Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1931, Image 5

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    ———————————————— EE ——
Miss Mildred Askey
the pest several days.
Walter Weber, of Monessen, spent
Saturday at his home here.
Miss Nelle Holter, of State College,
has been ill| William Smith is recovering from
an attack of
Several new houses here are well
along the way to completion.
Myra Fortney has almost recover-
spent the week-end at her home here. led from an attack of scarlet fever,
“rank Miller and family have
proud parents of a 7-1-2 pound baby |
boy. !
Miss Mae Orr, of is |
Ww. Orr.
George Hoy, of Hubiersburg, visit- |
ed his sister, Mrs. Fietta Harter, on]
Sunday. |
Mrs. T. A. Pletcher and Miss Vonda
Johnsfon spent the week-end in Wil-
C. R. Wynn, of
Sunday guest of
Altenderfer. :
Mr. and Mrs. Kline R. Wolfe call-
ed on friends and relatives in Aarons-
burg, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chalk, of
Philadelphia, are visiting the latter's
father, A. A. Schenck.
Mrs. J. F. Winklebleck who has
been confined to her home by illness,
is able to be around again.
Mrs. Walter J. Kurtz entertained
the members of the Social Club at her
home last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Howard Nagle, of Milesburg,
and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer were
Lock Haven shoppers, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer
spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Lutz, in State College.
Miss Emma Pletcher returned
home, Friday evening, after spending
several weeks with relatives in Phila-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rathmel en-
tertained a number of friends at a
card party, at their home, Saturday
Hon. and Mrs. P. E, Cauffiel and
family, of Johnstown, visited Mrs.
Cauffiel's mother, Mrs. Stella V.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams and
niece, Miss Phyllis Swanson, were
visitors with G. A. Ekdahl and fam-
ily, Sunday.
Miss Alice Pletcher returned to
Philadelphia, Monday, after spending
the winter months with her mother,
Mrs. Lyde Pletcher.
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Horner and
son, Tommie, of State College, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Kane.
Miss Emma Pletcher entertained
the members of the Keystone Bible
class of the M. E, church, at her
home, Wednesday evening.
Mr, and Mrs, D. M. Waite and little
daughter, Caroline, of Tyrone, spent
the week-end with Mrs. Waite's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Confer.
Misses Vera Thompson and Char-
ity Yearick, who are attending a
commercial school, in Altoona, spent |
the week-end at their homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Teaman, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald |
Marker, of Bellefonte, spent Satur-|
Sunbury, was a
Mr. and Mrs. Girard
day evening with James F. Kane
and family,
Mrs. Walter Weber and children,
of Monessen, who had been visiting
at the home of Mrs. John Weber re-
turned to their home, Wednesday,
accompanied by Miss Nelle Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Laird, of Car-
son, are the proud parents of a son.
Both Mr. and Mrs, Laird were for-
mer residents here. Mrs. Laird
will be remembered as Miss Fietta
Mrs. Joseph’ Rathmel entertained
the members of the Civic Club at her
home, last Wednesday evening. After
the regular business meeting, deli-
cious refreshments were servd anda
social hour enjoyed by all,
Misses Nelle Weber, Anna Muffly,
Mrs. Joseph Rathmel, Mrs. Girard
Altenderfer and Hilda Leathers at-
tended the special meeting of the
Eastern Star, in Bellefonte, Tuesday
Sunday callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H.T. McDowell were Prof.
and Mrs, M. S. McDowell, Mrs. Mil-
ton S. McDowell Jr., Miss Henrietta
McDowell, Miss Cora Snyder, and
Miss Shaffer, of State College, and
Robert Stewart, of Lock Haven.
Floyd Yearick, the local represen-
tative of the John Deere Plow Co.
ve a free movie at the Grange
all, Hublersburg, Wednesday after-
noon at 1:30, and Wednesday eve-
ning at 7:30, The film which is
furnished to their representatives by
the John Deere Co., consists of about
two hours entertainment showing
farm scenery and demonstrating
farm implements. The picture was
of special interest to the farmers of
the community. Mr. Yearick was
assisted by M. M. Lucas, of Lewis-
burg, and Don. H. Williams, of Syra- |
cuse, N. Y., special tractor agent.
H. B. Shattuck, et al, Exec, to
George Mitchell, et ux, tract in State
College; $8,000.
Theodore B. Haupt, et ux, to Boyd |
Krape, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.; |
$3,2000. |
John F. Schenck, et ux, to Joseph
F. Hern, et ux, tract in Howard
Twp.; $1,800.
George W. Steele to Lundy M.
Steele, tract in Huston Twp.; $1.
George W. Steele to A. Elwood
Steele, tract in Huston Twp.; $1.
Charles P. Garbrick, et ux, to
George W. Lyon, et ux, tract in|
Spring Twp.; $1. |
Jacob O. Confer to Harvey J.
Markle, tract in Spring Twp.; $1.-
500. i
moved into the W. H. Long proper- Calnmo struck a plentiful
| water.
‘a several month's sojourn in
‘here from Lancaster county,
| Florida, while
John A,
supply of |
Drilling down 160 feet
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coder are the; Mrs. L. S. Rhodes has returned | Make.
from a visit with friends in Wilkes- |
Barre. t
Philadephia, W. R. Port and family motored 0S
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Beech Creek and spent Sunday with | CA County. 76 me airected: will De |
Samuel H. Tate and wife, of Lew-
istown, were Sunday visitors with
friends here.
A little daughter arrived in the
H. L, Dale home on March 10th,
their fifth child.
J. W. Sunday and son Harry are
away on a visit with friends in
| Cambria county.
Thomas Wogan, wife and two!
sons, of Altoona, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Esther Corl.
Quite a number of large flocks of
wild geese have flown over this sec-
tion on their way north.
A recent letter from Henry Mec-
Williams, at Lancaster, states that
he is improving in health.
Walter Dreibelbis had to go down
190 feet to find a supply of water
on his farm at White Hall.
Mrs. James P. Aikens has returned
from a month's trip to Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Selinsgrove,
Mrs. Adeline Fye and daughter,
Mrs. John Holmes, spent several
days, last week, in Williamsport.
The fire brigade was called out,
Monday night. to extinguish a small
fire at the home of A. L. Burwell.
Miss Anna Kline Musser is help-
ing to take care of the sick at the
R. H. Stine home, at State College.
George Long and wife, of Penn's
Cave, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Royal Kline.
Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty
spent the latter end of the week
with their daughter, Mrs. Ella Cox.
The Lohr brothers have moved
from the Ed Moore farm, near town,
to the Gregg farm, m Potter town-
It is rumored that Will Daugherty
and wife have leased the Ideal res-
taurant and will open it in the near
H. D. Meek and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Deal have returned from
South. i
Public sales in this section have
been fairly well attended and stock
brought fair prices, especially hogs
and pigs.
Mrs. Florence Fleming has de-
cided to quit housekeeping and will
sell her household goods at public
sale in the near future. !
Supervisor W. H. Glenn has re-
ceived notice to hold himself in read-
iness to report to the State Highway
Department at Erie whenever noti-'
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Louck motored!
week, and spent a few days with
friends. They like their new home
very much.
Mrs. Ida Harpster entertained a
number of friends at a chicken and.
waffle dinner, at her home at Guyer,
last Friday. Mrs. David Tressler
was the guest of honor.
Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kepler, with
their daughter, Mrs. Katherine Blok,
and Mrs. Sarah Everts, motored to
Tionesta and spent several days with
their aunt, Mrs. Nellie Davis.
C. G. Aikens and Howard Stuart
are away on a six week's trip to
Hiram Lee has re-
turned home from that State, where
he spent a good part of the winter.
Th annua! meeting of the Chris-
tian Endeavor society was held in
the lecture room or the Lutheran
church on Friday evening. Rev. J..
S. English presided and put through
a fine program. Refreshments were
also served.
OR RENT.—The old Quaker manse
on the Academ roperty. Inquire
of James R. Hughes, y 160
Hosiery for Easter, a full fashion-
ed for 25c, This 1s
ber, ask to see them.
numbers at 50c and less
Red Clover, Imported and Home- |
Grown—Alsyke, Alfalfa, |
Timothy, Field and Garden Seed
All the Highest
Tested Quality
Olewine’s Tardvate
Our best Cretonnes are 25¢ now.
ioods for Slip Covers, The Lace
i ovorad pies Svc in:
ve. we n e v
Jon't buy goods without seeing them.
See the Mountain Mist Glazed Com-
fort Cotton—An Oming ih white as
low as S¢ the yard. th goods re-
duced as they are mow your meney
should go twice as far.
‘ner of the intersection of
lot No. 138, in a South easter]
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a|
writ of Alias Fieri Facias issued
the Court of Common Pleas |
to pul sale 1
House in the Borough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY April 10th, 19381,
The Following Property: |
ALL that certain iot and parcel of
Eround situate in the Borough of State
ollege, County of Centre and State of
Pennsylvania, nded and described as
follows, to-wit:—
BEGINNING &t the South western cor-
West Beaver
Avenue and Lot No. 138, recently sold to
the First National Bank of State College,
State College, Pa.: thenee along line of
eighty-five (85) feet to Iron n; thence
thro Lot No. 1389, along line of part of
said lot heretofore sold by Paul J. Smith,
et ux., to Milton 8S. McDowell. Jr., in a
South westerly direction fifty (50) feet to
Iron Pin; thence along Lot No. 140, now
or late of Neil Fleming, ina North
westerly direction eighty-five (85) feet to |
Iron n, on West Beaver Avenue; thence
along West Beaver Avenue in a North |
easterly direction a distance of fifty (50)
feet to the place of beginning.
BEING part of Lot No. 139, conveyed
by James S. Martin to Paul J. Smith, by
deed dated July 22nd. 1921, and recorded
in Deed Book Vel. 15, page 6383, and
which said lot fronts fifty (50) feet on
West Beaver Avenue, and extends back
in parallel lines a distance of eighty-five
(85) feet.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Paul J. Smith.
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
of said day. i
Terms cash. i
H. PF. DUNLAP, Sheriff |
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
March 14th 1931. 76-12-3t
handle more Piece Goods,
than auy store in town—
lowest prices, finest
Reason, very
qualities, at attractive prices,
Shoe Repairing
Shining and Dyeing
In Room on West High Street for-
merly occupied by Thomas Fleming.
Near P. R. R. Passenger Station
ed by the af
{ istiibution of the balance in the hands
1 0 .
| appointinent on Friday, the tenth day
of ‘april, A. D. aM ten o'clock 2
| Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, p> when
nterested are re-
prove their claims
‘or be forever dcharred from coming In
— double-room of- | TV XECUTRICE'S — Letters tes- OUSE FOR RENT.—6 room house, BAR- B-Q
fics and several is. | J lamentary estate of lar. H Nght. furnace and baths & Dancing and Good Service
To.13.1¢ CHAS. B. DOR TH, Agen J EEE having Zimmerman, Reynolds Ave. Bellefonte. at the
persons to
' the same are to prompt
RIST WATCH LOSE-A runs [htint 4 GUIS: Sait Fol | C1 TRATAD come to nome or, wader Sunflower
ME en hands, | *aid must present them, duly signed, in Halfmoon Twp., a brown STATION
and a ribbon band was lost some. Authenticated, for iden Swiier can have sama by FILLING i
Thereday, or Friday. i“. was of AL ag Walker, BRIN Rusthe | -o Mattern, Port Matilda. Sox ( Bast of Town ) 76-11-4¢
Att . 310 'W. Fairmount Ave., | "
Finder wil be fewarded vy ve. , honey State gy —— am
UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter
A of the Estate of William H. Stuart.
In the Orphan's Court of
county, Pennsylvania. at
The undersigned, an Auditor appoint-
orenamed to make
Foot Specialist Here
1 have secured the services of DR. E. P. KANE, of Toledo, Ohio, prom-
inent FOOT CORRECTION SPECIALIST, who will conduct a Foot Clinic
in my office at BELLEFONTE on MARCH 30TH and APRIL 1ST; and at
Dr. Kane does not use the knife or metal arch support, but has a sys-
tem by which he glves immediate relief to most foot conditions.
Foot troubles are responsible for most so-called rheumatic conditions,
swollen ankles, and are among the easiest of human ailments to correct.
arrison Walker Esq.,
in fact, for the said deceased,
by the firsi and final account
the above named Court, to an among
those legally entitled to receive the same,
will meet to perform the duties of his
filed in
quired to present and
on said funds.
76-12-3t KLINE WOODRING, Auditor
If your feet are in trouble do not fail to see Dr. Kane.
examination. Phone for appointment.
Bellefonte State College
No charge for
Spray Lime Our Specialty
Also All Forms
Agricultural Lime
and Limestone
We Stock Copper Sulphate
for Local Distribution.
Write or Call us for Prices.
Plant at Pleasant Gap, Pa.
Friday, Satur., This Week—
Charles (Buddy) Rogers, Stu-
art Erwin and Wm. Austin in
“Along Came Youth”
* You'll laugh 'till it hurts. ALSO
First Episode Rin Tin Tin in
“The Lone Defender”
This Serial will be shown every Fri-
day afternoon after school and Sat-
urday afternoon in addition to regu-
lar program,
Get Your Badges and
Win a Free Pass.
Monday, Tues., Wednes., the
Richelieu will present the
great stars of “Manslaughter”
—Claudette Colbert and
Frederic March—in
“Honor Among Lovers”
with an All Star Support—
Fire Insurance
Does yours represent the val-
ue of your property five years
ago or today? We shall be
glad to help you make sure that
your protection is adequate to
your risks,
If a check up on your property
values indicates that you are
only partially insured—let us
bring your protection up to date.
Hugh M. Quigley
Temple Gourt, Bellefonte, Pa.
Dependanle Insurance
Showing 7.15 and 9p. m., Daily
All This Week—
Charlie Chaplin in
“City Lights”
First showing in Central Penna. and
at Lowest Prices anywhere—Chil-
dren 10c., Aduits 25 and 35¢.
All next week—Richard Arlen
and Fay Wray in
“Tt C * 1 H le”
of the West
you laugh and
—————————— © To —————— =
Look Your Very Best
Even if your own pride in your appearance would
permit you to be a bit slack about dressing up
for Easter, remember that the lady in the case—
either Miss or Mrs.—wants her escort to attire in
keeping with her Smart Easter Outfit.
Lower Prices Without Lower Quality
and we have put it over. Judge for yourself. Not for
many years have you seen such values as you will see
here RIGHT NOW. Everything that man or boy wears
—from the shoes on their feet to the hats on their heads—
and at prices that will make you exclaim :
The Good Old Times Are Here Again
Look your best this Easter. A little money will
do it, if you come here to the Fauble Store—the
Best Men’s Store in Central Pennsylvania.