Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1931, Image 1

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—Falling incomes are giving more
concern these days than fall-
ing arches. Flat feet are uncom- tsburgh ait batted ‘3 Wu Ot She
fortable but flat pocketbooks are un- v {ean Wir TAs PB
bearable. '
RE {Martsot. to tke a Tews seut; diove ie
3 | car to suburban Carmel, there
hs 1st the Legislature hug dome om me mm robbed Martsof and bound him. He was
STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. | found by a passing motorist.
sentative Musmanno, of Allegheny ——_— Erdman former! Shamo-
county, offered to slap the Hon. | ha ET on Sidney
Holmes on the mouthandourworthy VOL. 76. BELLEFONTE, PA.,, MARCH 27, 1931. NO. 13. [Kb wa ou on ha ham 0
that three MU SIN A NINOS | mmm
————— —— ™ | nis farm near Klingerstown. Financial
couldn't do that to him. Great Two Statements of Unemployment. Pinchot’s Proposed Fair, Rate Board. Pinchot’s Hypocrisy Exposed. FIFTY YEARS AGO 1everses suffered when his crops failed
work, gentlemen. — afer ee : CENTRE COUNTY, last fall because of the drought
On the 7th of March a year ago, The Pinchot bill to abolish the Pub- The House of Representatives has NO plus ial usenuge fol
—If you see a gentleman on the po. gent Hoover issued an official lic Service Commission and substitute repudiated Pinchot's hypocrisy. It Items taken from the Watchman issue _tnree scholarships, each good for
Skreet powing sud veisg his hat oo. tement on the subject of unem- a precisely similar organization un- has refused to even seriously com- of April 1, 1881. | four years of university training, will be
don't mp aS | ployment, in which, upon the author- Pr nor mame was introduced in sider hls industrial police bill fOr mc. children of George Koon, | waricq the Nour lo som © CLE
aot ynagine e gone “Bay- ji "oe the Department of Commerce the General Assembly on Monday the reason that it's obvious purpose ,¢ pieasant Gap, have died from | Ynia Railroad employees, according
He is a candidate and sees - | an announcement Vv.
‘and Labor, it was alleged that dis. evening. The new measure would di- Was not to protect employees of In- that dreadful disease, scarlet fever. | 2° by R. Massey, vice
w Judy ay 3 lock away, on the {ri o) unemployment was limited to | vide the State into seven districts enterprises but aggrandize All within a period of ten days. | president io chamgey of, personnel. Hi-
gs hgh o might ; ove States; that the “low point” and elect by popular vote one mem The bill proposed to organ- | x } awinations Sg $
ooking at him. These are os pusiness and unemployment was ber for each district for a term of izes ‘train, maintain and pays |, --Mis. Anna McBride attained her |
times when candidates are fightin’ i The 4th district would police force to be hired loaned to | (oth birthday anniversary on Sun- 6 —After he pleaded guilty to embez-
that silly excuse: “I passed him on | December, 1029, and January, Seven YASre or ‘day. All the living members of the sling $3075 from the government, Cleman
the re Be other Jay and Bi 11930, and that “all the evidences be composed of Bedford, Fulton, corporations throughout the State, | family were home for the celebra- | C. Clemens, former postmaster at New
aver noticed me” y © indicate that the worst effects of Huntingdon, Perry, Juniata, Mifflin, such corporations to pay the State tion: Mrs. Bolton, of Oil City; Mrs. | Columbia, Pa, was sentenced to three
aye me. the crash upon unemployment will Snyder, Union, Somerset, Cambria, for their services while employed. Bartruff, of this place, and Miss months in the Northumberland county
four have been passed during the next Blair, Center, Clinton, Lycoming; It invested these policemen with all Mary who lives with her mother in |
after sixty days” The census, and powers of city po- the old homestead at the corner of on Monday. The court was informed
Jand- Within a few weeks from the fssue | Clearfield, Armsirig, Clayion_a34 Hosen ung Snstables. The uly | Alleghany and Bishop streets. = Clemens had made complete restitu-
| of his statement, ve the volume erson counties, and q as difference between orce for, .
vary Uy is ot 2 Lat ie, Ov. | oo The curbatons Markel il OPen| Charged with having misappropriated
‘of unemployment at approximately safe for the Pinchot machine in pros-
thrilling expe i i and embezzled money belonging to the
ber life boat. Thrilling enough we 2,500,000. There is a strong sus. | pective, as the 1st District, Philadel- ernor exercised the appointing pow- | em y ng to e
should think, without his having to picion that the figures were “doctor- Phia, would be for the Vare organi- er and control. | —Geo. H. Wolf has become sole ei ER wm 4
add that whopper about the sharks ed” for political effect. gation, a discrimination in favor of It was simply a stupid scheme to Owner of Wall aware establish- | ~"C "rested on Monday. Her arrest
at nim while he was pad- Secretary Lamont, of the Depart- Pinchot of about half a million. increase public patronage for trad- jienr SPCR CO er having re-| Cl caused by Joseph Walton, a town-
dling about in the rubber boat. It ment of Commerce, issued a state. But the fact that the measure is Ing purposes in the Governor's plan ship supervisor, who alleges she failed
seems strange | ment on the subject of unemplo . wilfully discriminatory is not the to create a political machine to pro- —Mr. Peters, late manager of the to make good on a $500 check returned
i SEY hat with yg fe on the Fibjes of March, vg principal cause of complaint against mote his ambition to control the Bush house, has taken the Mountain unpaid.
puncture and deflate the boat. 'in which he places the unemployed it, though that is a valid objection. Pennsylvania delegation in the Re- house in Snow Shoe and intends Somerset county's production of maple
‘at 6,050,00, plus about 300,000 who The legislation is unnecessary and publican National convention, next Making it a summer resort place, syrup to date has far surpassed that of
—The Governor's idea of having gare “laid off without pay.” This is predicated upon a false pretense. The year, and this purpose was so ap- He made 3250000 in the JeB MiOuths | otter years, it was announced last week.
all earnings of public utility com- propably an underestimate but must present Public Service Commission parent that the servile members of aa fortified ® push a | Favorable weather conditions for the
panies in excess of seven per cent pe accepted because it comes from in this State is execrable in the ex- the House of Representatives were tyre, fo we a ee x the
escheat to the State is a typical ,mcial sources. But it reveals an treme, made so by the exigencies of unable to swallow it. It had no re- | tree’ ‘grove in Eiklick township os
Pinchot proposal. Always he plays increase of unemployment within a the Republican party which created semblance to the protective measure —D. P. Ray Esq, one of Tyrone’s ,..... twelve barrels of maple sugar per
inflaming it with insinuations thatit figures are accepted as accurate. It ginning. But that is no reason the pol- earners during the campaign. But Place last TouSsduy He had been |...
is being robbed. You would find |gnows moreover, that President icy expressed in its creation should it is characteristic of its author, “°C °° for'a long time. | —Abram Swisher, 27, a farmer, died in
no Pinchot money invested in an | goover has no conception of the eco- be condemned. Public Service Com- whose single purpose is self-ag- —The St. Cloud hotel at Houtz- a Waynesboro hospitsl last Thursday
enterprise that had to pay its excess nomic conditions of the country or missions are functioning effectively grandizement. In presenting such dale, under the management of Col. evening from a broken neck which he
to the State in good years | aise that he deliberately misrepre- 0 other States and in the United a measure of legislation he insulted | Geo: Woodin, is peing.. redaiiited, | “afored in a wrestling bout with Benjamin
and then have no surplus with which | sents facts in order to promote the States. The law creating the Pennsy- the intelligence of both Senators and | Papered and newly ed, in Needy, in the barn of Howard Pents.
to pay dividends in the lean ones. interests of the Republican party di- lvania board is defective but was Representatives in the General As-,
| ; ublic won't know the ular hos- he and Needy decided to stage a gym-
—fThere is a great deal of talk rectly and his own ambitions in. made so purposely by the Republi: sembly. Biry when he gets through refur- |nastic exhibition in the haymow and
about a new book that is out: “Tne | cidentally. ‘can machine, and the remedy is not | Representative Musmanno, of pishing it. after several minutes of tense action, the
Road to Culture” It might be all This country has had some pretty in abolishing, but in correcting its Pittsburgh, had introduced a bill former became unconscious after a fall
that the ree "the manners of |1y short life but our present Chief There is no virtue in the changing Under his bill the contemplated tne [0 the dam at Fock Haves last', pideof tour manta. was ford dess
ar a in woncerned we have an | Magistrate is the first who might be CL 1 TU “A rose by any other name dustrial police force would be re- iu Pronght Oot of | iM, her kitchen, at Lewistown, by her
I at has it shinned's mile’ in| justly acoysed of wilfully and Babil- will smell as sweet,” and have the strained in its activities within oer EN gag gop |mmbnd when he ve ted Nur ve
getting results. Why not create | ually misrepresenting official statis- Same number of thorns. And that is 'Mmits of the property it was assign- together at the mouth of the creek. asph from gus whish had
, tics for san purposes. Here- the only difference between the b- ed to protect. It would be enlisted It was the largest raft re ihe | ccaped from. an- open jet of 4 Sua range.
offices enough so that at least every lic Service Commissi it is to- i It is believed that her death was entire-
voter would have to run for one once tofore a tement of fact coming "° ce on as ‘under the auspices of the State and brought down the river. ly accidental and that the lighted gas
in five years. In one decade we'd from the White House could be relied day and the Fair Rate Board as pro- paid by the corporation or concern tor own out without
‘by —1Ida, the five year old
‘upon as truthful But every now Posed by the Pinchot legislation. by whi it were employed, and 3 Clarissa Sangh!
vernest, let-me-do-it-for-you peoples and oe et estion as to Mr. Hoov. What has been learned from the ex. | exercise no police power other than Srarlet fever, at the family home
|er's veracity is raised and singular- | erience of the last few years and protecting property. Being familiar | port Matlida, on the 26th. ' _Richard Wilson, high school student,
Io wncugh is ‘Dever answered because | the evidence revealed by the double. With the sublect Mr. Musmanno ; ; i
We are against repeal of the guery attempt at verification is barreled investigation is that thelaw | pleaded with the Governor to ap-| —John M. Kline's residence, in| pang until he turned a page. Wilson
Biue Laws. They are obsolete and plocked by rove Howard township,
n pros-
legalized Sunday sports. There on dry law enforcement is as much tituted to the base service of the Re-
nd shortly thereafte: ‘was _noti-
: fT a : : ~ But fees eof John “Harriso) 's family, “the puzzle he had ~ submitted
efforts in that direction were futile, two of Mr. From's and one of Robert "4 eal s hii prise Bagh wt
His bill wouldn't serve Pinchot's Barnes’, all of Pleasant Gap, are in {We “Ci ns
would be stated. But on the other side of the
sports for Sunday were the motive gisappearance of Charlie Ross. ‘sembly will strengthen the law as | purpose. ‘a dangerous condition with scarlet CO a. eh informed that the
not mercenary. Let those who | proposed by the Senate investigating ———— | fever. | Da would we return for a large
want to play golf play it Let) ___ Mr Vare is home and in com- committee the Commission will serve, Senator Vare is back from' Gen. Beaver and Edward L. number of magazine subscriptions.
those who want to play baseball mang but he may not be able to the purpose for which it was created. Florida. Mayor Mackey and Director Gray, of the Morning News, madea ~Plans are progressing "steadily for
play it. Let those who want tO ggeemble hisarmy in sufficient force Schofield have had a graad time trip to State College on Wednesday, the 103rd anniversary of the formation
race their horses, race them. It is ¢, gave the organization. — Safety director Schofield, of while he was away. Both will pe notwithstanding spow Storm, of the Odd Fellows to be observed at
not for us to say that such diversion Philadelphia, has the confidence of watching their step more closely which was one of the heaviest falls Benton, April 28. More than 5000 three
is sin on the part of another. OUI Governor Pinchot's Plans in Peril the church element and the courage | from now on, for when all is guid 10! He Vister. ink men from 26 counties n the dis
idea of that is that every individual ng:t) the church element and the courage TN ne William S. is still in the Today the fittings’ will be OB iing of | expected to alind. New
keeps his own siate with his God. Current gossip, according topress seen whether these elements are saddle in Philadelphia. We Ore IHG | a Toe vant ar mere. will| JE Of the On EE Ol ae
As to legalizing Sunday sports, legal- dispatches from Harrisburg, indicate stronger than Chartie Hall interested in what becomes of either be more than the usual number Of pration, A business session of the an-
izing isn't the word. Commercial- a sad disruption of the Pinchot plans : —_ Mackey or Schofield, but as a Cen- |first of April movings. niversary association will be held in the
izing is what the proponents of such and promises. There is not only talk tre countain | morning, ihe will feature the
BY : wud ane Tee ry ani: YI the Screen Rob the Forum. untain we are interested in I __philipsburg business men are MornE pajade ure
ne | Gordon Foster's chances of becom- afternoon and at the evening meeting
the money changers out of gas tax law but one of the most ex- Are “the movies” in a conspiracy ing U. 8. Judge for that city. He Limi Et Busi. |the past grands’ degree will be confer-
the Temple and we're with those perienced correspondents writes: to wreck this great land of liberty? |is supported by Senator Vare and ness is booming over there and there
who want to keep them out of the “Sheer necessity may force the Gov- Complaints have been made against that is a position on the part of the | 18 not enough housing to meet the, —A new centrifugal electric pump in-
po bE EE SE kat 2 Uo So
-—We witnessed our first amateur : otk r many dorse, Mr. Foster isof Centre coun- Dr, J. C, McEntyre, dentist of ted for the first time on
Sonne etiition, a Tew nights ago. | Would deprive, the State of ap- years. It has been repeatedly ty stock, meaning that no surer Spring Mills, has left that place Ba | i prowontiond. the o-
. »" "proximately $15,000,000 of revenue, charged that they are dest ! |
We saw two “sure things” and one Pr° y roying guaranty of sterling character could will be located in Lock Haven after periment a success when more than 600
«push-over” do their stuff. There | 204 the tease is not in shape to the eyes of the people, and with less be had and his elevation to the Fed- today. | gallons of water a minute were pumped
was no competition among the gentle- | Jusuty e sacrifice. The Governor frequency but equal positiveness, eral bench would add materially to — |out of the mine. This pump has about
' ne of their arms | PTOPP1Y knew this when he that they are slowly but surely shat- public respect for the int of —Onl hteen da more, | twice the capacity of the present electric
re lifted in Ly. State's poet- | ade the promise, but it seemed like tering the nerves of the nation. It those who administer the oy we're Ba the Yast excited. | ones and officials said it would not only
we ‘an appealing proposition and there has been said that the ‘supply sufficient water for steam pur-
ace reminded us a lot of our youth- | | y are instill- . |What's the use of getting all work- ¥ 4
ful days when we had to have our | 352 8 Sood Ba ing in the minds of children ambi- __p; addition to a full county | ed up about something that isn't ED a vor
neck and ears washed. We knew = 1.20600 mile road ‘tions that are far from laudable and icyet to be elected this year resi- ing to be unless there are COPIOWS supplies should fall
it had tobe done, butour clever foot , ‘io ju so ay Ml, PROSTWIEE | eRHSHE OU es eo, | Jataof Bellefonte will be especially | rains between now and the fifteenth _gite police are searching for Doro-
work prevented it's being well done. |c Cob OF CAT of lo: for the 1) pond nw that ought to be interested in local offices to be filled, [Of April. The water is so low and ny Stemm, 20, of Heckler, near "Tmt.
Terry . used in paying rent and providing hich will include three councilmen, clear that a blind trout would seea qua, believed to have been kidnaped by
McGovern |
| been spent in the preparation of this wholesome nourishment.
wasted a | two oversee | fisherman who could cast a fly a a rejected suitor. The girl left her home
an agile little |p oot § and an effort will be made Whether or not these indictments g,gjors, A — Poor ant. of | thousand yards, ¥ ¥ lo walk two miles to the Atlas Powder
from Annapolis the evil eye. so put it across But the more con- are well or ill founded We are HOt these will naturally be councilmen | company, where she is employed. She
express grave doubts of the value of the movie theatres have seemed a — eg alle in the North | ——The future of General Martin, ype police were Informed a young man
| the legislation chairman of the Republican State whose name they withheld wes missing
teenth consecutive haymaker toward at this time. It it es- harmless form of diversion and an ward; Harry Badger in the South, committee, has become a matter of | rm hone with the family car. He had
timated that the t will cost in innoce
Switzerland or somewhere else where A or me uk soures x sagem nt. In aoa ‘a. M Cobb in the West deep concern to his friends. He will been calling on the girl reglarly {0
the U. S. Navy couldn't get, even on hi | imagined Whether any or all of them will be be out of a job at the expiration of three years and a week ago when she
$30,000,000, and nobody seems to that they have served a good
roller skates. As for the “push | Bow where that amount g PUr- candidates for re-election has not his present term. told him she could no longer swe him he
over,” he was the only hers, becaus# |... be oblained without of one {pous in alluring boys and girls from | yey geveloped. P threatened to kidnap her.
he was on the ropes before Bis |pinos Tue Governor’ jing | indulgences iu: more harmful forms | —Rupert A. Winters, aged 18, of Lew-
handlers were smart enough to find | : 3 pledge 18 of mischief. In fact, candor compels The Farm Board has with-|,, un is being held for a hearing after
it will diminish taxes to the extent the admission that at times the — There is a talk of a break between grawn from the wheat pit and doesn’t confession to State Police of a series of
of $10,000,000, but the ordinary rules movies have seemed to possess nox miter Pinchot and Mayor Kline ynow what to do with its 200,000,000 | petty thefts, having been caught by of-
— Possibly you will recalla “para- |0f mathematics fail to support the educational value worthy of consid- of Pittsburgh over the bill for addi- puchels of whent inherited from Mr. |ficers on the parch roof of a hotel wait-
giraffe” we wrote last week that had pledge, | eration. It is not, therefore, on ac. | tional judges for Allegheny county. It yegge ing to snatch tue pocketbooks of women
8 do with a carton of cough drops The only certain effect of the en- count of any of the current ob. | Was the Mayor and Senator Coyne | who. Jui them. down on a window ledge
that had been sent to us by a friend. | terprise is that it will take from the jections that we are alarmed about | Who gave Pinchot the unexpected ___ nough air service failed to i8 4 rest Toum_\here Be ug i
a ident acquired importance be- | People of the communities all control the influence of the movies upon the, majority In Allegheny county that guoni food tothe Viking victims the | Mioiok S08 PC iio” to securing in
cause up to that time the winter was of their local highways and vest it in | public mind. | dotted him, In the Governor's Pe- | traditionary courage and unselfish- i. manner was that of a German girl
the first one we recall having come the Highway Department at Harris-| Our fears are founded on an on- | SHAE way of appraising service | noog of bird-men has been maintain who had her passport in it. He threw
through without a cold or a cough. burg. The maintenance of theselocal tirely different development, we | tiat's water that's over the dam and gq, all personal articles such as the passport
through Wino the morning after roads is said to cost about $2,000,000 have come to an apprehension that 1 far as the desires of Pittsburgh's and the pocketbooks into the river. He
we wrote that ‘“paragiraffe” we annually, which would be shifted | th emoluments or the magic of the Mayor are concerned he's just anoth-| _ yyige js the man who under- 41% admitted a number of robberies
arose with the worst cold we have from township treasuries to the screen will entice all our great | °F Of “the poor fish” that were in| oo ge that when his Dest friend from parked cars dure basketball games
had in years and we're not over ityet. State treasury, which is the only statesmen into its service and leave | the water. says something mean to-him it jg 7 the Tewistown High achool.
Some might say it was retribution Saving that is possible, and as State the government of- the country in| pre ree only because he is his best friend, John. R, Colina, chairman oe
for having attempted witticism over | funds are acquired by taxation the the hands of a bunch of morons. —— Director Schofield felicitates Democratic Sate Sopitite, on ; day
the gift of a friend. Possibly so! It it | beneficiaries of the better highways The taking of Will Hays, a few himself on the extinction of the sa-| long as jealousies continue Fecomnendad Jo Goversor, Place Bot | 1he
was we're being retributed out of all | would be obliged to pay their share years ago, didn’t matter much for {loans in Philadelphia, but admitsthe , po, one there is not much hope of York county, to succeed the late Justice
proportion to the offense. On Friday Of a considerable increased cost of his proved affiliation with Harry Sin- traffic flourishes in homes. Mr. Briand's scheme to unionize those Sylvester B. Sadler on the Supreme
night we were motoring witha friend maintenance. Some of the Senators clair and the ofl scandal had prac- countries in the near future. 7 |court bench. Judge Niles was a candl-
and just happened to be telling him | and Representatives express doubts tically headed him for the scrap ——The Wilkins expedition to the © late at the last election but was defeated
of the cough drops when we ought to | of the wisdoin of such legislationbut pean But now, according to cur- North Pole under the sea had an un- With the prospect that the by a Republican opponent. In a letter
have been seeing a “Stop, Thru- Traf- the GOTETTO! is determined to “make | rent gossip, Hollywood is reach- fortuidie VHB ot Jot um. Dopey mr Re Ep aun 0 Oooraut, Pint Colltus wis Shes
fic” sign. A busy little patrolman them e it.” |ing out to grab Puddler Jim Davis, a or . t's small wonder Legisla- : y
saw us, however, and now this |our newly elected Senator. He prob- met } the as far as it could. for minority represen-
tors are growing impatient. Supreme. court.
“Squire Tressell informs us that] ——With a per capita wealth of ably knows less about science of | ~~ As long as one can carry & 200 A a, EE oh wound
eight ninety is the law’s cut out of [32077 it is rather surprising that 80 | government than any man who has horsepower motor in his vest pocket| ou Twwotonman is without a | “respect the spirit of the comstitution
eight ninety is the law's out out of | people fn this country are suf-|syer worn the toga, but as a screen | there ought to beno great troubles and give the electorate of Pennsylvania
the cough drops. | tering for want of food, star he might be worse. getting about. peer in the newspaper field. “fair play” and a “square deal.”