig-
eon snaring apparatus to the De-
partment of Nature Education of the
college but was influential in obtain-
ing the Frederick L, Kreamer collec-
tion, which contained the passenger
pigeons. In this collection, which was
started before the Civil War, are
more than 1000 specimens, an al-
most complete collection of the birds
and smaller animals of the district.
Kreamer lives at XMontoursville and
made collecting and mounting his
hobby for nearly seventy years.
Some of the details about the pig-
eon net and stool were given by the
donor t~ George R. Green, head of
nature education. Eldon said the ap-
paratus had been used for more than
sixty years in Central Pennsylvania
at the time he obtained it in the late
nineties, from an old couple living
near Williamsport.
Eldon was an active figure in the
early fight for conservation. The net
was used to catch passenger pigeons,
which were killed by the thousands
for market——and in one year they
were gone. The last known passen-
ger pigeon died in the Zoological Gar-
dens at Cincinnati in 1914.
The net itself is light in weight,
has about a five-inch mesh and
measures 38 by 18 feet. The stool
looks like the figure 4 turned on its
face, the crossbar being a stake
which was driven into the ground
and which served as a guide for the
leg. By pulling a cord the leg could
be made to throw a light object into
the air.
The hunter caught a pigeon, sew-
ed its eyelids with silk and placed
it on the leg of the pigeon stool,
The net was fastened to the ground
on one side and the free side held
up by two long poles that could be
released with a great jerk. In
falling the net covered the pigeon
With the net in position and the
sightless pigeon mounted on the stool
the hunter waited until a flock was
passing. ‘The cord was pulled and
the blinded bird thrown into the air.
Screaming the pigeon fluttered back
tc the stool and decoyed the others.
Again and again the blind decoy
was tossed into the air until the
ground was thick with excited pig-
eons. ‘Then the net was dropped,
and another shipment of pigeons
was caught for the market.
A land of the North, where win-
ters are severe and summers with
twilight nights and cool breezes,
supremely refreshing, Sweden, each
year most eagerly welcomes the
spring. Compared with more
southerly climes the change comes
late, with the transformation, there-
fore, all the more rapid and the
awe it inspires correspondingly deep.
Naturally, long ago, spring was a
time of special sacrifices to the gods
of Valhalla, with fervent supplica-
tion for propitious weather and a
good harvest. With the introduc-
tion of Christianity these rituals be-
came indentified with Baster, ard
the old worship of the returning life
power of nature was transformed in-
to the adoration of the risen Savior
and the quickening of faith in a life
to come.
In the soft spring air, at twilight
on Easter eve, columns of smoke
rise on the horizon in every direc-
tion. All winter long the children
have saved odd scraps of wood,
twigs, branches and other combus-
tibles in order to have as big a bon-
fire as possible, and, as the flames
begin to crackle and sparks fly sky-
ward, they compete in athletic con-
Charles A. Krape, et ux, to Cole-
man A. Wingard, tract in Gregg
Twp.; $500,
Clara M. Meyer, et bar, to Nellie
E. Ripka, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
H. J. Markle, et ux, to Andy De-
Braskey, tract in Spring Twp; $1.
William 8. Scholl, et ux, to Leo D.
Scholl, et ux, tract in Bellefonte;
Mary I, C. MacMillin, et bar, to
Centre County Farmers Co-op As-
so., tract in College Twp.; $750.
Charles R. Beatty, et ux, to Beat-
Motor Co. Inc., tract in Bellefonte:
Charles A. Joncs, et ux, to Frank-
lin G. Houtz, et ux, tract in College
Twp; $150.
Anna Dunklebarger, et bar, to
Henry B. Hogy, tract in Bellefonte;
H, D. Meek, et al, to R. H. Meek,
tract in Patton Twp.; $10,000.
P. Benner Meek, et ux, to R. H.
Meek, tract in Patton Twp.; $1.
James W. Swabb to William F.
Taylor, tract in Harris Twp.; $1,500,
John I. Clark to J. W. Clark, et ux,
tract in Benner Twp.; $1.
Samuel Mulbarger, et ux, to Robert
B. Davidson, tract sn Boggs Twp.;
He—“Pardon me, darling,
can't you get the wrinkles
your stockings?”
She—“You brute!
stockings on.”
out of
I have no!
It was little Well's mamma who
found it. She was pulling weeds
from her rose beds, and just as a
‘big bunch of chickweed came up
snake and scream Uncle Jim,
the old colored man, who came run-
ning to see what was the matter;
but when he pulled aside some more
weeds there was a patch of gray
fur, and when that was lifted there
was the cutest little nest—just a
hole in the ground all lined with
gray fur from the mamma rabbit's
breast. And in this warm blanket
were four little things that looked
like mice except their ears were
long and their tails very short. Each
one had a little white spot on its
head and on the tip of its tail, and
they could not open their eyes.
The next day was Easter, and as
little Wells had been wishing and
wishing he could find a rabbit's nest
with some eggs in it, mamma was
so glad that she had found this just
in time and with some thing in it
better than eggs.
When she took him out to see it
Faster morning he was the most de-
lighted little boy you ever saw. They
lifted the top blanket of warm fur,
and there lay the little rabbits curl-
ed up on top of one another; they
raised their heads and wrinkled their
noses in the funniest way, and little
Wells loved them at once, Uncle
Jim said the mamma rabbit would
come that night and take them
away, because she would know some
one had found her nest, but little
Wells covered it with weeds, think-
ing he could fool her, and he could
hardly wait until morning to see if
they had gone. They were still
there, however, and then Uncle Jim
aroused another fear, he said may-
be some bad boy had shot the mam-
ma rabbit while she was out in the
fields, or a dog had killed her, and in
that case the poor little rabbits had
not had any supper and would soon
starve to death!
“We will feed them,” said little
Wells’ older brother, so he got some
warm milk and dipped a piece of
cotton cloth in it for the rabbits to
suck. Then he carefully lifted one
of the little fellows out of the nest
and put the cloth to his nose, but
the little fellow would not open his
mouth, and even when it was forced
open he wouldn't swallow a drop of
the milk, but uttered a pitiful little
squeak. So the children had to put
him back, and they grieved all day
for fear the rabbits were hungry.
The next day the children had an
Easter party, and mamma said it
would be just the thing to wind up
with a look at the rabbit's nest, so
after the egg hunt and the ice cream
she took them to the nest, all march-
ing in a line.
Every day for a week the nest
was anxiously inspected, and as the
rabbits grew fast and thrived, the
fear that their mother was dead dis-
appeared. Finally one day mamma
was taking some ladies through her
garden and stopped to show the rab-
bits, for grown people were as in-
terested as children. Just as the
gray blanket was lifted out jumped
a little rabbit and hid under a bush:
another followed him and ran, by
funny little leaps, to the far end of
the garden, where they could not be
found; only one stayed in the nest,
Next morning the nest was empty
except for the gray blanket, and Un-
cle Jim said the rabbit had let the
little ones follow her so she could
teach them to hunt their own food
and live in the woods. And that
was the last seen of them.
soft her
" ed to
There are legends ior every holi-
day on the calendar, but none so
lovely as those woven around Eas-
ter. Legends are always fascinat-
ing don't you think? Somehow, we
never outgrow them, never lose com-
pletely that joy and eagerness with
which we awaited the reply to our
“Won't You Tell Me a Story?”
This, then, is an Easter story,
and I love writing it. Just think
of the different Easter symbols, and
how their stories have come down
through the ages, until we have al-
most forgotten the original meanings
in the association with the present!
Many of the legends first started
with the ancient rituals, and were
carried over for countless genera-
The downy, fluffy yellow chicks;
the multi-colored and chocolate eggs:
the pink and white sugar bunnies—
all have their traditional meanings.
Neither time nor tide can spoil a
(really good legend!
The egg comes first among the
Easter symbols, and it stands for
life and re-birth of Springtime. In
this way it has become associated
with the Resurrection when new
hope was given to the world.
But why the colored eggs? Ah,
that's a most interesting story!
Coloring the eggs represents the
earth's throwing off the white man-
tle of snow, which is winter's regalia,
and taking on the new bright color-
ed hues of spring. The children
alawys love that one.
It's a long, winding-story that
connects the bunny with Easter, In
the olden. olden days, the hare was
associated with the moon, and be-
cause Easter is set for the first Sun-
day after the full moon following
March 21st, the bunny and BEaster
develoned a mutual relationship.
You know, the hare, like the moon,
is supposed never to close its eyes,’
and that's how the legend began and
In Germany, the children tell a
myth about the bunny who lays all
these brightly colored eggs. The
storv is as poonular as the Santa
Claus tales which we have.
The lily, too, has become the spe-
cial symbol of Easter, and like the
egg and the chick, it represents the
new birth of soringtime, and adds
another thought, that of purity snd
—The Watchman is without a
peer in the mewspaper fleld.
‘More Than Million in
Twenty States Fed by
Red Cross Volunteers
Hot School Lunches and Bal-
anced Rations Given to
Drought Victim: —Seed Pro-
grams Instituted on Wide
More than 1,000,000 persons in 862
drought-stricken counties of 20 States
came under the care of the American
Red Cross in what developed into the
most extensive relief operations in hal’
a century of ministering to stricke:
Measures to lessen the severity of
the blow inflicted by drought were
taken as early as last September, when
seed was distributed to more than 58,
000 families for the planting of rye and
other pastures, and to more than 27,
000 families for the planting of kitchen
gardens. The expenditure for this pur
pose amounted to $326,800. Green vege
tables were made available up to the
first of January.
Early in February another Red Cros.
sarden program got under way and
507,000 packages of seed were distrib
uted in 15 states. Quarter-acre plots
were planted to beans, beets, cabbage,
carrots, collard, sweet corn, kale, let:
tuce, mustard, okra, onions, peas,
spinach, squash, tomatoes and turnips.
Once again were farm families given
the opportunity to participate in their
own salvation.
A comparatively mild winter contrib
uted to the success of the Spring and
Fall seed campaigns. Many habitual
single-croppers were introduced to the
advantages of kitchen gardens, bal
anced cropping and balanced diet
Numerous land-owners have expressed
the opinion that this constitutes the
one apparent blessing to come out of
the drought catastrophe. The United
States Department of Agriculture and
the local county agricultural agents
and home demonstration agents co
operated in making this part of the re
lief operations outstandingly success
Balanced Meals Served
Red Cross feeding was aimed at ade
quacy and scientific correctness, as
well as simple economy. In large num:
bers of schools, where children were
found to be attending with little or
nothing in their lunch boxes, hot meals
were served at noon. A typical menu
consisted of vegetable soup and bread
one day; thick beef soup or stew with
vegetables another day; cocoa or milk
and cheese, peanut butter, or jam
sandwiches, a third day.
In some places where lunches wers
not served in the schools, but were pro-
vided for in the regular food orders,
each family having school children re
ceived extra staples for school lunches
including peanut butter, raisins, prunes
and tomatoes. Red Cross nutritionists
instructed mothers in the preparatior
of lunches.
County heaith officers ard private
physicians commended the adequacy
of rations procured om orders issued
by Red Cross chapters, which were
dlled at local stores. Besides the usual
staples, such as corn meal, flour, lard,
meat, beans and potatoes, such items
as canned salmon, cabbage, tomatoes,
vegetables and milk were provided.
each order being adapted to the special
needs of the family for whom it was
fssued. Where yellagra threatened,
eggs, yeast and other preventives wers
Thousands of Volunteer Workers
Many thousands of volunteers,
through their local Red Cross chapters,
gave freely of their time, experience
and efforts, as in other Red Cross dis-
aster operations. They searched out
needy cases in their communities,
many “being restrained from
asking assistance because of pride.
Chapter committees investigated cir
cumstances, distributed food and cloth-
More than 500 carloads of foodstuft.
were contributed. These were given
free haulage by railroads. Farmers of
more fortunate sections embraced the
opportunity to help their pastoral
cousins of the affected area. Shipments
ranged from live poultry to fish, from
grain to grapefruit. Carloads of flour,
eggs, beans, vegetables, onions, rice,
corn and mixed vegetables were in
As the result of co-ordinated Re.
Cross chapter efficiency, not one au
thenticated case of starvation as a re
alt of drought has been uncovered.
Large quantities of new and use.
clothing were distributed. In direct
consequence many school children re
sumed their studies who had been kept
at home for lack of sufficient protection
from the elements. In some instances
rural schools that had been closed
were enabled to reopen as a result of
Red Cross reliet work.
States involved were: Alabama, A.
kansas, Georgia, lilinois, Indiana, Ken
tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missis
sippl, Missouri, Montana, North Caro
lina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vir
ginia, West Virginia.
Many of these States had been har.
nit by a succession of floods, crop fail
ures, low prices and economic depres
sion, and drought constituted a clima>
*o the cycle of distress.
“Wherever ! went,” wrote one o.
server, “1 made a point of asking wha!
would have happened if the Red Cros:
had not been able to respond. In wide
ly scattered points, from leading citi
zens, came the answer that vandoubted
ly there would have beep ni ny death:
directly from starvation. with epi
demics preying upon the undernouv
——————— A ————
—We do your job work right,
of environment for it to ve. | another cross motion, wires
In the manufacture of soap, after | shape,
numbers of | the soap is cut into horizontal slabs.
stock and some human lives in | These are placed on another cutting
Ty machine which divides the slabs in-
can't law game back; you've | to long sticks, which are then cut
by creating the t | into cakes on the same machine by
— employed in both operations.
chamber are stam
The ty of a stamping
reduced to a| machine is 100,000 cakes a day. The
e 1,000 pound cake of | cakes are carefully inspected before
is forced through a framework | being put into the boxes.
D. you have to
take towels out
to the light to be
sure they're the
ones you want?
Good light in your
linen closet, as in
all your other
closets, will save
you steps every day.
16-Day Excursions
Fridays, April 3, 10
Monday, May 25
Saturday, June 20
Fridays, June 26, October 2
Round Trip from
Proportionate Fares from Other Points
For details as to leaving time of trains, fares
in parlor or sleepi
stop-over -
leges, side trip to Atlantic City, or other tn
formation, consult Ticket Agents. o
Reamy, nrg bis Ant
liamsport, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Be Cheerful! |
Hard times induce gloom and, while cheer-
fulness alone will not affect a cure, gloom
retards recovery.
Soldiers, and not brass bands, win battles—
but music inspires soldiers. Let us all try
to think that better times are just around
the corner.
Maybe they are.
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
. .
Good Printing.
at the
There is mo style of work, from
the cheapest ** ger” to the fin-
that we cam not do in the most
satisfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
on le
oul « or communicate with this
This Interests You &
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan, 1
Julsory. We gpecialize in plac-
such insurance, We
Plants and recommend A t
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College
————— EE ———— - T
al Ie I IE
qUeguit gil gl | dogs Ly 4
NEE oe] He Lead ted the
Baney’s Shoe Store ¢
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 4]
ssoupsng Oyj uj sawei 0 Fed
Four] Reasons Why You Should Buy 3i
Your New Spring Suit at Fauble’s
Reason One —\Woolens the Best from Home and Abroad.
Reason Two — Tailoring, Prideful Work of Skilled Tailors.
Reason Three —Smart, without being Tricky.
Three good reasons aside from Moderate Prices, which is {Ui
a good one all by itself— L
$22.50 $25.00 $32.50 3
For Suits that would have cost from $10.00 to $15.00 more a year ago.
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Et I] Leal Ie] Te Lae] ed PE I Th 3 1