Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 20, 1931, Image 6

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    “Bellefonte, Pa, March 20, 1981. |
WHY —onro—
Desire for Home Ownership |
Is Inherent
Land Is fundamentally the most
(valuable thing that is cherished by
jman. From it he gets his daily sus- |
nce, and upon it he builds his
oe. {
The population of the world stead- |
fly Increases and the value of land
lsteadily enhances. :
Because land is so valuable, it Is
more heavily traded in than is any
other commodity of business. In high
times that trading runs beyond rea-
sonable bounds, and a reaction sets In. |
But these reactions are always fol- |
lowed by advances, and land continues
te be ever more valuable with the
[passage of time. i
The home is the central theme of
wall land value, be that home on a'
small plot in the city or on broad
‘acres In the country. The land re-
(volves around the idea of a home for |
Most of the great fortunes of the
world have been founded on land, and
land will ever be the basis of our clv-
Ifization. :
A city home Involves a plot of land, |
and a house built upon that land.
That house represemts human labor
~ ighrough material produced by that
Both labor and land command hignh- |
ar values with the development of
.elvilization. The man who owns a
|home has a small part of the two
most valuable things known to man |
—a plot of land and some product of
‘abor.—Birmingham (Ala.) News,
"Why Universal Use of
Red as Danger Signal
Red has always been a taboo color.
‘Hs use ns a danger signal is of very |
ancient origin, superstition playing a
large part. In prehistoric times red
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless Il
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-6 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p. m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-8 p. m.
Phone 128J
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal .ns Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
earth was used in tombs because
demons are supposed to flee from red.
Sacred trees and stones were painted
ped, nnd for the most solemn of their |
rites savages daubed themselves with
zed clay. Another very probable rea- :
son is that it is the color of blood.
Psychological experiments have
shown, too, that red has a peculiar |
effect on the functioning of the duct-
less glands, particularly the adrenal
glands which control the emotions of
fear and anger. When primitive man '
was startled, the secretion of the
adrenal glands poured into the veins
and specded up the heart action, im- |
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
proving the muscular strength of the
one in fear of danger. .
These varied facts and superst!-
tons centering about the color seem
to lead up to Its use as a danger '
/ Why Build Bird Homes |
Why not invite the birds to your
grounds by putting up houses built
to fit the needs and habits of each
tribe? Enjoy seeing and hearing the
beautiful songbirds singing or working
in your garden. hunting the cutworms, |
bugs, moths, eaterpillars and other |
annoying insects which deyastate
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and High Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phoiuie 558-3
trees, shrubs and ZJowers. Martins
feed from the air and each one de-
stroys thousands of mosquitoes every |
day. Your thoughtful provision of the |
kinds of homes they like, water to
bathe ir and some simple foods they
erave, will bring multitudes of beauti-
ful and useful song birds to your gar-
den year after year.—Exchange.
Why Gas Is Made Odorous
Making gas smell is the objective
af distributors of natural fuel gus in
mecently developed territory In Cali |
fornis. Unlike the product of middle |
You Need No Longer be Toid
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shoe Store
western states, onturnl fuel gas Is
odorless in the western fields and sev- |
Community That Is Not Prosper-
ous Cannot Attract New
Pecple Are Stockholders and When
They Spend Their Money Away
| From Home They Deplete
: Its Capital.
i —
| (Copyright.)
| There is nothing deader than a dead
; town. Try as hard as it may to con-
ceal the facts, the cruth is written all
| over it so that he who runs may read.
| No camouflage of bluff and bluster can
~ conceal the true situation from anyone |
| who comes within the limits of the
| community. A dead town is dead and
! that's all there is to it.
The worst of it is that once a town
dies it stays dead. There have been
exceptional cases in which dead towns
have been revived, have taken on new
| life and prospered, but these are mere-
ly the exceptions that prove tbe rule.
' The fact that a town can seldom
| “come back” is easily explained. The
growing and prosperous town today
: is the one that can attract new resi-
| dents and new capital. It Is one that
| can offer attractive inducements for
the location of mew industries. The
dead town offers no attraction to out-
side capital. A man lovking for s
place to launch a new business or a
new location for an old industry, ls
not going to pick out a dead town.
He is going to select a town in which
money is plentiful, a town whose busi-
, Ness men are progressive and whose
that is dead. This is the reason that
a town, once dead, almost always re-
mains dead.
Town ke Corporation.
ere is just one thing, ordinarily,
kills a town In the first place and
is of money. A town is
Just like a corporation and the money
possessed by its Inhabitants is its cap-
ital. If this capital is depleted the
The capital of a community is de-
A. ——
|The Key to Better Business
| pleted when its money Is spent away
from home in a way that brings ne
return benefit to the community. It
| takes no great amount of thought to
| be able to realize that the town, like
' the individual, cannot last long If it
Is paying out more money than it '
takes in. That does not mean that a
prosperous town Is one in which the
people do not spend any money. On
the contrary, a prosperous town is
| one In which the people do spend mon-
ey but it is one in which they spend
gains by having it kept in circulation,
but when It is spent away from home,
either by being sent to the mall order
hotises or by shopping trips to other
| cities, the town's capital Is impaired
to that extent and if enough money is
spent away from home in that way,
the town collapses and virtually goes
into bankruptcy just as does the cor-
poration which dissipates its capital.
The people of a community are aph
their fortunes are bound up with those
of the community as a whole. They
do not realize that If their town falls
they will fail with it. They—or many
of them at least—send thelr money
away to the mail order houses In the
great cities, without realizing that they
are impairing the capital of their own
corporation and that if enough of them
pursue that course they will force their
corporation into certain bankruptey.
Merchants Not Only Ones Hurt
Many customers of mall order
houses say that they are under no
obligation to trade with their home
merchants and this may be true, They
overlook that fact that the business
men of a town do much for their com-
munity and are entitled, In return for
what they do, to the support of the
people in the community, but leaving
this out of consideration, they over-
look the fact that they are bringing
about their own downfall when they
drain their town of Its money—its
The home merchant will pot be the
way to other cities ins. .
for when a town dies it is a
time dead—if not forever.
Learns Mis Faults
the money at home. As long as the
money is spent at home, the town
to overlook the fact that they are |
stockholders in their town and that |
The Kind of Coal You Want
Best grades obtainable, prices right.
Ou 203 ei sgl Rogan jreme Lykens
e. r bituminous in-
pe Genuine Pine Glenn and
Cherry Run, Cambria Smokeless
and Dustless, and others.
J. 0. Brewer Coal Yard
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Call 162 J—Day or Night
Studebaker Il
Free Wheeling
«os Means....
A transmission which permits the |
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine.
North Water Street
City Coal Yard
0. G. Morgan, Proprietor
Bellefonte, Pa.
Anthracite C oO al
and Bituminous
Exclusive Sale of the
and The Original Cherry Run Coals
Special Notice
We handle U. S. Government in-
spected meats for the health and
protection of our patrons.
Leave your orders early for your Xmas
Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens.
Phone 384J
Armstrong Meat Market
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28
We Deliver
Lumber Steel
....At the Big Spring...
Building Supplies
For 1931 is Back to
You are Invited to See
the New Spring Styles in
for all the people to pall
a live town is while the
still live and not after it is
A man never realizes how many
then his wife tells him,
If you want, satisfactory printing at, reasonable prices
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you. |
eral [atalities occurred after its in
troduction to Pacific coast users, So
the company is saturating its products
with atomized oil. The odorant does
#s work thoroughly, although no odor
#8 created while the gas is burning,
Why Static Is Prevalent
The wenther burenu says that to the
t of its knowledge it is not gen
rally true that there is more static
on a moonlight night. There Is more |
ptatic when thonderstorms are prev
plent thar at other times, and thun
We Recommend
and Sell “Larro”
“More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
(Culture Buttermilk)—For Health
A Wholesome and
Healthful Beverage
(ity Cash Grocery
| faults he has untill he gets marvied— |
Made by Estate Store Co.
Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
Pre-War Prices at. Dresses
W. R. Brachbill’s ar. Yuiacs Toga tvs
Furniture Store Cohen ® Co.
| — |
THE sw |
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
obi R. S. Brouse Store
Only One Heatrola In Bush Arcade
On High Street
Always Fresh Groceries
Stoves Coat and
Blaben’s iin D Sal
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in ress €
All Shades, Rich in Color and |] i NOW ON
ware at the Right ga uw
H. P. Schaeffer Sid Bernstein
HARDWARE | Bellefonte, Pa. 1
«.And See For Yourself
that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste
—Our merchandise is chosen first for its
Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had
for lower prices we're doubly glad—We be-
@erstorms imply more or less cloudi- |
mess; and cloudiness implies absence
of moonshine—atl least the kind that |
gan be seen below the clouds.
Why the “Nickel Plate”
In the days when the Nickel Plate |
sailrond was being built, the early
"80s, “nickel plated” was a popular
slang expression for excellence. Hence |
the owners of the New York, Chicago
& St. Louis gave their road its famous
by-name just as they might have called
| Ed. L. Keichline
Parlor Heater
| It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the “Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte |
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to give real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Olewine’s Hardware
ss s——
So ———
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—if
It's Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Cash Meat Market
ED B Allegheny Street Hors ver customer like to get the most for Remedies
Mayer Bros. I Hoag’ S Dairy Store Bellefonte, Pa. We Propose to I Buh Arde
A Phone 334 Cor. High and Spring . . Phone 629 yn Give It to Them il BELLEFONTE, PA.
If in Need of a Real i e trusbyon Nesamonig It Pays to Buy the Best .
| Insurance || | Victrola Type os vi Gem rd [Tomer ets | rot an Vegetables
We Deliver
it the Blue Ribbon road at a later Bellefonte, Pa. Hardware Ce ’y | Lm — o Over Forty Tours Vitae 240 mas stot |
—Read the Watchman. LA - | oy: is Ss p—
—— pm
| ; _= I LISTEN! ||
Buy Blectrically ||| Herr & Heverly || | Crimes Soin is Exy | | etn Fol & Spy. | | os LISTEN!
They Cost the Least to Use dal . RETAIL
and Save the Most Labor— || | From a Lumberman Ferr«lale Groceries Hunters Book Store || Coal, Feed and Oils Pe For Gold Westie
Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios, —— Highest Suaiiy Nw Prodacts THE REASON : BELLEFONTE, PA. Clean, Clear, Golden |
Lamp, New Shades gr serve there seo so may (1! wousammon 00 MOTOR OIL
at Prices to Suit Your Purse. At the Lowest Possible Prices . . i $5.
/ {| W. R. Shope : Nice Things || || osceola Mis } Per Net Ton —
Electric Supply Co. ||! We Deliver i A ngs | 5Ton Lots..$4.50 per Net Ton || [| Center Oil and Gas Co.